Med ClaimAssist

MedClaim Assist helps to get your medical aid claims properly paid.

We take all the heat out of your interactions with your medical aid and get the problems sorted.


Does dealing with medical claims raise your heartbeat and increase your blood pressure?
Just like our name says, we can assist you when your medical claim is short or unpaid.
Contact us for an obligation free evaluation.


Private healthcare can quickly delve into your hard-earned cash if you do not keep close tabs on the limitations of your medical aid benefits and your co-payment expenditure.
But there are ways to make your Medical Aid Last longer.
Ask questions, and keep asking questions, especially if you need to be hospitalised for a routine procedure. Ensure that the hospital and doctors are on your medical scheme DSP list. Take time to ask your doctor or specialist how much they will charge and ask them to explain the bill in terms of your medical aid coverage. Should your medical aid not cover enough of the doctor’s fee, ask your doctor whether they would be willing to negotiate a lower rate. Ensure that you have obtained the necessary pre-authorisation for procedures and that the correct ICD-10 codes are being used.


Mounting doctor's bills are no-one's idea of fun, especially when you are paying a significant premium to a medical scheme every month.
Let us investigate when your medical aid either doesn’t pay or part pays your claim.
We can tell quickly whether your claim should have been paid.


You've go the best team behind you when you're in hospital, make sure you've got the best team behind you when dealing with the claims afterwards.
Med ClaimAssist, We Help.


Short or not paid by your medical aid?
Let us tackle them on your behalf.
We evaluate, (at no cost to you), your situation based on the documents you send us, and provide feedback to you on how the medical claim should have been paid.


Need help deciphering your medical aid claim?
In just three easy steps, MedClaim Assist can help you with this daunting task.
1. We evaluate your case based on the documents you provide.
2. We provide feedback to you on how the claim should have been paid.
And all of this with no cost to you.
3. You then decide if you want to take the case further with us.
Need more information - check out our website ( or send us a DM


No-one likes surprises when it comes to having to make unexpected payments.
Make sure you get what you are paying for from your medical aid.
Not sure - then give us a call.
Med ClaimAssist - We Help


One of the most common causes of medical aid claim issues is technical complications such as incorrect coding and processing.
Med ClaimAssist specializes in managing this process and making it as streamlined and stress-free as possible.
If you send your medical aid claims issue to us, our team of specialists will assess the problem, at no cost to you.
We help you get to the bottom of what went wrong and what you can do to resolve it!
Give us a call.


Is your Medical Scheme paying out your savings correctly?
We can sort these issues out quickly – and, if an error has been made either by your doctor (on the invoice) which is preventing payment from happening properly, or by your medical aid, we will approach them and get the problem sorted out for you.
Med ClaimAssist - We Help


Do you know all the ABC's of health insurance? Claims, premiums, deductibles co-payments, co-insurance, or is this all Greek to you?
It's OK - we know as well as anyone that the language of health insurance can be hard to understand, and that is why we are here to assist you with your Medical Aid Claims.


Non-payment Gap?
Benefit periods?
Drug Formulary?
Do you know all the ABC's of health insurance? Claims, premiums, deductibles co-payments, co-insurance, or is this all Greek to you?
It's OK—we know as well as anyone that the language of health insurance can be hard to understand, and that is why we are here to assist you with your Medical Aid Claims.



Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 16:30
Tuesday 08:00 - 16:30
Wednesday 08:00 - 16:30
Thursday 08:00 - 16:30
Friday 09:00 - 16:30