Alliance Defending Freedom

Alliance Defending Freedom

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Te Hora Marae
Te Hora Marae

The world’s largest legal organization advancing the God-given right to live and speak the truth.

Recognizing the need for a strong, coordinated legal defense against growing attacks on religious freedom, more than 30 prominent Christian leaders launched Alliance Defending Freedom in 1994. Over nearly a quarter century, this unique legal organization has brought together thousands of Christian attorneys and like-minded organizations that work tirelessly to advocate for the right of people to f

EXCLUSIVE: DOJ Data Confirms Conservative Fears Biden Weaponized Justice System 08/02/2024

In 2022, the Biden-Harris DOJ prosecuted some 26 pro-life individuals under the FACE Act ... but ZERO activists who obstructed or vandalized pregnancy care centers.

The Daily Caller details surprising new data on these one-sided prosecutions in an exclusive report. ⬇️

EXCLUSIVE: DOJ Data Confirms Conservative Fears Biden Weaponized Justice System Prosecutions under FACE escalated under Biden’s DOJ and disproportionately targeted pro-life activists, according to exclusive data provided to the Caller.


You’ve probably read the headlines: Two athletes who failed gender eligibility tests at the world championships for women’s boxing have been cleared to compete in the female category at the Paris Olympics.

This week, a female boxer named Angela Carini went up against one of the athletes in question. And after 46 seconds, Carini abandoned the fight, saying "this isn't fair," through tears.

In 2023, the athletes in question were disqualified from the Women’s World Boxing Championships after failing eligibility tests set by the International Boxing Association (IBA).

In a recent statement about the disqualifications, the IBA said, “This test conclusively indicated that both athletes did not meet the required necessary eligibility criteria and were found to have competitive advantages over other female competitors.”

And yet, for the 2024 Paris Olympics, the IOC has ignored this.

The International Olympic Committee owes it to women to adhere to objective and scientific standards for eligibility to protect all competitors.

In failing to do so, the IOC is needlessly sacrificing women’s opportunities and safety. That’s unacceptable.

Tell the IOC to keep women's sports for women:


The IOC's policies to allow males who identify as female to compete in women's sports prioritizes radical ideology over truth.

Orwellian California SAFETY Act Isn’t Safe for Parents or Children 07/31/2024

Parents of California, remember that you are armed with a fundamental constitutional right to oversee your child's upbringing, health, and welfare.

Orwellian California SAFETY Act Isn’t Safe for Parents or Children In his novel 1984, George Orwell writes of the dystopian totalitarian state Oceania, and that its children were recruited to spy against enemies of the state. Although they “adored the Part

Female athletes just scored fifth ‘W’ against Biden-Harris attempt to rewrite Title IX 07/30/2024

The Biden-Harris admin's illegal rewrite of Title IX has lost in court AGAIN. Our client, Amelia Ford, explains why this is good news for women:

"I fear that girls might stop trying out for sports if they know they must compete against males."

Female athletes just scored fifth ‘W’ against Biden-Harris attempt to rewrite Title IX A federal district court in Missouri ruled to immediately halt the Biden-Harris administration’s illegal attempt to rewrite Title IX, which would harm female athletes.


We've been defending women's sports at SCOTUS, tackling global censorship, and more. Here are the latest big news stories from ADF. 👇

Debanking: The Newest Threat to Free Speech and Religious Liberty? 07/29/2024

What's the newest threat to free speech & religious liberty? Politicized debanking. Tomorrow, ADF's Jeremy Tedesco will join a Federalist Society panel to discuss this important issue that's affecting people all over the world.

Tune in at 12pm ET on Tuesday, 7/30. Register here:

Debanking: The Newest Threat to Free Speech and Religious Liberty? In June 2023, the Coutts bank closed the account of British politician Nigel Farage. While NatWest,...

What Is Religious Freedom? 07/29/2024

Religious freedom protects every human being’s right to live and speak the truth. More from ADF's Ryan Tucker⬇️

What Is Religious Freedom? Religious freedom is not a narrow right to worship but rather a broad freedom to follow God in all of life’s pursuits.

The rising threat of global censorship - Washington Examiner 07/27/2024

Today, our liberties are far more fragile than many realize.

As a global legal organization, we spot these trends and use litigation, legislation, and advocacy to protect every person’s right to live and speak the truth. 💪

The rising threat of global censorship - Washington Examiner A global legal organization, Alliance Defending Freedom, spots these trends and uses litigation, legislation, and advocacy to protect the right to speak the truth.

Pro-Life States Are Modeling How to Care for Women and Children 07/27/2024

Two years after Dobbs, many pro-life states have passed laws not only to protect life but also to care for newborn children and their mothers.

Here's how these states are stepping up.⬇️

Pro-Life States Are Modeling How to Care for Women and Children Two years after Dobbs, many pro-life states have passed laws not only to protect life but also to care for newborn children and their mothers.

Women Deserve the Opportunity to Choose Abortion Pill Reversal 07/26/2024

Abortion pill reversal offers women who regret taking mifepristone the opportunity to try to save their unborn children.

