Eurasia Foundation

Engaging Citizens, Empowering Communities

Photos from Eurasia Foundation's post 07/24/2024

: "We developed a mobile application of the specialized recruiting web portal for Android and iOS. The application helps companies create more inclusive work environments and post information about current job opportunities for persons with disabilities. The accessible platform helps people with disabilities to easily find a suitable job.

Nearly 60% of platform users who responded to an online survey stated that they conveniently use the web portal services through the mobile application. Its development has improved the possibilities of using inclusive employment services for people with disabilities. Comfortable conditions for everyone!"

Sharoit+ is taking over Eurasia Foundation's social media channels this week. Follow along!


It's time for another social media takeover! This week, Tashkent-based organization Sharoit+ is taking over our social media channels as part of Eurasia Foundation's series. Follow along!

Sharoit+ is an organization run by and for people with disabilities. The organization champions inclusive employment, media literacy, and climate preparedness through projects tailored to the experiences of people with diverse disabilities.

Tune in today as project coordinator Aziz introduces, an accessible platform serving job-seekers with disabilities in Uzbekistan.


Last up in our series of changemakers: Shabibi Osmanova!

Shabibi is a young leader who works as a Braille methodologist in a school for children with visual impairments. She is also an alumna of Eurasia Foundation's Central Asia Youth Leadership Academy (CAYLA)! Following her CAYLA experience, she led a project to provide educational services to children with visual impairments with continued support from Eurasia Foundation's Social Innovation in Central Asia project.

Check out how Shabibi inspires other youth to get involved in their communities in this video!


Today, we're talking to Kholmahmad Tengniev: Chief of Party at Mehrbakhsh Association of People with Disabilities in Tajikistan.

Kholmahmad is a seasoned advocate who is passionate about educating others! He has also served as a member of the Executive Board Committee of the World Blind Union and Deputy Chair of the Society of the Blind of Tajikistan.

Follow along with this video to learn how Kholmahmad defines inclusion!

Photos from Проєкт “Підтримка цифрової трансформації”'s post 07/16/2024

What tool can connect you with quality career advice, low-cost medical care, and recent crime stats for your community? In the hands of Ukraine's young professionals, open data can!

In late June, Eurasia Foundation's Digital Transformation Activity (“Підтримка цифрової трансформації”) supported the Government of Ukraine's new Open Data Hackathon. This initiative invites young professionals to develop projects that turn state-provided data into tools and visualizations. The Hackathon yields useful services for Ukrainians and a savvy generation of social innovators!

Three projects will advance to the Hackathon's next round: a career guidance platform for teens, a portal to assess law enforcement initiatives, and a chatbot that spotlights state-sponsored medical care. Next, they will compete for funding and the opportunity to bring their project to life!


Ulugbek Mamatkhanov has a long history of advancing disability inclusion in Uzbekistan. Now, he's focusing on the future: mitigating climate change's impact on people with disabilities.

Alongside colleagues from Sharoit+, an organization promoting disability inclusion in Uzbekistan, Ulugbek is amplifying the perspectives of changemakers with disabilities.

"We ourselves know what is best for us," says Ulugbek, "not only in the field of climate change, but in all respects."

With support from Eurasia Foundation's Advancing Disability-Inclusive Climate Action project, Sharoit Plus launched a project to collaborate with government emergency response teams. Tune in to learn more from Ulugbek himself!


Meet Gulmira Burasheva. Gulmira is a lawyer, a woman with disabilities, and the chair of a public association of people with disabilities in Almaty, Kazakhstan. For over 24 years, she has advanced social inclusion in Kazakhstan through legal representation and policy research.

Gulmira is a firm believer in international collaboration. She recently co-created a report on disability rights in Kazakhstan, which she presented to the United Nations Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Geneva. In June, Gulmira traveled to New York City with Eurasia Foundation to attend meetings of the C5+1 diplomatic platform. She and other changemakers with disabilities shared their expertise with leaders from all 5 countries of Central Asia and the US!

