Intentional Human Coaching

Intentional Human Coaching

James Barfoot, Health and Wellness Coach and Clinical Hypnotherapist While working there until April 2017 I was always in search of ways to improve my skills.

I graduated from Bennett/Stellar University in 2008 with certifications as a Clinical Hypnotherapist and Master NLP practitioner. Immediately establishing a practice as a Hypnotist/Coach I was hired in Feb 2009 by Positive Changes Hypnosis in Spokane, WA. I received additional training with Stephen Gilligan PhD who studied with Milton Erickson M.D. the father of modern Hypnotherapy. I have been registered in Washington state as a Hypnotherapist since 2008.

Heart Circle Fire Ceremony 04/12/2024

Excited to be sharing this invitation with you.

Heart Circle Fire Ceremony ​ Every so often, you see someone who moves with confidence and freedom. While others are clamoring around, this person somehow seem to know what to do. They just kind of step right up and do...

Heart Circle Fire Ceremony 04/12/2024

Heart Circle Fire Ceremony ​ Every so often, you see someone who moves with confidence and freedom. While others are clamoring around, this person somehow seem to know what to do. They just kind of step right up and do...


Forget New Year's Resolutions and Find Your Magic Instead!


Reconnect with your inner nature. Come join us in this ancient Taoist practice.

Photos from Intentional Human Coaching's post 12/02/2023

Start your new year in the flow with me!

Photos from Intentional Human Coaching's post 12/02/2023

Come join me at beautiful harmony Woods Retreat Center for this 90 minute intro to Tai Chi.

Awaken Your Primal Nature this Summer 05/06/2023

Awaken Your Primal Nature this Summer - Deer Creek Summer Solstice Retreat Clarify intentions, honor our dreams, gifts, and passions, recognize our allies, recharge and reconnect to the flow of life.


When we say that we don't trust someone we may have an expectation that they ought to behave in a certain way. This can lead us to into confusion as to how to interact with them. We might find it easier to accept or trust that this is how they are. We can then adjust the parameters of how we choose to interact with them. This is freedom!


What if spirit were offering to collaborate with you and all you had to do was ask?

Contact 04/06/2022

If you wake up each day feeling passionate and guided by something deep within you then you have found your Inner Magic! If you wake up wondering where the magic went then watch this video on my contact page to find it!

Contact Whether you're just starting a new journey or resuming your efforts to address an important life issue, I can help. Contact me for a free consultation

Home 03/25/2022

I am looking forward to connecting with you in person! How cool will that be! So please stop by and visit with me.

Home Holistic Festivals.

Spiritual Awakening is Not an Escape Route 03/09/2022

I have been in a book study group reviewing Michael Hoffman's recently published book and wanted to share some of the value that I have experienced not just in the book but in the work I have done with him for many years. This book teaches us how to collaborate with LIFE in a way that is missed in LOA or the Secret!

Spiritual Awakening is Not an Escape Route I have been reading Michael Hoffman's book "Natural Way of Being-Trust your Heart and Collaborate with Life" and he nails it. He very concisely explains the unholy relationship between fear and...

Clear Dynamic Male Energy in Movies and Streaming Shows 03/02/2022

If you find standing up for yourself challenging at times then please read this blog and discover how to access all the resources that you need to do so.

Clear Dynamic Male Energy in Movies and Streaming Shows Spokane Hypnosis Services

Have You Lost Your Magic Tortoise? 03/02/2022

When you take action by asking and going after that which you desire you will soon break the shame cycle. Discovering that you do deserve will open doorways of possibility to you!

Have You Lost Your Magic Tortoise? In the Wilhelm Baynes version of the I Ching in Hexagram 27 the top change line reads, "You​ let your Magic Tortoise go and look at me with the corners of your mouth drooping". Tortoises in ancient...


It's confusing to want something new in your life and feel like you are moving further away from it. Financial security, loving relationships, better health are available to all of us. It's your story that is holding you back from having what you really desire. Perhaps it's time to change it! Contact me now:

ARE YOU MOVING TOWARDS OR AWAY FROM LIFE? I am not sure if you notice the choices you make each day. I know that I didn't for a long time and I discovered that is pretty normal. Many choices are made without a lot of conscious thought. There...



Do you find yourself constantly analyzing and judging people and situations according to your rules? I know that I have done this! In fact, I caught myself the other day doing just that.

