Menachem Mendel Academy

More than a School. A Movement to Radically Revolutionize Jewish Education Globally.

Photos from Menachem Mendel Academy's post 04/26/2024

Chag Sameach and Shabbat Shalom! ✡️

Photos from Menachem Mendel Academy's post 04/15/2024

Today’s a doozy — Tax day and on a Monday?! No need to hide, You’ve got this! 🙌🏼

And speaking of taxes, if you’re an Arizona resident and didn’t use your tax benefit by the end of last year to assign your state taxes to a non-profit of our choice, here’s your reminder!

Since you have to pay state taxes anyway, this is your chance to put all that money to good use! Your donation to our school will not only help your community, but also benefit our future. ☀️

Why donate to MMA? We are a Jewish school starting an education revolution right here in Scottsdale, AZ.🌵

We are working to change the global landscape by changing the education of our children and transforming the way they see the world. 🌎

And you can help us move our mission forward even further with your tax donation.

➡️ This is a completely legitimate, amazing benefit that we have for living here in the great state of Arizona.

If you’ve gotta pay your tax dollars anyway, why not give them to a powerful cause that you believe in, especially if your kids are going here or will be in the future! 🤩

Make a donation and get ahead on your 2024 taxes:

We are grateful for YOU, your family, your contribution, and your partnership. Thank you for your support! ❤️



Trying food from a toddler’s hand is the ultimate test of bravery. 😝

Who needs thrill-seeking adventures when you have toddler snacks? 😅🍽️


Photos from Menachem Mendel Academy's post 04/11/2024

At the beginning of the Pesach Seder, we break the middle Matza in half and the bigger piece gets put away in the Afikoman bag. We save the rest until the end and eat the Afikoman for dessert! So this week, our preschoolers worked hard to create their Afikoman bags for the Seder...we are SO excited for Pesach! ✡️

Photos from Menachem Mendel Academy's post 04/04/2024

We had a special guest who owns a chocolate business come to show us how to make chocolate from cacao. He told us about the different kinds of chocolate: white, brown, and ruby. And we even got to see a real cacao fruit!

But the best part? Our kindergarten class filmed the whole thing and got to use their movie-making skills to present a film to their parents about how chocolate is made!

We will be sharing the rest of this amazing presentation tomorrow. Stay tuned!



This month’s theme is all about responsibility. Teaching that life skill to kids isn’t just about today; it’s about empowering them to become amazing adults. 🌟

By instilling values like accountability and reliability, we’re helping to raise the leaders of tomorrow.
We are always striving to equip our kids with the tools they need to lead with integrity and compassion. ❤️

Follow along this month to see what activities you can use to teach this important character trait to our own kids.

Photos from Menachem Mendel Academy's post 03/27/2024

I had enough bread for everyone’s sandwiches? I quickly found what I needed? A good friend offered a small gesture of kindness? I see, hear, breathe on my own? Amazing! 1000 thank you to You, my Creator! ✨

People who are grateful are happier. It sounds simple but for some of us it requires work because most of the things that happen in our lives aren’t 100% good or 100% bad. 

The way we interpret what happens plays a significant role in determining our feelings about it. If we can get used to being grateful and thankful for the simple things, we automatically devote more attention to the good things that happened to us, we think more positively about reality, and we even store away many more good memories than bad ones. 

If someone is sad at a given time, it’s likely that he will remember sad events from the past. In contrast, we are happy in the ongoing present, happy events from the past will more likely flood our memories. 

Gratitude is the secret to happiness. 😁

What are you grateful for today? ❤️

Caption Credit: Chaya Halevy from a “Collection of Interesting and Surprising Ideas About the Most Precious Commodity of All, Simcha.”


Photos from Menachem Mendel Academy's post 03/27/2024

Laughter expands the blood vessels, the blood flows much more freely, and this reduces the danger of suffering from heart problems. 😆

Doctors performed tests on the extent of the changes following a significant bout of laughter, and it was extremely similar to the benefits derived from a vigorous aerobic workout. 😝

Another study that was carried out over a period of 15 years on aging and Alzheimer’s proved that high levels of positive emotion, laughter, and happy moments at a young age, protect from illness and even extend life.

