
Helping your child thrive in development, education, and social skills.

🌟Empowering busy parents with convenient online speech and occupational therapy for kids🌟 Achieve therapy-life balance with our trusted, professional, and friendly team.


Being a mom is a full-time job, and we understand how challenging it can be to fit everything into your day. That’s why we’re here to offer innovative and convenient speech therapy solutions that work with your schedule.⁠

Imagine the joy of seeing your child express themselves clearly, build strong social connections, and excel academically—all because of the right support at the right time. Let’s redefine speech therapy together and help your child reach their fullest potential.⁠

Ready to start this journey? Reach out to us today and let’s make it happen! 💬✨

Photos from TeleSesh's post 06/13/2024

As parents, supporting your child’s development is crucial. Here are three essential pieces of advice to help your child thrive with occupational therapy.👇⁠

✨ Observe and Document Concerns: Seek an evaluation if you notice your child struggling with motor skills, sensory processing, or daily activities. Look for things like:⁠

• Milestones: Monitor developmental milestones such as crawling, walking, and talking. If your child is significantly delayed, seek an evaluation.⁠

• Motor Skills: Look for difficulties with fine motor skills like holding a pencil, using scissors, or buttoning clothes.⁠

• Sensory Issues: Notice if your child is overly sensitive to sounds, textures, or lights, or if they seek excessive sensory input.⁠

• Daily Activities: Pay attention if your child struggles with daily activities like dressing, feeding, or toileting compared to peers.⁠

✨ Integrate Therapy into Daily Routines: Incorporate therapeutic activities into everyday life to reinforce skills such as:⁠

• Fine Motor Skills: Engage in activities like drawing, coloring, or playing with clay to improve hand coordination.⁠

• Daily Tasks: Involve your child in daily tasks like cooking (stirring, pouring) to enhance motor skills and hand-eye coordination.⁠

• Playtime: Use toys that encourage hand strength and dexterity, like building blocks or puzzles.⁠

✨ Stay Involved and Communicate: Engage actively with your child’s therapy and maintain open communication with the therapist. Ways to stay engaged could be:⁠

• Regular Updates: Have regular check-ins with your child’s occupational therapist to discuss progress and any concerns.⁠

• Home Activities: Ask the therapist for specific activities and exercises to do at home that align with therapy goals.⁠

• Feedback: Provide feedback on what works well and what challenges arise at home to tailor therapy sessions effectively.⁠

• Support Groups: Join parent support groups to share experiences and gain insights from others in similar situations.⁠

Supporting your child’s development with these tips can make a significant impact. Let’s help our children thrive together!

Photos from TeleSesh's post 06/06/2024

Unlock the power of clear communication with these Strategies for Improving Articulation Skills! ⁠

From tongue twisters to visual cues, we’ve got you covered with practical tips and engaging exercises to help your child master speech sounds. ⁠

Swipe through to discover fun and effective ways to make articulation practice a breeze!⁠

Remember, progress may take time, so be patient and supportive throughout the process. ⁠

Celebrate small victories and keep the atmosphere positive and encouraging. With consistent practice and support, your child can improve their articulation skills and communicate more effectively.⁠


Did you know that 41% of parents hesitate to seek speech therapy for their kids due to fears of stigma? Let’s change that! 🌟 Many worry about labels and what others might think, but getting the right help can lead to amazing progress and brighter futures. Embrace the support your child needs and let’s break the stigma together. 💬

🫶🏼 .sesh


This quick confidence building activity can have SO much power when it comes to teaching your child a new skill or working on a skill they are feeling discouraged about. For example, if your child is learning to write and isn’t quite motivated, start by doing writing or drawing tasks they can do and positive reinforce their efforts. It truly is amazing to watch that little self esteem boost in your child.

Have questions on how to start a new skill? Ask us!👇🏼

For more tips and resources follow .sesh or click the link in bio for online speech and occupational therapy services for kids.


🌟 Tips for a Successful Online Therapy Session for Kids 🌟

✅ Set Up in a Quiet Space: Choose a calm, distraction-free area.
✅Ensure a Strong Wi-Fi Connection: Reliable internet is key for smooth sessions.
✅Test Camera and Sound Prior to Session: Avoid technical hiccups by checking your equipment beforehand.
✅Arrive with a Full Belly: A well-fed child is a focused child!
✅Take Breaks When Needed: Short breaks can help maintain attention and energy.

Create the best environment for your child’s therapy sessions! 💬🧒👧

Visit our website and follow .sesh for more support and resources.


Curious about your child’s fine motor skills?

