12 Petals Media Group

Advocating for a Culture of Human Rights & Responsibilities - Launched Oct. 2006

All about 12Petals Media Group:

Now, more than ever, it is the responsibility of every person to bring the culture of human rights into his or her life, home, and daily relationships with family, friends and neighbors—while perceiving that our friends & neighbors span the globe.


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Timeline photos 02/17/2015

---> Welcoming Philanthropists and Major Social Venture Capital Investors to Partner for a “Culture of Human Rights and Responsibilities” Advocacy

Source: http://www.12petals.org/funding-initiative.html

By: Majid Baradar

Injustice can easily become the norm and the law of the land. As the honorable Dr. Martin Luther King eloquently noted, “unjust law is no law.” Congruently, Thomas Jefferson noted that, “When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty.”

There is also a potent Persian proverb on justice, “Injustice all round is justice”. This adage points to a fundamental moral principle – precisely that of accepting personal responsibility. Our humanity calls upon us to be responsible and vigilant citizens. To prevent, counteract, and overcome injustice, conscientious and passionate voices need to be both present and proactive. In every society its members need to be continually empowered to become responsible and passionate voices of truth as well as advocates for realizing, upholding, and securing freedom, liberty, and justice for all. The predominant principles are duty and commitment.

For the above reasons, there is a considerable need for inspired individuals, groups, and organs of society to persistently promote and cultivate principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and its culture.

While mindful of the immense challenges such a pursuit requires, 12Petals Media Group – an equitable advocacy entity – has been striving to be a positive advocate for a Culture of Human Rights and Responsibilities for everyone everywhere, and a firm advocate for individual rights and individual liberty (personal autonomy).

This socially responsible venture capital investment advocacy initiative proposal calling for the promotion of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, more explicitly its culture and empowering individuals can enable 12Petals Media Group to expand its current advocacy/outreach efforts. Jointly with the help of our benefactors, 12Petals will endeavor to foster a century of Human Rights for everyone everywhere.

>>> Please continue reading here:

Timeline photos 12/10/2013

---> Outreach Projects: Advocating for a Culture of Human Rights & Responsibilities

Human Rights Day (Dec 10) is celebrated annually across the globe. And, December Human Rights Month encourages greater awareness of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

First and foremost, Happy International Human Rights Day to Everyone and Everywhere.
12Petals Media Group

The focus objective of producing human rights advocacy projects has been to amplify that essential to the concept of a culture of human rights is the knowledge of “rights and responsibilities” to be defined, conveyed, and recognized primarily in culture rather than in law. (1) Pointing out to the culture rather than law stresses the importance of relationship in human rights, and can position us on a solid foundation and in the right direction for the achievement of our humanity.

To put it in simple terms, our humanity stems from and flourishes in our relationships rather than in our courtrooms. Thus, this focused attention on culture of human rights and relationships based on the pillars and principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights includes interactions within families, friendships, associations, work collaborations, and public spaces as well as within communities and, to a great extend, within international relationships. It is within these connections and bonds that human rights and responsibilities can be discovered and experienced in day-to-day life experiences. (2)

Based on this view, 12Petals Media Group eagerly works to emphasize the centrality of culture to the achievement of human rights. This distinct and intended preference relies on ‘people power’ and requires empowerment from below (bottom-to-top approach). Placing our trust in culture propels us towards working to expand a firm, viable, and society-based culture that defines, respects, upholds, and promotes human rights. Such societies and communities that are firmly committed to human rights principles appreciate other society and community members’ contributions and function on consensus and non-violent decision-making. Furthermore, they accept self-responsibility and strongly demand transparency and accountability from their leaders and representatives.

And it is with this perspective that 12Petals Media Group values the importance of advocacy/outreach work for the human rights and responsibilities’ ideals through art, film, music, poetry, writing, and so on and by collaborating with like-minded individuals. (3)

12Petals takes pleasure in being a part of on-going advocacy and outreach efforts everywhere to promote human rights principles, individual rights and liberty, and the right to the individual initiative.

Below, you will find the list of 12Petals’ produced and presented human rights advocacy projects that have been shared on numerous on-line media sites. Please kindly consider helping us to reach more people! Share them with your family, friends, and beyond as you deem them essential and valuable.


