Friends of Mongolia

We strive to strengthen relations between American and Mongolian communities.

Friends of Mongolia (FOM) is organized and operated exclusively for charitable, educational, and developmental purposes, not-for-profit. Friends of Mongolia exists to develop partnerships with the people of Mongolia in furtherance of cultural exchange and human development. FOM is an incorporated non-profit organization 501 (c) 3 conducting activities in both Mongolia and the United States. It is


One of the main goals of Friends of Mongolia is to build intercultural peace, friendship, and cooperation through mutual respect and understanding -- what many of our Returned Peace Corps Mongolia Volunteers call "The Third Goal." This includes art, music, and film.

Now we want to share with you a trailer filmed by a friend of ours, Asher Svidensky, who has lived and worked in Mongolia for nearly two decades. However, this not about Mongolia. It's about a town called Mostar in Bosnia-Herzegovina, and the power of music to build friendships and understanding in what is not always the most peaceful place.

2024-2025 Scholarship Applications — Friends of Mongolia 07/18/2024

Just two weeks left before the application deadline.
Please tell everyone.

Өргөдөл гаргах эцсийн хугацаа дуусахад ердөө хоёр долоо хоног үлдлээ. Бүгдэд нь хэлээрэй.

And Tim Jenkins-Wilson and Grover Ainsworth, hoping you both can help as well.

Also, Tuvshintuya Sanjmyatav - please tell kids and teachers in Dornod.

And Alta Tumen - if graduating Access kids are interested.

2024-2025 Scholarship Applications — Friends of Mongolia Монголын Андууд ТББ өнөөдрөөс буюу 7-р сарын 1-нээс эхлэн 7-р сарын 31-ний өдрийг дуустал дотоодын их, дээд сургуулийн нэгдүгээр курст элсэн орж байгаа оюутнуудад зори...

Donate to Celebrating Mongolian heritage day “Naadam” in WA state., organized by Mongolian Community Association of Washington State 07/04/2024

Donate to Celebrating Mongolian heritage day “Naadam” in WA state., organized by Mongolian Community Association of Washington State Монгол үндэстний соёлын дархлаа болсон Үндэсний Их б… Mongolian Community Association of Washington State needs your support for Celebrating Mongolian heritage day “Naadam” in WA state.

2024-2025 Scholarship Applications — Friends of Mongolia 07/01/2024

Монголын Андууд ТББ өнөөдрөөс буюу 7-р сарын 1-нээс эхлэн 7-р сарын 31-ний өдрийг дуустал дотоодын их, дээд сургуулийн нэгдүгээр курст элсэн орж байгаа оюутнуудад зориулсан тэтгэлэгт хөтөлбөрүүддээ өргөдөл хүлээн авна. Монголын Андууд ТББ-аас зарлаж буй тэтгэлэгт хөтөлбөрүүдийн өргөдлийн маягт руу доорх холбоосоор орно уу.

2024-2025 Scholarship Applications — Friends of Mongolia Монголын Андууд ТББ өнөөдрөөс буюу 7-р сарын 1-нээс эхлэн 7-р сарын 31-ний өдрийг дуустал дотоодын их, дээд сургуулийн нэгдүгээр курст элсэн орж байгаа оюутнуудад зори...


Washington, DC Area Mongol Naadam to be held on (Sunday) July 7, 2024 at 11:00am at Kenmore Middle School in Arlington, VA.

Вашингтон ДиСи орчмын Монголчуудын наадам 2024 оны 7 дугаар сарын 7-ны Ням гарагт 11:00-17:00 цагт "Kenmore" дунд сургуулийн талбайд болно. Наадмын үйл ажиллагааг Вашингтон ДиСи орчмын Монголчуудын холбоо, ЭСЯ болон Монгол иргэдийн үүсгэл санаачилгаар байгуулагдсан ТББ-ын дэмжлэгтэйгээр зохион байгуулж байна.

- Наадмын үйл ажиллагаанд дэмжлэг үзүүлэх сайн дурын ажил хийх оюутан залуус, иргэдийг 202-840-4114 утсаар бүртгэнэ.

