Jen Hudziec - Ancient Pathways

Ancient Pathways is dedicated to self-healing as a contribution to healthier community ecosystems.

We offer ancestral lineage healing, elemental ritual and spirit work, online classes, and private sessions.

Photos from Jen Hudziec - Ancient Pathways's post 08/20/2024

Who is up for the second year of this fabulous experience?
Last year's retreat was POWERFUL.
With a balance of joy, tears, connection, and restoration a group of women wove their personal journeys together with the beautiful culture of the Island of Enchantment.

I am looking for the next group to step forward to experience ritual, meditation, healing nourishment, adventure, and rejuvenation during this uniquely curated retreat.
Details coming soon ~ Let me know if you are interested by commenting below!


What does it look like to be called upon by your ancestors?

A synchronicity of events that cannot be denied.
A dream.
A burning in your heart.

Rage. Grief. Shame.

A whisper on the wind.
A soft tear dropping down your cheek.
A sense of deep and complicated love.

When our people call to us it can manifest in a myriad of ways.
Often, if we pay attention, it is subtlety wrapped in longing.
A longing for us to come home.
A place for us to belong.
Among those who birthed us over thousands of years.

Join me to explore Ancestral Healing during this free online talk with others who are feeling the call or hearing the whisper...

The HIVE Ancestral Healing Group — Jen Hudziec Ancient Pathways 08/17/2024

The HIVE Collective ~ Community Ancestral Healing is now open for registration!
The HIVE is a small online group that dives into the lineage healing process in an effective, safe, and supportive environment. Learn to connect with your ancient ancestors to catalyze healing that is both personal and cultural. For more information see the link below...

The HIVE Ancestral Healing Group — Jen Hudziec Ancient Pathways The HIVE Collective has space for 6 individuals who will journey with the ancestors within a community framework. Together we will deeply witness one another as the lineage repair process unfolds uniquely for each of you. The power of community within a healing container cannot be underestimated; be

Ancient Pathways School of Fire Walking & Ritual Arts — Jen Hudziec Ancient Pathways 07/30/2024

Hey Hey!! The AP FIRE WALK & RITUAL ARTS FACILITATOR TRAINING is less than 3 months away!!
Registration is open for those who are ready to:
*Lean into leadership
*Initiate into the medicine of FIRE
*Strengthen animist relationships
*Feel the hand of their vibrant ancestors at their back
*Learn ritual arts that you can co-create events with
*Hone your facilitation skills
*Engage with a community of Fire Walk Facilitators that spans the globe

The list goes on.
This training is 5 days/ 5 nights at my beautiful home in New Hampshire. Camping / Yurt living is available and we will work together to figure out a payment plan that works for you.

Ancient Pathways School of Fire Walking & Ritual Arts — Jen Hudziec Ancient Pathways Enroll in the Ancient Pathways School of Fire Walking & Ritual Arts training in October 2024! You’ll learn the skills for facilitating fire walks, arrow breaks, rebar bends, and glass walks, harnessing your own personal potential while supporting others to do the same, while developing and honi

RITUALIST CIRCLES — Jen Hudziec Ancient Pathways 07/27/2024

The Online Ritualist Circles that I offer are ALWAYS open for new people! Every month offers a new topic, questions for reflection, home based rituals, and more. Ranging from FREE to $12/month, your spiritual practice will benefit from prompts at your fingertips. Here are a few examples of what we have explored in the past...

July 2024 Embodiment & Grounding
Question for reflection: What does it feel like when you are “out of your body?” Track the fine details so when this happens again, you will be quick to realize it and utilize your tools to course correct.

Ritual prompt: Place yourself in a comfortable sitting position with both feet flat on the ground and legs uncrossed. Take a few deep breaths and using the pads of your fingers, begin to tap on yourself starting with your feet. Tap your toes, the tops and bottoms of your feet and up to your ankles. As you tap, you are holding the intention of activating and waking up your bones; the deep Mineral element that inspires the qualities of steadfastness, sustainability, and embodiment. Tap all the way up your legs and the entire length and breadth of your body to the very crown of your head. Notice how you feel as your bones resonate the intention of your attention.

May 2024 Spring & The Green Man
Excerpt from Jen's monthly message: The green man teaches us that we cannot “go it alone.” We are more potent, creative, loving, and fulfilled when we engage in symbiotic relationships that call in the spirits of the microbe, the bee, the mountain, and the tree. We allow ourselves to re-wild our hearts and feel the greatness of being in communion rather than stuck in our individualism. This is synergy. This is the reminder of the Green Man.

