Fluffy's Donuts To Go

Fluffy's Donuts To Go

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Spokane's best donuts! The definition of "Hole in the wall" Fun, family friendly stop. Delicious coffee and donuts offered from 5am until they're sold out!

Get them while they're hot and while you can!


šŸ“£New Donut Teaser AlertšŸ¤Æ

Hey everyone today was just a cleaning day, at the shop, and the house... for me at least. Because Rachel had some high priority testing to do, and she is really really looking forward to the final results tomorrow morning.

I know, this is not the most eye catching photo, and you're right! But as the old saying goes... "good things take time."

The final results will be coming out around 8am tomorrow 6-19-24. I assure you this is not just a different icing flavor. Remember it is very early, but she's got a good feeling about this batch. This will be the first official attempt, and your first to try one Rachel's passion projects.

I'm not exaggerating when I say if tomorrow's test goes well we will make this new style the top donut priority we are that excited about "cracking the code" on a new style of donut.

Also tomorrow will be the fudgey bars 3 ways.

The original (Chocolate Iced)
The Switcheroo (Vanilla Iced)
The I couldn't think of a better name.
(Peanut Butter)

Plus all of the other normal items we have everyday.

Stayed tuned for my Facebook Live in the morning for the reveal of the test donut. I'm also going to attempt to also do my first TikTok too () tomorrow!šŸ„³ I've been informed it's the "hip" thing to do! Which means it will probably be a complete disaster.

Side note: I'm hijacking the candy store account so be aware of that if you choose to follow us over there on that end of the internet.

Lasty, as I write my closing of this post I began to feel like we need to add some pumpkin cake donuts tomorrow. šŸ¤”

This just in...

We will have fresh pumpkin cake donuts. šŸ¤¤

We'll be open tomorrow at 5am.

We'll see you at the shop!

PS. The final product will be WAY more exciting... I promise!


Happy Monday to everyone!


We've got donuts everywhere!

Photos from Fluffy's Donuts To Go's post 06/16/2024

Hi everyone, and happy Saturday! I hope you had a great productive day.

Thanks to everyone who stopped by today it feels good to be back up and running. I feel like I'm finally getting my grove back, but at home time got away from me... ahem... it could've been the paper air plane guide book my kids found. Seriously, before I knew it I was 3-4 planes deep! šŸ¤£

Because of that I'm going to keep it brief...

Tomorrow we will be rolling with strawberry/rhubarb fritters, and peanut butter cake as our two special flavors of the day.

Sunday also means French Crullers are on the menu... and also a very small amount of our newest donut creation. I couldn't think of a good name, but Rachel hit a homerun with...

Praline Crunch

Does it sound good? Come try it...

I'm officially calling all flavor testers... because I need different taste buds. I think it's gonna be a big hit!

Just a quick update I am still practicing the PB&J stuffed, and stuffed maple bars... they are going to take some practice. So they don't make messes in thr fryer.

In the meantime... check out the custom "5" Rachel made today... she nailed it everyone! Here it is every step of the way...

All said and done it was about 8 inches tall, and looks great! I'm going to brag for her... that was 100% hand cut everyone! šŸ¤Æ

Side note... We do custom orders all the time.

We'll be open tomorrow at 5am.

We'll see you at the shop!


Saturday is almost here... tomorrow is going to be a first for us. We will have a family fun day plus Vegan/Dairy Free donuts!

Right now you're thinking "Taylor, why the exclamation point?"... because these donuts are really good! That's two exclamation points for one donut. Ask Rachel I don't give those out all willy-nilly. šŸ¤Ŗ

Honestly, the best way I can describe the flavor is they taste similar to corn dog breading. I'm guessing I can kiss my job application as the script writer on the Food Network goodbye.šŸ¤”šŸ¤Ŗ

Now, I've been extra tired the last few days. Sorry if the shop has felt sluggish. Today I was able to get a nap in. Thank you again, for the sell out today! Been a little out of sorts this week.

I've got to keep this brief because I need to get my beauty sleep, and hopefully get a chance to do a live for you in the morning.

We will have the Vegan donuts three ways

Glazed (My favorite)
Powdered Sugar

Also the buttermilk bars will be available... again sorry for the confusion with our schedule this week. The equipment breakdown completely threw me off.