Pro-choice advocates who oppose abortion pill reversal aren't really about choice.

Women Deserve the Opportunity to Choose Abortion Pill Reversal Statistics indicate that abortion pill reversal has likely saved the lives of over 5,000 unborn children, but some abortion advocates are trying to ban it.


Since 2015, the International Olympic Committee has allowed men to compete in women’s sports, starting with male weightlifter Laurel Hubbard in the 2020 Olympics.
Policies like these prioritize feelings over fairness — ideology over truth.

The IOC is ignoring a fundamental, unchanging reality: men and women are physically different. And female athletes will pay the price.

The science is clear: men have significant athletic advantages over women. But it’s not just scientific studies. Athletic records tell the story even more clearly.

For example: Allyson Felix is the most decorated American track-and-field athlete—male or female—in Olympic history. Yet, in 2017 alone, over 5,000 males clocked a faster 400-meter time than Felix’s lifetime best. Some were boys under 18.

There’s a reason we remember the Olympic heroes of our childhoods. Through physical discipline and mental stamina, they show what humanity can achieve. They inspire us.

Imagine losing that for women. Imagine our daughters growing up with no Mary Lou Retton, Jackie Joyner-Kersee, or Katie Ledecky.

We can’t let that happen. Sign our petition and tell the IOC to protect women’s sports :


All Americans benefit when powerful corporations respect free speech and religious freedom.


THIS WEEK: A fifth federal court ruled to STOP the Biden-Harris admin’s illegal rewrite of Title IX while the case, State of Arkansas v. U.S. Department of Education, proceeds.

Out of 5 lawsuits filed, this is our 5th injunction granted to protect women and girls.

We’re grateful for the efforts of state leadership who have stepped up to protect women and girls, Attorney General Tim Griffin, Attorney General Andrew Bailey, Office of the Nebraska Attorney General, South Dakota Attorney General's Office, and North Dakota AG Drew Wrigley 👏

Learn more here:


Defending freedom is up to ALL of us. In a conversation with Joe Pags, ADF CEO Kristen Waggoner shares how you can help keep America free.


Males do not belong in private spaces set aside for females.

When they show up, these spaces are no longer “private.”

When Self-Expression Becomes Our Identity 07/24/2024

Declining to create custom cakes expressing certain ideas does not come from disdain for the person requesting the cake.

It comes from a love of God and His law.

When Self-Expression Becomes Our Identity If our identities are (wrongly) defined by our self-perception, then if someone denies our expression of our ‘true’ selves, we have been personally attacked.


Kids in foster care need a GOOD HOME more than anything else. So why is Vermont using pronouns or pride parades as a litmus test to disqualify loving families? Our clients Brian and Katy Wuoti tell their story.

Are We Deaf to the Sound of Hope? 07/22/2024

The movie Sound of Hope shows a touching story of families opening their homes to foster children.

But today, state gov'ts are slamming the door shut to homes for vulnerable children. Why?

Because the families disagree with the state's gender ideology.

Are We Deaf to the Sound of Hope? In 1998, an East Texas town began opening their homes to 77 foster children. But today, state governments are slamming the door shut.

The FACE Act Shouldn’t Be Used to Intimidate Pro-Life Advocates 07/22/2024

The FACE Act was passed to prohibit Americans from interfering with access to so-called “reproductive health services,” which include abortion facilities and pregnancy centers.

But the Biden admin is unequally applying the law to pro-life advocates.

The FACE Act Shouldn’t Be Used to Intimidate Pro-Life Advocates The Biden administration’s Department of Justice is unequally applying a federal law.


The Constitution protects religious organizations’ right to hire like-minded staff.

Biden Admin’s Rewrite of Title IX Began on Day One 07/20/2024

President Joe Biden began his quest to turn Title IX on its head shortly after taking office, but we haven't sat idly by.

We've filed multiple cases against the admin, attempting to undo the unlawful rewrite of Title IX. ⬇️

Biden Admin’s Rewrite of Title IX Began on Day One President Joe Biden began his quest to turn Title IX on its head shortly after taking office, but ADF did not sit idly by.


You’ve probably heard about California’s dangerous new law. But at ADF, we’re already seeing the results of similar policies across the country. In recent years we’ve sued:

▶ A NY middle school that socially “transitioned” a struggling young girl & lied to her mom about it
▶ A MI middle school that socially “transitioned” a young girl & edited school records to hide it from her parents
▶ A WI middle school that socially “transitioned” a young girl against her parents’ wishes

Thankfully, all these parents discovered the truth and removed their daughters from school, which greatly improved their mental health. But these stories highlight the fact that schools don’t know kids better than parents—and they don’t have the right to make these important decisions.

Parents know and love their children better than anyone else. That’s why the U.S. Constitution has long protected parents’ rights to be the decision-makers for their kids.

Needlessly alienating children from their families puts them at risk. Struggling kids need their parents.

