A.U.K - Training and Development Institute

A.U.K.Training and Development Institute is a knowledge driven Center for Continuing Education. A.U.K.

Training and Development Institute is a knowledge driven institution. We are committed to playing an active role in the ongoing reconstruction and transformation of Kosovo, by helping to advance Kosovo society into a competitive society; through professional development of individuals, advancement of learning methods and contents, business support, link of university expertise with business commun


📢 Summer Learning Program - August 2024 !
💻 Apply now https://www.rit.edu/kosovo/tdi-application-form
📞 Contact us : [email protected] or +383 38 66 00 00
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/auktdi/


📢 Summer Learning Program - June 2024 !
💻 Apply now https://www.rit.edu/kosovo/tdi-application-form
📞 Contact us : [email protected] or +383 38 66 00 00
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/auktdi/

A.U.K - Training and Development Institute A.U.K.Training and Development Institute is a knowledge driven Center for Continuing Education.

Photos from RIT Kosovo's post 10/06/2024

📅 Kalendari i trajnimeve per muajin Maj !
✔️ Apliko tani https://www.rit.edu/kosovo/tdi
📞 Na kontaktoni : [email protected] ose +383 38 66 00 00
📅 May training calendar!
✔️ Apply now https://www.rit.edu/kosovo/tdi-application-form
📞 Contact us : [email protected] or +383 38 66 00 00
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/auktdi/


📅 Kalendari i trajnimeve per muajin Prill !
✔️ Apliko tani https://www.rit.edu/kosovo/tdi
📞 Na kontaktoni : [email protected] ose +383 38 66 00 00
📅 April training calendar!
✔️ Apply now https://www.rit.edu/kosovo/tdi-application-form
📞 Contact us : [email protected] or +383 38 66 00 00
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/auktdi/


Ju prezantojmë "Global Engineer Girls" në Kosovë! 🌍💡

Fillimi i një projekti të rëndësishëm për të nxitur dhe mbështetur vajzat në fushën e inxhinierisë në Kosovë. 🚀👩‍💻

Drejt një bote më të barabartë dhe më inovative!


📅 Kalendari i trajnimeve per muajin Mars !
✔️ Apliko tani https://www.rit.edu/kosovo/tdi
📞 Na kontaktoni : [email protected] ose +383 38 66 00 00
📅 March training calendar!
✔️ Apply now https://www.rit.edu/kosovo/tdi-application-form
📞 Contact us : [email protected] or +383 38 66 00 00
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/auktdi/

Photos from A.U.K - Training and Development Institute's post 16/02/2024

📣 RIT Kosovo me krenari ju njofton se është zgjedhur si një partner kyç për zbatimin e trajnimeve në fushën e Teknologjisë së Informacionit dhe Komunikimit (TIK) në shkollat e mesme të Kosovës, në kuadër të marrëveshjeve të nënshkruara me Drejtoritë Komunale të Arsimit.

Ky projekt 3-vjeçar, mbështetur nga Aktiviteti i USAID-it për zhvillimin e fuqisë punëtore të udhëhequr nga sektori privat, në bashkëpunim me RIT Kosova (CISCO Networking Academy), synon të përgatisë brezat e ardhshëm të profesionistëve të TIK-ut në Kosovë. 🚀
Në fazën e parë të këtij projekti entuziast, kemi arritur:

🎓 17 Trajnerë të Akredituar
⚙️ 3 Profile (IT Essentials, Python dhe Cybersecurity)
🧑‍🎓 241 Studentë të trajnuar
‍👨‍🎤 450 Studentë aktiv ne proces te trajnimeve

📌Gjatë takimit të datës 13/02, diskutuam për ecurinë e këtyre kurseve dhe për të gjetur modalitete për të integruar edukimin në TIK në procesin e rregullt mësimor në Kosovë. 📚💡 Kjo na jep mundësinë të përgatisim një fuqi punëtore më të pasur dhe më të gatshme për tregun e punës në fushën e TIK-ut.
-Faza e dytë dhe e treta e këtij projekti synon të përfshijë më shumë trajnerë, nxënës dhe institucione arsimore të Kosovës, duke ofruar profile shtesë në fushën e TIK-ut që gjenden në platformën më të sofistikuara të edukimit, Netacad. 💻🎓



🔊 Fiber Optics / Wi-Fi / Network Design
Training with Internationally recognized SCTE Certification!
🖱 Apply Now at: https://forms.office.com/r/agD89TPPV1
☎️ Contact us @ 038 66 00 00 \ 049 774 112
📨 [email protected]
, and
Upon completion of the training, internships will be available at:
Artmotion | Kujtesa | Telkos | Arding | KTTN | IPKO

A.U.K - Training and Development Institute A.U.K.Training and Development Institute is a knowledge driven Center for Continuing Education.

