Electric Power Supply Association

The Electric Power Supply Association is the voice of America's competitive power suppliers.

Cost Savings - EPSA 08/04/2023

Want affordable and reliable electricity? Competitive power markets were established to be more responsive and deliver benefits to customers. More than 20 years later, markets have provided substantial economic benefits to consumers and businesses.

Learn more:

Cost Savings - EPSA Customers win when companies compete. When multiple power generators and independent companies bid to provide reliable electricity at the lowest cost, customers ultimately enjoy better outcomes. Why? Because market signals provide incentives for power generators to improve operational performance an...

Poll Confirms: Americans Want Competitive Power Markets - EPSA 08/03/2023

Recent polling conducted by Morning Consult for EPSA reveals that Americans want:
- Energy choice with lower risk to the consumer,
- Electric reliability to be a top priority for policymakers in their decision making,
- Affordable energy.

Americans want competitive energy markets.

Read more results and analysis on our PowerFacts blog.

Poll Confirms: Americans Want Competitive Power Markets - EPSA Polling by Morning Consult on behalf of the Electric Power Supply Association (EPSA) examined what Americans want from their energy suppliers and what concerns are at the forefront for households across the country in 2023. The survey was conducted with a sample size of 2,205 U.S. adults across demo...

Morning Consult Poll: Americans See Competitive Electricity Markets as Key to Reliable, Affordable, Cleaner Energy - EPSA 09/27/2021

Does having affordable, reliable and cleaner matter to you? According to a recent poll, you're not alone.

Most Americans support choosing the most affordable path to reduce carbon emissions from the power sector, while also planning for as the grid transitions. See the results here: bit.ly/33C3pw7

Morning Consult Poll: Americans See Competitive Electricity Markets as Key to Reliable, Affordable, Cleaner Energy - EPSA A recent Morning Consult survey of likely voters found that a majority of Americans said reliability and affordability are top concerns when it comes to the U.S. energy landscape.

To ‘Build Back Better,’ We Need to Modernize Electricity Markets to Spur Cleaner Energy - EPSA 09/24/2021

What will it take to “Build Back Better”? Leaders from EPSA and Renewable Energy Buyers Alliance share why now is the time to update our electricity markets, unleash technological advancements and promote job growth.

Here’s how competition and clean energy go hand in hand: bit.ly/3kbJ8a4

To ‘Build Back Better,’ We Need to Modernize Electricity Markets to Spur Cleaner Energy - EPSA As we look toward the “Roaring ’20s” and move toward a clean energy future, now is the time to update our electricity markets, unleash technological advancements and promote job growth.

Competitive Power Generation: The Affordable, Clean, Reliable Electricity Solution - EPSA 09/21/2021

How do competitive markets lead to increased efficiency, cost savings, innovations and emissions reductions?

Get answers to your most frequently asked questions: bit.ly/3hB4EDS

Competitive Power Generation: The Affordable, Clean, Reliable Electricity Solution - EPSA Get to know competitive power suppliers and discover key stats on cost savings and emissions reductions in competitive electricity markets – in EPSA's new factsheet.

President Biden Is Right: Competition Is Foundational to the U.S. Economy – and the Clean Energy Transition - EPSA 09/15/2021

President Biden says competition is vital to the U.S. economy – and we couldn’t agree more.

Learn more about how competitive policies in the power sector incentivize cost-effective, innovative solutions that work for all Americans: bit.ly/3i9bZcz

President Biden Is Right: Competition Is Foundational to the U.S. Economy – and the Clean Energy Transition - EPSA We at EPSA couldn’t have been happier when President Biden issued an Executive Order last week seeking to spur competition. While the order does not specifically address power and generation resources, its goals of preserving competition between industry players to spur innovation, meeting custome...

Threats to Close Illinois Nuclear Plants Highlight the Problem With Subsidies - EPSA 09/13/2021

Competition can advance energy – but out-of-market subsidies will only hurt ratepayers. And in , customers may soon be paying the price.

