
Who are we in the reality of motherhood? Was the birth of your journey traumatic? Are you feeling ov

It is my wish for every woman to be empowered through her own creative process, whether it’s the birth of her child, the birth of her own business or just the creative process of living her life with courage, always staying true to her nature. Becoming a doula and then a transformational birth coach was one of the most natural progressions in my life. My passion for the human experience continues


Metamorphosis is a beautiful yet challenging process that can happen in all stages of life. Just like the transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly, we, too, can undergo a Metamorphosis that leads to growth and change.

Saturn Return marks the completion of one cycle and the beginning of another, often accompanied by a period of self-reflection and reassessment of one's values and goals. Those currently experiencing their Saturn return, a time of immense change and transformation, can relate to this process. It can be a tough time, but remember that just like the caterpillar, you, too, are on your way to becoming a beautiful butterfly. Embrace the changes, trust the process, and watch as you emerge stronger and more resilient than ever before.

Art by Esther
Yin yang by
Her work is for sale. Follow the link in my bio to reach out and purchase yours. Her work is timeless and makes an incredible statement in the home or office.

PS: follow the link in my bio to enjoy live raw poetry shared, good morning musings and more.
You can also book a call to join an incredible program where you get to embrace who you are, find your balance and shed the clutter of expectation and media.


Cindy Silverlock one of my teachers in the wonderful practice of Metamorphosis, shares the words below. This simple yet profound practice has brought refreshing and unique perspective to my life when I most needed it.

A practice that has served me and my family and community. I am thankful and want to share.

"Metamorphosis offers a unique perspective on viewing the dynamic of life. What I find most beneficial is that it makes it all very simple.

We have been looking at the small picture (symptoms) and when we step back a little further - we can see the underlying bigger picture.

The dance of consciousness and matter are affected by the degree of tension that enters in with each of us at conception. Those with more tension have more distance between thought and action... meaning life doesn't flow as easily. Tension is in the way.

This tension is unconscious and expresses itself compulsively - which explains why we all have 'issues' we can't seem to make sense of - or can't see to get past them.

The picture is simple - the greater the underlying tension the more symptoms one experiences. This includes physical, emotional, mental and spiritual - creating the drama, chaos and dis-ease we all experience in varying degrees.

Metamorphosis addresses the underlying tension - versus the symptomatic expression. Because the bigger picture isn't something we can intellectualize - we simply use touch with intent to ease deep layers of tension. I like to call this allowing versus doing - we are so used to 'doing' too much! Letting go isn't a doing activity!

As this tension eases, you find that life gets more enjoyable. Your relationships improve, your 'issues' ease and you are able to be the person you want to be..."


Daylight savings
For what?
To save gasoline?

How many of us?

May the sun be our alliance.
Harnessing its wise heat
it's bright light.

Trust how we cycle with the earth.
Changing the rhythm. Finding the beat to be in harmony with it.
The earth knows the song
Life gave it to her first
Mother of life.

The sun, our father,
who holds the structure of the day
when we play.
In the light and warmth
we gather.

In the waters of life, we rest,
we become

Breathing into this forced hand of time,
the ease with which we move when we follow the sun, second-guessed.
Infuriated, I lean into my irritation.

Sensing the change
Acknowledging the seasons
Loving the cycles.
Keep moving.

I Take responsibility for every thought that crosses my mind,
every interpretation is my own
mountain to climb.
When I reach the top, I find perspective.
Views change, and so does my vision,

I sit in deep appreciation for this constantly evolving and changing platform life allows us to experience.

I am grateful to be part of this earth and blessed to know my expression matters when I move with the loving intent to enhance our experience.


Good morning.

Connection is everything.

The sky turns colors
Asking for my attention
Cats rest by my feet
Some on my shoulders.
I contemplate life
Myself in it
And the impact of the moments
Being called
Looking for the voice
It’s direction
The next moment
My existence
And yours.