TDI | RIT Kosovo | RIT 07/02/2024

🌟🚀Hapet aplikimi për GEG Kosova 2024/2025 📚
Nisma ndërkombëtare filantropike synon të fuqizojë dhe frymëzojë gjeneratat e ardhshme të vajzave në inxhinieri dhe u mundëson qasje në bursa, trajnim, mentorim dhe mundësi karriere 👩‍🔬
Studentet e interesuara mund të aplikojnë në këtë link:
📌Afati aplikimit deri me datën 20 shkurt!

TDI | RIT Kosovo | RIT Training and Development Institute Phone: + 383 38 66 00 00 Phone: + 383 38 60 80 24 Phone: + 383 49 774 112 E-mail: [email protected]


📅 Kalendari i trajnimeve per muajin Shkurt !
✔️ Apliko tani https://www.rit.edu/kosovo/tdi
📞 Na kontaktoni : [email protected] ose +383 66 00 00
📅 February training calendar!
✔️ Apply now https://www.rit.edu/kosovo/tdi-application-form
📞 Contact us : [email protected] or +383 66 00 00
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/auktdi/


📅 Kalendari I trajnimeve per muajin Janar !
✔️ Apliko tani https://www.rit.edu/kosovo/tdi
📞 Na kontaktoni : [email protected] ose +383 66 00 00

📅 January training calendar!
✔️ Apply now https://www.rit.edu/kosovo/tdi-application-form
📞 Contact us : [email protected] or +383 66 00 00
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/auktdi/

Photos from A.U.K - Training and Development Institute's post 13/12/2023

An Unforgettable Sunday for Bridge 2 Students: Blinaja Camping - Blinaja Camping trip
Bridge students from Gjakova, Gjilan, Ferizaj, Dubrave, Prishtina, Fushe-Kosove, and Obiliq/ Plemetin came together for a camping trip at Blinaja National Park.
This event, co-organized by RIT Kosovo and Klubi Alpin Prishtina
along with field partners, brought together 200 participants and offered an opportunity for socializing and engaging in various activities.
The participants learned about Mountaineering Concepts, Orienteering Basics, took part in Rope Competitions, simulated tent-building, and tried their hand at archery.
The day concluded with a satisfying lunch in nature, capping off a day filled with adventure and a sense of togetherness.
The BRIDGE 2 Project brings together the youth from Albanian, Serbian, Turkish, Bosnian, Roma, Ashkali, Egyptian and Gorani communities through English Language to establish social cohesion of all students who are a part of the Project and coming from:
/ /
is funded by U.S. Embassy Pristina, Kosovo implemented by
Kosovo .U.K Training and Development Institute and partnered by:

Photos from A.U.K - Training and Development Institute's post 01/12/2023

Aplikimet për iOS & Android janë të hapura!
RIT KOSOVO (A.U.K) - TDI është duke i pranuar aplikimet për Programin Youth Online and Upward (YOU).
Apliko tani:
iOS & Android: https://www.rit.edu/kosovo/kode
”Programi YOU” mbështetet nga:
📍 Projekti i Ekonomisë Dixhitale të Kosovës (KODE)
📍 Ministria e Ekonomisë, Republika e Kosovës
📍 Banka Botërore
ℹ️ Për më shumë informata në lidhje me trajnimin dhe projektin, vizito webfaqen: https://www.rit.edu/kosovo/kode
iOS & Android A𝗽𝗽𝗹𝗶𝗰𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻s for the training are 𝗡𝗢𝗪 𝗢𝗣𝗘𝗡.
RIT KOSOVO (A.U.K) - TDI is Accepting Application forms for the new Youth Online and Upward (YOU) Program.
𝗔𝗽𝗽𝗹𝘆 𝗻𝗼𝘄 𝗮𝘁:
iOS & Android: https://www.rit.edu/kosovo/kode
The “YOU Program” is supported by
📍 Kosovo Digital Economy Project (KODE)
📍 Ministry of Economy, Republic of Kosovo
📍 The World Bank
ℹ️ For more information about the training and the project please visit the website https://www.rit.edu/kosovo/kode


📅 Kalendari I trajnimeve per muajin Nëntor!
✔️ Apliko tani https://www.rit.edu/kosovo/tdi
📞 Na kontaktoni : [email protected] ose +383 66 00 00 / +383 49 774 112
📅 November training calendar!
✔️ Apply now https://www.rit.edu/kosovo/tdi-application-form
📞 Contact us : [email protected] or +383 66 00 00 /+383 49 774 112
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/auktdi/

A.U.K - Training and Development Institute A.U.K.Training and Development Institute is a knowledge driven Center for Continuing Education.


