Dr Ademola Home Of Remedy

We produce, sell and supply herbal herbs for all chronic disease/infection. Our herbs are Organic


An infection -- bacterial, viral or fungal -- can cause lips to swell up. If the skin of the lips gets very dry and cracked, it can get infected. This, in turn, may lead to pain, redness and even swelling. If you have any inflammatory skin condition, or an infection [cheilitis], they can also cause lips to swell up.
An infection, commonly known as a cold sore (also known as the herpes simplex virus infection) affects people and causes blisters on the lips.
Tumours, a deficiency of Vitamin B2 and even cosmetic surgery can cause lips to swell up. If lip implants or injections are not administered the right way, they can be a cause.
🔸B. Inflammatory Conditions
Some inflammatory diseases that are fairly rare can cause lips to swell. All of them require expert and specialised medical attention. A condition that can cause swollen bumps on the upper lip is called granulomatous cheilitis.
It affects the upper lip, causing swelling. The lower lip tends to swell due to a condition called cheilitis glandularis. It is inflammatory in nature and affects men more than women. It is also linked to lip cancer..


Herpes is a s*xually transmitted infection (STI) caused by a virus that lives in the nerves. There are two common types of herpes:
Herpes simplex type 1 (HSV-1) usually causes cold sores around the mouth
Herpes simplex type 2 (HSV-2) usually causes sores in the ge***al area
However, it is possible to get HSV-2 in the mouth and HSV-1 in the ge***al area.
People with herpes may have no symptoms. If they do have symptoms, these are usually itchy or painful blisters. The virus is spread through skin-to-skin contact with sores, but it may also spread through the normal unbroken skin of a person who has herpes. Many people who have never had symptoms may not realize that they have herpes. Currently there are no recommended tests to look for this infection other than a physical exam and culture of a blister. In most people, the sores come and go, but the virus stays in the body for life.
Kindly contact us for more information and supplements for Herpes


Smooth muscle cells and fibrous connective tissue make into FIBROIDS, which are tumors. They grow inside the uterus. Fibroids affect 70 to 80 percent of women at some point in their lives; however, not everyone will experience symptoms or require treatment.
Fibroids grow at varying rates, according to studies, even when a woman has more than one. They can be as small as a pea or as large as a watermelon on rare occasions. Even if fibroids become so huge, we can provide prompt and efficient therapy for a long-term solution.
Fibroids are more common between the ages of 30 and the start of menopause. After menopause, they normally diminish. According to the research, between 20 percent and 80 percent of females acquire fibroids by the age of 50. It's unclear why they arise, although they appear to be more common when estrogen levels are higher.
Because they have no symptoms, many women are unaware that they have fibroids.
Women who do have symptoms (around 1 in 3) may experience:
●heavy periods or painful periods
●tummy (abdominal) pain
●lower back pain
●a frequent need to urinate
●pain or discomfort during s*x
Fibroid-related issues can disrupt pregnancy or cause infertility in rare situations.
You can also prevent or shrink the tumors by eating alot of green leafy vegetables,take lots of fruits e.g lemon and apples, cut low on sugar,high fat diary and red meat, also Incorporate flaxseed and maca powder into your diet too
Do you have any of the symptoms listed above, or have you been diagnosed with Fibroid?
Do you know someone who is affected by this?
When herbs have been shown to work wonderfully, there is no need to wait until surgery is the only option.
God has given us dominion over the earth and he has equally given us the knowledge to combine herbs for our own good. A trial will convince you .
Slide into Dm and test the power embedded in herbs.


Nature has blessed us with pure natural roots and herbs in healing human illnesses. Do not be deceived by the medical field saying that there isn’t a cure to chronic illnesses.
Remember no human is born to suffer from any form of illnesses.
Contact us today with a YES comment or a comment of your health issues and get your natural healing herbs.
They are 100% naturally and are available.


My view on the cause of Dystonia is due to subluxation of upper cervical vertebrae caused by distortion of Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) which leads to the related nerve cells in the brain stem sending abnormal signals to the muscles resulting in muscle spasm, tension and contractions.
I have been able to help persons with this disorder. And also cure them completely from this condition.