Throughout Disability Pride Month (and beyond), advocates with disabilities will share their expertise across Eurasia Foundation channels. Follow along!

Photos from Eurasia Foundation's post 07/10/2024

Eurasia Foundation was thrilled to attend the third annual Ukraine Recovery Conference in Berlin, Germany. Senior Vice President Robert O'Donovan, Chief of Party Danylo Molchanov, and Deputy Chief of Party for eGovernance Anastas Boiko joined over 2000 attendees to focus on Ukraine's recovery and economic revitalization.

The Ukraine Recovery Conference convenes governments and organizations focused on advancing Ukraine's prosperity during and after the war. Many partners from our Ukraine Digital Transformation Activity joined us: the Better Regulation Delivery Office (BRDO), East Europe Foundation (Фонд Східна Європа), Institute of Analytics and Advocacy, Kyiv School of Economics, Open Contracting, and Transparency International Ukraine.

The Government of Ukraine announced the ambitious Ukraine Reforms Matrix: a tool for monitoring Ukraine's progress on diverse reform commitments. We relished the opportunity to react to this announcement with our partners in real time. We're proud to help usher in a more sustainable and prosperous future for Ukraine going forward.


Each July, Disability Pride Month honors and highlights the diverse experiences of people with disabilities. It is a time when people embrace disability as an important and cherished part of their identity. It is also a call for increased visibility, acceptance, and social inclusion of all people with disabilities.

The first official Disability Pride event commemorated the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act on July 26, 1990. Since then, Disability Pride has grown into a month-long celebration marked by people around the world!

Happy Disability Pride Month!

Young Professionals Network Class of 2024 Celebrates in End-of-Year Ceremony 06/28/2024

Eurasia Foundation celebrated the close of the 2023-2024 Young Professionals Network (YPN) cohort on Wednesday! Eric Boyle, senior vice president at ICF, delivered the evening's keynote remarks. He shared how regional expertise can be an important skill in any career.

Congratulations to the YPN class of 2024 on a great season! We can't wait to see what the future holds for each of you.

Read more about the closing ceremony on Eurasia Foundation's website.

Young Professionals Network Class of 2024 Celebrates in End-of-Year Ceremony On Wednesday, June 26, Eurasia Foundation celebrated the end of the 2023-2024 season of the Young Professionals Network. […]

Young Leader Launches Civic Education Program for Youth in Rural Kazakhstan 06/28/2024

As a young leader from rural Kazakhstan, Nasiba recognizes how crucial volunteering has been to her development. Her mission is to provide similar opportunities to nearly 6,000 children and young people in her hometown of Karnak.

With support from Eurasia Foundation's Social Innovation in Central Asia program, Nasiba launched a training series to engage Karnak's youth in volunteering. Learn how her leadership is paving the way for future changemakers in our latest success story!

Young Leader Launches Civic Education Program for Youth in Rural Kazakhstan The small village of Karnak, located in Kazakhstan’s Turkistan region, is a community of approximately 16,000 people. To […]


Followers of Eurasia Foundation's digital governance work in Ukraine might have noticed an exciting change. The Facebook account for our long-standing Transparency and Accountability in Public Administration and Services project (TAPAS) has transitioned into the new Digital Transformation Activity (DTA)!

DTA builds on the incredible progress TAPAS made in the past 8 years. The activity will focus on bolstering Ukraine's economic revitalization, transparency in reconstruction, and democratic governance. If you loved learning about TAPAS, make sure to follow along with DTA going forward!

Curious about this change? Learn more about DTA on our website!

Продовжуємо знайомити вас із проєктом «Підтримка цифрової трансформації» (DTA)

🔹 Сьогодні досвід України в галузі цифровізації не тільки визнають на міжнародному рівні, а й використовують в інших країнах світу. І наша держава не зупиняється на досягнутому.

USAID та UK Dev продовжують підтримувати Україну на шляху до подальшого розвитку цифрових можливостей.

🔸 Digital Transformation Activity, що наслідуватиме та розвиватиме ініціативи проєкту TAPAS, сприятиме цифровій трансформації нашої країни та впроваджуватиме нові і важливі ініціативи.

