Olive Tree Mortuary, Inc.

Olive Tree Mortuary, Inc.

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Welcome to Olive Tree Mortuary, a family-owned and operated full-service mortuary. Olive Tree serves families throughout Southern California.

Photos from Olive Tree Mortuary, Inc.'s post 05/25/2021

Alhaja Atinuke Sekinat Afuwape

This world was blessed with Alhaja Atinuke Sekinat Afuwape on May 30, 1958. She was a friend, a sister, a mother, a wife, an entrepreneur (a Jack of all trades). She was a lover of life, and a free spirit! She lit up every room she walked in, be it with her confident strut and positive energy, her sexy smile or her out-of-this-world fashion sense.

Tinuke established a business that brought thousands of people together, especially the African community. She worked tirelessly to provide her customers and friends with the best, so they'd look and feel the best wherever they went. Oh did she achieve that every time without fail? Absolutely!

She was a fashion icon, a trendsetter, and a woman with an enormous heart. Apart from being an amazing artist, she was a devoted Muslim. She gave selflessly; catered to others before herself, and placed God before anything. She was also an extraordinary mother and an even better wife. She touched so many lives and impacted different communities far and wide. Tinuke guided her family through life with compassion, love, wisdom, and generosity, because those things were what encapsulated who she was. So together let us acknowledge and share both our joy in the gift that her life was to us, and the pain that her passing brings.

In sharing the joy and the pain together, may we lessen the pain and remember more clearly the joy. May Almighty Allah grant her the best in the next life. Brighten her grave with his light, forgive her sins and shortcomings, and place her among the righteous and pious. Words cannot express enough how magnificent madam Tinuke was. She was everything!

Our mum will be forever loved and will never be forgotten. Her name will continue to linger in our hearts. Atinuke Sekinat Afuwape, wife of Samuel Olayinka Afuwape, we love you, and we always will. May Allah SWA always be with you mom.

~ Husband and Children

Olive Tree Mortuary on Google 04/29/2021

Olive Tree Mortuary on Google Did you know that Olive Tree Mortuary also provides funeral shipping services? We can make all the arrangements to send your loved one home for burial quickly and affordably.

Photos from Olive Tree Mortuary, Inc.'s post 01/31/2021

To the earth, he will return
COVID claims life of man who found calling in Islamic burials

ALSHILLEH was hailed as a “legend” for overseeing hundreds of burials in the Southland since coming to California in 1993. ( Mahmoud Shilleh)

Mahmoud and Rayah Shilleh walked silently across the Islamic Garden at WestminsterMemorial Park toward the six-day-old grave of their father, Hashem Ahmad Alshilleh.

They passed row after row of identical tombs — plots ringed by concrete curbs and covered in white stones, with raised headstones that serve as the resting place for over1,500 Muslims.
“This is all my father’s legacy,” said Mahmoud, a 25-year-old Corona Police Department officer, as he waited for his siblings to arrive. “It’s just humbling.”

For over 30 years, Alshilleh helped to bury a generation of Southern Californian Muslims.The Riverside resident washed and shrouded the corpses of men per Islamic customs and
drove the bodies of men and women to cemeteries from Rosamond to Victorville, SanDiego to Orange County.

The slight but strong truck driver stayed with each body until it was lowered into the ground. He would then climb down to ensure the deceased lay on his or her right side,facing toward Mecca, to await the Day of Resurrection. Afterward, Alshilleh emerged to deal with the living. He broke up arguments, offered gravesite prayers, did whatever grieving families asked of him.

He never charged for his services, relying only on donations. In many cases, he’d pool those funds to pay for the funerals of strangers, Muslims and not.

His five children — two police officers, two construction contractors and a nurse — knew their father was an important part of the local Muslim community. But it wasn’t until Alshilleh passed away Jan. 8 at 75 that they realized the magnitude of the man.

“We knew he was a great guy, but talking to people, that’s how we found out he was a legend,” said his oldest son, 33-year-old Ahmad.

“Baba stayed quiet about who he was,” said Ahmad’s twin sister, Ayah Shilleh-Velazquez.“We knew what he did, but he just didn’t boast about it.”

