East Turkistan Government in Exile شەرقىي تۈركىستان سۈرگۈندى ھۆكۈمىتى

The official body representing East Turkistan's struggle to restore its independence.

Established on September 14, 2004, the East Turkistan Government in Exile (ETGE) is the official body representing East Turkistan and its people in the international fora.


(2024-9-3 ) (2023-9-3) ھۆكۈمەت "خىتاي يەنىلا يەر ئاستى يادرو سىنىقى ئېلىپ بېرىشى مۇمكىن" دېدى
ەڭ مۇھىم خەۋەرلەردىن بەھرىمان بولۇش ئۈچۈن چوقۇم كۆرۈڭ، مۇشتىرى بولۇڭ، خەلقىمىزنىڭ سىياسىي ئېڭىنىڭ يۇقۇرى كۆتۈرۈلۈشى ئۈچۈن تارقىتىشنى ئۇنۇتماڭ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9BdG72vfz6zjqGecwjYAbQ :يۇتۇب ئادرېسىمىز https://www.facebook.com/ETExileGov :فىيسىبوك ئادرېسىمىز https://twitter.com/ETExileGov: تىۋىتتېر ئادرىسىمى


مۇستەقىللىق يولىدا ئىزدىنىش (45-سان): ۋەزىيەت ۋە مۇلاھىزە (3)

يەكشەنبە -9-ئاينىڭ 1-كۈنى

يۇتۇب كانالىمىز: https://www.youtube.com//

فەيسبۇك سەيپىمىز: https://www.facebook.com/ETExileGov


On this International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearances, the East Turkistan Government in Exile vehemently condemns the Chinese government's ongoing genocide against the people of . Today, we call upon the world to acknowledge the millions of , , and other peoples who have been forcibly disappeared into 's vast network of concentration camps and prisons. These include esteemed intellectuals like , who have been targeted in a deliberate effort to decimate our culture and identity.

These enforced disappearances are not isolated incidents; they are part of a systematic, genocidal campaign aimed at the complete eradication of the East Turkistani / Uyghur people. This is a genocide and crimes against humanity, and the international community must not turn a blind eye.

We demand urgent global action to bring these atrocities to light, hold China accountable, and ensure that justice is served. The East Turkistani people must not be abandoned. The world must act now to stop this genocide.


(2024-8-30) ھۆكۈمەت ب د ت نىڭ خىتاينىڭ جىنايىتىنى ئاقلىغان دوكىلاتىغا رەددىيە بەردى
ەڭ مۇھىم خەۋەرلەردىن بەھرىمان بولۇش ئۈچۈن چوقۇم كۆرۈڭ، مۇشتىرى بولۇڭ، خەلقىمىزنىڭ سىياسىي ئېڭىنىڭ يۇقۇرى كۆتۈرۈلۈشى ئۈچۈن تارقىتىشنى ئۇنۇتماڭ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9BdG72vfz6zjqGecwjYAbQ :يۇتۇب ئادرېسىمىز https://www.facebook.com/ETExileGov :فىيسىبوك ئادرېسىمىز https://twitter.com/ETExileGov: تىۋىتتېر ئادرىسىمىز

East Turkistan Government in Exile Criticizes UN for Downplaying Genocide 08/30/2024

The East Turkistan Government in Exile (ETGE) has expressed serious concerns about what it describes as a “major deviation” in the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) stance regarding the ongoing situation in East Turkistan. In a statement released on Thursday, the ETGE criticized the OHCHR for allegedly downplaying the severity of China’s actions in the region by referring to them as “problematic policies.”

Mamtimin Ala, President of the ETGE, condemned the UN’s handling of the issue, stating, “The UN’s failure to hold China accountable for its genocidal actions represents a betrayal of the very principles of justice and human rights that the international community is meant to uphold. By minimizing genocide to mere ‘problematic policies,’ the UN risks legitimizing China’s crimes.”

East Turkistan Government in Exile Criticizes UN for Downplaying Genocide The East Turkistan Government in Exile (ETGE) has expressed serious concerns about what it describes as a “major deviation” in the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) stance regarding the ongoing situation in East Turkistan. In a statement released on Thursday, the ETGE c...