Він має три основні цілі: 💼 економічне відновлення, 🏗️ прозора відбудова, 📲 належне урядування.

🤝 DTA реалізується у щільній співпраці з бенефіціарами проєкту:
▪️Міністерство цифрової трансформації України
▪️Міністерство розвитку громад, територій та інфраструктури України
▪️Міністерство економіки України
▪️А також із бізнесом, технологічними компаніями, місцевою владою, громадськими організаціями, освітніми інституціями та громадянами України.

Втілює проєкт Фонд Євразія за підтримки восьми імплементуючих українських та міжнародних партнерів, які мають досвід у проєктах з цифровізації:
▫️Офіс ефективного регулювання BRDO
▫️Фонд Східна Європа
▫️Інститут аналітики та адвокації / Institute of Analytics and Advocacy
▫️Kyiv School of Economics
▫️Партнерство відкритого контрактування (Open Contracting)
▫️Transparency International Ukraine
▫️Women in Digital Transformation

Разом ми будуємо цифрове та квітуче майбутнє України! 💪

USAID Ukraine - USAID Україна
British Embassy Kyiv
Eurasia Foundation


"We need women in diplomacy because we need the voices of everyone. The kinds of questions that are going to be addressed begin to change when women are included in the equation.”

This International Day for Women in Diplomacy, learn from Ambassador Pamela L. Spratlen, Chair of Eurasia Foundation's Board of Trustees and former US Ambassador to Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan. We sat down with her to discuss women's critical role in formal and informal diplomacy worldwide.

Check out the full interview on our website!


Last night, Eurasia Foundation's Young Professionals Network was thrilled to host a conversation with Dr. Michael Rubin. Dr. Rubin, senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, spoke about Armenia's evolving foreign policy. Peter Barsamian, private sector engagement practice specialist at Chemonics and YPN '23 alumnus, moderated the conversation. Thank you for joining us, Dr. Rubin and Peter!


Today, people across the US gather to celebrate Juneteenth (short for "June 19"). In 1863, the Emancipation Proclamation formally announced the end of slavery in the US. However, news of the end of slavery took years to spread. The announcement did not reach over 250,000 remaining enslaved Black Americans in Galveston, Texas, until June 19, 1865.

Juneteenth is a time of celebration, but it is also a reminder that freedom is an ongoing process. On this holiday, we reflect on injustices in our nation's history and in the present day. We recommit ourselves to pushing for equality and justice for all.

Learn more about the history of Juneteenth from the National Museum of African American History and Culture.

Photos from U.S. Department of State: Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, & Labor's post 06/18/2024

Last week, Eurasia Foundation was proud to accompany changemakers from Central Asia to a special session of the US State Department's C5+1 platform! At this gathering, US Special Advisor on International Disability Rights Sara Minkara and the US Mission to the United Nations hosted government officials and members of the disability communities from all 5 countries of Central Asia. Participants discussed ways to advance disability inclusion across the region and beyond!


It's an important week for disability rights advocates! Governments and civil society organizations from around the world are convening at the United Nations for the Conference of the States Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Eurasia Foundation and five participants from Central Asia journeyed to New York City to talk with other changemakers advancing disability rights.

Tune in to learn more about their experience!


Over 1 million vehicles have crossed Ukraine's borders using eQueue!

In late 2022, Eurasia Foundation's TAPAS project supported Ukraine's government to launch eQueue. Today, this app-based service allows drivers of cargo vehicles and buses to claim a spot in the queue at 16 checkpoints bordering the EU and Moldova. The app provides an estimated crossing time, putting drivers in control of their schedules.

Drivers from across Ukraine and neighboring countries have benefitted from eQueue's increased efficiency and transparency. Over 100,000 drivers have registered in the app!

🚛 єЧерга: один мільйон перетинів кордону за онлайн-записом

Система єЧерга зареєструвала перший мільйон перетинів кордону транспортними засобами від грудня 2022 року. Серед них – 921 400 перетинів вантажівками та майже 80 тисяч автобусами.

