California National Forests

U.S. Forest Service's Pacific Southwest Region stats: 18 forests, 22M acres, in California and Hawaii

The mission of the USDA Forest Service is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of the Nation's forests and grasslands to meet the needs of present and future generations. The Forest Service motto, "Caring for the Land and Serving People," captures the spirit of our mission, which we accomplish through five main activities:

Protection and management of natural resources on National F


Did you know that the Mendocino National Forest has provided assistance in nearly 30 fire incidents this season through mutual aid?

We regularly support our neighboring agencies on a local level by providing mutual aid support when called. Additionally, we support the national firefighting effort by regularly sending available resources to other Federal incidents around the country.

📷: USDA Forest Service Photo of Engine 332 at a recent fire in Stonyford, CA.


NEWS: Region Requesting Public Comments for Legacy Roads and Trails Projects through July 22
U.S. Forest Service - San Bernardino National Forest
U.S. Forest Service - Shasta-Trinity National Forest
U.S. Forest Service - Mendocino National Forest
U.S. Forest Service-Stanislaus National Forest on the radar.


FEATURE: Two-Eyed Seeing — A Vision to Care for Our Forests Indiana Summit on the U.S. Forest Service - Inyo National Forest has piaga. Read about this interesting resource that helps trees and the local tribe.
U.S. Forest Service Bureau of Indian Affairs



With lightning moving into the northwest and across the Great Basin, the has gone to 5. Want to know more?

: As of today, July 18, the national has increased to PL5.

Significant wildland fire activity is now occurring in most geographic areas with a high potential for additional large wildland fires to emerge. National resources like hotshot crews, airtankers, smokejumpers and communications equipment, are heavily committed and the National Interagency Coordination Center is coordinating requests for these resources with geographic area coordination centers. Active geographic areas are intensively engaged in prioritization of incidents and reallocation of resources as needed to ensure effective incident operations.

The National Multi-Agency Coordination Group establishes the level throughout the year. Their decision is dictated by fuel and weather conditions, fire activity, and fire suppression resource availability throughout the country. The five preparedness levels range from the lowest (1) to the highest (5). For more information on preparedness levels visit our website here ➡

📸Photo from the by Southeast Region-Department of Natural Resources.


Smokey is turning 80! The beloved emblem of fire prevention has been inspiring us with his “Only you!” message since 1944. And 80 years later, his message remains just as relevant. Over 85% of destructive wildfires across the nation are human-caused.

We’re keeping this epic celebration going during the California State Fair… join the USDA- Forest service in celebrating Smokey and his timeless message for events throughout the year. Created in 1944, the Smokey Bear Wildfire Prevention campaign is the longest-running public service advertising campaign in U.S. history, educating generations of Americans about their role in preventing wildfires. As one of the world's most recognizable characters, Smokey's image is protected by U.S. federal law and is administered by the USDA U.S. Forest Service, the National Association of State Foresters and the Ad Council. Despite the campaign's success over the years, wildfire prevention remains one of the most critical issues affecting our country. Smokey's message is as relevant and urgent today as it was in 1944.


NEWS: CA Firefighters Ready for Lightning Storms, Preplanning Pays Off These numbers! July 13-15, CA had 7,139 lightning strikes. Resources response rate: 94%. Only 6 new fires from this storm went into extended attack. READ ON.

Photos from California National Forests's post 07/17/2024

California Lightning Storm Response
July 13-15, 2024

With the lightning storm that passed through the state on July 13, 2024, California sustained a total of 7,139 lightning strikes across the state. The Forest Service anticipated the storms and pre-positioned resources throughout the state. These resources were able to quickly respond to initial attack fires, resulting in a highly successful response rate.

In the three day period between July 13-15th, the Forest Service and its cooperators have responded to a total of 97 fires on Forest Service lands. The aggressive initial attack response during this time resulted in an initial attack success rate of 94%.