Today, on the , the East Turkistan Government in Exile solemnly reflects on the catastrophic impact of ’s in Occupied . Between 1964 and 1996, China conducted 47 nuclear tests in our homeland, with a total known yield of 24,409 kilotons—equivalent to 1,627 bombs or 1,162 bombs. These tests resulted in the deaths of approximately 750,000 East Turkistanis and left 1.2 million more suffering from leukemia, cancer, and fetal damage.

Tragically, reports indicate that China may still be conducting secret underground in East Turkistan even in 2024. These ongoing activities are part of China’s broader campaign of genocide, colonization, and occupation aimed at erasing the identity and existence of the and other Turkic peoples.

The international community must recognize these acts as part of China’s genocidal agenda and take immediate, decisive action. We call on all nations to hold China accountable and to demand an end to its nuclear aggression and occupation of East Turkistan. The world must no longer stand by in silence while such atrocities continue.

Rejecting the UN's Whitewash: China's Atrocities in East Turkistan Are Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity 08/29/2024

Rejecting the UN’s Whitewash: China’s Atrocities in East Turkistan Are Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity

PRESS RELEASE – For Immediate Release
East Turkistan Government in Exile (ETGE)
[email protected]
29 August 2024

On August 27, 2024, the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) issued an update on the human rights situation concerning East Turkistan (so-called “Xinjiang”). This update marks a disturbing shift in the UN’s stance. Two years ago, the OHCHR’s report clearly identified the Chinese government’s atrocities in Occupied East Turkistan as crimes against humanity—against the Uyghur, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, and other predominantly Muslim Turkic peoples. Yet, in this latest update, these atrocities are downplayed as “problematic policies,” dangerously minimizing the severity of China’s ongoing crimes.

“The UN’s failure to hold China accountable for its genocidal actions is a direct betrayal of the principles of justice and human rights that the international community is supposed to uphold,” said Dr. Mamtimin Ala, President of the East Turkistan Government in Exile. “By downplaying genocide as mere ‘problematic policies,’ the UN risks legitimizing China’s crimes,” he added.

The Chinese government responded with false claims that its genocidal policies in East Turkistan are necessary to “combat extremism, terrorism, and separatism.” These false claims are nothing but a cynical attempt to justify its ongoing campaign of colonization, genocide, and occupation in East Turkistan. The reality is clear: China is actively working to erasing our identity, faith, and existence in order to ensure its occupation over our homeland.

It is crucial to highlight that the Chinese government’s actions have been recognized as genocide and crimes against humanity by the U.S. government and parliaments of over a dozen Western nations. These international recognitions demand urgent global action.

The timing of the UN’s latest update is particularly alarming, coming just hours after China announced plans to turn East Turkistan into a “strategic barrier against geopolitical risks.” This includes expanding repressive measures under the pretext of “social stability” and national security, further entrenching their occupation and genocidal campaign.

The East Turkistan Government in Exile condemns the UN Human Rights Office for its failure to fully acknowledge and act upon the gravity of these crimes. By reducing China’s actions to mere “problematic policies,” the OHCHR is not only failing in its mandate but is also dangerously close to legitimizing China’s genocide and crimes against humanity as lawful policy actions. This is a betrayal of the principles of justice and human rights that the UN is supposed to uphold.

“We demand immediate and uncompromising action from UN Human Rights Chief Volker Turk and the international community,” said Salih Hudayar, Foreign Minister of the East Turkistan Government in Exile. “The Uyghur Genocide must be elevated to the top of the UN Security Council and General Assembly agendas; furthermore, we urge global support for East Turkistan’s legal efforts to demand justice through the International Criminal Court,” he added.

The restoration of East Turkistan’s independence is not just a regional issue; it is a global imperative. It is the only path to safeguarding the freedoms and existence of the Uyghur and other Turkic peoples. The world must no longer stand by in silence. The time for decisive action is now. History will judge those who fail to act in the face of genocide.


