General Board of Church and Society

Addressing 30+ social issues on which The United Methodist Church has claimed a position... Led by the General Secretary, the Rev.

The board is called to seek the implementation of the Social Principles and other policy statements of the General Conference on Christian social concerns. Dr. Susan Henry-Crowe, Church and Society works to fulfill the mandate of

- relating the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the Church, communities, and the world in which they live,
- bringing the whole of human life into conformity with the will of G


In the United States, one in six youth experience a mental health disorder each year.

Yet, many struggle to access the help they need.

The Expanding Access to Mental Health Services in Schools Act aims to change that by increasing mental health professionals in schools.

School-based services remove barriers like transportation, scheduling, and stigma, making mental health care services accessible to students during the school day.

Click the link for more details and contact your representative now to advocate for this much-needed legislation.

Photos from General Board of Church and Society's post 08/28/2024

The ICCGC-CONGO Global Futures Conference, held at the Church Center for the United Nations on August 26-27, brought together leaders from religion and civil society to chart pathways toward a globally harmonious, just, and sustainable future.

The event, co-sponsored by GBCS, featured welcoming and closing remarks by Liberato Bautista, who serves both as GBCS Assistant General Secretary and president of CoNGO.

For more info:

2 United Methodists receive Peace Awards 08/22/2024

As we celebrate the peace efforts of United Methodists in Ukraine and the Philippines, the U.S. is pushing through $20 billion in weapons sales to Israel. This action stands in clear opposition to the guidance in our Social Principles:

"We reject the use of war as an instrument of foreign policy and insist that every peaceful and diplomatic means of resolution be exhausted before the start of armed conflicts."

Let us draw inspiration from the work of Bishop Christian Alsted and deaconess Norma P. Dollaga, and renew our efforts to advocate for all those affected by the injustices of war.

2 United Methodists receive Peace Awards Bishop Christian Alsted and Filipino deaconess Norma P. Dollaga both received the World Methodist Council’s highest honor for courageous ministry in very different contexts.


GCSRW is currently gathering data to identify which Annual Conferences read the apology from General Conference to the victims/survivors of sexual misconduct in The UMC.

Send us an email to let us know how your Annual Conference participated at: [email protected]

ON THIS DAY... The Construction of The Simpson Memorial Chapel Completed in The United Methodist Building 08/14/2024

On August 14, 1929, after months of planning, the construction of The Simpson Memorial Chapel in The United Methodist Building replaced the original bookstore.

“On many occasions, President Abraham Lincoln secretly attended Simpson’s sermons in Philadelphia and Washington D.C., avoiding any Presidential public disruption. Simpson often visited the Lincoln White House and became a trusted friend and advisor, and according to many historians, contributed greatly to Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation.”

ON THIS DAY... The Construction of The Simpson Memorial Chapel Completed in The United Methodist Building ON THIS DAY SERIES... Each month in 2024, Church and Society is highlighting notable days offering glimpses into the momentous 100-year history of The United Methodist Building (1924 - 2024) and the people called Methodists often walking along side ecumenical partners living their faith through soci...

A new day in The UMC: From exclusion to embrace 08/10/2024

“To move forward we must understand our church history, be honest about where we are now and explore where we are going with intention and authenticity.”

A new day in The UMC: From exclusion to embrace Learn how The United Methodist Church’s journey toward true inclusivity is opening doors of opportunity for young people to grow in faith and leadership.


Updated Social Principles Online Resources

Church and Society has refreshed its online resources in support of the United Methodist Social Principles as approved by General Conference Charlotte, 2024.

The Social Principles as adopted by General Conference Charlotte, 2024, will officially take effect January 1, 2025.

Cokesbury, the United Methodist publishing house will print
the updated, official UMC Social Principles booklet in 2025.

Given the numerous requests for information and study materials on United Methodist Social Principles, Church and Society’s online content offers resources for immediate

In 2025, Church and Society plans to produce more Social Principles resources including social witness video reels from multiple countries, youth curricula, and additional material translations.

