Fertility Chiro

Fertility Chiro is a branch of Transcendent Health.

Dr. Sara Strohmeyer offers personalized fertility consulting, holistic treatments to balance hormones, reduce stress, and help you in your journey to motherhood.

Timeline photos 09/21/2022

Hello my friends! As my twin pregnancy progresses, I am realizing that I cannot keep up with all of the things! That being said- I will be pausing fertility.chiro social media for the time being.

Please follow for your fertility posts as well as prenatal, pregnancy, postpartum, and all things toddler!


Timeline photos 09/12/2022

This weeks topic? MTHFR mutation and why it matters with fertility!



Timeline photos 09/09/2022

Here's the gist of what needs to happen for you to more easily get pregnant! 🤰🏻💙

✨Adjustments weekly or biweekly: subluxations aka "stuck joints" decrease fertility
✨Acupuncture weekly: balance hormones per cycle week
✨plant protein = nuts, seeds, beans
✨supplements- see Dr. Sara for your specific ones!
✨a gallon of water! more water = easier for egg and s***m to meet!
✨8 hours of sleep = ideal time for healing and restoration of the body


Timeline photos 09/07/2022

Comment below!! What topic or question do you want to know about?!

Timeline photos 09/02/2022

Yep I said it. S***m have one job- get to the egg. However, the body is so amazingly made- ONLY the fastest, perfectly shaped, and strongest s***m will get to the egg. The female body has purposely made the journey difficult such that only the highest quality s***m and egg meet to make the most perfect embryo.

So what are the male factors? According to WHO-
🌟concentration- MUST be higher than 15 million/mL
🌟motility- MUST be above 50%
🌟morphology- MUST be above 50%

So men what do you do? Decrease/eliminate smoking, drinking, junk food.

🌟🌟ACUPUNCTURE twice a week for 5 weeks drastically increases normal s***m🌟🌟


Timeline photos 08/31/2022

The MOST important thing I do as a part of my daily routine? MANIFESTATION.

I know that sounds woo-woo but hear me out: Researchers like Dr. Barbara Fredrickson, Dr. Sonja Lyubomirsky, and Dr. Carol Dweck have proven that positive emotion and growth mindsets lead to successful outcomes.

Every morning and evening when I am doing mediation and yoga, I visualize my family of 5. For my moms that already have kids, envision those (loving) feelings your kids evoke from you. For my moms that do not have kids yet, choose something or someone that evokes huge joy and love from you. Focus on these feelings. Do it every day!

Timeline photos 08/30/2022

I have created an overly simplified version of the WHY behind chiropractic and fertility. This chart shows you the nerves from your lumbar spine communicate with the adrenal glands, bladder, and reproductive systems. These nerves MUST be working in order for the organs to work. If there is any misalignment, there will be a disruption in communication. DISRUPTION = NOT FUNCTIONING

Your body needs to be able to consistently ovulate, rise in hormones, drop when not pregnant, and maintain a high level when pregnant. That's a lot of communication between the brain and the body. Not only that but organs need to be able to communicate with each other as well. That's a whole deeper level of communication, and it is VITAL that the brain be able to balance the communication. The only way this can happen is when your body is in alignment.

Bottom line: get adjusted!

Timeline photos 08/29/2022

We need your help! Help us to get the word out! Please invite your friends and family to like our page!

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That's it! Help us help more people! Thank you for your support!

Timeline photos 08/26/2022

When I was trying to get pregnant with Olivia, I did allllllllllll the things. I charted my basal temps religiously. I peed on a million ovulation strips. I had all the fertility support supplements.

Here's why it didn't work- you can't analyze yourself. In fact, you stress yourself trying to figure out what each little temperature, symptom, or emotion means.

This is when I reached out for help. I talked to my OB. I received acupuncture from someone who saw a lot of women trying to conceive. I received regular chiropractic adjustments.

It's important to have your medical/alternative health support circle. I am here for you! I also have an abundance of referrals for OBGYNs, fertility specialists, massage therapists, PTs, and more. Check in and let's see what you need.

Timeline photos 08/24/2022

How do you know it's time to see Dr. Sara? If you checked any of these boxes, it's time!

Timeline photos 08/23/2022

Part of trying to conceive involves peeing on a lot of sticks. Premom is the BEST around! Accurate and cheap! Let's face it, fertility is not a one and done. You're most likely testing for your ovulation, testing several months for HCG. Those strips add up.

So here's my tip! Buy in bulk from Premom! If you haven't downloaded the app yet, DO IT.

