Lauren Moore - Dietitian

A place to learn about nutrition &living a healthier & more fulfilling life. Not currently practicing

A wine, food, sport, animal and nature loving Capetonian with a dry sense of humour and a passion for helping people to live fulfilled and healthy lives. I hope this will be a fun and relaxed place to learn about how to incorporate good nutrition into a healthy lifestyle, to give confidence and support to make healthier decisions, and to take the stress out of eating!


Social media influencers give bad diet and fitness advice eight times out of nine, research reveals

This is an interesting, yet unsurprising, study. I still really don't understand what on earth an "influencer" is 😂 But the moral of the story is we should all be VERY careful where we take our advice or get our information from. ‘Any Tom, Dick or Harry can post whatever they like and be believed by their followers’


What an amazing day - Our first two oceans half! The vibe and gees and amazing supporters made it such a great experience. We absolutely loved it ❤️



Maintaining a healthy diet (and getting those veggie portions in consistently) is really do-able. It's all about PREPARATION! 💪

Here are 5 ways you can meal prep the healthy way for lunch time!


It is always such fun being on the Expresso Morning Show - SABC 3 set! Today was my first live show though (in the past I have done pre-recorded segments), so it was pretty daunting.

Today is world kidney day so the focus was on how to optimise kidney health as well as overall health.

All too often we only appreciate our kidneys when they aren't working too well anymore. I learnt to appreciate my kidneys every day after spending a few years working in the renal and dialysis wards at Albert Luthuli Hospital in Durban. Dialysis is extremely tough and a kidney friendly diet at that stage can often be complex and difficult to implement.

Kidneys are responsible for so many functions in our body:
🥬 Excretion of excess metabolites
🥬 Fluid balance
🥬 Production of red blood cells
🥬 Bone health.. and so much more!

Living a healthy lifestyle, managing your weight, blood glucose and blood pressure will all contribute to healthy and happy kidneys. For anyone struggling with kidney issues and who needs more specific guidance and support, give me a shout

Happy world kidney day - give yours some extra love today!

PS for anyone who is free, the Cape Kidney Association is holding a fundraising fun walk from the Mouille Point lighthouse this evening - registration opens from 3pm and the walk is at 6pm (contact them to confirm these times though!).

How healthy are your kidneys? Registered dietitian, Lauren Moore suggests eating more kale, spinach, apples, blueberries, strawberries and less sugary drinks, processed food like polony, tinned food and sweets.


Happy (almost) world kidney day! I'll be on Expresso tomorrow morning at 7:40ish to talk about this cool organ :)


A finger on the diet pulse | Fitness Magazine

I saw this post last week for World Pulses day. Plant based eating is becoming a lot more popular these days, but so many of my clients don't eat beans as they just have no idea what to do with them!

🌿 I admit beans are often not the most appetising food if you are not used to eating them.
🌿 Having said that, I find them absolutely delicious
🌿 We don't have too many "beans only" recipes at home, but have rather developed a habit of throwing a tin of beans into most of our meals (especially "pot" meals like spaghetti bolognaise and casseroles). So we stick to the usual recipe but just add the beans to bulk up the meal.
🌿 We also sometimes convert a meat recipe into a bean recipe, by replacing the meat with beans (eg lentil bobotie instead of mince bobotie).
🌿 Beans are amazing as they are high in fibre and a source of protein free from saturated fat. They are awesome for helping with weight loss (in the appropriate portions) and reducing cholesterol.
🌿 Beans are also a source of micronutrients such as folate, as well as some antioxidants.
🌿 They are also a very cost effective source of protein.

If you need some bean-related inspiration, see the recipe in this link - a great option for MEAT FREE MONDAY! It looks delicious and is definitely on our menu for this week! As a growing body of research highlights the health benefits of eating a predominantly plant-based diet, various countries are starting to change their dietary recommendations “Canada, for example, recently updated its dietary guidelines, which advise a ‘regular intake of vegetables, fruit, whol...


Some motivation from a simple yet effective message.

I have been so bad at posting new things on this page in 2019 - for some reason I have this idea in my head that each post needs to be amazing and meaningful and PERFECT. I have saved so many interesting links that I want to share, but haven't shared them as I feel that I need to make sure that when I do share them, I need to write an amazing PERFECT post to accompany them.

❤️ I see other people's instagram and facebook accounts and think "wow, their posts are all so in depth and meaningful".

