Nikki 4 YOUR Health

Coaching men and women to lead a healthier, more active, happier lives.


Can we just pause to celebrate representation of the USA women's gymnastics team? This is what strong, confident, focused, resilient, and powerful women look like! At least two of these ladies came back from a major setback to win medals. It's not how you fall down but how you persevere. The road has not been easy for them. We won't all be Olympic athletes, but we can overcome setbacks and come back stronger!

Gymnastics has always been one of my favorite Olympic events to watch. These women did not disappoint! What's been your favorite?


My chocolate energy balls are a staple in my fridge. They are perfect for a sweet bite after a meal, great healthy treat to avoid the pantry and also serve as a great energy source before, during, or after a longer workout. I trained and competed in triathlons with these, and they're still a favorite!

I like the texture of using rolled and instant oats but feel free to use what you have. Any nut butter or crunchy nut butter works well. I like using Trader Joe's cacao powder and Lily's or Bake Believe chocolate chips.

They are 100 calories each. 4g fat, 3g protein and 15g carbs.

Let me know if you try them! Enjoy!

Photos from Nikki 4 YOUR Health's post 07/31/2024

Calories matter. Macros matter. Quality of your food also has a BIG impact on your overall health. Many things fall into place when you eat a more nutrient dense diet.

Don't plan to eat "perfectly." Make the majority of your food Whole Foods and make sure to enjoy some of your favorite foods like a wood oven grilled pizza for me! It's a balance, so find what works best for you and allows for flexibility.

If you're confused about nutrition or are looking for a personalized nutrition plan for fat loss, drop me PLAN below and I'll send you details! Consistency matters more than finding a "perfect" diet. I can show you what that looks like! You don't have to suffer or be extreme to lose weight!

Photos from Nikki 4 YOUR Health's post 07/07/2024

I don't spend much time on meal prep but these are some of my favorite staple food items that help me pull together healthy meals pretty quickly.

• I love salads so having convenient lettuce is important! I buy ready to go leafy greens like mixed spring greens, spinach, and arugula. I also like shredded carrots that make it easy to throw on a salad, frozen riced cauliflower for smoothies or as a rice base or even frozen broccoli, peas or corn.

• Convenient protein is key!! I buy lean turkey in bulk and add what I need to hit my goals. Canned tuna can't be more convenient and very high in protein and lean in fat. I use egg whites a lot in breakfast scrambles, frittatas and eggsadillas. Also, I know rotisserie chickens contain sugar and ingredients I normally try to avoid, but it is so convenient and for the price, you cannot beat it. I pick my battles and don't sweat this one especially since it's minimally processed.

• Sauces, salads and dips help add flavor and interest to food that may feel boring without. I also use some dips and salsas as salad dressings. These options are all full of flavor, contain good ingredients and are light in calories and fat especially compared to other high fat dressings and sauces.

• Wraps - there are some great egg wraps that I really enjoy. They can be used cold or grilled in a skillet. These are low in calories and mostly protein so work great any day of the week!

Having a plan is most important for your meal success! Whether you spend hours on Sunday, make extras during the week or throw it together when it's meal time, do what works for you to eat your best. When you prioritize your food, you will feel better and have more energy to tackle things that are most important.


“If it is to be, it is up to me.”

Ultimately, it is up to YOU!

You can make excuses or show up
You can challenge yourself or stay where you are
You can work hard or take the easy way out
You can stay with what's familiar or step outside your comfort zone
You can give up or keep going
You can blame other people or take initiative
You can set scary, big goals or let self doubt and/ or fear hold you back

You are the master of your destiny, and you have the power within you to change it. 🩵

Photos from Nikki 4 YOUR Health's post 06/12/2024

Have you ever heard that your cells are listening and what you say about your body matters? Have you ever paid attention to your thoughts about your body and how it responds? We really do have control of our thoughts once we start paying attention to them.

The run portion of a triathlon can feel long, hard and pretty lonely at times. Your body is tired, and you feel it like my first photo shows. I found myself talking to my body quite a bit especially once I started cramping around mile 10, and it got HARD!