Rejecting the UN's Whitewash: China's Atrocities in East Turkistan Are Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity The East Turkistan Government in Exile condemns the UN Human Rights Office for its failure to fully acknowledge and act upon the gravity of China's crimes.


(2024-8-24) ھۆكۈمەت ئەنگىلىيە تاشقى ئىشلار مىللەتلەر ئورتاق گەۋدىسى ۋە تەرەققىقيات ئىشخانىسىدىن دېۋىد لاممىينىڭ ۋەدىسىدە تۇرمىغانلىقىنى ئەيىبلىدى
ئەڭ مۇھىم خەۋەرلەردىن بەھرىمان بولۇش ئۈچۈن چوقۇم كۆرۈڭ، مۇشتىرى بولۇڭ، خەلقىمىزنىڭ سىياسىي ئېڭىنىڭ يۇقۇرى كۆتۈرۈلۈشى ئۈچۈن تارقىتىشنى ئۇنۇتماڭ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9BdG72vfz6zjqGecwjYAbQ :يۇتۇب ئادرېسىمىز https://www.facebook.com/ETExileGov :فىيسىبوك ئادرېسىمىز https://twitter.com/ETExileGov: تىۋىتتېر ئادرىسىمىز


مۇستەقىللىق يولىدا ئىزدىنىش (44-سان): ھۆكۈمەتنىڭ ساپاسى ۋە سۈپىتى

يەكشەنبە -8-ئاينىڭ 25-كۈنى

يۇتۇب كانالىمىز: https://www.youtube.com//

فەيسبۇك سەيپىمىز: https://www.facebook.com/ETExileGov


23/ 08/2024 "Orta Asya'nın Tehlikeli Kaderi'' adlı makale ilgi odağı oldu
Haberlerimizi izleyerek, kanalımıza abone olarak Uygurlara destek verin https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9BdG72vfz6zjqGecwjYAbQ :يۇتۇب ئادرېسىمىز https://www.facebook.com/ETExileGov :فىيسىبوك ئادرېسىمىز https://twitter.com/ETExileGov: تىۋىتتېر ئادرىسىمىز


(2024-8-21)غۇلام ئوسمان ئەپەندىنىڭ تەيۋەن ھەققىدىكى ماقالىسى دۇنيا جامائەتىنىڭ ئالاھىدە دىققىتىنى قوزغاپ ئانالىزلار دۇنيا مەتبۇئاتلىرىنى قاپلىدى
ئەڭ مۇھىم خەۋەرلەردىن بەھرىمان بولۇش ئۈچۈن چوقۇم كۆرۈڭ، مۇشتىرى بولۇڭ، خەلقىمىزنىڭ سىياسىي ئېڭىنىڭ يۇقۇرى كۆتۈرۈلۈشى ئۈچۈن تارقىتىشنى ئۇنۇتماڭ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9BdG72vfz6zjqGecwjYAbQ :يۇتۇب ئادرېسىمىز https://www.facebook.com/ETExileGov :فىيسىبوك ئادرېسىمىز https://twitter.com/ETExileGov: تىۋىتتېر ئادرىسىمىز

What’s at Stake if the U.S. Is Pushed Out of the Indo-Pacific? 08/20/2024

"The implications of the being sidelined in the Indo-Pacific are profound and far-reaching, affecting many nations. If the U.S. maintains its current trajectory in appeasing , there is a growing concern that China’s expanding power could ultimately eclipse American leadership in the region." - غۇلام ئوسمان ياغما (Ghulam Osman Yaghma)

What’s at Stake if the U.S. Is Pushed Out of the Indo-Pacific? The implications of the United States being sidelined in the Indo-Pacific are profound and far-reaching, affecting many nations.


The East Turkistan Government in Exile (ETGE) is deeply dismayed by the failure of UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office David Lammy to honor his promise to formally recognize China’s atrocities against Uyghurs, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz and other Turkic peoples in Occupied East Turkistan as genocide. Describing it as mere “repression” not only downplays the gravity of the situation but also perpetuates the genocide faced by Uyghurs and other Turkic peoples. This is not just a broken promise; it is a betrayal of the Uyghur and Turkic peoples who have suffered unimaginable horrors under China’s genocidal regime led by Xi Jinping.

