Arbor Vitae Wellness Center

Your comprehensive wellness center Including Chiropractic care, Acupuncture, Massage therapy, and Na

Located in the heart of Santa Monica, our leading health professionals are dedicated to helping you achieve your wellness objectives -- combining skill and expertise that includes chiropractic care, naturopathic care, acupuncture, and massage therapy, among other holistic services. Our health care professionals are committed to bringing you better health and a better way of life by teaching and practicing the true principles of holistic wellness care.


Did you know that the Forward Head Position reduces blood flow in the spine up to 40%? Awareness of good vs bad posture is the first step to building better habits! Let our chiropractors know how we can help you achieve better posture with your everyday activities!


Disc Degeneration? What the heck is that? If you are having a hard time visualizing the your x-ray or MRI reports, I hope this post helps you understand what is going on with your spine!

Degenerative Disc Disease (DDD) is not really a disease, it’s a age related condition that occurs when the discs between the vertebrae breaks down; think of It as wear and tear! DDD can be seen with x-rays

Bulging discs are ‘contained’. They are protruding discs! The bulged disc doesn’t always affect the disc’s entire perimeter! You can have a bulging disc and be asymptomatic. They can be seen with a MRI or a CT scan!

A herniated disc is where the outer layer cracks and agitates the inner space layer! They are more susceptible to pinching the nerve root! They may cause weakness, pain, numbness, tingling or burning! Again some people have disc herniation and are completely asymptomatic while some people can be in terrible pain!

The thinning of a disc simply indicates degenerative disc disease. Disc fragments can block the openings, called foramina, between vertebrae where nerve roots travel from the spinal cord to the rest of the body.

Osteophytes are also known as bone spurs. They are small, smooth bony growths that may develop near the edges of a vertebral body’s end plates or the spine’s facet joints where cartilage has worn. This is age related and is caused by wear and tear and is often triggered in response to degenerative changes. They can lead to numbness down the arm or neurological deficit in the spinal cord. Osteophytes can be detected with X-rays but best seen if with MRI or CT scan.

Call us to Schedule an appointment today!


The bridge exercise is one of the most simple exercises you can perform to start training the glutes to extend the hip. As you progress and learn to master the glute bridges on both legs, the next step in the glute exercise progression is to work on stabilizing the core while training the hips to extend. Dr Mina demonstrates stabilizing the core in both glute bridges and single leg progressions.

This is a very important component of core control and a key in preventing low back injuries. The lumbar spine should be able to stabilize while the lower extremity extends, minimizing the stress on the low back.

If you would like to schedule an appointment with Dr. Mina in Santa Monica on Tuesdays and Thursdays, Call 310-829-7339.


This is a great start if you want to begin a daily practice of health in your life! What are some of your own tips for healthy living?

Timeline photos 01/03/2019

Relieve Lower Back Pain with Massage Therapy

Massages are one of the most relaxing spa treatments, but they can also be therapeutic. Specifically, massages can help provide relief for lower back pain. At Arbor Vitae Wellness Center, you'll have your choice of several different types of massages including deep tissue, therapeutic, and trigger point massage. If you have back pain and would like to find out if massage therapy is right for you, contact us using the link provided.

The providers of Arbor Vitae Wellness Center are proud to offer holistic healthcare services to individuals in Santa Monica, California. Call 424-235-6592 or visit the website to book your appointment today! (

Timeline photos 01/02/2019

Happy New Year! Now is a great time to reflect on changes, set goals, and plan the future. Whether it’s taking time out for yourself, learning a new skill, or hitting the gym – we support you! Here’s to a great 2019 – make it yours.

Timeline photos 01/01/2019

Questions Your Chiropractor Might Ask You

When you arrive for chiropractic care for your neck, you'll have to answer a few questions. Typical questions include "When did the pain start?" and "What has worked (or not) so far to relieve your pain?" These questions are just a small sample of what you and your chiropractor may discuss. Learning about your symptoms and what has caused your pain is the first step in creating an individualized treatment plan.

