Dr. Jeanette Ryan, DC, IFMCP

Dr. Ryan, utilizing multidisciplinary methods, practices a holistic and integrated approach to natural medicine.


Wishing you good Health, Happiness and Love in 2023 and always! Happy New Year! I am deeply grateful to have been your health practitioner of choice for the past 35 years.

I’d like to share with you the ways in which I pass some of the goodness on. Here are the charities I regularly support: https://www.drjeanetteryan.com/about/giving

📷: Dr. Jeanette Ryan, DC, IFMCP


Seasons Greetings and Holiday Hours

“Every piece of the universe, even the tiniest little snow crystal, matters somehow. I have a place in the pattern, and so do you. Thinking of you this holiday season!” ― T.A. Barron

In the hustle and bustle of the Season, I wish for you a brief Island of Serenity that replenishes your connection with the beautiful Soul you are. May you find it in the simplicity of walking in nature or reveling for a moment as the winter sun kisses your face.

Healthy Holidays and Happy New Year!

With deep gratitude for choosing me as your partner in health for 35 years,
Dr. Jeanette Ryan

Monday, 12/19
9:30 - 3:00

Tuesday, 12/20
9:00 - 4:00

Wednesday, 12/21

Thursday, 12/22
9:00 - 3:00

Friday, 12/23

Saturday, 12/24

Monday, 12/26

Tuesday, 12/27
9:00 - 2:00

Wednesday, 12/28

Thursday, 12/29
9:00 - 2:00

Friday, 12/30

Saturday, 12/31

Monday, 1/2

Tuesday, 1/3
9:00 - 3:00

Pandemic Fatigue: I get it! 05/12/2022

Pandemic Fatigue: I get it!

From what I’m seeing in the field, we may be sick of it, but we cannot zone out! It seems highly odd to me, that right at the same time the extremely contagious Omicron variant and its “mutant offspring” are sweeping our country, we have decided to no longer require masks to be worn.

Please, be smarter than our policy makers and always wear a mask whenever you are around other people, especially indoors and in outdoor crowded areas as well. Be polite and wear a mask whenever you are around the elderly and vulnerable people. It shows respect and kindness, and will save lives.

Many of you want to know whether you should get the next booster. If you’re over 65, pretty much yes. Each of us needs to assess our exposure risk. If you work among young people, you should: teachers and sports coaches. If you have a frontline job interacting with the public, then yes. If you mostly work from home and only go out for groceries and wear a mask when you do, you can probably postpone getting a 2nd booster. Studies show that there is a fairly robust/reliable result that will protect you from severe illness for a six week window, so if you are low risk, perhaps in late summer before Autumn.

And should you vaccinate your school age children? Generally, yes. Given the environment in which we find ourselves, it is our best course to take. There are of course exceptions to consider, and for more sensitive children, one must carefully weigh the risks and benefits of the vaccine against the risks of the child becoming sick with Covid, and spreading it to others. Omicron is observed to be as contagious or more so than measles, in which one person can expect to infect 10 people. Things like quercetin, Vit D, Vit C, and Omega 3 oils can reduce the possibility of an adverse side effect—start them at least 3 days before the vaccine and continue for a week.

With Omicron causing more breakthrough infections and evading molecular tests such as PCR and Rapid Antigen, it would be far more effective to be getting a booster that is retooled towards Omicron. The question is: since mRNA vaccine technology is good for quick and easy reformulations, where are they? Why are we still being vaccinated for and testing for the Alpha variant, from 2020?

Deaths from breakthrough infections with Omicron are on the rise. It makes sense, since the Omicron variant is so different from the Alpha variant, we are vaccinating and boosting in a way that is inefficient. Should you become sick with Covid now, you will need a positive test result (which Omicron is good at evading) and an Rx from an MD in order to receive Paxlovid, the very expensive pill by Pfizer…a one week dose of the drug costs more than $500, hopefully paid for by your insurance. Aside from having numerous drug interactions and numerous negative side effects, it has been shown to prevent serious illness and hospitalization. You can still go and receive an infusion of monoclonal antibodies, if you have a positive test result with symptoms, and are in a high-risk group. Of the various MCA cocktails out there, only one of the antibodies, contained in Regeneron is effective against Omicron. Even though deaths are still significantly lower overall than the Alpha and Delta waves, deaths in the current surge from breakthrough infections of the Omicron variant account for 20%.