See why nuclear aren’t the answer, but competition is: bit.ly/3zuucZC

Threats to Close Illinois Nuclear Plants Highlight the Problem With Subsidies - EPSA Illinois lawmakers will reconvene Tuesday, and may be poised to take up significant energy legislation that has stalled over the summer. The results will have significant implications for electricity customers, local communities, competitive market innovation and the state’s future energy costs .....

Competitive Power Markets: Affordable, Reliable and Cleaner Electricity 09/08/2021

How does electricity get to your home? The answer matters for your wallet and the environment.

Watch a short video to understand how more affordable, reliable and cleaner energy is possible with competition: bit.ly/35XMdT0

Competitive Power Markets: Affordable, Reliable and Cleaner Electricity Learn how competitive power markets can enable more affordable, reliable and cleaner electricity to reduce emissions and advance America's power grid.The Ele...

Threats to Close Illinois Nuclear Plants Highlight the Problem With Subsidies - EPSA 08/30/2021

What's behind threats to close nuclear power plants in Illinois? And is there a better outcome for energy customers?

Nuclear subsidies undermine the ability of competitive markets to drive innovation, spur retirement of more expensive or outdated resources, and bring better energy solutions to the grid.

And when power generation is competitive, plant owners – not ratepayers – are responsible for the cost of doing business.

Learn how threats to close Illinois nuclear plants highlight the problem with subsidies, and how customers are hurt in the process: bit.ly/3zuucZC

Threats to Close Illinois Nuclear Plants Highlight the Problem With Subsidies - EPSA Illinois lawmakers will reconvene Tuesday, and may be poised to take up significant energy legislation that has stalled over the summer. The results will have significant implications for electricity customers, local communities, competitive market innovation and the state’s future energy costs .....

Markets Help Promote Affordable, Reliable Power Sources as Renewable Energy Overtakes Coal as Second Largest Source of American Electricity - EPSA 08/30/2021

In 2020, passed coal as the 2nd largest generation source of electricity, according to new data. How?

Power markets continue to decrease dependence on older, less efficient facilities, while increasing reliance on gas and cost-competitive renewables: bit.ly/3inEgha

Markets Help Promote Affordable, Reliable Power Sources as Renewable Energy Overtakes Coal as Second Largest Source of American Electricity - EPSA As the energy transition progresses, competitive power markets will continue to play an important role in providing reliable, on-demand generation to bolster intermittent renewable resources.

Power Markets 101: What They Are & Why They Matter - EPSA 08/27/2021

If America wants more affordable power prices, cleaner energy and more innovation, competitive electricity markets are today’s solution for a brighter tomorrow.

Learn why in EPSA’s explainer: bit.ly/34byyqq

Power Markets 101: What They Are & Why They Matter - EPSA If we want more affordable power prices, cleaner energy and more innovation, competitive electricity markets are today’s solution for a brighter tomorrow.

Morning Consult Poll: Americans See Competitive Electricity Markets as Key to Reliable, Affordable, Cleaner Energy - EPSA 08/23/2021

Americans want affordable and reliable energy. And a new Morning Consult poll for EPSA shows the data to prove it.

See what voters are saying: bit.ly/33C3pw7

Morning Consult Poll: Americans See Competitive Electricity Markets as Key to Reliable, Affordable, Cleaner Energy - EPSA A recent Morning Consult survey of likely voters found that a majority of Americans said reliability and affordability are top concerns when it comes to the U.S. energy landscape.

Competitive Electricity Markets Spotlight: California ISO - EPSA 08/18/2021

How does ’s energy market work? What is straining the system? And how are competitive power generators enhancing reliable electricity and improving the environment by bringing major battery and renewable projects online?

Learn about the Golden State’s electric market and what’s needed to keep the lights on in EPSA’s new fact sheet: bit.ly/3s10BUU

Competitive Electricity Markets Spotlight: California ISO - EPSA EPSA’s new Competitive Electricity Markets Spotlight details the benefits competition brings to California, how CAISO grid operators plan for extreme temperatures, what’s needed to promote reliable service and how competitive power suppliers are investing in the Golden State’s energy future.