Timeline photos 12/28/2018

Why You Should Treat Yourself to a Hot Stone Massage

Hot stone massages are undeniably relaxing, and the health benefits are numerous! Due to the nature of heat therapy, a hot stone massage can reduce muscle tension and muscle pain. You may also notice:
• Improved sleep quality
• Decreased feelings of stress or anxiety

Hot stone massages are available at Arbor Vitae Wellness Center. Schedule yours today!

The providers of Arbor Vitae Wellness Center are proud to offer holistic healthcare services to individuals in Santa Monica, California. Call 424-235-6592 or visit the website to book your appointment today! (

Timeline photos 12/27/2018

New Year, New You

The new year is as good a time as any to evaluate what served you in the previous one and plan your goals for the one to come. Motivated to make healthy changes in the new year? Make a promise to take charge of your health!

Timeline photos 12/26/2018

Preventing Migraines By Avoiding Your Dietary Triggers

Have you ever noticed that your migraines are triggered by certain foods? According to a 2018 survey conducted by, 28% of migraine sufferers have dietary triggers. Of that 28%, 75% reported that chocolate was their number one food trigger. Not sure which foods are triggering your migraines? Try keeping a journal to track your food and migraine symptoms.

If you need more help managing your migraines, contact us using the link provided.

The providers of Arbor Vitae Wellness Center are proud to offer holistic healthcare services to individuals in Santa Monica, California. Call 424-235-6592 or visit the website to book your appointment today! (

Timeline photos 12/25/2018

Abor Vitae Wellness Center wishes you and your loved ones a happy holiday season. We hope you have good health and happiness in the new year—and remember we are here for you if you need to make an appointment!

Timeline photos 12/24/2018

Ear Infections and Chiropractic Care: Know the Stats

According to a study published in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapies, chiropractic care can help individuals with ear infections. Researchers found that 93% of all participants reported an improvement in their symptoms with 43% needing only one or two adjustments.

If you'd like to learn more about chiropractic care, contact us to set up a consultation!

The providers of Arbor Vitae Wellness Center are proud to offer holistic healthcare services to individuals in Santa Monica, California. Call 424-235-6592 or visit the website to book your appointment today! (

What to Expect at the First Chiropractic Consultation 12/21/2018

What to Wear to Your Chiropractic Adjustment (and Why It Matters)

Getting ready for your first chiropractic adjustment? It's a good idea to wear loose-fitting or athletic clothing. Wearing athletic clothing allows your body to easily bend during your adjustments or when your chiropractor is testing your range of motion.

What to Expect at the First Chiropractic Consultation During the first chiropractic consultation, the chiropractor will complete a thorough chiropractic exam the of back pain and other symptoms in about 45 minutes, and then advise treatment.

Timeline photos 12/20/2018

What to Expect From Your Prenatal Massage

If there's ever a time you need to ease aches and pains, it's during pregnancy, and a prenatal massage is the perfect way to soothe sore muscles. A prenatal massage can also help you find relief from insomnia, sciatica ( a common pregnancy complaint), and back pain.

Prenatal massages are available at Arbor Vitae Wellness Center. If you are in your second or third trimester, treat yourself to a massage today!

The providers of Arbor Vitae Wellness Center are proud to offer holistic healthcare services to individuals in Santa Monica, California. Call 424-235-6592 or visit the website to book your appointment today! (

16 Poses to Ease Back Pain 12/19/2018

16 Yoga Poses to Ease Back Pain

Did you know that back pain is one of the leading causes of missed work? If you wake up with a stiff back or lower back pain, grab your yoga mat and try these back pain-relieving poses:
• Half-knee to chest pose
• Reclining hand to toe pose
• Eye-of-the-needle pose

In addition to daily yoga, you may also benefit from massage, physical therapy, or manual adjustments.

16 Poses to Ease Back Pain Experts agree that routine stretching can both prevent and relieve lower back symptoms. Choose from a 10, 20, or 30 minute routine to release pain.

Timeline photos 12/18/2018

Does Acupuncture Hurt?

