Lollybooks English Club

" A place for those who love English and want to refresh themselves, meet, exchange and share with others"

We have an event every 2 weeks at Lollybooks cafe - 18/131 Thái Hà
If u can arrange ur time, we glad u come in with us
U have to pay for your drink only

Timeline photos 22/09/2013


Timeline photos 22/09/2013

and we say... here we go again

Sự trăn trở của một kẻ lười biếng 17/04/2013

listen to him :-)

Sự trăn trở của một kẻ lười biếng

Timeline photos 10/03/2013

6 Reasons Why We Lie

We all lie, but why do we lie? Sure, lying is both useful and sometimes even fun, yet there are fundamental reasons why we lie.

These main reasons are:

Fear of harm: The easiest reason to understand why we lie is for self protection, including self deception, to prevent harm to ourselves. This harm can be either physical or mental.

Fear of conflict: To some degree, we all fear having an argument.

Fear of punishment: When growing up, how often did we lie about how well we did in school, or who started a fight? How often do we cover up our mistakes and transgressions?

Fear of rejection: Sometimes, our insecurities are the foundation of why we lie to each other, because we want to be remain popular in our relationships. Typically, it is harmless boasting to make ourselves appear more admirable to other people.

Fear of loss: This is usually the loss of personal objects, such as money or expensive valuables. Greed is the foundation for this reason and can be found in each of us. We often lie to make ourselves more desirable to other people too. Most common, people lie for fear of losing an opportunity to have s*x. Other times, when our self esteem starts to decline, we even lie to ourselves as means to prevent loss of morale.

Altruistic Reasons: We often lie to help our friends and loved ones. How often do we flattery someone just to make them feel better? This is the only selfless reason why we lie.

Timeline photos 05/03/2013

A new robot unveiled this week highlights the psychological and technical challenges of designing a humanoid that people actually want to have around.

Like all little boys, Roboy likes to show off.

He can say a few words. He can shake hands and wave. He is learning to ride a tricycle. And - every parent's pride and joy - he has a functioning musculoskeletal anatomy.

But when Roboy is unveiled this Saturday at the Robots on Tour event in Zurich, he will be hoping to charm the crowd as well as wow them with his skills.

"One of the goals is for Roboy to be a messenger of a new generation of robots that will interact with humans in a friendly way," says Rolf Pfeifer from the University of Zurich - Roboy's parent-in-chief.

As manufacturers get ready to market robots for the home it has become essential for them to overcome the public's suspicion of them. But designing a robot that is fun to be with - as well as useful and safe - is quite difficult.
Continue reading the main story
The uncanny valley: three theories
A lifelike robot from Osaka University

Researchers have speculated about why we might feel uneasy in the presence of realistic robots.

They remind us of corpses or zombies
They look unwell
They do not look and behave as expected

Roboy's main technical innovation is a tendon-driven design that mimics the human muscular system. Instead of whirring motors in the joints like most robots, he has around 70 imitation muscles, each containing motors that wind interconnecting tendons. Consequently, his movements will be much smoother and less robotic.

But although the technical team was inspired by human beings, it chose not to create a robot that actually looked like one. Instead of a skin-like covering, Roboy has a shiny white casing that proudly reveals his electronic innards.

Behind this design is a long-standing hypothesis about how people feel in the presence of robots.

In 1970, the Japanese roboticist Masahiro Mori speculated that the more lifelike robots become, the more human beings feel familiarity and empathy with them - but that a robot too similar to a human provokes feelings of revulsion.

Mori called this sudden dip in human beings' comfort levels the "uncanny valley".

"There are quite a number of studies that suggest that as long as people can clearly see that the robot is a machine, even if they project their feelings into it, then they feel comfortable," says Pfeifer.

Roboy was styled as a boy - albeit quite a brawny one - to lower his perceived threat levels to humans. His winsome smile - on a face picked by Facebook users from a selection - hasn't hurt the team in their search for corporate sponsorship, either.

Quando, Quando, Quando - Nelly Furtado ft. Michael Bublé | 320 lyrics 05/03/2013

Tell me when will you be mine
Tell me quando quando , quando
We can share a love divine
Please don't make me wait again ...

Quando, Quando, Quando - Nelly Furtado ft. Michael Bublé | 320 lyrics Quando, Quando, Quando Nelly Furtado ft. Michael Buble download tải nhạc chờ bài hát Quando, Quando, Quando Nelly Furtado ft. Michael Bublé 320 kbps lossless Tell me when will you be mine Tell me quando quando , quando We can share a love divine Please ...

Timeline photos 04/03/2013

According to recent studies, No doubt 100% people drinking water all die !

Timeline photos 03/03/2013


A clean and protected environment is central to children's rights. The earth provides a lot of the resources that are needed to protect children’s rights, such as the right to the highest attainable standard of health (article 24 of CRC). But as the global population grows and the demand for energy increases, pollution and misuse of natural resources are causing great damage to the environment. In turn, people’s health, food supplies and livelihoods are increasingly threatened.