❤️ And so the pressure builds.

❤️ Isn't this the same with healthy eating and lifestyle changes - so many things that we want to try, but the feeling and pressure that if we don't get it absolutely PERFECT, we will fail and it'll be a waste of time.

❤️ Isn't this the reason we often procrastinate and say "I'll start eating healthier tomorrow", or "I'll join the bootcamp group next week"

❤️ We need to focus on letting go of this idea of perfection, and realise that nothing is ever perfect, but that doesn't mean it is not worth doing.

❤️ Instead of waiting for the perfect opportunity, which may never come, just start. Pick one or two goals and get started. If they don't work, pick another one and try that.

❤️ Aim for balance and self love in place of perfection. There is no better time than the present to get started!

Wishing you an imperfect but happy and awesome Monday!


Kicking off the holidays with some wine tasting at Constantia Glen 🍷

We are really making an effort to do things that will help is unwind after this hectic year. We are staycationing and spending time exploring our beautiful city, doing things we have been meaning to go got ages but just haven't got round to 🌺

We are both exhausted and are using this time to fill our cups, relax and enjoy the simple things like good wine and soft grass 🌱


What a weekend! Luke and I ran our first HALF MARATHON!

You may remember we started a novice 21km programme with our running club three months ago. It has been a long journey and finally culminated this weekend with our first half. It was definitely the hardest thing I have ever done, both physically and mentally, but we did it and now I feel like I can do anything! It makes me wonder when the last time was that I REALLY pushed myself.

Yes I have challenged myself this year and feel like I have grown immensely - new job, new team, new experiences, new expectations of myself. But somehow this was different. This was a whole new level of challenge and achievement. I don't know how to explain it, but I know I want it again!

I have had a long history of back issues - I have always loved running but have had a very stop-start journey over the last decade or so. Progress made, distances increased, then injury, then start from scratch. I distinctly remember my physio in Durban saying that I probably wouldn't ever run any significant distances because of my back, so I resigned myself to 10km and no more.

But then I joined my running club, and they showed me that with the right training (and LOTS of patience), anything is possible. Our coach tried to prepare us for the high we would feel when we finished our first half, but I didn't really think it would be such a big deal. I was wrong, and it was!

I have always said that exercising in a group makes such a big difference – there is no way we would have achieved the level of training and preparation that we did before our race on our own. The motivation that others instil in you (and the FOMO that you feel when you know others are having a great run and you aren’t there), is immense and it will make all the difference.

It does not have to be a club or organised group – just finding your own exercise “squad” of friends or family will do the trick. But if you are looking for a club of amazing, supportive, slightly crazy individuals in the Southern Suburbs, I cannot recommend Spartan Harriers enough


Today is World Diabetes Day. We should all know about diabetes - the symptoms, what to look out for and when to seek help. How to diagnose it and how to test for it. If you don't know, ask a health care professional (or me!) any questions you may have.

I am blessed to work in this field and amongst this amazing community. Diabetes is my passion - if you need any help managing yours, or know someone who does, please get in touch!

Today is World Diabetes Day! Did you know that it is celebrated on November 14 because it marks the birthday of Sir Frederick Banting, who co-discovered insulin in 1921? Almost 100 years since this life-saving discovery, insulin and essential care remains out of reach for many people with diabetes around the world. This is unacceptable



I hurt my hip flexor at yoga almost two weeks ago. I haven't been able to run since then and am feeling very sorry for myself 😂

One thing I have learned is that hip flexors are used in many more movements than I could have ever imagined, and am being reminded of that in a rather painful way several times a day. So now I feel like I should spread the word and try to save as many of you as possible from the same fate that I have endured for the last while 😜

Respect and care for your hips!! Be kind to them and spend a few minutes a day stretching and investing in them. Exercise is a hugely important pillar of a healthy lifestyle, but if you don't care for your body properly, you will hit the type of bump in the road that I have hit much more often than necessary. I know I will not take my hips for granted again after this experience!

Happy Wednesday!

Do you have tight hips? These few simple moves will help your relieve any pain & tightness you may have! ✨



You all know I love mason jar meals, especially for lunch options - they are quick to prep and so easy to do the night before. Just grab and go in the morning!

As summer approaches I find many people are more inspired to try new salad and veg recipes. Have a look through these for some ideas for meals for next week. Then use the weekend to shop for the ingredients you need, so that next week you are prepared and ready to go.