Competitive Solutions - EPSA 08/09/2021

Competitive power suppliers are providing reliable, efficient, least-cost energy today. Learn more about how competition helps you: bit.ly/3ufJaAa

Competitive Solutions - EPSA Competitive power markets and competitive power suppliers save customers money, spur innovation, improve the grid and accelerate environmental progress.

Hurricane Season Is Here – How Power Generators Work to Keep the Lights On - EPSA 08/02/2021

June marked the official start of Atlantic Hurricane Season, with storm activity already brewing. As you check your flashlight supply, here’s a look at how power generators prepare for and respond to hurricanes and tropical storms – and how you can take steps to stay safe: bit.ly/3d4Pyn9

Hurricane Season Is Here – How Power Generators Work to Keep the Lights On - EPSA As you check your flashlight supply, here’s a look at how power generators prepare for and respond to hurricanes and tropical storms – and how you can take steps to stay safe.

Carbon Emissions Keep Dropping in Competitive Electricity Markets, Power Generation Sector - EPSA 07/30/2021

Did you know? Power generation is getting cleaner every year. And in addition to reduced emissions, the wholesale power markets in which EPSA’s members operate are also delivering reliable electricity and cost savings for consumers: bit.ly/3r35Ym1

Carbon Emissions Keep Dropping in Competitive Electricity Markets, Power Generation Sector - EPSA With the right policies that unleash competition to drive results and new solutions, we’re sure to build a lower-carbon future without sacrificing economic growth or essential electric service.

Competitive Solutions - EPSA 07/26/2021

From helping ensure the lights stay on to keeping costs low, competitive power generators continue to bring major benefits to American homes and businesses.

Find out how competitive power markets make this possible: bit.ly/35DQqLl

Competitive Solutions - EPSA Competitive power markets and competitive power suppliers save customers money, spur innovation, improve the grid and accelerate environmental progress.

In the Battle of Competing Energy Policy Goals, Reliability is at the Top of the List - EPSA 07/06/2021

As temperatures rise, you need reliable electric service to keep your homes and businesses cool. Find out why reliability should be the #1 energy priority – and how competition can help ensure the lights stay on: bit.ly/3pbqhwu

In the Battle of Competing Energy Policy Goals, Reliability is at the Top of the List - EPSA Reliable electric service is paramount and cannot be sacrificed for any policy preference. Two other important interests are affordability and emission reductions goals. Any one of those is a laudable priority, but first among equals is reliability.

How Competitive Power Suppliers Prioritize Safety - EPSA 06/30/2021

Did you know June is ? See how competitive power suppliers are putting safety first all year round – from reliable plant operations and workers’ well-being, to and more: bit.ly/3cMnSDE

How Competitive Power Suppliers Prioritize Safety - EPSA On the 25th anniversary of National Safety Month, let’s take a look at how competitive power suppliers are putting safety first – from reliable plant operations and workers’ well-being to cybersecurity and more.

Cost Savings - EPSA 06/29/2021

Did you know? Customers in the largest grid operator in the country, PJM Interconnection, save $3.2-4 billion each year.

Learn how competition can save you money: bit.ly/3oX0B6V

Cost Savings - EPSA Customers win when companies compete. When multiple power generators and independent companies bid to provide reliable electricity at the lowest cost, customers ultimately enjoy better outcomes. Why? Because market signals provide incentives for power generators to improve operational performance an...

Toward Climate Policy Consensus - Energy Solutions: A Podcast From EPSA 06/28/2021

Podcast: Are dependable energy, economic growth, and the environment at odds? New proposals from major U.S. energy and business trade groups join a growing number of voices who all agree market-based solutions can bring a triple win: cleaner air, cost savings, AND reliable energy.

Listen to Energy Solutions here: bit.ly/3yufyRZ

Toward Climate Policy Consensus - Energy Solutions: A Podcast From EPSA How can climate policy support reliable, affordable energy, American business and continued economic growth? New proposals from major U.S. energy and business trade groups show momentum for solutions that balance trade-offs by pointing market comp...