I got the Moderna Booster back on January 24, 2022. Other than a sore arm and a mild headache I was fine. I still do suffer from tinnitus from the J&J Vaccine last year.

Here’s the frequent clinical scenario I did not expect to see: most of you are vaccinated and boosted, take good care of yourselves and have remained on the “pre-Covid” protocol for robust immunity. Then, an Omicron breakthrough infection occurs, which seems mild, and so you “coast” through the illness. A few weeks later, the massive fatigue and debilitating brain fog persist. This is long Covid…that which we really wish to avoid. My informed observation is that these symptoms are from tissue damage done by the immune system while it was fighting the virus. When we do targeted functional medicine for healing the myocardium (heart muscle) and for stopping brain inflammation, health and wellbeing are restored. But it is no walk in the park! It is far better to absolutely minimize the illness as soon as you get it. I recommend getting on the active immune support protocol as soon as you feel sick.

What have you observed in the Omicron wave?

Together, we can reduce the spread of Omicron…be vigilant about wearing a mask, and treat it aggressively should you or loved ones become sick with Covid, even if you get a negative test result.

Warm wishes,
Jeanette Ryan, DC/IFMCP

Pandemic Fatigue: I get it! Dear Ones:   From what I’m seeing in the field, we may be sick of it, but we cannot zone out!  It seems highly odd to me, that right at the same time the extremely contagious Omicron variant and its “mutant offspring” are sweeping our country, we have decided to no longer require masks to...


Wishing you good Health, Happiness and Love in 2022 and always! Happy New Year! I am deeply grateful to have been your health practitioner of choice for the past 34 years.

I’d like to share with you the ways in which I pass some of the goodness on. Here are the charities I regularly support: https://www.drjeanetteryan.com/about/giving

📷: Dr. Jeanette Ryan, DC, IFMCP


Seasons Greetings and Holiday Hours

"It is, indeed, the season of regenerated feeling, the season for kindling, not merely the fire of hospitality in the hall, but the genial flame of charity in the heart.”

― Washington Irving

May your Holiday Season Glow from Within as we Remember: it’s the Loving, the Laughter and the Community-making that Counts.

May the New Year bring you Health and Happiness with Hope and Healing for ALL. May Peace Prevail on Earth.

With Heartfelt Thanks for choosing me to be your Partner in Health for 34 years.

Dr. Jeanette Ryan


Monday, 12/20
9:30 - 3:00

Tuesday, 12/21
9:00 - 3:00

Wednesday, 12/22

Thursday, 12/23
9:00 - 3:00

Friday, 12/24

Saturday, 12/25

Monday, 12/27
9:30 - 3:00

Tuesday, 12/28
9:00 - 3:00

Wednesday, 12/29

Thursday, 12/30
9:00 - 3:00

Friday, 12/31

Saturday, 1/1

Monday, 1/3
9:30 - 3:00


Happy Thanksgiving!

From my heart to yours, I am so grateful and honored to partner with you in maintaining your vibrant health. I wish you endless blessings of joy, peace, and success!

In Good Health,
Dr. Jeanette Ryan

EWG VERIFIED™ Takes Aim at Toxic Ingredients in Consumer Products 07/29/2021

Shop clean on Amazon

Did you know that you can shop for Environmental Working Group-verified items on Amazon? You simply enter ‘EWG verified products’ in the Amazon search bar and, as of this posting, 1,000 clean and ethically-sourced products will pop up!

EWG VERIFIED™ Takes Aim at Toxic Ingredients in Consumer Products Our new verification seal gives consumers peace of mind as they try to avoid harmful chemicals in personal care items, including cosmetics, at the point of sale.

Tropical Smoothie 07/08/2021

Plan a mini staycation this weekend! Make this Tropical Smoothie recipe, put your feet up, and relaaaaaax!

Tropical Smoothie Vacation-inspired smoothie with rich coconut and tangy mango.


Happy Summer!

Balancing Blood Sugar 06/17/2021


QUESTION: What are the benefits of balancing my blood sugar?