- Наадмын үеэр үйлчилгээний талбай авах иргэдийг 571-447-2533 утсаар бүртгэнэ.

- Наадмын үйл ажиллагаанд хандив өргөх бол 202-834-6630 утсаар холбогдоно уу.

Анхаарах зүйл: Автомашины зогсоолын тоо хязгаартай тул аль болох машингүй ирэх, машинтай ирэх иргэд аль болох нэг машинаар хамтдаа ирж оролцохыг хүсье.

Наадмын тасалбар газар дээр нь зарагдана. Том хүн 10$, хүүхэд үнэгүй /Only cash/.

Counting Underway on Mongolia’s Parliamentary Election Marked by Efforts to Woo Disillusioned Voters 06/29/2024

A short piece shedding light on Mongolia's election results.

Counting Underway on Mongolia’s Parliamentary Election Marked by Efforts to Woo Disillusioned Voters With about 88 percent of the votes counted, the Mongolian People’s Party was leading, but the Democratic Party appeared to be doing better than the last election.


FOM Community, (especially those from the M14-M15 cohorts), friend and former health trainer, Enkhtuya Vankhuu will be traveling to the US from July 10th-August 20th. She’ll be in Chicago, Washington DC, VA Beach Area, and Shenandoah. If there is anyone interested in connecting and visiting with her, please feel free to reach out to her and Bridget Baumer (M15) directly. Their e-mails are: [email protected] and [email protected].

Peace Corps Volunteers’ Diversity Network Newsletters (Part 2) — Friends of Mongolia 06/14/2024

We are proud to partner with Peace Corps Mongolia and the outstanding Volunteers spearheading the Diversity Network Newsletter!

Peace Corps Volunteers’ Diversity Network Newsletters (Part 2) — Friends of Mongolia Here are the Diversity Network Newsletters for 2024. -Diversity Network January 2024 Newsletter -Diversity Network February 2024 Newsletter (this file is too large to load to the website. Contact us and we can e-mail it to you) -Diversity Network March 2024 Newsletter -Diversity Network Ap

Photos from Peace Corps Mongolia's post 06/11/2024

Happy to have more trainees in Mongolia! Good luck with your journey!


Congratulations to the American Center for Mongolian Studies - ACMS! 20 years of serving as an academic ambassador for Mongolia-focused studies.

We admire your staff and team of volunteers for the incredible work and impacts they've had in the last 20 years. We look forward to seeing ACMS grow and expand in the next 20!


Mongolian Children’s Festival 2024! 😃
Saturday, June 8 from 12-6pm

At 6601 Little River Turnpike in Alexandria, VA

Aмерикт амьдарч буй Монгол туургатан хүүхдүүдийн урлагийн авьяасыг нээн илрүүлэх, хөгжүүлэх улмаар олны хүртээл болгох, Монголын соёл урлаг, ёс заншлыг хойч үедээ уламжлуулах, сурталчлах зорилгоор явагддаг уг тэмцээн, наадмыг жил бүрийн Эх үрсийн баярын өдрийг тохиолдуулан зохион явуулдаг билээ.

Бидний баясгалант ирээдүй болсон хүүхдүүд багачуудаа өргөнөөр оролцохыг урьж байна. Эх эцгүүд хүүхдүүдээ дэмжин идэвхийлэн оролцоно уу!

Тэмцээн, наадмын ажиллагаа явагдах хугацаа:
2024 оны 6 сарын 8-ний Бямба гаригт 12:00-18:00 цаг.
Хаяг: Korean Community Center:
6601 Little River Turnpike, Alexandria VA 22312