1) Jim Ife, Human Rights From Below (Australia: Cambridge University Press, 2009), p. 176-183.
2) ibid., p. 176-183
3) ibid., p. 139-140

Acknowledgement and Credits
Project Development:
By: 12Petals Media Group

Artwork Credit:
Graphic Designer/Artist: Anna Felisha Ott
Image Production By: 12Petals Media Group, Human Rights & Responsibilities Advocacy Projects. 2013

>>> The list of 12Petals Media Group’s human rights produced and presented projects in alphabetical order:

• Advocacy for a Culture of Human Rights and Responsibilities

• All rights in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights are regarded as equally important

• Celebrating the Universal Declaration of Human Rights - Human Rights for Everyone & Everywhere

• Cherishing Gender Equality and Culture of Human Rights

• Cherishing the Right to the Individual Initiative

• Cultivating a Culture of Human Rights and Responsibilities

• Cultural Heritage and Human Rights

• Culture of Human Rights Cultivates Tolerance

• Culture of Human Rights Short Graphic Film Production

• Declaration of Internet Freedom - By: Internet Declaration Organization

• Declaration on the Right and Responsibility of Individuals, Groups and Organs of Society to Promote and Protect Universally Recognized Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms

• Democracy, Tyranny, & Liberty
On Facebook: http://www.Facebook.com/12Petals
On YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9PbbiAMhEKY

• Dialogue vs. Debate & Culture of Human Rights

• Desired Discussion Model

• Embracing our Differences

• “Ends and Means” - The principle of Process and Culture of Human Rights

• Equality, Freedom, & Respect

• Exercising Human Rights needs to be Protected

• Freedom Means the Supremacy of Human Rights Everywhere

• Freedom of Religion and Freedom from Religion

• Genocide and its relationship to Human Rights

• Human Dignity and Equal Dignity

• Human Integrity

• Human Rights and Freedom - Advocating Love for Human Rights

• Human Rights are Universal

• Human Rights Everywhere and for Everyone

• Human Rights is a Historical Shared Journey – Love Human Rights

• No human expression reaches into the soul, as does art

• Oppression Dehumanizes

• Poem, “A Boat I will Shape” - By: Sohrab Sepehri

• Protect Human Rights Defenders - Protect One. Empower a Thousand
On Facebook: http://www.Facebook.com/12Petals
On YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JxOw-GJ4-Mg&feature=related

• Protect People and their Human Rights or Accept their Revolution

• Protecting each other's Human Rights is Commendable
On Facebook: http://www.Facebook.com/12Petals
On YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aelmX3PNQcs

• Question Authority -- Uphold and Protect your Rights

• Respect Others – Respect Individuality

• Right to Dissent

• Secularism

• SECULAR HUMANISM - And a Short Film on Secularism

• The Ethics of Culture of Human Rights: Emphasis on Equal Opportunity and Meritocracy

• The Hallmark of a Democratic System of Justice: Innocent Until Proven Guilty

• The International Bill of Human Rights -- (The Covenants)
On Facebook: http://www.Facebook.com/12Petals
On YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O8kP3pr6XPU

• Tolerance and Culture of Human Rights

• The use of torture strikes at the very heart of civil and political freedom

• Treasuring “Freedom of Expression” Principle

• Two Major Fallacious Arguments: 1) Ad Hominem and 2) Ad Populum

• What is the Philosophy of Liberty?

Your viewpoint is important to us. Please share your view and thoughts. And thank you for your support. You can reach us by:
Email: [email protected]

Special thanks are extended to all those who keep supporting and contributing to 12Petals’ culture of human rights and responsibilities collaborative advocacy projects.

About 12Petals:
12Petals Media Group strives to be a union of visual artists, musicians, filmmakers, cinematographers, playwrights, social entrepreneurs and more, all coming together to produce inspired multimedia pieces that promote and encourage respect for those rights protected by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Please Consider:
Liking 12Petals on Facebook:
Finding 12Petals on Web
Connecting with 12Petals on Twitter

Persian translation of these culture of human rights advocacy/outreach projects can be mostly seen here:

With Gratitude,
The 12Petals Team
12Petals Media Group

Timeline photos 10/01/2013

---> Treasuring “Freedom of Expression” Principle

“Every man who says frankly and fully what he thinks is so far doing a public service. We should be grateful to him for attacking most unsparingly our most cherished opinions.” John Stuart Mill [1] – On Liberty

Cherishing and Realizing Culture of Human Rights, Individual Liberty, Free Expression, & Free Media

Freedom of Expression [2] is, undoubtedly, the touchstone of all other rights and freedoms, and is the foundation of modern democracy [3]. The core and dominant tenet of Freedom of Expression is the acceptance and acknowledgement of a self-assertive Individual, along with her/his individualized pursuit (function of one’s action and not fate-based) for happiness and the knowledge needed to realize it.