We all tend to use rules to guide our lives. Do not get me wrong rules serve a purpose or we would not have any. They are meant to be like training wheels on a bicycle and help us to learn to operate within societal norms. They also help us to function throughout each day and to keep us safe. At some point the training wheels need to come off. Keeping them on longer than is necessary is counterproductive.

These rules can keep us boxed in and limit our choices. Another thing often happens when we cling too tightly to our rules, we may find ourselves imposing our rules on others. A few days ago, I was on in a Zoom meeting and a moderator failed to address what I perceived to be some crosstalk that was going on in the group. In my mind I said the rule is no crosstalk. That was true and yet as I watched and listened, I discovered that this crosstalk was serving to connect the group on a deeper level. The moderator had sensed this intuitively and the rule was relaxed. Thankfully for me, I did continue to observe and see the result and not to mention learn something.

Isn’t this the reason for rules in the first place? We set parameters within which we operate much like a form that we practice until it is no longer needed. I have participated in sharing circles for more than thirty years and a good facilitator will over time move the group from form to a more formless or intuitive interaction. When this occurs even new members will more easily understand the process that occurs. Occasional reminders are offered as required.

What do you suppose is the foundation of this group transformation? If you guessed trust you are correct as without it the deeper work will not happen. Trust of course takes time and having some rules or even better, parameters around our relationship with others may serve to help us understand and define the nature of this relationship.

I will speak more to this in the future as it is an important aspect of the change process. This key element of learning to let go of rules will help us build the required trust that is necessary to create the lives we truly desire to live. Perhaps it goes without saying that the most important person in your circle of trust is yourself. It all starts and ends with you. If you are interested in delving deeper into your change process, please let me know. I offer a free consultation to see if we are a good fit.

Please contact me at:


Tribes are powerful and we are seeing the effects in our nation today. There is a tribe with a practice that has the power to bring us together. Listen and discover how you can join this tribe.



We change who we are according to the situation that we are in. If you have heard yourself say I just feel like myself then you may be changing to please another person or group. We will look at this more deeply and map out some ways to stop this behavior and live authentically.



I am speaking to those of you who are already on a path of self-awareness. You have read plenty of books you spend time in meditation each day. You have a practice whether yoga or walking and you listen to a lot of thought leaders on YouTube. Some things are changing just not consistently enough for others to notice.

If that sounds strange then you heard me correctly. If we are looking outwards for some acknowledgement or gratification for the hard work we have been doing then we need to check in on ourselves because that is a trap that never ends.

Yes, it feel good to get acknowledgement that's a given, the trap is in needing it or even using it as a fuel for our success. This the trap of celebrity and you don't have to be famous to fall into it.

If you are doing this don't feel bad as I too did this for a lot of my life and still catch myself occasionally seeking approval. Especially when the stakes are high. Say a budding relationship with a beautiful woman or your special new guy.

I had this happen recently and started to feel that I was losing a sense of myself becoming a little too mailable. Can anyone relate?

It wasn't even about her as she was just being herself. The fault was with me and fortunately I woke up and realized that I was in a fantasy. One of my own creation and I am extraordinarily thankful for the lesson.

There is a tendency to change ourselves to fit in or seek approval and we know in our hearts that doesn't work. Even more than that, it doesn't do us or those that we have turned to any good.

It creates a false relationship and if they are doing the same thing we never really get to know each other. The worst part is the longer we are together the less end up knowing about each other.

A forty year anniversary is great if we have managed to keep our hearts open and vulnerable, otherwise it's may just be an attendance certificate.

So no matter where we are whether at home or work or relating to friends it's important to define the relationship and look at what you are having to do to maintain it. If maintaining involves changing who you are it may be time for a gut check.

This issue is more common than most realize and one that when addressed will have a profound affect on your life. Some of this is inevitably linked to your old story and helping you change that story with hypnosis is something I can walk you through. Contact me at:


Dieting doesn't work at least not in the long run. Watch this video to discover why Hypnosis is the best choice.



Life constantly presents us with doorways of possibility. Our tendency is to use a linear focus that is goal oriented instead of allowing ourselves to flow with life. This way of operating causes us to miss doorways and keeps us trapped in repetative behavior patterns.