It is all about preparation and forward thinking!

Happy Friday!

Meal prep the rest of your week with these incredibly creative Mason Jar Salads! ?



On Wednesday I was given the awesome opportunity to chat to the new group participating in the 0-10km beginners programme at our running club.

I discussed a few common mistakes that people make when endeavouring to "turn over a new leaf". This often happens as summer approaches - the motivation to get healthier peaks, and often people make several changes to their lifestyles.

This group had decided to get into a great exercise routine, and I have said so many times that the best way to do this is in a group exercise setting!

Many people also address dietary issues during this time, which is often a really positive experience. However some people go a bit overboard, and cut out a lot of unnecessary foods (eg sugar AND gluten AND dairy AND carbs). I am all for cutting down on refined sugary foods and having them in moderation, but it is important not to cut out entire food groups unless you have a clinically diagnosed issue (eg gluten intolerance). Self diagnosing can lead to problems, for example there is research to show that those who are not gluten intolerant but cut out gluten anyway are more likely to GAIN weight. Believe it!

So unless there is a clinically diagnosed issue, don't be tempted to go on a restrictive diet which cuts out whole food groups - aim for balance and moderation.

Talking to the new group brought back memories of our 0-10km beginners programme at the end of last year (see pics). Now, one year later, we are training for our first half marathon with our club's Novice 21km programme. We have definitely lost our minds (but are having so much fun at the same time!)

Spartan Harriers


Happy Spring Day!

Yay for warmer weather, longer days, and day 3 of our HALF MARATHON TRAINING!

We really hit a brick wall in winter - zero motivation to exercise and we ended up totally losing our momentum regarding our exercise routine. It was partly due to big work changes for both of us, and partly due to the cold, rain and short days.

When our running club advertised their new half marathon novice training programme, we jumped at the chance. Today was our third session this week and we both feel amazing.

When we lost our momentum during winter, just the thought of trying to motivate ourselves to go for a run was enough to exhaust us. Since starting the training on Tuesday we are straight back to really looking forward to our runs and genuinely wanting to exercise.

I can't stress the benefits of exercising in a group when you are struggling to get into a good exercise routine. It makes things fun, encourages you to pitch up at sessions, and helps to push yourself further than you ever could on your own.

We finished off our run with a delicious green smoothie to rehydrate and refuel us after our session.

I hope you are enjoying spring day and doing things that fulfill and nourish you 😄

Spartan Harriers


Happy Friday!

I'm back after a long time being MIA from this page. Life got a whole lot busier in June when I was approached to join Ethitech's specialist diabetes team. It is on a part time basis, so it still allows me to follow my passion of working with clients to improve their health.

It has been a whirlwind of training with teams from America and Europe, launching new products at the annual CDE forum in Joburg (see pictures), organising training sessions with health professionals and still seeing private clients. It has been a juggling act but finally I feel like I am getting the hang of it.

It is so exciting to be working with the latest and most advanced diabetes technology - I never thought I would feel so passionate about products but I was wrong! Seeing how our products change people's lives is absolutely amazing and gives me so much joy and fulfilment. Furthermore, it is so wonderful being part of such an amazing team of passionate, compassionate and knowledgeable people.

For those who are interested I will give some details about the products I work with in another post. For now I just wanted to say sorry for the radio silence and touch base so you know I am still around ;)

The awesome new Diabetes Team at .


The secret to making great curry | Back to basics

Curries are great options for hearty winter meals. Having lived in Durban for almost five years, I was able to enjoy a variety of amazing curries, and really miss the choices that were available to us there! We have even got to the point where we have asked friends visiting us from Durban to sneak some rotis and curries into their luggage for us - desperate times ;)

If you are looking for some curry-related tips, read on. Keep in mind, try to incorporate some veg into your curries - this will help to control your carb and protein portions. You can also choose a leaner protein for your curry on a more regular basis, such as fish or chicken, to control your calorie intake and ensure you don't get excessive calories from fatty meat choices (eg mutton or lamb). Back to basics: The key to making a great curry is threefold. Master that, then simply improvise


I was back in the Expresso studio this morning for the fourth time! It's amazing how something that can feel so daunting and scary the first time can become something that is fun and that I look forward to doing.

I never thought I would get the opportunity to be on TV, or that I would be able to pull it off without dissolving into a puddle of nerves. This is why we have to face our fears and challenges head on - once we conquer them, they seem so much smaller and less scary than they did before!