A clean environment is especially important for children, who are particularly vulnerable to diseases. This is because children's bodies are not fully developed, so they have less resistance to illness. Also, in proportion to their weight, young children breathe more air, drink more water and eat more food than adults do, so they take in larger doses of contaminants, chemicals and pollutants. Poor health linked to environmental contamination and degradation can also disrupt education and inhibit children from reaching their full potential in numerous ways. The world is facing a number of environmental threats, including:


• The use of fossil fuels and the release of Greenhouse Gases such as carbon dioxide into the atmosphere is contributing to global warming and climate change. As a result we can expect to see more erratic weather, such as extreme summers, heavier snowfalls, hurricanes, droughts and floods.

• Outdoor air pollution from industries and transportation reduces the quality of the air in which we breathe, as well as our food and water supplies.

• Indoor air pollution, which usually comes from cooking and heating with biomass (coal and wood) without proper ventilation, leads to high numbers of infections and respiratory diseases.


• Overuse of agricultural soil reduces the quality of soil and, in some cases, to a point where the soil cannot be used. This significantly impacts the amount of food that can be locally produced in the long term.

• Trees and forests are disappearing, and this deforestation increases the impact of natural disasters as the land becomes more vulnerable to landslides and mudslides after floods and heavy rain.


• Globally, contaminated water is the leading cause of human sickness and death. Parasites, bacteria and viruses get into drinking water when the water source is polluted by waste such as animal or human faeces. Contamination can also come from harmful chemicals, such as pesticides used in farming.

• Chemical spills into the ocean, along with overfishing, are damaging the ocean’s supply of fish, which is an important source of food and income for many coastal communities.


• The numbers and diversity of animal and plant species in nature are declining as a result of changes to their environment. Reduction of biodiversity has a damaging effect on ecosystems, the finely balanced systems in which different species and actors in nature interact.

• The impact of biodiversity loss also impacts human health in multiple ways. Declining species will reduce availability of key ingredients in life-saving pharmaceutical drugs, , while the loss of many species such as fish means the loss of key protein sources for humans throughout the world.

• Changes in ecosystems can have unforeseen and damaging consequences. For example, bees play a very important role in spreading pollen. If their environment is damaged it will not only affect the bees, it will also reduce the amount of fruits, vegetables and other plants that humans and animals depend on.

Global responses

The international community has made many commitments to take better care of the environment. One of the Millennium Development Goals is to ensure environmental sustainability (MDG 7), which includes specific targets on conserving forests, reducing the release of Greenhouse Gases, and protecting fish stocks, water sources and biodiversity.

In 2009, the World Health Organization drafted a Global Plan of Action for Children’s Health and the Environment. This is called the ‘Busan Pledge’, and it a road map for governments and other actors on what they can do to improve the environment for children. You can read more about the pledge at http://

Environmental Sustainability

In 1987, a United Nations Commission defined environmental sustainability as “development that meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”1 Human beings depend on natural resources to survive, but it is today’s children and young people that will face the worst consequences of the misuse and exploitation of natural resources and environmental pollution. Therefore it is important to manage these resources in a sustainable way.

Many children and young people are addressing environmental problems, whether they are organizing recycling and waste cleanups in their communities, or advocating for better environmental policies from their governments. But much more needs to be done.

Timeline photos 01/03/2013

"To compete well means to take risks that are normally constrained by fear," Po Bronson tells NPR's Michel Martin.
A young child shouts with joy after winning his sporting event.

Following their best-selling book, NurtureShock: New Thinking About Children, Bronson and Ashley Merryman teamed up again for Top Dog: The Science of Winning and Losing.

Bronson says "risk-taking is a crucial quality of competitiveness." Science shows that "if you focus on the odds, you tend not to take the risk," he says.

He points to an evident gender bias when it comes to risk. The book states that women tend to be really good at assessing their own odds, while "men are good at ignoring the odds." This can be a good thing, though, Bronson says: "There's times in our life that ignoring the odds is crucial."

Bronson admits that discovering gender differences in competitive styles was a hard thing to accept. "As the son of a feminist single working mother, I've never given gender differences much hay before in my life," he says. "But here, the science was showing gaps in differences between men and women that were too large to ignore."

Merryman points to women's skills at "careful risk analysis and ability to judge really well" as a blessing and a curse. She says that while they are assets on Wall Street, for example, those skills could also work against women. While men can tend to be overconfident, women "will apply that same careful risk analysis to her own work," she says. "Rather than overselling herself, she's underselling herself."

Bronson says research has shown that at a younger age, women handle competition better than men, especially at elite schools. "Kids keep score," he points out. "They're very conscious of how they rank versus other people around them, boys especially so."

And "whether girls are on top or in the middle or slightly below," he says, "they do terrific in elite schools." Boys, however, struggle if they are not on top. "Being a little fish in a big pond is a particularly bad experience for them," he says. "Girls can handle it."

But are we better off knowing these things?

"We definitely don't want to use any of the science to pigeonhole people," Merryman says, but what the authors learned shouldn't be ignored. "There isn't an ideal type of competitor," she says. "Po and I write about how people can be playing to win or playing not to lose."

