Simply Real Health, Inc

Simply Real Health, Inc

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A healthy, beautiful and inspiring life, made simple.

Simply Real Health, Inc by Sarah Adler is a healthy lifestyle company on a mission to educate, teach and inspire people to live their happiest & healthiest life, made simple.

Photos from Simply Real Health, Inc's post 08/20/2024

LIFE lately 🤍 feeling like my heart might explode ☺️

Photos from Simply Real Health, Inc's post 08/11/2024

SHE IS HERE 👼🏻🥹✨ Miss Rose (Rosie) Delphine joined our family last Sunday 8/4/24. One week early and in the most perfect timing 🤍✨
The joy, the relief (ahhh) and the happiness of finally having her here, and healthy in real life— it’s so deep. 🥹
Our family feels so complete and right with her here 🤍
The tears of happiness and thankfulness for her keep coming.
We did it, baby girl. You’re here. What a MIRACLE ✨🌙 and happy due date baby. I’m so so glad you’re here in my arms!


AUGUST. We made it 😍🤍 The best month of the year is feeling extra special and meaningful this year.
Soaking in every second of summer, this month & this sweet time in our lives 🙏🏻

Photos from Simply Real Health, Inc's post 07/28/2024

LIFE as of late ✨☀️🌊 🤍🍉
Full summer mode, activated. My heart has never been happier to be out, to be able to do stuff with my little family & just soaking up this time before we become a party of 5!


A moment in time, I want to keep forever. This summer so far, summed up:
A slow shared juicy peach under a umbrella, in sprinkling rain, on the beach, with my girls. One snuggling in my lap and one doing high kicks inside 👧 👧 (while my boys run & play and laugh at each other ).
Truly soaking it in.
It’s a feeling of deep peace & contentment, mixed with hope & excitement, and also just appreciating exactly where things are now. Right now. This moment. 🙏🏻
It’s the reminder that after the dark, the light *does* always come. And with it so much more appreciation for LIFE ✨a different way we see things. And soak them in.


Well, time for the guessing game— what do you think?! 🤰🏻✨🩷💙 BOY OR GIRL?!
Just kinda giggling to myself that I forgot to share this one little detail. But sums up life as of late.
I’ve just been feeling so grateful to be here. 😭 For this new life & new little member of our family, and the next chapter of life ahead 🙏🏻
What’s your guess?!


The Caprese Chicken Salad, NEW in the this week! ✨ Such an easy & delicious dinner for this time of year.
Get the full recipe, the amazing dressing (and hundreds of other healthy & simple recipes (it’s real-food made for real life!) 💪🏻👏🏻☝🏻
Get 7 DAYS FREE inside to test it out right now! Link in my profile this weekend.
(And yup, I drop a new recipe in there every week so you never run out of healthy ideas). 👏🏻✌🏼🍉😍

Photos from Simply Real Health, Inc's post 04/25/2024

⏰The countdown is on. ⏰ Just ONE more day! ✨👏🏻🎉

➡️ Because the world I want to live in is one where women deeply *trust* their own intuition, their own body’s signals, and themselves over any other trend or noise.
If you’ve been a part of this community for a while, there’s a reason that you’re here.
I want the same for YOU: for YOU to be the most vibrant, alive, and most aligned version of yourself. 💗
Effortlessly healthy: physically, mentally and emotionally. Because it’s ALL connected. ✨
And this is the roadmap. THIS is exactly why I created Simply Real Life: The Method. ❤️
➡️➡️➡️ SRL The Method is 6 weeks of helping you understand *your* own body better.
⭐️ including learning the foods, timing of foods, hunger signals; how to rewire your brain & thoughts towards a healthier life, how to regulate emotional patterns connected to food, helping you get out of your own way, and learning how to decode the signals of your own body, so you can trust it more fully— in all areas of life.

Link in my bio today with all the crazy success stories, payment options and all the details ✨
The doors close for the year, tomorrow 4/26.
I can’t wait to see so many of you on the inside and welcome the new 2024 class! ❤️ 👏🏻


➡️Has anyone else learned this in their life the hard way? Me, 100% 👇🏼🙋🏻‍♀️
I was always in pursuit of trying to change my health & my body—- doing different versions of the same thing... but never going deeper— to the root thing. 🌱

I didn’t realize that:
True & lasting real change has to happen in your BRAIN WIRING FIRST (or at least at the same time as your body).