🗣️ Keep going, body!
🗣️ You are an amazing body!
🗣️ You are so strong and capable!
🗣️ This food and water will fuel my body to the finish.
🗣️ You've got this!
🗣️ This is why we train.
🗣️ You are so prepared for this.
🗣️ We can do hard things!
🗣️ One step at a time.
🗣️ Slow and steady wins the race.

Do you ever talk to your body? I know it can sound a little hokey, but try it! Trust me, it's wayyyy better than feeling the suck and pain when you go down the rabbit hole of despair and can be the perfect distraction to get your attitude right. And maybe it'll bring excitement and boost your energy like I had at the finish line at photo 2! 😊


Be the best that YOU can be!

Commit to the process. Work hard. Push your comfort zone. Set big goals that excite and scare you. Believe in yourself. When you know you put forth your best effort, that is enough. There will ALWAYS be someone who is faster, better, stronger, but you are capable of amazing things! One thing is for sure, you will never know until you try...


My birthday, 3 years ago and TODAY!

More gray hair, more wrinkles but mentally and physically stronger and more capable than in my 30's. I remember feeling really good on that day 3 years ago and finally feeling I was starting to see progress with my strength training yet way before the thought of any triathlons.

So much can change in just a few years and so much has! I have taken a lot of risks and challenges and overcome several obstacles that have made me a stronger person today. At 48, I feel gratitude! It's a privilege to get older.

I am so grateful for good health and a capable body. Getting older doesn't have to mean feeling bad, gaining weight, or losing strength with your best years behind. Set new goals. Take on new challenges. Take care of your body. Surround yourself with positive influences. Show up for yourself. You are the driver of your own life. Make it a great one. You deserve to live your best life, to feel great and strong at all ages and stages! ♥️


This past Friday night at the hotel pool, a woman told me she thought I was an athlete of some sort. It was strange to hear, because I've never considered myself much of an athlete, let alone a triathlete, but here I am in my third year of triathlon competitions. 😅 I spent more years in dance than sports and didn't start running until right after college.

It made me pause to consider that the definition of an athlete is "a person who is trained or skilled in exercises, sports, or games requiring physical strength, agility, or stamina."

Training takes a lot of time, discipline, determination and drive. It's finding passion in pushing your limits and learning so much about yourself in the process, no matter your sport or goal!

I signed up for my first race, an Olympic Tri, 2 years ago before I fully understood what I was getting myself into. It has challenged and humbled me in all the ways! I dealt with a lot of imposter syndrome, self doubt, and anxiety, but I also learned I'm stronger than I give myself credit for and I'm capable of doing hard things.

If you have a yearning for something, go for it!! You do not have to be good at it, and don't let not being good at it stop you especially as a beginner. We will not all be elite athletes! You will only ever regret the chances you did not take. Instead of thinking "Not me," start asking yourself "Why not me?" Strive to be the best that YOU can be and see where it takes you. ♥️

Year 3 Clear Lake Olympic Triathlon 🏅


Kicking off my first event of the year with perfect running conditions for the Des Moines Women's Half Marathon! I love spring training and a Half is usually top of the list! I'm not sure how many Half Marathons I've ran but well over a dozen.

The race photo shows the highlight, and I've been running long distances since 2010 but would you know that I was one of the slowest runners in 7th grade track and never went back out? They stuck me on the 800 and 1500 and my goal was not to finish last and finished second to last many times! I didn't run much at all until after I graduated from college to lose weight for a wedding.

Now I love the challenge, love the freedom that running brings, and am grateful my body is able to carry me for many miles. Hard work will take you further than talent alone! You don't have to be great to start! If you enjoy it, DO IT!

Work hard. Take care of your body. You can do whatever you set your mind to. You are capable of amazing things! 🤩

Photos from Nikki 4 YOUR Health's post 04/29/2024

The ultimate self care practice is making yourself delicious, nutrient dense food! Eating well does not have to be expensive, time consuming or difficult. Not only will it improve your waistline but improve your cravings, energy levels, inflammation in your body, hormones, gut health, mood, digestion, skin, and give you a stronger immune system.