In brief, this principle is an essential formula for the full and hearty development of an individual. Being able to freely self-express is a fundamental right, and it is central to humanity.

This cardinal principle encompasses not only freedom of self-expression, but also Freedom of Thought , Speech, Press, Assembly and Association, Privacy, Media, and so forth. Indeed, the embedded intellectual hallmark of this freedom that is highly essential to progress and modernity in society honors pluralism of ideas [4], factual and intelligent inquiry, rationalism [5], critical thinking and reasoning [6], empiricism [7], and skepticism [8].

Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) reads, “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression.” Additionally, this Article confirms that freedom of opinion and expression includes the freedom to hold any type of ideas without interference, to seek, receive, and impart information and ideas free from any type of constraints and barriers. [9]

Furthermore, the principle of Freedom of Expression is well-linked to the individual liberty concept – freedom is vital to individual growth. Generally speaking, in order to explain liberties we are to, in the first place, push back the boundaries to the maximum possible extent; the same is applicable to the freedom of expression.

Equally important, the principle of Freedom of Expression embraces the freedom to impart and broadcast ideas through any media, which means every individual shall have an equal opportunity of access to the media, particularly the mass communications media. This is why monopoly of media whether by governments or non-governmental organizations, and also censorship [10] are flagrant violations of the freedom of expression principle. On the other hand, the instances of the freedom of expression need to be understood broadly; and that means inclusion of various issues ranging from freedom of media to freedom of fashion and dress choice and so on.

Article 19 (UDHR) affirms that enjoying the freedom of expression shall not be subject to boundaries. Nevertheless, the exercise of this right carries with duties and responsibilities because “undisciplined freedom is an abuse of liberty.” [11] To protect rights of others and to safeguard public, Article 19 (3) of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) [12] sets legitimate limits for the freedom, which includes:

1. Respect of the rights or reputations of others;
2. The protection of national security or of public order or of public health or morals.

The instances of limits for the freedom of expression include disclosure of private/personal information, broadcasting hate speech, racism, advertising violence and extremism, and call for savagery, genocide, complete obliteration of a homeland, and destruction of the cultural heritage sites and environment in the cloak of dogmatic or religious beliefs and observances.

The last, but not the least, important issue about the Freedom of Expression Principle is the responsibility of the State to secure, actualize, and promote the freedom of expression. To shield liberty and freedom for everyone, the government has a positive (obliging action) and negative (obliging inaction) responsibility. The government must avoid any interference that can potentially violate the people’s freedom (negative responsibility), also it has to provide all individuals with the requirements needed for realizing, upholding, securing, and promotion of the freedom of expression (positive responsibility).

Viewed from this perspective and considering commitment to the reciprocal social contract [13], whose participants are the citizens and the government (rulers), the State is responsible for securing the exercise of rights and actualization of freedoms. This understanding signifies the fact that in modern democracies, the government has no other duty, and the government is only the representative of citizens according to a mutually agreed upon social contract.

In that light, it needs to be highly stressed that human rights and fundamental freedoms are pre-existing phenomena, and they are not privileges granted by the government to the citizens. If a government violates any of these rights and freedoms, it will be regarded illegitimate for breach of mutually accepted and agreed upon social contract. Besides the State’s obligation, Freedom of Expression Principle, as a fundamental freedom, needs to be realized, upheld, and promoted by all democratic institutions that are accountable before citizens and their members/supporters who have democratically elected them.

For enjoying fundamental freedoms, citizens and government should agree upon the relations of power and rights and liberties. In so doing, the power (authority) of safeguarding exercise of the liberties is given to the State by the people, for the people. Subsequently, the government is expected and entitled to stop and prevent discriminatory, biased, or prejudiced expressions (sexually, religiously, ethnically, and so on), whether in forms of speech or non-verbal manners in order to uphold and protect the rights and liberties of all the individuals that constitute a nation.