Here are some exciting milestones you might notice in your 5-6 year old:⁠

* Precision in Hand-Eye Coordination: Crafting, threading beads, and precise scissor work show their improving coordination.⁠

* Neater Writing Skills: Their writing becomes more refined, with letters and numbers taking on a consistent and clearer appearance.⁠

* Handling Small Objects: They master the manipulation of smaller items, like assembling intricate puzzles or using tweezers skillfully.⁠

* Enhanced Pincer Grip: The ability to use thumb and forefinger with precision for tasks like picking up tiny objects.⁠

* Independent Daily Tasks: Dressing, buttoning, tying shoelaces, and using utensils become tasks they tackle confidently on their own.⁠

* Intricate Block Play: They create more elaborate block structures, exploring patterns and designs in detail.⁠

Remember, every child develops uniquely! These milestones are meant as a guide, and if you have any concerns, consulting an occupational therapist can provide tailored support.⁠


Let's have some fun this Wednesday! Type "parenting is" and let predict text finish the sentance. Comment below with your Wacky Wednesday outcome!


Amid life's hustle, don't forget the most crucial appointment – with yourself. Self-care isn't a luxury; it's a necessity for a balanced, fulfilled life. Take a breather, indulge in what fuels your soul, and prioritize your well-being. You're worth the investment!


Did you know that our experiences are shaped by more than just our 5 basic senses? Dive into the fascinating world of sensory processing and discover the 8 different sensory systems that play a crucial role in our daily lives!

1. Visual (Sight): It's not just about what we see, but how we process and interpret visual information around us.

2. Auditory (Hearing): From the subtlest whispers to booming sounds, our auditory system helps us perceive and understand the world through sound.

3. Tactile (Touch): Our sense of touch not only identifies texture but also provides vital information about pressure, temperature, and pain.

4. Gustatory (Taste): Beyond the basic tastes of sweet, sour, salty, and bitter, our sense of taste helps us savor and differentiate flavors.

5. Olfactory (Smell): The sense of smell doesn't just detect scents; it triggers memories, emotions, and associations with the world around us.

6. Vestibular (Balance and Movement): This system keeps us steady and balanced, detecting changes in position and movement.

7. Proprioception (Body Awareness): It's what allows us to sense where our body is in space and how it's moving without relying on vision.

8. Interoception (Internal Body Signals): This system detects internal body cues like hunger, thirst, pain, and other bodily sensations.

Understanding and supporting these sensory systems can make a significant difference, especially for children navigating their environment. Embrace the uniqueness of sensory experiences and let's explore the world through all eight senses together!

Photos from TeleSesh's post 01/24/2024

Think you know all about SLPs? Let's set the record straight! Here are some common misconceptions:

Have more questions about what we do? Ask away! Let's break these myths together!

Photos from TeleSesh's post 01/23/2024

Literacy isn't just about reading; it's a journey of exploration and discovery for your child. It starts with spoken language, evolving from babbling to storytelling, nurturing language fluency. Learning letters, sounds, and words lays the groundwork for reading readiness, while scribbling, drawing, and forming letters foster writing skills. Understanding stories and expressing thoughts help kids interpret and communicate ideas effectively. Remember, literacy is an ongoing adventure that cultivates a love for continuous learning through reading, storytelling, and creative play.


Redefining our approach to support and growth, let's embrace this philosophy beyond therapy. It's not about 'fixing' but empowering – in parenting, teaching, and mentoring. Let's guide, nurture, and inspire, recognizing that every child's journey is about unlocking their unique potential, one step at a time.


Hi there! I’m Jenn, and I’m the executive assistant at Connect Teletherapy. I am one of the only ones throughout the company that doesn’t have a degree in therapy, but after just a few short months of working here, I’ve gained a new found love for this industry. Connect Teletherapy, and the mission behind the company, has brought light to my love for learning, taught me how to better handle situations in my own life and given me a sense of purpose. I have a heart to help people and seeing the impact that therapy can make in the lives of others (especially children) truly brings me joy. I’m honored to be working as such an amazing company. And who knows, maybe one day I’ll start working on a degree in therapy services!

Photos from TeleSesh's post 01/18/2024

Dyslexia is more than just a reading difficulty; it's a unique way of processing information. Let's shed some light on this complex yet fascinating condition. 🌟

What is Dyslexia? Dyslexia is a learning difference that affects the way the brain processes written and spoken language. It can impact reading, spelling, writing, and even speech.

It's Not a Sign of Intelligence: Dyslexia has no correlation with intelligence. In fact, individuals with dyslexia often exhibit strengths in areas such as creativity, problem-solving, and thinking outside the box.

