Genesis Performance

We re-imagined health as a “whole life” approach. Genesis is for people who want to not just liv And we always meet our goals.

Genesis Performance & Fitness is the seamless solution to a healthier you. It’s a streamlined and integrative one-stop-shop with a single-minded focus: designing the program you (and only you) need to quickly meet your fitness goals. When we work together we will design a program that’s specifically tailored to your fitness needs. We have assembled a team of experts possessing different and divers


When you are exhausted, your happiness score is drained. As a happiness expert, Dr. Robert Waldinger shares simple yet powerful hacks to enhance our well-being: tune into your energy levels.

After consuming content or spending time with someone, ask yourself: "How do I feel? Energized or drained?" This can be a game-changer for your happiness and longevity. If the answer is "drained" - it's time to let it go. This will help you build a more positive and fulfilling life.

Surrounding yourself with people and activities that uplift and energize you can significantly boost your productivity, happiness, and health. Listen to your energy levels and make conscious choices about the people you allow into your life.


Did you know that having strong, meaningful relationships can help you live longer?

Dr. Robert Waldinger, a happiness expert at Stanford University, has been leading one of the longest-running studies on health, happiness, and longevity for over 85 years. With over 700 participants, this study has uncovered: relationship satisfaction at age 50 is the single greatest predictor of physical health at age 80.

This means that strong, supportive relationships have a direct impact on our physical well-being.

60% of adults feel disconnected, and the number of men with zero close friends has increased fivefold since 1990. Lack of social connection is now considered worse for our health than to***co, alcohol abuse, and obesity.

Even if you’re an introvert or find it challenging, make it a habit to nurture your relationships. Plan trips, dinner dates, and social activities to strengthen your social fitness muscle and increase your longevity.


People who are the happiest have a 35% lower risk of death, according to Time Magazine. What do we need to feel as though we’re living a happy life? Dr. Robert Waldinger's groundbreaking study offers profound insights into what truly makes us happy.

Contrary to popular belief, it's not fame or fortune that leads to a fulfilling life. In a world where many believe wealth and recognition are the ultimate goals, Dr. Waldinger's research reveals a different truth. As our societies have become wealthier, overall happiness levels have decreased.

Dr. Waldinger emphasizes that the good life is often defined for us by external influences—social media, advertising, and unrealistic societal standards. These forces make us chase material possessions and social status, leaving us feeling inadequate and unhappy as we compare our lives to the polished versions of others we see online.


Rewrite the script of your genetic destiny and unleash your body's innate healing potential with these actionable steps to optimize epigenetic conditions:

1. Nourish Your Body: Fuel your cells with nutrient-rich foods, plenty of hydration, focusing on a colorful array of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats.

2. Prioritize Sleep: Aim for restorative sleep by maintaining a consistent sleep schedule, creating a calming bedtime routine, and ensuring your sleep environment is conducive to rest.

3. Move Your Body: Engage in regular physical activity that you enjoy, whether it's yoga, walking, dancing, or strength training, to promote circulation, reduce stress, and optimize gene expression.

4. Minimize Toxins: Reduce exposure to environmental toxins by choosing organic produce, using natural cleaning products, and avoiding harmful chemicals in personal care items.

5. Cultivate Emotional Well-Being: Practice stress-management techniques such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, journaling, or spending time in nature to foster emotional resilience and balance.

Small changes can lead to significant shifts in your epigenetic landscape, paving the way for genetic rejuvenation and vibrant health.


From the air we breathe to the thoughts we nurture, an array of elements molds the expression of our genes. Our diet, stress levels, exercise routines, environmental exposures, sleep quality, emotional well-being, and mindset intricately intertwine to sculpt our biological landscape.
Realizing the extent of our influence over these factors is both liberating and empowering. It reaffirms that we hold the reins to sculpt our health destiny, orchestrating an environment conducive to vitality and well-being.

Next week, we will delve deeper into these influencers and harness their transformative potential! How can you start improving your gene expression today? Focus on fostering positive relationships. Surround yourself with supportive individuals who uplift and inspire you, nurturing a sense of connection and belonging.


