Project Orphans

Believing that no child is ever lost. Every person is valuable. And all people are worthy of love.

In 2011, our founders set out on a mission to transform the world of orphan care through a grassroots approach by equipping communities to care for vulnerable children. Unveiled through years of service, they met people of all ages who struggled to know their purpose and lived only to survive. Through partnership with the voices of local Ugandan change makers, eager to see the end of the cycle of

Photos from Project Orphans's post 08/09/2024

We are raising a generation of servant leaders 💪 Every school break, and every opportunity they get, the Project Orphans kids find ways to serve and bless people in their community. They have such respect for others. They serve with out of grateful hearts for God’s blessings on their lives, it pours out of them toward others. We can’t wait to see the places they will go, a bright future is ahead!

Photos from Project Orphans's post 08/03/2024

🎁 Sponsor gifts have arrived!! 🎁 And the smiles couldn’t be bigger! One of the happiest times of the year is when our kids get personal gifts and family photos from their sponsors. Project Orphans is feeling all the warm and fuzzies for the many blessings God has given this summer! Thank you to all of our incredibly thoughtful sponsors for continuously making our kids feel loved, remembered, and on top of the world!


Meet the amazing team from Oral Roberts University who served with us for a whole month! Hear their stories and see the impact they made at Project Orphans and the people of Uganda.

ORU Missions and Outreach has showered Project Orphans and Uganda with love and acts of kindness, making a profound difference in our village and community. We are continuously grateful for their efforts and support!


🏀✨ WE BROKE GROUND! A year ago, one of our boys Timothy, determined to learn the game of basketball and made a make-shift basket and backboard and nailed it to a tree. He then took a balloon and wrapped it with tape to make a basketball. Inspired, our friend Kyron Stokes decided to build a state of the art court for our kids in Uganda to give them a chance to really develop a passion for the game!

Basketball courts are hard to come by in Uganda with only 13 professional teams active in the country. We are believing this will not only bless our kids, but this game will bring hope to our entire community.

Shout out to Coach Chad Wilkerson, Book and Ball, and many other generous donors for making this dream a reality!

We aren’t done yet—our kids are in need of basketballs, shoes, gear, etc. If you want to be a part of this next phase, comment or DM us “Hope” and we’ll get you all the information you’ll need.



🌞😎 The weekend is here, and we’re welcoming it with big smiles and even bigger shades!

Let’s make it a weekend to remember. 👍🏾


❤️ A Heart for John: ’s Act of Compassion ❤️ Watch the heartwarming moment when our amazing friend Jen Lilley meets our miracle child, John Senkula, for the first time in Uganda. Five years ago, John had a life-threatening heart condition and his family couldn’t afford the surgery he desperately needed. Through the proceeds from her song “King of Hearts,” Jen and her fans fully funded John’s surgery, giving him a new lease on life.

Following your heart can create ripples of change. Each of us has the power to make a difference, and on the other side of our yes can be a life-changing story for someone who needs it the most.

Photos from Project Orphans's post 06/17/2024

✨ WE DID IT✨ Foster Care Village construction is fully funded! Our two new homes will be completed soon and these cuties will have a permanent place to grow!! Because of our generous donors, we’re creating homes where every child feels the warmth of a family and the joy of belonging.

Special shout out to Amanda Freeman, The Gardner Family, Stephanie Burger, John McMullen, and the VBS Kids at First Baptist Church - Pittsburg, TX for raising the funds to finish our Village! 🧡

Photos from Project Orphans's post 06/16/2024

Fathers come in many forms. They don’t have to be blood related to extend their love, guidance, or protection. At Project Orphans God has provided many fathers to care deeply for the orphaned and abandoned. This village of men have a profound impact on our children and to them—and all Fatherly figures—we wish a very Happy Father’s Day.

Photos from Project Orphans's post 06/08/2024

The good bye moments of our 2024 ORU team who spend the past month serving with us both at Project Orphans and several other ministries in Uganda! The relationships built and positive impact made by the students will continue to inspire and benefit the community long after their departure. They are returning home with a renewed sense of purpose and we are forever grateful for the love and compassion they have show to us and our people. Safe travels to our friends, webale!!

ORU Missions and Outreach Oral Roberts University

Photos from Project Orphans's post 06/04/2024

Real life talk - sometimes we worry over how bills will be paid, or projects will be completed. Stepping out in faith is never easy - and truth is it takes big guts. But God is always faithful. Around six months ago, we started building two foster care homes for 11 precious kids who came into our care.