Learn more about our work to defend parental rights:


ORAL ARGUMENT TODAY: Today our legal team will go before the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals to argue on behalf of Yakima Union Gospel Mission. This Christian ministry has been serving homeless and needy people in Washington state for 85 years.

We’re asking the court to allow that faith-centered ministry to continue. A recent ruling from the Washington Supreme Court forces religious organizations to hire employees who don’t share the organization’s religious beliefs. But the mission needs faithful Christian employees to carry out its purpose: to serve the community with the love of Christ, share the Gospel with everyone it encounters, and be a haven of like-minded believers where discipleship and fellowship can flourish.

The First Amendment protects their right to do just that. Under the Constitution, religious organizations are free to hire employees who share and live out their religious beliefs.

Please pray for our clients as we go to court this morning. Ask God to protect their freedom, grant them justice, and strengthen their Gospel ministry among those in need.


In federal law, the word “sex” refers to biology: male vs. female. But the Biden admin is now trying to change that meaning to include “an individual’s sense of their gender.”

That’s not a small change. Redefining “sex” in federal law has huge implications. For example: it would force most schools to allow boys in girls’ spaces. And it would force doctors to perform harmful gender procedures against sound medical judgment.

But ADF is pushing back—and we’re getting results. We’ve filed 3 federal lawsuits against the Biden admin’s healthcare rule change, and 5 federal lawsuits against its Title IX rule change. So far, we’ve won 4 injunctions against the Title IX rule change while the cases proceed.

One court recently said the Title IX rule change “would subvert the original purpose of Title IX: protecting biological females from discrimination.” Another court found that the Biden admin’s “view on ‘gender affirming care’ is far from shared by other medical authorities.”

And most Americans agree. A recent Washington Post-KFF poll found that large majorities of American adults oppose puberty blockers for minors, or allowing males to compete in women’s sports.

The tide is turning. Now is not the time to back down. It’s time to stand firm against efforts to enshrine radical gender ideology in our law.

For the sake of women, children, students, teachers, doctors, patients, and the free speech of every American, we’ll keep standing up for reality . . . and the rule of law.

Learn more:


It’s time to stand firm against efforts to enshrine radical gender ideology in our law.


This Christian homeless ministry has faithfully served its community for 85 years. But if Washington state gets its way, Yakima Union Gospel Mission will soon be forced to lose the Christian character at the heart of everything it does.

State officials say the mission must hire employees who don’t share its religious beliefs. But the Constitution protects religious organizations’ right to hire like-minded staff. That’s why we’re representing the mission in a lawsuit against Washington state.

Since America’s earliest days, faith-based charity has played an essential role in our communities. We can’t let that end in Washington state.

This Friday, July 19, our attorneys will appear before the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals on behalf of Yakima Union Gospel Mission. We’re asking the court to uphold the mission’s constitutional rights, so it can continue doing what it does best: giving life-changing hope and help to those who need it most.

Learn more about this case, and all our work, at -details

The International Olympic Committee Is Playing a Dangerous Game 07/17/2024

What happens when the Olympics allows males to compete in women's sports? ⬇️

Denying reality has consequences, and female athletes are the ones who will pay the price.

The International Olympic Committee Is Playing a Dangerous Game The IOC’s inaction threatens all female athletes. Denying reality has consequences, and female athletes are the ones who will pay the price.


God created every person male or female. No amount of effort can change this reality.


Thanks to last year’s Supreme Court ruling in 303 Creative v. Elenis, a wedding photographer’s free speech case against New York is moving forward.

Emilee Carpenter is challenging a New York law that forces her to express messages in violation of her faith. If she doesn’t create such photos and blogs, New York’s law threatens her with fines of up to $100,000, a revoked business license, and up to a year in jail.

Now, based on 303 Creative, the 2nd Circuit has ruled that the district court must consider Emilee’s free speech claims. We will ask the court to prevent the state from forcing Emilee to express messages against her beliefs.

“As the Supreme Court reaffirmed in 303 Creative, the government can’t force Americans to say things they don’t believe,” said ADF Legal Counsel Bryan Neihart. “The U.S. Constitution protects Emilee’s freedom to express her own views as she continues to serve clients of all backgrounds and beliefs.”

We urge the district court to uphold this freedom and follow Supreme Court precedent. The same First Amendment that protects Emilee Carpenter protects all of us—no matter what we believe.

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Videos (show all)

We've been defending women's sports at SCOTUS, tackling global censorship, and more. Here are the latest big news storie...
Defending freedom is up to ALL of us.
Our clients Brian and Katy Wuoti tell their story.
This Christian homeless ministry has faithfully served its community for 85 years.
We're not okay with girls losing their sports and spaces at school.
Our client Bryan Gantt shares his story on The Ingraham Angle. ⬇️
We're stepping up to give girls a voice and defend Title IX. #SaveWomensSports
Today on the steps of SCOTUS with The Heritage Foundation and Independent Women's Forum: "When I heard women were gettin...
ADF client Jack Phillips outside of the Colorado Supreme Court
Remember what this battle is about ⬇️  Biden's rule changes to Title IX subjects female students to situations where the...


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