Pearl Chiropractic

Nutrition *Massage* Wellness

Our MISSION at Pearl Chiropractic is to provide our community with individualized, high quality, affordable health care in a comfortable and caring environment. Our desire is to not only relieve pain, but to restore function by inspiring and educating our patients to become active participants in their own health. Pearl Chiropractic offers a full range of services to enhance your health, and experienced providers to assist you in taking BACK your life.


One of our favorite patients (let's bee real you're all our favorite) captured this amazing pic of a Bee Hummingbird on her trip to Cuba. Remind yourself to slow down and take care of yourself this Spring season. We are always here to help you feel aligned! . Remember to slow down and take care of yourself.

Photos from Pearl Chiropractic's post 03/29/2024

Come check out the new PEARL in University Place! Call us for all of your chiropractic, massage and wellness needs. Be sure to follow our wellness partner for all your Nutrition/wellness testing and support!


PEARL CHIRO has space to rent for another great health professional to join our team! Great opportunity to grow your practice!

Email us- [email protected]


Pearl is looking for a massage therapist to join our team! Know of anyone? PM us or email us at [email protected]

We also have space in our office to rent to a great health practitioner!

Click here to Give now to Car STOLEN at work need new car to keep working by Debra Odom 04/01/2022

Natalie is the glue that holds my day together at work at Pearl Chiropractic. She is the most hard working dedicated employee and I would be lost without her. She had the misfortune of someone stealing her car in our work parking lot during the day. If you are able and feel compelled we at the office are trying to support her to get her some transportation. She is not receiving money on it and has been trying to help her daughter with her wedding this year so of course the timing is horrible. And we need her to be able to work - even though she has still had a smile on her face for patients this week - I know there is some deep worry there. Thanks you all!!


Click here to Give now to Car STOLEN at work need new car to keep working by Debra Odom Hello everyone, I would like you to meet Natalie. She is a beloved mother, sister, aunt, friend, co-worker and animal lover. She is also one of the most amazing front desk receptionists ever! I have worked with Natalie for about 3 years now where she runs the front desk of a chiropractic office. ...


You know your bones need calcium. You may know your bones also need magnesium and vitamin D. But what about vitamin K? Hop over to our website and read our latest blog post! Link in bio!


5 When Gluten-Free Fails

Have you tried a gluten-free diet but seen no benefit? Maybe you’ve even been diagnosed with celiac disease and gone gluten-free but still have symptoms?

A recent study found that a shocking number of people in this situation had another underlying cause.

👉 31% of the patients with celiac disease who did not improve on a gluten-free diet tested positive for SIBO 👈

SIBO stands for small intestinal bacterial overgrowth and can manifest with many of the same symptoms as celiac disease or IBS. There’s often lots of bloating, gas, abdominal pain, and either constipation or diarrhea.

The good news is that we know how to test for SIBO and how to treat it.

If you are trying to get to the root cause of mysterious digestive problems, please call my clinic. We will do a comprehensive assessment and order lab tests you may have never even known existed. We’ll use the most natural therapies possible to help you recover your gut health for good.

Let me know in the comments—have you ever gone gluten-free? Did it help?


Self-Care Saturday!


You want to know one of the most miraculous things about your body?

It has built-in mechanisms to detoxify all of the crazy chemicals and toxins you encounter every day—even though many of these compounds didn’t even exist through human evolution!

Pretty cool, if you ask me.

Just because we can’t avoid exposure to all environmental pollutants doesn’t mean they need to harm our health. Want to know more? Head over to our website and read our latest blog post on detoxification!


Eat Healthy Fats

Feeling confused about fats? Most people are. There’s lots of controversy (and misinformation) about this topic. So let’s start with what we can all agree on…

Fats are not inherently bad. We need fat as an essential building block for our cells, our hormones, and our brain. But the types of fats we eat can determine the health of all those things. Most everyone agrees that these types of fats are ‘good’:

👍Monounsaturated fats (like in olive oil and avocados)
👍 Omega-3 fats (like in fish, walnuts, and flax)

Here’s where people start to disagree.