Given the extremely dry fuel conditions that had set records where much of the lightning was received, this success rate is a significant achievement for California. The pre-positioning of resources, quick detection technologies and some cloud cover with rain all helped to keep the initial attack response rate at 94%. Only six additional new fires from this storm went into extended attack after they were not contained during initial attack.

An additional 412 resources were brought into the state to assist with California’s wildland fire response during this time. The Forest Service remains ready and able to respond to emerging wildland fires across the state.

Photos from National Interagency Fire Center's post 07/17/2024
Photos from California National Forests's post 07/14/2024

California Lightning Response
July 13, 2024
2:00 p.m.

California has received a significant increase in wildland fires due to a lightning storm that passed through the area on July 13, 2024.

The Forest Service anticipated the storms and pre-positioned resources to respond throughout the state.

Multiple fires have been reported. Here is the list of how many reported fires are on each forest from this storm so far.

Northern California:

U.S. Forest Service-Tahoe National Forest: 4 fires
U.S. Forest Service-Plumas National Forest: 2 fires
U.S. Forest Service-Modoc National Forest: 1 fire
U.S. Forest Service - Eldorado National Forest: 1 fire
Lassen National Forest: 1 fire
U.S. Forest Service - Six Rivers National Forest: 3 fires

Southern California:

U.S. Forest Service - Sierra National Forest: 5 fires
U.S. Forest Service - Los Padres National Forest: 1 fire
U.S. Forest Service - Sequoia National Forest: 4 fires

Fire crews are aggressively fighting all known fires. As air attack and forest lookouts continue to report new fires our crews remain ready to respond.

📷The first image is from "Earth Networks Pulse Lightning Strikes Last 24hrs, 7 a.m. July 13, 2024 - 7 a.m. July 14, 2024" and shows lightning strikes in Northern California. The second image is from the Trout Fire on the Sequioa National Forest yesterday.

California Fire Weather 07/13/2024

Predicted critical fire weather has arrived with lightning strikes being observed across the Sierras already. Stay tuned to local social media sites and forecasts for the most updated information.

Red Flag Warnings are in effect for multiple counties throughout the state, please click link below for more specific information.

California Fire Weather Dangerous and record-breaking heat will continue for much of the West today, and expand over central and eastern portions of the country through this weekend. Locally heavy rainfall and flash flooding will continue along the coastal Mid-Atlantic and in the Four Corners region. Strong to severe thund...


Ever hear of OR-85? Listen and learn about the wolves that roam here in CA and beyond. 👂👉 or wherever you get your podcasts.


The U.S. Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management - California, CAL FIRE have been working together in a coordinated mutual aid response to contain this incident. Their combined efforts have been crucial in halting the Bluff fire's rapid spread.

*Bluff Fire Update: Riverside County*

The Bluff Fire in Riverside County, which initially spread rapidly and covered 20 acres, has now been contained with a total of 50 acres burned. The forward rate of spread has been successfully stopped. San Bernardino National Forest dispatched three Type 3 engines, one water tender, one hand crew, one dozer, and one Chief officer who responded to the mutual aid request.

The fire is currently pushing away from the San Bernardino National Forest, with no immediate threat to U.S. Forest Service or Bureau of Land Management areas currently. The U.S. Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, and Cal Fire RRU have been working together in a coordinated mutual aid response to contain this incident. Their combined efforts have been crucial in halting the fire's rapid spread.

Residents and visitors in the area should remain vigilant and follow any further safety instructions from local authorities. Your safety remains our top priority.

Photo credit: KESQ News Channel 3

Photos from California National Forests's post 07/12/2024

On Wednesday, the U.S. Forest Service held regional field meetings across the U.S. to provide information to inform public comments on the National Old Growth Amendment, Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS). The proposed amendment highlights the importance of proactive stewardship in managing threats to old growth forests and calls for adaptive management strategies using the best available science, including Indigenous Knowledge.
For those who were unable to attend a field meeting, a virtual summary session will be held on July 31, at 0900PT. Register here:

To read the DEIS and submit a commit (by September 20th), visit the National Old Growth Amendment website:


The USDA Forest Service is augmenting staff and pre-positioning firefighting resources including engines, crews, and aircraft across the state to prepare for predicted critical fire weather over the weekend and into next week.

