River City Interpreters for the Deaf (RCID)

P.O. Box 460852
San Antonio, Texas 78246


We received notice that our previous Deaf Awareness Day post had incorrect information. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. To avoid any issues, please refer to the Official Fiesta Texas website.

We hope to see many of our friends and colleagues there!


TSID Conference Raffle 05/13/2022

Reposted: LAST CHANCE. Raffle closes @ 5PM. FREE to enter!

Good Afternoon RCID Members,

RCID will be raffling off a total of four tickets to this year's TSID Conference that will take place from Wednesday June 22- Sunday June 26th. We will be raffling off two tickets to our certified members and two tickets to our student members. Please let us know if you would like to be entered in the raffle. Please only enter the raffle if you are committed to attending the conference. The deadline to enter will be Friday, May 13th @ 5:00 PM. The winners will be contacted via email. To enter the raffle, please click on the following link: https://forms.gle/CYFp5TY2ZF67TixE9
*Please note that if you have already registered and paid for the conference. You can still enter the raffle. If you are a winner we will provide you with a reimbursement.

Candace Hooper-Ellison
RCID Communication Liaison

TSID Conference Raffle RCID will be raffling off a total of four tickets to this year's TSID Conference that will take place from Wednesday June 22- Sunday June 26th. We will be raffling off two tickets to our Certified members and two tickets to our student members. Please let us know if you would like to be entered in t...

TSID Conference Raffle 05/06/2022

Good Morning RCID Members,

RCID will be raffling off a total of four tickets to this year's TSID Conference that will take place from Wednesday June 22- Sunday June 26th. We will be raffling off two tickets to our certified members and two tickets to our student members. Please let us know if you would like to be entered in the raffle. Please only enter the raffle if you are committed to attending the conference. The deadline to enter will be Friday, May 13th @ 5:00 PM. The winners will be contacted via email. To enter the raffle, please click on the following link: https://forms.gle/CYFp5TY2ZF67TixE9

*Please note that if you have already registered and paid for the conference. You can still enter the raffle. If you are a winner we will provide you with a reimbursement.

Candace Hooper-Ellison
RCID Communication Liaison

TSID Conference Raffle RCID will be raffling off a total of four tickets to this year's TSID Conference that will take place from Wednesday June 22- Sunday June 26th. We will be raffling off two tickets to our Certified members and two tickets to our student members. Please let us know if you would like to be entered in t...


Good Evening RCID Members,

Elections were held to determine a new RCID board, The following members were elected:
President or Vice President: Robert Cardoza
Secretary: Derek Ramirez- Escobedo
Treasurer: Lacey Tomlinson

As you can see this still leaves a few positions open that need to be filled. There were a handful of matters that were voted on in regard to a future gala, celebrating graduates, scholarships for the upcoming TSID conference, and so on. We will send a follow up email with additional details as we gather more information. Thank you for your time and patience! Remember to make this new organization a success we need you, the members, to play an active part. That is literally the only way for this organization to succeed. Thank you!

Candace Hooper-Ellison
RCID Communication Liaison


ATTENTION: Final Meeting of the semester is this today, Thursday May 5th, at 6:30 P.M. The meeting ID is 898 0046 7837. Please attend if possible, we need to meet quorum. Additionally, we need to elect a new board.


Dear RCID Members,

Votes have been counted from 48 members, 44 votes have been submitted:

Re-Establish: 25 (61%)
Disband: 16 (39%)
Abstain: 3
Unsubmitted: 4

The majority of members have voted to have RCID continue as a stand alone organization. RCID will need the support of its members in order for us to make this happen. The first step is that we need YOU, the members, to attend our next general meeting on Thursday, May 5th at 6:30 P.M. (Meeting ID: 898 0046 7837). It is imperative that we have enough members at this meeting to meet quorum. The second step, just as important as the first, is that we need to elect new board members (i.e President, Vice President, Treasurer, Communications Liaison, and Parliamentarian). If we are unable to meet both quorum and elect new board members, then our organization will automatically fold. Additionally, our remaining funds would automatically be donated to TSID. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us if you have any comments, questions, or concerns.