Trjnim zyrtar nga EC-Council CEH | Certified Ethical Hacker
📌 Data e fillimit : 30 Tetor, 2023
Per tu bashkangjitur ne grupin e radhes, APLIKONI TANI permes linkut:
Per me shume informata kontaktoni ne 038 66 00 00 ext. 600 apo permes
email adreses [email protected]
Official training EC-Council CEH | Certified Ethical Hacker!
📌Starting from October 30, 2023
To join this group, apply NOW!
For more information contact us on 038 66 00 00 ext. 600 or email [email protected]


Aplikimi per kursin pergatitor per PMP eshte HAPUR!
📌 Data e fillimit : 14 Tetor, 2023 vetem te shtunave!
Per tu bashkangjitur ne grupin e radhes, APLIKONI TANI permes linkut:
Per me shume informata kontaktoni ne 049 774 112 | 038 66 00 00 ext. 601 apo permes
email adreses [email protected]
Enroll NOW for the next PMP intensive preparatory course!
📌Starting from October 14, 2023 Saturdays only!
To join this group, apply NOW!
For more information contact us on 049 774 112 | 038 66 00 00 ext. 601 or email [email protected]


🗣CCNP Enterprise (Encor & Enarsi)
📝Apply Now: https://www.rit.edu/kosovo/ict-courses -networking-academy
Contact Us:
📞 038 66 00 00 / 049 774 112
📧[email protected]

A.U.K - Training and Development Institute A.U.K.Training and Development Institute is a knowledge driven Center for Continuing Education.


🔊 Fiber Optics Technology Industrial Training with Internationally recognized SCTE Certification!
🖱 Apply Now at: https://forms.office.com/r/agD89TPPV1
☎️ Contact us @ 038 66 00 00 \ 049 774 112
📨 [email protected]
, and
Upon completion of the training, internships will be available at:
Artmotion | Kujtesa | Telkos | Arding | KTTN | IPKO

A.U.K - Training and Development Institute A.U.K.Training and Development Institute is a knowledge driven Center for Continuing Education.

Photos from A.U.K - Training and Development Institute's post 31/08/2023

Yesterday, Bridge 1 students enjoyed observing the swift weather shifts from sun to rain while hiking in the picturesque Brezovica.
This camping trip was part of module 8, "Engaging in Camping Trips and Cross-Cultural Sports Activities." It was jointly organized by the Klubi Alpin Prishtina and RIT Kosovo with the support of the partners. In addition to hiking, students engaged in rope competitions and nature orientation using tools like Maps, Compasses, and alternative orienteering methods without navigation tools. They also acquired knowledge of mountaineering concepts, including seeking assistance, mountaineering techniques, regulations, essential gear, safety measures, gaining experience, and understanding the benefits of hiking.
Rooted in the ethos of unity, the First Edition of the BRIDGE Program unites the youth from Albanian, Serbian, Turkish, Bosnian, Roma, Ashkali, and Egyptian communities, coming from:
📍Prizren 📍Peja 📍Gracanica 📍Kamenica 📍Strpce 📍Mitrovica
among Kosovo youth, promoting tolerance and inter-ethnic collaboration.
is funded by U.S. Embassy Pristina, Kosovo implemened by RIT Kosovo .U.K Training and Development Institute (TDI) in partnership with

Photos from A.U.K - Training and Development Institute's post 25/08/2023

Bridge 1, Module 3, Day 5- This day made us really look forward to reuniting

The present day concluded Module 3, “Innovative Technology Maker-space Activities which commenced with an engaging Cyber Security workshop hosted by Enis Vehapi, Manager of the Training and Development Institute at RIT Kosovo. Another integral aspect involved a conversation about the responses received from Pen Pal counterparts in Iowa. Most significantly, the day centered around the idea of embracing diversity through social interactions.
Bridgers, get ready for our upcoming gatherings soon. We're proud of you!

is funded by .S. Embassy Pristina, Kosovo implemented by Kosovo .U.K Training and Development Institute (TDI) in partnership with⬇️

Photos from A.U.K - Training and Development Institute's post 24/08/2023

During the fourth day of Module 3's "Innovative Technology Maker-Space activities," the enthusiastic participants of Bridge 1 embarked on an enriching visit to jCoders This event acted as a captivating focal point, bringing together Bridge students from diverse regions like Kamenica, Gracanica, Mitrovica, Strpce, Prizren, and Peja.
Adding to the significance of the occasion were the esteemed attendees including representatives from the U.S. Embassy and valued Bridge 1 partners.
During this event, the JCoders staff conducted an engaging presentation that underscored the significance of cultivating digital skills in today's rapidly evolving world of innovation. The students had the privilege of learning about the various internship and career prospects that lay ahead, further enhancing their understanding of real-world applications for their digital expertise.