Both northern and southern California are expected to experience critical fire weather this weekend. Record high temperatures have caused vegetation to dry rapidly, especially in low- to mid-elevation ecosystems. Monsoon moisture is expected to move into the area from the Southwest, slightly lowering temperatures. But a heightened possibility for thunderstorms through the weekend raises the likelihood for widespread lightning Saturday night into Sunday. This is expected to be followed by a return to extremely hot temperatures.

The Forest Service asks the public to remain diligent about preventing human-caused fire starts, which can pull resources from lightning fires.
- Use caution when parking on dry grass and when towing and mowing.
- Make sure campfires are completely out before vacating campsites and picnic areas.
- Adhere to posted campfire restrictions.

Fire information is available on forest social media sites, as well as

Photos from California National Forests's post 07/12/2024

Did you know?

As part of its wildfire management strategy, the U.S. Forest Service often utilizes fire retardants to help control and contain wildfires. Retardants are typically dropped from aircraft, such as fixed-wing planes or helicopters. Fire retardants help to slow a fire’s spread by coating vegetation and reducing its flammability. The goal is to create a buffer zone that firefighters can use to contain the fire effectively.

Fire retardant use in the Northern and Southern California geographic areas varies based on different factors such as vegetation types, fire behavior, and population density. The frequency and intensity of wildfires and the availability of resources can also influence the extent of retardant use. In Southern California, where the climate tends to be drier, making vegetation ignition likelier, fire retardants are often used as a proactive measure to protect homes and communities in high-risk areas. Santa Ana winds in Southern California can quickly create extreme fire conditions, making retardant drops essential to firefighting strategies. In Northern California, the landscape includes dense forests and rugged terrain. Retardants are also used in Northern California, but the focus may be more on protecting critical infrastructure, such as power lines and communication towers, and containing fires in remote areas before they threaten populated areas.

Both California geographic areas rely on fire retardant as one of several tools in their wildfire management toolbox, alongside strategies like prescribed burning, mechanical thinning, and community education.

Click the link below for more information on fire retardant use on national forest lands.


Tahoe Helitack at work! These firefighters rappel into hard-to-reach areas to help fight fires. Specialized crews like these are part of the constantly learning and growing force of the USDA- Forest Service.


and the California State Fair start tomorrow!

I can already smell it - the enticing aroma of freshly made corn dogs, funnel cake, BBQ, and all things fried. The California State Fair is quickly approaching, which means that Camp Smokey will kick off at the fair soon.

The California State Fair takes place annually in Sacramento and ranks as one of the oldest and most prestigious state fairs in the United States, with origins dating back to 1854. While Smokey Bear will be commemorating his 80th birthday at Camp Smokey, the fair will be celebrating its 170 years of tradition this year. There's something for everyone at the fair!

Attendees can look forward to live music performances, carnival rides, games, and, of course, mouthwatering scents wafting from the food vendors. The fair also pays tribute to California's agricultural legacy with exhibits showcasing livestock, produce, and products from local farmers and ranchers.

Guests can also partake in Camp Smokey! By collecting your passport to the fire-safe exhibits, you can explore six stations focusing on fire safety. People return year after year for the enjoyable experience and the opportunity to collect a special bandana. You might even have a chance to meet Smokey Bear in person! If you're still contemplating whether to visit Camp Smokey, remember - it's shaded and free! See you there!



Last night’s firefighting efforts on the relied on a relative newcomer to the wildland fire management tool cache, the Quick Reaction Force or QRF.