Access the Refreshed Social Principles Online Webpage to view and download:

-Social Principles Background and History Page Summaries
-Social Principles Booklet and Translations
-Social Principles Mission and Ministry Cards

Interfaith Groups Call Out Dangerous Ideology of Christian Zionism 08/07/2024

"This ideology comes at the expense of Palestinians, cherry picking from the Bible and ignoring the plight of the indigenous Palestinian Christian population in the Holy Land." —Colleen Moore, Director of Peace With Justice

Interfaith Groups Call Out Dangerous Ideology of Christian Zionism The Christian Zionist organization “Christians United for Israel” is extremely dangerous, based in “end times” theology with connections to white Christian nationalism globally.


The killing of 36-year-old Sonya Massey on July 6, 2024, represents for many Black Americans “emotional whiplash” and renewed spiritual and psychological trauma. Before you accuse me of being hyperbolic, keep in mind that last year, in 2023, police killed more Americans than any year on record.

Sonya Massey called 9-1-1 for help and ended up being shot in the head. She was in her kitchen and was threatened by a police officer after being instructed to put down a pot of boiling water on her stove. Watching a few seconds of the video camera footage is troubling as you hear the deputy sheriff threaten to shoot her in the face. The officer was fired and charged with three counts of first-degree murder as well as official misconduct.

This left the community of Springfield, Illinois, grieving and protesting; however, this for many is a reminder that the “George Floyd Justice in Policing Act” needs to be seriously considered by Congress. This law would prevent and remedy racial profiling and limit qualified immunity in the face of reckless behavior by police officers. The officer who shot Sonya Massey had worked for six law enforcement agencies in four years.

I invite your prayers for the family of Sonya Massey and for the community that has reminded us that this is part of a larger problem of policing in communities of color. Very few policies have been passed to curb police violence or keep officers like this one, who was discharged from the Army for misconduct, from carrying a badge and a gun. America can do better, and those of us in the faith community must demand we do better.

Lord in Your mercy, hear our prayers!

Julius C. Trimble
Resident Bishop
Indiana Conference of The United Methodist Church


If you have a passion for the intentional work we are beginning at the Center for LGBTQ+ United Methodist Heritage, we invite you to apply for a position on our inaugural board. You can get all the details and the application here:
Deadline to apply online is Aug. 31.

Photos from General Board of Church and Society's post 08/01/2024

The Center for Faith and Justice Announced 26 Preaching Justice Fellows for 2024-2025

Congratulations to Brian Tillman, Emmy Brett, and Ryan Gephart, United Methodist Preaching Justice Fellows for 2024-2025.

Read more:

Faith and Justice Network
Central United Methodist Church
Park Slope United Methodist Church
Trinity United Methodist Church of Roaring Spring


Faith-based organizations and institutions of higher education are forming new partnerships to develop affordable rental housing on the land they already own.

However, they face barriers like zoning and other policies to develop affordable housing.

Senator Sherrod Brown, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs has introduced the Yes In God’s Back Yard Act (S. 3910), which supports faith-based organizations and colleges building and preserving affordable housing on their land and reduces barriers to the development of this housing.

In addition to The United States’ shortage of 7.3 million affordable rental homes, access to affordable rental housing is drastically declining (National Low Income Housing Coalition).

Click the link to contact your senators now and advocate for the passage of the Yes In God’s Back Yard Act:


Faith calls us to choose peace, not war. Our Congress needs to hear this message.

Our lawmakers are debating the FY 2025 budget, and they're prioritizing weapons over human needs.
Our lawmakers are debating the FY 2025 budget, and they're prioritizing weapons over human needs
As people of faith, we're called to "beat swords into plowshares" (Isaiah 2:4). Let's make our voices heard!

Take action now: Our easy-to-use form lets you contact your representatives in just minutes. Urge them to prioritize true human security over weapons of war in the FY 2025 budget.

Timeline photos 07/30/2024

Church and Society is thrilled to support District Superintendents and Directors of Connectional Ministries this week at Lake Junaluska. If you’re attending, be sure to stop by our table and say hello to Amber Gaines, our Engagement and Development Manager!

General Board of Higher Education and Ministry
Commission on Archives and History of The UMC


Action Alert: Tell Congress to Prioritize Social Safety Programs in FY25 Appropriations

As the United States Congress seeks to negotiate the fiscal year 2025 federal budget, we must ensure that critical social safety programs are protected.

Currently, there are two appropriations bills presented by the House of Representatives that would cut funding for housing and nutrition.

These measures are severely misaligned with our collective pursuit of economic justice.

