Stanford Continuing Studies

Stanford Continuing Studies

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Stanford Continuing Studies offers a broad range of courses in the liberal arts & sciences, creative writing, and professional & personal development.


New! “Fashion and Other Disasters: A History of Clothing from the Middle Ages to Modern Brands” starts September 24.

In this new course led by Stanford professor Emanuele Lugli, explore how clothing reflects social distinctions and the connections between fashion and geopolitical upheaval, from the birth of Western fashion during the 1348 plague to Christian Dior's opulent 1947 style post–World War II.

Learn more and enroll today:

Back to school: A's fade to black in Oakland - VenuesNow 08/28/2024

Check out this great article about our upcoming course, “Winning and Wanderlust: The History of the Oakland Athletics.” This new course is led by Andy Dolich, who served as the Oakland A’s vice president of business operations from 1981-1994, and will feature guest speakers including sports journalists and former A’s starting pitcher Dave Stewart.

Read the full article here:

Join us online starting October 22 to explore the history and identity of this storied MLB franchise. Enroll today:

Back to school: A's fade to black in Oakland - VenuesNow Andy Dolich isn't letting the Oakland A's sad departure to Las Vegas occur without issuing a dissertation on the 56-year history of the Bay Area team.

Roman Satire Then and Now: Horace, Seneca, and Juvenal 08/27/2024

“Roman Satire Then and Now: Horace, Seneca, and Juvenal” starts September 24!

At the height of the Roman Empire, writers like Juvenal, Horace, and Seneca mastered the art of satire, critiquing life in Rome and contributing memorable sayings to our modern lexicon. In this course led by Stanford professor Christopher Krebs, we’ll examine their works, themes, and influence on later satirists—and reflect on the continued relevance of satire in the 21st century.

Learn more and enroll today:

Roman Satire Then and Now: Horace, Seneca, and Juvenal At the height of the Roman Empire, Juvenal resigned himself to writing satire: it was simply too “difficult not to write” (Sat. 1.30). He was not alone among Roman writers in targeting life in Rome. Augustan poet Horace set out “to speak the truth laughing” (Serm. 1.1.25), while Seneca, the ...


“The Right to Vote and the Law of US Democracy” starts September 24!

The 2024 presidential election is upon us. Led by Stanford law professor Nate Persily, this new course is designed to provide a basic understanding of the themes in the law and policies related to elections and politics. We'll cover major Supreme Court cases on voting rights, redistricting, ballot access, campaign finance, and more. Each class session will also include a discussion of "hot topics" related to the ongoing campaigns and the administration of the election.

Learn more and enroll today:


Fall registration is now open! Explore 120+ online and on-campus courses in liberal arts & sciences, business, creative writing, wellness & health, and more. Browse all Fall 2024 courses:


Fall registration opens next Monday, August 19! New courses this quarter include:

- Election 2024: Democracy on the Ballot
- Fashion and Other Disasters: A History of Clothing from the Middle Ages to Modern Brands
- Blue Planet: A History of Water
- The AI Leadership Series: Introducing AI Systems

Join us in-person or online this fall. The quarter starts the week of September 23. Explore all our upcoming courses:


Our fall digital catalog is now live! Preview over 120 upcoming courses in liberal arts & sciences, business, creative writing, and more. Courses are available online and on campus!

Registration opens August 19. Explore our fall quarter offerings here:


New! “The Neuroscience of Emotions and Regulation” starts July 31.

Everyone encounters moments when emotions temporarily take control—but what if we could manage our emotions more effectively? Discover the science behind how emotions are constructed in the brain and how they influence thoughts, decisions, and relationships. This awareness can have far-reaching implications for improving mental health, positive relationships, and our general quality of life.

Learn more and enroll today:

The World’s Most Powerful and Extraordinary Books 07/02/2024

New – “The World’s Most Powerful and Extraordinary Books” starts August 8!

Books hold the power to enlighten or endanger, kill or save, or even change the world. In this new course taught by Stanford professor Elaine Treharne, explore the history and influence of some of the world's most strange, inspirational, rare, and expensive books.

Learn more and enroll:

The World’s Most Powerful and Extraordinary Books Throughout history, books have held the power both to enlighten and endanger, kill or save lives, change the world, and offer the allure of forbidden narratives. This course explores the history and influence of the codex by examining some of the world's most rare, strange, inspirational, dangerous,...