Can we continue
To move and be here
This way
It’s a way
Days are full

I dream forward
Holding for evidence
Of love

Photos from DoulaQuinne's post 11/28/2022

“The world has enough beautiful mountains and meadows, spectacular
skies and serene lakes. It has enough lush forests, flowered fields, and
sandy beaches. It has plenty of stars and the promise of a new sunrise and sunset every day. What the world needs more of is people to
appreciate and enjoy it.”


This time of the year allows us to appreciate life out loud. Let’s not hold back.

I dive into it in my new blog.

It’s my unique puzzle of a life that I appreciate most and each person and moment that makes the pieces fit.

#2022 (morphosis)

PM Videocast #38 Quinne Brown Huffman - Wellness Coach DoulaQuinne 11/16/2022

Always excited to share my journey.
Thanks Michel!

PM Videocast #38 Quinne Brown Huffman - Wellness Coach DoulaQuinne
Co-Produced by Philemonday Agency and MyVoiceUK
Credits Music: J.W. Moore
Sources: © Philemonday Ltd. © MyVoiceUK Ltd.
November 2022.

PM Videocast #38 Quinne Brown Huffman - Wellness Coach DoulaQuinne PM Videocast #38 Quinne Brown Huffman - Wellness Coach DoulaQuinne Co-Produced by Philemonday Agency and MyVoiceUKCredits Music : J.W. Moore Sources : © Phil...



Happy birthday.

It still feels like the beginning and it’s been lifetimes.


Playing with and and and and and . These moments make my collaborating spirit and joy flair.

When we join hands in the field beyond wrong and right, the moment makes sense. It’s in this field that nothing but the present matters.

When I can see through your window and learn a new perspective, when I become less attached to my proposed outcome and let the proposal just be the inspiration for the next step, when I care more about the journey and less about what you might think, then being in this field is easy.

I wish to play here more with more ease.
I know this will take practice.

I have believed the lies about there being a right way for so long. To trust my way will take practice.

Photos from DoulaQuinne's post 09/27/2022

I am officially open for business again.

After a massive transition period and time in the field of transformation myself, I am happy to announce that my virtual door has opened.

Jump into the birth-coaching program with me and let’s prepare for your baby’s arrival. This is a 3month/9 week container. (If you are in Los Angeles area I am available as your birth doula.) The beautiful gift of this program is that your toolbox will be crafted and filled your way, personalized and easily accessible.

A little more info:

“Quinne is a DONA-trained doula and certified transformational birth and mindfulness coach. For the past 10 years, she has supported many couples as a doula and worked in the coaching space with individuals who felt overwhelmed amid transition. She uses the specific tools of prenatal therapy, Thai Yoga massage, movement, breath, and mindfulness to awaken wholeness. She believes in the power of storytelling and improvisation and has a very playful coaching style.” 09/09/2022

Follow this link to learn more about the Birth Coach Method.

I am so excited to be part of this community.

I am Ready to serve the new parents looking to be empowered, make choices aligned with their truth and beliefs and have a joyful time birthing and raising their children.

Photos from DoulaQuinne's post 07/09/2022

A blessed evening. Sharing our joy of song, story and art with everyone in McGregor was a privilege. Thank you Steve and Meg and your beautiful staff for creating a magical space.

Vlerke a story about true love and connection with what will give you wings.

and just love and deep gratitude for our collaboration.


Friday night! 8 July 2022. With


This feels like a message for us as a collective, from soul:
“Believe yourself, believe in yourself, the whispers from your soul-self.
Be at ease with the clarity. Your body and mind is in sync.
Keep listening and trusting.

There is so much beauty in the way it all is unfolding. There is no pressure to do, so try just to be.
Keep moving and trusting. Lean in and know that you have enough and are enough. Follow the dots”


I am a voice over artist.

Follow the QR code to view my profile with .etc .etc


With just love.