The US Dietary Guidelines say that vegetable oils are also ‘good.’ While that’s true when they’re in their natural state (like in sunflower seeds), it’s not necessarily true once they’re processed (like refined canola oil or soybean oil).

The US guidelines also recommend a limit on saturated fats. While there’s some evidence that saturated fats contribute to heart disease, that’s an oversimplification. Some saturated fats (like medium-chain triglycerides in coconut oil) have beneficial effects on heart health. Other saturated fats are necessary for gut barrier function (like short-chain fatty acids in butter).

Taking all of these issues into account, here’s what I recommend when it comes to fats:

Eat fatty fish as much as 3 times a week for omega-3 fats
Eat nuts and seeds every day (especially flax seeds, chia seeds, h**p seeds, and walnuts)
Eat avocados
Eat organic and grass-fed beef
Eat organic and grass-fed dairy (including butter)
Eat olive oil
Eat coconut oil
Minimize refined vegetable oils

These recommendations keep us close to nature and eating fats in their most naturally occurring forms. They provide a variety of monounsaturated, saturated, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Plus, fats make our food taste delicious, keep us feeling full, and help us maintain a healthy blood sugar level.

Which of the foods on my list are your favorite? Have questions? Reach out! Schedule an appointment and take charge of your health!


Self-Care Saturday!


Why Stress Disrupts Your Thyroid

Do you know what your body does when you experience stress?

It produces cortisol.

Cortisol is an adrenal hormone that is meant to help your body respond to stressful situations. But...too much and too often can have damaging effects on your thyroid. Check out our latest blog post for the latest information on stress and your thyroid! Link in bio!


Nutrients for Thyroid Health

Unexplained fatigue. Brain fog. Moodiness. Weight gain. Hair loss. Brittle nails….all of these can be signs of suboptimal thyroid function.

There can be many different factors that can disrupt thyroid function (I shared a post about this earlier this month), but one possibility is insufficient nutrient status. Read all about it in our latest blog post! Link in bio.


We are thankful to offer services that enrich peoples lives such as: active therapy, massage therapy, acupuncture, Beamer therapy, laser therapy and more. Check out our website for a list of services and make an appointment today!



Pearl has some openings just come up!
Starting at 11am - last one at 530pm.



Nutrients for Thyroid Health

Unexplained fatigue. Brain fog. Moodiness. Weight gain. Hair loss. Brittle nails….all of these can be signs of suboptimal thyroid function.

There can be many different factors that can disrupt thyroid function (I shared a post about this earlier this month), but one possibility is insufficient nutrient status. Read about it on our latest blog post on our website. Link in bio!


10 Ways to Clear Your Mind

Maybe you’ve just had an argument. Maybe you just finished up a rough day at work. Or maybe you feel stuck trying to make a decision. Rather than staying caught in the spinning wheels of your thoughts, what you really might need is a good clearing of your mind.

But how?

Here are 10 ideas to clear your mind when you’re feeling stuck and overwhelmed.

1️⃣ Exercise

2️⃣ Shower

3️⃣ Sing

4️⃣ Dance

5️⃣ Clean

6️⃣ Draw

7️⃣ Journal

8️⃣ Meditate

9️⃣ Call a Friend

🔟 Sleep

The mind is a miraculous thing. When it seems impossible to get your thoughts under control or to make the emotions stop, remember you are empowered with tools. Jot down this list as a reminder for the next time you need to clear your mind.


Self-Care Saturday!


Root Causes of Suboptimal Thyroid Function

How could it be possible to experience thyroid-related problems even when routine labs show that thyroid function is “normal?” In this weeks blog post we break it down in an easy to understand way. Head over to our website blog page and let us know what you think! Have questions? Reach out or schedule an appointment today!


