Perform For Life


P4L is your one-stop-shop to help improve and maintain your physical & Mental Performance. Our Movement Specialists & mindset coach will help you navigate and plan your wellness journey. Our community will help motivate you to become the best version of yourself because our facility is more than a gym, it is your fitness home.


January Jumpstart 🚀: Welcome to the first of the year! It’s time to set those New Year’s resolutions into action. Let’s forge a path of wellness and community in our workplace. Together, we can achieve our fitness goals and start the year off strong!


The 4 C’s of Mental Toughness — Control, Commitment, Challenge, and Confidence. ✅

These components can help develop skills to build our mental resilience in everyday life. It allows us to tackle our athletic endeavors, pursuing a career goal, and any other daily challenges. 💪🏼

If this topic interests you, please check out our newest blog via our website! You can also view it through the link on our instagram story. ✌🏼

Photos from Perform For Life's post 01/05/2024

Nutrition is crucial in unlocking your full potential in multiple facets of life. 🌱

Whether crushing workouts or simply living your best life, a well-balanced diet is your secret weapon.💪🏼 Remember, you can’t out-train a bad diet!

MealPrepPro is our partner who can help you hit your nutrition goals. If you’re someone who likes to have meals prepared for the week and would like guidance on how to execute your prep, MealPrepPro is your friend.

Please check out our friends via the link in our bio! 🫶🏻


Happy New Years from your P4L fam! We are grateful for our understanding, appreciative, hard-working, and most importantly fun community who continue to show up. This year has been a rollercoaster for the staff and clients. From floods, new individuals, and new spaces, we are excited to move into another year working with our community. Thank you to all of you who continue to show up, we wish a happy new year to everyone. 🫶🏻


We want to wish our lovely community happy holidays! We hope you got to take time the past few days to rest up, eat well, and or spend time with loved ones. 🎁

Also, just another reminder there are no classes this week. Happy holidays! ✨


What is Coach Jacob laughing at? 👀

Today let’s talk about motivation and it’s prevalence in reaching our goals.

Motivation can be a great tool to push us to take the steps needed to get closer to our goals, though can fall short if that feeling dissipates. Other factors like long term and short term goal setting, observing intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, and social support are other factors that can affect our ability to perform as well. If you want to take a deeper look into this topic, feel free to read our blog through our website in our bio!⭐️

Photos from Perform For Life's post 10/16/2023

Mindset Monday 🧠 #8

🔥Today let’s talk about burnout.

😰Burnout is something we may all experience from work, studies, exercise, and even other activities we may do for fun. Burnout can be accompanied with fatigue, emotional distress, irritability, physical exhaustion, loss of interest in activity, and n much more.

🔄In the context of exercise and training, changing things up can be a big step to keep a fresh feeling to what you’re doing and prevent any monotony. It’s very easy for physical activity to feel like a chore once you repeat the same exercises every bout. Giving yourself a new exercise, switching the type of resistance, or maybe even a new workout outfit can be fun ways to get that change.

👣If you’re already feeling burnt out from whatever you’re doing, take a step back from whatever that is and just take a breather. You can take it easy the next time(s) you do that activity again or even completely refrain from it for a short period. Recovering from the exhaustion is a big step in managing the feelings of burnout.

Let us know if you want to hear more on anything specific! Reach out if you need an ear. 🫶🏻



🏃🏻Are you a runner who has experienced injury? Any fears of a possible injury?

🤕Injury prevention is a common talking point in the current climate of the fitness industry and we have ways you can bullet proof yourself!

For running, overuse, previous injury, and poor technique can all lead to a injury.

👟Proper intensity prescription for training, warming up, strength and conditioning, and appropriate footwear are all important factors to consider when preventing injury.

If you are interested in learning more, check out our blog where we dive deeper into this topic for runners, specifically for Achilles injuries. You can access the blog via our website under blog and exercises.