Keeping in mind the account of past and present authoritarianism and totalitarianism helps to place much greater understanding and appreciation of the battle for treasuring the Principle of Freedom of Expression.

“Books won’t stay banned. They won’t burn. Ideas won’t go to jail. In the long run of history, the censor and the inquisitor have always lost…” - Alfred Whitney Griswold [14]

12Petals advocates a culture of human rights and responsibilities, and with this mission hopes that Freedom of Expression Principle be highly praised, cherished, and fulfilled by all members of the society.

Your viewpoint is very important to 12Petals Media Group. Please share your view and thoughts.

1). John Stuart Mill
2). Freedom of Expression
3). Modern democracy
4). Abbas Milani, Lost Wisdom: Rethinking Modernity in Iran (Washington D.C.: Mage Publishers, 2004), p.38.
5). Rationalism
6). Critical thinking and reasoning
7). Empiricism
8. Skepticism
9). Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)
10). censorship
11). Webster’s New World Dictionary of the American Language, College Edition (Cleveland and New York: The World Publishing Company, 1959), “license,” p.845.
12). International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR)
13). Social Contract
14). Alfred Whitney Griswold

Acknowledgement and Credits
Project Development:
By: 12Petals Media group

Project Executive: Majid Baradar
Project Writers: Omid M. and Majid Baradar

Artwork Credit:
Graphic Designer/Artist: Anna Felisha Ott
Image Production By: 12Petals Media Group, Treasuring Freedom of Expression Principle. 2013

Special thanks are extended to all those who keep supporting and contributing to 12Petals’ culture of human rights and responsibilities collaborative advocacy projects.

About 12Petals:
12Petals Media Group strives to be a union of visual artists, musicians, filmmakers, cinematographers, playwrights, social entrepreneurs and more, all coming together to produce inspired multimedia pieces that promote and encourage respect for those rights protected by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Please Consider:
Joining 12Petals on Facebook:
Finding 12Petals on Web:
Connecting with 12Petals on Twitter:

Persian translation of this culture of human rights advocacy/outreach project can be seen here:

Please kindly consider sharing this advocacy project among family members, friends, and beyond.

Thank you in advance
12Petals Media Group

Timeline photos 09/04/2013

---> Cultivating a Culture of Human Rights and Responsibilities

The principles and modern universal concepts of human rights belong to everyone. For the realization, upholding, and protecting of all rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, compassion and persistent and great efforts are needed from many sources at all levels in every society.

Viewed from the perspective of a thoughtful need for cultivating a culture of human rights and fostering individual rights and liberties principles, you find a recommended reading collection below. These publications are essentially informative, skillfully inspirational, and pragmatically transformative that 12Petals Media Group deems valuable for advocating a culture of human rights and prevalence of a culture of tolerance.

:: Book Series Recommendation ::

:: Book I - "Human Rights: A Very Short Introduction"

Author: Andrew Clapham
Professor, International Law
Publisher: Oxford University Press publishing house

About the book:

• “The human rights movement is gaining increasing attention internationally. This book explains the scope of human rights today, and how they are used in both national and international law.
• Completely up-to-date. Human rights is a topical and controversial issue, and recent national and world events mean that they have been regularly invoked and analyzed.
• Looks at the past, present, and future of human rights. Questions whether they are under threat as they come to be seen by some as obstacles to peace, development and security.
• Ties in law, philosophy, and politics, to reveal the role played by human rights in the contemporary world.

You can read more about this book here:
http://ukcatalogue.oup.com/product/9780199205523.do #.UhfMqhaXQyF

:: Book II - "Human Rights from Below" Achieving Rights through Community Development

Author: Jim Ife
Professor - Jim Ife holds adjunct positions at the Centre for Human Rights Education at Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia, and at the Centre for Citizenship and Human Rights at Deakin University, Victoria.

Publisher: Cambridge University Press

About the book:

“In Human Rights from Below, Jim Ife shows how human rights and community development are problematic terms but powerful ideals, and that each is essential for understanding and practicing the other. Ife contests that practitioners - advocates, activists, workers and volunteers - can better empower and protect communities when human rights are treated as more than just a specialist branch of law or international relations, and that human rights can be better realized when community development principles are applied.