Your RCID Executive Board

The Future of RCID. 03/06/2022

ATTENTION: Immediate Action Needed. Please respond ASAP!!

Dear RCID Member,
As of the 2021 Summer Conference held by TSID during their business meeting, it was approved to disassociate with all the local Chapters, and replace them with region representatives. Those representatives would be in charge of hosting small conferences throughout the year. This dissociation has led us to an urgent need to decide what RCID wants to do moving forward. There are really only two options to pick from. We can move forward and apply for a stand alone nonprofit status (501c6) or disband, and cease to exist. If we chose to continue, our next steps would require us to rewrite our bylaws, elect new board members, decide on dues, etc.
If RCID decides to not become a stand alone organization, decisions need to be made regarding how the current $7,444.43 is disbursed. Without the members, there is no RCID, therefore we cannot settle on the future of RCID without ALL MEMBERS’ VOTES! A majority vote will determine how we will proceed.
If we continue on as an interpreter organization, then the members will need to seriously consider what they would like us to do. Additionally, what would help them to become more active within this community. The current board will be tasked with researching how to become a stand alone organization until a new board is elected.
To submit your vote, please click on the link below:
Votes are due by 3/11/2022 11:59pm. A determination must be made very soon as TSID is ready to move forward. We are certain you have many questions, you are welcome to submit your questions to [email protected]. Please understand that we might not have answers at this time. Your input is welcome and will only assist us as we move through this unprecedented time.
Kind Regards,
RCID Board

The Future of RCID. It is imperative that each and every RCID member places a vote to determine if RCID will be disbanded, or re-established. Please cast your vote below! The deadline is 03/11/2022 but please do not procrastinate. We need all of your votes ASAP. Thank you!

The Future of RCID. 03/04/2022

ATTENTION: Immediate Action Needed. Please respond ASAP!!

Dear RCID Member,

As of the 2021 Summer Conference held by TSID during their business meeting, it was approved to disassociate with all the local Chapters, and replace them with region representatives. Those representatives would be in charge of hosting small conferences throughout the year. This dissociation has led us to an urgent need to decide what RCID wants to do moving forward. There are really only two options to pick from. We can move forward and apply for a stand alone nonprofit status (501c6) or disband, and cease to exist. If we chose to continue, our next steps would require us to rewrite our bylaws, elect new board members, decide on dues, etc.

If RCID decides to not become a stand alone organization, decisions need to be made regarding how the current $7,444.43 is disbursed. Without the members, there is no RCID, therefore we cannot settle on the future of RCID without ALL MEMBERS’ VOTES! A majority vote will determine how we will proceed.

If we continue on as an interpreter organization, then the members will need to seriously consider what they would like us to do. Additionally, what would help them to become more active within this community. The current board will be tasked with researching how to become a stand alone organization until a new board is elected.

To submit your vote, please click on the link below:


Votes are due by 3/11/2022 11:59pm. A determination must be made very soon as TSID is ready to move forward. We are certain you have many questions, you are welcome to submit your questions to [email protected]. Please understand that we might not have answers at this time. Your input is welcome and will only assist us as we move through this unprecedented time.

Kind Regards,
RCID Board

The Future of RCID. It is imperative that each and every RCID member places a vote to determine if RCID will be disbanded, or re-established. Please cast your vote below! The deadline is 03/11/2022 but please do not procrastinate. We need all of your votes ASAP. Thank you!


God’s Heart for the Deaf, Deafsgiving Feast.


RCID Meeting Tonight!! The meeting will start at 6:30 P.M. (Zoom ID: 898 0046 7837)

Photos from River City Interpreters for the Deaf (RCID)'s post 10/26/2021

Homemade Soap (Halloween Theme) Fundraiser at San Antonio College. This fundraiser benefits the ASL Honor Society at SAC. These soaps are awesome!! Drop by and get some if you can.

Gold Canyon - Register Steps 10/21/2021

Fall Deaf Gathering - Saturday, November 6, 2021 @ Community Bible Church.

Join us to hear encouragement and teaching from Deaf Pastor, Cesar Torres from Houston, TX. We will enjoy fellowship, community and worship from our Deaf Choir Worship Team. Lunch provided with registration. Free childcare available with registration (separate link will appear on registration confirmation page).