If we’re not working on our INNER GAME first, any physical or behavior changes with our health or bodies won’t stick.
It’s why diets/plans/programs/fads/trends/quick fixes don’t ever work past a few weeks.
🪄🪄🪄Because sooner or later, it’s your THOUGHTS or EMOTIONS or LIFE circumstances that happen and the self- talk and self sabotage that kicks in..... and takes over.
Whether we’re aware it’s happening or not.
THIS ☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻 is the 🔑 that can unlock it all:
Learning & knowing yourself inside and out— your tendencies, internal voices, stories, limiting beliefs, getting aware of the daily stream of thoughts in your head, what foods feel best to you, the things that set you off, etc.
➡️➡️➡️ It ALL matters if you want a healthy lifestyle that lasts, way beyond the short term.
And once you do, your world becomes unlimited —in what you can do, how you feel daily, and what you create in your life. ✨

Who’s with me on this? Leave a ❤️ below if so! 👇🏼
For those ready to learn more on this:
➡️➡️➡️ This is exactly what we do in SRL: The Method. This is the method: inner game first = outer change that’s amazing to witness 🙌🏻
All in 6 weeks time, with live coaching, support, accountability LIVE with me to really make it happen, and a step-by-step plan to get you there 💪🏻
( JUST OPENED TODAY— & only open until this Friday! Link in my bio ✨)


Trying to capture the magic of this time & season — of each of my babies, growing so so fast- all I want is time with them. The kind that’s not rushed. That’s slowed down, and just about the simple things.
It’s so pure. Their energy. So unfiltered. I love being around it— sometimes just for the reminder to do the same as an adult. ❤️
But I want slowed down time right now.
Just to be able to catch the little things.
The in-between moments.
Their faces. The way they say things. The way they think. And move. How creative their brains are. How they’re giggling together (and also crying at each other, in the same 5 minutes).
The way they sing so loud and happy and run around naked and dance so uninhibited. And watching their faces as they sleep— so different looking every few days.
Just to be a witness to it all. It’s such a gift. ❤️
These have been my favorite ages so far— 5 and 2.5. We’re on the cusp of so many big changes coming, so for right now I’m lingering in the magic that’s right here. ✨
Because if we don’t slow down & find ways to take it all in, we might miss it. That goes for life too, though. 🙏🏻


First date in 6 months… and man it felt so nice ✨💗
After the intensity of this last half of a year for our whole family, to be able to walk out, leave the house, eat a normal thing off a menu, and be able to sit and talk about our dreams & visions & plans for life for an hour, moving FORWARD….. there is truly no better feeling. ✨
And also no one else that I’d rather by my side through all the hard stuff. AND the fun. So extra thankful that it’s YOU ❤️


PART 2 (con’t from yesterday’s post)
It wasn’t about the perfect workout.

Or eating the perfect foods.
The real secret was about finding PEACE and a steadiness with food.
Trusting it.
And my body.
Actually learning about food in a way that wouldn’t change the next month or year.

Bc there’s a deep beautiful wisdom to real food.
And learning about it vs everything else (the details & the specifics) changed my ➡️ relationship to food.

B/c when you start admiring, respecting and honoring real food— your body stops fighting against it. And against you.
When you start NOURISHING your body & give it all it needs to function, SO MUCH ELSE shifts.

Your body comes back to LIFE. ✨


Instead of the enemy, you become a partner for your body. An ally. A caretaker. A protector 💪🏻

And when you do there is this giant surrender. For YOU, & your body.

Where you are no longer confused about food— it’s all clear. Mental space ➡️ freed!
It’s finally SIMPLE.
Your body starts to thrive.

So your mind follows, b/c the two are deeply connected.

And your emotions follow next.

There is finally that PEACE.

Inside & outside for you.


Inner confidence. That steadiness taking over.

A TRUST in your food.

And in your body.

And in how to show up for yourself in a way that matters.

