You're Up First Podcast

We talk about optimizing your health, relationships and career, because it's all connected.


Here’s a question...

What happens when you’re at the pinnacle of your career, sharing the stage as a professional cellist with the likes of the Eagles, Andrea Botticelli, and Lady Gaga, and yet something just isn’t right? Cue the panic attacks, throwing up off stage and a general feeling of dread before a performance.

This is what happened to my guest, Elizabeth Marshall creator of , who joins me on the pod today to talk about the highs and lows of a spiritual life transformation. Sometimes a season of change finds you in the least likely place and does whatever it takes to get your attention.

The good news is all of the mess and muck that ensues once you say yes to change, leads to some serious magic and a life redefined. Hop in on this beautiful conversation and let’s hear how.

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If putting more time into social media to build your business makes you cringe, this is the episode for you!

It doesn’t have to be a miserable task if you know what to do, and who is best equipped to help.

Today, I’m joined by Abby Bradetich the Founder and Creative Director of - a design and social media agency that specializes in branding, copywriting, web design, and social media.

Working with a diverse set of bold female founders, Abbey helps her clients to be THE go-to in their industry. She empowers her clients to grow their brand and build community by creating clarity, consistency, and confidence everywhere they show up online.

Could this be you, too? Hop in and find out!


Do you pay attention to your own self-talk? 

You might be surprised that when you do, it’s full of judgment not only of yourself but others you don’t even know. A common pitfall of our judgment is around our aging bodies and minds, and it’s deeply ingrained in our psyche from a young age. Because of this internalized ageism, we make assumptions about what age means, what it says about the aging population, and how we are somehow doing it wrong. 

Ageism is present at every age and affects everyone. The good news is that it can be turned around with educated and intentional conversations full of curiosity and respect. 

To discuss the topic of ageism there is no better guest than Kris Geerken, Co-Director of Changing the Narrative where she developed the Age-Friendly Healthcare program, including the production of the educational film Antidotes for Ageism. Kris also developed the toolkit for intergenerational conversations on ageism. 

Hop in and let’s talk about ageism and how we can do better for ourselves and each other.

Apple | Spotify | Audible


I’ve invited to the podcast today Sarah Dickinson of to talk about why an email newsletter (no matter what your business, passion or topic) is the number ONE place to build whatever it is you want more of.

Do you want to sell your ceramics? Do you want to be an expert in your industry? Do you want better clients that are pre-qualified and warmed up to buy from you? An email newsletter is the way to get there. It doesn’t have to be elaborate, or fancy. It just has to be consistent and offer value to those receiving it.

So let’s hop in and talk about this powerful tool and lift the veil on how easy it is to connect with your community of perfect clients and engaged followers.

So go ahead and sharpen your quill, grab your pot of ink, and let’s get started!

Streaming on Apple | Spotify | Audible


Let’s talk about taking big risks, shall we? 

They are terrifying! They trigger our primal brain so that we feel like we’re in real danger. It’s why most of us don’t take big risks or make big changes - because it stirs up all of the demons and fears we don’t normally deal with in our busy lives. But if there is a nagging feeling that something needs to change, and soon, chances are something needs to change soon! 

So today, I’m joined by fellow podcaster and empathic life coach, Linda Brand, to talk about her big risks, and the rewards that come when you jump, even when it’s the scariest thing you’ve ever done. Linda and I talk about why risk-taking is important, how to do it, and what it looks like in the messy middle before we fully embody the change. 

This is a sweet and inspiring conversation, and I’m so excited to share this wisdom.


I’ve been percolating for a few years now on the gender roles not only in our society but in my home. So, when Gloria Steinem’s 90th birthday rolled around in March, I knew it was a sign to do an episode on Modern Feminism. 

So many women besides Gloria have thrown their passion and voice into the conversation and because of this, so much has shifted in our favor over the last 60 years. There is still work to do, but the question is what does the work look like now, and who is doing it? 

A little hint: If you are alive right now, this is your time in history to effect change. The future is counting on us to pick up the baton and run our leg down the field.

I’m picking up the baton today with my amazing guest, Chloe Redmond, of .  Together we talk about where we’ve been, what being a feminist looks like today, and how that might shape the future. 

This is an important conversation for all of us to have in our way. I hope this is an inspiration. 

Apple | Spotify | Audible


Here we are again, talking about money!