Varied Challenges: Dyslexia doesn’t present the same way in every individual. Some may struggle with decoding words, while others might face difficulties with spelling or organizing thoughts.

Early Signs: Early indicators of dyslexia include delayed speech, difficulty learning letters or rhyming, and challenges with reading comprehension despite intelligence.

Support and Strategies: With the right support and tailored strategies, individuals with dyslexia can thrive. Multisensory learning approaches and assistive technology can aid in learning.

Understanding dyslexia helps create a supportive environment that fosters strengths and empowers individuals to overcome challenges. 🌈💪 Spread awareness and embrace neurodiversity!


Curious about your child's fine motor skills? Here are some exciting milestones you might notice in your 5-6 year old:

* Precision in Hand-Eye Coordination: Crafting, threading beads, and precise scissor work show their improving coordination.

* Neater Writing Skills: Their writing becomes more refined, with letters and numbers taking on a consistent and clearer appearance.

* Handling Small Objects: They master the manipulation of smaller items, like assembling intricate puzzles or using tweezers skillfully.

* Enhanced Pincer Grip: The ability to use thumb and forefinger with precision for tasks like picking up tiny objects.

* Independent Daily Tasks: Dressing, buttoning, tying shoelaces, and using utensils become tasks they tackle confidently on their own.

* Intricate Block Play: They create more elaborate block structures, exploring patterns and designs in detail.

Remember, every child develops uniquely! These milestones are meant as a guide, and if you have any concerns, consulting an occupational therapist can provide tailored support.


Children are incredibly adept at expressing themselves beyond words. Through a myriad of non-verbal cues, they convey their thoughts, emotions, and needs. From gestures like pointing or waving to using facial expressions such as smiles, frowns, or eye contact, they paint a vivid picture of their inner world. Their body language, including postures and movements, speaks volumes about their feelings and intentions. Some kids utilize visual aids like pictures, symbols, or technological tools to communicate, while others may rely on sign language. Understanding and embracing these diverse modes of expression are essential in comprehending and fostering their unique communication styles. Non-verbal communication is a powerful tool for children to express themselves effectively, even without words. Understanding and supporting these forms of expression are key to nurturing their communication skills!


Every conversation is an opportunity to wield the power of speech for good. Let's speak kindness, encouragement, and positivity into every interaction, lifting others up, inspiring change, and leaving a positive imprint. Our words hold immense strength – let's use them to illuminate, uplift, and create a brighter world.


Hi! I am Abby Bannister, and I am the School and Client Coordinator for Connect Teletherapy. I am a Speech-Language Pathologist by trade, but joining CT and making the shift to a leadership role has been the biggest blessing in my career. I love the supportive atmosphere that CT embodies, promotes and celebrates. During my time in the field as SLP, I found that not all companies champion their employees and clients as I felt they needed and deserved. It has been my mission to ensure that all staff members and clients who trust CT feel supported, valued and challenged to be the best they can be. I can honestly say that Connect Teletherapy strives to be cutting-edge in all areas while maintaining strong ethics and outstanding support for all. I love being a part of a company that truly performs at the highest standards!


Looking to nurture your child's ability to express thoughts and feelings? Here are some effective strategies to enhance expressive language:

1. Encourage Conversation: Engage your child in conversations about their day, interests, and experiences. Ask open-ended questions and actively listen to their responses.

2. Expand Vocabulary: Introduce new words during everyday activities. Describe objects, actions, and emotions, enriching their vocabulary and language variety.

3. Storytelling and Narration: Encourage storytelling or describing events. This fosters imagination, structure, and the ability to convey information sequentially.

4. Role-Playing and Pretend Play: Encourage imaginative play scenarios where your child needs to communicate ideas, fostering creativity and language expression.

5. Model Speech: Speak clearly and at an appropriate pace. Model correct grammar and sentence structure during conversations.

6. Reading Together: Share books, discuss stories, and encourage your child to express thoughts about characters, events, and emotions encountered in the book.

7. Patience and Support: Provide a supportive environment where your child feels comfortable expressing themselves. Offer patience and positive reinforcement.

With these playful and engaging activities, you can nurture your child's ability to express themselves confidently and effectively!


Receiving a dyslexia diagnosis can be overwhelming, but it's also a pivotal moment for understanding and supporting your child's unique learning needs. Here are some steps to navigate this journey together:

Understanding Dyslexia: Educate yourself about dyslexia. Learn how it affects your child and what strengths they bring to the table.

Seek Professional Guidance: Connect with educators, therapists, and specialists experienced in dyslexia. They can provide tailored strategies and support.