When’s the last time you’ve had a good laugh? 🤣

Caption Credit: Chaya Halevy from a “Collection of Interesting and Surprising Ideas About the Most Precious Commodity of All, Simcha.”


🎉🎭✨ Join the joy brigade and let the spirit of Purim spread like wildfire! 🔥✨

Ever notice how a single smile can light up a room? That's because joy is contagious – and it's time to spread it like confetti! 🎉💫

As we lead up to Purim, let's be the catalysts for happiness, the instigators of laughter, and the champions of positivity. 💪💖

From high-fives with your coworkers to heartfelt conversations with loved ones, let's actively share our joy with the world, igniting a chain reaction of pure, unadulterated happiness! 🌟

Embrace your inner joy-spreader and let's make every moment brighter, one contagious smile at a time! 😄🌈

May this festive season bring immense joy, laughter, and blessings to all! 🎉🌈

happiness 💓

Photos from Menachem Mendel Academy's post 03/11/2024

Today is Rosh Chodesh Adar Beis.

In English, this means it’s the first day of the extra month of Adar, our Jewish Leap Year!

Now we’re officially in the countdown to Purim, one of the most joyful days of the year, which is only two weeks away.

So, let’s crank up that happiness and find LOTS of things to be grateful for today!!

How about our heads, shoulders, knees, and toes?
How about our warm cozy beds and families we love so much?
How about breakfast, lunch, and dinner?

We have SO MUCH to be grateful for. And whenever we focus on gratitude, happiness flows! ❤️


Even if all year, you’re the optimistic, happy type, there are times of the year that you have the opportunity to ‘step it up’ when the joy should be different. More.

In order to remind us that Simchah, even if it’s part of our routine, can’t always remain the same. We can all push on the Adar button and rejuvenate our joy to new and elevated levels.

And guess what? Even if you have to “fake it til you make it”, your body will get the memo, and you will eventually FEEL happier!

Caption Credit: From a “Collection of Interesting and Surprising Ideas About the Most Precious Commodity of All, Simcha.”



Bonnie Ware is a nurse who worked in hospice care in Australia. The patients were in the final weeks of their lives and they told her their thoughts about life. She asked questions like, “Do you regret anything about the life you lived? Would you do things differently? What else would you want??

One of the answers that came up time and again was, “if only I was happier”.

It’s a pity to wait on an outside circumstance that may never come.

CHOOSE to be happy TODAY! 😁

We may not be able to change the situation, but only WE decide if we suffer.

You hold the power to choose happiness and joy above all else.

Caption Story Credit: From a “Collection of Interesting and Surprising Ideas About the Most Precious Commodity of All, Simcha.”



The Rebbe Rayatz (previous Lubavitcher Rebbe) said that with the power of joy and dance with which the Baal Shem Tov rejoiced and danced with a simple Jew, a harsh decree that hovered over that community was canceled.

The reason lies in the explanation the Baal Shem Tov gave for the verse, “Hashem is your shadow,” that just as a shadow mimics every move you make, so too, G-d behaves with man according to man’s behavior.

When a person here below is in unbounded joy, he arouses joy in the upper realms, all limitations are broken and severe accusations are dismissed.

Caption Credit: From a “Collection of Interesting and Surprising Ideas About the Most Precious Commodity of All, Simcha.”


Happy Leap Year! ​​🎉

This year it’s a DOUBLE LEAP YEAR:

A leap year in both the American and Jewish calendars. 👏🏼 👏🏼

In a secular leap year, you add an extra day.

In a Jewish leap year, we add a whole extra month! ❤


Encourage your young leaders to read and learn because knowledge can take them on exciting journeys.

Academic excellence opens doors to new opportunities and adventures, and reading is the key. 📚



When a person is happy, weaknesses vanish.

In honor of the month of Adar, we’re sharing some happiness tips!