Photos from Dr Ademola Home Of Remedy's post 19/01/2023

Quick Note:
Psychiatry is like Russian roulette because ALL the drugs are harmful, everyone suffers some damage to their health, and there's a risk of dying from the medications.
Psychiatry is an abusive and cruel game that puts people at risk of death or permanent bodily harm, and psychiatrists will never tell you the risks you take with dangerous drugs capable of stopping the hearts of the healthiest and strongest young people.
If psychiatrists educated their patients on the dangers of their medications, nobody would comply.
Most psychiatric drugs will cause brain atrophy, weight gain, impotence, and heart problems, while others cause disturbing symptoms like limb rigidity, insomnia, and inability to walk.
If you are very unlucky, you might get the dreadful akathisia which causes pain, restlessness, and heart problems.
Comment if you have been experiencing any of these side effects on the comment section, We can help you!


G22 Signs You Have Kidney Failure
There are many signs and symptoms you may experience which may point to the fact that your kidneys might be failing.
Don’t ignore any of these signs; consult your doctor immediately if you experience them.
1. Bloody stools
2. Breath odour
3. Bruising easily
4. Difficulty concentrating
5. Decreased appetite
6. Decreased sensation, especially in the hands or feet
7. Feeling tired and/or weak
8. Foamy or bubbly urine
9. Memory problems
10. Difficulty concentrating
11. Fatigue
12. Pain in the back or sides
13. Hand tremor
14. High blood pressure
15. A bad taste in mouth
16. Nausea or vomiting, may last for days
17. Persistent hiccups
18. Prolonged bleeding
19. Shortness of breath, due to fluid accumulation in the lungs
20. Slow, sluggish movements
21. Swelling, usually in the ankles, feet, and legs
22. Urination changes:
a. Little or no urine
b. Excessive urination at night
c. Urination stops completely
Cure Your Diabetes, Herpes, Infertility, Etc with just a DM


20 Facts about Herpes
1. THERE ARE OVER ONE HUNDRED different kinds of herpes viruses, but only eight cause infection in humans. Two are s*xually transmitted: herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) and herpes simplex virus 2 (HSV-2).
2. Herpes affects about 1 in 5 adults.
It is spread through close skin CONTACT, typically during s*xual activity.
3. You CANNOT catch herpes from toilet seats, hot tubs, or any other objects.
4. Once exposed to the virus, herpes never leaves your body except you use natural herbs however, not everyone who is exposed will develop symptoms.
5. The most common symptoms of an active herpes outbreak are small, fluid-filled blisters on the ge***als, buttocks, or mouth. They are typically very painful and may burn.
6. You may experience flu-like symptoms (fever, muscle aches, fatigue) a few days before the lesions develop. These are called prodromal symptoms.
7. The first herpes outbreak is typically the most painful and typically lasts longer than recurrent outbreaks.
8. About 90% of people who have an initial herpes outbreak will develop a subsequent outbreak.
9. We diagnose herpes by two methods – either by a skin culture or by blood work. Typically both are used together in addition to a physical exam.
10. There is cure for herpes, we can treat the symptoms with antiviral medication.
11. You don’t have to take medication for the rest of your life if you have been diagnosed with herpes. Many people only take medication during active outbreaks.
12. If you have frequent recurrent outbreaks, you can take the antiviral medications daily to help suppress future outbreaks.
13. Recurrences tend to be triggered by stress or a weakened immune system.
14. A healthy diet & regular exercise can help to reduce stress and boost your immune system, decreasing your chances of recurrence, but not eliminating them.
15. If you develop herpes during pregnancy, we can treat it with the same antivirals. You can still deliver your baby vaginally, if you don't have an active herpes outbreak at the time of delivery.
16. You should not be s*xually active if you have an active outbreak, as you will transmit the virus to the other person.
17. Using a condom can reduce the risk of transmission, but does not protect against all cases.
18. Herpes can be cured
19. With the use of medications (such as Acyclovir tablets & creams/ointments, most patients are able to lead a normal, healthy life despite the diagnosis.
20. Prevention Tips:-
👉Use condoms during s*x and
dental dams during oral s*x
👉Avoid having s*x during a herpes
👉Infected persons should take their medications hence, lowering the risk of transmission.
👉Avoid multiple s*xual partners.
👉👉👉👉 If you have any Signs or symptoms of Herpes, quickly see a Doctor. Or chat us for herbs after confirmation