Epigenetics holds the power to shape our well-being. It's like a conductor orchestrating a symphony within our cells, influencing which genes are active or silent, ultimately impacting our health outcomes.
Unlike our fixed genetic code, epigenetic modifications act as dynamic switches, responding to environmental cues such as diet, stress, exercise, and exposure to toxins.

So, why does epigenetics matter? Understanding these molecular mechanisms unveils the blueprint of health, offering insights into how lifestyle choices and environmental factors shape our biological destiny. It empowers us to embrace proactive approaches to wellness, knowing that our actions can influence gene expression and potentially mitigate disease risk. To put it simply - the better daily habits you choose, no matter how small, have a significant impact on your future. And letting your actions dip in health mindfulness greatly disrupts your optimal genetic expression.

Stay tuned this month as we delve deeper into the transformative implications of epigenetics on our health journey.


Ever felt like your family's health history was written in stone? Many of us have been led to believe that if our parents or grandparents faced health challenges, we're destined to follow suit. But that is an old narrative that we will be addressing this month as we take a deep dive into epigenetics.

Your genes are not the sole architects of your destiny. In fact, they're more like old blueprints that can be updated. Through the power of epigenetics, how your environment and health practices shape your genetic expression, you wield incredible power to shape your gene expression and rewrite the script of your well-being.

Stay tuned this month as we unravel the mysteries of epigenetics and offer tips on how to harness the potential within you and discover the transformative journey to optimal health.


When you kickstart your day with a flood of cheap dopamine (like scrolling social media), you're setting yourself up for a motivation meltdown. By the time you're ready to dive into your work, your dopamine levels have already plummeted.

Enter dopamine fasting—a game-changer in our stimulation-overloaded world. Dopamine is crucial for drive and motivation but the concept is about dialing down exposure to artificial sources designed to hijack our dopamine system with cheap thrills.

Whether you opt for a full-blown dopamine detox or simply commit to regular breaks from those dopamine-triggering temptations, the goal remains the same: safeguarding your brain's reward system and preserving your motivation to thrive.

The key to sustained productivity lies in mastering your dopamine. Choose earned over cheap, purpose over distraction, and watch as your goals transform from distant dreams into tangible realities.


In a world flooded with cheap dopamine, the allure of instant gratification can dim the light of hard-earned rewards. But let's not overlook the magic of earned dopamine—the pure, natural high that comes from meaningful actions.

Sure, it may take more sweat, energy, and time to attain, but the rewards are unparalleled. Working out, chasing goals, immersing ourselves in a state of creative flow, self-improvement, progress—all these actions trigger a cascade of dopamine that leaves us buzzing with satisfaction - without the crash of cheap dopamine.

Earned dopamine may be less potent than its cheap counterpart, but it's a sustainable source of motivation, fueling our drive for long-term success. True fulfillment isn't found in shortcuts; it's cultivated through dedication and perseverance.

By prioritizing meaningful actions over quick fixes, we pave the way for a life fueled by purpose and passion.


Dopamine: the fuel for our ambitions, yet also the culprit behind our productivity pitfalls. While it propels us towards greatness, it’s easily hijacked by artificial stimuli—junk food, social media—that offer instant gratification.

Beware of the allure of cheap dopamine. Each hit floods our reward system, numbing our drive and leaving us feeling lazy when the wave crashes. Prolonged indulgence leads to a deficiency, draining our motivation and limiting our progress.

Before you surrender to the temptation of cheap dopamine, remember its toll on your productivity and well-being. As a wellness coach, I want to steer you out of stagnation and dopamine deficit, and into steady motivation (check out our post next week on how to do that!).


Dopamine: the fuel for our ambitions, yet also the culprit behind our productivity pitfalls. While it propels us towards greatness, it's easily hijacked by artificial stimuli—junk food, social media—that offer instant gratification.

Beware of the allure of cheap dopamine. Each hit floods our reward system, numbing our drive and leaving us feeling lazy when the wave crashes. Prolonged indulgence leads to a deficiency, draining our motivation and limiting our progress.

Before you surrender to the temptation of cheap dopamine, remember its toll on your productivity and well-being. As a wellness coach, I want to steer you out of stagnation and dopamine deficit, and into steady motivation (check out our post next week on how to do that!).