Найчастіше послугою користувалися українські перевізники, а також користувачі з Польщі, Молдови, Туреччини та Румунії.
Загалом у системі зареєстровано понад 100 тисяч користувачів з різних країн, а застосунок єЧерга завантажили понад 84 тисячі разів. Оператори лінії підтримки Укртрансбезпеки надали понад 125 тисяч консультацій щодо користування єЧергою.

Переваги використання єЧерги:

✅ Прозоре рішення для перетину кордону, де кожен етап фіксується в електронній системі.

✅ Відкритий доступ до статистики щодо перетину кордону вантажівками та автобусами.

✅ Можливість для водіїв записуватися в електронну чергу та отримувати інформацію про час перетину кордону або стежити за проходженням черги через застосунок або сайт

✅ Постійне вдосконалення послуги на основі зворотного зв’язку від перевізників.

Проєкт TAPAS підтримав розроблення програмного забезпечення веб- та мобільної версій системи єЧерга, встановлення зовнішніх камер на пункті пропуску «Ягодин-Дорогуськ» для ідентифікації номерних знаків та реєстрації транспортних засобів, які виїжджають з України. Камери інтегровані із системою для автоматичної перевірки і зміни статусу черги в режимі реального часу.

🔗 Проєкт «Електронна черга перетину кордону» реалізується Міністерство розвитку громад, територій та інфраструктури України у співпраці з Міністерство цифрової трансформації України, Укртрансбезпека, Державне агентство відновлення та розвитку інфраструктури України, Державна митна служба України та Державна прикордонна служба України за підтримки USAID / UK aid проєкту «Прозорість та підзвітність у державному управлінні та послугах/ TAPAS». Партнер проєкту – Фонд Східна Європа.

USAID Ukraine - USAID Україна
British Embassy Kyiv
Eurasia Foundation


Following Russia's unprovoked invasion of Ukraine, defense and diplomacy tactics have dominated the headlines. But what role do development projects play in times of crisis?

In Eurasia Foundation Explains, Senior Vice President Robert O'Donovan shares how development efforts are reshaping Ukraine post-invasion. Tune in!

Photos from Eurasia Foundation's post 05/28/2024

Eurasia Foundation congratulates East Europe Foundation - Moldova on 15 years of operations! President Lisa Coll and Senior Vice President of Programs Robert O'Donovan traveled to Chișinău, Moldova, last week to join the anniversary celebrations.

Eurasia Foundation began working in Moldova in 1994. In 2010, we launched East Europe Foundation Moldova: an independent, self-sustaining, and locally rooted organization. In its 15 years of operations, EEF has promoted democracy, fostered good governance, and built economic prosperity in Moldova.

Wishing you many more years of success, EEF!


Meet Serhii and Galyna—two Ukrainians who lost their homes to shelling in the early days of Russia's invasion. Both people have been able to rebuild their lives with financial support from Ukraine's eRecovery program.

Home Again—a documentary created by Ukraine's Ministry for Communities, Territories, and Infrastructure Development (MCTID)—shows eRecovery's tangible impact on lives across Ukraine. Eurasia Foundation's TAPAS project has proudly supported the MCTID and the Ministry of Digital Transformation to launch this ambitious program.


Today is Vyshyvanka Day! Don't forget to show your Ukrainian pride by sporting this traditional embroidery style.

Vyshyvanka Day is more than a celebration of Ukrainian traditions. It's a reminder of the creativity, diversity, and resilience of Ukrainian culture. Wishing a happy Vyshyvanka Day to all who celebrate!

Photos from Проєкт “Підтримка цифрової трансформації”'s post 05/15/2024

We're celebrating one year of eRecovery! On Saturday, we joined the Government of Ukraine to mark the first anniversary of this cutting-edge tool that has helped over 57,000 families begin rebuilding their lives.

Eurasia Foundation's TAPAS project has proudly supported eRecovery's development since the service's earliest days. Now, Ukrainians can use a mobile phone app to apply for financial support to repair damaged property or housing vouchers to replace destroyed homes. Not only is eRecovery quick and convenient—it also ensures transparency in Ukraine's post-war reconstruction.