Everything You Should Know about Menopause: From Peri to Post 06/27/2024

New! “Everything You Should Know about Menopause: From Peri to Post” starts July 11.

Explore the basic biology behind the menopausal transition, including the pivotal role of s*x hormones in health, the bodily changes that begin in perimenopause and continue throughout, and effective approaches to alleviate common symptoms. Come away with valuable insights, community support, and a series of practical tools that can help women and their families confidently understand and embrace this natural life transition.

Learn more and enroll today:

Everything You Should Know about Menopause: From Peri to Post Women’s health issues—particularly those related to menopause—have historically not received as much attention in medical education as other health concerns. As a result, women often report feeling unprepared and unsupported as they navigate profound changes that can negatively impact their he...

The Greatest British Novel: George Eliot’s Middlemarch 06/26/2024

Starting July 9: “The Greatest British Novel: George Eliot’s Middlemarch”

Middlemarch has long been praised for its expansive vision and careful attention to psychological realism. Discover what George Eliot still has to teach us about love, ambition, and the ways individuals are changed by their communities.

Learn more and enroll today:

The Greatest British Novel: George Eliot’s Middlemarch Virginia Woolf declared Middlemarch “magnificent,” “one of the few English novels written for grown-up people.” In 2015, a BBC survey deemed it the best British novel. Part philosophy, part character study, part intricately plotted novel, George Eliot’s Middlemarch has long been praised fo...

Live Longer, Live Better: Exploring the Science of Aging 06/20/2024

Is aging another disease that can ultimately be cured? Can the human lifespan be extended? Explore the science behind aging, groundbreaking research programs at Stanford and beyond, and innovative technologies that can enhance our quality of life as we age.

“Live Longer, Live Better: Exploring the Science of Aging” starts July 10. Learn more and enroll today:

Live Longer, Live Better: Exploring the Science of Aging Why do we get old? Is aging another disease that can ultimately be cured? Can our lifespans be extended? How are centenarians different from others? In this course, we will seek to unravel the mysteries controlling human lifespan by journeying through the science and technology of aging. We will beg...

Design Your Departure: A Creative Approach to End-of-Life Planning 06/19/2024

New! “Design Your Departure: A Creative Approach to End-of-Life Planning” starts July 8.

In a society where discussions about death often remain taboo, this 6-week course invites you to use design strategy to approach the inevitable with creativity, intentionality, and curiosity. We will take you beyond legal documents like wills and trusts to help you model a comprehensive end-of-life plan that reflects your values and preferences, from legacy projects to a detailed “bucket list.”

Learn more and enroll today:

Design Your Departure: A Creative Approach to End-of-Life Planning In a society where discussions about death often remain taboo, this course invites you to use design strategy to approach the inevitable with creativity, intentionality, and curiosity. Our approach is proactive. We will take you beyond legal documents like wills and trusts to help you model a compre...

Introduction to Hip Hop Dance 06/14/2024

NEW! “Introduction to Hip Hop Dance” starts July 9.

Have you been interested in dancing hip hop but felt afraid to give it a try? Join us on campus to learn this popular dance form in an effortless and enjoyable way with a renowned teacher and choreographer. This course is designed to introduce beginning students to hip hop’s vibrant expression of creativity, rhythm, and individuality in a fun and interactive setting.

Learn more and enroll today:

Introduction to Hip Hop Dance Have you ever been interested in dancing hip hop but felt afraid to give it a go? Here’s a chance to learn one of the world’s most popular dance forms in an effortless and enjoyable way with a renowned teacher and choreographer. Hip hop dance is not just a form of movement; it is deeply intertwi...


From Idea to Launch: Create and Produce Your Own Podcast – Online Course Starts July 8

Learn how to create your own successful podcast! We’ll explore podcast structure, content formats, equipment options for different budgets, and hosting platforms, and you’ll come away from the course with a trailer, a five-minute pilot episode, and an outline for your complete podcast series.

Learn more and enroll today:

Stanford Continuing Studies Stanford Continuing Studies offers a broad range of courses in the liberal arts & sciences, creative

Drawing Inspiration: Develop a Creative Practice 06/11/2024

“Drawing Inspiration: Develop a Creative Practice” starts July 1.

Reconnect with your creative self and develop a personal creative drawing practice this summer! Engage in daily drawing prompts—which require only minimal supplies—that will encourage you to explore and enjoy the drawing process.