Simple guidelines:
• 30+g of quality protein with each meal
• Include fiber source(s) with each meal
• Make the majority of your food whole foods
• Eat the rainbow
• Eat a variety of fresh produce

Need assistance on where to start with nutrition? We have simple, delicious Whole Foods based recipes in our meal guide that the whole family will enjoy! No approved foods list to follow. We keep things simple! Message me for details on my next new client round where we break it all down.

Photos from Nikki 4 YOUR Health's post 04/25/2024

Let's normalize setting fitness goals that have NOTHING to do with losing weight or changing our physique. It's a great opportunity to appreciate the amazing abilities our bodies have when we train and challenge them. I promise you that your most proud moment will not come from any number on the scale!

When you start focusing less on your body's appearance and start appreciating more of what your body can do, you will gain more confidence, fulfillment, and it will change you from the inside and out. When you gain appreciation, you start taking better care of yourself. 🫶

Don't be afraid to set new goals at any age! Time passes anyway. Do something that you're passionate about even if it doesn't make sense to anyone else! You don't have to be good at it. You will only ever regret the things you didn't go for. You never know what you are capable of until you try!

Are you working on any fitness goals? Whether it's one push-up on your toes, one pull-up, running a 5K or marathon, Be Proud. What are you working on? Let's hear it!


Sail into summer with new fat loss strategies. Last CALL for the 5 Day Belly Blast Challenge. We start TODAY!

Link included in the comments.

Photos from Nikki 4 YOUR Health's post 04/01/2024

It's not only a Monday but a new month. Do you need to recommit to your goals and wellness? Now is a great time to Start! Start where you're at, with what you have, little by little. You don't have to be perfect. Focus on taking steps forward!

If you need a nutrition and workout plan to get started, drop START in the comments below!

Photos from Nikki 4 YOUR Health's post 03/22/2024

What better way to celebrate spring than by taking control of your health?! If you're ready to feel confident, gain energy and lose unwanted fat, it's time to welcome The FASTer Way to Fat Loss into your life!

Our science-backed program is designed to help you achieve your fitness goals while still enjoying the foods you love. Get ready to burn fat and build lean muscle without deprivation and rediscover what it means to fall in love with your wellness! It's a lifestyle that's been easy for me to adopt, because I feel great!

At the FASTer Way, you’ll get to experience life changing benefits, such as:

✨ Whole food-based nutrition: Our program focuses on whole, nutrient-dense foods that fuel your body and keep you feeling energized throughout your busy day.
✨ Strategic eating and meal planning: I’ll help you to implement methods such as intermittent fasting or carb cycling to better regulate blood sugar levels and optimize fat burning.
✨ Guided workouts: Our workouts are custom designed to maximize fat burning and muscle building, so you can get the results you want in less time.

But that's not all - we also prioritize mindset and community. You'll be supported by the best of the best and surrounded by like-minded individuals, cheering you on and holding you accountable.

So what are you waiting for? It's time to uplevel your health and habits for you to look and feel your best!

We start Monday, March 25!! Visit my bio for the link or drop a ♥️ below for details so we can tackle your wellness goals TOGETHER!

Photos from Nikki 4 YOUR Health's post 02/23/2024

Eat the Rainbow! Each color presents different nutrients and host of benefits. Real food is full of antioxidants and have anti inflammatory benefits. When I build my plate, especially my salads, I think in color and it tastes as good as it looks. Try out new fruits and vegetables and eat a variety. It's great for gut health and so much more! What color(s) do you need more of?


60° in February!!! Doesn't get much better than being able to ride your bike outdoors. Being outside in nice weather feels like an instant reset for mind and body and being outdoors has a host of benefits!