Please contact Sharon Johnson at [email protected] if you have any questions.


Gold Canyon - Register Steps External portal for members, guests, etc.

Deaf Awareness Month comes to a close but its purpose continues 09/30/2021

Deaf Awareness Month comes to a close but its purpose continues Although Deaf Awareness Month is coming to a close, the goal to spread awareness and create spaces for the deaf or hard-of-hearing continues.


Officer Introduction: Sara Ann Becerra is serving her second term as River City Interpreters for the Deaf (RCID) treasurer. She has been BEI certified for 6 years. Sara Ann is constantly wanting to learn more and grow as an interpreter.


Officer Introduction: Hello, my name is Derek Ramirez-Escobedo. I am the current RCID Secretary. I am currently 2 years into my certification. I joined RCID back when I was in the San Antonio College American Sign Language Interpreter Program (SACASLITP). Every opportunity is a learning opportunity and if you can get others involved that’s even better. ❤️


Officer Introduction: Lacey Tomlinson is serving her first term as the River City Interpreters for the Deaf (RCID) Vice President. She has been certified for 6 years. Lacey is always eager to meet new people and approaches every opportunity as a learning opportunity.


Officer Introduction: Candace Hooper-Ellison is serving her first term as an officer, Communication Liaison, with River City Interpreters for the Deaf (RCID). She is a recent distinguished graduate of the American Sign Language Interpreter Training Program at San Antonio College (SAC). Candace is currently pursing a Bachelor of Science in Criminology and Criminal Justice with a minor in Legal Studies at Texas A&M University San Antonio (TAMUSA). She is honored and excited to be part of this team and can't wait to get to know everyone!


Officer Introduction: Amanda Lerma Mondragon is currently serving her second term as the River City Interpreters for the Deaf (RCID) President. Amanda has been a Certified American Sign Language Interpreter since 2005. She is also the co-owner of Alamo City Interpreters (ACI).

Performance Exam Scholarship Application 09/02/2021


Just a friendly reminder that we will be holding a virtual meeting TONIGHT at 6:30 P.M. (Zoom ID: 898 0046 7837). We look forward to seeing you there!!

In other news, The RCID Scholarship Applications are now open!! Applications will remain open from 09/02/2021-10/21/2021. These are great scholarship opportunities, please share them with others!! Thank you.

Written Exam Scholarship Application: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScR_CV9YUKXbF0pwg3U8PjZt1xUPAxUjtSNBcFQtfQ_ZKaoog/viewform

Performance Exam Scholarship Application: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdpq1I9LhX6NxwOcK_CLdB2pvWQ5t4Wdk6RW-f4WNWl5ar0Qw/viewform

Performance Exam Scholarship Application Fill out the form below to submit your application to the RCID Scholarship Committee. Your answers to the essay and video questions will be used for candidate selection. We will select candidates who demonstrate test readiness in this application. All selected candidates will go into a lottery for t...

RCID Membership Application 07/01/2021

Good Evening RCID Members,

It's time to renew your membership, Membership runs from July 1st - June 30th.

Want to join RCID/ Renew Your Membership? We now have an online membership application and electronic payment methods!


Click on this link for more information about how to pay your dues (Don't forget to submit a membership form with your dues):

Don't hesitate to let us know if you have any questions. Thank you!

RCID Membership Application Membership is from July 1 - June 30. Please email [email protected] if you have any questions.


Congrats SAC ITP Grads. Today RCID, along side with local interpreting agencies celebrate your accomplishments.

Thanks to the following agencies for making this graduation celebration possible.
Crabtree, Deaf Interpreter Services, Sorenson/SCIS, Professional Contract Services Inc., San Antonio Archdiocese, Texas Fellowship of Interpreters & Visual Communication Services. Thanks to Alamo City Interpreters for hosting the meet and greet event.

One last recognition: Thank you Socorro for your outgoing gift to RCID; our beautiful new sign! It has been a pleasure working with you as a member of our executive board, on behalf of our entire organization, we thank you!


At our May General Meeting we voted for the 2021-2023 term RCID Board Members:

Thank you Amanda Mondragon for staying our President for another term!