Тэмцээний журaм:
1. Тэмцээн, наадам дараах төрлүүдээр явагдана:
* ХӨГЖИМ: Монгол үндэсний болон сонгодог хөгжим (соло / баг бүлэг)
* БҮЖИГ: Монгол үндэсний болон сонгодог бүжиг (соло / баг бүлэг)
* ДУУ: Монгол үндэсний болон сонгодог дуу (соло / баг бүлэг)
* МОНГОЛ ХЭЛ: Монгол бичиг, зохион бичлэг, яруу найраг, уран уншлага
* ДҮРСЛЭХ УРЛАГ: уран зураг, баримал, хайчилбар гэх мэт
2. Бүртгэл:�АНУ-ын аль ч мужид амьдарч байгаа 5-13 насны хүүхдүүд оролцно. Xүүхдүүдийг насны гурван ангилалд хуваан шалгаруулна:
A. 5-7 нас (A бүлэг)
B. 8-10 нас (B бүлэг)
C. 11-13 нас (C бүлэг)

Cowboys and Nomads 06/02/2024

Interested in seeing photos of Mongolia over the past few decades? One of our members, Daniel Miller, has put together a range of books and short essays of his experiences. From dairy farmer in Minnesota, to cowboy in Mongolia, Daniel shares his experiences and perspectives through his photographs.

You are also able to preview his books online for free.

Cowboys and Nomads Photographs of cowboys and nomads from the American Great Plains, the Himalaya, the Tibetan Plateau, and the Mongolian Steppe. There are 108 black and white photos (27 from each area) that show the similarities among these different livestock-raising people I am familiar with. This is a 'work-in-pro...

Photos from Friends of Mongolia's post 05/31/2024

We are excited and honored to be "sending off" one of our own to the United States for a year. Gantumur, our Scholarship Program Manager, was selected for the prestigious Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program where he plans to enhance the inclusive capacity of Mongolian schools for children with disabilities.

While we will miss his leadership, unwavering support, and brilliant advice, we could not be more proud of him. We look forward to his return, in a year, where he can continue to improve FOM's capabilities.

2024-2025 Scholarship Information — Friends of Mongolia 05/26/2024

Мoнголын Андууд ТББ ээлжит тэтгэлэгт хөтөлбөрөө 07/01-07/31-ны хооронд олон нийтэд нээлттэй зарлах болно. Тэтгэлэгт хөтөлбөрүүдийн өргөдлийн линк 7 дугаар сарын 1-нээс вебсайт болон page дээр тавигдах болно. Дараах тэтгэлэгт хөтөлбөрүүдээс та өөрт нийцэх хөтөлбөрөө сонгох боломжтой.

- Мэттью Гирвиний нэрэмжит тэтгэлэгт хөтөлбөр (бүх аймгаас оролцох боломжтой)
- 21|21 тэтгэлэгт хөтөлбөр (Дундговь, Сүхбаатар аймаг)
- Манлайлагч тэтгэлэгт хөтөлбөр (Улаанбаатар хот)

Дахин хэлэхэд тэтгэлгийн өргөдөл хүлээн авах линкийг 2024 оны 7 дугаар сарын 01-нд нээлттэй байршуулна. Амжилт хүсье!

Friends of Mongolia is excited to advertise for our 3 scholarship programs. Please take a moment to review your eligibility for each program:

-Matthew Girvin Scholarship (all provinces)
-Mongolia 21|21 Scholarship (Dundgovi and Sukhbaatar provinces)
-Leadership Scholarship (in and around Ulaanbaatar)

On July 1st we will share the links for submitting your application. Good luck to all applicants!

2024-2025 Scholarship Information — Friends of Mongolia Friends of Mongolia is excited to advertise for our 3 scholarship programs. Please take a moment to review your eligibility for each program:   -Matthew Girvin Scholarship (all provinces) -Mongolia 21|21 Scholarship (Dundgovi and Sukhbaatar provinces) -Leadership Scholarship (in an

Photos from Friends of Mongolia's post 05/24/2024

Final update - thanks again to all our donors and supporters! Та бүхэнд маш их баярлалаа! 🙏😃

Through your unstinting generosity we were recently able to transfer $7,250 (surpassing our goal of $5,000) to People in Need - PIN Mongolia as a small contribution to their large-scale effort to support herding families recovering from this winter’s devastating winter weather.