1:Causes of infertility
In male
Hormonal or s*xual disorders
Abnormal Production of sperms
Genetic Condition
in female
Ovulation disorders
Uterus Abnormalities
Damage of the fallopian tube
3 steps you can use to open fallopian tube Naturally
This works because it is addressing the root cause of the tubal blockage
Blockage of fallopian tube : this is blocked because of abdominal adhesions and scar tissues
1. Break down the scar Tissue with Enzyme therapy: The scar tissue is creating block in the fallopian tube that is why a lot of women who try conventional methods fail, they fail because the root cause of blockage in fallopian tubes is the scar tissue but the real cuprit is the growth of scar tissue
Solution: take a blend of systemic enzymes: this enzymes helps in controlling and breaking down of your scar tissue and this is how the fallopian tubes will be clear
You must also reduce the inflammation and infection apart from breaking down the scar tissue
2. Reduce infection and inflammation with herbal threapy :
This is essential to open the blockage of the fallopian tubes because this causes swelling if the fallopian tubes and interfere with Endometrial growth the root cause of the problem is excess estrogen growth in the body
Reduce discomfort and swelling
Remove excess estrogen
Strengthen liver functioning
Improve estrogen metabolism
Support normal Endometrial growth
3. Oxygenation of the reproductive organ ::: increase oxgenation and blood circulation with self fertility massage.( This enhances the overall health of the eggs, fallopian tubes and uterus)
Reducing the scar tissue and inflammation can open up blockages in fallopian tubes
As a gynaecologist,I recommend our full fertility treatment medication that can help you get pregnant faster after 1 month of use.
kindly slide into our DM... you can as well send a text to the Email address provided on this page


Send use a direct massage if you have these symptoms immediately.


Chronic inflammation and it’s cause

(Dr Ademola Home Of Remedy)