As well as: active therapy,
Fibroblast skincare, Thermography, Dr Harris ND, ultrasound breast scans and acupuncture! Check out our website for more info!


Self-Care Saturday! What do you invest in?


Signs You May Have Suboptimal Thyroid Function

Thyroid hormone is one of the most misunderstood hormones. It’s so misunderstood that as many as 60% of people who have a thyroid issue don’t even know it.

Your thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped organ at the base of your neck. It releases thyroid hormone, which regulates your metabolism, energy levels, brain function, and more. Want to know more? Read our latest blog post on our website!


How to Encourage Picky Eaters

Would you consider your child to be a picky eater?

I know it’s tough. It’s especially frustrating when you KNOW what’s best for your child to eat, but they just won’t eat it. Mealtimes can become a source of shame and conflict. Lots of parents wonder…

🤷‍♀️Should I require them to eat one bite?

🤷‍♀️Should I force them?

🤷‍♀️Should I bribe them with rewards?

🤷‍♀️Should I just let them eat what they want?

Well, here’s a piece of data to guide you.

Duke University conducted a nationwide survey of nearly 20,000 adults who self-identified as currently picky eaters (75% of whom were women and 89% white). The survey asked about people’s memories related to food growing up.

The survey allowed for open-ended responses, so the researchers had to use artificial intelligence to make sense of the emotional words and analyze the combined memory of these thousands of people—pretty crazy and cool, right?

Many people shared that the most helpful food strategies included a positive emotional context, like…

➡️Using food to teach about the culture

➡️Using food to teach about nutrition

➡️Being flexible about food

➡️Providing plenty of safe foods

➡️Helping with food preparation

➡️Presenting foods from specific food groups

There was also a strong theme that having defined expectations and structure around food was more helpful than feeling “forced” or “asked” to eat something.
The main takeaway from this study was that adults who struggled with picky eating as kids (even if they continued to be picky as adults) felt they benefitted most from positive and supportive strategies around eating rather than negative or forceful strategies.

Something to think about and keep in your back pocket tonight at dinner ❤️


Self-care Saturday!


Nutrient Spotlight: Coenzyme Q10

CoQ10 is a nutrient that supports mitochondrial function for cellular energy production and also acts as an antioxidant. It can be synthesized in the body, but its production declines with age.

Other reasons that CoQ10 levels can decline in the body include an increased demand in certain tissues, other nutritional deficiencies, or the use of statin medications (common medications for cholesterol levels).

Here are 5 reasons to love CoQ10:

1️⃣ Heart Health. Heart muscle has a constant and high demand for energy, making CoQ10 extremely important. CoQ10 also helps to support healthy blood pressure.

2️⃣ Brain Health. CoQ10 is thought to support brain health because of its role as an antioxidant.

3️⃣ Muscle Health. Because of their demand for energy, CoQ10 is helpful for exercise performance and recovery.

4️⃣ Reproductive Health. CoQ10 acts as a powerful antioxidant that may support healthy fertility in men and women.

5️⃣ Overall Health. Some studies have found CoQ10 to be beneficial for people who struggle with headaches and migraines.

CoQ10 is present in some foods, especially organ meats and some other meats. It can also be taken as a supplement. This is one of those supplements that needs to come from a high-quality and reliable company to be sure it is in a form that will be absorbed and effectively utilized by your cells.

If you have questions about CoQ10 or supplement quality, we are here to help! Reach out with a reply or direct message.


New IBS Study: FODMAPS vs. Gluten

Struggling with IBS and confused about what to eat? Two of the most common categories of foods thought to trigger IBS symptoms are those high in FODMAPS or gluten. Now we have the first study of its kind to directly compare how these foods affect people with IBS.

First a little background:

➡️FODMAPS stands for fermentable, oligo, di, monosaccharides, and polyols. These are fermentable carbohydrates that are present in many beans, grains, vegetables, and fruits. Foods high in FODMAPS are thought to worsen symptoms like gas, bloating, and abdominal pain.