Ever wondered what drives your motivation, your cravings, your zest for life? Enter dopamine, the powerhouse neurotransmitter behind it all.
When in a low dopamine state - you'll feel lazy and unmotivated. Dopamine isn't just a chemical; it's the fuel for your dreams, your ambitions, and your desires. If your brain senses a reward on the horizon—be it a delicious meal, a new promotion, or a vacation—it kicks into high gear, flooding your system with dopamine. If we then reach that reward, we get more dopamine, offering us feelings of joy.

Stick around this month to discover how to harness "the motivation molecule" in a healthy way for optimal productivity.


After those intense work sprints, it's time to give your mind and body a well-deserved break. And here's where panoramic vision comes into play.
To restore balance to your nervous system and ramp up parasympathetic activation, broaden your visual horizon. If possible, step outdoors for a brief stroll – let your eyes roam freely, taking in the expansive view. If you're short on time, even taking a moment to gaze out of a nearby window.

Soften your gaze and expand your visual scope, absorbing as much of your surroundings as possible. Without shifting your eyes or head, widen your field of vision to encompass the space around you. Relax in this moment for a few beats, observing how your body responds to this gentle shift.

Be deliberate about these visual breaks. Resist the urge to immediately reach for your phone post-meeting. Instead, prioritize those moments of panoramic sight. For every 45 minutes of intense focus, aim for 5 minutes of panoramic vision.

Your ticket to relaxation is just a panoramic glance away!


Eliminate distractions and clear the path to laser focus.

Creating an environment conducive to intense visual focus means decluttering your space. Clear off your desk of anything that might tempt your attention away from the task at hand (including your phone). Every time you succumb to the distraction, you're pulling yourself away from that crucial visual focus and disrupting your mental flow.

TIP: set a timer for 25 minutes and challenge yourself to keep your eyes locked onto the screen until it goes off. Keep your phone in another room or at least turned over and on silent.


Ever find yourself lost in the zone, completely immersed in your work? That's the magic of intense visual focus!

When you're tackling a task, shift into "Portrait Mode" - zero in on what's in front of you and let everything else fade into the background. This isn't just about productivity; it's about tapping into the science of our nervous system.

By narrowing your visual field, you activate your sympathetic nervous system, triggering the release of neurochemicals like epinephrine and acetylcholine. You're priming your brain for peak alertness and focus.

Intense focus is demanding, so it's crucial to respect your body's limits. According to ultradian cycle science, aim for 90-120 minute bursts of focused work.

The next time you're ready to tackle that project, lock onto your task with laser-like precision.


Eyes are more than just tools for seeing. Our brains rely on external cues to navigate through the day. Our eyes, the only parts of our brain outside of the cranial vault, are the key players in this process. One of the many functions of our eyes and optimal nerves, they tell our brains whether it's time to be alert or wind down.

Harnessing your vision can greatly enhance your work life. Imagine being able to use your eyes as a productivity tool. By consciously directing your gaze, you can either sharpen your focus or give yourself
a mental break. It's all about leveraging this incredible connection between our vision and our brain's state.

So, next time you're feeling overwhelmed or in need of a boost, remember: your eyes are more than just windows to the world. They're your secret weapon for productivity. Stay with us this month as we offer tangible, quick tips for using your vision for supercharged productivity!


It's easy to live a sedentary lifestyle, especially if you're in the office all day. If you find yourself tethered to a desk, let's talk about the small steps we can take to safeguard our heart health.
Recognizing that not every occupation keeps us on our feet, I encourage you to make a deliberate effort to counteract prolonged sitting. Why? Because our hearts deserve the break.

According to the American Heart Association, aiming for 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week is a heart-smart goal. But what if your day is a cascade of meetings, tasks, and deadlines, leaving little room for a full-blown workout? Take at least 10 minutes, three times during your workday, to step away from the desk, stretch those legs, and breathe in fresh energy. And if you can, always take the stairs.

Elevate your heart, break the monotony, and nurture your well-being. Let's rise from our chairs, embrace movement, and make our heart health a priority, one step at a time.


This may seem obvious but we have to take better care of our teeth. By brushing and flossing daily, we minimize inflammation - which plays a huge role in plaque formation in the arteries. People with gum disease have two to three times the risk of having a heart attack, stroke, or other serious cardiovascular event.