Question for reflection: What areas of your life do you find synergy in? Do you have synergy in your partnership, work environment, or friendships? What do you accomplish when you are in a synergistic flow?

RITUALIST CIRCLES — Jen Hudziec Ancient Pathways Ritual is at the heart of all spiritual practice; it brings joy, reverence, connection, and gratitude. Yet it is all too easy for us to get caught up in “logical” life and forget to create sacred time to align with the divine and ourselves. When we do make that time, we are sometimes at a loss a...

Maine Women's Weekend Retreat 2024 — Jen Hudziec Ancient Pathways 07/09/2024

The heat of the summer is upon us in New Hampshire with gardens in full bloom and berries popping everywhere! The temperature here has been oppressive at times and it is no wonder I woke the other morning with a mind wandering into the month of November!

Cool crisp air, mauve skies, and the turning of the season to winter. It is the perfect time to gather with like minded woman for ritual, restoration, and connection. Hence, the Maine Women’s Weekend Retreat this November has been born! The twin retreat to my Women’s Puerto Rico Retreat (details about this also coming soon) will require sweaters, cups of warm tea, and fire places aglow!

I love nothing more than spending a weekend tending to women with ritual and food within a luxurious setting. If this sounds delicious to you and what you anticipate you might need by November, then check out the link below. It is never too early to dream into the future. Especially when it is hot, hot, hot outside!
Wishing you all wonderful summertime bliss!

Maine Women's Weekend Retreat 2024 — Jen Hudziec Ancient Pathways Rejuvenate with the beauty and magic of the Maine coast during this intimate women's retreat. Ritual, connection, and reflection awaits you!

Maine Women's Weekend Retreat 2024 — Jen Hudziec Ancient Pathways 07/08/2024

Here it is!
The official unveiling of the Maine Women's Weekend Retreat!
All the details are on the webpage, but here it is in a nutshell:
This is an all-inclusive retreat focused on ritual, restoration, and connection. It will have an elemental focus and everything offered is optional. YOU choose what you need in the moment.
Space is limited to a group of 8-13 women for overnight accommodations and there is a commuter option as well.

The food is going to be amazing.
The company is going to be powerful.
The rituals will speak for themselves.
The accommodations are luxurious because we deserve it.

Choice of rooms / bedding options are based on the order of deposits received.
Nov. 15-17, 2024 in York, Maine
Registration ends Aug. 30.

Maine Women's Weekend Retreat 2024 — Jen Hudziec Ancient Pathways Rejuvenate with the beauty and magic of the Maine coast during this intimate women's retreat. Ritual, connection, and reflection awaits you!

Fire Walk Summer Solstice — Jen Hudziec Ancient Pathways 06/23/2024

June's Fire Walk is less than a week away!!
We still have spaces available for those who are curious and called.
Merging with the element of FIRE in this intentional way empowers our prayers, shifts our lives, and brings community healing.
Register here:

Fire Walk Summer Solstice — Jen Hudziec Ancient Pathways Join us for the Summer Solstice Fire Walk! The element of fire is calling us forth from our homes to purify, transform, release, and celebrate. There is so much to hand over to the fire this year and we will safely do so as a community held by the collective of our ancestors.


Wishing everyone a very special Summer Solstice ~ Litha ~ Kupala.!!
At the height of this half way point between the winter and summer solstice times, it is always a sweet time to reflect on where we have been and where we are going before the wheel of the year spins again.
What was on your "list" to bring to fruition during 2024 ?
What still needs tending?
What can you celebrate?
Small wins are huge accomplishments....

Fire Walk & Ritual Arts Facilitator Training — Jen Hudziec Ancient Pathways 06/06/2024

Train to be a Certified Fire Walk Facilitator!
Develop an intimate relationship with the element of Fire while learning transformative Ritual Art Skills such as the arrow break, rebar bend, and glass walk.
This is more than a training.
It is an iniation into leadership, elemental relationship, and self development.
Payment plans are flexible and registration is open for the October 2024 training!

Fire Walk & Ritual Arts Facilitator Training — Jen Hudziec Ancient Pathways


"Embrace the fire within, persist with unwavering hope, and let nothing extinguish your unstoppable spirit." ~ Ave Mateiu

Register here:

Fire Walk & Ritual Arts Facilitator Training — Jen Hudziec Ancient Pathways 05/15/2024

Announcing my latest endeavor:

I am thrilled to take the next step as a Fire Walk Facilitator to become a Fire Walk Instructor. The upgrade to an Instructor enables me to train those who feel the call to become a facilitator of fire walks, arrow breaks, rebar bends, and glass walks. I am honored to pass along these rituals as part of the lineage of the Sundoor School of Firewalking.

