American-German Institute

Affiliated with Johns Hopkins University.

AGI (formerly AICGS) is a center for policy research and scholarship dedicated to the most important political, economic, and security issues confronting Germany and the United States in the global arena.

Episode 112: Eastern State Elections and Their Implications for National Politics 09/04/2024

New podcast episode: Eastern State Elections and Their Implications for National Politics

In state elections in Thuringia and Saxony, the right-wing Alternative for Germany (AfD) surged to first and second place, respectively, with over 30 percent of the vote in both states. The left-wing Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW)—only in existence since January—came in third in both states, receiving more votes than any party in the current national governing coalition. This episode of The Zeitgeist examines what motivated voters to leave mainstream parties for the political extremes, what dynamics are at play as the parties must now try to find coalition governments, and how the results could impact national policies now and the upcoming federal elections in 2025.


Episode 112: Eastern State Elections and Their Implications for National Politics In state elections in Thuringia and Saxony, the right-wing Alternative for Germany (AfD) surged to first and second place, respectively, with over 30 percent of the vote in both states. …

Episode 110: The Continued Strength of the AfD 07/31/2024

New podcast episode: The Continued Strength of the AfD

The eastern German states of Saxony and Thuringia will vote in state elections on September 1, and Brandenburg will vote on September 22. The populist radical-right Alternative for Germany (Alternative für Deutschland, AfD) finished in second place in the 2024 European Parliament elections, and they are polling in first place in all three states. What explains the growing strength of the party, despite its increasing extremism and a series of recent scandals? AGI Non-Resident Senior Fellow Klaus-Dieter Frankenberger joins The Zeitgeist to discuss the strong performances of the AfD, what attracts voters to the party (and its extreme-left counterpart, the Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance, BSW), and how governing parties are responding to this changing and fragmenting political landscape.

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Episode 110: The Continued Strength of the AfD The eastern German states of Saxony and Thuringia will vote in state elections on September 1, and Brandenburg will vote on September 22. The populist radical-right Alternative for Germany (Alternative …

Building LGBTQ+ Communities in Germany and the United States (2024-2025) 07/22/2024

We are pleased to announce the second cohort of the AGI project, “Building LGBTQ+ Communities in Germany and the United States: Past, Present, and Future.” This group of 7 Americans and 7 Germans will travel to New York City and Munich for week-long study tours that, through meetings with policymakers, activists, and cultural and educational institutions, will examine LGBTQ+ rights in both countries.

Learn more about our 2024-2025 hashtag cohort:

Building LGBTQ+ Communities in Germany and the United States (2024-2025) Past, Present, and Future LGBTQ+ individuals and their communities have been organizing to assert their rights for over a century, especially in Germany and the United States—two countries that were …

Episode 108: The Role of Germany’s Anti-Semitism Commissioners 07/05/2024

New Podcast Episode: The Role of Germany’s Anti-Semitism Commissioners

In 2019, the federal states established the Joint Federal and State Commission to Fight Anti-Semitism and Protect Jewish Life. This initiative builds on Germany’s decades-long political and civil society efforts to atone for the N**i crimes of the Holocaust and resulted in the creation of state-level Commissioners for Jewish Life and the Fight against Anti-Semitism. Hessen’s Commissioner Uwe Becker joins this episode of the Zeitgeist to discuss the role of these commissioners, how they work together, and how Germany can combat growing anti-Semitism.


Episode 108: The Role of Germany’s Anti-Semitism Commissioners In 2019, the federal states established the Joint Federal and State Commission to Fight Anti-Semitism and Protect Jewish Life. This initiative builds on Germany’s decades-long political and civil society efforts …

Episode 106: LGBTQIA+ Inclusion and the Economy 05/30/2024

New podcast episode: LGBTQIA+ Inclusion and the Economy

On this episode of The Zeitgeist, guest host Dr. Eric Langenbacher speaks with two participants of the AGI exchange program, “Building LGBTQ+ Communities in Germany and the United States.” Simon Schütz and Dr. Thomas O. Haakenson discuss the economic cost of discriminating against LGBTQ+ employees and customers, the U.S. and German legal landscape around discrimination, and associations that advocate for and promote LGBTQ+ businesses.