Why? It’s important because, for something we earn, touch, use, and interact with every day we sure have a hard time understanding how to make it work for us. For too many of us, especially women, it feels like we work for it but rarely feel we have any control over it. 

Let’s change that! 

On today’s episode, I’m joined by the CEO of a financial advisor for one of Forbes’ top 20 Wealth Management Companies.

Stephanie works with female entrepreneurs to improve their relationships with money, ease the fears of money management, and achieving their financial goals. Today we talk about how women are especially vulnerable to financial insecurity with the added responsibility of stepping away from a career to raise children or to care for aging parents.

Even if someone else is taking care of your finances and the family or partnership income, it’s critically important that you are safeguarded against unexpected circumstances. 

As with most things, you can begin with small steps, including professional help.

Jump in and let’s learn how!
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Dear Introverts,

It’s easy to think we’re doing something wrong. Many of who we see realizing success and getting attention are the ones who feel comfortable getting attention.

I am really inconsistent about content and outreach and self-promotion as a business owner partly because I get a major exposure hangover after I put a bunch out into the world, and I need a week or more to recover. I always feel like I’m doing something wrong, like I’m undisciplined or non-commital, which isn’t true. My biggest problem is that I’m comparing myself to the wrong people. I shouldn’t be comparing myself at all!

That’s why I love today’s conversation so much. This isn’t about what you are doing wrong, it’s really about finding what you do right naturally and then playing into that. When it’s stuff that lights you up and makes you feel good, you are much more likely to stick to it.

So today, I’ve invited to the conversation an award-winning business coach Katherine Mackenzie-Smith who is a champion and strategist for introverts and highly sensitive souls. Katherine calls her clients gentle leaders, and she’s here to share how to create a successful and sustainable business through our innate wisdom and strengths - no big social media stunts required.

Today’s episode is all about finding what fits for you and then allowing that to be your magic as a business owner and leader.

Listen at or streaming on
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Photos from You're Up First Podcast's post 04/11/2024

Have you been awakened?

If you’ve walked through any level of a spiritual a-ha then you will want to hop into this delicious conversation with , author of the book In Deep Shift.

Spiritual Awakenings have markers that are universal experiences, and while whole phases can be disorienting and lonely, Valerie and her beautiful book are here to assure you that YOU ARE NOT ALONE!

Grab yourself a copy and join the conversation about the highs and lows of waking up to yourself and the life you’re meant to live.

Episodes available on or streaming on Apple | Audible | Spotify


Are you cut out for self-employment but don’t know how to make the jump?

If your answer is yes, then this episode is for you.

Today I’m joined by Numbers Witch and Self-Employment Bookkeeper, Regan Bashara, with who empowers passionate, open-hearted entrepreneurs in their pursuit of a sustainable and profitable business.

Regan helps us identify what we need in place before we jump, and how we might build a sustainable business for the long term.

Listen now on Apple | Spotify | Audible


Thank you to for having me on the to talk about midlife, reiki healing, and how to get ourselves free from the cycle of feeling unwell and out of balance.
Have a listen wherever you stream!


Question for you…what is beauty and who gets to decide the standard?

I thought this was an excellent question for my guest today, as we talk about the $580 billion dollar beauty industry and how the folks behind it might not have our best interest in mind.

Marla’s artistry as a Licensed Skin Therapist and Professional Makeup Artist, has graced the pages of Vogue & Marie Claire, and on shows like Disney, Dr. Oz, and some pretty famous faces. Marlu passionately empowers women in their prime to embrace confidence, self-love, and authenticity, unlocking their true selves and their unique expression of beauty.

Join us as we talk about beauty as defined from the inside out. Streaming on Apple or wherever you get your podcasts.


On this week’s episode, I’m coming to you solo to share about the process of healing, the process of coming home to yourself, and how that looks out in the real world while interacting with other real people, especially the ones we love. 

There is a lot of talk about doing this kind of work, but very little about how we relate differently to people and the world around us in the process. It can get messy and a little unsettling to change, so today I want to talk about tools to help navigate this powerful and brave work of coming home to yourself.


Money, Money, Money. 

What a charged and ever-present topic. Money can hold meaning in significantly different ways for all of us, symbolizing access, status, struggle, or those things we want most that are just out of our reach. 

No matter where we land on the spectrum of having or not having enough money, our relationship with it, how we spend and save it,  and most importantly how we feel about all of that, is vital to having the best relationship with our finances. 

