Shreveport Vocations

Do you feel God may be calling you to religious life? contact Fr. Raney at
[email protected]

Photos from The Church of Jesus the Good Shepherd's post 06/07/2024
Photos from Shreveport Vocations's post 06/07/2024

Just over a year ago on June 3, 2023, Sister Heather Sikes professed her Perpetual Profession of Vows. Keep Sister Heather, all our religious women, and women discerning religious life in your thoughts and prayers!

“Who is able to imagine what the Lord will draw out from our small 'yes'?”
Pope Francis

Thank you Sister Heather for saying "YES" to God's call!


Keep Postulant Mary White in your prayers as she continues her formation. Mary is from the Diocese of Shreveport and is currently in formation at Our Lady of the Rock Monastery.

Mary is in Washington at the Benedictines of Our Lady of the Rock Monastery
Just short of a year ago today, On the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, June 16, 2023,
Mary White entered Our Lady of the Rock Monastery as a postulant!
Click the link below to learn more about Mary and her life at OLR Monastery!


Please keep Tristan in your thoughts and prayers as he prepares for his summer in Mexico.

This summer seminarian Tristan Frisk will be traveling to Mexico for a Spanish Immersion program.

"As I go further along in seminary formation, one of the essential parts that will benefit my future ministry is learning Spanish, which is why this summer, I will be doing a Spanish Immersion program in Mexico. A Spanish Immersion program is designed to teach non-Spanish speaking people by bringing them into and around a Spanish-speaking culture and people to be fully immersed. I will be in Mexico this summer at the Benedictine Monastery of Our Lady of the Angels from June 8th to August 4th. Please pray for me that I can learn Spanish well and be better equipped to speak this new language for all in our diocese who need it in the future!" -Tristan Frisk

Please join us in continuing to keep all of our seminarians in your prayers!
Tristan Frisk
Nathan Lirette
Austin Young
Brett Reggio
Alan Landeros


Have you signed up for the Catholic Connection yet? The Catholic Connection is a monthly periodical offered by the Diocese of Shreveport. It's a great way to stay connected, inspired, informed, and with the happenings in our Diocese. Each edition includes uplifting messages from Bishop Malone, stories from other inspirational Catholics, and updates on our seminarians!

Don't forget to subscribe today!

Call (318) 868-4441 and ask about the Catholic Connection!


This summer seminarian Nathan Lirette will be serving at Christ the King parish in Bossier City.

"This summer I will be helping Fr. Fidel at Christ the King in Bossier City. I will be shadowing him and learning more about pastoral ministry. I will be altar serving at Mass, going with Fr. Fidel on sick calls, and many other things. I am excited to serve the people at Christ the King and I am really looking forward to getting to know them and learning more about them. I excited to learn more about living a life of service as a hopeful future priest." -Nathan Lirette

Please join us in continuing to keep all of our seminarians in your prayers!
Nathan Lirette
Austin Young
Tristan Frisk
Brett Reggio
Alan Landeros


What do our seminarians do during the summer? They have "summer assignments".
Summer assignments are based on the seminarian's stage of formation. Seminarians may participate in parishes, participate in retreats, Spanish immersions, or help at Hospitals.
This summer we are excited to have Austin Young complete his summer assignment at Baptist Health Hospital.
Please keep Austin and all our seminarians in your thoughts and prayers as they fulfill their respective summer assignments.

As we celebrate two new seminarians, we also want to share updates for Tristan, Austin, and Nathan! This summer Austin will be doing his CPE (Clinical Pastoral Education) at Baptist Health Hospital in Little Rock, Arkansas.

"Many seminarians have the blessing of doing “CPE” (Clinical Pastoral Education) during the summer after their 2nd year of theology. These programs are available around the whole country, and I am blessed to be placed at Baptist Health Hospital in Little Rock, Arkansas. I am with 5 other seminarians who have been amazing, and so great to work with… Luis, Quinton, Christopher, Tuan, and Joseph. I really love the work at CPE. I am blessed to visit patients of all sorts of backgrounds, and pray with them. It is a great mission land in the hospital, and Jesus desires to be there with His people." -Austin Young

Please join us in continuing to keep all of our seminarians in your prayers!
Austin Young
Tristan Frisk
Nathan Lirette
Brett Reggio
Alan Landeros


.Join us each Saturday, beginning June 1st from 10 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. for Holy Hours for Vocations. All are invited to come together and pray together for an increase in vocations to the priesthood and religious life. Join us in adoration of Christ in the Blessed Sacrament, as we sincerely implore Him “to send more laborers into the harvest”.

Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. will be dedicated to Vocations in the Chapel of St. Michael the Archangel.


With thanksgiving to God, the Diocese of Shreveport joyfully announces the acceptance of two new seminarians.
Please join us in welcoming Mr. Brett Reggio (left) and Mr. Alan Landeros (right) as our newest seminarians for the Diocese of Shreveport! We ask that you keep these 2 young men in your prayers as they discern priesthood as well as our current seminarians, Tristan Frisk, Nathan Lirette, and Austin Young.


Thank you to all who contributed to our seminarian burse fund this May. Your prayers and support for our seminarians are appreciated!


To Jesus Through Mary

Almost there! Bishop Malone set a goal of praying 10,000 rosaries for May, we are so close. Keep submitting your rosaries!

Bishop Malone has requested our parish communities to intentionally pray a rosary, Catholic schools, or Parish School of Religion, while in front of the Blessed Sacrament, before daily or Sunday Mass, and especially reaching out to our homebound community!

3 ways to report your rosary-
Collectively or individually-
via the form on the Eucharistic Revival website
by phone (318-219-7266)
by email ([email protected])


Happy 60th Anniversary to the priesthood Monsignor Earl Provenza!

Monsignor Provenza was ordained on this day in 1964 in the Diocese of Alexandria. He has served in parishes from Alexandria, Mansura, Bossier City to Zwolle. He has been instrumental in the establishment of parishes, served as a chaplain, joined the US Army Volunteer Reserves, and served as Director of Knights of Columbus Camp Maryhill in Pineville Louisiana where over 40,000 children attended under his direction. He was on the first organizational committee to form the original Red Mass in Shreveport. He has had personal audiences with Pope Paul VI, Pope John XXIII, and Pope John Paul II. One highlight of his life was when he offered a private mass with Pope John Paul II in the Pope's private chapel.

Click the link below to watch a segment of "Stories from the Heart" featuring Monsignor's retirement.


To Jesus Through Mary

Keep submitting your rosaries!

Bishop Malone has requested our parish communities to intentionally pray a rosary, Catholic schools, or Parish School of Religion, while in front of the Blessed Sacrament, before daily or Sunday Mass, and especially reaching out to our homebound community!

3 ways to report your rosary-
Collectively or individually-
via the form on the Eucharistic Revival website
by phone (318-219-7266)
by email ([email protected])


One of the largest expenses we incur as a diocese is the cost of education, including tuition, room and board for those preparing for ministry to the Church as priests. To minimize these expenses, seminarian burses have been established by various parishes, individuals, families, and organizations. The burse system builds up the principal and uses the interest as payment for ministerial education. Therefore the principal is not used directly to pay this expense. Once the burse has been established for $250.00, additional contributions may be made at any time. These burses are often established in memory or honor of a friend or loved one. It should also be noted that any group or individual can contribute to the burses that have already been established.

To make a donation or establish a seminarian burse,
Make your check payable to the Diocese of Shreveport, note the name of your burse in the memo line of the check.
Mail the check to the Office of Church Vocations
Diocese of Shreveport
3500 Fairfield Avenue
Shreveport, LA 71104

Want to donate to an established a burse? You can donate to any current open burse. All the steps are the same, the only difference is you can donate ANY amount to an established burse!

And as always we thank you for keeping our seminarians in your prayers and your continued prayers for an increase in vocations to the priesthood!


Join us as we celebrate Monsignor Earl Provenza's 60th Anniversary to the Priesthood with a Mass to be held on Sunday, May 26th at 2:00 at the Cathedral of St. John Berchmans.