**not affiliated with premom in any way- this knowledge is all for you!

Link to this product:


Timeline photos 08/22/2022

Yet another negative pregnancy test. Another heartbreak. Another what if. So now what?

There's not a lot of things you can control when it comes to getting pregnant and staying pregnant. However, there are a few things you can do. So now what?

--> look at your diet. Eliminate the processed foods, increase your plant protein
--> increase your water intake
--> 8 hours of sleep a night

Here's a start. Need more? DM me!

Timeline photos 08/19/2022

One of the more tender but very beneficial points in acupuncture is SPLEEN 4. Spleen Qi (energy) regulates both ovulatory and luteal phases. Spleen Qi MUST be at optimal levels for a successful luteal phase.

Spleen 4 is essential in the luteal phase. This points helps to regulate cycles, supports progesterone production, and maintains optimal endometrial lining.


Timeline photos 08/17/2022

Let's talk about our men! 66% of the time, s***m is not viable to fertilize an egg. What makes good s***m? Large concentration, good shape, and quick moving.

Signs that s***m might not be good:
💙 smokes
💙 eats full fats and/or processed meats
💙 drinks sugary beverages
💙 watches a lot of TV
💙takes tylenol, ibuprofen, or other pain killers regularly
💙 stressed

Sounds like your partner? He probably doesn't have the best s***m. Don't fret! S***m quality changes every 3 months. SO here's what he needs to do:

👉🏻 increase Vitamin D- 5,000 IU daily
👉🏻 get Pink Stork Men's Fertility Blend ASAP!
👉🏻 get regular exercise- walking and weight lifting are the best for men!

Questions? Feel free to DM me!

Timeline photos 08/16/2022

Today's topic: What does Chiropractic Care have to do with FERTILITY ✍🏻💞



Timeline photos 08/15/2022

Just some fun facts about me so you know your fertility chiro is not a robot! 😁

Timeline photos 08/12/2022

Did you know that the majority of eggs get fertilized but implantation is the problem? The first thing a fertilized egg does is put out a chemical signal to the uterine lining to prepare for implantation. However, if the fertilized egg (now embryo) has genetic abnormalities, the message is altered or does not occur at all.

So what can we do to improve our implantation odds? We need to balance our hormones, and improve our egg quality as best as possible. If s***m and egg are at their healthiest, if our hormones are balanced and uterine lining healthiest, that will give us the best possible odds to conceive.

Timeline photos 08/10/2022

In all honesty, my favorite one here is "take a vacation." Let's get real here- when you are trying to conceive, you can get lost in those cycle days. That two week wait feels like an eternity. You get wrapped up in it. You start stressing and overanalyzing every single "symptom" your body has. Is your right b**b a little sore today? OMG did I feel a stabbing sensation on my left hip? Maybe. Who actually knows.

Take a vacation. Get away for a few days and GO DO SOMETHING. Get out of your own head and get into life. If you can't get away, there's literally a million things to do here in St. Louis. Go to the zoo, the magic house, the science center, a park. Go on a pizza challenge and try every pizza place in STL and rank them. Who cares what it is. Just go do it and HAVE FUN.


Timeline photos 08/09/2022

I started my deep dive into fertility in 2017 after I miscarried my first angel baby. I wanted to know alllllll the things. Why do miscarriages happen? Why do some women need fertility help while others do not? Why did I have issues both conceiving and carrying a baby?

There were a lot of questions. I knew I couldn't be the only one with these questions, but like every other human in life, my passion in fertility started from my own experiences. Experiences that I am now grateful for because I can truly connect to each and every one of my fertility patients.

"If you know, you know"

Timeline photos 08/08/2022

One of the major acupoints I do for the ovulatory phase is Zigongxue AKA Palace of the Child. How cool is that?!

In Chinese medicine, the uterus is referred to as the Palace of the Child. The idea is before a visitor comes to your home, you clean up right? Same goes for pregnancy. Before ovulating, we are preparing the uterus for your miracle baby.


Timeline photos 08/05/2022

How do you know if you need to make an appointment with me?

👉🏻 you're trying to conceive
👉🏻 you've miscarried
👉🏻 your cycles are irregular, too long, or too short
👉🏻 you're undergoing IVF, IUI, ETs
👉🏻 your AMH and/or hormones have tested out of range
👉🏻 you have a history of endometriosis, PCOS, etc.
👉🏻 if you want to have kids within the next year

If you answered yes to any of these questions, make your appointment!