These are small commitments that we can keep to make a huge difference for our future selves. So yes - the connection between a radiant smile and cardiovascular well-being is real.

This February, let's make a conscious effort to prioritize our dental hygiene. Each brushstroke, every flossing session, and every dental check-up isn't just an investment in a sparkling smile; it's a commitment to a healthier heart. A healthier heart means more moments enjoying the life you've built and the work you are committed to.


Because February is all about hearts, we want to offer 3 quick ways you can start prioritizing the most vital organ in our bodies. First off - schedule a HIIT workout into your week - scheduling it will help you stick to it - and try to schedule 3 of them for the next few weeks. HIIT workouts are great because they are completely customizable to you - so find one that works for you and gets you excited (as long as you increase your heart rate to an elevated, and slightly uncomfortable level). At the end, you will notice the perks of a strengthened heart (in addition to structural positive body changes).

All exercise is great, but a HIIT workout provides excellent heart strengthening. Moderate exercise will provide about 70 to 75% of max heart rate while a HIIT will provide 85 to 95% of max. A recent randomized trial, published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, unveiled that six months of supervised HIIT led to a "regression of atheroma volume" (artery-blocking plaque) compared to patients following contemporary preventive guidelines.

This February, let's seize the opportunity to strengthen our hearts with the power of HIIT - in under 15 minutes, you're on your way to heart health that defies conventional boundaries.


Gratitude, like sunlight, nourishes the bonds we share. To keep our hearts open, go beyond simple "gratitude" and infuse expressions of gratitude with specificity. This can be sharing how a person's words affected you in a positive way, acknowledging an effort made, or stating small things that had a big impact on you. This act of mindfulness is extremely grounding and helps you live a more optimistic life. Studies have shown optimistic people have a reduced risk of heart disease, stroke, and declines in lung capacity and function.

It's not just about saying "thank you"; it's about recognizing the unique qualities that make each moment special. As we express gratitude with detail, we plant seeds of kindness in the soil of our relationships. These types of relationships create a supportive environment in the workplace for excelled productivity, and a balanced personal life.


As February unfolds, the month dedicated to matters of the heart, let's explore the art of open communication. Imagine a world where, before delving into sensitive conversations in the workplace or at home, we state our intentions up front with transparency and vulnerability. By expressing our intentions, we build trust and create a safe space for open dialogue.

Discuss a sensitive topic with the intention to understand and support, not to judge or argue. This simple act transforms tough topics from barriers into bridges, paving the way for meaningful connections, which leads to overall wellness. By sharing your intentions, you are able to more clearly hear the other person's intentions. Easy communication is a major tool in living a low-stress life - making it easier for you to focus on the things that really matter.


February, the month of hearts, invites us to slow down in a fast-paced lifestyle and listen to the rhythm of our own heartbeats. By tuning in and paying attention to ourselves, we make room for productivity and ease.

Whether you are just beginning your day or in the middle of a stressful situation - take one minute to check in with your body. Our bodies, remarkable messengers of emotions, often mirror what’s within. A tight chest may signal anxiety, while a relaxed posture speaks of calmness. These physical cues are gentle reminders, providing clues about your emotional state, which can help you handle situations more wisely.

Understanding and embracing ourselves is the first step in keeping our hearts open and preventing burn out. By acknowledging these signs, we create a pathway to emotional wellness and connection.


Get those creative juices flowing in 2024! Journaling is your gateway to unlocking a treasure trove of creativity. Dive into the pages, brainstorm, and sculpt your thoughts into innovative ideas. Boosting your creativity doesn't just equate to being more crafty, it equips you with the tools to tackle your workday (like brainstorming or solving problems).

Journaling is for YOU, not anyone else. It's a very personal act that requires very little except the intention to grow. We encourage you to write freely and quickly, disregarding errors or second guessing yourself. This flow will ignite your creativity.


If connection with others is on your resolution list, journaling is the catalyst for change. Journaling isn't just about pouring out thoughts; it's a journey into emotional intelligence. By exploring your feelings and understanding them, you not only gain self-insight but also empathy towards others.

Having empathy paves the way for the desire to understand others. By doing this, you make others feel heard and understood. They're then more likely to take the time to empathize with you, deepening your relationship and promoting that feeling of connection.