Monsignor Provenza was ordained on May 30, 1964, in the Diocese of Alexandria. He has served in parishes from Alexandria, Mansura, Bossier City to Zwolle. Monsignor has been instrumental in the establishment of church parishes, served as a chaplain, joined the US Army Volunteer Reserves, and served as Director of Knights of Columbus Camp Maryhill in Pineville Louisiana where over 40,000 children attended under his direction. He was on the first organizational committee to form the original Red Mass in Shreveport. His personal audiences include 3 Popes, Pope Paul VI, Pope John XXIII, and Pope John Paul II. One highlight of his life was when he offered a private mass with Pope John Paul II in the Pope's private chapel.



Parents, are you looking for a fun, Christ-centered, summer camp for your high school student?
Sign up today for Camp Beloved (girls) or Mission Possible (guys) These summer camps are open to all high school students, throughout the diocese.
Young ladies, from incoming Freshmen to Graduating seniors, are invited to Camp Beloved, July 11-July 14
Young men, from incoming Freshmen to Graduating seniors, are invited to Camp Mission Possible, July 14- July 17

Click the link below to sign your high school student up to experience three days of faith-filled fun at this unforgettable, life-changing camp. Two camps, one for girls and one for boys, will be held at King’s Camp (in MerRouge, La) filled with awesome activities and rooted in Catholic spirituality! This year's campers will enjoy ropes course, canoeing, archery, pottery, competitive games, great food, Catholic devotions, and of course, time at the pool!
Online registration is now open! Click the link below to sign up today!


Today we celebrate the Anniversary of the Ordination to the priesthood of our Bishop Francis Malone who was ordained a priest this day in 1977. We also celebrate the anniversary of Father Nicholas Duncan who was ordained this day in 2022.


Join us in welcoming Mrs. Noemi Saybe as the Diocese of Shreveport's Director of Marriage and Family Life. Read the article below to learn more about Noemi!

I am thrilled to join the Diocese of Shreveport as the Director of Marriage and Family Life. With over 20 years of experience in various Catholic parishes, including roles in adult ministries, data services, and pro-life advocacy, I am eager to support and empower our families in their journey of faith.
My mission is to assist families in becoming strong, Christ-centered domestic churches. Through education, resources, and a focus on prayer and sacraments, we will strive to integrate Christ into every aspect of family life. Additionally, I am committed to coordinating the diocese's pro-life ministry, promoting a culture of life within our communities.
On a personal note, my devotion to St. Teresa of Avila and daily prayer, including frequent adoration and the rosary, guides my own journey of faith. Despite not having children of our own, my husband and I have been blessed with 23 years of marriage, which deepens my understanding of family dynamics and challenges.
I am excited about the opportunity to serve alongside you, and I look forward to journeying with each family as we build strong, resilient, and Christ-centered households within our diocese.


Are you ready for a summer adventure that combines fun, faith, and fellowship? Look no further than the exciting opportunities offered by the Diocese of Shreveport. This year, we are thrilled to bring back two distinct camps tailored specifically for high school students: Camp Beloved for young ladies and Mission Possible for young men.

Camp Beloved, from July 11 to July 14, welcomes all high school girls—from incoming freshmen to graduating seniors—who will enjoy a range of activities from pottery to archery, while deepening their faith through Catholic devotions and shared community experiences.
Similarly, Camp Mission Possible invites high school boys to participate from July 14 to July 17, offering them a chance to engage in exciting activities like ropes courses and canoeing, all grounded in a spiritually enriching atmosphere.

Both camps promise to deliver not only a multitude of fun activities but also the chance to create lasting memories and build meaningful relationships. From competitive games and great food to time spent at the pool, each camper will find something to enjoy while growing personally and spiritually.
Sign up today for this unforgettable, life-changing experience.

Online registration is now open! Click the link below to sign up today and secure a spot in this summer’s most anticipated local camp adventure!

Online registration is now open! Click the link below to sign up today!


To Jesus Through Mary

We are halfway through May let's keep reporting our rosaries! Last May we came together as a diocese in praying the rosary as we journey through this National Eucharistic Revival. We prayed the rosary through the month of May using special intentions for our diocese and the Eucharistic Revival. During the month of May, we prayed 2,157 Rosaries! Bishop Malone is encouraging us to offer our rosary prayers again this May, and let’s double our numbers! Could we push it to 10,000!