If you are facing chronic inflammation this didn't just come out of nowhere, you must understand the basics of chemistry. There's only two sides of chemistry and that is acid or base. The body cannot express chronic inflammation if it's on the base side of chemistry. How do you create an alkaline body is the question. We must get back to the basics and understand what foods are alkaline and what foods are acidic. In my personal opinion, all cooked food has somewhat of an acidic quality to it. True alkalinity in foods will be found in their natural living state unaltered and changed in their structure. Nobody's body these days has a proper acid and alkaline balance, which I believe should be at least 80% alkaline and 20% acid.
You don't want your body 100% alkaline because then you could run into alkalosis which is also out of balance, and can cause detrimental health conditions. However people aren't running into alkalosis but rather creating acidosis because of the acid forming foods they eat such as your grains, beans, starch, dairy, eggs, and your meats. This leaves us with fruits and vegetables for our food consumption. Fruits and vegetables happen to be alkaline based foods. This may be a limited variety for the average person because of their thinking in their conditioning of how there supposed to eat, but the problem is what there eating is not foods design for their species, and that's why they are running into chronic inflammation.
When you understand chemistry, then you will understand chronic inflammation. Nobody needs to be a chemist expert but simply understand the simplicity of it regarding the food you eat and what's acidic and what's not acidic. People reverse their chronic inflammation on fruits and vegetables raw in their natural state because their alkaline and because they are designed for the human species mainly fruits.
Systemic acidosis is when the lymphatic system gets backed up with acid chemistry residues that come from acid forming foods. When the human body takes in chemistry that's foreign to its anatomy, it doesn't just leave the body its stores in cells, and it gets dumped into the sewer system of the human body which is the lymphatic system. These acid forming foods also break down the kidneys which are the most important eliminative channel with removing acid waste from the body. If your sewer system is backing up, and your kidneys are clogged, then your whole body is going to deal with chronic inflammation. The only way to remove acids that are stagnant in interstitial spaces in the body is to get your kidneys to filter so that you could remove the acid that's causing the inflammation.
This truly is not rocket science, all you have to learn is to get your kidneys filtering by getting back to a diet that your species is designed for which is primarily fruits, berries and melons. However because humans have really damaged their bodies, they may need more help with herbs and fasting in order to really get those kidneys to regenerate to remove the lymphatic acid waste buildup.
If you go to a legitimate acid and alkaline food chart, you will see that it's the fruits and vegetables that are superior in alkalinity, and this is what your body needs in order to rid the body of acids that are breaking down your tissue causing inflammation in your genetic weak areas of your body.
You cannot move the great lymphatic system with low vibrational foods that don't contain the electromagnetic energy they need in order to keep the system flowing pushing acids to the kidneys for the elimination of waste. There is no other way around this, treating chronic inflammation in the body is a dead-end focus, because you cannot treat inflammation, you must remove it from interstitial spaces in the body.
If you get on fruits and vegetables, and you eat them raw in their natural state, you will soon find out that these foods are designed for your body will remove the inflammation that is stagnant, which is acid chemistry that has been dormant In the body for decades because you have continued to eat acid forming foods, and put acid forming products on your body. We also must take into account that there are many acid forming drinks that have a very low alkaline pH balance which also contributes to more acid inflammation in the body.
One of the most popular drinks that humans consume several times a day in the world today, happened to be coffee, and if you test the ph and alkaline balance ratio of coffee you will notice it's very low, and very acidic. Instead of getting caught up in pseudoscience and intellectual bs fed from the internet regarding health and nutrition, just come to understand the basic acid and alkaline ratio of foods, and then come to understand that cooking the food kills it which makes it a powerless source to systemically regenerate the body.
If you don't want to waste your money on painkillers, and supplements that only suppress and mask symptoms, I highly recommend you get to the root cause of your chronic inflammation and it's plain and simple as understanding that your body is full of acidosis because of the acid forming foods you are consuming. The higher the protein the more acidic the food is. Mother's milk only contains 1% to 3% protein, which proves that protein is not an essential component for growing a healthy baby. If you have chronic inflammation, and your on a high-protein diet, this would explain why your dealing with these acid blowbacks.
Get off the protein and you will notice much less inflammation in the body, but you must get to the root cause of the problem and that's a backed-up lymphatic system and kidneys that are not filtering. When you get on the raw living foods based around fruits, and you do some fasting a couple times a week or intermittent dry fasting every day you will be able to open the floodgates of acids in the body so that your body will no longer deal with the inflammation. Because humans lymphatic systems today are so backed up and their genetic weaknesses are off-the-chart when it comes to weakness, it may take a couple of years to get all the inflammation out of the body, but the only true and regenerative way to cure the issue is through detoxification and that's going to take a 100% raw food diet, an intermittent dry fasting to keep the kidneys open because of how weak they are in humans because of being on the opposite side of chemistry predominantly the majority of their lives.
You want to keep the diet simple such as 80% fruit based, and 20% coming from veggie fruits and the very tender leafy green vegetables such as your lettuces like iceberg, romain,and butter leaf lettuce . Not all raw foods are going to help the body to regenerate and heal, and will be compatible with our digestive system. Cruciferous vegetables do not digest well because of the heavy cellulose fiber so they should be avoided, the nuts and seeds in large amounts contain to much protein, and this will also increase inflammation. Truly the human body is designed for simplicity, and most species in nature have a diet that's design for them that is also very simple. Humans can't get their minds around the simplicity, because we have created drug like addictive foods by cooking them, and adding chemical additives to them and spices changing the natural structure of the food, which will in return manipulate the natural chemistry of the body, which will cause dysfunction. The more keep simple you keep your diet and the more satisfied you are on fresh ripe fruit, you will be able to remove the inflammation from the body, but in the process of removing it you may also experience the pain.
If you find the discipline, and the determination and the right focus, and return back to the diet your design for, and you get your kidneys to filter, you could remove all the inflammation from the body, reverse your inflammatory condition, and no longer identify yourself as someone that has chronic inflammation,because the cause is acid stagnation.
I recommend cleaning the acids out
of your lymphatic system with the highly electric and energetic food such as your fruits, berries and melons, use the herbs to help buffer the pain during the process, and to bring better function to the organs and glands, and you will find a healing remedy that is compatible with nature, and gets to the root cause of the problem which is systemic acidosis stagnation in the body.
Get back to nature my friends, get back to the diet you are biologically designed to eat, tap into your intuitive consciousness, let your instincts guide you, and learn about the great lymphatic system, and understand what foods are alkaline, stop putting fire to your foods manipulating its natural structure and depleting its life force, electrify your body with the living food and you will end the cycle of treating and suppressing, and refusing to give up an acid forming diet that is causing your problem and only making it worse.