It is unbelievable that I have been led in this direction. From the moment I was picked up hitchhiking on the San Juan Islands in Washington State twenty five years ago and whisked away to a permaculture farm where the community happened to be fire walking that night, my adventure and love affair with fire began.

I never dreamt that all these years later I would be facilitating fire walks and its accompanying rituals. Deeply fearful of public speaking, leadership, and ritual responsibility, it floors me that I was drawn to train as a facilitator. I had no intention of leading fire walks, I just really loved the mentor I had been apprenticing with for years prior. By the end of the training, I was changed. Determined to practice my skills right away and not let fear take root again, a small group of friends joined me as my first fire walking guinea pigs (to whom I am deeply indebted) and I never looked back.

Since 2015 I have led countless fire walks and have added my own spin to the transformative rituals that are part of the Sundoor legacy. Now, it is time to pass these skills along so YOU can add your own touch and bring these rituals to your communities.

The first Ancient Pathways School of Fire Walking & Ritual Arts (APSF) training is scheduled for this October. Registration is open and my home and the land here that has seen many of you transformed will host you. Please support this next step by sharing October’s training far and wide.

I cannot wait to meet you around the flames!!

Fire Walk & Ritual Arts Facilitator Training — Jen Hudziec Ancient Pathways At The Ancient Pathways School of Firewalking & Ritual Arts you will develop and hone your expertise as a ritual facilitator, a holder of sacred space, and an intermediary between the worlds of the seen and unseen. You will learn to be a stable catalyst for change and a grounded witness for tran


Something fabulous is igniting...
Details emerging soon!


This year I have been working with the energy of San Pedro, Saint Peter.
Yes. Me.
And a Catholic Male Saint.
No resistance here, nope. So, the only choice of course is to get to know him.
I have learned to appreciate the mysticism and metaphorical nature of the saints and see them as another aspect within an animistic world view. I had no prior relationship with Peter except hearing about him in church as a kid, but when he came to me in a reading (Thank You Michael Therese McQueen) I felt drawn to his energy as a fisherman in the sea of consciousness.
"With gratitude for such bounty, I go fishing" is one message from this saint and he inspires me to be thankful, remember that life is full of opportunity, and that action is a necessary catalyst to feed oneself on all levels.
He also is referred to as "the rock" and it just so happens that 2024 is a Mineral year (Dagara): A year of stones and bones.
Even Peter is connected elementally!
His energy is one of stability and he reminds me that stability is built upon solid foundations. As I reflect on the foundations I have built in my life, I have to ask where more support is needed or what stones need to be replaced so that stability can flourish. He kindly and gently shows me that stability is not a fixed point, but a constant balancing act of tending to what holds us up.
As my relationship with Peter continues to develop I am continually amazed with who shows up when. Not just in the human world, but especially in the wide world of animistic relationships.
Me and a Catholic fisherman saint.
I am never short of being amazed and amused.


Save the date!!
Registration for this event opens May 1st!!
If you want to receive an email notification, join my mailing list at

RITUALIST CIRCLES — Jen Hudziec Ancient Pathways 04/12/2024

Ritualist Circles are always open! Join a fabulous group of people who receive monthly rituals, reflective prompts, beautiful quotes, and pre-recorded meditations to round out their spiritual practice. I offer different tiers to suit varying levels of engagement. You will receive email reminders each month when your materials are ready and can access a special webpage curated just for your circle.
Ritual Seeker (Free!)
Ritual Explorer ($9/Mo )
Ritual Adventurer ($12/Mo )

RITUALIST CIRCLES — Jen Hudziec Ancient Pathways Ritual is at the heart of all spiritual practice; it brings joy, reverence, connection, and gratitude. Yet it is all too easy for us to get caught up in “logical” life and forget to create sacred time to align with the divine and ourselves. When we do make that time, we are sometimes at a loss a...

Spring cleanse: Releasing Energetic Cords ~ free online ritual — Jen Hudziec Ancient Pathways 04/08/2024

All are welcome to attend tomorrow night 4/9 ~ this free ritual is the perfect space to do some individual release work from the comfort of your home.