Your urgent advocacy is needed.

Take action:

Photos from General Board of Church and Society's post 07/25/2024

God has called us to an abundant life. Our charge, as people of faith, is to pursue it. As United Methodists, we continue to affirm that equitable, comprehensive, and quality healthcare is a basic human right (2016 Social Principles, The Social Community).

Currently, five of the twelve appropriations bills presented by the United States House of Representatives pose grave threat to our communities. The House is intending to cut funding for access to maternal and reproductive health, HIV/AIDS prevention, su***de prevention, mitigating substance abuse, and addressing sexual violence.

Take action now:

Read more about the Grace over Greed Campaign:



As United Methodists, and with the General Board of Church and Society, we understand our call to transform the world involves personal, social and civic righteousness.

The relationships we form in our communities, often through our direct service and mercy ministries, lead us to be advocates for justice. We cannot remain silent when we witness our neighbors impacted by broken social, economic and political systems that result in poverty, conflict, and oppression.

Advocating alongside our neighbors, we call leaders to account and demand policies and practices that reflect our understanding of justice and dignity for all. While the journey toward justice is long, God encourages us and sustains us through community.
Church and Society educates, equips and connects advocates with other United Methodists and faith and community-based partners as, together, we build a movement for justice.
Take Action
For current legislative advocacy actions in the United States,


Colleen Moore, Church and Society, with Congresswoman Delia Ramirez at the Middle East Peace Prayer Vigil for a Ceasefire in Gaza, ahead of Netanyahu's Congressional address.

Congresswoman Delia Ramirez


“For decades, the United Methodist Church has called for an end to the Israeli occupation of Palestinian land and worked for a just and durable peace in the Middle East. Today, as Prime Minister Netanyahu prepares to address Congress, we continue that work by calling for a ceasefire in Gaza and Israel and for all people in the Holy Land to seek full respect for human rights and freedom from military occupation.” —Colleen Moore, GBCS Director of Peace With Justice

Photos from General Board of Church and Society's post 07/22/2024

Rev. Dr. Liberato Bautista (Assistant General Secretary for United Nations and International Affairs) represented GBCS at The High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development 2024 (HLPF) held from 7/8-7/17.

He spoke at three events related to the HLPF: Accelerating Global Partnership For Sustainable Development, WSIS towards Summit of the Future and Beyond, and Interfaith Collaboration as an Imperative for Building a Sustainable Future.

Church and Society holds a non-governmental, consultative status with the United Nations.

This status allows us to participate in UN meetings, consultations and conferences. Through this ministry, the church joins God in the work of social transformation.

Find out more about the UN Ministry at GBCS in the comments.


What Is the Church's Role in Politics? | A Lunch & Learn Conversation

Join Director of Civil and Human Rights, Rev. Kendal L. McBroom, and other panelists Tomorrow at 12pm ET.

Zoom Registration: #/registration

Join us Tuesday, July 23 for a virtual Lunch and Learn panel discussion on how the church can respond to the current political climate and present a united Kingdom/Kin-dom of God amidst division. Hosted by Duke Divinity School student and SC Christian Action Council field education student Philemon Abel, the conversation will feature esteemed panelists: Rev. Stephen Jones, Rev. Kendal McBroom from the General Board of Church and Society (General Board of Church and Society), Rev. Dr. Regina H. Moore, Rev. Ivory Thigpen, and Rev. JB Watkins. Don't miss this important discussion!

Register now:


On July 20, 1984, Bishop Leontine T. C. Kelly was elected as the first African American, women Bishop in the United Methodist Church. Today we celebrate and remember Bishop Kelly and her ministry, leadership, and legacy.

Photos from General Board of Church and Society's post 07/19/2024

John Lewis Day of Action

Sponsored by GBCS and other coalition partners, Rev. Kendal McBroom, GBCS Director of Civil and Human Rights, joined partners of the Faithful Democracy Coalition of WISC in prayers and support for stronger voting rights.

Faithful Democracy is a growing national coalition of diverse congregations, faith-based organizations and religious leaders with a shared concern about the state of our democracy in the 21st Century.