The world cannot afford to ignore the systematic atrocities that meet every criterion of genocide under international law. We call on the UK Government to uphold its commitments, moral obligations The UK must lead by example, holding China accountable for its genocide and crimes against humanity and supporting the restoration of East Turkistan’s independence. Anything less is complicity in China’s ongoing campaign of colonization, genocide, and occupation in East Turkistan. The time for empty rhetoric is over; the East Turkistani people deserve action and justice.


’s ongoing efforts to eradicate East Turkistani / culture, history, language, and identity are a key part of its ongoing . Schools that once taught Uyghur and other Turkic languages and history are being shut down, replaced with institutions that enforce Chinese culture, language, and history and promote a distorted, false version of our past. Mosques are being demolished, religious practices are banned, and our children are being separated from their families to erase their cultural roots.

But despite China's barbaric attempts to erase us, the East Turkistani people's spirit remains unbroken. The preservation of Uyghur and other Turkic peoples' culture, history, language, and identity cannot be secured under Chinese occupation.

Restoring East Turkistan's independence is the only way to ensure that our rich heritage endures for future generations. Independence is not just our right—it is the only path to safeguarding who we are as a people. Our fight continues until East Turkistan is fully independent and our identity is fully preserved.

East Turkistan Movement Demands Immediate Global Investigation Into Chinese Atrocities In Xinjiang 08/20/2024

"The East Turkistan government [in exile], representing the interests of the Uyghur, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, and other Turkic peoples in East Turkistan, denounced what it describes as a systemic campaign of genocide and colonization by the Chinese government."

East Turkistan Movement Demands Immediate Global Investigation Into Chinese Atrocities In Xinjiang The condition of Uyghur Muslims is worsening in the Xinjiang region as they face severe atrocities from China for speaking out against human rights abuses.


19/ 08/2024 ETGE ; BM Soykırım Sözleşmesi ve Koruma Sorumluluğu doktrinini desteklemeli
Haberlerimizi izleyerek, kanalımıza abone olarak Uygurlara destek verin https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9BdG72vfz6zjqGecwjYAbQ :يۇتۇب ئادرېسىمىز https://www.facebook.com/ETExileGov :فىيسىبوك ئادرېسىمىز https://twitter.com/ETExileGov: تىۋىتتېر ئادرىسىمىز


’s imperial occupation regime is orchestrating a brutal genocide in Occupied —systematically erasing our people through mass internment, forced labor, sterilizations, cultural obliteration, and forced assimilation. This isn’t just " violations"; it’s an ongoing genocide, a crime against humanity, and the ultimate act of colonial aggression and occupation.

We urgently demand that the International Criminal Court - ICC open a full investigation into these crimes. The
UN Human Rights - Asia and UN member states must take immediate, decisive action. Global recognition of China's ongoing is not just necessary—it is the moral imperative of our time. The world must not stand idle; the survival of the East Turkistani people depends on the restoration of East Turkistan's independence.

Canadian Uyghur politician links China's Taiwan aggression to US hesitancy and western distractions 08/19/2024

"The former President of the East Turkistan Government in Exile, Ghulam Osman Yaghma, argued that China’s growing assertiveness towards Taiwan is driven by the US reluctance to confront Beijing directly, compounded by the Western focus on other conflicts."

Canadian Uyghur politician links China's Taiwan aggression to US hesitancy and western distractions The international community has largely reacted with concern to China's assertive policies towards Taiwan. Many nations view China's military threats and aggressive rhetoric as destabilizing for regional and global security.