The rundown for the this week will be

Saturday- Buttermilk Bars
Sunday - French Crullers
Monday - Fudgey Bars

Here is a photo of a box of donuts a costumer picked out that I needed to be duplicate a few days later. It's easier than writing it down. As you can see I'm kind of scraping the bottom of the barrel for photos. šŸ˜¬šŸ˜‚

We'll be open tomorrow at 5am.

We'll see you at the shop.


Well today has turned into something interesting. I'm here at our candy store... yes, we also have a candy store. Rachel was feeling under the weather so I am here trying to keep my eyeballs open, and all done candy. So I was thinking to myself how should I spend my unplanned time here, and it hit me... write a posty-post!

So here you go..

Tomorrow is Friday, and Friday at Fluffy's Donuts brings out the party poopers!šŸ’© But that's not all... we also have the maple bacon fritters, and just the regular devil's food cake too!

I'm also debating on making some more of the cinnamon sugar stuffed maple bars, and PB&J filled donuts again tomorrow.

I've been racking my brain trying to decide what to make as my special flavor cake will be for tomorrow, and I think it's time to make the funfetti cake again... so funfetti will also be available too! šŸ„³

That feels like a full donut day to me!

So I'll leave you with a beautiful photo from Rachel of our assorted white cake donuts that we make each and every day.

I'll be open tomorrow at 5am.

We'll see you at the shop


Alrighty Thursday is almost here and I know some of you have been craving those crispy French Crullers!

Have no fear because we will have them fresh tomorrow, and with oodles of flavor choices too.


You know I'm not done yet... we will have peach fritters, and strawberry cake donuts tomorrow too! šŸ¤Æ The latter are quickly becoming a Fluffy's fan favorite... try saying that five times fast.šŸ¤”

Who got to try the Cinnmon Pop Tart... (stuffed maple bar) today?

What did you think of it?Too Sweet, Not enough flavor?)
Don't want to write anything? Use the handy dandy rating guide below, and comment with the closest rating to your personal opinion of the new donut creation!

1 - Meh = "I didn't even finish it!"
2 - Okay = "Not my thing, but someone ate it."
3 - Not Bad = "I wouldn't be upset if you tossed it in my next dozen."
4 - Really Good = "Would add it my next dozen."
5 - Amazing = "I would like to order a dozen please."

Be brutally honest everyone (broken record) it helps me make better donuts.

Depending on the feedback I might make them again tomorrow. šŸ¤ž

I will leave you with a wonderful photo of a very "less is more" style of donut. A true donut legend. .. the simple, sugar dusted ring, and we make them daily. To me, this is a picture of perfectly made donut! Shout out, and thanks to Mark and MaryAnne for your help with production!

We'll be open tomorrow at 5am.

We'll see you at the shop!

Photos from Fluffy's Donuts To Go's post 06/12/2024


We have lots and lots of donuts. We will be here until 12:30ish while our car gets worked on. Stop in and get half price donuts while we are here.

If you are part of a non-profit with a 501c3 please come and pick up a FREE donut donation!


We are alive... and doing a live.... so there's that. šŸ„³

Photos from Fluffy's Donuts To Go's post 06/12/2024

šŸ“£New Donut Alert!!šŸ“£

The day almost got away from me today without getting my final post out there!

We are back up and running, and it feels good to finally say that! I am going to have so much fun this week!

Tomorrow is going to be a triple whammy! Why? Because we will have the amazing pumpkin cake and a surprise appearance by the Elvis Fritter! šŸ„³ (Banana, Peanut Butter, and chocolate)

I'm still not done because... we are also going to introduce a new donut. For now, I'm going to call it the maple/cinnamon pop-tart and will be available around 7am!

Basically, it is a stuffed maple bar! šŸ¤ÆšŸ¤¤

I've got to get to bed so I can get my beauty sleep! It's finally donut day for me again!

We'll be open tomorrow at 5am!

We'll see you at the shop!


Hi everyone... quick shop update: The broken part is scheduled to be delivered and fixed today. That should get us back up and running tomorrow, the 12th.


If I am remembering it correctly, they say "a picture is worth a thousand words", but this picture only has 17 words. So I'm not really sure if I used the correct math... šŸ˜‚ maybe I should've used that new math or something.

Either way we are closed until Wednesday, the 11th... go us!!