ANSWER: This is a powerful tool to help you avoid cardio-metabolic syndrome, which is marked by adrenal fatigue, weight gain, sleep disturbances, and cardiovascular disease.

When we don’t know how to stabilize our blood sugar, this results in wide fluctuations in the blood glucose level throughout the day. These fluctuations in turn cause the pancreas to secret insulin in erratic amounts over time. Insulin is a hormone responsible for allowing glucose to get into the cells for energy fuel. When this mechanism is disrupted, insulin will also convert excess glucose into triglycerides, a blood fat, and eventually store this fat in your adipose cells, causing weight gain. When insulin surges occur over many months or years, eventually the insulin receptor sites on the cells lose their ability to respond to insulin....

Click through to read more:

Balancing Blood Sugar What are the benefits of balancing my blood sugar? This is a powerful tool to help you avoid cardio-metabolic syndrome, which is marked by adrenal fatigue, weight gain, sleep disturbances, and cardiovascular disease.

Juice Fasting and SIBO 06/10/2021

Now that we are getting "back to normal" and beach trips & swim parties are coming back in fashion — please be judicious when considering a juice fast to feel confident in your swim suit.

Click through to read my full article on the potential adverse effects from a juice fast and a delicious and refreshing recipe suggestion.

Juice Fasting and SIBO Learn why a cleanse is healthier than a juice fast.

Raw Stone Fruit Pie 06/03/2021

I'm feeling so peachy that stone fruit season has begun because life is just a bowl of cherries!

Raw Stone Fruit Pie Peaches, plums, nectarines, and apricots, oh my, make a delectable mid-summer winner of a pie.

Chocolate Company Scorecard 05/27/2021

Is your favorite chocolate brand ethical and sustainable?

Our friends at Be Slavery Free - Stop The Traffik (Australia and The Netherlands), Green America, INKOTA-netzwerk, Mighty Earth, and National Wildlife Federation have created a Chocolate Scorecard that rates 9 top chocolate brands on the following human rights and sustainability issues:

Due Diligence
Traceability & Transparency
Living Income
Child Labor
Deforestation & Climate

These companies were invited to participate in the survey and declined via no response: Storck Philippines, Unilever, Starbucks, and Valrhona.

To read more on the connection between chocolate and child labor:

Chocolate Company Scorecard International Advocacy Groups Publish Joint Consumer Purchasing Guide

A Deeper Understanding: My Vaccine Story 05/18/2021

A Deeper Understanding: My Vaccine Story

I received the Janssen, Johnson & Johnson vaccine at a local pharmacy on April 11, 2021. The pharmacist took good care of me. I experienced achy neck and shoulders, and fatigue for about five days. I also experienced a flare in eczema. I tripled my Quercetin from 1 to 3, and doubled my NAC from 1 to 2. These two nutraceuticals have also been useful for all of my patients, post vaccine.

In mid-January, I was mildly sick. It started with a headache that gradually increased throughout the day. By the end of the day my ears were throbbing. The next day I had two Covid tests and rescheduled my patients so I could isolate. The results from both tests were negative. Five days later I repeated the PCR test. Negative. Meanwhile, all four of the Covid-19 points had been weak (via muscle test) since the day of the headache. I only had the slightest increase in body temperature for half a day and it could not even qualify as a fever. I was a little fatigued and my breathing was slightly congested. I did however immediately begin my Active Covid Functional Medicine protocol. (If you want to know more, please contact me.) Within 2.5 weeks all of my Covid points tested strong and I felt safe to return to work. I did however begin to experience tinnitus, which never subsided. I have heard anecdotal stories about people who received the vaccine and had their Long Covid symptoms cured. That was not the case for me and the tinnitus squeals continuously in my brain as I write this. It is predicted that millions will suffer with post-Covid tinnitus {tinyurl.com/5mk8ar2y}. I do not consider myself to have Long Covid, however if I had a mutated form of the virus, undetected by the PCR molecular test (70% accuracy), then that could explain the tinnitus.

I thought I would explain a little bit about how the immune system functions. This is so people who are hesitant about the vaccine can make an informed decision. If you have already decided, feel free to skip ahead to the ugly truths or read on for more of my story.