Welcome Derek Ramirez-Escobedo as Secretary, Krystal Ayala Alvarado as Parliamentarian, and Candace Hooper-Ellison as Communication Liaison!

Performance Exam Scholarship Application 04/20/2021

Interested in testing up? RCID has a scholarship for performance tests for interpreter certification. Click this google form (https://forms.gle/52ji9rNWJHJnzFkc7) for more information and to apply. Last day to apply is April 23 (this Friday).

Performance Exam Scholarship Application Fill out the form below to submit your application to the RCID Scholarship Committee. Your answers to the essay and video questions will be used for candidate selection. We will select candidates who demonstrate test readiness in this application. All selected candidates will go into a lottery for t...


After reviewing the 2020 votes submitted from the community at large, the RCID Board could not help but notice what appeared to be spamming. To ensure integrity and deserved recognition, it has become clear that we need to re-vote and limit voting to members only. Each member will be permitted only one vote. Due to resource limitations, the only free avenue to conduct the voting process and ensure it is fair and equal requires voters to enter their email address. Please note that votes will remain confidential. To once again bring focus to our purpose, we want to recognize each other's exceptionalism and professionalism. The goal is to support one another and lift each other up.

If you are an RCID member, the new 2020 Ballot was emailed to you this morning in the April Announcements. The last day for members to vote is April 20.


FREE CEUs this Saturday!

2020 Voting Ballot for Interpreter Choice Awards 03/05/2021

Voting is now open for RCID's 2020 Interpreter Choice Awards! Please fill out this anonymous Google Form to vote for who you think should win each category. RCID membership is not required to vote.

We had a number of great nominations come in for our second year doing awards, and last year's 2019 winners were touched to be recognized, so please vote!

2020 Voting Ballot for Interpreter Choice Awards Please vote for who you think should be the winner of each category for the year of 2020. Voting will close on Friday March 19. Anyone can vote. RCID membership is not required. This form is anonymous

Photos from River City Interpreters for the Deaf (RCID)'s post 02/09/2021

Congratulations to Melissa Slocumb for winning Video Relay Service Interpreter of the Year! Thank you for providing quality services through VRS to the Deaf Community nationwide.

Kudos to those who were also nominated for this category: Jackie Luna, Deborah Anderson, Darlene Todd, Justin Lee, and Donna Stout.

Photos from River City Interpreters for the Deaf (RCID)'s post 02/09/2021

Congratulations to Rosa Lucio for winning Religious Interpreter of the Year! Thank you for the quality services you provide!

A round of applause to Deborah Metcalf, Roxy Avendano, Angela Mauer, and Benita Fager for also being nominated for this category!


Join the General Zoom Meeting by following this link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5756542236 or entering this Meeting ID: 575 654 2236. You can also join by phone using One tap mobile +13462487799,,5756542236 # US (Houston).

Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting Zoom is the leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, chat, and webinars across mobile, desktop, and room systems. Zoom Rooms is the original software-based conference room solution used around the world in board, confer...


Congratulations to Robert Cardoza for winning Performing Arts Interpreter of the Year! Thank you for the time and dedication to provide quality interpreting for San Antonio's performing arts.

Julianne Laguanas-Ponce and Aaron Hope also deserve a round of applause for being being nominated for this category!


Congratulations to Candace Hooper-Ellison for winning Interpreting Student of the Year! We are excited to have such a promising future interpreter in you!

Krystal Ayala Alvarado, Chloe Salinas, and Faith Soto also deserve praise for being nominated in this category. Keep up the great work!

Photos from River City Interpreters for the Deaf (RCID)'s post 01/05/2021

Congratulations to Daren Darbey for winning Interpreter with the Best Hair of the Year! Thank you for sharing your awesome hair styles with us!

A round of applause to Michaela Brandt, Sara Ann Becerra, Stephanie Rotheram, Robert Suniga, and Michael Gonzales for also being nominated for this category!

Want your organization to be the top-listed Non Profit Organization in San Antonio?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

Robert Cardoza and Vanessa Gamboa "You Don't Know Your Beautiful"
Darin Dobson at the ASL Fest 2017



San Antonio, TX

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