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Episode 106: LGBTQIA+ Inclusion and the Economy On this episode of The Zeitgeist, guest host Dr. Eric Langenbacher speaks with two participants of the AGI exchange program, “Building LGBTQ+ Communities in Germany and the United States.” Simon …

Episode 104: Germany Grapples with a World of Fragile Security 04/23/2024

Episode 104: Germany Grapples with a World of Fragile Security

The Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022 forced Germany’s government and public to think urgently about the threats to their security. Dr. Christian Mölling joins The Zeitgeist to discuss how politicians and the public have evolved from a peace-focused society to one that understands the need for strong defense. What must Germany do, and how quickly, to be ready for today’s threats? Can it move beyond responding to crises pragmatically to having a strategic vision for its and Europe’s security?


Episode 104: Germany Grapples with a World of Fragile Security The Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022 forced Germany’s government and public to think urgently about the threats to their security. Dr. Christian Mölling joins The Zeitgeist to discuss how …

Episode 103: Elections and the European Economy 04/10/2024

New Podcast Episode: Elections and the European Economy

Elections in Europe and the United States this year could have significant impacts on the European economy. The outcomes will influence how the transatlantic partners address the challenge from China as well as the role of the existing global economic order. It could also raise new questions about Germany’s economic Zeitewende and its position within the EU. European economics editor at The Economist Christian Odendahl joins The Zeitgeist to discuss what is at stake for the German and European economies in 2024.


Episode 103: Elections and the European Economy Elections in Europe and the United States this year could have significant impacts on the European economy. The outcomes will influence how the transatlantic partners address the challenge from China …

Episode 102: The Trends Driving Europe’s Future 03/28/2024

New Podcast Episode: The Trends Driving Europe’s Future

Every four years, the U.S. National Intelligence Council publishes its Global Trends report, an unclassified document that seeks to assess the key factors that shape the strategic environment for the United States and help U.S. authorities plan for future developments. The next edition will be released early in 2025. National Intelligence Officer for Europe Dr. Phyllis Berry joins The Zeitgeist to discuss what factors will impact the future of Europe and transatlantic relations: Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the ability of Europe to return to economic growth, and growing political fragmentation.


Episode 102: The Trends Driving Europe’s Future Every four years, the U.S. National Intelligence Council publishes its Global Trends report, an unclassified document that seeks to assess the key factors that shape the strategic environment for the …

Episode 101: Germany and the United States in an American Election Year 03/14/2024

New Podcast Episode: Germany and the United States in an American Election Year

German Ambassador to the United States Andreas Michaelis joins The Zeitgeist podcast to discuss the state of the German-American relationship, how Germany is working with its key partners in Europe such as France, and how the U.S. elections are affecting the transatlantic relationship. Ambassador Michaelis has been serving in Washington since August 2023, and during this period Germany has become the leading military supporter of Ukraine in Europe and second only to the United States. He describes the strength of the transatlantic relationship, especially as Germany and the United States work to support Ukraine against Russian aggression and the two countries work to align their policies on China.

Listen now:

Episode 101: Germany and the United States in an American Election Year German Ambassador to the United States Andreas Michaelis joins The Zeitgeist podcast to discuss the state of the German-American relationship, how Germany is working with its key partners in Europe …

Transatlantic Climate Statecraft and Global Economic Order 02/13/2024

Transatlantic Climate Statecraft and Global Economic Order

by Peter S. Rashish, Vice President; Director, Geoeconomics Program

After World War II the United States, several European countries, and other liberal democracies promoted a vision of international economic relations that was deeply influenced by the consequences of the failed policies of the 1920s and 30s. In place of the nationalism and protectionism that characterized much of that period, the United States and its partners developed a framework for global economic order, one that stressed the primacy of multilateralism, openness, and rules. This commitment took concrete shape in institutions like the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and its successor the World Trade Organization (WTO) that have universal or near-universal membership, have aimed to advance greater international economic integration, and are grounded in international law.

This nearly 100-year cycle of destructive Realpolitik followed by idealist multilateralism is now mutating into a new global economic order whose contours are still being defined. One of the key drivers of this evolution is climate change. Within the next few years, the primacy of the multilateral trading system will be challenged by the imperative of combating this unprecedented planetary emergency. To manage that scenario, the principal stakeholders in the current system must begin charting a new path toward a future international climate order that guarantees both legitimacy and effectiveness.