If your naturopathic doctor has suggested acupuncture for the treatment of lower back pain, you might be concerned about the needles. Does acupuncture hurt? Despite the use of needles, acupuncture should never be painful. You may feel pressure or even a slight tingle, but many individuals describe the treatment as relaxing.

Acupuncture treatments are available at Arbor Vitae Wellness Center. Contact us using the link provided to find out if acupuncture is right for you.

The providers of Arbor Vitae Wellness Center are proud to offer holistic healthcare services to individuals in Santa Monica, California. Call 424-235-6592 or visit the website to book your appointment today! (

Timeline photos 12/17/2018

Supplements That Help Prevent Migraine Attacks

If you have chronic migraines, you may be interested in not just relieving pain of a migraine but preventing the migraine in the first place. There are many natural supplements that can help prevent migraines, including:

• Magnesium
• Riboflavin
• Coenzyme Q10 (you might see it written as CoQ10)

If you'd like to learn more about herbal supplements and treatment options for migraines, talk to your naturopath today!

Ergonomics and Sciatica 12/14/2018

Sciatica and Ergonomics: How to Sit If You Have Sciatica

If you have sciatica, you may find that sitting at your desk at work is uncomfortable. To make your work day more comfortable (and to relieve pressure on your sciatic nerve), keep these tips in mind:
• Sit in a chair with lumbar support (you can roll up a sweater to place behind your lower back if you need extra support)
• Keep your feet planted firmly on the floor in front of you
• Avoid crossing your legs

Ergonomics and Sciatica Reduce your sciatica by applying 6 simple ergonomic tips that can help you get through the workweek and manage your back and leg pain.

Timeline photos 12/13/2018

Reduce Stress and Meditate: Benefits of Meditation

Meditation is an ancient practice of centering yourself, and it is well-documented to reduce stress. There isn't just one way to meditate, though. Some individuals meditate as they practice yoga, some meditate with guided meditation, while others use mantras, mindfulness, or tai chi.

Bottom line: It doesn't matter which form of meditation you choose, you'll receive many health benefits.

The Benefits of Drinking Water | Reader's Digest 12/12/2018

Thirsty? This Is How Drinking Enough Water Helps Your Body

You probably already know that your body needs water to function properly, but have you ever wondered exactly what water does for your body? Drinking enough water helps your kidneys flush out toxins more efficiently. Consuming at least 64 ounces of water also helps keep your skin glowing and your headaches at bay.

Tip: Add fresh fruit or fresh herbs to your water for a tasty treat!

The Benefits of Drinking Water | Reader's Digest You've heard you should drink eight glasses of water a day. But does hydration really make a difference? Here's are the benefits of water you should know.

Timeline photos 12/11/2018

How Acupuncture Improves Joint Health

Acupuncture is a tried-and-true natural treatment that promotes pain relief. Even though acupuncture has been used for thousands of years, studies are continually be performed to record just how effective these treatments are. According to a study conducted by the National Institutes of Health, individuals saw an improvement in both pain relief and joint mobility after acupuncture sessions.

Timeline photos 12/10/2018

Staying Healthy During the Holidays

The holidays are upon us, and staying healthy during this season can be challenging. Amongst the cold weather, festive dinners and family parties, it can seem impossible to stay on track. A helpful tip is to keep your mind focused on the holiday, and not the food!

Timeline photos 12/07/2018

Naturopathy and Self-Healing Mechanisms: The Importance of Supplements

One of the principles of naturopathic medicine is to help the body heal itself. This is why herbs and supplements play such a big role in naturopathic medicine. These therapies don't mask symptoms; rather, herbs and supplements support your body and encourage your body's own self-healing abilities.

To learn more about how naturopathic medicine can benefit you, contact us using the link provided.

The providers of Arbor Vitae Wellness Center are proud to offer holistic healthcare services to individuals in Santa Monica, California. Call 424-235-6592 or visit the website to book your appointment today! (

Power Up Your Wellness Plan 12/07/2018

10 Supplements That Promote Overall Good Health

Vitamin C is a popular go-to when you're feeling under the weather, but vitamin C is a helpful supplement all year long. Studies show that this supplement can promote healthy cell function and help support your immune system.