“I received over 300 calls from around the world when my dad died,” added Mahmoud.“The messages were all the same. ‘He buried my mother-in-law. He buried my son. He buried my father, my friend.’ ”

“There’s no Muslim family in Orange County or the Inland Empire who hasn’t directly benefited from Abu Ahmad’s help,” said Hussam Ayloush, referring to Alshilleh with anArabic honorific meaning “father of Ahmad.” The executive director of the Council onAmerican-Islamic Relations’ Los Angeles office estimates he has seen hundreds of funerals, “and Abu Ahmad was the person helping in the overwhelming majority of them.” Including those of all his relatives.

ALSHILLEH was hailed as a “legend” for overseeing hundreds of burials in theSouthland since coming to California in 1993. ( Mahmoud Shilleh)

Alshilleh came to his vocation by necessity. When he was a teenager, his father died suddenly, and no one wanted to prepare his body. So Alshilleh, as the oldest son of Palestinian refugees in Jordan, took it upon himself to do the task. He asked elders and imams and anyone who might know something, anything.“After that,” said his son, Mohammad, “Baba promised God he would do it for others forever.”

He continued his charity in the United States — first in New York City, and then Riverside, where he settled in 1993 and promptly volunteered at mortuaries in the Inland Empire. Muslim migration to Southern California was rising, and the funeral industry needed people like Alshilleh. The more bodies he washed, the better and more knowledgeable he became, until he was widely acknowledged as the best of the best.

On this day, the last two rows of graves that the Shilleh siblings passed were little more than dozens of mounds of dirt. Framed papers topped each to denote the departed. So many Muslims in the region have died of COVID-19 these last couple of months that there’s simply not enough time right now to fully finish new tombs.One of those victims was Alshilleh. His grave is one plot over from the last person he buried.

“His good deeds will always protect his family,” said Isa Farrah, who worked alongside Alshilleh at his father’s Olive Tree Mortuary in Stanton since he was a teenager. He greeted the Shilleh children and offered his condolences anew. The 30-year-old looked around. “Look at how many people benefited from him. This is what he lived and died for.”

Farrah then paraphrased the Quranic verse that Muslims recite at every burial:From the earth, we were created.To the earth, we shall return.From the earth, we shall rise again.

He said it as everyone jostled for space next to a fence that temporarily abutted Alshilleh’s grave. Next to it, three freshly dug burial plots awaited coffins for later that day.Goulade Farrah, owner of Olive Tree Mortuary and funeral director for the Islamic Society of Orange County, met Alshilleh 16 years ago. The two became colleagues and fast friends.

“Abu Ahmad was one of those God-sent people,” Farrah said. “I thought I knew what I was doing, but seeing this guy — he was a university.”

Farrah recalled multiple times when family members of the dead would complain to him that Alshilleh wasn’t honoring the specific funeral customs of their home countries. “So you’d hear them doing a phone call to someone who they thought knew better,” Farrah said, awe in his voice, “and they’d tell the caller, ‘No, [Alshilleh] is doing it right. Leave him alone.’ ”

Alshilleh eventually left his truck-driving job to prepare bodies full time as demand grew.He taught his sons the basics: Start the ritual bath by washing the right hand three times.Wrap the body in three simple white cloths. Wear personal protective equipment at all times. Be mindful of how to place arms — Sunnis want corpses with their arms crossed over the midsection, while Shiites prefer them on the side.

“He would always tell me, ‘Don’t ever fear death, son,’ ” said Mahmoud, who apprenticed under him for two years, “ ‘because it’s all going to be us one day.’ ”

His children tried to slow down their father as the years passed, but Alshilleh always waved them off. “Baba would say it wasn’t work for him,” said Rayah, a Los Angeles police officer. “That it was a blessing.”

But they saw a change in him as the coronavirus swept through Southern California. He could no longer enter burial plots to position bodies toward Mecca. He couldn’t even bathe them with water anymore, instead relying on a different type of purification called tayammum, which involved dirt rubbed over the deceased — but now, it had to be done over the body bag.