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Transatlantic Climate Statecraft and Global Economic Order Part I: A Pluralist International Economic Landscape After World War II the United States, several European countries, and other liberal democracies promoted a vision of international economic relations that was …

The Transatlantic Agenda in a Pivotal American Election Year 01/25/2024

AGI Event: The Transatlantic Agenda in a Pivotal American Election Year

Wednesday, February 14, 2024, 1:00 - 5:00 pm CET // 7:00 - 11:00 am EST
Frankfurt, Germany and online

The transatlantic relationship—a geopolitical and geoeconomic center of gravity—will be influenced by the 2024 U.S. elections. The American presidential election will present the U.S. electorate with a choice: between four more years of President Biden, who has focused on intensifying transatlantic cooperation, or a return to an “America First” foreign policy as represented by former President Trump and the preponderance of contenders for the Republican nomination. The presidential campaign will shine a light on policy debates within the two political parties about America’s role in the world and how domestic politics can shape global priorities. This symposium will deepen understanding of some of the most important issues in the transatlantic partnership, how they are likely to be affected by the election cycle, and what the potential outcomes might mean for Germany, Europe, and the United States.

View the agenda and register for the event:

The Transatlantic Agenda in a Pivotal American Election Year The transatlantic relationship—a geopolitical and geoeconomic center of gravity—will be influenced by the 2024 U.S. elections. The American presidential election will present the U.S. electorate with a choice: between four …


We are looking forward to a year of collaboration in the event series!

Running from January 2024 to January 2025, the digital event series will host in-depth discussions and foster a vibrant exchange of ideas in the lead-up to the pivotal 2024 U.S. election. The aim of the series is multifold: to inform, to engage in dynamic dialogues, and to champion democratic values by presenting diverse perspectives. The initiative’s events will feature prominent researchers, policymakers, commentators, and civil society representatives, exploring diverse formats and a wide array of topics. From public polling and media impact to electoral demographics, the future of U.S. democracy, and pressing policy issues like trade and immigration, the “Road to Election” series aims to offer comprehensive insights for audiences in both the United States and Germany.

To learn more and register for the first event on January 25, visit

We are excited to launch a new initiative, the virtual event series, a collaboration of over 25 transatlantic partners!

The 2024 U.S. election will significantly shape the transatlantic political environment and policy landscape. With this event series, the transatlantic community will come together to facilitate in-depth discussions among prominent researchers, policy makers, commentators, and civil society around the 2024 U.S. election. Information about all events in the series can be found at

We would love to invite you to participate in the first event of the series on January 25: "The Pulse of the Nation after Iowa and New Hampshire.", with prominent pollsters, Matt Gorman and Margie Omero, and moderated by Juliana Schäuble, US-Correspondent at Tagesspiegel. To register to participate, please click here:

Looking forward to closely collaborating with project partners adelphi, American-German Institute, AmerikaHaus NRW e. V., Amerikazentrum Hamburg e. V., The American Academy in Berlin, American Chamber of Commerce in Germany, American Council on Germany, Atlantische Akademie Rheinland-Pfalz e.V., Atlantik-Brücke, German Council on Foreign Relations, Deutsche Atlantische Gesellschaft, DAI Sachsen, -Amerikanisches Zentrum / James-F.-Byrnes-Institut, DAI Heidelberg, Deutsch-Amerikanisches Institut Saarland, European Council on Foreign Relations, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung United States | Canada, Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit, Deutsch-Amerikanisches Institut Tübingen DAI, The German Marshall Fund of the United States, Deutsch-Amerikanisches Institut Nürnberg Amerika Haus Nürnberg, Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, Junge Transatlantiker / Young Transatlantics, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, Amerikahaus München, Verbund Deutsch-Amerikanischer Zentren (VDAZ), Villa Aurora & Thomas Mann House e.V.

Climate Policies in Germany and the United States 01/18/2024

Climate Policies in Germany and the United States: Lobbying through Networks?

by Daniel Rasch, DAAD/AGI Research Fellow

At the UN Climate Change Conference (COP 28) at the end of November 2023, big questions arose about how the states performed after the Paris Agreement (COP 21), the latest binding international treaty on climate change. Germany and the United States both ratified the Paris Agreement in December 2015. Whereas Germany has been “fully committed” since then, the Trump administration in the United States (2017-2021) had no intentions to create climate policies that “disadvantage the United States.” During the Trump presidency, the United States opted out of the Paris Agreement, effective in November 2020. President Biden, Trump’s successor, opted in again in February 2021.