Operated by Coulson Aviation, the QRF is a trio of Chinook CH-47 helicopters that have been converted into state-of-the-art helitankers. They are strategically located in Southern California and available for rapid response to emerging and ongoing brush fires that occur throughout the region. The force is supported by a fourth helicopter, a Sikorsky S-76, which is equipped with a suite of thermal and HD cameras as well as mapping software for accurate detection and reporting of a fire’s perimeter and hotspots.

Easily recognizable by their sheer size and dual main rotors, each helitanker is capable of carrying 3000 gallons of water or retardant depending on the needs of the incident. For comparison the Sikorsky S70 Firehawks carry 1000 gallons while the typical Bell 412 drops approximately 325 gallons per load. The QRF is also configured for night operations, and flight crews maintain additional qualifications and currencies for operating with night vision goggles.

Last night’s efforts by the QRF allowed for 60,000 gallons of water to be dropped along the fire’s edge! This dramatically reduced both heat and fire activity which will allow today’s firefighters to more safely access the steep, rugged terrain of the southern perimeter of the Vista Fire.

The San Bernardino National Forest & The San Bernardino County Fire would like to thank the QRF and Coulson Aviation for their support of the Vista Incident.

Angeles National Forest
California Interagency Incident Management Team 15


is a huge interactive fire prevention exhibit at the California State Fair, and we are excited to celebrate Smokey Bears 80th Birthday there this year!

What does it take to set up such an amazing interactive exhibit at the California State Fair? It takes teamwork, time, and preparation. Every year, at least five agencies come together to maintain, set up, and coordinate one of California’s largest Fire Prevention and Education displays. Imagine setting up a class room, a fire-safe home, a ranger’s station, a forest educational trail, and a puppet show for the duration of the fair.

Now, in addition to that, consider designing and creating a limited-edition wildfire prevention bandana with the approval and coordinated appearances by Smokey Bear himself. To make this all happen you are going to need time, a whole lot of energy, and funding from agencies such as CAL FIRE, The U.S. Indian Affairs, The Bureau of Land Management - California, The Firefighters Burn Institute, and The Forest Service. Grant applications are submitted regularly and have been awarded to maintain and add improvements for public education and safety. While visiting the fair this year, please stop by Camp Smokey and consider what it takes to prevent a wildfire. Then remind yourself that, Only You Can Prevent Wildfires!

Photos from California National Forests's post 07/10/2024

FEATURE: The CCCs Lend a Hand at Badger Hill The seed orchard, a satellite facility off the Placerville Nursery in Camino, had been understaffed for some time and in much need of landscape management. California Conservation Corps to the rescue.
California Conservation Corps Foundation / U.S. Forest Service - Eldorado National Forest / U.S. Forest Service


FEATURE: Honoring tribal co-stewardship ➡️ Growing investments in Klamath River Basin.
U.S. Forest Service - Six Rivers National Forest / U.S. Forest Service - Klamath National Forest / U.S. Forest Service / Karuk Tribe


Two trouts in one catch? Using a fishing pole provided by the U.S. Forest Service - Inyo National Forest, this visitor was shocked when he caught the two fish indirectly when the baited hook got caught on a cut-line still connected to the hook in the small trout’s mouth. The second trout’s gills were entangled in this same cut-line. Good reminder to fish responsibly, contribute to "Tangle Free Waters" and remember what Woodsy the Owl says, “Give a hoot and don’t pollute.” Learn more about fishing here:
Woodsy Owl U.S. Forest Service


Join us in Sacramento! California Wildfire and Forest Resilience Task Force Meeting, July 12, 2024

This half-day meeting will be held in person in Sacramento, with a Zoom option for remote attendance. Get a Task Force update with key priorities and accomplishments and a moderated discussion on Aligning Regional Investments.

A panel of statewide and regional leaders will discuss challenges and next steps for aligning and coordinating state, federal, and private funding to better support regional priority needs and increase program sustainability.