Kindly contact us for your herbal cure to any kind of health issues

Photos from Dr Ademola Home Of Remedy's post 05/01/2023

For Educational Purposes
Lymphedema is not auto immune.has nothing to do with your immune system fighting g against your internal organs and nerve cells.which means its causes by something. Something external must have triggered it.
Lymphedema occurs when the body"s lymph vessels are unable to adequately drain lymphatic fluids inside the body usually arm or leg.there are two major causes of lymphedema.
When cancer cell blocks lymph vessels it prevents adequate drainage of lymph fluids which later results to lymphedema
This is the most common causes of lymphedema unknown to many
Toxins are harmful substances produced withing living cells or organisms majorly caused by artificial processes too many toxins are a primary causes of poor lymphatic drainage by contaminating the lymphatic fluids in the human body which later leads to lymphedema.others that can contaminate lymphatic fluids are poor diet,lack of sleep,dehydration,can also stagnate and sometimes stop lymph flows. When lymph flows finally stop there begins the swelling know as lymphedema
some toxins are caused by infections majority comes through supplements, tooth paste,bacteria,and medications since many of these contains gelatin,Gelatin is often contaminated with prions which will also contaminate lymphatic fluids once it gets into the body.
1.Eat foods that promotes lymphatic flows(your diet) such foods are dried apricots,olive and olive oil,tofu,turmeric,tea,chia seeds,legumes,fish,poultry,vegetables etc.
2.breath deeply
3.drink clean water always
4.avoid wearing tight clothes
Note these are meant to encourage lymphatic drainage and manage lymphedema but they do not cure lymphedema.
Five herbs that makes the perfect remedy to cure lymphedema and detoxify your lymphatic fluids
2.the coumarin
4.gringa tree roots
Never be deceived there's always a cure to any illness if only you know where to look,what to apply and How to apply. Mixed together makes the perfect remedy for To rid you of lymphedema permanently rather than provide quick and temporary relief to your situation exterminating the disease from its root. True healing takes time.
Drop a comment bellow if you suffer from lymphedema or other health challenges for more info on how to cure with natural remedies.


You don’t have to give up on yourself, there’s a saying: WHERE THERE IS LIFE THERES HOPE. Contact me for my natural treatment ,treatments which have 100% free of sides effects and cure yourself body from that illness…
Write a comment on the comment section for a response from us on how to get free from your health issues.
Quickly DM if you have these symptoms below 👇


Do you suffer from HASHIMOTO? contact us today and get healed completely.
Distance is never a problem, we do ship out goods to all part of the world.


This herbal formula contains a special form of rare herb Mangifera indica, nettles, alstonia and many more herbs listed below .
This substance is able to pe*****te into the cholesterol molecules and destroy them from the inside.
The result of a person undergoing a course treatment are blood vessels completely free of cholesterol plaque as well as blood clots.
96% of cases the patient’s blood pressure returned to normal almost immediately following the vessel cleaning procedure.
I would like to show you the statistics of the use of the liquid by ordinary patients in our clinic. We carefully record the treatment results. In total, we have treated different patients with this herbs mixture, Here are their results:
Blood pressure completely stabilized (hypertension cured) – 98% of participants
Heart rate normalized – 97% of participants
Headaches disappeared – 99% of participants
Eyesight improved – 74% of participants
The effectiveness of the treatment of chronic diseases increased – 92% of participants
Significant overall improvements of health – 99% of participants
So, as you can see, the results are simply excellent. But this isn’t unexpected.
Comment your any of your health issues on the comment section so we can also be of help to you.