A week ago, we started a campaign to raise the remaining $14,000 to finish the foster homes. Within one week, we’ve raised $11,500 and only have $2,500 to go! This had nothing to do with us, but God had placed it on people’s hearts to make a difference and well let’s just say that’s exactly what happened!

It’s so easy to get discouraged in this world, but God never stops moving. Help us fund the remaining $2,500 a be part of this story!

Visit 🧡


🏡 22 Foster Kids need your help to complete their homes!

Our foster family has grown to 22 children and counting. Currently, the kids live in two three-bedroom homes and the teenagers are temporarily living in our domestic violence shelter.

Help us complete the construction and give the displaced children in care a permanent place to call home. Only $4,000 is needed to meet our goal!

To learn more or support this project, visit:


Amazing news… over the weekend we received a $10,000 donation towards our $14,000 goal to complete two much needed foster care homes in foster care village!

We are so close to helping provide not only a shelter but a HOME for the kids who have been placed in our custody due to abuse and abandonment.

Help us reach our goal and give the gift of family the orphaned in Uganda! Together, we can be a voice for the voiceless and raise a generation that believes all things are possible.

To give visit:

Photos from Project Orphans's post 05/26/2024

Today our Oasis Church community came together with students to build a new roof at one our church member’s homes in Lunyolya. Miss Nabukera is a widow raising three children. Whenever it rained, her house would leak uncontrollably; she would stand in a corner to stay dry and requested the neighbors to have her children sleep at their home because of the condition of her house.

Miss Nabukera is so humble, she faithfully serves with our outreach team every month, helping to bless other families in need, never missing one Nfayo Serve Day. She did not complain about her own home nor mentioned how she had been living. We’re so grateful that God led us to know and for our community of givers that allowed us the opportunity to buy supplies to bless this family with a new roof.

If you want to join our Tribe of givers and help make projects like this happen, visit to join! 🧡

Photos from Project Orphans's post 05/23/2024

🌟 Juliana and Robert need sponsors!! 🌟 This month is . Nearly one in five children in Uganda do not live with their parents—that is an outrageous statistic. We often wonder what we can do to help; Today we have an opportunity!

Project Orphans opened Foster Care Village in 2021 which houses 22 kids in our program. Juliana and Robert became part of our Foster Care Village family several years ago. Right now, they are in need of sponsorship. Sponsoring costs $25 per month and will provide them with a quality education and the resources they need to thrive!

Juliana is a sweet, timid, and happy girl. In 2016, her mother left her and her sisters with their father in a one-bedroom house. Juliana and her sisters were sleeping on the floor in very poor conditions. Their father sadly did not support or protect the girls and tragic events occurred. That is when the police got involved and contacted Project Orphans.

Robert is very welcoming, friendly and easily adapts to new environments. He loves to learn and be social with his peers. Robert had a severely tragic childhood with unspeakable trauma. When Robert was just three years old, his mum left. From then on, he grew up with his father and step-mother. Robert feels really sad that he never got a chance to be loved by his mother and sometimes he wishes he was with her. Robert endured ongoing violence and lived in fear. The village chairman witnessed a horrific crime against Robert and took him to the police station. Robert was immediately admitted to the hospital to begin treating his wounds, while the perpetrator was arrested. The police contacted Project Orphans and referred Robert for further care. He has been with us ever since and we love him and Juliana as our own.

If you would like to be family with Juliana or Robert and encourage them as they walk out their life journey, please consider sponsoring them by sending us a DM or visiting

Photos from Project Orphans's post 05/21/2024

Week 1: sent us an incredible team of students who are showering Project Orphans and Uganda with love and acts of kindness! This week, they served their hearts out not only in our village but also in our community:

- At Jaja Flora’s Children’s Home, they painted and held workshops for over 40 children.

- With Smile Charity, they took on manual labor at a construction site.

- During Naafayo Serve Day, they blessed a family from Oasis Church by cleaning, painting, and providing new furniture.

- At Pearl Village with Project Orphans, they engaged in cleaning, farming, life skills training, a special needs kids class, medical assistance, and even made bulk Vaseline for skin and hair.

These students have big, compassionate hearts, and we are so thankful they chose to come and serve. Witnessing such selflessness and dedication is truly amazing!