Due to these disparate levels of commitment, are there distinctions in U.S. and German climate policies? If there are, what factors contributed to their development and shaped their current form?

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Climate Policies in Germany and the United States Lobbying through Networks? At the UN Climate Change Conference (COP 28) at the end of November 2023, big questions arose about how the states performed after the Paris Agreement (COP …

Transatlantic Cooperation vs. Tech Nationalism 01/11/2024

Transatlantic Cooperation vs. Tech Nationalism: Values and Standards in the New Systemic Competition

by Andreas Freytag, DAAD/AGI Research Fellow

It is widely accepted that the ability to set technological standards is a prerequisite for an economy’s success on the world markets; this holds especially for digital technologies. At the same time, to reap maximal benefits, it is important that a standard is widely accepted and used. Global cooperation is ideal. In early November 2023, the world witnessed an artificial intelligence (AI) summit convened in North London at the invitation of the British government. The result was an agreement between the United States, the European Union, China, other countries, and leading companies to work out a regular framework for AI standards.

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Transatlantic Cooperation vs. Tech Nationalism Values and Standards in the New Systemic Competition It is widely accepted that the ability to set technological standards is a prerequisite for an economy’s success on the world markets; …

Far-Right Violence and World Community 01/04/2024

Far-Right Violence and World Community: An Evolving Threat in a Changing World

What the life and work of German-American Christian ethicist Reinhold Niebuhr (1892-1971) tells us about an old problem in a new context.

by Josefin Graef, DAAD/AGI Research Fellow

Far-right violence in the West is changing. While we can observe no overall rise in attacks, some countries—in particular Germany and the United States—have experienced a series of mass-casualty attacks in recent years. Many perpetrators now operate on their own without an affiliation to any organized far-right group but are simultaneously embedded in transnational far-right networks and communities, especially (though not exclusively) online. This makes it more difficult to detect and disrupt violent plots. They also make use of advanced technology, such as using 3-D printed weapons and livestreaming their attacks.

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Far-Right Violence and World Community An Evolving Threat in a Changing World What the life and work of German-American Christian ethicist Reinhold Niebuhr (1892-1971) tells us about an old problem in a new context. Far-right …

Building LGBTQ+ Communities in Germany and the United States 10/18/2023

We are pleased to announce the first cohort of our project, "Building LGBTQ+ Communities in Germany and the United States: Past, Present, and Future"! Our fourteen participants will visit Orlando, Florida, and Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia for study tours and exchanges on LGBTQ+ issues. Through in person and virtual meetings, the group will build and deepen relationships between LGBTQ+ community representatives from Germany and the United States; increase understanding of shared struggles and successes in the past, present, and future; and foster expertise on LGBTQ+ issues in the transatlantic context through sharing organizational and policy best practices on both sides of the Atlantic.

Learn more about the project and participants:

Building LGBTQ+ Communities in Germany and the United States Past, Present, and Future LGBTQ+ individuals and their communities have been organizing to assert their rights for over a century, especially in Germany and the United States—two countries that were …

29th Global Leadership Award Dinner 10/16/2023

Save the Date: AGI is pleased to honor Dr. Nikolas Stihl, Chairman of the Advisory Board of STIHL with the 29th Global Leadership Award on June 12, 2024.

AGI inaugurated the Global Leadership Award in 1995 as part of the Institute’s mission to foster stronger ties between the United States and Germany. The Award recognizes the achievements of business and political leaders who, through their personal and professional accomplishments, have helped strengthen the close partnership between Germany and the United States.

Learn more about this year's honoree and how to sponsor the event on our website:

29th Global Leadership Award Dinner Save the Date The American-German Institute (AGI) at Johns Hopkins University is delighted to honor Dr.-Ing. Nikolas Stihl with its Global Leadership Award on June 12, 2024. The vital work …

New Strategies of Transnational European-U.S. Right-Wing Extremist Combat Sports Networks 08/08/2023

New publication: New Strategies of Transnational European-U.S. Right-Wing Extremist Combat Sports Networks

by Alexander Ritzmann

This article assesses the main strategies, networks, and threat potentials affiliated with the activities of two current key right-wing extremist (RWE) leaders who first met in 2018 at a combat sports and music festival in Germany. The younger of the two, U.S. citizen Robert Rundo, later created one of the largest transnational right-wing extremist combat sports networks, called Active Clubs. His role model and mentor, the Russian citizen Denis Kapustin (aka Nikitin), has been building the foundation for this network in Europe since 2006. Kapustin is currently the commander of the Russian Volunteer Corps (RDK) military unit that fights on the side of Ukraine against the invading Russian army.