Each of us has limitations and weak points that prevent us from pushing ahead and making progress. When a person is happy, he can overcome various weaknesses, which he can’t do under normal circumstances. ❤️

With joy, a Scrooge can become generous, someone who takes offense can become forgiving, and the weak can be strong. 💪

Even deep, intellectual messages become easier to understand when we’re happy. 🧠

We are more focused and are able to find positive solutions to challenges.

Joy has the ability to expand man’s faculties, and to dispel difficulties and weaknesses.

Drop a ❤️if you needed this reminder today. And don't forget to smile! 😁

Source: “Collection of Interesting and Surprising Ideas About the Most Precious Commodity of All, Simcha.”

😊 ✨

Photos from Menachem Mendel Academy's post 02/16/2024

Fun activities can also strengthen important skills! ✨

Sculpting and squishing playdough isn't just about making shapes; it's a workout for those tiny hands, fostering creativity, and unleashing boundless imagination! 🚀🌟

Plus we get a chance to practice other important life skills, like sharing.

Drop a ♥️ if your child loves playdough as much as we do!

Photos from Menachem Mendel Academy's post 02/15/2024

🍏📚 At MMA, we prioritize whole foods for our students’ mental and physical well-being! 🧠💪

Why? Because nutritious meals fuel sharper minds and stronger bodies.

From improved focus in class to enhanced energy levels on the playground, whole foods are key to academic success and overall health.

Nourishing our students for success, one wholesome bite at a time!

Want to make these delicious muffins at home? Here’s the recipe!

🍓White Chocolate Strawberry Muffins (Kosher, Parve, & Organic)

1/3 cup sugar (pure cane, coconut, or pure maple syrup)
1/3 cup olive oil or vegan butter (at room temp)
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 cup non-dairy milk (almond, cashew, oat, soy, etc)
1 cup non-dairy white chocolate chips
2 cups flour (all-purpose, whole wheat, spelt, or combo)
2 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
pinch of salt
1 1/2 cups of strawberries, diced (plus extra for topping)

PREP: Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Line a muffin tin with parchment paper liners or lightly grease with oil.

BATTER: In the bottom of a large mixing bowl, add the sugar and oil/butter. Mix well. Add the vanilla and non-dairy milk, stir to combine. Lastly, add the flour, baking powder, and salt. Mix until combined.

🍓ADD STRAWBERRIES: Toss in the strawberries and gently fold them into the batter.

SCOOP: Fill each muffin-lined hole with batter. For uniformity, fill muffin tin using a ¼ measuring cup or large ice cream scooper to scoop up the batter and pour into the muffin holes.

TOPPING: Add a few strategic strawberries on top and sprinkle the top with a little pure cane sugar or raw sugar. The sugar will add a nice crunch to the tops!

BAKE: Place in the oven on the center rack and bake for 30 – 35 minutes. Let cool for a few minutes and enjoy warm or at room temperature.

Makes 12 muffins

Enjoy! 😋


Let’s dive into some fun and make the most of every moment! 😄🎉👏🏼

Photos from Menachem Mendel Academy's post 02/09/2024

We love to encourage and support our children’s creativity to spark imagination to promote innovation and self-expression.

“Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.” - Pablo Picasso 🎨

Photos from Menachem Mendel Academy's post 02/06/2024

You know that it is important to read to your kids, but did you know the benefits of reading together go far beyond just learning to read? 📚

Reading to young children not only helps them build language skills, but it also exposes them to new words and ways of using language. Something that will help them when they are in school. ✏️

Books also will help your children build empathy and learn how to handle challenging feelings. You can use this as a chance to talk about emotions and how to cope with them.

For example, you might say: “Have you ever felt as angry as the girl in this book? What would you do if you did?”

Even a few minutes of reading together gives you and your child a chance to slow down and connect.

And here’s something cool — the sensory experience of sitting with you and hearing your voice also engages their brain in a way that makes learning easier. ❤️

There’s no one right way to do this. You can read to them in any language, or multiple languages. You don’t have to do it at the same time everyday. Even just reading while they play can be a good way to connect.