It makes being healthy so much easier. And more enjoyable.
It’s why eating REAL FOOD is the FOUNDATION of a healthy lifestyle that lasts.
➡️ You can’t skip over that part. 🙅🏻‍♀️
It’s where EVERYTHING juicy starts.
I know so deeply in my heart that more people need access to be able to learn this stuff— and simply.
To be educated & empowered by their food…..vs controlled by it.
So, I’ve got something MAGICAL in the works coming soon! It’s gonna be such a gamechanger for learning about real food. In real life. 🙏🏻💪🏻❤️
Because the more people who are living more FULLY ALIVE, VIBRANT & EFFORTLESSLY HEALTHY, the better our world becomes.
For us, for our families, our kids, and for the next generation. It’s time to break the cycle.
It’s time for a NEW way 🔥🔥🔥


Sometimes I have these moments. Flashbacks into the way I used to be…..
• (quietly) anxious
• controlling
• rigid
• filled with guilt a lot

About food.

Trying so hard to be perfect (according to whatever diet was popular at the time).
Trying so hard— putting so much time, effort, daily thoughts, energy & money thrown at losing weight or how my body looked physically.

I was always in an internal battle with my body: my body, the enemy. My body, the frustrating thing I was always trying to change.
Maybe some of you can relate. Because so much of it was under the radar.

It was quiet. No one around me could tell or know, unless you were with me, closely each day (and even then, probably not noticeable because soo many woman are in the same boat).
With a weird relationship to food.
And therefore, to ourselves. Deep down.
What I didn’t know then was this:
I didn’t understand that I was missing SO MANY pieces of the puzzle.

That I was truly doing it the hard way.

Because I didn’t know better. Or any other way.

I had ZERO idea what was actually healthy and good for me (thanks to all the marketing noise & fads & diets and all the miseducation we’re fed in school).
….Ok, aside from veggies & fruits being “good” for me.

I had no idea how different foods made me feel.

I had no idea that my body was sending me sooo many signals constantly that I wasn’t picking up on.

I had no idea how bad I felt… and just how normal I thought it was.
➡️ How normal I thought it was to always have cravings.

➡️ How normal I thought it was to always need a dose of caffeine in the early afternoon
➡️How normal I thought it was to have headaches, skin issues, digestive problems and more.

I had no idea that how I was talking to myself and THINKING about food, impacted how I digested it.
And how I physically looked. And felt. And whether my body was holding on to weight or not. 🤯

I had no idea that my nervous system — the anxiousness, the guilt, the constant overthinking, the trying to control….. was only further delaying the results I wanted so badly to get.
(Part 2 coming tomorrow). ❤️

Photos from Simply Real Health, Inc's post 03/18/2024

We did our first family Disney trip ( !). Such a special and nostalgic trip, getting to go with my parents and my own kids all in one ❤️❤️❤️

It’s a memory I think I’ll treasure forever. 💗
My expectations were so so low, especially with my state of things over here— I just wanted to be able to make the trip. To see my kids experience some of it. Aka, I reserved a motorized scooter ahead of time.
But by some true MIRACLE ✨, I ended up not needing it.
I felt ok enough to go AND participate (in most things, at least that a 5 & 2 year old want to do).
The few days before we got there were my first ever walks, eating more normal meals, and getting out and about doing some normal life things. 🙌🏻
I cried at a lot of points in the trip—- just so grateful to be out of bed, walking, eating and being able to finally participate in my LIFE again. And be with my kids as a mom again, and watch them experience it all. 🙏🏻🙏🏻
Let alone the magic of itself.
I learned a lot I’ll take with me next trip (best snacks, food spots in & around the park I’d do again, those I def would skip next time 😜, etc. It got me thinking we should do a roundup, community style on tips & tricks, SRH style 👌🏻
If you’ve been before, tell me your favs tips, spots & must haves below 👇🏼
I’m still over here taking things slow (the 2 days after our trip I felt awful, and I know it goes like this for a while; 3 days feeling better, 2-3 days feeling worse), but just so grateful for these glimpses back into my real life. ✨