Dear South Africa. I look forward to landing on your soil and be under your blue sky soon.

“It feels good to be lost in the right direction”-Unknown

The month of June and July I will be in South Africa. My work continues and deepens when I move.

Keep moving, Charaiveti, my mantra and my sanity.

Get in touch.


"If you limit your choices only to what seems possible or reasonable, you disconnect yourself from what you truly want, and all that is left is a compromise." Robert Fritz

I am reviewing and learning. Recognizing my truth and how I love. Unwilling to compromise. Looking at how I move through this world.

I recognize that I am human and all I really have is this one next step I take, this one thought I think and the only control I have is the perspective I choose no matter the occurrence.

Feeling blessed as we recover from COVID and ready ourselves for yet another transition. The endless cycle continues.
I have learned to look forward to the transformation every transition and move, ending and beginning holds.

Acceptance, compassion and gratitude my intentional way of being today.
What is your “to-be” list today?


Follow this simple reminder and come celebrate being you under the full moon in sacred circle.

May 14th

San Diego



How blessed we are under the blue sky!

Skating with my girls! aaah homeschooling is not so bad🥴

Embracing where we are the key to finding joy.
Acceptance allows flow.

May you know choice in each moment.

Who am I?
I have been an explorer of our human experience since I can remember and more consciously for the past 20 years.
The clarity really came when I discovered Metamorphosis.
And subsequently many puzzle pieces that form my experiences and fill my toolkit.

20 years ago I became aware of the power of acceptance, accountability and choice:
When I woke up one morning after months of discontent, disconnectedness and what felt like depression.
Anxiety governed my days, then one morning I woke up and a deep realization hit me.
I chose this, I decided to do what I was doing...what I was feeling and my perspective was a chosen crafted one.
The realization of my ability to choose gave me the freedom to choose again. And in my acceptance that ‘this’ was my doing, I became accountable for each of my subsequent choices. I opened to wanting to feel different and I looked up.
Opportunities showed up, showing me other realities I would never even have considered..
I love stories, hearing them, playing them and telling them.

I am a seeker and story teller(actress), poetry is my language and holding and creating space for you is my joy.

I have stepped into many different roles, all of them with my whole heart and they seem to amalgamate more around each corner. From student/traveler to actress to doula to poet/writer to coach. None of these stand separate. They are all parts of me playing the game whole heartedly.

If you want to join the game and play along. Reach out and let’s connect.
I won’t lie, it does take courage to look ourselves in the mirror and not shy from our truths.

I look forward to hearing from you.
Link in Bio


Too often, we feel cut off and separate from life. We mistake the map for the territory.
Huckleberry Finn talked to Tom Sawyer. Tom said, "We are in Kansas now." Huckleberry replies, "No, we ain't, I've seen Kansas on the map, and it's pink."

There is much in this world to create the feeling that we're separate, when in fact, we're connected to everything around us. The Earth and nature, for example, are your extended body. When you breathe in, nature pours into you. When you exhale, you breathe back into nature. Without nature, we don't exist.


Allow me to create the compass this full moon. All you have to do is show up and be there. Come with a sister to hold your hand and be brave, it is time.

We will dive in with breath, movement, and poignant ritual and give voice to what matters most to us.

This is your circle time.

Follow the link in Tourmaline Birth and Wellness] bio to book your spot or just DM me to confirm you will be there. We accept payment on the night and all is welcome.
(Please confirm you are coming so that we can prepare your space.)

April 16, 2022 @ 7pm at Tourmaline Birth and Wellness] in Pacific Beach California.

When we honor the cycles nature mirrors for us we can start to feel refreshed, we can lean into our strength and feel supported.

It’s Spring!!! Let’s dance and play and blossom!


What do you need to let go of and clear up so that you can spring forward?

See you Saturday.

Just love

Dm me with any questions about booking you spot
Go to bio for the booking link.