The difference, she explains, is that playing to win means focusing on success, whereas playing not to lose focuses on preventing mistakes. "I think it's easy to switch into that playing-not-to-lose mentality," Merryman says, "but if you want to grow, if you want to challenge yourself, if you want to innovate, you have to force yourself to be playing to win."

Whitney Houston meets Michael Jackson in heaven! 26/02/2013

maybe the sentences have a similar content but the way people say it is totally different, for example, "take a bath and dieeeed"

p/s: I enjoy John Lennon's accent most =v. What about u?

Whitney Houston meets Michael Jackson in heaven! In memory of Whitney Houston and all the great artists who left us too soon...

Clothespins Challenge: David So vs Geo Antoinette 25/02/2013

Have you ever tried this kind of CHALLENGE before ??? =v

I did and warning that hurted so much :))

Clothespins Challenge: David So vs Geo Antoinette Challenge: Fit as many clothespins on your face as possible NO TIME LIMIT! Challengers: Bart Kwan: Joe Jo: ...

[ BAZA.VN ] - NHỮNG ĐIỀU CON TRAI NÓI DỐI - JVevermind - [ BAZA.VN ] 25/02/2013

I bet that many girls are so fond of him, right? =v

[ BAZA.VN ] - NHỮNG ĐIỀU CON TRAI NÓI DỐI - JVevermind - [ BAZA.VN ] A handsome guy has a amazing sense of humour ! [ BAZA.VN ] Website chuyên bán các sản phẩm từ Nhật, chất lượng đảm bảo, số lượng mặt hàng không giới hạn, gia...

Shopaholic! 25/02/2013

It was so exciting seeing boys did the shopping and bargained as a real mom =v


Văn phòng Tư vấn Du học AIT có chương trình quà tặng hấp dẫn cho học sinh đăng ký nhập học trung học tại TP Victoria, Canada.


Sometime you do consider what the differences between British and American accent are :) here we are, these simple examples can tell !

LEC 03/02 before new year 03/02/2013
Timeline photos 03/02/2013
Chuyện của Mai 30/01/2013

Đây là Clip đầu tiên trong chiến dịch phản đối hành vi trốn thuế các doanh nghiệp FDI (COCA là 1 trường hợp) và đòi lại quyền lợi cho xã hội. Mong nhận được sự ủng hộ của mọi người

Chuyện của Mai Bộ phim ngắn kể câu chuyện về cô bé Mai bị bệnh ung thư máu. Nhà nghèo, em chỉ biết trông chờ vào BHYT để được chữa trị, được trở lại trường lớp. Nhưng em đâ...

Clubs Sicken Me! 26/01/2013

Have you got it?


Clubs Sicken Me! If you've ever been to a club, you know exactly what I'm talking about -_-

Timeline photos 16/01/2013

TIN MỸ: Navitas WKU hiện đang có các học bổng $5,000 dành cho sinh viên hội đủ tiêu chuẩn, chương trình đại học kỳ khai giảng tháng 5 và tháng 8/ 2013

Trường đại học Western Kentucky nằm tại vùng Bowling Green, một trong những thành phố đẹp nhất nước Mỹ.sinh viên đang theo học ở trường. WKU được bầu chọn là một trong những trường có khuôn viên đẹp nhất nước Mỹ và được xếp hạng 33/133 các trường miền Nam nước Mỹ. Các chuyên ngành được đánh giá cao về chất lượng giảng dạy tại trường Báo chí & Phát thanh truyền hình, Giáo dục, Kỹ thuật và kinh tế. Với hơn 21.000 sinh viên đang theo học tại trường, WKU liên tiếp giành được giải thưởng Trường Đại Học Phát Triển Nhanh Nhất Kentucky.

Liên hệ: Văn phòng Tư vấn Du học AIT
Số 22, Phạm Huy Thông, Ba Đình, Hà Nội (hồ Ngọc Khánh)
Điện thoại: 04.3 77 10 750 (Máy lẻ 189)
Hotline: 0903 416 439 (Ms Quỳnh)
Email: [email protected]

LEC 13/01/2013 15/01/2013
Timeline photos 14/01/2013


Timeline photos 25/12/2012

It's true ...

LEC meeting 16/12/2012 21/12/2012

"Scarborough Fair", a traditional ballad of Great Britain, is the tale of a young man instructing the listener to tell his ex-love to perform for him a series of impossible tasks (making him a shirt without a seam and then washing it in a dry well), adding that if she completes these tasks he will take her back. (wiki source)

Simon & Garfunkel - Scarborough Fair The Concert in Central Park

Timeline photos 14/12/2012

Funny chemistry :)

Timeline photos 13/12/2012

Các ngành đào tạo của trường UCLAN

Timeline photos 13/12/2012

1 vài thông tin về học bổng của trường UCLAN bên Anh quốc, xin đóng góp để mọi người cùng biết đến !!!

Timeline photos 12/12/2012

Small game:
With one stroke make it becomes "6"

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