Timeline photos 08/02/2022

Let's talk cycle charting. This is the **ideal** pregnancy basal temperature chart. Now how many women do we know that have the perfect 28 day cycle, ovulating at day 14, very clear jump in temp, secondary rise, and bam pregnant? Yeah.....probably 1% maybe?

So should we cycle chart? The answer is yes and no (of course). If you know nothing about your cycle, it's a good idea to chart for a few months to figure out where your baseline is.

Here are the main questions needing answered:
- how long is your average cycle
-are you clearly ovulating each month
-do you spot at the end of your cycle
-how quickly does your basal temp drop after ovulation

**If you already know these answers, then you're ready to jump in for your appointment!! If you don't know, that's okay! Download the premom app, get to charting and make an appointment for more information!


Timeline photos 08/01/2022

I've talked about adding more protein to your diet, how it is VITAL for fertility. Here's my favorite way to add in protein.

This particular Muscle Milk is non-dairy, which is perfect for when trying to conceive. A lot of women have trouble digesting dairy- if this is you, then definitely choose the non-dairy muscle milk! Knockout chocolate is my favorite, though the chocolate peanut butter is a close runner-up.

If you pop in on Saturday mornings, you most likely have seen me sipping on one of these!


Timeline photos 07/29/2022

I've created a blog for Fertility stories, tips, stats, etc. that is a little more detailed. Let's be honest- you're not on social media for paragraphs of info! So for my readers that want more- follow me on the blog! ✍🏻💞



Timeline photos 07/27/2022

Why can I help you on your Fertility journey? Here's just a few reasons!

💕 Boost egg quality
💕 Healthy ovulation
💕 Stress Management
💕 Regulate and improve cycles
💕 Improve AMH
💕 Improve sleep

Sound good to you? Make an appointment!!


Timeline photos 07/26/2022

A study from Harvard School of Public Health looked at 18,000 women and found that ovulatory infertility is 39% more likely in women eating high levels of animal protein. 🤯

Another study from the Nurses' Health Study: replacing 25g of animal protein with 25g of plant protein had a 50% decreased risk of ovulatory infertility.
💫 3 handfuls of nuts/seeds = 25g of plant protein

EASY PEASY! Replace animal protein with plant protein in one meal and you've already improved your chances by 50%❗


Timeline photos 07/25/2022

A major genetic mutation that you need to be aware of is the MTHFR mutation. This gene can have some serious impacts on fertility, conceiving, and carrying a baby.

MTHFR stands for Methylenetetrahydrofolatereductase....and this will be literally the ONLY time I type out the full word! JK let's do this one more time but with a little variation....


Now that I did that, you can guess what this gene is in charge of. Yep- FOLATE. Now most women, especially those trying to conceive, know that folate is SUPER VITAL in pregnancy. It is also super important in pre-conception and trying to conceive. (think neural tube development AKA spinal cord❗)

When you have an MTHFR mutation, worse when you have multiple (yes that's a thing too!), your body cannot process folate, leading to high levels of homocysteine.

High homocysteine leads to early miscarriage and high blood pressure during pregnancy.

🌟Test for yourself! https://tinyurl.com/57vpxwds

Test positive for mutations or already know you have the MTHFR mutations? Message me for more information on how to overcome this in your fertility journey!


Timeline photos 07/22/2022

I am so happy to be able to help your family Cara! Little Finn is the cutest!!


Timeline photos 07/21/2022

Insulin resistance appears to be a leading cause of infertility. Surprised? Think about this--🤔🤔

--> insulin is your body's response to utilizing the sugar in your bloodstream-- aka for ENERGY!

Now if you have too much sugar in your bloodstream, you have to produce A LOT of insulin to clean up the blood...repeat this pattern over and over and over, 24/7, 365 and you have a big problem. It's called insulin resistance. Your body literally cannot keep up with the demand and the cells become de-sensitized to the insulin signaling, leaving you with a broken process.

Why does this affect fertility? Because it affects the LIVER. The liver is in charge of detoxifying the body, breaking down all foods, and balancing fertility hormones. If you have too much sugar in the body, it cannot break down the foods as efficiently or detox the body. The liver becomes overloaded and will not balance the hormones.

Long story short--

insulin resistance = poor liver function = unbalanced hormones = no babies

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5614 Hampton Avenue
St. Louis, MO

Opening Hours

Tuesday 10am - 4:30pm
Wednesday 10am - 4:30pm
Thursday 10am - 4:30pm
Saturday 8:45am - 12:15pm

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