A lot of the time it's really just a case of DOING IT. It's as easy, and as difficult, as that!


Diabetes used to be considered as a disease of affluence, more prevalent in richer countries and communities. As the prevalence of diabetes explodes, we are able to see that it does not discriminate based on affluence. It is a disease that penetrates all countries, populations and cultures.

The International Diabetes Federation has been putting together some fantastic graphics relating to the soccer world cup teams and diabetes prevalence. If you want more information, click on their page - they will keep you up to date with the latest facts and figures related to diabetes.

Enjoy the soccer and have a fantastic weekend!

The FIFA quarterfinals start today with taking on and facing . Over 16 million people are living with diabetes in the four countries.


Today I Watched

Her voice may be a bit irritating, but her message is correct!

If you have considered detoxing, or want to understand what it's all about, this is worth a quick watch.

You can't detox your body. It's a myth. 🤦


Crust-less Summer Zucchini Pie

High in veg and protein, low in carb, high in yum!

An easy way to incorporate more eggs into your diet - egg intake is related to improved portion control and increased weight loss, and does not negatively impact blood cholesterol levels (for most people) as was previously thought.

Give this one a try this weekend! Crustless Summer Zucchini Pie is a simple savory pie made with zucchini, shallots, mozzarella and Parmesan cheese.


Lauren Moore - Dietitian



We used this marinade for some chicken that we put on the braai last week - it was DELISH! 😍

OBSESSED!!! Grilled Chicken Shawarma with Garlic Yogurt, an easy grilled chicken version of the classic Turkish street food which is usually cooked on a rotating spit. It’s perfect served over couscous, rice pilaf, cauliflower rice or on a pita.

2 Freestyle Points • 240 calories (chicken and yogurt)


So it has been a LONG time since I last posted, sorry for being MIA!

To say a lot has been happening in the last month would be the understatement of the year - life has really been busy and exciting and throwing curve balls from all directions. Keeping me on my toes for sure 😂

I was asked to go back on the Expresso Morning Show - SABC 3 for two more segments recently which were fun and less anxiety-provoking after having had one under my belt and now knowing what to expect! The second show was about getting the work life balance, and my most recent appearance focused on healthy snacks. The third show is still to air, so I'll let you know when that will be. It is great to challenge myself in this way and push boundaries I never thought I would push.

Have an awesome Thursday and stay warm in this chilly weather!


I chatted to Zain Johnson on Cape Talk about the sugar tax and artificial sweeteners on Sunday morning. Give it a listen and look out for a blog post about artificial sweeteners in the near future :)


What a great start to the week - I was on Expresso this morning! It was a pre-record segment (thank goodness!!) and will be aired on the 21st between 7am and 9am. I chatted to the lovely Leigh-Anne Williams about nutritional management of menopause.

Anyone who knows me knows that I really don't like to be the centre of attention, so this was a HUGE challenge for me. Much gratitude to the awesome staff at Expresso Morning Show - SABC 3 for making me feel so welcome and relaxed!


What a week! Lots of exciting things on the horizon, I'll tell you more next week. To clear my head we went for a beautiful walk in Tokai plantation this morning which always does wonders to calm and relax me. I really love living in this city!

For any early risers, I'll be on Cape Talk tomorrow morning just after 5am to chat about the sugar tax and artificial sweeteners, so tune in :)


IBS symptoms, the low FODMAP diet and the Monash app that can help

This is such a great video - if you suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (or know someone who does) then this is definitely worth watching.

I think most health professionals find IBS to be an extremely tricky syndrome to manage. As mentioned in the video, this is because we don't fully understand what causes it, which makes treating it quite difficult.

Thanks goodness for Monash University, who are the world leaders in the low FODMAP diet. This diet must have the most random and ridiculous sounding name, but it has seriously revolutionised how we manage IBS. The researchers at Monash have managed to figure out some food components which contribute significantly to IBS symptoms, these are known as FODMAPs.

FODMAPs is an acronym for "Fermentable Oligo-, Di-, Mono-saccharides And Polyols", which are the short chain carbohydrates which are often poorly digested in those with IBS.

I have IBS which is intrinsically related and triggered by stress, so a lot of my IBS management is linked to stress management. But the food component is just as important. If you need help managing your IBS, or would like to know more about the low FODMAP diet, give me a call :)

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) relief: Take the Monash University Low FODMAP grand tour down under! See links immediately below and description further down:...