Check out photos and updates from the anniversary event below!


Eurasia Foundation ushered in exciting changes in 2023. Our digital governance and disability rights portfolios expanded rapidly, and we amplified the achievements of emerging changemakers on a bigger stage than ever before. Read about this pivotal year in our 2023 Annual Report—out now.

Photos from Eurasia Foundation's post 05/09/2024

Eurasia Foundation's Young Professionals Network was delighted to welcome Dr. Erica Marat for a discussion of recent developments in Central Asia. Dr. Marat is a professor at the National Defense University and a distinguished researcher with experience in countries across Europe, Asia, and Eurasia. Rafael Sattaroff, political analyst and YPN '23 alumnus, moderated the event. Thank you for your time and insights, Dr. Marat and Rafael!

eRecovery: How a Revolutionary Digital Service is Helping Ukrainian Families Rebuild - Eurasia Foundation 05/08/2024

Two months after fleeing Russia's invasion, Andrii and his wife returned to their home in Bucha, Ukraine. They found their apartment heavily damaged by shelling. Thankfully, they did not shoulder the cost of repairs alone.

Andrii turned to eRecovery, a service made available in Ukraine's Diia app. Created with support from Eurasia Foundation's TAPAS project, eRecovery allows families like Andrii's to apply for compensation for damaged or destroyed property in under 10 minutes. Over 55,000 families have already received financial support through the service!

Learn more about how eRecovery helped Andrii repair his home in our latest success story.

eRecovery: How a Revolutionary Digital Service is Helping Ukrainian Families Rebuild - Eurasia Foundation More than 516,000 buildings and apartments have been damaged and over 96,000 destroyed since Russia’s full-scale invasion of […]

Photos from Проєкт “Підтримка цифрової трансформації”'s post 05/03/2024

Over 50,000 Ukrainians have received funds to repair their war-damaged homes through eRecovery—a digital service created with support from Eurasia Foundation's TAPAS project. Yesterday, USAID Deputy Administrator Isobel Coleman and US Ambassador to Ukraine Bridget Brink joined Deputy Vice Prime Ministers Mykhailo Fedorov and Oleksandr Kubrakov in Irpin to visit several of these homes. They also met families with wholly destroyed properties who will be able to purchase new homes with eRecovery's digital housing vouchers.


: IRODA hosts the MoMetavonem (“We Can”) inclusive employment programs for youth with autism and other forms of neurodiversity.

This program not only provides an opportunity for young people with autism and mental disabilities to participate in community life, but also helps them develop their skills and talents to actively participate in society.

In our organization’s MoMetavonem program, participants have the opportunity to express themselves in four different programs: interning and cooking in the DarYakZamin social kitchen and inclusive catering, creating small printed products in the Itavonо studio, sewing eco-friendly products in the MaryamKraft creative workshop, and interning in various companies thanks to the mentorship program."

Want to stay connected with IRODA? Follow them on Facebook or Instagram .


"МоМетавонем ("Мы Можем")—программы занятости для молодежи с ментальной инвалидностью и особенностями нейроразвития.

Эта программа не только предоставляет возможность этим молодым людям участвовать в общественной жизни, но и помогает им развивать свои навыки и таланты, становясь полноценными членами нашего общества.

В нашей организации в программе МоМетавонем, ребята имеют возможность проявить себя в четырех разных программах: стажировка и обучение кулинарии в социальной кухне ДарЯкЗамин и инклюзивном кейтеринге, учиться создавать продукцию мелкой полиграфии в студии Itavonо, шить эко продукцию в творческой мастерской "МарьямКрафт", и стажироваться в различных компаниях благодаря программе Наставничества."


: "On International Mental Health Day, October 10, IRODA held the opening ceremony of the educational and therapeutic center for children with autism and neurodevelopmental disorders called ASpectrum+.

Muhammad received an autism diagnosis late and began classes in September 2023, in the daily program of the educational and therapeutic center.