Transnational RWE networks pose significant challenges for the national security of the United States and Europe. This article will address two current manifestations of this threat. First, it addresses the White Supremacy 3.0 strategy. This strategy aims to grow the existing RWE combat sports network in the United States and beyond by mainstreaming its visible activities, particularly through a focus on promoting athletic aesthetics, fitness, and sports. If successfully implemented, this strategy could significantly increase the number of combat sports-trained RWE individuals.

Second, members of RWE combat sports networks are currently fighting on both sides of the Russian war on Ukraine. RWE individuals have access to military combat training and state-of-the-art weapons of war. Some are gathering battlefield experience. This development will likely lead to the militarization of RWE combat sports networks and can have serious implications for threats to Jewish, Islamic, LGTBQ+, and other communities.

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New Strategies of Transnational European-U.S. Right-Wing Extremist Combat Sports Networks This article assesses the main strategies, networks, and threat potentials affiliated with the activities of two current key right-wing extremist (RWE) leaders who first met in 2018 at a combat …

Building LGBTQ+ Communities in Germany and the United States 07/03/2023

Building LGBTQ+ Communities in Germany and the United States Past, Present, and Future LGBTQ+ individuals and their communities have been organizing to assert their rights for over a century, especially in Germany and the United States—two countries that were …

Building LGBTQ+ Communities in Germany and the United States 07/03/2023

The American-German Institute is pleased to announce a new three-year project, “Building LGBTQ+ Communities in Germany and the U.S.: Past, Present, and Future.” Through week-long study tours in Germany and the United States, the project fosters cross-cultural exchange, builds networks between LGBTQ+ communities, and increases expertise on LGBTQ+ issues in the transatlantic context.

LGBTQ+ individuals and their communities have been organizing to assert their rights for over a century, especially in Germany and the United States—two countries that were early pioneers and that have currently achieved more equality than many other places. But many challenges still persist, especially as a backlash to greater LGBTQ+ rights has been visible in both countries. A comparative examination of the history, present, and future of LGBTQ+ rights will generate new understandings, leadership skills, and policy lessons for both countries and many others around the world.

AGI is recruiting fourteen participants (seven from Germany, seven from the United States) for the first program year, which will take place November 14-19, 2023, in Orlando, Florida, and April 16-21, 2024, in Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia. Participants will be selected from all corners of the diverse LGBTQ+ community and AGI is particularly keen to select individuals from a variety of age groups also to foster inter-generational learning. Not only will participants increase their knowledge base, leadership skills, and professional networks, but a series of deliverables—articles, podcasts, story boards, and policy briefs will be produced and widely disseminated in both countries and beyond. Applications are due September 10, 2023.

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Building LGBTQ+ Communities in Germany and the United States Past, Present, and Future LGBTQ+ individuals and their communities have been organizing to assert their rights for over a century, especially in Germany and the United States—two countries that were …

AICGS is now the American-German Institute 04/24/2023

As we celebrate the 40th anniversary of the American Institute for Contemporary German Studies and look to the future, we are pleased to announce our new name, the American-German Institute.

As the American-German Institute, we rededicate ourselves to our mission—to provide in-depth, actionable analysis that anticipates trends, manages risk, and shapes policy choices—with a new, streamlined brand. The relationship between the United States and Germany is at the heart of what we do, from producing insights to facilitating dialogue, and our new name reflects the centrality of this partnership in addressing the political, social, and economic challenges in our two countries, in the transatlantic relationship, and globally.

Our analysis, events, and programs are available on our new website, AGI staff will maintain their current aicgs email addresses. Stay tuned for more updates on our new brand and the 40th anniversary throughout the year.