What Is A Detox?
This is a short-term intervention designed to eliminate toxins from the body, promote health and assist with weight loss.
It is creating the perfect conditions to support our body in doing the job it was already made to do which is to Detoxify or remove toxins from the body.
Here are some great tips and why these tips are so important for your overall health:
• Hydration
Importance: Elimination of toxic particles and the rejuvenation of cells.
Tip: Aim to drink between 1-3 L of water per day.
• Exercise
Importance: Strengthen your lung capacity/ability.
Tip: Aim to move your body regularly throughout the day
• Real FOOD!
Importance: Specific foods assist with deactivating toxins and removing them from the body (specifically heavy metal build-up).
Tip: Aim to incorporate as many fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet as possible.
• Sleep
Importance: Sleep assists with the rejuvenation of cells and helps with the healing and repair of your heart, muscles and blood vessels.
Tip: Aim to sleep 7-8 hours per night.
Get Outside
Importance: Breathe fresh air into your lungs; receive your daily dose of vitamin D and boost your mood.
Tip: Eat more meals outdoors; every once in a while, exercise outdoors instead of in a gym or studio.
By assisting your body's natural detoxification system, chances are a little boost of self-care will be a relaxing and enjoyable experience for you! Plus, the benefits of feeling amazing afterward make it all so worthwhile.
For any health inquiries or treatment options contact us immediately on this page!


Healing herbs for
Now available.
NOTE: Be sure that you are ready to be healed from your illnesses before contacting us.

Photos from Dr Ademola Home Of Remedy's post 26/12/2022

QUICK NATURAL REMEDIES FOR LOST OF MENSTRUATION, MENSTRUAL PAIN, IRREGULAR ME**ES, BLOCKED FALLOPIAN TUBES & PID.( also good for high Bp, diabetes, asthma, tuberculosis, prostate disorders, weak er****on in men, infections, fatty liver ect)
Most of these & other reproductive issues among women are mostly due to hormonal imbalance, stress, obesity, medication side effects ect.
The following natural herbs & spices contain several healing phytochemicals like saponins, tannins, flavonoids, vitamin s & other minerals which serves as antimicrobial, hormonal balancing, anti-inflammatory,anti- clotting & other properties which goes along way to curb these & other women reproductive disorders.
* Aidan ( prekese in Ghanian Twi language & Oshoso in Igbo Nigeria language)
* Scent leaves
* Ginger
* Garlic
* Cloves.
✓ depending on the quantity of herbs you have or want, take pieces from all the herbs & boil together with your water always above the items for maximum 15 to 20 minutes on a medium fire.
✓ Allow to warm or cool depending on how you want eat.
✓ Dosage- half tea cup twice daily after meals.
* Avoid during early pregnancy or when breastfeeding
* Avoid or limit when experiencing heavy bleeding
* Don't combine or take together with prescription drugs.
* can worsen gastritis or ulcers for some people.
* Always consult your Doctor before using any herbal medicine.
For your fibriod extract herbs you can contact us at [email protected]

Photos from Dr Ademola Home Of Remedy's post 26/12/2022

Dm if you have any of this hashtag or for other health issues.
Kindly contact, Email: [email protected]

Photos from Dr Ademola Home Of Remedy's post 26/12/2022

Human papilloma virus { }is a transmitted disease but some can cause a ge***al wart or cancer, it affects skin as well. Kindly get a medical attention if you notice such in any part of your body.

Kindly slide into my DM for herbal medicationsto get rid of it.
Email : [email protected]

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103 Main Reef Road, Amalgam

Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 19:45
Tuesday 08:00 - 19:45
Wednesday 08:00 - 19:45
Thursday 08:00 - 19:45
Friday 08:00 - 19:45
Saturday 08:00 - 19:45
Sunday 08:00 - 19:45

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