Spring cleanse: Releasing Energetic Cords ~ free online ritual — Jen Hudziec Ancient Pathways Spring is a time of rebirth, renewal, and regeneration. To truly embody these qualities, we need to have space for them in our hearts and minds. Often we are hold on to things that unconsciously weigh on us and prevent us from being able to experience a sense of lightness and rebirth. The ritual of

Spring cleanse: Releasing Energetic Cords ~ free online ritual — Jen Hudziec Ancient Pathways 03/29/2024

I really enjoy offering free events when I can and this spring cleansing ritual is one that we all can benefit from. Our spiritual hygiene is imperative and sometimes it is easy to slip away from tending to energetic build up. The intentionality of "releasing energetic cords" is to differentiate from the feel of "cutting energetic cords" as releasing holds the vibe of conscious presence. We are not slashing or cutting these tendrils from a place that can perpetuate more entanglement; rather, we step forward from a place of compassionate letting go so we can be empowered and free.
Register here:

Spring cleanse: Releasing Energetic Cords ~ free online ritual — Jen Hudziec Ancient Pathways Spring is a time of rebirth, renewal, and regeneration. To truly embody these qualities, we need to have space for them in our hearts and minds. Often we are hold on to things that unconsciously weigh on us and prevent us from being able to experience a sense of lightness and rebirth. The ritual of

Free Discussion: What is Ancestral Lineage Healing? — Jen Hudziec Ancient Pathways 03/26/2024

Offering this free public talk on Zoom again! It is always such a great space to be in with cool humans asking good questions....

Ancestral Lineage Healing is a gentle framework developed by Daniel Foor of the Ancestral Medicine Organization for facilitating the healing of our ancestors of blood and bone. This ritual process, also referred to as Ancestral Lineage Repair, creates healthy and viable relationships with the vibrant ancestors who have gone before us, while working to heal inter-generational patterns and cultural wounding. The repair process allows us to embody the blessings of our complicated family history while receiving the support and wisdom from the collective of our people.

Join Jen Hudziec, Certified Ancestral Repair Practitioner, as she discusses the context, framework, and benefits of engaging in Ancestral Lineage Repair. This Zoom meeting is free and open to the public.

Free Discussion: What is Ancestral Lineage Healing? — Jen Hudziec Ancient Pathways The Ancestral Lineage Repair process creates healthy and viable relationships with our vibrant ancestors, while working to heal inter-generational patterns and cultural wounding. Join Jen as she discusses the context, framework, and benefits of engaging in Ancestral Lineage Repair. This Zoom meetin


It’s been a year since the release of Ancestral Healing: A Guided Journal for Observations, Reflections, and Connections With Your Ancestors and the revised addition is NOW LIVE!

I have been working diligently to fix all the little issues that have plagued my consciousness since its first release. With more journaling space, inspirational quotes, and additional prompts, this journal will support the documentative journey with your people.

I am releasing four versions of the same journal so you can choose a cover that speaks to you AND if you are working specifically with independent lineages, you will be able to delineate between lines with a unique cover for each.
Available on Amazon:


For all my dear empaths out there...
Your ability is ancient.
As I was reading some pre-history this morning I came across a story of a 1.8 million year old fossil of a Homo Erectus whose skull indicated that all but one tooth was missing from his head. Determined by the way his tooth sockets had been reabsorbed into his jaw, he had been almost entirely toothless for the last years of his life.
Without teeth how could he have survived the challenge of eating raw meat?
Perhaps the meat could have been mashed with stone tools or maybe his diet turned to berries and soft bone marrow.
The most likely scenario is that someone close to him chewed his food and then gave it to him for sustenance.
Every meal.
Every day.
Until he died.
So if you ever wonder where your ability to empathize has come from, look back a million plus years and know that sympathy has a long, long history.

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Our Story

Our mission is to be a bridge for those seeking to develop a non-dogmatic spiritual practice by providing guidance via spirit work, elemental ritual, divination, ancestral connection, and soul activation. We support self-actualization by offering techniques for healing wounds, cultivating personal power, and aligning with the soul's purpose. Ancient Pathways is dedicated to animistic values while supporting connections to our ancestry and the gifts of our lineage as way to decolonize spirituality. Ancient Pathways welcome all levels of experience and welcomes non-binary clients as well as those of the LGBTQ community. We strive to impact systemic racism with contributions/reparations that support the advancement of BIPOC and to make this work accessible to all who desire healing.


35 Howard Street
Wilton, NH

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 3pm
Tuesday 9am - 3pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm

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