The important thing is for your child to hear words and language and to have books be part of their daily life. Any steps you can take will make a big difference. 💙



We are honored and always in awe of the honor to help shape and encourage these young minds!

“Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.” – John Dewey

We couldn’t agree more!

Photos from Menachem Mendel Academy's post 01/26/2024

Celebrating Tu B’Shvat, the new year for trees, might seem perplexing since it is when trees start producing sap but aren’t yet bearing fruit- in fact are far from it. Yet, on this day, we recite blessings on whole, ripe fruit, symbolizing a profound lesson about growth and potential. 🌳

Our little children may appear small, and they still have a long way to grow, but we know that buried deep within them is strength and power beyond our wildest imagination. ❤️


Photos from Menachem Mendel Academy's post 01/25/2024

🌳✨ Today we celebrate Tu B’shevat — the new year for trees, and another chance for new beginnings!

Our preschoolers had fun creating art projects with items found in nature and learning lots of great lessons from our rich Jewish history!

May our celebration plant seeds of joy and connection that continue to grow throughout the year.



Why Is Gratitude So Important?
Gratitude is associated with many physical and mental health benefits.

Studies have found that gratitude is associated with your overall well-being, as well as:

😃Greater life satisfaction
😃Positive emotions
😃Stronger relationships
😃Cardiovascular health
😃Better quality of sleep

Practice listing out things you are grateful for with your little ones for them to develop good habits to notice and appreciate happiness! ❤️


Photos from Menachem Mendel Academy's post 01/23/2024

Let’s Be The Light! 💡

We’re on a mission to raise the next generation of Jewish leaders with love, purpose, and a passion for making the world a better place.

Join us in this joyful mission! 🤗


This month at school we are working to understand, practice and show gratitude for others.

Here are some different forms of being grateful we are learning that you can go over with your kids as well:

💙 Verbally show your gratitude, like saying thank you when someone has done something kind for you.

💙 Give a gift to someone else.

💙 Repay someone with something that benefits them or helps build a stronger relationship with them.

💙 Encourage children to repay a favor with an action that promotes their own personal development.

Example, a teenager who repays someone for giving them a job by working hard and being on time to work.

What are some other suggestions on how you can demonstrate gratitude to the important people in your life?


Parents, what’s the temperature at home? 🏡✨

Is it an environment where your kids can grow and thrive? 🌱

Is it peaceful, stressful, and joyful, or rushed, angry, and impatient?

Remember, your home temperature influences your child’s baseline.

Like a plant in fertile soil, their self-talk grows in the energy they experience.

It’s important to create an environment of calm confidence for our little ones! 💚


💬❤️ Little Ears, Big Impact!

What we say matters! Every word we speak shapes our little ones’ beliefs.

They are like sponges, soaking up everything we say. 🧽

Choose your words with love and intention. 🗨️

Let’s inspire them with our love, validation, empathy, and curiosity to help create a world of positivity and kindness for them to become leaders in. 🌍💖


Shout to the awesome parents everywhere you deserve a little treat from the backseat!

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More from the studies on happiness: a venue that triggers happiness is being in nature, just as G-d created it. 🍃🌿How si...
Our preschool kids went Up, Up & Away! And after much debate on where to go, we all decided on a trip to Africa! 🌍The ki...
In honor of US Presidents’ Day today, we are celebrating the United States, who has been kind to the Jewish People and s...
Are you a thermometer or a thermostat for your family? 🌡️Thermometers take the temperature, reflecting the state of the ...
If mornings are tough at your house, did you know that Modeh Ani, the first words a Jew is to utter when they open their...



6140 E Thunderbird Road
Scottsdale, AZ

Opening Hours

Monday 8:30am - 4:15pm
Tuesday 8:30am - 5pm
Wednesday 8:30am - 4:15pm
Thursday 8:30am - 4:15pm
Friday 8:30am - 4:15pm

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