Hi everybody, we are going to try a new donut shop marketing strategy... we will be closed on National Donut Day! (6-7-24)

In all honesty... this just sucks because I can't be donut guy on THE donut day! I will keep you posted as to when we will be back up and running... hopefully Saturday.

I'll let you know if our strategy pays off or not!šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Time for some Balderdash.... kind of!


šŸ“£Important InfošŸ“£

Well, we will be forced to close tomorrow. (6-6-24) Our ventilation hood is on the fritz, and Iā€™m told it should be a quick and easy fix. That means you all will have to get your fix at another fine donut shop around townā€¦ youā€™ve got Retro to the North of me, Donut Parade to the Southeast of me, Mikeā€™s Old Fashioned also to the Southeast of me, and Casual Friday to the south of me.

My head feels that we will be back and running for Friday morning, but I wonā€™t know anything for sure until tomorrow night. This is still a big ā€œIFā€, and I wonā€™t know for sure until late Thursday night. Just know, I will always let you know ASAP as possible. (Shout out to Micheal Scott)

Now, you may be thinking Taylor, itā€™s just a vent hood. All you need to do is open a window, and fire up that fryer, and get to cooking donut guy.ā€ (or something like that.šŸ¤Ŗ) , Legally, we canā€™t run the fryer without it. Otherwise, Fire Marshall Bill would come over and show me somethin! (10 imaginary high if you get that reference!)

Since we will not be serving donuts tomorrowā€¦šŸ˜­ I will just show you what we are working on behind the scenesā€¦always testing. We found a new topping to use. Itā€™s very interesting to try because Iā€™ve very much a texture guy when I eat donuts. This guy in picture was pretty good, but I feel like it needs more.

New, texture/flavor combinations are always fun me. This new topping is very interesting because it just adds a nice light and crispy texture to any donut, but doesn't really impact the flavor Ever wanted to try a crispy maple bar? Me neither, but now that Iā€™ve written it, I will be trying it later this week! šŸ¤£

Nextly, you know I like to try and find the silver lining during bad situations. I was unable to produce my portion of the donuts this morning. which gave me some unscheduled ā€œfree playā€ time. I decided to take my frustrationā€¦ sorry, I meant free timešŸ˜€, and I directed my ā€œfree timeā€ towards my current nemesis. If you have been keeping track at home then you know Iā€™m referring to my two tvā€™sā€¦sorry, I meant to say black rectangles.

However, I am proud to announce they are up and running! We have menus everyoneā€¦ we have menus!! (Thanks for putting up with me everyone.) I will keep you updated on the vent hood situation, but it wonā€™t be until lateā€¦ sorry, late for me, I should know something by 7:30ish tomorrow night.

Lastly, Iā€™m going to try something new tonightā€¦ schedule a live event! Iā€™m going to read the definitions, and pick the winner live tonight at 9:15pm. Should be funā€¦ sorry in advance if I butcher what any of you wrote!

Iā€™ll see you at 9pm everybodyā€¦ nevermind, I guess youā€™ll see me at 9:15pm


Hi everybody! Today has been an interesting day... let's do this tour, and I'll tell you all about it!

Photos from Fluffy's Donuts To Go's post 06/05/2024

Okay, we have overcome "the bug" as I'm calling it . Now, in case you didnā€™t know, Friday of this week is ā€œNational Donut Dayā€ I think instead of just a day weā€™ll make it ā€œdonut weekā€. Take that tacos! šŸ¤£

In all seriousness though, we have surprises each day this week (Donā€™t get your hopes to high... I'm not Oprah. šŸ˜‚), and let you know about all of it. So, you can decide what the best to visit is going to be so letā€™s do this thing!

Wednesday (6-5-24)
Strawberry Bars three different ways! (A brand new creation to try)
Lemon/Blue fritters (and apple)

Thursday (6-6-24)
Free Pumpkin Donut with every dozen
Strawberry Rhubarb Fritters (and apple)

Friday (6-7-24)
Funfetti Cake, and devilā€™s food
Bacon, cherry, and cherry pineapple fritters
(and apple)
šŸ¤Æ$20 dozens (available for pre-order ONLY)*
Or a free donut!