Learn more and enroll today:

Drawing Inspiration: Develop a Creative Practice From 40,000-year-old cave paintings to the latest digital symbols on our phones, drawings are a fundamental form of communication and creativity. As children, we have an innate ability to access creativity through drawing, but as we get older, we tend to judge what we do (usually harshly) and to lea...

The Sophoclean Hero: From Antigone to Oedipus at Colonus 06/06/2024

Join us on campus for “The Sophoclean Hero: From Antigone to Oedipus at Colonus” starting June 26!

Sophocles is the architect of the tragic hero. As we read six of Sophocles’s plays, we’ll examine the patterns and similarities that constitute a tragic hero, from their unwavering independence to their agonizing solitude to their tragic self-destruction.

Learn more and enroll today:

The Sophoclean Hero: From Antigone to Oedipus at Colonus Sophocles is the architect of the tragic hero. From Shakespeare’s Othello to Breaking Bad’s Walter White, the echoes of his work reverberate through centuries, shaping the essence of tragic characters across media. Drawing inspiration from ancient myths, Sophocles offered audiences characters wh...

Existentialism: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives 06/04/2024

New online course! “Existentialism: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives” starts June 26.

Explore how existentialist philosophy responds to modern life and evolving societal norms, and how this enduring framework addresses complex inquiries surrounding selfhood, agency, and the world. We’ll examine historical existentialist luminaries such as Søren Kierkegaard and Jean-Paul Sartre, along with contemporary thinkers such as Christine Korsgaard and Judith Butler.

Learn more and enroll today:

Existentialism: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives Existentialism as a philosophical movement emphasizes individual freedom, choice, and responsibility and asserts that existence is defined through personal actions rather than external factors. Examining historical existentialist luminaries such as Søren Kierkegaard and Jean-Paul Sartre, along with...

Camera as Witness: Politics, Culture, and the Power of Documentary Filmmaking 06/03/2024

“Camera as Witness: Politics, Culture, and the Power of Documentary Filmmaking” starts June 24.

Explore global political and cultural issues through the lens of documentary filmmaking and discover rarely-screened films that dive into transformative narratives. From “Missing in Tibet” to “The Most Dangerous Man in America,” these thought-provoking documentaries shed light on complex themes while highlighting the power of visual storytelling.

Learn more and enroll today:

Camera as Witness: Politics, Culture, and the Power of Documentary Filmmaking This course offers a unique chance to become familiar with global political and cultural issues, understand the aesthetic capacities of documentary filmmaking, and view films that are rarely screened. Honoring themes of the transformative power of art, the course will present six unique films, three...

Ancient Egyptian Art and Archaeology 05/31/2024

“Ancient Egyptian Art and Archaeology” starts June 25!

Ancient Egypt’s enduring legacy yielded remarkable achievements in arts, architecture, literature, and science. Revel in Egypt’s fascinating past, exploring iconic sites like Hierakonpolis and Giza, the mysteries of rulers such as Khufu, Hatshepsut, and Tutankhamun, and the significance of artifacts like the Rosetta Stone.

Learn more and enroll today:

Ancient Egyptian Art and Archaeology Ancient Egypt’s long and magnificent history of more than three millennia allowed it to develop unique achievements that had a lasting influence on the arts, mythology, literature, and architecture of the ancient world. Its relative isolation—surrounded by deserts and a marshy delta and mostly a...

Writing Certificate | Continuing Studies | Novel Writing | Online | Palo Alto | SF | CA 05/30/2024

Reminder: The deadline to apply for our Novel Writing Certificate and Memoir Writing Certificate is next Friday, June 7!

For aspiring authors, these unique six-course online programs will guide you from the first spark of inspiration to a full manuscript. Students accepted this year will begin classes in September 2024.

Apply today:

Writing Certificate | Continuing Studies | Novel Writing | Online | Palo Alto | SF | CA Stanford Continuing Studies offers a two-year online certificate program in novel writing. Learn more about the curriculum, courses, application and tuition.

Eleanor Roosevelt and Her World 05/22/2024

Starting June 26: Eleanor Roosevelt and Her World

Explore the extraordinary life of Eleanor Roosevelt, from her transformational role as First Lady to her tireless advocacy for social welfare and human rights. We’ll examine her personal life, her impact on American society, her influence on FDR’s presidency, and her enduring legacy against the backdrop of transformative events that shaped the US.