We definitely appreciate everyone’s continued support! 🇺🇸🇲🇳😎🙏

Donate to Support Whitney Reese's Medical Journey, organized by Richard Reese 05/24/2024

A Returned Peace Corps Volunteer (RPCV), Whitney Reese, and his Mongolian family are in need of assistance. The RPCV's brother, Richard, is organizing a gofundme to help cover medical expenses.

Please consider reading the story and donating at the link below.

Donate to Support Whitney Reese's Medical Journey, organized by Richard Reese Richard Reese is organizing this fundraiser on behalf of Whitney Reese. FOR:… Richard Reese needs your support for Support Whitney Reese's Medical Journey


Join our friends at the Tech Education Fund for a multicultural fundraiser at the Mongolian Embassy to the U.S. at 5pm on Saturday, June 8!

Your funds provide financial support to Mongolian students at the college-university level studying STEM in the United States. 😃👏🏻🇲🇳🇺🇸

The Mongolia Focus — Friends of Mongolia 05/20/2024

It is with great anticipation and excitement that we are sharing a new initiative with everyone. FOM, in partnership with Lemon Press and the US-Asia Institute are announcing our inaugural "Mongolia Focus" newsletter.

The Mongolia Focus Newsletter is a compilation of short pieces from multiple contributors who have experience living or studying in Mongolia. We are aiming to cultivate a non-academic newsletter that introduces foreigners (especially Americans) to Mongolia and Mongolians through various lenses. This document is not meant to inspire discontent or anger in any way, but share perspectives from a multitude of sectors, communities, and people. We feature both Mongolians and Americans and will strive to be as inclusive as possible, sharing a wide variety of stories and perspectives.

We are grateful to all of our partners (Lemon Press and US-Asia Institute), as well as the contributors to this first piece. Their wealth of expertise and knowledge in the various subject areas offer great insight for the average American to learn about Mongolia and Mongolians. We acknowledge there are many individuals who have experiences and perspectives to offer about Mongolia and we hope to include everyone's contributions in a respectful manner.

The Mongolia Focus — Friends of Mongolia The Mongolia Focus Newsletter is a compilation of short pieces from multiple contributors who have experience living or studying in Mongolia. We are aiming to cultivate a non-academic newsletter that introduces foreigners (especially Americans) to Mongolia and Mongolians through various lenses. This

Photos from Friends of Mongolia's post 05/17/2024

We want to thank Ariun Sanjaajamts of Mongolian Cultural Council and Chinuukhei Bat-Erdene of Mongolia’s Permanent Mission to the UN for hosting our friend Asher Svidensky yesterday evening in New York for a discussion and Q&A on his film and visual story-telling work in Mongolian. 🇲🇳
It was a great turn out! 😎🙏


This is for our Friends/Найзууд in New York! 🗽
We’ve got an event at the Permanent Mission of Mongolia the UN, in cooperation with the Mongolian Cultural Council, with film-maker Asher Svidensky on Thursday, May 16 at 6:30pm. 🇲🇳🇺🇸

You need to register here as seating is limited:

Event Address: Permanent Mission of Mongolia to the UN, 6 E.77th St, New York, NY 10075

Mr. Svidensky is a photographer, filmmaker, and visual storyteller who has spent the past several years living and working in Mongolia. He has been involved with high profile cinematic work like The Eagle Huntress, but also has worked with UNICEF, the Nature Conservancy, People in Need, the Swiss Development Cooperation, and the Ministry of Environment & Tourism of Mongolia on ecologically and nature-themed films such as his own short film, Changing Skies. This event will be a talk given by Mr. Svidensky about what led him to Mongolia, and his work there in visual storytelling and film as it relates to social and environmental themes. This will be followed by an open question-and-answer session. Light snacks and drinks will be served, but seating is limited so please register if you would like to attend.

Mongolia’s Neoliberal Turn Has Been an Ecological Disaster 05/11/2024

An interesting and different perspective from the dominant narrative.

Mongolia’s Neoliberal Turn Has Been an Ecological Disaster Mongolia is experiencing a disastrous winter with alarming consequences for its agricultural output. Reports have highlighted the negative impact of climate change, but the country’s neoliberal transformation since the 1990s is the biggest factor.