Have you noticed a mood shift with this nicer weather? I'm ready for an early spring! 😊


Learn the same strategies that helped Melt my Middle even in my mid 40's! It's not by deprivation or starvation either. It was taking on new strategies that worked especially with a changing body and hormones in my 40's. We start Monday, February 19 and allows you app access to try the program out for just $19.99.

Drop "Melt" in the comments for details or the registration link.

Photos from Nikki 4 YOUR Health's post 02/12/2024

5 Reasons "eating healthy" is often not enough for weight loss.

I have always considered myself a "healthy eater," though that definition has certainly changed over the years. So, keep in mind... most people have a different definition of what eating healthy truly means. You ask 10 people and you'll probably get 10 different definitions.

Many of these reasons kept me from losing fat even though I kept trying to "perfect" my diet and eat healthier. I was under consuming protein, over consuming healthy fats and had no way of knowing if I was eating consistently or not. I was not. Also, "healthy" bars, crackers, cookies, breads and more are all processed foods with often as many calories as their counterparts. Processed are also easier to over indulge in.

Tracking macros gives you a clear picture of what you're eating and allows for consistency. It's allowed me to shed fat especially around my belly, build muscle and eat more of the right foods. You can get a preview of this plan in our "Melt Your Middle" program that starts next Monday, February 19. Drop a food emoji for details on this 5 Day Challenge!


You should never have to "cheat" on your diet/ meal plan. You can absolutely treat yourself without derailing your health goals. When you're not depriving yourself with some of your favorite foods, you're creating a better relationship with food, are less likely to give into bigger cravings later or even over indulge/ binge.

There was a time when eating this pizza meant I needed to work out to burn the calories. There were times eating the pizza "was bad for me" and left food guilt. But it is so freeing to know I can treat myself intentionally and feel good about it!

Food should be enjoyed! No one eats perfectly and treats should be part of your healthy diet. You don't need to give up all your favorite foods to lose weight. If you're looking for simple nutrition that you can stick with, drop me a pizza emoji for details on my next 6 week new client round on February 19. We simplify, because the basics work!

Photos from Nikki 4 YOUR Health's post 02/07/2024

Frittatas are one of my favorite satisfying protein packed meals. Although you can add potatoes, I make them more often on low carb days. They are versatile to include your favorite veggies or what you have on hand. I season with fresh garlic, salt and pepper, and they’re delicious!

For a single serving:
1 egg
1/2 cup egg whites

Onions, diced 1/4 of a small onion
Colored peppers of choice, 1/8 pepper
Mushrooms, diced 1/4 cup, optional
Garlic, 1 clove minced

Layer in a green veg of choice once veggies above start to soften:
Spinach or other leafy greens (BIG handful or 2 as this wilts down)

Chicken or Turkey breakfast sausage
Canadian bacon
(I often use 5 links of Jones chicken sausage from Costco for 17g protein)

Other optional add ins:
Grape/ cherry/ Roma tomatoes
Goat cheese Gouda (you can find this at Trader Joe's)
Crumbled goat cheese

I sauté my veggies until al dente and brown meat of choice. In a greased dish or small cast iron skillet, scramble egg and egg whites and add remaining ingredients.

I cook it in my air fryer and find if I cook it at 325°, the top doesn't burn. Takes about 20-25 minutes to cook until set.

For low carb, serve with mixed greens, avocado and salsa. Do you ever make frittatas? They’re delicious and not just for breakfast!


Fat loss and living a healthy lifestyle is a journey. Progress looks different for many people and may come in different seasons for change. It's not all about fat loss. Mental health, how you feel, goals that you have all matter! So, no judgment. Embrace your progress wherever you're at! 🫶


Once a month, our community completes a 24 hour fast. It's optional participation and not for everyone but has a ton of health benefits. One of the best benefits is that Autophagy kicks in which is a cleanup of old and damaged cells. When your body is not busy digesting food, it's amazing how it can clean up other areas which helps boost immunity, fight inflammation, great for brain and cardiovascular health, longevity and more! There's a ton of research on the benefits, and I'm a big fan! My clients also appreciate it!