The book offers a long overdue assessment of how human rights and community development are invariably interconnected. It highlights how critical it is to understand the two as a basis for thinking about and taking action to address the serious challenges facing the world in the twenty-first century.

Written both for students and for community development and human rights workers, Human Rights from Below brings together the important fields of human rights and community development, to enrich our thinking of both.”

You can read more about this book here:

:: Book III - “The Starfish and the Spider: The Unstoppable Power of Leaderless Organizations”

Authors: Ori Brafman and Rod A. Beckstrom
Publisher: Penguin Portfolio

About the book:

“It’s a starfish world and most people don’t even realize it.

One thing that business, institutions, governments and key individuals will have to realize is spiders and starfish may look alike, but starfish have a miraculous quality to them. Cut off the leg of a spider, and you have a seven-legged creature on your hands; cut off its head and you have a dead spider. But cut off the arm of a starfish and it will grow a new one. Not only that, but the severed arm can grow an entirely new body. Starfish can achieve this feat because, unlike spiders, they are decentralized; every major organ is replicated across each arm.

But starfish don’t just exist in the animal kingdom. Starfish organizations are taking society and the business world by storm, and are changing the rules of strategy and competition. Like starfish in the sea, starfish organizations are organized on very different principles than we are used to seeing in traditional organizations. Spider organizations are centralized and have clear organs and structure. You know who is in charge. You see them coming.

Starfish organizations, on the other hand, are based on completely different principles. They tend to organize around a shared ideology or a simple platform for communication … [shared mission]. They arise rapidly around the simplest ideas or platforms [such as culture of human rights and individual liberty concepts]. Ideas or platforms that can be easily duplicated. Once they arrive they can be massively disruptive and are here to stay, for good or bad. And the Internet can help them flourish.

So in today’s world starfish are starting to gain the upper hand. … Why is free, community based Wikipedia crushing Encyclopedia Britannica overnight? Why is tiny Craigslist crippling the global newspaper industry? … In today’s world to answer this it is essential to understand the potential strength of a starfish organization.

The Starfish and the Spider by Ori Brafman and Rod A. Beckstrom, explores the phenomenal and unstoppable new power of the starfish organizations and will change the way you look at the world.”

You can read more about this book here:

:: Book IV – “Strengths Based Leadership”

Authors: Tom Rath and Barry Conchie
Publisher: Gallup Press

About the book:

“In recent years, while continuing to learn more about strengths, Gallup scientists have also been examining decades of data on the topic of leadership. They studied more than one million work teams, conducted more than 20,000 in-depth interviews with leaders, and even interviewed more than 10,000 followers around the world to ask exactly why they followed the most important leader in their life.

In Strengths Based Leadership, #1 New York Times bestselling author Tom Rath and renowned leadership consultant Barry Conchie reveal the results of this research. Based on their discoveries, the book identifies three keys to being a more effective leader: knowing your strengths and investing in others' strengths, getting people with the right strengths on your team, and understanding and meeting the four basic needs of those who look to you for leadership.”

You can read more about this book here:

12Petals hopes that these recommended publications can be helpful and supportive sources for human rights advocacy groups, activists, change agents, support groups, community development groups and societies, human rights assisting volunteers, and more.

Your viewpoint is very important to 12Petals Media Group. Please share your view and thoughts on these suggested books. For culture of human rights and responsibilities advocacy mission, please also suggest book(s) that you deem valuable.

Acknowledgement and Credits:

Project Development:
By: 12Petals Media group

Artwork Credit
Image Production By: 12Petals Media Group, Book Series Recommendation. 2013

Special thanks are extended to all those who keep supporting and contributing to 12Petals’ culture of human rights and responsibilities collaborative advocacy projects.

About 12Petals:

12Petals Media Group strives to be a union of visual artists, musicians, filmmakers, cinematographers, playwrights, social entrepreneurs and more, all coming together to produce inspired multimedia pieces that promote and encourage respect for those rights protected by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Please Consider:
Joining 12Petals on Facebook:
Finding 12Petals on Web:
Connecting with 12Petals on Twitter:

Persian translation of this advocacy/outreach project can be seen here:

Please kindly consider sharing this advocacy project among family members, friends, and beyond.

Thank you in advance
12Petals Media Group

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