Faithful Democracy Campaign
Bread for the World
Franciscan Action Network (FAN)
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Alliance of Baptists
People For the American Way
Union for Reform Judaism
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
National Council of Churches
Network Lobby
National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW)
Interfaith Alliance
Unitarian Universalists for Social Justice
Faith in Public Life Action
The Episcopal Church
Coalition on Human Needs
Pax Christi USA
Interfaith Power & Light
Friends Committee on National Legislation - FCNL
BJC - Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty
United Church of Christ
Masjid Muhammad DC, The Nation's Mosque

Church and Society Launches New Pages For Progress Resource Guide For Group Learning Sessions 07/17/2024

In case you missed the first announcement...

Church and Society is excited to unveil the first Pages for Progress Resource Guide on the book “The Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper Together” by Heather McGhee.

Download the free resource guide here:

For more info:

Church and Society Launches New Pages For Progress Resource Guide For Group Learning Sessions Church and Society is excited to unveil the first Pages for Progress Resource Guide on the book “The Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper Together” by Heather McGhee.

July 21, 2024 - World Service Fund (General Board of Church and Society) 07/15/2024

July 21, 2024 - World Service Fund (General Board of Church and Society) Thanks to your congregation’s World Service Fund support, General Board of Church and Society educates, equips and connects advocates with other United Methodists and faith- and community-based partners as, together, we build a justice movement.


Pages for Progress, a program of Church and Society, was established to create spaces for collective learning through shared reading and in-depth exploration of topics from a theological perspective, to become more effective advocates as people of faith.

This resource guide is the culmination of our first gathering centered around “The Sum of Us.” Designed for use in local churches, districts, annual conferences, or community groups, the guide facilitates meaningful discussions and a deeper understanding of the book’s themes from a theological lens.

This guide is structured into three 90-minute sessions, each featuring:

• Welcome and Community Guidelines: Establishing a respectful and inclusive environment.

• Theological Grounding: Connecting the book’s theme to our faith.

• Book Discussion Questions: Encouraging thoughtful dialogue and reflection.

• Closing: Announcement and reminders for the next session.

The resource guide is available for free:


On this day in 2022, a group of United Methodist leaders were at the United Methodist Building to witness the livestream and celebrate the historic installation ceremony of the Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune statue in Statuary Hall of the U.S. Capitol. Read about the historic day in this article from the General Board of Church and Society:


While the United States Congress considers budget decisions for the coming year, some U.S. political leaders continue to prioritize politics above the concerns and needs of our communities.

As United Methodists, it’s a part of who we are to live out our faith to protect the needs and interests of God’s people and God’s good creation.

As such, the General Board of Church and Society (GBCS) is bringing back the Grace Over Greed Campaign to not only highlight important legislative budget issues, but to also offer a way for United Methodists to understand, advocate and act on U.S. budget policies that are consistent with our faith and social principles.

Read more:

Get updates on the Grace Over Greed campaign and 30+ pressing social issues through our newsletter.

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Videos (show all)

United Methodist pastor and Southeast Jurisdiction leader in South Carolina for the Black Methodists for Church Renewal,...
Minister, social activist, and Yale Divinity School professor Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II, the leader of the June 29th...
The Youth Choir from First United Methodist Church of Pensacola, FL visited the United Methodist Building (UMB) to learn...
Aimee Hong, GBCS Senior Executive Director of Education and Engagement, shares her thought process in writing a recent p...
Early this morning, our Director of Communications, Jeffrey Corey, got a chance to check in with our Chief Financial Off...
Our own Rev. Kendal L McBroom, Director of Civil and Human Rights, had a chance to sit down with Dr. Michael L. Bowie, J...
Our own Rev. Camille Henderson-Edwards got a chance to check in about social justice and vocation with Taylor Johnson of...
We are celebrating 100 years of the United Methodist Building (UMB) on Capitol Hill!And, you can experience just a littl...
Checking in w/ Amber Gaines, Engagement and Development Manager#BeUMC #UMCGC #UMB100
Checking in w/ Dr. Jessica M. Smith, Senior Executive Director Research, Planning and Spiritual Formation!#BeUMC #UMCGC ...
Checking in w/ Rev. Laura Kigweba, Director of Grassroots Organizing!#BeUMC #UMCGC #UMB100
Checking in with Rev. Camille Henderson-Edwards, Director for Economic, Health and Gender Justice!#BeUMC #UMCGC #UMB100


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