Let us know what you want to hear more about! 🫶🏻

Photos from Perform For Life's post 10/09/2023

🧠Mindset Monday #7

Anxiety Management

😰Anxiety, a common and often overwhelming emotion, can cast a dark cloud over our lives. However, mastering anxiety management can light up a path towards improving our well-being.

❎To navigate this emotional terrain, self-awareness is key. Identifying triggers and recognizing physical and emotional manifestations of anxiety empowers individuals to take control. Deep breathing exercises, meditation, and mindfulness techniques are tools we can use to stay grounded.

🤸🏽Physical well-being plays an integral role in anxiety management as well. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and ample sleep can help regulate our physical condition. Avoiding excessive caffeine and alcohol intake may be a consideration as they can exacerbate feelings of anxiety.

👯‍♂️Building a strong support network is equally crucial. Sharing fears and worries with friends, family, or a therapist fosters an emotional support system.

🙇🏻‍♂️Anxiety management is an ongoing journey that requires self-awareness, physical well-being, and a strong support system. By actively engaging in these strategies, individuals can navigate through the difficulties of the stress from anxiety.


Photos from Perform For Life's post 10/02/2023

Mindset Monday 🧠 EP. 6

❌Failing and taking down challenges is an essential part in the process of reaching our goals. Though it may feel like an uphill battle or that progress isn’t moving, these aspects are imperative in learning and achieving new levels of growth.

👓Often, we may need a new perspective when tackling obstacles or when mistakes occur. It’s important to take these times as an opportunity to take a look at our plan and reassess the steps we are taking. Though it is normal to have these things on our mind, remember that they are inevitable. Things won’t always go according to plan, so being able to adapt to a given situation will help us push through any moments of doubt and struggle.

📈Progress will not always be linear, so taking a look at the big picture of our growth is another way to conceptualize the true impact of these mistakes.

🗒️A coach can help an individual map out and navigate through a training plan that is tailored for their lifestyle and experience. There is no one plan or approach that will fit all, so being able to replan and reassess is key. 🔑



Interested in improving your tennis game? Prevent injuries? If this is you, then you should look into performing a quick 5 minute warm up prior to play. 🎾

Components of the warmup include increasing body temperature and heart rate through aerobic movement like jogging, marching, or jump rope.

It also important to do specific dynamic stretches that involve relevant muscle groups and movement patterns of tennis.
Some examples include opening and closing the gate hip mobility and leg swings.

Finally, you should also perform tennis drills like practicing against a wall to warm up your swing prepare yourself mentally and physically for the game.

If you would like to read more about this, check out our blog linked in our story!



Photos from Perform For Life's post 09/25/2023

Mindset Monday 🧠 EP. 5

Today let’s talk about goal setting. Goal setting is of paramount importance in achieving success and personal growth. Setting clear and achievable goals provides us with direction and purpose, serving as a roadmap to our desired outcomes. 🎯

Short-term goals are important to take small steps towards that outcome. It allows us to prioritize our efforts, focus our energy, and measure our progress along the way. 🗺️

Long-term goals can be seen as the last step or the final achievement we strive for. Resetting and and reassessing goals are important to help prevent any staleness in training and growth as an individual.

Though goals are important, it’s also worthy to note your ability to stay disciplined and to show up for yourself. Remember progress won’t always be linear, so showing up is half the battle. We may not always feel motivated, but that discipline can carry us further. 📈

It’s easy to be fixated on the outcome, but the process is just as important and what leads us to creating a lifestyle around the goal we want to achieve and ultimately maintain. Whatever you are trying to achieve, take it step by step. 👍🏼

Photos from Perform For Life's post 09/18/2023

Mindset Monday 🧠 EP. 4

Let's talk about regulating our mind and body through exercise. We can enhance our focus through regular exercise as we can improve cognitive performance and overall quality of life. Engaging in physical activity has demonstrated its ability to profoundly impact concentration, mental clarity, and productivity.