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AICGS is now the American-German Institute As the Institute celebrates its 40th anniversary, we are pleased to announce our new name, the American-German Institute. When Steven Muller, then President of Johns Hopkins University, and Robert Gerald …

“Open Doors” Documentary 02/22/2023

Documentary Screening

Monday, March 6, 2023, 4:00pm-6:00pm, at AICGS

Insecurity, mortal danger, and the longing for peaceful coexistence. In the documentary “Open Doors,” three refugees tell their stories and demonstrate their will to survive by leaving their homes and arriving somewhere uncertain. Refugees share the story of their escape, fears, and challenges along their journey and their arrival in Germany. It becomes clear from this film that the challenges did not end at their arrival. This film also features migrants’ reports on phases of disorientation, adapting, and belonging. Questions like “Where am I, who am I, what am I, or what does my future look like?” are asked by all the protagonists. Please join us on Monday, March 6, 2023, for the screening and roundtable discussion with the film's director Ms. Becky Taylor Hellwig.


“Open Doors” Documentary Screening and Roundtable Discussion Insecurity, mortal danger, and the longing for peaceful coexistence. In the documentary “Open Doors,” three refugees tell their stories and demonstrate their will to survive by …


New Podcast Episode: Episode 76: Energy, Trade, and Security—Germany’s Expanded Zeitenwende with FDP Caucus Leader Christian Dürr

On this episode of the Zeitgeist, our guest is FDP Bundestag Caucus Leader Christian Dürr. He and AICGS President Jeff Rathke discuss how Germany has reset its energy policy, the future of trade in a global environment increasingly defined by strategic competition, and how Germany is addressing the threats to its security stemming from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. What lessons has Germany taken from its successful efforts to cut energy dependency on Russia and how might it help the country’s transition to green, net-zero energy? To what extent has the U.S. Inflation Reduction Act affected U.S.-German trade, and is it possible to rejuvenate the transatlantic economic partnership? What are the expectations for Germany’s new Minister of Defense Boris Pistorius? How can Germany balance rebuilding the Bundeswehr while continuing to provide military support to Ukraine?


Partisan Divides and Popular Fronts 01/27/2023

Partisan Divides and Popular Fronts

Benjamin Carter Hett, Hunter College and the Graduate Center, CUNY

In the morning, a tense group of politicians, who did not much like or trust one another, gathered outside the office of Reich President Paul von Hindenburg. Three of them came from the National Socialist Party, but the others were men of the traditional conservative establishment, who felt themselves forced into an unattractive deal with the radical newcomers. Down to the last minute, they bickered about the terms of that deal. Finally, the president’s state secretary lost patience and told the politicians they could not keep the president waiting any longer. A grudging deal was struck, the door opened, and the president gave the new cabinet ministers their oaths of office.

“We are in the Wilhelmstrasse,” the new government’s propagandist wrote that night in his diary. “Like a fairy tale.” His name was Joseph Goebbels. That night Goebbels organized a torchlight parade of the party faithful. His boss, of course—the newly sworn chancellor of the German Reich—was Adolf Hi**er.

We are pleased to inaugurate the AICGS 40th Anniversary series with this article, which coincides with the 90th anniversary of the N**i seizure of power (Machtergreifung) when Hi**er was appointed chancellor on January 30th, 1933, as well as with Holocaust Memorial Day on January 27th, the 78th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz. Read more:

Partisan Divides and Popular Fronts We are pleased to inaugurate the AICGS 40th Anniversary series with the following article, which coincides with the 90th anniversary of the N**i seizure of power (Machtergreifung) when Hi**er was appointed chancellor …


Botschafterin Gutmann: "The showed how transatlantic partnership can animate the future. Wonderful to brainstorm with Jeff Rathke from the American Institute for Contemporary German Studies on ideas for next year’s forum in the United States."

Dortmund & Buffalo 12/02/2022

Dortmund & Buffalo: Reflections on Social Divisions & Questions of Identity in Germany and the United States

In March and June 2022, the second cohort of the AICGS Social Divisions and Questions of Identity program convened in Dortmund, Germany, and Buffalo, New York, to explore communities, cultures, and group dynamics in these rust-belt sister cities. This StoryMap, written by the participants in the project, shares the group’s observations, insights, and thoughts for the future.

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Dortmund & Buffalo Reflections on Social Divisions & Questions of Identity in Germany and the United States In March and June 2022, the second cohort of the AICGS Social Divisions and Questions of …

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