2023-2024 Scholarship Recipient Updates — Friends of Mongolia 05/09/2024

We are happy to share updates from our 2023-2024 scholarship recipients!

2023-2024 Scholarship Recipient Updates — Friends of Mongolia If you want to hear from our scholarship recipients about their first semester experiences, download the file here .

Photos from Friends of Mongolia's post 05/06/2024

Friends of Mongolia and the Mongolian Nurses Association represented Mongolia at the INoVA Hospital Asian-American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month event on Saturday, May 4. Thanks to Meara Prendergast for co-organizing and to Nomuna Nyamaa for bringing the great Mongolian Girls Dance Troupe!

Photos from Friends of Mongolia's post 05/04/2024

Come out and learn about nursing from our friends at the Mongolian Nurse’s Associaton. Registster at this link please:

Photos from SEEK Adventure Travels's post 05/03/2024

First Aid course being offered by our rtuevds at Seek Adventure Travels! 🇲🇳🇺🇸😎


📸 Look at this post on Facebook

Дунд сургуулийн Англи хэл болон бусад гадаад хэл, математик болон бусад шинжлэх ухаан, нийгэм судлал, сэтгүүл зүй, харилцаа холбоо, болон тусгай боловсролын багш нарт зориулсан Фулбрайтын TEA хөтөлбөрт өргөдлийн материал хүлээн авч эхэллээ!

Application for the Fulbright TEA Program for secondary-level teachers of English, English as a Foreign Language, math, science, foreign languages, social studies, journalism, communications, and special education is now open!

Fulbright Teacher Exchanges


December 13 deadline!
Saruul Kh

Applications for the Central Asia FLEX-Ability Workshop 2024 participants are OPEN!🥳🥳🥳

Apply to join us on February 24-27, 2024 in Almaty, Kazakhstan! This is an opportunity for FLEX alumni currently living in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan to develop knowledge, skills, and experience in one of the following areas: Communications and Mental Health. Please note that we will determine the workshop agenda for each topic based on the needs of selected participants, which they will share in a pre-workshop survey.

Apply here: before December 13, 2023.

Courthaus Social · 2300 Clarendon Blvd, Arlington, VA 22201 11/26/2023

Wanting to meet other FOM members? FOM is holding a casual meet-up for dinner/drinks on Friday, December 1st at 7pm. We’ll be meeting up at Courthaus Social in Courthouse (Arlington, VA) to connect, reminisce, and share experiences… there is no formal agenda!

We’d love to have you join us. If interested, please e-mail Kelly Crowley at [email protected] if you’d like to attend and/or have questions!

Courthaus Social · 2300 Clarendon Blvd, Arlington, VA 22201 ★★★★☆ · Restaurant

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Our Story

Friends of Mongolia (FOM) is organized and operated exclusively for charitable, educational, and developmental purposes, not-for-profit. Friends of Mongolia exists to develop partnerships with the people of Mongolia in furtherance of cultural exchange and human development.
FOM is an incorporated non-profit organization 501 (c) 3 conducting activities in both Mongolia and the United States. It is affiliated with the National Peace Corps Association, but membership is open to anyone with an interest in Mongolia.

Friends of Mongolia operations are overseen by a board of directors who are elected for three year terms and managed by officers (two Co-coordinators, Treasurer, Communications Coordinator, and Membership Coordinator) who are elected annually. A Mongolia Country Representative and Deputy Country Representative are appointed by the board to oversee activities in Mongolia.

Videos (show all)

2024 Tsagaan Sar Greetings from FOM Overseas Staff and Scholarship Reps
FOM is excited to share a new initiative with our community. Our Membership Coordinator, Stuart, will be conducting inte...
Special Friends of Mongolia Interview: Grover Ainsworth, Peace Corps Mongolia
FOM interviews 3 -- Ms. Azjargal Tsogtsaikhan
FOM Interview Series -- #1, Ms. Ch. Enkhtungalag of PLM
Tsam Dance  — Gankhuyag Natsag, Tsengel Banzragch and Tsolmo...
Khoomei_ Mongolian Throat Singing — Luvsandagva Otgon


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