Saturday (6-8-24)
Strawberry Cake
Banana, and Elvis Fritters (and apple)

Sunday (6-9-24)
Devilā€™s Food (Again), and Peanut Butter Cake!
Strawberry Rhubarb Fritters (and apple)

Monday (6-10-24)
Pumpkin Cake

All of this is in addition to the normal specialty menu. For example, you get every you see above on Wednesday, but you also get buttermilk bars in 8 different varieties.

Strawberry (Iced)

Strawberry (Flavored Batter) 3 ways
Chocolate Drizzle
Vanilla Drizzle

Iā€™ll be open tomorrow at 5am!

Choose your donut day wisely!

Iā€™ll see you at th

PS: I will be picking the definition contest winner tomorrow.... sorry the last few days have been a tad hectic.

PPS: I'm nodding of writing this and need to get to sleep. Good night ya'll, and feel free to ask questions.

Photos from Fluffy's Donuts To Go's post 06/03/2024

Well, this is probably not the best way to start a week, but everyone in my house is not feeling well. So the donut guy will become the doctor guy for the day.

I also included photographic evidence that I didn't just slap the sign up at 4:55am because I decided to take a day off.

PS. I'm not really sure what I'm looking at in the photo! šŸ¤£


We've got some good donuts, good music... and a lunatic running the shop! What else do you need on donut day?


I'm not sure what you're up to, but over here we are making tasty donuts, and doing shop tours!

Photos from Fluffy's Donuts To Go's post 05/31/2024

Howdy everyone, I hope your Friday is going well. I was printing and folding take home menus for the shop, and remembered a funny story!

Since Iā€™m sure lots of people out there are like my wonderful wife who also gets a kick out of me being dumb. Hereā€™s a little story for youā€¦

Now, Iā€™ve had this out for over a year, and given out hundreds of copies. I didnā€™t mention to anyone that I put an ā€œEaster Eggā€ on it and was just waiting for someone to make a comment about it. Fast forward to last week, I was folding about 100 menus, and my two oldest kids were sitting at the kitchen table. So, I handed them my menu, and asked them if they could find the message. They did, but more importantly, they pointed out my grammatical error in the ā€œhiddenā€ message. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø

Iā€™m sure what most of you are saying right now isā€¦ Taylor, there is at least one grammatical, and at least two spelling issues in every post you put out. I know that, because usually Iā€™m posting half asleep, and just roll with it.

However, I must have looked over this at least 100 times! Oh wellā€¦ per my daughterā€™s request Iā€™m going to leave it. At least we know what happens when you combine the words "about" and "your" into a single word. I'm a work in progress people.

Hey, I have an idea... who can come up with the best definition for this made up word. Gets a free dozen, and I will never ask for your personal information!
We just busted out the Balderdash game over the weekend, and it was a blast!

ā­ļøā­ļøā­ļøā­ļøā­ļø highly recommend

On to the donut stuffā€¦ Iā€™m already thinking about the weekend already because I really like making donuts and selling donuts on the weekends becauseā€¦. cheeseburgers!

Tomorrow, we will be making all of our regular tasty treats, but we sprinkle in (Get it?... itā€™s punny!šŸ˜‚) eyeballs, emojis, and of course cheeseburgers!

Not only that, but we make buttermilk bars on Saturday too! We will have lots of different flavors as always. I think this week we will go withā€¦


Oh yeah, I almost forgot, the huckleberry rings will be made every day againā€¦. starting tomorrow!

Edit: Tomorrow we will have Strawberry-Rhubarb fritters, and coconut cake in a variety of toppings.

Weā€™ll be open tomorrow at 5am.

Weā€™ll see you at the shop!


Ummm... it's embarrassing to post this early, but we are sold out for the day.
You can text me pre orders at 509-467-6403.

Photos from Fluffy's Donuts To Go's post 05/31/2024

Alrighty, I have some exciting news (and pictures!) to share, and finally tying up some loose ends we've had for awhile. I hope you like what we have decided to do with the menu/schedule.

The battle of my shop TVs (that were intended to be my menuā€™s) but have instead become my nemesis! Now, Iā€™ve been working, researching, and lurking through the shadows of the internet. I think I have found the solution to my problemā€¦ yet again.šŸ¤ž

I know, I know, Iā€™ve said this before, and you truly believed that my menuā€™s would be shining brightly on your next visit to the shopā€¦ then you left feeling let down when you are greeted by shiny black rectangles yet again! šŸ˜­

I canā€™t promise that it wonā€™t happen again because this fix may not work. šŸ¤£However, to prove to everyone that I actually have a menu designed, and not just making up crazy stories. šŸ¤Ŗ

I was thinking about writing a long post explaining each, and every detail, but Iā€™d rather spend that time answering any, and all questions, or comments you have!