Aquafaba - is it really the new egg white? - The Nutrition Press

This has been around for a good while but sometimes even dietitians struggle to keep up to date with absolutely everything!

In case you were wanting to know more about this strangely named stuff, this is a quick and useful article describing when it may and may not be beneficial. Aquafaba, or bean water, is the latest egg replacer sweeping the Internet. But what's the science and is it really better than the real thing?


It has been a long and stressful month! To be honest, I've become quite good at managing my stress by just ignoring it. I didn't even realise this until yesterday when my physio mentioned how stressed I must be for my jaw and neck to become so tense. Only then did I think back and realise that the last few weeks have been pretty taxing!

His advice was to take a week off (not negotiable!), and lucky for me I had a trip to Plett in store for the long weekend. It has been many many years since I've been up the garden route, and I've forgotten how much I love this part of the world.

Stress management is imperative in order to maintain one's health, and is closely related to weight management. I have realised I need to take a much more proactive role in managing stressful times, to avoid repressing stress and forcing my body to manage it in other more detrimental ways.

I plan to take this time to relax and to actively focus on things I know will help relieve stress (running, meditation and time in nature). Happy Freedom Day and happy weekend!


I was very fortunate to be invited to the Novo Nordisk launch of their newest insulin called Tresiba on Saturday. It is an ultra-long acting insulin and will be an exciting addition to the treatment options for those living with diabetes in South Africa. I am so lucky to work with a team and in an environment that affords me the opportunity to keep abreast of the very latest products in the diabetes field.

In keeping with my philosophy of BALANCE (especially when I end up working on the weekend!), I had to spend some time on the mountain before the seminar. I find connecting with nature is such an imperative stress management tool for me, which is why I love being back in Cape Town so much!

If you need help getting the balance in your life, send me a message and we can chat :)


Smoothies - What you need to know about them - Emily Innes - Registered Dietitian Cape Town, South Africa

Ever wondered if you are doing smoothies right? They have the potential to be really healthy, but it is easier than you think to pack them full of calories and carbs!

If you aren't sure, read my latest blog for some practical info to help you become a smoothie-maker-extraordinaire. By: Lauren Moore Smoothies have become a very popular addition to many people’s eating routines lately. Smoothies, when made correctly, can make a great and balanced snack or meal. However, it is easy to pack a smoothie with excessive carbohydrates and calories, which can significantly increase yo...


Opinion | The Germs That Love Diet Soda

I read this twice. It was THAT interesting. Very interesting article about the influence of additives and sweeteners on our microbiome (gut bugs).

How powerful is the influence of the microbiome on our overall health - we still don't know the full extent! But as more research is coming out, we are starting to see it is much more important in relation to our health than we could have ever imagined. Human beings aren’t designed to eat processed foods like these.


The Spinach King baking bread and changing lives | Nutrition

There are real life heroes, and Lufefe is one of them.

Persistent, imaginative, intuitive to people's needs, diligent and courageous. He failed and got back up again. He acknowledged the struggles his community was facing regarding deteriorating health, and he found a way to make an impact. He is changing people's lives positively, taking time to help them understand the importance of healthy eating on their lives and their longterm health.

He is amazing, and I can only hope he inspires others to do the same. He has inspired me to be better... and to eat more spinach! Lufefe Nomjana is known as the Spinach King. Learn how this young history-maker is building a spinach empire and teaching people the value to ?slow? food.



Quick, easy and yum! I will be borrowing the dressing idea for other salads too :)

This corn and chicken salad is fresh & satisfying! 🌱

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My Story

A wine, food, sport, animal and nature loving Capetonian with a dry sense of humour and a passion for helping people to live fulfilled and healthy lives. I aim to create a relaxed place for clients to learn how to incorporate good nutrition into a healthy lifestyle, to give confidence and support to make healthier decisions, and to take the stress out of eating! I firmly believe that focusing on holistic health, in the form of addressing dietary issues, exercise, sleep and stress management, is the key to living a balanced and healthy life.

I have a Masters degree in dietetics and work in a number of clinical areas including oncology, gastrointestinal diseases, renal and weight management. I have a special interest in managing clients with diabetes and insulin resistance, including those on pump therapy. I am accredited as a Centre for Diabetes and Endocrinology (CDE) dietitian, and have a passion for helping clients optimise their lifestyles to support their blood sugar control.

Let me help you to live your healthiest life!




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