Bishop Malone is asking our parish communities to intentionally pray the rosary in community, Catholic schools, or Parish School of Religion, while in front of the Blessed Sacrament, before daily or Sunday Mass, and especially reaching out to our homebound community. There are special intentions for each decade of the rosary for our diocese as we pray during this month dedicated to the Blessed Mother.
Rosary Guides with the intentions will be distributed to parishes and available online.
As a church community, if you pray the rosary before daily or Sunday Mass, count the number of people who prayed the rosary and record it. If Eucharistic Adoration is offered, leave the books with the mysteries and intentions in the pews and encourage other adorers to pray the rosary with the special intentions during their time. Catholic Schools and Faith Formation programs may offer a rosary in your classrooms then tally the numbers. For those who are homebound, our most fruitful prayer warriors may pray the rosary daily with these special intentions.
Collectively or individually, rosaries may be reported via the form on the Eucharistic Revival website (, by phone (318-219-7266), or by email ([email protected])

Prayer works! We know it and if we gather with our intentions as a diocese, the graces will be bountiful. Our prayers in community and in private will be lifted, heard, and answered.

Beginning May 1st log your rosary on our website or click HERE.


All are invited to the 60th Priesthood Anniversary Mass for Msgr. Earl V. Provenza at the Cathedral of St. John Berchmans on Sunday, May 26, at 2:00pm.
This Mass will satisfy your Sunday obligation.
Please join us as we congratulate him on 60 years as a most faithful minister in our Lord's work. There will be a reception following in St. Vincent's Hall (Loyola's cafeteria).


Funeral arrangements for Sister Margaret Rose Cano
Sibille Funeral Home of Opelousas

To celebrate her life, a wake service will be held on Sunday, May 19, 2024 from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM with the rosary at 6:00 PM in the chapel at Our Lady of Prompt Succor Nursing Home in Opelousas.

The service will continue on Monday, May 20, 2024 with a wake service from 8:30 AM to 10:30 AM. The funeral mass will begin at 10:30 AM and burial will follow in St. Landry Cemetery in Opelousas.

In lieu of flowers, the Marianites of Holy Cross request that memorial donations be made to the Marianites of Holy Cross Congregational Center at 75520 Hwy 1081, Covington, Louisiana, 70435.

Words of Comfort to the family may be expressed at

📣 May Abbey Voice is Here! 05/13/2024

📣 May Abbey Voice is Here! The 133rd Saint Joseph Seminary College Commencement is Friday at 5 p.m. in the Abbey Church. Nineteen seminarians will receive bachelor degrees; six seminarians, who previously received their undergraduate degrees from other schools, will receive a pre-theology certificate.


Have you signed up yet?

Sign up today for Camp Beloved (girls) or Mission Possible (guys) These summer camps are open to all high school students, throughout the diocese.
Young ladies, from incoming Freshman to Graduating seniors, are invited to Camp Beloved, July 11-July 14
Young men, from incoming Freshman to Graduating seniors, are invited to Camp Mission Possible, July 14- July 17

Click the link below to sign your high school student up to experience three days of faith-filled fun at this unforgettable, life-changing camp. Two camps, one for girls and one for boys, will be held at King’s Camp (in MerRouge, La) filled with awesome activities and rooted in Catholic spirituality! This year's campers will enjoy ropes course, canoeing, archery, pottery, competitive games, great food, Catholic devotions, and of course, time at the pool!
Online registration is now open! Click the link below to sign up today!


With humble acceptance of God's will, we announce the passing of Sr. Margaret Rose Cano, MSC. Sister Margaret Rose was the former principal and a teacher at St. Vincent’s Academy. Sister Margaret was an inspiration to anyone who knew her. Hear the ups and downs of living her Religious Vocation and meeting Mother Theresa.

Funeral arrangements to be announced

Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon her. May her soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

Video-Tim Schooler Films

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Videos (show all)

Go Father Duncan! Check out those skills!!
21 reasons to come to camp (and that's not even all of them)!


3500 Fairfield Avenue
Shreveport, LA

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