We make the easy choices because we hate to wait! Problem solved right! Yes, until it comes back to bite us! We do this constantly in just about every area of our lives.

I know this because this was me and could still be me if I didn't start to see the effect of my choices. We are all trading our futures for immediate gratification and often don't even link these actions to there consequences.

Read my previous post on self-awareness to understand this mechanism. We have convinced ourselves that we are smarter for choosing short term gain and my question is, really are we?

Perhaps some examples of this will be helpful. Let's start with the obvious. Fast food! I pick something up on my way to work , at lunch and for the family on my way home because frankly it's easier. Short term gain is saving time, no cooking or food prep, no messy dishes, and wait for this one, it's cheaper. Not sure on that one! Do any of you have thoughts about price and quality?

I believe that we can see the short term gain. What is the long term gain? We have all experienced this and felt the frustration. Fast food is high caloric, high fat, high sugar and leads to weight gain. You can guess what the long term consequences are.

Searching for a job anyone. Did you create a great resume perhaps even consult with a person or resource to strengthen your resume. Are you doing this while currently employed in a job that leaves you feeling unfulfilled? Most simply wait until there is a crisis then scramble to find something else. Usually another job that fails to meet there needs. I rest my case.

How about relationships? Are you in a loving passionate relationship or simply marking your anniversary with an attendance certificate. Are we invested in communication and honesty that will ensure a stronger relationship over time or just showing up. If it's unfulfilling start talking and please go to counseling to find out what each of you can bring to it.

Okay, so dating is one that hits close to home. Just like I talked about the job resume, take time and create a good dating profile. Get clear on not only who you are looking for but what you are offering. I posted a blog, "For Women Only- Finding Your Soulmate".

Still working away on the men's. The point of this is take your time state your needs, share your dreams and most of all take your time as it's a process.

You can apply the same approach to any area of your lives from finances, health, vacations, retirement. This is about sacrificing just a little now, for a lot of potential gain down the road.

If you understand the merit of what I am suggesting and are ready to create some changes for the long term. Then we will map out a plan of action that will get you there. Contact me to see how Hypnosis can help you to create your desired change.

Spokane Hypnosis Services by Intentional Hypnosis 01/24/2021


Most people are! I know that I was and it seriously hurt my growth process. It hurt because in order to change behaviors and grow as a human being we have to first bring self-awareness to our perceived defects.

In other words I had to look at how these unconscious behavior patterns were still ruling my life. I had to look at what I was not allowing into my reality.

This was difficult for me as I have spent my life identifying myself as a spiritual guy, if not enlightened at least well on my way. I had a spiritual resume that looked pretty impressive. I had fallen into the trap of being aware enough to fool others though ultimately not myself.

This made me a fraud! My self-perception was a lie and the more aware that I became the more that I saw this. So I was now at a point of ethical change and had to make a choice.

I wonder how many of you can relate to this on some level? I could choose to remain unconscious and allow the old story and it's associated behavior patterns to rule my life or I could allow the light of awareness to shine.

I chose awareness and continue to face none other than myself each day. The story of who I imagined myself to be continues to dissolve and make room for who I truly am. This is a key part of the change process.

If you are the kind of person who is willing to to face the challenge of bringing more awareness into your life then let me know. When you choose a guide it's best to choose one that has actually traversed the path upon which you wish to tread. Contact me:

Spokane Hypnosis Services by Intentional Hypnosis Hypnosis programs with powerful personal coaching to change behaviors for life, reduce stress, lose weight, sleep better, break bad habits, self-confidence, work life balance, sports performance.

Spokane Hypnosis Services by Intentional Hypnosis 01/23/2021


Many of you are deeply spiritual and self-aware people who still find yourselves trapped by this believe. I know this is true because, I have worked with thousands of people on this issue and I still find myself caught in this belief.

Fortunately it's less often and I don't hang out there too long. Though sometimes I really need to make an effort to pull myself out of that ditch. Let's call it the guilt and shame ditch.

There I said it! That's the hook that keeps us trapped. Without the emotional attachment we would see the behavior for what it is and change it more easily. Please know that I am not denying the effect that these behaviors can have, on our lives as well as other peoples.

It is important to own it, just don't beat yourself up as that actually reinforces itself, into a negative feedback loop. There is a solution to this and it is fairly simple though it does take effort.