Power Up Your Wellness Plan Try these greens, proteins, and other supplements to enhance long-term benefits that help address or prevent many health issues.

The Best Morning Yoga Poses to Start Your Day 12/06/2018

Start Your Day Off Right with This Yoga Routine

How you start your day sets a tone for the whole day. Why not start the day with an invigorating and empowering yoga routine? Start with the Happy Baby Pose and end with the Standing Forward Fold and you'll be ready to the tackle the day!

Do you practice yoga daily?

The Best Morning Yoga Poses to Start Your Day You can do these energizing yoga poses each morning from the comfort of your own bed.


Did you know that Acupuncture can help you fight off a cold if you catch it early, and if you’re already sick, acupuncture can reliably shorten the duration and intensity of colds and flus!


Even if you do not have time to workout today, Stretching throughout the day will really benefit your body


Chronic Tight Hamstrings? Roll your feet on a lacrosse/tennis ball consistently throughout the day!

Photos from Arbor Vitae Wellness Center's post 10/30/2018

The Respiration Connection

Yes, we are alive and breathing, but are we breathing right? Many common aches and pains, particularly around the head, neck and shoulders, may be caused in part by inefficient breathing. What really happens when we don’t use our diaphragm correctly? The muscles in the upper chest and throat (Scalenes and Sternocleidomastoid muscles) will compensate and try to help out. These muscles are not built for routine respiration, so they get exhausted and become tender consequently leading to a cascade of events such as trigger points, tight muscles.

The diaphragm is your primary breathing muscle. It is a thin, wide sheet of muscle that separates the rib cage from the abdomen. It has a high domed shape that flattens out significantly when it contracts. When you inhale with your diaphragm, your belly expands. When your diaphragm moves, your belly must move — if it doesn’t move, you simply aren’t using your diaphragm.

When people do not breathe ‘well’, they tend to breathe in reverse; the movement of their abdomen during respiration is opposite of what is normal and healthy (instead of letting the belly move out during inhalation, they try to suck it in and when they exhale, they move the belly slightly).
The more you’ve worn out your neck and chest muscles trying to breathe without your diaphragm, the more likely you are to have a problematic upper body posture and lousy mechanics of the shoulder and spinal joints, which leads to yet more injuries.


- Learning to breathe with your diaphragm is mainly about learning how to recruit more of its motor units every time you inhale.

Visual Feedback

- Lie down on your back with your knees up.
Place the book square on your belly.
Take a deep breath.
If the whole book lifts up, you used your diaphragm. If it didn’t lift up, or lifts unevenly, you didn’t use your diaphragm. Laws of hydraulics. It is absolutely impossible to contract your diaphragm without your belly sticking out.
So there you go: visual feedback is how you’re going to learn when you are actually contracting your diaphragm. Now, do that at least twenty times in a row, and your diaphragm isn’t strong unless you can lift it at least three centimeters every time.
-Stay out of chairs; Chronic sitting is an obvious mechanical barrier to diaphragmatic breathing: the belly is compressed, and cannot expand as easily or as far.


Whiplash occurs when a sudden, jarring movement of the head is sustained backward, forward or even to the side. As the spine is thrown forward, the tendons and muscles around the spine can become torn and damaged. As a result, many people suffering from whiplash will begin to experience a number of uncomfortable symptoms, including: headaches or migraines, neck and back stiffness, muscle soreness, numbness and tingling/ pins and needles feeling down your arms or legs.

Our care focuses on rehabilitating the tissue that surrounds your muscles, ligaments and nerves in your neck and back through chiropractic care. We use specific Chiropractic adjustments to help your spine be restored back into its original position, massage therapy and rehabilitation exercises are used to get you to pre-accident function.

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Glute Bridges and Single Leg Glute Bridge Progressions




2730 Wilshire Boulevard, Ste 230
Santa Monica, CA

Opening Hours

Monday 8:30am - 5:30pm
Tuesday 10am - 9pm
Wednesday 8:30am - 5:30pm
Thursday 10am - 9pm
Friday 8:30am - 5:30pm

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