Hello beloved

My personal invite to you.
I would love for you to join our Sacred Moon Circle.
April 16th, under the full moon at 7pm.

We will gather at Tourmaline Birth Collective.
4545 Fanuel St, San Diego, CA 92109

Tickets for the gathering are $55 and you are welcome to bring a sister or friend.
This is a '0ne-for-two' ticket as I like to say when I mean 2for1:).
(If you would rather pay after you arrive, that is perfect. I do ask that you confirm your attendance with me beforehand, please, even if that is on the day, this will allow me to set up the space for YOU.)

Bring something cool or warm to drink and something cozy in case the moon calls us outside.

Come with an open heart and mind and let's connect and expand.

Just Love


Sacred Moon Circle
Let us celebrate the new beginnings spring is offering.
April 16th, under the full moon at 7pm.

We will gather at Tourmaline Birth Collective.
4545 Fanuel St, San Diego, CA 92109

Tickets for the gathering are $55 and you are welcome to bring a sister or friend.
This is a '0ne-for-two' ticket as I like to say when I mean 2for1:).

Come with an open heart and mind and let's connect and expand.

Just Love

Photos from DoulaQuinne's post 04/08/2022

So many feelings...
and then I remember:
"Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness. How do you know this is the experience you need? Because this is the experience you are having at the moment."
Eckhart Tolle

Turning 11 as a mother has been feeling very significant and transformative.

There are many new beginnings in our orbit currently.

Maybe you also feel shifted this season too?
Whether it's because the chill of autumn is moving in or the sun of spring is waking you up.
I would love to know how you honor the transformation each cycle holds for you.

Remember to book your spot at April's full moon Sacred Circle at where we will release what holds us back and embrace all we choose to be grateful for.

I look forward to sharing space and time with you.

you are welcome to dm me for details.



As women, mothers and sisters we are the creators of community. We have high expectations and hold ourselves accountable for everyone else’s experience. Is this true?

Do you have the courage to release the negative attachments, toxic relationships, bad habits and unhealthy thought patterns under the soft, clear gaze of the full moon?
Are you courageous enough to hold yourself accountable for your own experience?


Being a mom should not be your full title.

As a mom, you are still allowed to have your own identity.


𝑫𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒂 𝒗𝒔. 𝑩𝒂𝒃𝒚 𝑵𝒖𝒓𝒔𝒆

Have you ever wondered what the difference is?

Check out the image to better explain the difference.

Doula Clients' Enrollment 03/24/2022

for doulas:

Doula Clients' Enrollment

Want your practice to be the top-listed Clinic in Santa Monica?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

How blessed we are under the blue sky! Skating with my girls! aaah homeschooling is not so bad🥴Embracing where we are th...
What do you need to let go of and clear up so that you can spring forward?See you Saturday. Just love Dm me with any que...
Sacred Moon CircleLet us celebrate the new beginnings spring is offering. April 16th, under the full moon at 7pm. We wil...
Hello beloved My personal invite to you. I would love for you to join our Sacred Moon Circle.April 16th, under the full ...
Women and mothers of San Diego.  @tourmaline_collective We invite you to join us in the Red Tent to celebrate your commu...
Every adventure brings abundance and will reward the brave. 😍Travel is happening. Being safe and doing necessary paperwo...
FREE online Mini Retreat for Awakening Mothers.16, 17, 18 November at 6pm-7pm (South African time) in our private Facebo...
You are Pregnant. Now what!?!Let's get prepared and learn how to nourish ourselves and our baby. Deepen and strengthen o...
Journaling prompts.Are you aware of the value of journaling, but have no idea where to start?Follow through first thing ...
girls just wanna have fun!!!@theupperdeckbus#justlove #choice #freedom #charaiveti #quinnebrown #doulaquinne #awareness ...
Can't sit still? Try a walking meditation. Benefits :Physical awareness will bring your mind to peace and stillness The ...


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