What follows is a simplified/big concept model of the immune system. There are many more moving parts which I am leaving out. On one side we have TH1 (Thymic Helper-1), also called innate or cellular immunity. This mainly consists of white blood cells that sense and attack aberrant cells and infected cells. The WBCs engulf damaged cells and then present identifying viral protein codes to TH2 lymphocytes (a small WBC).

The other side, TH2, is also called acquired or humoral immunity. If you tend to be allergic, you have higher histamine which drives up TH2. These smaller WBCs make antibodies against viruses and vaccines. These vaccines deliver a nonvirulent (slightly flawed) protein copy of a portion of the virus for which it is designed to mimic. When the TH2 WBCs ‘see’ the protein codes of the fake virus fragment, they get busy making antibodies to neutralize what looks like an attacking virus. These antibodies and Memory T Cells then automatically defend us should we encounter the live virus.

I am a TH2 dominant person and for the first half of my life I suffered from hay fever allergies, eczema and asthma. (No longer, thanks to Functional Medicine.) For this reason, I tend to shy away from vaccines because they push the immune system over to the TH2 side. If TH2 becomes overstimulated, auto immunity can occur. I am not surprised my eczema flared after I received the vaccine. It shows my immune system was busy making antibodies! Since my immune system makes antibodies a little too zealously, I chose the milder J&J vaccine, which has shown good efficacy against all of the Variants of Concern {tinyurl.com/pa7fjwme} by causing a gradual increase in immunity. In theory, since I have not received a vaccine since childhood, my immune system is somewhat more balanced and I can ‘afford’ this challenge at a time when it is well worth doing.

If you are NOT an allergic person, you are less likely to have a strong push to TH2 from the vaccine and will likely do fine with an mRNA vaccine. Both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines have been shown to cause abundant antibody production.

Vaccines are not 100% perfect. How could they be? There is infinite complexity in human phenotypic (genetic) expression. In rare cases, some of us are going to have a severe adverse reaction. This is a horrible thing to happen, and it is scary. But one must step back and look at the big picture. Covid vaccines work. The US economy is making a comeback and we are in the lead. If we did not have them, our picture would likely be similarly tragic as India right now! Thank goodness the President is sharing our vaccine surplus with other countries and has supported waiving vaccine intellectual property rights. It’s the right thing to do. Until the whole world is safe, we are not truly safe.

And for us in America…how incredibly fortunate we are to have access to Moderna and J&J vaccines! Much of the world pretty much only has Pfizer if anything, and for those that do, it is in very short supply.

There is so much blind fear and distrust. I assure you, there is no microchip! The vaccines are far less toxic than childhood vaccines. It is not some dark poison. One cannot shed vaccine proteins that cause infertility and miscarriages. Ask yourself, who is spreading this fear? Who wants to see us divided and fighting with each other? Who really is the enemy of the people and wants to divide and conquer? If you start to feel anxious while reading your news feeds, know that you are likely being fed fear mongering propaganda. Here in fact are the ingredients of the three vaccines: tinyurl.com/cpd9ef35.

Does it alter your DNA? It has to, to some extent, on a temporary basis. Just like your DNA would be altered by its response to fighting any virus. A healthy body responds to challenges by activating different parts of the DNA through the epigenome. It then repairs the DNA when we have a resilient immune system, which is something I have helped many of you achieve. One of the focuses of Functional Medicine is to cause DNA repair.

And now for the ugly truths. I illuminate these to show this part is based in fact. I think that if leaders would have shared these facts from the beginning, there would be less mistrust. When we’re not getting the whole picture, we sense it and in turn we feel suspicious or at least doubtful. I will shine a little light here: There is ample evidence that the virus came from an accidental lab leak {tinyurl.com/jf27drne}. Eyewitnesses allege that the lab had weak containment practices. It is very interesting that a bat coronavirus suddenly had a spliced pangolin receptor code that has high affinity for the human ACE2 receptor {tinyurl.com/5n53sx9t}. The speed at which the virus mutates is not what usually happens in nature. Now that you can separate fact from conspiracy, hopefully it’s a relief to know that yes, you were right about this in your gut. Nevertheless, we still have to deal with the virus at large.