Congratulate yourself when you become aware, either during or after discovering yourself engaged in a non-productive behavior! Yes, congratulate yourself! This will encourage you to change the behavior, where as shaming yourself will not.

Did you catch the second tool that you can use as it's neatly tucked into the above paragraph like a chocolate chip cookie waiting to be enjoyed. Can you guess what I am referring to?

It is how we frame a behavior, that helps us cease identifying as it! We tend to say I have either a good or bad behavior which is a poor assessment that creates more judgement. Good boy, bad boy! Really, let's get beyond this and see behaviors for what they are poor choices or better choices made with the information at hand.

Not to mention cognitive awareness. How many six or seven year old's can make a really good independent choice. That where the patterns that get you through day starts getting put in place.

So, three things to sum up the process. No guilt or shame around the behavior. Start viewing behaviors as either productive or non-productive vs good or bad. Finally, congratulate yourselves for bringing awareness to the behavior.

For more fun discovering the empowerment, that comes from these simple practices contact me for a free consultation at:

Spokane Hypnosis Services by Intentional Hypnosis Hypnosis programs with powerful personal coaching to change behaviors for life, reduce stress, lose weight, sleep better, break bad habits, self-confidence, work life balance, sports performance.


There it is! You are going to have to face it so why not get a look at it now. This is what we are all facing when we decide to make some change in our lives. I can remember facing this myself. Oh wait that was only a few weeks ago no wonder it is so vivid.

I have been practicing walking with my heart open for a long time. Let me clarify this just a little. I truly desire to walk with my heart open and have done so off and on for many years but it is so darn difficult. I start each day with an intention to do so and I make it part way through and then it happens.

I hit the wall of resistance and get stopped cold. I know that I am not the only one who starts each day with a positive intention and then boom, I run into it. This is why I can feel your pain. Whatever it is that we are choosing to change we will meet this wall.

When I work with people I help them understand that this is a big key to moving through the change process. You know what the insanity is? It's a believe, especially when we utilize something as powerful as hypnosis that we won't have to face this wall.

No, we will never create lasting change without consciously choosing to face this wall. It's simply not possible! Even a fairly substantial experience of forward movement will often collapse when facing this wall.

Why is that you ask? It's actually pretty straight forward in that we can't have it both ways. We can't have the benefit of the old behavior (hint there is always a benefit) and let go of it. It's the ultimate paradox and interestingly enough why diets often work so well to start with and not so well in the long run.

Let's take a closer look at a diet especially one that is really simple to follow and get's us the quick loss we want. Our wall of resistance dissolves while holding the paradox intact. In this case the gratification of the rapid weight loss replaces the old benefits of convenience and sugar fixes.

The problem even if we do make it to our goal is that the weight is now stable and we have lost our resolution to stick to this rigid diet, as well as the built in gratification of the rapid loss. Now we choose to celebrate and it goes down hill from there. All that effort is wasted because we truly did not put in place the new pattern for a healthy lifestyle. Each time we do this dance it is more difficult as we can no longer fool ourselves like we did the first time or two.

Now its is hard work and we are discouraged from even trying. Who likes failure as a practice. Who likes to get hung up trying to scale this wall of resistance. If this sounds like what you are facing I feel your pain and I do have a solution. I will invite you to join me on this quest. I am a guide and I know how to get you over this wall of resistance and into the life that you truly want to live.

Contact me for a free consultation:

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Our Story

The Intentional Human Project is an invitation to participate in experiential events and practices designed to open our awareness. Our world is an abundant place yet it seems we are often too focused perceived limitation. Oftentimes a small shift in our view can open us to a whole new world. Join us on this journey of discovery.

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Accessing internal resources and modeling skills and behaviors.
You do NOT have a weight problem, but a BEHAVIOR problem. With hypnosis we can solve this problem •••#hypnosis #spokanei...
There is POWER in recorded hypnosis. •#hypnosis #spokane #intentionalhypnosis
With hypnosis you can FINALLY feel the sense of freedom. Message me or follow my link in the bio if you are interested i...
How Hypnosis changed Jacob Wiley's life! #hypnosis #spokane #hypnosisspokane #intentionalhypnosis
WHO ARE YOU CHANGING FOR?We change who we are according to the situation that we are in. If you have heard yourself say ...


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Spokane, WA

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