Photos from Simply Real Health, Inc's post 02/28/2024

Something fun today! 👏🏻
For TODAY & TOMORROW ONLY, (my favorite non/toxic skincare company!) is giving our entire SRH community 15% off sitewide! 👏🏻❤️✨👍🏻
➡️➡️just use code •SRH15• at checkout! ⬅️⬅️
See my stories today for more deets & any reccs based on YOUR skin & current needs ✨
All in honor of today’s podcast drop — a special chat with Bethany Mcdaniels, the beautiful & inspirational founder of Primally Pure. And a dear friend of mine 💗🧴

In this episode, we talk all about the quality of ingredients in your skincare (and in your daily life), and why it matters, plus non-toxic living, motherhood and running a business when you have little babes at the same time.
All on the this week!
Tune in on Apple or Spotify to listen 🎙️


Well.. this past week I shared with you all that we’ve been quietly taking a pause on our weekly favs email & the weekly blog.
Yup, after 16 years of blogging every single week (!!) I was getting this nudge to *slow down* and check in with myself, and my favorite people (you, this community).
And I want to talk about that for a second.
➡️ because truth: it’s the complete opposite of everything there is pressure to do these days if you run a business.
But… I’ve always been ok beating to the tune of my own drum.
In part because I’ve learned the hard way that when that little inner voice & nudge comes to me, I’m wise enough now to stop and listen.
And not just power-through things or ignore it.🙋🏻‍♀️
(This applies to ALL areas of life, don’t you think?)
But here’s why I did it:
Because this is not just a business for me, it’s my life’s work. My heart. And a living and breathing thing, that continues to grows with me as I do.
I’ve been thinking about it a lot this week— how this little pause has been so very helpful.
Because ultimately (and maybe not ironically) that’s entirely what SRH’s mission is about— simplifying things and tuning out the noise of what everyone else is doing.✨
And getting real with yourself.
Not just living and doing things in autopilot.
Or because it’s the way it’s always been done.
But digging deeper.
Listening to that inner voice of wisdom (AND the people you are serving).
And being OK with changing things up and trying something new…. Even if it feels scary to do.
Wait—*especially* if it feels scary to do. 💪🏻
I think it’s so good for us to break the conventional rules— with food, with how your live your daily life, with business, with relationships, etc.
Because if it’s not in ALIGNMENT with your heart & soul & energy, it’s time to find the way the do it that IS.
Because what you can create from that space— it’s always amazing. ❤️
Just a reminder, in case anyone else needed it this week like I did ✨
Photo by


I’ve been over here thinking so much lately. ✨
Maybe it’s hitting this 12 year mark in business this year, or maybe it’s my season of life…

I can’t believe it’s been over a decade doing this work. 🤯

But then when I think about how my LIFE has evolved and growth right along with, it kinda blows my mind.

When I started, I was single, back living at my parents house a few years out of college. fresh off a breakup that devastated me.

All my friends were in stable careers & serious relationships that were all taking off.
And I had this tiny feeling in my gut—
What if I wanted MORE for me, that a job I felt so-so about?

What if there was more to life that what I was currently seeing? Or feeling. ✨

I didn’t know exactly what that meant.
Or how it would look.

I could think of a million excuses or reasons why I logically shouldn’t. Or couldn’t.

But it was this tiny voice inside— saying BUT, WHAT IF?! 🤔
WHAT IF it was possible?
WHAT IF there *was* something else out there for me?
Was I willing to take the risk to find out? Or just always wonder?

Our bodies always know, don’t they?
That tiny voice is so wise.

I know that know. But, back then?
It was distant. And then immediately followed by the voices of doubt.
The ones that argue for your limitations.
Not the infinite possibilities.
But with little to lose (literally), I decided that why not try.
Why not me?
And you know the wildest part about it?
That energy, of just jumping in— was a turning point in my life. ❤️🙏🏻
To say YES to what I really wanted.
To ALLOW myself to dream bigger than anything I could see out there.