We discuss all things fasting including intermittent and longer fasts in my 6 week client program. Questions like what can I consume, how long should I fast, how best to start and break a fast and if it is right for you. Drop a "fast" in the comments below to learn more.


You vs You! You will always be your best competition! If there's anything I've learned from taking on new challenges, is that most of it is mental. What you believe, you can achieve.

Take on new challenges and risks. You don't have to have it all figured out. You don't have to be great or even good! You don't need to know the details. Trust yourself. Be patient. Work hard and see what you're capable of! 🩷

Photos from Nikki 4 YOUR Health's post 01/23/2024

When I'm packing food for the office, I want quick and convenient options. Low carb days can be challenging since options are more limited. I have found some favorite ways to use chocolate protein powder that don't require a blender. It takes a few minutes to throw together which makes it perfect for days in the office.

These combinations include 30+ grams of protein, fiber and healthy fats to help keep you satiated on low carb days. What's your favorite way to use chocolate protein powder?

Photos from Nikki 4 YOUR Health's post 01/18/2024

These Chocolate Energy Balls have been my go to sweet treat or quick energy bite for months! They are absolutely a staple I keep on hand. I relied on them so much during my Half Ironman training, I had to take a break from them. 😆

I like them after lunch or if I need a little something in the afternoon. I know when I keep healthy treats on hand, I'm far less likely to grab something from the pantry or whatever "food" my teenage kids bring home!

Yes, you can add h**p seeds, chia seeds, collagen, or protein powder if you'd like, but I keep mine simple!

Chocolate PB Energy Balls

• 1/2 cup rolled oats
• 1/2 cup quick oats
• 1/2 cup crispy rice cereal
• 1/4 cup peanut butter
• 1/4 cup honey
• 2 Tbsp cacao or cocoa powder
• 2 Tbsp chocolate chips
• Sprinkle of salt to taste

Makes 12 balls. 1 Ball = 98 calories 3g protein, 3.5g fats, 14g carbs


Photos from Nikki 4 YOUR Health's post 01/15/2024

Salmon is what's for dinner! It's also my favorite fatty fish full of omega-3 fatty acids. I reach for wild caught which is normally higher in protein, less fat than farm raised and a natural pinkish red color instead of dyed.

My favorite way to prepare it is to add blackened seasoning to it and cook in my Traeger grill, air fryer or roast in the oven. Blackening gives it a great, smoky flavor and couldn't be easier to prepare. I make a batch of this seasoning and keep it on hand for fish, chicken, and is even great on veggies!

What's your favorite way to prepare salmon?


Are you tired of diets, weight gain regardless of what you do, and belly fat all while lacking confidence and energy?

It's time to take control of your health (and self-esteem) by welcoming The FASTer Way to Fat Loss into your life!

Our science-backed program is designed to help you achieve your fitness goals while still enjoying the foods you love. Get ready to burn fat and build lean muscle without deprivation and rediscover what it means to fall in love with your wellness!

At the FASTer Way, you’ll get to experience life changing benefits, such as:

✨ Whole food-based nutrition: Our program focuses on whole, nutrient-dense foods that fuel your body and keep you feeling energized throughout your busy day.
✨ Strategic eating and meal planning: I’ll help you to implement methods such as intermittent fasting or carb cycling to better regulate blood sugar levels and optimize fat burning.
✨ Guided workouts: Our workouts are custom designed to maximize fat burning and muscle building, so you can get the results you want in less time.

But that's not all - we also prioritize mindset and community. You'll be supported by the best of the best and surrounded by like-minded individuals, cheering you on and holding you accountable.

So what are you waiting for?

We start Monday, January 8!! Visit my bio for the link or message me and join The FASTer Way to Fat Loss program today - we’ll tackle your wellness TOGETHER!


Christmas is for making memories. Some of our best health comes from making connections with loved ones, so be sure to take ALLLL the pictures, do whatever makes your heart happy and above all else... enjoy your holiday!

Merry Christmas! 🎄♥️

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