Photos from Project Orphans's post 05/15/2024

Fatuma is a very jolly and sassy little girl. She loves people so much and loves to eat rice and meat. Her mother and father split when she was a year old. Her mother was severely abusive and Fatuma often would not know why her mother was choosing to beat her. One day, the abuse escalated to an unspeakable event that removed Fatuma from the home and into Project Orphans care.

By the time Project Orphans received Fatuma, she was in a terrifying condition. This was sad moment to all of us at Project Orphans.

Fatuma is now living in one of the Project Orphans’ Foster Care Homes where she is loved and all her medical and educational needs are taken care. Now, she never sleeps on an empty stomach. She is quite popular among the little ones her age, always giggling and having fun with her friends.

Fatuma’s sponsor Matt Lay (photo 3) and his wife are huge champions of Fatuma. Matt visits her once a year and we all know that is her favorite time! Fatuma has a new family, new friends, and she is surrounded by aunties and uncles who are making sure that she is always feeling loved and safe every day!

Help us continue to raise awareness for kids in this month by sharing stories like Fatuma’s.


💖 Happy Mother’s Day 💖 to all the incredible women who nurture, guide, and love unconditionally. Whether by birth or simply through the warmth of their hearts, today we celebrate and honor the countless ways women enrich the lives of children.


🩺 Each year Project Orphans hosts a free medical camp to provide healthcare to families who could not otherwise afford it. This year, we had the pleasure of having with us from who built our Medical Facility at Project Orphans back in 2017. Check out this video to see the incredible impact our medical team is having!


These 32 precious faces are the kids currently being fostered in our program by families in Uganda. Did you know that May is National ?

Not only is it important to raise awareness, but to give these kids a life they deserve—a safe home, a loving family, and an inspiring environment to thrive. Our goal is to provide wholeness, healing, and hope for a bright future for each and every child God gives us. These kids have walked through neglect, abuse, abandonment, and loss. They deserve the very best we can give them.

You can make a difference just by advocating for children in need. We invite you to spread awareness for children around the globe with us this month, to be a voice for them, and to encourage others to join in the life change.

Together, let’s give every child the love and support they deserve. 🧡

Photos from Project Orphans's post 05/01/2024

The kids are officially breaking off from school for holiday! We started our usual holiday routine, continuing education at home in workbooks, farming, and group devotions.

The kids will be planting pawpaw tree, eggplants, tomatoes, cassava, sweet potatoes, and other vegetables. 🥒🍅

Group devotions take place twice a week, and the theme this break is “How to be perfected in Christ”. We love our staff and their dedication to help our kids grow all year long!


In the USA, prom season is among us! 🌟 In Uganda, prom isn’t as common here as it is in some other places. However, some schools and universities do host prom-like events as part of their end-of-year celebrations! Students dress up in their finest attire, dance to great music, and make unforgettable memories.

Who else loves celebrating in style? Share your prom memories with us! 🌟🎶

Photos from Project Orphans's post 04/20/2024

A little dose of Lawrence to sweeten your weekend! His smile is contagious and we love how he raises his hand when you call his name to take his picture 🙋🏾‍♂️😆

Photos from Project Orphans's post 04/19/2024

❤️👏 Joshua has RECOVERED from malnourishment!!

Joshua is 5 yrs old and weighed only 15 lbs (2nd Photo) when he went into treatment. He was born with Spastic Quadriplegia and has been fighting chronic malnutrition his entire life. Joshua’s mother attended Oasis Church at Project Orphan’s Pearl Village one weekend and our pastoral team noticed how fragile he looked in her arms. He was skin and bones and in need of help. He was taken to Project Orphans Medical Center and shortly after, enrolled in our Blessing’s Cove Special Needs Daycare.

In January 2024, our team made an emergency decision to the send Joshua to a specialist where he spent 6 weeks in medical and nutritional treatment to help him battle the persistent fevers, poor appetite, severe anemia, and malnutrition.

We are VERY happy to report that today, Joshua weighs 25 lbs and continues to grow with a precious smile on his face! His mother even gave testimony at Oasis Church for the miracle in his health (3rd Photo).

Because of Joshua, our Special Needs Team has taken great initiative to work with our medical team and a nutritionist to ensure our children maintain a healthy weight and balanced diet. We are so proud of our team and thank God for a happy and healthy Joshua!

Photos from Project Orphans's post 04/17/2024

The Project Orphans family would not be the same without - Ashley! This gal is a true hero. From ensuring each child has captured moments and memories to making during the Project Orphans sponsors are up to date and informed on all things their sponsor child needs and has accomplished… Ashley loves big and her heart for others is infectious.