is funded by U.S. Embassy Pristina, Kosovo . implemented by Kosovo A.U.K) - Training and Development Institute (TDI) in partnership with⬇️ jCoders

Photos from USAID Kosovo's post 23/08/2023
Photos from A.U.K - Training and Development Institute's post 23/08/2023

Today was a truly wonderful day as multi-ethnic youth of the First Edition of the BRIDGE Program engaged in a Pen Pal Activity with peers from the State of Iowa, USA.
Today, through the vital collaboration and partnership with the Sister States
Agency, BRIDGE Program students enthusiastically composed and emailed their letters to their peers in Iowa. The Pen Pal activity brought a lot of joy to our youth; their unanimous excitement about receiving replies was contagious and tangible for all to see.
The prospect of forging lasting friendships across oceans has generated great hope and excitement among our beneficiaries and their American peers. Conversations regarding the dispatched letters and the anticipated responses have served to further solidify the interwoven camaraderie between our multiethnic youth as they worked together and sought support from each other to write their best emails to their peers in America.
RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) and the BRIDGE Program team express our sincere appreciation to the Iowa Sister States Agency for their generous and vital collaboration, to the U.S. Embassy for their steadfast support and funding of the BRIDGE Program, to our esteemed field partners, and our amazing multiethnic group of students who consistently reaffirmed the values of implementing this project.
Rooted in the ethos of unity, the First Edition of the BRIDGE Program unites the youth from Albanian, Serbian, Turkish, Bosnian, Roma, Ashkali, and Egyptian communities, coming from: 📍Prizren 📍Peja 📍Gracanica 📍Kamenica 📍Strpce 📍Mitrovica among Kosovo youth, promoting tolerance and inter-ethnic collaboration.
is funded by U.S. Embassy Pristina, Kosovo, implemented by RIT Kosovo A.U.K) - Training and Development Institute (TDI) in partnership with⬇️


📣 Early Bird Discount for September Trainings!!

👉 Apply now to secure your spot: https://www.rit.edu/kosovo/tdi
📧 Reach out to us at [email protected]
📞 Or call us at +383 49 774 112 / +383 66 00 00 📲

Photos from A.U.K - Training and Development Institute's post 22/08/2023

Day 2 of Bridge 1, Module 3, "Innovative Technology Maker-Space Activities."

The highlight of the day was the collaborative effort of students as they began crafting their Pen Pal letters. Following this engaging activity, they spent time socializing and connecting with each other. Anticipation is building for the upcoming Day 3 of the module.

Photos from A.U.K - Training and Development Institute's post 21/08/2023

An unforgettable day of unity among Bridge 1 students

We experienced immense joy as we gathered to celebrate the commencement of Bridge 1 Module 3, focusing on "Innovative Technology Maker-Space Activities."
This occasion will also facilitate the creation of Pen-Pal bonds between Bridge 1 students and their counterparts from Iowa Sister States.
Mr. Michael Hess, the Acting President of RIT Kosovo, extended a warm welcome to the students. Furthermore, there was a campus tour that offered a chance for socializing and the enhancement of connections.
The participants are eagerly looking forward to an enriching and enjoyable week together.

‼️The Bridge 1 Project unites the youth from Albanian, Serbian, Turkish, Bosnian, Roma, Ashkali, and Egyptian communities, coming from:
among Kosovo youth, promoting tolerance and inter-ethnic collaboration. The thinkers and doers are of our future.
is funded by .S. Embassy Pristina, Kosovo implemented by RIT Kosovo A.U.K - Training and Development Institute and partnered by⬇️
Klubi Alpin Prishtina


Join our exclusive DevOps Engineering training program! 🚀
Classes begin on July 17th, with limited seats available!

✔️ Apply now at https://www.rit.edu/kosovo/tdi-application-form
📞 Contact us via email at [email protected] or call us at +383 49 774 112 / +383 66 00 00
Find us on Instagram:

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Videos (show all)

There are few experiences more rewarding than bonding with each other, and #FusheKosove / #KosovoPolje Bridgers really s...
📣📣📣Happy to announce the start of BRIDGE 2 classes!!!200 students coming from #Gjakova/Djakovica #Gjilan/Gnjilane #Feriz...
To all of our friends and partners, Thank you for a successful year of collaboration! We are looking forward to continue...
BRIDGE 2 Project application DEADLINE IS CLOSE!The Application closes on Friday the 14th! 📌𝗔𝗽𝗽𝗹𝘆 𝗻𝗼𝘄 𝗮𝘁: https://www.rit...
📧 APPLY NOW!!! iOS & Android: https://www.rit.edu/kosovo/kode✅ The “YOU Program” is supported by • Kosovo Digital Econom...
Cyber Ops!
Flash Discount!
Microsoft Standard& Advanced Excel
Business English



Shpetim Robaj

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