Learn more and enroll today:

Eleanor Roosevelt and Her World Eleanor Roosevelt’s life illuminates major events in 20th-century US history. Born in 1884, she watched America endure World War I, the Great Depression, World War II, and eventually, the Cold War. These were transformational moments for the nation, and within these moments, Eleanor Roosevelt was ...


Registration is now open! Whether you're looking for professional development, personal enrichment, or a creative outlet, our summer lineup offers something for everyone. Choose from 100+ online and on-campus courses in liberal arts & sciences, business & technology, creative writing, and wellness & health.

Explore all summer courses:

Native American Stories – Greg Sarris: A Reading, Conversation & Book Signing 05/15/2024

On May 21: “Native American Stories – Greg Sarris: A Reading, Conversation & Book Signing”

Greg Sarris—tribal leader, university professor, playwright, producer, and award-winning author—will read from his new collection of stories, The Forgetters. This free event will be held in CEMEX Auditorium on campus and is open to all.

Learn more and register:

Native American Stories – Greg Sarris: A Reading, Conversation & Book Signing This April, Greg Sarris, tribal leader, university professor, playwright, producer, and award-winning author, published The Forgetters, a boundary-pushing new work that explores themes of memory, survival, connection, and environmental preservation. The book’s emphasis on environmental stewardship...


Summer registration opens next Monday, May 20! New courses include:

- The World’s Most Powerful and Extraordinary Books
- The Art of Fermentation: Preserving Summer's Harvest
- Hollywood in the 1930s: The Birth of a Golden Age

Courses are available on campus and online, and the quarter starts June 24.

Browse our Summer 2024 offerings:

Continuing Studies | On-Campus Courses | Online Courses | Palo Alto | SF | CA 05/08/2024

Have you always wanted to write a novel? The Novel Writing Certificate can help you achieve that goal.

This two-year online program is taught by accomplished writers who will guide you from initial inspiration to a polished manuscript. Join our passionate community of writers and instructors in flexible courses that can be taken anywhere, anytime.

Applications for Fall 2024 admission are due by June 7. Learn more:

Continuing Studies | On-Campus Courses | Online Courses | Palo Alto | SF | CA Stanford Continuing Studies welcomes all adult members of the community—working, retired, or somewhere in between. Take courses for pleasure, personal enrichment, or professional development.


Our summer digital catalog is now available! Preview over 100 upcoming courses in liberal arts & sciences, business, creative writing, and more. Courses are available online and on campus! Registration opens May 20. Explore our summer quarter offerings here:


We are excited to share our spring issue of The Writer's Spotlight! Explore this quarter's "Ask a Writer" column, recent writing news from our students and instructors, and essays from a creative writing instructor and student.

Read more on the The Writer's Spotlight:

Continuing Studies | On-Campus Courses | Online Courses | Palo Alto | SF | CA 04/25/2024

Are you ready to write your story? We’re excited to introduce a new Memoir Writing Certificate designed for writers who want to turn their personal stories into a memoir. Taught by experienced memoirists, this two-year online program will guide you from initial idea to a book-length memoir.

Applications for Fall 2024 admission are due by June 7. Learn more and apply today:

Continuing Studies | On-Campus Courses | Online Courses | Palo Alto | SF | CA Stanford Continuing Studies welcomes all adult members of the community—working, retired, or somewhere in between. Take courses for pleasure, personal enrichment, or professional development.

Remembering writing instructor and author Amy Ettinger - Stanford Report 04/24/2024

A beautiful piece remembering our writing instructor, Amy Ettinger.

“Amy graciously and generously shared her love of writing with students who gravitated to her for her energy, enthusiasm, and unflagging support.” - Malena Watrous, creative writing coordinator

Remembering writing instructor and author Amy Ettinger - Stanford Report The Stanford Continuing Studies instructor was known for encouraging and championing her students – and for providing practical advice for getting published.

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Videos (show all)

Vladimir Nabokov - Online Course
Motherhood and Work: Challenges and Opportunities for Positive Change
Far from Far Out: Policy Perspectives on the Psychedelic Renaissance
Exploring Queer Identities
The Ethics of Belief: Constructing Your Personhood
Travel Photography: Around the Corner and Around the World
Drawing Inspiration: Developing a Creative Practice
Constitutional Law
Greek Mythology: Gods and Heroes in Texts and Contexts
Forgive for Good
Cyber Technologies and Their World-Changing Disruptions: Election Hacking, Fake News, and Beyond
The Geology and Wines of California and France


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