From the archives of Season 1, I’m joined by a Personal Finance Expert and Coach, to share her tips and systems that help us feel better about our money, and empower us around realistic spending and prioritizing saving. 
 Go ahead and grab a pen and paper, I think you’re going to want to take notes on this one.


Did you hear that Facebook and Instagram went down this week?

No big deal unless it’s the only way you’re connecting with your audience and customers.

If you’re interested in a way to guarantee access to your followers and fans that isn’t social, then you’re in luck because today we’re talking about list building, which has the highest return on investment over any other marketing strategy.

Helen Munshi, a list-building and quiz funnel marketing professional joins me to talk about why lists are important, how to build one, and once you have one what to do with it to set your business on fire.


Did you hear that Facebook and Instagram went down this week?

No big deal unless it’s the only way you’re connecting with your audience and customers.

If you’re interested in a way to guarantee access to your followers and fans that isn’t social, then you’re in luck because today we’re talking about list building, which has the highest return on investment over any other marketing strategy.

Helen Munshi, a list-building and quiz funnel marketing professional joins me to talk about why lists are important, how to build one, and once you have one what to do with it to set your business on fire.


Thank you to this week’s podcast sponsor , a Santa Ynez Valley-based business that helps you get organized.

Do you feel stuck or lack the motivation to take on organizational projects in your home or office? Big or small, sometimes all you need is help. That’s where Laura from All Checked Off steps in to help with setting up customized systems, tackling your to-do list and helping clear out what isn’t needed anymore so your space becomes a place of peace.

Being organized is about getting the best out of life.
As the urge to do that deeper clean comes around again this spring, get help from the best at All Checked Off.

Learn more at


The teen years can be a wild ride!

As parents, it’s our job not to make them even harder. 
It’s tempting to make it about us and what we want and need - which is usually feeling in control of their lives even when that isn’t the reality anymore.

The painful part is accepting that, loosening the grip, learning to trust them, and walking them through the highs and lows with love, love, and more love. 

Today I’m joined by Trish Hecker, both a mom of teens and a certified s*x ed teacher, as we take a deep dive into how to parent our teens without all of the drama and disconnection our culture has come to expect.

Don’t miss these pearls of wisdom!!

Listen Here:


Calling all business owners and entrepreneurs!

This one is for you. If you have a business then you know opening one is easy - all you need is something to sell and someone to buy it, and voila you are in business. But to stand out in business, to find your perfect clients in business, and to thrive as a business that is a whole other story.

To stand out, you need something called a brand identity. Good, effective branding is not a shot in the dark. It is a carefully curated process that helps you name what it is you do, who you do it for, and why you do it.

On today’s episode, Brand Strategist asia dore, joins me to talk about the 5 pillars that take a brand from forgettable to remarkable.



Did you know that we have a physical body and an energy body?

When we think about getting healthy, we often focus on our physical body - eating better, sleeping, and exercising. But we also have an energy body that extends about 6’ around our physical body, and it needs almost as much attention to stay healthy and vibrant.

Today we’re revisiting an episode from Season 1 recorded with my dear friend and reiki master, . Loved by so many, Malia has been a guiding light in energy healing around the world, and she joins me on this episode to explain what is reiki energy healing and why it is vital to our well-being.


Did you know that we have a physical body and an energy body?

When we think about getting healthy, we often focus on our physical body - eating better, sleeping, and exercising. But we also have an energy body that extends about 6' around our physical body, and it needs almost as much attention to stay healthy and vibrant.

Today we're revisiting an episode from Season 1 recorded with my dear friend and reiki master, . Loved by so many, Malia has been a guiding light in energy healing around the world, and she joins me on this episode to explain what is reiki energy healing and why it is vital to our well-being.


Well this is fun. Thank you for the ranking stats. Top 100 in 5 categories. I’ll take it!! 👏🏼💫👏🏼💫


Have you considered opening your own business?

It sounds fun and liberating, but it can be too easy to swap one job for another job that takes as much (or more) time as you work for yourself. The key here is to love what you do, get the systems in place to support your time management, and from there understand what it means to be profitable.

On today’s episode, financial planner and advisor Jenni Fox The Profit Co. joins me to talk about what to have in place as a new business owner, and what are the markers and milestones that might push you into the next growth phase of your business.


Okay, friends here’s the deal for 2024…We’re starting the new year ditching the diet mindset. How about it?