To hold a vision of the future that I wanted to create… vs life just happening to me.
It’s not shocking that when I look back now, that a few months in, a small fixer house popped up. That had bones for a light filled kitchen.
And a few months after that, I met Kyle.
That feeling of YES. THIS is it. 🔥
THIS is what I’ve been waiting for. It felt so clear. 🔥

(Continued in comments below 👇🏼 👇🏼👇🏼)

Photos from Simply Real Health, Inc's post 02/08/2024

NEW episode on the podcast this week ➡️ 👏🏻
Especially for those of you who want to learn how to be more intuitive & intentional with your food, your body & in your daily life ✨
And have a better relationship to food too.
It’s about how to start learning what’s best for your body ❤️
We’re talking all about snacking… is it a yes? A no? Good? Bad? In between?
How to tell.
And 3 STEPS to help you start to tune in more to what your body is saying to you (vs what everyone else is doing, or what the current “trendy” way of eating says).
All in this week’s new episode of the
Listen in on iTunes or Spotify 🎤🎙️


You wanna know what’s crazy? Next month will mark 12 YEARS since I started Simply Real Health✨🤯
Back when I was going through a time in my life when I needed a win. When I was tired trying to follow the rules or fit the mold for a certain job.
I was mid 20’s, living back in my parents house, post college. With a dream and a knowing in my heart what I loved— but that I’d never seen anyone make into a career before. ⭐️
Let alone, one online. That anyone in the world could access.
I remember sitting on the floor of my childhood bedroom— my laptop propped up next to me. My prom picture hanging over me.
Attempting to do a meditation that worked on your inner voice.
I remember thinking….. I’m so scared. But I’m gonna DO THIS. I had no other options in front of me.
It was the scary feeling of going ALL IN.
This was the time.
That if I was going to bet on anyone, I was going to bet on myself. I knew I would do anything it took to try and make things work.
To voraciously learn.
To get my hands dirty. To get in the game. And to give this idea everything I had.
Scared and all.
Even though I was young and there was no one I could really model things after (back then—wellness WASN’T an industry, or a thing. And far from cool).
I was just so passionate about it.
I trusted myself to figure it out.
Looking back now, it’s wild that I did.
But that moment— of betting on myself, on my dreams, on wanting to do things a little different than the normal path— it changed everything.
We all have those moments. Whether it’s all in your career, your relationships, big life changes. When it’s time to make a call.
A choice.
Being BRAVE.
Bc going for the things that matter in life— the ones that make you feel ALIVE— will always feel risky.
A little uncertain, a little unknown, and def uncomfortable.
Embracing that, vs avoiding that, has been one of the biggest blessings in my life 💗
Just reflecting on that today. And also— how many of you have been with me this entire journey, as my LIFE evolves along with it. So much more to come too.
The best things often follow our initial fear (and then doing it anyways) ❤️❤️❤️

Photos from Simply Real Health, Inc's post 01/31/2024

Oooops 😬😳 So, I’m a little behind on officially posting these episodes!! Hopefully you’ve caught them in my stories every week!
But I know y’all want a place to ask any follow up questions or comments too after you listen 😚

⭐️Ep. 37: The New Year Intention Setting Process I Swear By
⭐️Ep 38: My Own Winter Intentions This Season
⭐️Ep 39: When Your Kids Refuse Dinner
⭐️Ep 40: 4 Tiny Things That Impact Your Health The Most
⭐️Ep 41: Why The Power Of Your Thoughts Can Change Your Life
🎙️TUNE in on Apple or Spotify to the Simply Real Life Podcast to listen!
❤️❤️❤️And this week only for listeners, you can WIN a copy of The Simply Real Health Cookbook!! We’re doing a fun giveaway this week!!
💓 All you have to do is 1) SUBSCRIBE to The Simply Real Life Podcast (on Spotify or Apple), and 2) leave a review! Screenshot both and send them to [email protected] and you could win!
We’re going to pick 5 lucky winners 👏🏻🙏🏻👏🏻🙏🏻 Enter before Monday!


SHOCKING statement, to most people, when I admit it:🔥
I like cooking…. But it’s NOT my #1 love or passion in life. 😊
True, before kids I loved it even more (free time!).
With kids, it becomes so necessary.
I can see how some people think of it as a chore. But honestly, that mentality doesn’t really help anything for me.