➡️Gluten is a protein in wheat, barley, rye, and many processed foods. It triggers intestinal damage in people with Celiac disease and may act as a digestive irritant in people who are sensitive to gluten.

For the first time ever, researchers designed a large, randomized, double-blind study to compare three types of diets in people with IBS. Participants were put on a diet that restricted both FODMAPS and gluten and then challenged with a diet high in one, the other, or neither.

Ready for the results?

🙂All participants improved when they followed the diet that restricted both FODMAPS and gluten.

☹️When challenged with a high-FODMAP diet, IBS symptoms worsened.

😕When challenged with a high-gluten diet, IBS symptoms did not significantly worsen.
We could oversimplify these results and sum it up like this: FODMAPS are bad for IBS but gluten is fine. But….that doesn’t take into consideration the individual!!
When we work with people who have IBS, we identify their unique food triggers and also provide therapies that support the gut over time. That means they may need to restrict certain foods for a while but then gradually reintroduce them in small quantities.

It’s important to follow the research but also to be realistic about what our patients experience and how they respond as individuals. Want to learn more about what it’s like to be a patient at our clinic? Check out our website for all the info and to get started!


Low vitamin D could double your risk of heart disease.

Here’s the latest on the sunshine vitamin! Vitamin D (technically really a hormone) is made in our skin when we’re exposed to sunshine. We need it to absorb calcium for our bones and to keep our immune systems strong.

Now a just-released study out of the University of South Australia is the first to show that low levels of vitamin D put a person at risk for heart disease and high blood pressure.

The study used a genetic approach to compare actual vitamin D levels to cardiovascular risk. The study used information from close to 300,000 people from the UK Biobank. The results are considered to be strong statistical evidence for a link between vitamin D deficiency and heart disease. Here are some details:

➡️ The study defined sufficient vitamin D levels to be anything equal to or greater than 50 nmol/L.

➡️ Individuals with the lowest levels of vitamin D had more than double the risk of heart disease than those with sufficient levels.

➡️ The researchers estimated that improving people’s vitamin D status to 50 nmol/L or greater would prevent 4.4% of heart disease cases (maybe even up to 6%).

It’s not surprising that vitamin D would influence heart health. There are vitamin D receptors on heart tissue, and vitamin D could indirectly influence heart health through its effects on immune and inflammatory pathways.

You can boost your vitamin D levels by spending time in direct sunlight (without sunscreen), eating vitamin D-rich foods (fortified foods, oily fish, and mushrooms), or taking vitamin D supplements.

Have you had your vitamin D levels checked recently?


Seaweed Superpowers

Even if you’re not a fan of sushi, there are a lot of good reasons to sneak some seaweed into your diet. Here are just a few:

➡️ Seaweed is one of the best food sources of iodine—an absolutely essential building block for thyroid hormones.

➡️Seaweed contains tyrosine—also a building block for thyroid hormones.

➡️Seaweed contains omega-3s—essential fatty acids that are foundational for health.

➡️Seaweed has lots of the same vitamins and minerals that are in other green vegetables—like vitamin C, vitamin K, and magnesium.

➡️Seaweed contains fiber and polysaccharides to support a healthy gut microbiome.

Seaweed is great for snacking (like nori), soups (like kombu), and salads (like wakame). Some forms are more commonly taken as supplements (like spirulina).

However you like to eat your seaweed, you’re probably doing yourself a favor. And if you’ve never tried it? Grab a seaweed snack next time you’re at the grocery.


Self-Care Saturday:
So many people focus on habits to improve their physical health, but what about happiness?

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5702 N 26th Street Suite B
Tacoma, WA

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 6pm
Tuesday 9am - 6pm
Wednesday 9am - 6pm
Thursday 9am - 6pm
Friday 9am - 6pm
Saturday 9am - 1pm

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