Instead, try healing your relationship with food and learning to enjoy nourishing your body. It changes everything when you have the proper fuel, and feel good. When you feel good you look good, naturally.

On today’s episode, Nutrition Mindset Coach, Jacqueline Hackett leads the conversation about something wonderful called Intuitive Eating. This means you get what you need when you need it and feel great about it.

Permission to eat! Can I get a 🙌🏼?

Hop in and get all of the high fives in this episode full of permission slips and yummy conversation.


Happy New Year!

Before you dive into setting up your expectations for the year, let’s talk about resolutions vs. intentions and how all of that plays into how you define authenticity.

On this episode, my guest is , Doctor of Oriental Medicine, who joins me to talk about getting to the heart of your naturally, authentic persona, (i.e. the real you) and bringing that version of you wherever you go.

Where we begin is cultural expectation vs. your true nature. This impacts so many important things, including effective leadership and your own holistic health. It’s all connected!


What a massive year!!

So much happened in the last 12 months I can hardly believe it, but this time of year between Christmas and New Year's can be weird and unsettling. Are we supposed to relax and enjoy, or should we ponder, plan, and make resolutions? It's a question that can make this week feel a little agitated and confusing. Doing it right feels like a lot of pressure.

On today's episode, I look back on the takeaways from 2023, and what to consider if you choose to spend time this week looking ahead. I ask some questions that might help move you closer to what you want more of in your life today, next week, and next year. I'll give you a hint: we're not looking for more commitments, we're looking for more alignment. Big difference!

So hop in and let's take a quick look back and then talk about how to take a constructive look ahead.

Happy New Year. It's going to be a great one!


Today we're talking about suffering. Such a fun holiday topic, but this time of year we want to feel good and joyful, but often pain is holding us back. The funny thing is, we accept that pain - physical, emotional or spiritual - as just part of our humanity.

While it's true, that we do have a “pain body”, we’re not meant to live there. Pain is a messaging system that helps us detect what needs attention so we can tend to it, move along to healing, and get back to feeling good.

Join me in this enlightening conversation with Janis Iseman, owner of My Body Couture, as we talk about full-body sustainability which leads to feeling good nearly all of the time. Hop in and let's learn how this looks and where to begin.


What would your life look like if you were always just you? Not professional you and personal you, not achieving you or palatable you, but just you.

For some reason this is harder than it should be. We wonder about judgement. Would people like me? Would I still get promoted? It’s really amazing how much of our real selves we leave at home in fear of being too much or not enough out in the world.

Today my guest is Laura Hulleman with Endotype Branding who uses the Endotype Formula to help business owners understand that being themselves is all you need to build a successful brand. This is a fun conversation about stripping away the fancy strategies and focusing on the real you, which is the best-selling tool of all.

Hop into episode #40 and then go to the show notes and take Laura’s Endotype quiz! And then go be you!


HOLIDAY SPECIAL: Thank you to this week’s episode sponsors TR Luxury Travel, the finest in travel planning no matter where you dream of going. MENTION and receive $100 OFF your Full Service Planning package. 🧳 ✈️

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“Go enjoy the world, we’ve got you!”

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Join me for the Women Loving Life Forum, next week February 16-17th on zoom! Registration is free and the summit is on z...
So much goodness unfolding. Follow your dreams, folks. They will come true!! 🚀
Get past the pain point, and start talking!! 🙌🏼 💰 🤑
Yep, identity crisis. But you don’t have your stay there!            
Let's talk about time management, productivity, and more free time!Ep 37: Ditch Your To-Do List and Beat Burnout with th...
When Your Side Hustle Is Ready to Be a Career
My friends, get ready for this episode dropping this Thursday!!! I’m joined by Chloe Redmond with @vinovaqueraconsulting...
How much hammering and sawing can one take? How about 3 months!! And right outside the window of the bedroom where I rec...
Yep, it was that fun! Have you met Chloe Redmond with @vinovaqueraconsulting ? Well, you will, and she’s amazing. Today ...
I’M BACK! It was an awesome summer and now I’m pumped to bring you Season 2 of the podcast. I recorded the first episode...
Sometimes the things we teach our kids are really the things we need to hear as adults doing all of the adulting things....
DID YOU KNOWthat juvenile Scrub Jays go around to other Jay nests in the late spring, on a mission to eliminate the comp...



PO Box 1622
Santa Ynez, CA

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