American Business Puts Its Buying Power Behind Affordable Clean Energy - Energy Solutions: A Podcast From EPSA 06/25/2021

How are the brands you know and love - like Amazon, Google and Disney - building a cleaner energy future?

EPSA's latest podcast episode with Renewable Energy Buyers Alliance explores how competitive electricity markets are allowing American businesses to buy the energy solutions that help their bottom line - and the environment.

Listen here: bit.ly/3gYSdS1

American Business Puts Its Buying Power Behind Affordable Clean Energy - Energy Solutions: A Podcast From EPSA Google, Amazon and Disney are some of America’s largest companies and innovators. They are also some of the largest buyers and users of electricity. That means finding affordable, reliable and cleaner energy is essential to their business success....

Hurricane Season Is Here – How Power Generators Work to Keep the Lights On - EPSA 06/22/2021

It's Atlantic , and storms are already brewing. While extreme weather poses challenges to daily life and public safety, it’s an important reminder of what goes into keeping the lights on.

As you check your flashlight supply, here’s a look at how power generators prepare for and respond to and storms – and how you can take steps to stay safe: bit.ly/3d4Pyn9

Hurricane Season Is Here – How Power Generators Work to Keep the Lights On - EPSA As you check your flashlight supply, here’s a look at how power generators prepare for and respond to hurricanes and tropical storms – and how you can take steps to stay safe.

Morning Consult Poll: Americans See Competitive Electricity Markets as Key to Reliable, Affordable, Cleaner Energy - EPSA 06/21/2021

Poll: 3 in 4 Americans say market competition delivers energy cost savings, innovation and economic benefits more effectively than utility monopolies.

Learn more from Morning Consult's data: bit.ly/33C3pw7

Morning Consult Poll: Americans See Competitive Electricity Markets as Key to Reliable, Affordable, Cleaner Energy - EPSA A recent Morning Consult survey of likely voters found that a majority of Americans said reliability and affordability are top concerns when it comes to the U.S. energy landscape.

Power Markets 101: What They Are & Why They Matter - EPSA 06/11/2021

Do you live in region with a competitive electricity market? What are the benefits - for you, and for the environment?

Find out more in EPSA’s power markets explainer: bit.ly/34byyqq

Power Markets 101: What They Are & Why They Matter - EPSA If we want more affordable power prices, cleaner energy and more innovation, competitive electricity markets are today’s solution for a brighter tomorrow.

Competitive Solutions - EPSA 05/26/2021

Competitive power suppliers are providing reliable, efficient, least-cost energy today.

Learn more about how competition helps you: bit.ly/3ufJaAa

Competitive Solutions - EPSA Competitive power markets and competitive power suppliers save customers money, spur innovation, improve the grid and accelerate environmental progress.

Video: How Competitive Power Markets Generate Energy Solutions - EPSA 05/14/2021

As we build a cleaner future while keeping affordable and reliable, competitive power markets will play an important role.

Discover how generate energy solutions in a new video: bit.ly/3a105P1

Video: How Competitive Power Markets Generate Energy Solutions - EPSA In this video, learn how electricity gets from where it is generated to your home or business – and how competitive power markets help determine where that electricity comes from and how much it costs.

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The Power of Competition

When power generation companies compete, you get lower prices, reliable electricity and the innovation needed to spur environmental and energy progress.

Every day, competitive power suppliers provide reliable electricity at the lowest cost, while building the grid of the future. Today, America’s competitive markets have secured record low power prices that should deliver savings to American families and businesses.

Competitive wholesale electricity markets provide the best foundation to reliably power the nation’s homes and businesses at the lowest cost while encouraging investment in new, more efficient technology and renewable energy.

Representing competitive power suppliers with more than 150 megawatts of power generation capacity from renewable and traditional resources, EPSA seeks to bring the benefits of energy competition to all Americans. Join us as we make sure power generation stays competitive, improving our economy and building a better, cleaner and brighter future.

Videos (show all)

EPSA: Competitive Power Suppliers Light Up the Season


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