(2024-8-18) ئامېرىكا خىتايغا قارشى غەرپ بازىسى قۇرۇش ئارقىلىق ئافغانىستانغا قايتا كىرەلەيدۇ
ئەڭ مۇھىم خەۋەرلەردىن بەھرىمان بولۇش ئۈچۈن چوقۇم كۆرۈڭ، مۇشتىرى بولۇڭ، خەلقىمىزنىڭ سىياسىي ئېڭىنىڭ يۇقۇرى كۆتۈرۈلۈشى ئۈچۈن تارقىتىشنى ئۇنۇتماڭ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9BdG72vfz6zjqGecwjYAbQ :يۇتۇب ئادرېسىمىز https://www.facebook.com/ETExileGov :فىيسىبوك ئادرېسىمىز https://twitter.com/ETExileGov: تىۋىتتېر ئادرىسىمىز https://www.instagram.com/etexilegov/: ئىنىستاگرام ئادرىسىمىز


مۇستەقىللىق يولىدا ئىزدىنىش (43-سان): ۋەزىيەت ۋە مۇلاھىزە - 2

8-ئاينىڭ 18/17

يۇتۇب كانالىمىز: https://www.youtube.com//

فەيسبۇك سەيپىمىز: https://www.facebook.com/ETExileGov


(2024-8-16) پەلەستىننىڭ دۆلەت ھۇقۇقى ئىتىراپ قىلىنسا شەرقىي تۈركىستاننىڭمۇ دۆلەت ھۇقۇقى ئېتىراپ قىلىنىشى كېرەك
ئەڭ مۇھىم خەۋەرلەردىن بەھرىمان بولۇش ئۈچۈن چوقۇم كۆرۈڭ، مۇشتىرى بولۇڭ، خەلقىمىزنىڭ سىياسىي ئېڭىنىڭ يۇقۇرى كۆتۈرۈلۈشى ئۈچۈن تارقىتىشنى ئۇنۇتماڭ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9BdG72vfz6zjqGecwjYAbQ :يۇتۇب ئادرېسىمىز https://www.facebook.com/ETExileGov :فىيسىبوك ئادرېسىمىز https://twitter.com/ETExileGov: تىۋىتتېر ئادرىسىمىز https://www.instagram.com/etexilegov/: ئىنىستاگرام ئادرىسىمىز

East Turkistan govt in exile demands global action against China's 'genocide' of Uyghurs 08/15/2024

The East Turkistan Government in Exile has issued a powerful call for global intervention against the ongoing genocide and crimes against humanity against the Uyghur and other Turkic communities in Occupied East Turkistan.

The exiled government, representing the interests of the Uyghur, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, and other Turkic peoples in East Turkistan, has denounced what it describes as a “systematic campaign of genocide and colonization” by the Chinese government.

East Turkistan govt in exile demands global action against China's 'genocide' of Uyghurs The exiled government, representing the interests of the Uyghur, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, and other Turkic peoples in East Turkistan, has denounced what it describes as a "systematic campaign of genocide and colonization" by the Chinese government.

Uyghurs mark 100 years since Abdulqadir Damolla's martyrdom, renew calls for independence 08/15/2024

"In honour of his memory, the East Turkistan Government in Exile reaffirmed its steadfast commitment to restoring a free and sovereign East Turkistan, a vision that Abdulqadir Damolla devoted his life to achieving."

Uyghurs mark 100 years since Abdulqadir Damolla's martyrdom, renew calls for independence The Uyghurs commemorated the 100th anniversary of the martyrdom of Abdulqadir Abdulwaris, commonly known as Abdulqadir Damolla, a revered leader of the East Turkistan National Movement, who was executed by Chinese forces


⚠️📢 's Colonization and Genocide in Occupied and the Imperative for Global Action

The 31 August 2022 report by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) exposed to the world the Chinese government’s systematic campaign of genocide, crimes against humanity, racism, and discrimination against the , , , and other predominantly Turkic peoples in . Now, two years later, these crimes—including forced labor, mass internment, forced sterilizations, forced family separations, forced marriages, systematic r**e and sexual abuses, organ harvesting, cultural destruction, and religious persecution—continue with a clear and deliberate intent to annihilate our identity, faith, and very existence.

These crimes are not random; they are rooted in China’s colonization and illegal occupation of East Turkistan, and deep-seated racial and religious discrimination against Turkic peoples. The continued inaction of the international community, particularly the United Nations and its member states, represents a profound failure to uphold the Genocide Convention and the Responsibility to Protect doctrine. This failure is not just a breach of international law but a betrayal of the core values of humanity.