After 2 months, Muhammad stopped using tantrums to communicate and he acquired skills of cooperation with adults, emotional regulation, and social interaction. After 9 months, he began to fulfill the requests and commands of teachers and relatives. Predictability in the form of a visual schedule of daily activities helps him understand what is happening, plan, and understand the sequence of actions and events.

Muhammad began to use simple gestures and cards to communicate. He also earned to use objects with both hands to perform various tasks with the help of physical prompts.

Muhammad still has a long learning path ahead, but the most important thing is that his learning path has begun."


"В международный день психического здоровья, 10 октября, у нас прошла церемония открытия учебно-терапевтический центра для детей с аутизмом и ННР (нарушением нейроразвития) - «ASпектр+».

Мухаммаду 8 и РАС у него подтвердили поздно, а занятия начались в сентябре 2023 го, в ежедневной программе учебно-терапевтического центра.

По истечении 2 х месяцев Мухаммад перестал использовать истерики для общения, у него появились навыки кооперации со взрослым, навыки эмоционального регулирования, и социального взаимодействия. Через 9- месяцев он стал выполнять просьбы и команды педагогов и родных.

Предсказуемость в виде визуального расписания дня , занятий помогает в понимании происходящего, планировании и понимании последовательности действий и событий.
Мухаммад стал использовать простые жесты для общения и карточки. Научился использовать предметы обеими руками для выполнения различных задания с помощью физической подсказки.

Мухаммаду еще предстоит долгий путь обучения, но самое главное, что ему его путь обучения начался."


: "IRODA's Circle of Good charity event was aimed at creating a modern educational therapeutic center for children and adolescents from 7 to 16 years old with autism and neuropsychological development disorders. The event was held as part of the Fundraising to Achieve Sustainability project with the support of Eurasia Foundation's Social Innovation in Central Asia project. At the end of the campaign, the entire amount collected was doubled by the EBRD's public initiative in the Republic of Tajikistan.

As a result of a number of fundraising and awareness-raising events, we acquired premises for a full-day daily educational and therapeutic program for the education and development of children and adolescents with autism.”


"Благотворительная акция «Круг Добра» была направлена на создание современного учебно терапевтического центра для детей и подростков с 7 до 16 лет, с аутизмом и нарушениями нейропсихического развития. Акция проводилась в рамках проекта «Фандрайзинг для достижения устойчивости» при поддержке Фонда Евразия. В завершении акции вся сумма сбора была удвоена общественной инициативой ЕБРР в РТ.

В результате проведения ряда фандрейзинговых и информационных мероприятий мы приобрели помещение для ежедневной учебно-терапевтической программы полного дня для обучения и развития детей и подростков с аутизмом."

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Videos (show all)

Pass the Mic: Sharoit Plus
Meet Shabibi - Disability Pride Month
Meet Kholmahmad - Disability Pride Month
Meet Ulugbek - Disability Pride Month
Meet Gulmira - Disability Pride Month
International Day of Women in Diplomacy: A Conversation with Ambassador Pamela L. Spratlen
Conference of the States Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Eurasia Foundation Explains
Vyshyvanka Day 2024
Pass the Mic: IRODA's Vision for the Future
Pass the Mic: Inside IRODA's Center
Pass The Mic: IRODA's Fundraising Campaign



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1717 Rhode Island Avenue NW
Washington D.C., 20036

American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network - ACS CAN American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network - ACS CAN
655 15th Street, NW, Suite 503
Washington D.C., 20005

We advocate for evidence-based public policies to reduce the cancer burden for everyone.

Gay Men's Chorus of Washington Gay Men's Chorus of Washington
1517 18th Street NW
Washington D.C., 20002 Phone: 202-293-1548

Catholic Information Center Catholic Information Center
1501 K Street NW, Suite 175
Washington D.C., 20005

The Catholic Information Center is committed to making the Catholic Church alive in the hearts and minds of those working in our nation's capital.

L'Arche Greater Washington, DC L'Arche Greater Washington, DC
Washington D.C.

Creating a more human society where people with and without disabilities share life together