Create a Supportive Environment: Embrace your child's strengths and offer encouragement. Celebrate their successes and create a safe space for learning.

Explore Assistive Tools: Investigate tools and resources that can aid learning, such as audiobooks, speech-to-text apps, or multisensory learning methods.

Advocate for Your Child: Be their advocate. Collaborate with teachers and schools to ensure your child receives necessary accommodations and support.

Remember, a dyslexia diagnosis doesn't define your child's abilities; it's just a part of who they are. Together, we can empower and support them in achieving their full potential.


Each day is an opportunity to embrace this ethos, turning challenges into stepping stones toward growth. Whether it's tackling a new project, learning a skill, or facing personal hurdles, let's approach them with the mindset of occupational therapy – breaking barriers and uncovering endless possibilities, one step at a time.

Photos from TeleSesh's post 01/05/2024

Did you know that the journey of reading and speech development go hand in hand, forming a beautiful synergy in a child's learning process? Let's dive into this incredible link!

Building Blocks of Speech: Reading aloud to children not only introduces them to language but also helps in phonemic awareness, the foundation of speech sounds and language development.

Vocabulary Expansion: As children explore books, they encounter new words, phrases, and expressions, enriching their vocabulary and improving their speech clarity and fluency.

Grammar and Syntax: Exposure to various sentence structures and grammatical forms through reading aids in understanding language rules, benefiting speech production and sentence formation.

Comprehension Skills: Reading comprehension enhances a child's ability to understand and process information, indirectly supporting better communication and articulation.

Promoting Conversations: Reading encourages discussions, fostering communication skills, and providing opportunities for practicing speech sounds and sentence structures.

Encouraging children to read and explore diverse literature not only ignites a love for storytelling but also nurtures essential language and speech skills. Embrace the power of reading in nurturing confident and articulate communicators!


In our daily interactions, let's embrace the essence of this quote by listening actively, seeking to understand before responding, and empathizing with others' perspectives. Whether it's a conversation with a friend, a family member, or a colleague, let's aim to communicate not just verbally but with empathy and genuine connection. By doing so, we create spaces filled with understanding and forge stronger, more meaningful relationships.


For parents of children with sensory sensitivities, the new year can bring its own set of challenges. Here are some tips to help you and your child start the year with confidence and comfort:

1. Prepare for Celebrations: Discuss upcoming events and celebrations with your child. Knowing what to expect can reduce anxiety.

2. Sensory-Friendly Spaces: Create sensory-friendly zones at home where your child can retreat if they become overwhelmed.

3. Noise Reduction: Use noise-canceling headphones or earplugs at loud gatherings, ensuring your child's comfort.

4. Routine and Predictability: Stick to routines and schedules as much as possible, providing a sense of predictability.

5. Sensory Toolkit: Carry a sensory toolkit with fidget toys, chewelry, or other sensory tools that can help your child self-regulate.

6. Dress Comfortably: Choose clothing made from soft, comfortable fabrics to minimize tactile sensitivities.

7. Mindful Activities: Engage in calm and sensory-friendly activities, like nature walks, art, or soothing music.

8. Educate Others: Help friends and family understand your child's sensory needs to ensure everyone's comfort during gatherings.

9. Self-Care: Don't forget self-care for yourself. Caring for your well-being enables you to provide better support.

10. Celebrate Achievements: Celebrate your child's accomplishments, no matter how small. Each step forward is a reason for joy.

The new year is an opportunity for growth, understanding, and connection. By embracing your child's sensory sensitivities and providing support, you're setting the stage for a successful and harmonious year ahead.

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About Us

Connect Teletherapy was founded by Melissa Ramirez, M.A. CCC/SLP. Connect Teletherapy was born after realizing how many children need more therapy services, but have constraints to receiving these services due to either travel, time schedules, large school caseloads, or accessibility. By delivering fun, interactive speech therapy services virtually, our mission is to give every child access to speech therapy services with as little constraints as possible.

“I have seen many children fall behind and I want to be part of the mission to make sure every child has an equal opportunity in life to connect with others and be the best version of themselves.”

Connect Teletherapy works with both schools and individuals to deliver online speech and language therapy services. Through our interactive therapy platform, we are able to address speech and language deficits including social and pragmatic (social groups), articulation and phonology, language, stuttering, reading comprehension, and more.

Contact us for a free trial to see how our services work for yourself.

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Wishing You a Season of Joy, Connection, and Bright Futures!From all of us at Connect Teletherapy, we want to express ou...
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Connect Teletherapy




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