Exercise increases blood flow to the brain, delivering oxygen and nutrients that support optimal cognitive function. It also stimulates the release of neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin, which improve mood and sharpen focus. Additionally, physical activity reduces stress and anxiety, common distractions that hinder concentration.

Any form of exercise can elicit these benefits such as running, cycling, swimming, weight training, and even short bouts of just walking!

Incorporating exercise into your daily routine, even in short bursts, can significantly enhance your ability to concentrate and stay on task. Regular exercise and other stress reducing activities are key to establishing a healthy mind and body.

Photos from Perform For Life's post 09/11/2023

Mindset Monday 🧠 EP. 3

Performance anxiety is a common challenge faced by athletes. The fear of failure, coupled with the pressure to perform at peak levels, can significantly impact an athlete's confidence and overall performance. However, there are several effective strategies that athletes can use to reduce performance anxiety. 😓

➡️Firstly, mental preparation is crucial. Athletes can benefit from visualization techniques, where they mentally rehearse their performance, focusing on ex*****on. Visualization helps build confidence and reduces anxiety by making the athlete feel more familiar and in control of the situation.

➡️Another key strategy is goal setting. Setting specific, achievable goals allows athletes to focus on their performance rather than the outcome. Breaking down long-term goals into smaller, manageable steps also helps, as athletes can measure their progress along the way.

👯‍♀️A supportive social network can also be beneficial. Athletes should surround themselves with friends, family, and coaches who provide encouragement and positive reinforcement. Feeling supported and valued can boost an athlete's confidence.

🩺Finally, seeking professional help from sports psychologists is a valuable option. These experts can provide personalized strategies for managing performance anxiety, including cognitive-behavioral therapy and relaxation techniques.

By implementing these strategies, athletes can unlock their full potential and achieve their goals!

Photos from Perform For Life's post 09/04/2023

Mindset Monday 🧠 EP. 2

With Labor Day weekend just passing, let’s talk about the importance of a work life balance and its impact on your goals.📉

There are many factors in our lives that may effect the outcomes we are looking for such as sleep, nutrition, stress/fatigue from exercise, and even outside stressors from work or in your social life. 👩🏾‍💻

Work is an important part of our lives but there are other things out there that should also be a priority. Addressing our mental health is important as it is something that can impact all aspects of our lives. There are many outlets an individual can use to help manage stressors such as social help, introspection, exercise, creative work, and more. Finding what works for you is important and should be implemented into your life.

Exercising our minds is just as important as exercising our body. 💪🏼


Hey everyone, friendly reminder we have our PR Party at the end of next month! 🏋🏻‍♀️

We are hosting it at our Hayes Valley location on September 30 at 9:00 AM. 🗓️

Get ready to lift heavy and break some records! We hope to see you there 🫶🏻

Photos from Perform For Life's post 08/21/2023

Mindset Monday🧘🏼‍♂️🧠

Hey everyone! We are kicking off a new series to tackle different topics revolving around the mind and performance. Some examples you may come across these upcoming weeks include:

📈breaking through mental barriers
〰️performance plateaus

These are just a few things you may catch, so keep an eye out for these posts! If you have any topics you are interested in hearing about, leave a comment!

Photos from Perform For Life's post 08/14/2023

How are you feeling with your current progress and training? 🤔

Today let’s talk about accountability and humility, important qualities in achieving your goals. It is important to note that through humility comes the acceptance of mistakes. We should try to stay away from guilt, and rather, look at it as an opportunity for growth. Remember, half the battle is just being able to show up for yourself. Through consistency we are able to show up for ourselves on a regular basis and create a solid foundation.