We, the East Turkistan Government in Exile, demand that UN Human Rights - Asia Chief Volker Turk take immediate and uncompromising action to address this escalating humanitarian crisis. We call on UN Member States to elevate the to the top of the UN Security Council and General Assembly agendas. Furthermore, we urge the global community to support East Turkistan's legal efforts to obtain justice and accountability by demanding that the International Criminal Court - ICC initiate investigations and prosecutions against Chinese officials responsible for these heinous crimes.

The restoration of East Turkistan’s independence is not just a regional issue; it is a global imperative. It is the only path to safeguarding the freedoms, , and very existence of the Uyghur and other Turkic peoples in East Turkistan. If the right to an independent state is recognized for Palestinians, then the people of East Turkistan—who have a long history of statehood and re-declared their independence twice in the 20th century—must also have their right to an independent state recognized and supported. The East Turkistan Republic, an independent state, was forcibly overthrown by the People’s Republic of China on December 22, 1949, and East Turkistan has been under illegal occupation ever since.

The world must no longer stand by in silence. The time for decisive and collective action is now. We call on every government, organization, and individual to stand with us in our struggle for justice, freedom, and the preservation of our people.


The Chinese government is executing a calculated strategy to annihilate the identity of the East Turkistani / nation to ensure its occupation of continues. In a blatant attempt to erase our historical and cultural roots, Beijing has demolished over 16,000 mosques, desecrated religious sites by turning them into bars and clubs, and destroyed countless historic Uyghur neighborhoods. These acts of cultural destruction are designed to break the spirit of our people and erase our Turkic and Islamic heritage from existence.

Yet, the world remains largely silent as continues its brutal campaign to eradicate the identity of the East Turkistani people. The Organization of Islamic Cooperation and many Muslim-majority states, including but not limited to , , , , and even our Turkic brother nations of and the Central Asian Republics have not only turned a blind eye to the atrocities being committed but, shamelessly have also lent their support to China’s genocide, colonization, and occupation of East Turkistan. By endorsing China's genocidal actions through diplomatic, economic, and security partnerships, these nations betray the very principles of justice, , and solidarity that demands. Their silence and complicity in the face of such blatant oppression are a profound betrayal of the East Turkistani people and of Islam itself.

The East Turkistan Government in Exile asserts that the only path to the true preservation of our culture, religious freedom, and the survival of our people lies in the restoration of our national independence and sovereignty. We call on governments, international organizations, and all people of conscience to take immediate and concrete action to support our rightful struggle for independence and to hold China accountable for its egregious genocide and crimes against humanity.


(2024-8-13) سالىھ خۇدايار:خىتاينىڭ ئورتا ئاسىياغا قىزىقىشى يولۇمىزغا توسالغۇ بولۇش، كىڭىيىش ئۈچۈندۇر
ئەڭ مۇھىم خەۋەرلەردىن بەھرىمان بولۇش ئۈچۈن چوقۇم كۆرۈڭ، مۇشتىرى بولۇڭ، خەلقىمىزنىڭ سىياسىي ئېڭىنىڭ يۇقۇرى كۆتۈرۈلۈشى ئۈچۈن تارقىتىشنى ئۇنۇتماڭ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9BdG72vfz6zjqGecwjYAbQ :يۇتۇب ئادرېسىمىز https://www.facebook.com/ETExileGov :فىيسىبوك ئادرېسىمىز https://twitter.com/ETExileGov: تىۋىتتېر ئادرىسىمىز https://www.instagram.com/etexilegov/: ئىنىستاگرام ئادرىسىمىز


On this , the East Turkistan Government in Exile urgently calls for global attention to the humanitarian crisis affecting millions of , , , and other Turkic youth in Occupied . Under the brutal occupation of the Chinese government, these young people are subjected to , enslaved in camps and slave factories where they endure unimaginable suffering.

Over a million Uyghur and other Turkic children have been forcibly separated from their families, torn from their communities, and stripped of their ethnic, cultural, and national identity. These children are confined in Chinese state-run internment facilities, misleadingly labeled as “boarding schools” and “orphanages,” where they are indoctrinated and raised to become so-called "loyal Chinese citizens." This state-sponsored campaign to erase their identity is a gross violation of humanity and justice.