Instead, this is what I choose to believe:✨
What a honor it is that I GET to feed and nourish their bodies.
That I GET to help their tastebuds grow and be open to new flavors and ideas.
That I GET to influence their health, their immunize system, their brain development, their moods, their digestion, and their energy and zest for life.
That I GET to influence their relationship to food— that they love real food, and have so much enjoyment with what they’re eating.
But, if had a free day, would I spend it cooking?
No. Noo I wouldn’t. I can think of a hundred other things I’d love to do instead 😂
But still—- I make it a point to cook for myself and my family.
But it’s SIMPLE stuff. Real-food, made super easy (especially for this stage of life).
It’s a non negotiable in my life. And for my family now too.
Bc I’m all about efficiency.
➡️ TRUTH: there is NOTHING that impacts us more daily, than the food we eat. 

—> like, show me 1 thing that matters MORE to your health, your daily energy, your vibrancy, your mindset, the energy and health of your family, than what you EAT on a daily & weekly basis?

⭐️How we cook and eat is the ONE THING that directly (and immediately) affects everything else in your life. ⭐️
How we eat is usually a direct reflection of how we think about ourselves. 🤯
It’s a reflection how we show up for ourselves.

And believing that you are WORTH doing so. WORTH feeding well. WORTH caring for. 💗
I think about that, when I cook dinner. Because kids absorb the vibe you have around food, and usually end up copying it.
Which is why tiny shifts in your energy around food, can matter so much ✨
(Continued below) 👇🏼

Photos from Simply Real Health, Inc's post 01/22/2024

OK RAISE YOUR HAND if some nights you’re just too tired to cook? Or too burnt out to even THINK of what to make after a long day? Or week 🙋🏻‍♀️
It happens to all of us.
But —- here’s the TRUTH also: it doesn’t need to mean a healthy dinner is out the window too. 🤨
➡️➡️ In fact, it’s on those days that we often need a nourishing dinner the MOST.

To bring us back to balance from the day.
And to not fall into the ALL or NOTHING mindset, that tells you it has to be perfect. Or look a certain way. Or take a certain amount of time. 🤷🏻‍♀️

It doesn’t.
I’m here to say it: Screw perfect ‼️
We have to just keep it SIMPLE. And REAL (food). The rest takes care of itself.
IT’S TIME TO SLAY ALL THOSE EXCUSES this year when it comes to eating well and taking better care of yourself and your LIFE this year!
➡️ This week: the is having its HALF OFF SALE!!!!
⚠️ And we’re giving away our free 4 week Winter Meal Plan for everyone who joins us for the year. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 ⚠️

➡️ So that for less than $2/week we’re taking away all the annoying parts of cooking & healthy meal planning, and making it quicker, easier, more inspiring, and more FLEXIBLE for your real life. 👏🏻👊🏻👏🏻
Link in my bio to catch it before the sale (and that free done-for-you 4 week meal plan BONUS) is gone again!
Or visit to try it this year for 50% OFF and see for yourself. ✨❤️


It’s a little different than how most people start the year, but I’ve found it to be so helpful.
The point: make this time of year what your body and life is actually needing. 💕
It took me a while to come around to it— but following the beautiful rhythm of the seasons— really embracing each season for the gift it has within it.
Because each season has its own feel, vibe, and focus. And purpose. ✨

Winter is for getting quiet, cozy, reflective, turning inward, resting, sleeping, and re-imagining. ❄️
It’s a time of much less distraction, and getting clarity on what you want to focus on. The dark mornings and afternoons help us rest more, and re-calibrate our nervous systems. The colder weather gives us more contrast, more freshness and rejuvenation.
It’s cocoon time. And of the best times for self reflection because of it 💕
On the new podcast that’s dropped today, I talk about some of my favorite ways to do this, and the process I take myself through each year during this special reflective time.
Listen in on iTunes, Spotify, YouTube & on most major podcast platforms.
Enjoy! ⛄️


Holding on to little sparks of hope & light & joy ✨
I’ll be taking some time off here for a bit (as I talked about in the latest podcast episode that’s up, on how I like to wrap up the year).
I hope you do the same if it feels rejuvenating, peaceful or restful. And gives you some extra space and time to reflect or just be more present to all that’s right in front of you.
Or just to relax! Whatever it is, I hope you give yourself a little restful break in whatever way that looks. ❤️ we all need it at a few different points just the year. And this time is perfect for it.
Thank you all for being here, and being a part of this community, all year long. It’s one of the best gifts of my life❤️🙏🏻!