Strengthening your emotional IQ in this way will help you work better at home, interact with your co-workers more efficiently, and be easier on yourself.

Strengthen your relationships and deepen connections by embracing the power of morning journaling!


Another great way to start your mornings is to commit to journaling. Take 5-10 minutes in the mornings for major transformations this year. Your journal is your roadmap to success! Not only does it help calm your mind, but it gives you unique insight to your inner thoughts. This is vital when goal planning.

Journaling is more than venting; it is a tool for personal evolution. Start by delving deep—explore your values, define your aspirations, and plot out your dreams. This will give you the tools you need to achieve your growth plans this year.

Your journal isn't just a record; it's your guide to living a purposeful, goal-driven life!

Here are a few prompts to get you started:
What truly matters to you in life?
What are your short term goals?
What are your long term goals?
What steps can you take to move closer to these goals?


2024: rest, recharge, and conquer! Did you know that catching those morning rays can pave the way for a restful night? By regulating melatonin production and revving up cortisol early on, you're setting the stage for a balanced sleep-wake cycle.

Your body's sensitivity to light peaks at specific times: right after waking, two hours before bedtime, and during the night. Harnessing these phases of daylight offers a powerful method to synchronize and regulate your body's internal clock, supporting a balanced circadian rhythm.

Keep those melatonin levels in check for a smoother morning wake-up call and a night of deep, replenishing sleep. Starting your year off right means embracing the balance morning sunlight brings. Regulate your sleep-wake cycle naturally, setting the stage for productive days and serene nights.


Sunlight, the stress-buster you didn't know you needed! Instead of creating lofty new year resolutions - what if you committed to getting outside as soon as you wake up to feel the sun on your face?

That cortisol spike from morning sunlight can actually reduce stress levels throughout the day. It's like a small beneficial stressor that toughens you up against life's challenges.

Morning sunlight isn't just a mood-lifter; it's a sustainable way to build resilience. It kickstarts your day with a dose of positivity, setting the stage for a year filled with calm and focus. No need for drastic changes—let the daily sunshine be your silent support system!


New year, brighter mornings! Embracing morning sunlight isn't just about waking up; it's about setting the tone for a thriving year ahead.

Did you know that morning sunlight is your body's natural alarm clock? When the sun peeks through your window, it suppresses melatonin and boosts cortisol, the "get up and go" hormone. Low cortisol levels in the morning are linked to feeling fatigued.

Harness that natural cortisol boost and bid adieu to fatigue. It's not about grand resolutions but the daily rituals that make the journey sustainable. Having more energy is the quickest way to not only get more out of your day, but enjoy productivity. Start your mornings right, fuel your days brighter!


Our final offering as you prepare for the new year is to think about your community. Fostering a sense of community is proven to prolong longevity and productivity.

Have you made new friends in 2023? How did you deepen old connections? How often did you feel connected to your community? Envision the warmth and support of a thriving community around you. What does that look like? What are the steps you need to take to foster a sense of belonging?

Consider asking a new connection out for coffee, engaging in acts of kindness, calling up an old friend, or joining local events. Participate in community events, volunteer, or simply strike up conversations with neighbors. These micro changes can foster profound bonds and a sense of belonging!

Community isn't just about being around people; it's about creating a sense of connection and support. Embrace diversity, show compassion, and watch your community thrive in 2024!


As we near 2024, we guide you to reflect on your connection with your inner self.

For your 2023 mindfulness practice: How often did you journal? Did you find yourself present in the moment? How much time per day did you dedicate to reconnecting with your inner self? Now envision the peace and serenity you seek within.

Consider integrating short moments of mindfulness throughout your day— taking deep breaths during stressful situations, writing down 5 things you are grateful for every morning, or a few minutes of guided meditation in the afternoon. These micro changes can spark profound inner peace and focus.

Remember, mindfulness is a gift you give yourself—a practice that nurtures your entire being and those around you.

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2955 E Hillcrest Drive Ste 108
Thousand Oaks, CA

Opening Hours

Monday 6am - 10pm
Tuesday 6am - 10pm
Wednesday 6am - 10pm
Thursday 6am - 10pm
Friday 6am - 10pm
Saturday 6am - 10pm
Sunday 6am - 10pm

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