She has tirelessly been working on creating and assembling sponsorship packages that will soon be delivered to our Project Orphan sponsors!

You see, it’s one thing to sponsor a child but what Ashley understands is how much the Project Orphans kids appreciate their sponsors and how they want to make them proud.

When a child loses a sponsor — we take this very seriously because the weight these kids carry is astounding, and they truly desire connection That’s why so much love goes into the PO mobile app and the Project Orphan packages.

It’s our desire to ensure each sponsor knows how much they are appreciated and stay connected! 🧡

If you would like to sponsor a child — please visit our website. We would love for you to join the Project Orphans family!


Education for a Nation remains at the core of our mission, and the impact is nothing short of extraordinary! Last year, 100 children received scholarships and tuition through our sponsorship program, opening doors to futures filled with promise.

Our Faith Elementary students emerged as champions in Uganda’s Junior Olympics, conquering an impressive 8 categories, from the 100-meter race to the long jump. The recognition doesn’t end there—Faith Elementary was chosen as the lead training school for our cluster of over 10 institutions.

The groundbreaking ceremony at Faith Elementary marked the expansion of our vision, with new boarding sections and classes for P.6 and P.7 students. Even our youngest learners at Sprouts Preschool took strides toward education, with nearly 40 students learning their letters and simple counting.


Did you know you can give the gift of a goat to a family in Uganda? Goats are a great source of income and help fight poverty in rural areas. Not only can their milk, cheese, and butter be consumed or sold for profit, but they can also be bred and sold to other civilians for the same resources. The income received from goats ensures that families can afford expenses such as their children’s school fees and medical costs. 🐐

To give the gift of a goat or other resources to a family in need, visit our Gift Shop


At 83, Pepe embarked on a heartfelt journey to honor his late wife Sally’s dream of visiting Project Orphans in Uganda. Little did he know, he’d be greeted by many life-changing moments. Pepe’s unwavering commitment to Sally and his faith reminds us all that love knows no bounds and dreams are ageless. 🙏❤️


Amazing Grace was extended to the world 2000 years ago and that is why Project Orphans exists today. We celebrate our risen Savior who made it possible for us to have eternal hope. Jesus paid the price for us to live life to the full with joy and extend his great love those around us. We are so grateful for the solid foundation this ministry was built on. Happy Easter to you all from our chosen family to yours! 🧡

Photos from Project Orphans's post 03/18/2024

Child sponsors mean the world to our children. Every year, our sponsors have an opportunity to send a gift to their sponsored child. We stumbled upon Judith at home with her mom putting together her butterfly craft gift from her sponsor. The relationships that are built through our program are so meaningful to our kids. We can’t thank our sponsors enough for investing in our children’s lives. The impact is immeasurable!

To learn more about our sponsorship program, visit

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The Journey of Project Orphans

In 2011, Brittany and Christina set out on a mission to transform the world of orphan care through a grassroots approach by equipping communities to care for vulnerable children. Unveiled through years of service, they met people of all ages who struggled to know their purpose and lived only to survive.

Over a decade ago, Project Orphans waged a war against the villains that plague our community, suffocating lives from living free of injustice. Serving through innovative programs that tackle the systemic issues — we provide tools that allow people to get out of the trenches and pursue quality and purposeful life. Our full-circle approach is an ongoing commitment to break the cycle of selfless survival and empower a world of compassion.

Through a partnership with the voices of local Ugandan change-makers, eager to see the end of the cycle of abuse, poverty, and injustice — Project Orphans Uganda was birthed.

Over a decade ago, Project Orphans waged a war against the villains that plague our community, suffocating lives from living free of injustice. Serving through innovative programs that tackle the systemic issues — we provide tools that allow people to get out of the trenches and pursue quality and purposeful life. Our full-circle approach is an ongoing commitment to break the cycle of selfless survival and empower a world of compassion.

Videos (show all)

ORU Missions blesses the people of Uganda
❤️ A Heart for John: Jen Lilley’s Act of Compassion ❤️
Help Expand Our Foster Village!
Building A Home of Hope
🩺 Each year Project Orphans hosts a free medical camp to provide healthcare to families who could not otherwise afford i...
Our 32 Foster Care Kids!!
The Gift of a Goat
Pepe’s Journey
FBC en route to Uganda!
Two Incredible Stories of Transformation - Uganda


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