Alright friends, yay or nay to these in-feed podcast episodes? They’re getting preetty low engagement, but I do want you all to have a place to ask any follow up questions from the episode. Should we keep these or no?Tell me below!👇🏼
BRAND NEW EPISODE DROP: sharing my end-of-the year wrap up process. For whenever you’re ready to do so yourself (aka, it might be post holidays).
Because without reflecting on this past year, you miss A LOT of wisdom and deep ah-ha’s, if you just jump into the next year (and set those new years goals and intentions).
This part is KEY! 🔑

And some words of encouragement for navigating these last 2 weeks of the year with more joy, peace and intention. Without perfection of course 😉

Listen in now on itunes, Spotify and YouTube 🎧🎙️

Photos from Simply Real Health, Inc's post 12/15/2023
Photos from Simply Real Health, Inc's post 12/11/2023

You know those little moments ones.. when you get that little ping of magic✨ the little reminders to our hearts that THIS, is what life is all about. ❤️
This weekend’s little collection of those ☝🏻


BRAND NEW EPISODE DROPPED TODAY! Because it’s a very busy time of year, we’re taking 6 of my favorite productivity & efficiency tricks ✨🤯
So you can better harness your energy and time. 🩷

Aka, how to avoid those never-ending to-do lists (and what I focus on instead)
➡️ the difference between the most important stuff vs the urgent
➡️the 3 hacks I LIVE by to stay focused
➡️ and my favorite way to combat procrastination 🙅🏻‍♀️
I’m so curious if you guys have tried any of these! Let me know below when you do. Or any other questions you have.
Listen in now on itunes, Spotify and YouTube 🎧🎙️

Photos from Simply Real Health, Inc's post 12/05/2023

To feel your best, it’s always so much more about the TINY daily things done OVER TIME THAT ADD UP, that make the biggest different and impact to how we feel. 👊🏻
Not extremes. 🙅🏻‍♀️
Not all-or-nothing mentalities.
I find this to be the MOST TRUE when it comes to our food and how we eat (and how we think about food).
Is it a burden in our day?
Or something you consider a ⚡️power source? ⚡️And the thing that impacts over 90% of how you feel each day?
➡️➡️➡️ it’s the most effective use of your time 👆🏻
And NOT about spending hours and hours doing so.
It so much more about tiny, simple, small things 🙏🏻
And learning how to cook & prep food in a way that doesn’t exhaust you or overwhelm you, is such a TANGIBLE THING that can change so much 🔥🔥🔥
🚨Our best kept resource for recipes that are truly SIMPLE, EASY, HEALTHY and meant for busy, real-life is on sale (just until Thursday!) 🚨
In there I drop a brand new easy recipe every single week, so you never have to think about what to make again 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 Plus a full meal planning tool and shopping list automated if you want it.
All the details are in my profile under Cooking Club Sale if you want to do something for yourself that will truly change how you show up & how you feel each day ❤️❤️

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Videos (show all)

New on the podcast this week…Episode 22: How I Healed From PCOS (& Other Health Related Issues) Listen Here🎧 Spotify: ht...
From last week’s episode…Listen here🎧:Spotify:
It’s 👏🏻 time 👏🏻 to 👏🏻 simplify 👏🏻your food 👏🏻. .➡️ So you can simplify & amplify your life . .Oh, just a lil taste of la...
5 quick actions you can take to boost your mood, in under 1 minute! NEW on the blog today! ✨ .Link in my profile for you...
WHY what you eat daily matters. It matters to your: 💨.+ energy 🏃🏻‍♀️+ mood ☀️+ daily mindset 👼🏻+ overall way you move ab...
This 👏🏻 just 👏🏻 in! .➡️ as you maybe heard, the SRH #cookingclub just opened again for this next week only. .➡️ And…. AD...



Seattle, WA

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