Another not so pretty reality: Vaccine manufacturers make a fortune from vaccines made for a pandemic. I can see how this would thwart trust. I can attest to you that the corporate boss businessmen who profit off the vaccine could not have done it without doctors and scientists. These trained scientists have a passion for the truth because science is, in its pure form, about understanding the factual truth. Maybe some of the scientists made some decent money, but nothing anywhere near the amount of the corporations. And beyond that, we have been fortunate to receive the vaccines for free. As demand decreases, the vaccines will likely no longer be free. Something to consider. I rather admire J&J for offering their vaccine to governments at cost: about $10/dose.

Many of you have trusted me for 25-30 years as your family physician. I have always served with highest integrity in mind. I am the same person still, while the world has become a fearsome environment. I am standing for this: now is the time to take heart and get the vaccine. I hope the decades of my steadfast care will help you feel secure in my judgment of the science that I have reviewed in order to bring clarity and truth to you.

I have always taught you to make your choices from love and not fear. I know that when one is fearful, one usually cannot make a good decision. Stewing in doubt on the side lines is not a good decision.

It is a small sacrifice to make to serve your community and fellow Americans. I did not love getting the vaccine. And I am relieved and proud that I did. 90% of all physicians have taken the vaccine. Physicians have studied the science and since we understand it, we take it. We understand the benefits outweigh any potential negative risk, BY FAR.

California has the lowest positivity rate in the nation…and in the most populous state, that says a lot!! Way to go California! We are stepping up and doing our part! The CDC’s new mask-free guidelines can be confusing, but here is something to know: if you are fully vaccinated but suspect you have been exposed, the CDC says you do not have to be tested. But if you do develop symptoms, put your mask back on and go get tested. I would add: you should wear a mask whenever you could potentially be exposed if you live with people who are vulnerable and/or unprotected. I recommend that you wait at least six months to be vaccinated after getting well if you were sick with Covid. The reason for this is that your immune system and Memory T Cells have already been activated. If you give it a little time, you are less likely to have an overly strong reaction.

If you have loved ones who are undecided, please share this with them and share with me your vaccine experience as I am interested to learn in order to further help others. If you have other fact-based questions I have not answered here, feel free to write me. I will do my best to answer. If it’s a conspiracy theory question, I’m sorry I don’t have time to respond to those. If you’re not sure, here’s how to tell the difference: if you feel calm about the question, it is likely fact based. If you feel agitated/compelled, it is probably a conspiracy theory and you have fallen prey to those who would mislead you. Hopefully you will find the truth above to be liberating and helpful for you to find peace of mind.

At the beginning of the pandemic, I pledged to keep you all safe and healthy. I have supported about 50 positive Covid cases with Functional Medicine, and no one has been hospitalized nor lost their life. I feel I have delivered on that promise and I am still protecting your health. When we each do our part, we in turn defend the health of all humankind.

Yours in wellness,
Jeanette Ryan, DC/IFMCP

A Deeper Understanding: My Vaccine Story Dear Ones,   I received the Janssen, Johnson & Johnson vaccine at a local pharmacy on April 11, 2021.  The pharmacist took good care of me.  I experienced achy neck and shoulders, and fatigue for about five days.  I also experienced a flare in eczema.  I tripled my Quercetin from 1 to 3, and d...

Sustainable Seagrass High in Omega-6 and Protein is Better Than Rice For This Master Chef 05/13/2021

Will this marine grain replace rice?

Renowned Spanish Chef, Angel Leon, has discovered a new staple to replace rice that is high in Omega-6, protein, is sustainable, does not require pesticides or fertilizer, and can help combat carbon emissions. What is this mysterious marine grain? Seagrass! It is similar to brown rice with a slight taste of the sea. Chef Leon is hopeful that the world will take interest in this mysterious plant and eventually regenerate the health of the world’s oceans.

Sustainable Seagrass High in Omega-6 and Protein is Better Than Rice For This Master Chef Restoring ecosystems, capturing carbon, and filling our bellies: chef Angel Leon finds sea grass rice is a superfood that can save the earth

Fighting dementia with play 05/06/2021

Can play help dementia?

Yes! While there is no definitive cure for dementia, there is striking new technology that can alleviate or prevent the effects of dementia and Alzheimer’s. Scientists in Zurich have developed a cognitive motor training platform, which is akin to a fitness game. Their research in 2015 revealed that elderly people who exercise their minds and bodies can both improve cognition and stave off impairment.