Join us! Visit our website for details and registration >>

U.S. Forest Service
California National Forests
Washington State Department of Natural Resources
California Department of Conservation
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
U.S. Forest Service - Eldorado National Forest
Pacific Gas and Electric Company
California Department of Water Resources
Sierra Nevada Conservancy
Resource Conservation District of Greater San Diego County ..

Photos from California National Forests's post 07/08/2024

🎙️NEW PODCAST EPISODE: 🐸"Forest Focus" 47: For the Frogs - Restoration. This is the second installment of a miniseries about amphibian conservation and determination. This time, we meet the Cascades frog.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service / Lassen National Forest / U.S. Forest Service / Sierra Pacific Industries /

Photos from California National Forests's post 07/08/2024

FEATURE: From Covering Fires to the Rose Parade – How Do You Get That Job? From a Facebook ad her brother saw, she discovered the Hispanic Access Foundation, a nonprofit partner with the U.S. Forest Service to hire diverse young professionals for work on national forests and grasslands. From there, it was just one more step to the Forest Service.
Angeles National Forest / Smokey Bear / California State University, Northridge / Homeboy Industries

Watch CBS Evening News: A look at how smokejumpers fight fires - Full show on CBS 07/08/2024

Always fun to see our featured....

Watch CBS Evening News: A look at how smokejumpers fight fires - Full show on CBS When wildfires rage in areas that can't be accessed by road, smokejumpers are called in. These teams parachute in to dangerous areas to fight the blazes. Itay Hod takes a look at how they do it.

Photos from California National Forests's post 07/06/2024

"Never stop learning."

During this Week of Remembrance, wildland firefighters from across the nation honor their fallen colleagues by reviewing lessons from previous fatality fires and incorporating safety principles into their firefighting practices. It’s a time to reflect on sacrifices and renew the commitment to firefighter safety.

On July 6, 1994, the South Canyon Fire caused the death of 14 firefighters, 7 miles west of Glenwood Springs, Colorado.

How do we honor these days and the people involved through learning? How can we better equip ourselves to recognize and navigate within similar events when they repeat?

One way is through staff rides. The intent of a staff ride is to put participants in the shoes of the decision makers on a historical incident in order to learn for the future. The study of leadership aspects in a staff ride transcend time and place. This year, the , , and participated in the annual South Canyon Staff Ride.

Today, on the 30th anniversary of the South Canyon Fire, we remember the Fallen 14 who lost their lives on Storm King Mountain in 1994.

📷 The Storm King Staff Ride, 2024. Photos by Dan Mallia, Redding Hotshot Superintendent/USFS

Photos from California National Forests's post 07/05/2024

"Never stop learning."

During this Week of Remembrance, wildland firefighters from across the nation honor their fallen colleagues by reviewing lessons from previous fatality fires and incorporating safety principles into their firefighting practices. It’s a time to reflect on sacrifices and renew the commitment to firefighter safety.

Today? It's back to basics with the 10 Standard Firefighting Orders. These orders provide wildland firefighters with a set of consistent best practices and a series of scenarios to be mindful of when responding to a wildland fire.

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With lightning moving into the Pacific Northwest and across the Great Basin, the national #PreparednessLevel has gone to...
Ever hear of OR-85? Listen and learn about the wolves that roam here in CA and beyond. 👂👉
#usfs #fuelsreductionworks #wildlandfirefighter
Los Padres National Forest 2024 Fire School
Snow Groomer Podcast
CAUTION: Fawning Season Is Here
Despite the weather challenges, our field exercises have been a resounding success. This is a testament to our students'...
DYK? There are about a half dozen #hotshot crews in California that got their start in 1974. We'll be highlighting them ...
Frog Fridays
DYK? There are about a half dozen #hotshot crews in California that got their start in 1974. We'll be highlighting them ...
What has two tracks, one blade, one human, and is currently engaged in crucial live fire training on the U.S. Forest Ser...
DYK? The #Reddinghotshots have been around since 1967. Hotshots are elite #wildlandfirefighters who specialize in fighti...



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