Iā€™ll be open tomorrow at 5am.

Weā€™ll see you at the shop!


I'm just a few minutes later than 6am... šŸ˜¬


ā—New Donut Alertā—
Thursday is among us, and I know youā€™ve been on the edge of your seat all day. Eagerly waiting to find out what the Fluffyā€™s Donutā€™s case is going to be filled up with tomorrow. So without any further delay, here we go.

We are going to make not one, but two new donuts. The salted maple cake donut, and salted caramel drizzled chocolate bar.šŸ¤Æ and Iā€™m just getting started, because in addition to those amazing sounding test flavors youā€™ll also have the option of fresh a pumpkin cake donut... or two! šŸ‘€ They are crispy, fluffy, and obviously they have real pumpkin too. šŸ˜€

Next, on the list for tomorrow is French Crullers. They are also crispy, but the inside is light and airy. As a public service to anyone who has no idea what a French cruller is, I will rip one apart so you to see the difference.... hopefully before 6! šŸ˜¬

The cruller flavors will beā€¦

Lastly, but not least, we will also make some Cherry-pineapple fritters (pictured below)... it's like some kind of donut style perfect storm!

Personally, I like them served upside down (With the waffle pattern showing.) What do my fritter lovers out there think?

Iā€™ll be open tomorrow at 5am.

Weā€™ll see you at the shop!


Oh boy... we have something new today!!


I am so Live right now! šŸ˜‚

Photos from Fluffy's Donuts To Go's post 05/26/2024

My goodness I almost forgot to posty-post.šŸ˜¬... I think the later day at the shop today is messing with my brain.

Anywho, tomorrow is Sunday which means the crispy, yet light and airy, French crullers are the specialty for the day.šŸ„³ However, if you have been following along we are making extra flavors of cake donuts each day, and tomorrow is no exception. In fact, it's kind of a "double-prizes" kind of a day! Which means you get two, that's right two, special flavors of cake. šŸ¤Æ

Not just any cake flavors 2 of our most requested flavors!
Because we are making the unstoppable duo of...

Peanut Butter Cake
Pumpkin Cake

Now, small side note... please give me until 6am for these two.

Oh yeah, the flavors of crullers...


Second small side note, do you want more Ube options in the future?

Like Ube flavored cake donuts for example?

We'll be open tomorrow at 5am.

I'll see you at the shop.


We've got extra time, and we have lots of donuts... what does that mean for you?

A pretty sweet Memorial Day weekend because I will be here until 2pm today. Even better, is that from 12:30pm - until 2pm today (5-25-24 only) everything will be 50% off.

The choice is yours... greater selection, or greater prices.... choose wisely.

Here is the case as of 10:50am... with more coming out.

I'll delete this post if we get close to selling out.

Have a great weekend everyone!


How quickly can I get a shop tour done?.... let's find out together.

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Our Story

Delicious coffee and donuts offered from 5am until they're sold out! Get them while they're hot!

Videos (show all)

Happy Monday to everyone!
We've got donuts everywhere!
We are alive... and doing a live.... so there's that. šŸ„³
Time for some Balderdash.... kind of!
Hi everybody! Today has been an interesting day... let's do this tour, and I'll tell you all about it!
We've got some good donuts, good music... and a lunatic running the shop! What else do you need on donut day?
I'm not sure what you're up to, but over here we are making tasty donuts, and doing shop tours!
I'm just a few minutes later than 6am... šŸ˜¬
Oh boy... we have something new today!!
I am so Live right now! šŸ˜‚
How quickly can I get a shop tour done?.... let's find out together.
Guess who's been playing around with cake donuts.





7009 N Division Street
Spokane, WA

Opening Hours

Monday 5am - 12pm
Wednesday 5am - 12pm
Thursday 5am - 12pm
Friday 5am - 12pm
Saturday 5am - 12pm
Sunday 5am - 12pm

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Spokane, 99206

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2152 N Hamilton
Spokane, 99207

We hope we are a place for the community to gather and enjoy the bestish donuts in Spokane.