While this technology is not readily available to the public, I would suggest dancing, swimming, walking, or cross crawl exercises to achieve a similar positive outcome. There are also some engaging video games to help get moving as well: https://newcybersenior.com/wii-games-seniors/

Fighting dementia with play Cognitive motor training helps in the fight against Alzheimer’s and dementia, as demonstrated for the first time in a study by an international team of researchers with ETH Zurich involvement. The training platform used was developed by an ETH Zurich spin-​off. Cognitive motor training helps in ...

Cultural and Biological Diversity 04/24/2021

Sharing an Earth Day message from my friend and environmental activist, Justin Winters and One Earth.

Cultural and Biological Diversity Protecting cultural and biological diversity is central to solving climate change. The solution to tackle the climate crisis is, at its core, intersectional. By…

Vaccines vs Rising Variants of Concern 03/31/2021

Vaccines vs Rising Variants of Concern

The race against the spread of the Coronavirus and more lethal variants is real. The longer people hesitate to get their vaccine, the more time we give the virus to spread and replicate/mutate into more variants. Some of the variants present real threats to any hope of ending the pandemic so we can live a (new) normal life. While 20 of our States are reporting cases on the rise, the Brazilian Variant, P.1 is causing high death rates in younger people and has the Brazilian Hospital System in collapse, and has already been detected in 22 States (tinyurl.com/3mkuf86j), with an alarming number of cases in British Columbia, Canada.

It saddens me that many people are still acting as if the choice to receive the vaccine is political. It is not political. Getting vaccinated is the best thing you can do as a citizen to help our common cause of ending the pandemic. If you feel nervous about the new technology of the mRNA vaccines, now you can receive the Janssen/Johnson & Johnson single dose vaccine, which uses an adenovirus vector which is a technology that has been around for decades and has been used for tuberculosis, HIV, and influenza. This is different than the PEG liposomes used in mRNA vaccines. I have studied the science and I can assure you that the highest level of caution, sound methodologies and good trials were used (with a few small missteps) in the development of both the mRNA and the J&J vaccines. The technology for the mRNA vaccines has been decades in the making, and even though people fear things were rushed, it was actually more that the existing science was accelerated. Millions have received the shot(s) and are doing well. I have assisted a number of my patients through the mRNA vaccines. A couple have had lingering side effects such as headaches and chilblains. That may be because the mRNA vaccines produce a vigorous immune response, which is desirable because that is how it creates a high concentration of antibodies. The Scientists at Operation Warp Speed and the former administration brought us the vaccine, but then failed massively at delivering and administering it. Now, the former president has publicly recommended that his followers be vaccinated and has admitted he himself received it (tinyurl.com/4dzdyzb4). This happened secretly, back in January. While it is true that a few people have died, possibly as a bad reaction to the vaccine, I would suspect there was some undiagnosed auto immune or inflammatory process in these individuals. If you have seen such signs in your own body, then I can understand why you would be wary. If, however you are mostly healthy, the risk is FAR, far less to die from vaccine when compared to Covid-19 disease. Heartbreakingly, we have lost 550,000 American Lives to the pandemic compared to a tiny percentage from the vaccine + undiagnosed immune imbalances.

It is very impressive that the US has gone from the absolute worst pandemic response in the world with the most deaths, hospitalizations and cases, to first in the world for vaccine administration and subsequent reduction in deaths within a few short weeks under proper leadership, and we can be proud! Now that Democrats in Congress have passed the American Rescue Plan (tinyurl.com/tvpz7f4r) (sadly without a single Republican vote), there is a great surge of hope buoying us this Spring. While the temptation to go out and party is high, we absolutely must remain steadfast in practicing increased hygiene, physical distancing and mask wearing in public. Yes, we all have pandemic fatigue, but If we all pull together, it will only be for a little while longer! If we mess this up, we will likely have a deadly 4TH WAVE due to the Variants of Concern (see below).