By the fall, Alshilleh would leave home at 4 a.m. and often wouldn’t return until nine at night.

“He just looked so tired,” Mahmoud said. “He’d say, ‘Everyone I’m burying, it’s allCOVID.’ ”

On Dec. 21, Rayah received a call from the Ontario Police Department that they had found her father disoriented and wandering on the street. He had just finished work and had a bad cough. It was COVID. He died three weeks later.

Goulade Farrah prepared Alshilleh’s body, with Mahmoud in attendance. “He was like a father to me,” Farrah said. “It was difficult trying to hold my emotions, because I wanted to do my best for Abu Ahmad.”

Farrah rubbed dirt on Alshilleh over the body bag, reciting the proper prayers. And he made sure, of course, to position his mentor toward Mecca, like Alshilleh had made sure to do with the thousands upon thousands of faithful under his care.

Over 40 people made sure to show up at Alshilleh’s funeral, socially distant, to fulfill a hadith that stated that if someone had that amount of people praying for them at their burial, Allah would accept their intercession.

One of those was Ayloush.
“My biggest regret as an activist is that we didn’t get to honor Abu Ahmad and recognize him while he was alive,” the CAIR L.A. director said. “It breaks my heart. These pioneers are disappearing, people who were selfless and gave with no expectations when the community needed them the most.”

Alshilleh’s children plan to start a nonprofit in his memory to pay for the funerals of people who can’t afford them, even though they know their father would’ve frowned at
any recognition.

“He never called it work,” Ayah said. “He never did it as a source of income. He would always tell us the same thing: ‘I’m not doing it for money. I do it for God.


Olive Tree Mortuary has implemented procedures to protect the health and wellbeing of your family, our community, and our staff.


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Olive Tree Mortuary en Google 03/25/2018

Discover the Olive Tree difference

Olive Tree Mortuary en Google Olive Tree Mortuary offers a full range of mortuary services and merchandise, including international shipping. Our transparent pricing helps lighten the burden of funeral expenses. It is our honor to take care of our clients with the same warmth, caring and compassion that we would want for our own...

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8 Things to Consider When Hiring a Funeral Director or Mortuary 01/24/2018


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Are Funeral Services Free for Veterans? 11/03/2017


Are Funeral Services Free for Veterans? Many veterans and their loved ones believe that funeral services are free for veterans. While the Veteran’s Administration does provide a wide variety of funeral-related services for free, there are still costs involved. Here’s what you need to know… What services can all eligible veterans receive f...

When a Loved One Enters Hospice 11/03/2017


When a Loved One Enters Hospice Hospice is an end-of-life care option that focuses on comfort and quality of life. The goal of hospice is not to cure. It is to keep the patient comfortable and pain-free, and help them make the most of the time they have left. It can be very emotionally difficult when a loved one enters hospice, be...

Open To Hope, Support for Dealing with Death, Grief, Loss, Bereavement 11/03/2017

Need help coping with grief? http://www.opentohope.com invites you to read, listen and share your story.

Open To Hope, Support for Dealing with Death, Grief, Loss, Bereavement Open to Hope Foundation® is a non-profit foundation with the mission of helping people find hope after loss. We invite you to read, listen and share your stories of hope and compassion.


When you lose a loved one, handling all the arrangements can be overwhelming. We've put together a list of what you will need to do...

What to do when a death has occurred – Olive Tree Mortuary, Inc. Stanton FD-2246, Lake Forest FD-2304 When a loved one passes away, please know that you will not have to handle all of the details on your own. In Southern California, Olive Tree Mortuary is available to assist you at any hour, seven days a week, 365 days a year. Please call us at 714-739-1961 or 949-445-1600 and we will provide the as...


Olive Tree Mortuary is available to assist you at any hour, seven days a week, 365 days a year. Please call us at 714-739-1961 or 949-445-1600 and we will provide the assistance you need.
Olive Tree Mortuary can take care of all of the funeral arrangements for you, from transferring the deceased to preparing the body, getting the death certificates and burial permit, coordinating with the cemetery, ordering and placing flowers, ordering food for the wake, and more.

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