We call on the international community to take decisive action against China's ongoing colonization, genocide, and occupation in East Turkistan. It is imperative that the youth of East Turkistan be allowed to live with dignity, freedom, and the full embrace of their heritage.


(2024-8-10) شىۋىتسىيە ئۇيغۇر كومىتېتى ئىرقىي قىرغىنچىلىققا قارشى دۇنياۋى ھەرىكەتكە چاقىردى
ئەڭ مۇھىم خەۋەرلەردىن بەھرىمان بولۇش ئۈچۈن چوقۇم كۆرۈڭ، مۇشتىرى بولۇڭ، خەلقىمىزنىڭ سىياسىي ئېڭىنىڭ يۇقۇرى كۆتۈرۈلۈشى ئۈچۈن تارقىتىشنى ئۇنۇتماڭ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9BdG72vfz6zjqGecwjYAbQ :يۇتۇب ئادرېسىمىز https://www.facebook.com/ETExileGov :فىيسىبوك ئادرېسىمىز https://twitter.com/ETExileGov: تىۋىتتېر ئادرىسىمىز https://www.instagram.com/etexilegov/: ئىنىستاگرام ئادرىسىمىز


مۇستەقىللىق يولىدا ئىزدىنىش (42-سان): ۋەزىيەت ۋە مۇلاھىزە

8-ئاينىڭ 11/10

يۇتۇب كانالىمىز: https://www.youtube.com//

فەيسبۇك سەيپىمىز: https://www.facebook.com/ETExileGov


(2024-8-8) سالىھ خۇدايار " بىر نىشان بىر دۈشمەن پىرىنسىپى بويۇچە كۆرەشىنى قانات يايدۇرىمىز" دېدى
ئەڭ مۇھىم خەۋەرلەردىن بەھرىمان بولۇش ئۈچۈن چوقۇم كۆرۈڭ، مۇشتىرى بولۇڭ، خەلقىمىزنىڭ سىياسىي ئېڭىنىڭ يۇقۇرى كۆتۈرۈلۈشى ئۈچۈن تارقىتىشنى ئۇنۇتماڭ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9BdG72vfz6zjqGecwjYAbQ :يۇتۇب ئادرېسىمىز https://www.facebook.com/ETExileGov :فىيسىبوك ئادرېسىمىز https://twitter.com/ETExileGov: تىۋىتتېر ئادرىسىمىز

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(2024-8-8) سالىھ خۇدايار " بىر نىشان بىر دۈشمەن پىرىنسىپى بويۇچە كۆرەشىنى قانات يايدۇرىمىز" دېدىئەڭ مۇھىم خەۋەرلەردىن بە...
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Washington D.C., DC

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The mission of this committee is simple: Building an America where everyone can succeed.

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Washington D.C., 20530

Posts are for informational purposes only - not legal advice. Terms of Use: state.gov/tou

House Republicans House Republicans
Washington D.C., 20515

The United States House of Representatives Republican Conference

U.S. Department of State U.S. Department of State
Washington D.C.

Leading U.S. foreign policy and American diplomacy since 1789. All Accounts: state.gov/social Terms of Use: state.gov/tou

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Washington D.C., 20002

The Department of Energy & Environment (DOEE) is responsible for the natural and indoor environments

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Washington D.C.

NIOSH is committed to protecting worker safety and health. www.cdc.gov/niosh

National Endowment for the Arts National Endowment for the Arts
Washington D.C.

The NEA is a federal grantmaking agency dedicated to supporting participation in the arts.

Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center
National Zoological Park
Washington D.C., 20010

SMBC is dedicated to understanding, conserving and championing the grand phenomenon of bird migration

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Washington D.C.

Protecting human health and the environment 🌎🌊☀️🌱

United States Conference of Mayors United States Conference of Mayors
1620 I Street NW 4th Floor
Washington D.C., 20006

The official non-partisan organization of cities with populations of 30,000 or more, represented by its chief elected official, the mayor.

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