Starting April 1st, California will be expanding vaccine eligibility to Californians age 50 and older. On April 15th, eligibility will open to all Californians over the age of 16. That means if you are 50 or over, book your appointment now. Furthermore, Governor Newsom has given the Green Light for anyone who accompanies a family member, to receive a vaccine at the same time without prior appointment. I would say as a matter of courtesy and not holding up those with appointments, limit your accompanying family to two members at your discretion. This site is user friendly and makes vaccine selection easy: tinyurl.com/wv73emxz. It is also worthwhile to check with your local pharmacy to see what is available.

The CDC recommends that if you have recovered from Covid-19, you should be vaccinated about 3 months after the illness. I would say that if you have any auto immune disease, that you should be vaccinated at 6 months post Covid. There are some data showing that for those sick with Long-haul Covid, that getting the vaccine helps catapult the immune system out of it.

The AstraZeneca vaccine has been stalled because it was shown to be less than 50% effective against the South African Variant. The J&J vaccine so far has shown 66% effectiveness against the menacing Brazilian Variant, and 57% effectiveness against the South African Variant, as well as 100% reduction in severe illness by day 49 post vaccination. J&J has also begun preliminary studies on producing a booster specifically against Variants of Concern. Now the UK Variant, which is 63% more transmissible than the original wild type and will lead to more cases and deaths, is the dominant variant in the US, with the New York Variant, and the California Variant also on the rise. All this to say: even after you are vaccinated or if you have recovered from Covid-19, you still must wear a mask in public. These more transmissible variants can get into your nasal cavity and you could carry and spread it, asymptomatically. Or, you could get sick again should you have the misfortune of contracting the Brazilian Variant or the S. African Variant.

I have assisted 47 people with positive Covid-19 treat themselves with natural therapeutics. To date, none of them have had to go to the hospital, nor died. This is a very small group, however I am happy that Functional Medicine/natural therapeutics are safe and effective, even if the FTC isn't. In bigger news: If you or someone you love has active Covid-19 and the pulse oximeter reading is at 90 or below, instead of going straight to the hospital, now you can go to an Infusion Center to receive IV Monoclonal Antibodies at no cost to you!! We are incredibly fortunate to have access to this life saving therapeutic. To find a location, look here: tinyurl.com/a5c5d5k9.

I have an appointment to receive the J&J vaccine on April 13 and I will share with you what happens. (You may recall that I have some auto-immune imbalance and allergies.) I got the appointment by checking (tinyurl.com/v6pf6atx) several times a day, and I will receive it at Kedren Medical Center (tinyurl.com/25mxzabk), which I coincidentally mentioned in my last newsletter (tinyurl.com/n5d2nw3n).

And for some of my dear patients, please know that conspiracy theories only slow our recovery and sow the opposite of healing, leading to more loss.

Let us all do our part; we need to end the pandemic…at home and globally. And we can do it if we all step up.

Yours in health,
Jeanette Ryan, DC/IFMCP

Vaccines vs Rising Variants of Concern Dear Ones: The race against the spread of the Coronavirus and more lethal variants is real.  The longer people hesitate to get their vaccine, the more time we give the virus to spread and replicate/mutate into more variants.  Some of the variants present real threats to any hope of ending the p...

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Videos (show all)

Green & Purple Smoothies with Dr. Jeanette Ryan
Healing Fibromyalgia with Natural Medicine
Healing Adrenal Burnout with Natural Medicine
Perimenopause, Menopause, and Natural Medicine
Meet Dr. Ryan




1964 19th Street, Unit A
Santa Monica, CA

Opening Hours

Monday 9:30am - 3pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Saturday 9am - 5pm

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Prodigy Chiro-Care & Spinal Rehab Prodigy Chiro-Care & Spinal Rehab
1511 4th Street
Santa Monica, 90401

Prodigy Chiro-Care & Spinal Rehab's focus is not just to treat you, but to educate you along the roa

Arbor Vitae Wellness Center Arbor Vitae Wellness Center
2730 Wilshire Boulevard, Ste 230
Santa Monica, 90403

Your comprehensive wellness center Including Chiropractic care, Acupuncture, Massage therapy, and Na

Craig Abrams, DC Craig Abrams, DC
4424 Jasmine Avenue, Culver City
Santa Monica, 90405

Chiropractic care driven to help you "Move well to be well" We use diet, exercise, adjustment & laser therapy to get you on the path to recovery and beyond