There are many factors that may impact our training like sleep, nutrition, and stress. Sometimes these factors can fall out of our control and all we can do is to manage them to the best of our ability. During these times, just remember you’re still showing up for yourself and pushing through obstacles. With that being said, remember to give yourself a pat on the back as you work through each step of the process. 💪🏼


Are you warming up before your run?🏃🏽‍♀️

Here are 3 reasons why you should do a warm up before taking off:

1. Increase blood flow to working muscles
2. Increase core temperature
3. Reduce risk of injury

These are just a few reasons as to why you should properly warm up before getting your run in. To learn more, check out our recent blog on why and how you can warm up! Check out the blog through our website.


Let’s wrap up the key points on a Kettlebell Swing!

A reminder to check out our blog on this exercise via our website. Let us know if there’s any exercises you’d like to see next 👀


—The Kettlebell Swing—

This exercise is great for building the posterior chain and practicing your power production from the hips. The kettlebell swing is a hinge movement utilizing the hamstring, glutes, and lower back. Check out our blog post on this exercise to learn more!👩🏾‍💻


Check out our other blogs and for information on us via the link in our bio!

Photos from Perform For Life's post 07/25/2023

Jersey Day Highlights 🏀⚽️
Ft. Your Coaches 🤩

Stay tuned for more theme days at perform… 👀

Photos from Perform For Life's post 07/21/2023

Coming soon to theaters…

I’m a barbie girl, in a barbie world!!! 👛


Looking to improve your sport performance? 🏀
Achieve personal goals? 🗒️
Receive tailored training for YOUR body? 👣

Here at P4L, our gold standard certified (CSCS) coaches will help you with personalized training along with our strength and conditioning focused group classes. 💪🏼

P4L’s movement specialists manage a roadmap for their clients and push individuals to help them become the best version of themselves. P4L has a variety of coaches who can help multiple types of individuals based on their goals and aspirations. Here at P4L, we want to help you surpass those goals.

If you are interested, feel free to visit our website! Link is in our account bio.


Hey Folks! Here’s a reminder about our upcoming PR Day! 🗓️

Some things to note:

Sept 30 9:00 AM
All members and coaches are invited
Everyone will push themselves to break any of their records!💪🏼

We hope to see you there!

Photos from Perform For Life's post 07/12/2023


Jersey Day next week on Thursday (7/20)🗓️

Think ANYTHING Jersey…

Basketball jersey, football jersey, Jersey Shores, New Jersey… if it’s about Jersey, it counts. 🏀⚽️🏈

Come to class or your session on 7/20 with whatever your “Jersey” is!



Hey Perform For Life community! We are inviting all of our members to attend our PR Party! Coaches will be present at this event as well. Everyone is encouraged to try and break their personal records! 🏋🏻‍♀️

When? September 30, Saturday
Time? 9:00 AM
Where? P4L Hayes Valley Location

We hope to see you there!


At P4L we are constantly reminded of the wonderful and diverse community we've been so fortunate to cultivate here. Now, we just want to take a moment to acknowledge that and to spread some extra love all Pride month long and especially today.

We love the community we have here; it's because of each of you as individuals and what you bring every day that makes us all love this place so much. The way we build each other up and bring each other in is what really sets us apart, so let's all take this opportunity to appreciate how special that is and how much that matters, in and out of the gym. From our team to each and every one of you, Happy Pride!

Photos from Perform For Life's post 06/18/2023

To all our P4L dads out there, we love you. Happy Father’s Day!!

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Our Story

W H Y N O T N O W ?

Perform for Life proudly serves a community that embraces the process just as much as the outcome. We invite you to redefine your lifelong relationship with movement, utilizing fitness as a vehicle to social connection, health, self-exploration, and enhanced quality of life.

When it comes to making fitness a priority, we've told ourselves, "We'll start on Monday" or "It'll be my New Year's Resolution." Well, why not now? Empower yourself in the present and make it your lifestyle!


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650 Mission Street
San Francisco, CA

Opening Hours

Monday 6am - 9pm
Tuesday 6am - 9pm
Wednesday 6am - 9pm
Thursday 6am - 9pm
Friday 6am - 9pm
Saturday 8am - 3pm
Sunday 8am - 12pm

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