Palestinian Solidarity Committee We are a NON-SECULAR , Student committee created to raise Awerness about the Palestinian struggle.

Aimed to move from a principle Boycott to a more Active Stance. To create INTER-FAITH solidarity for the people of Palestine!


The South African Students Congress, University of Pretoria Palestine Solidarity Committee and the Muslim Students Association are hosting a Women's Month Palestine solidarity event with South Africa's Minister of Home Affairs, Ms. Naledi Pandor and the Mayor of Tshwane, Mr Kgosientso Ramokgopa together with a film screening of the award-winning movie "Leila Khaled". The event is scheduled to take place this Thursday (29 August) starting at 16h00.

Celebrating women heroes of the anti-apartheid struggle,
and women of the Palestinian struggle against Israeli apartheid*

Main Speaker: South Africa's Minister of Home Affairs, Naledi Pandor
Guest Speaker: Mayor of Tshwane, Kgosientso Ramokgopa
Film to be screened: "Leila Khaled" [see left handside column for info]

Time: 16H00
Day: Thursday, 29 August
Venue: Lecture Hall 3-2, Thuto Building, Hatfield Campus,
University of Pretoria, Pretoria/Tshwane
Parking: Use Entrance 12
Info/RSVP: 0714565104 / 0724491774
Click here for the FaceBook event link.
Please note that this is a free event open to the public.



" Celebrating Women's Month, Celebrating Internationalism"

Seminar by Minister of Home Affairs, Naledi Pandor and Executive Mayor of Tshwane, Ramokgopa.

RSPV: [email protected]


We as South Africans in the form of the South African Communist Party (SACP), the Young Communist League of South Africa (YCL), the South African Students Congress (SASCO), the Muslim Students Association (MSA), the National Education, Health and Allied Workers Union (NEHAWU), the Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU), Friend of Cuba Society (FOCUS), Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against Israel in South Africa (BDS South African), and the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU), declare our utmost rejection of the criminal visit of the United States of America President, Barak Obama to our country.

Our rejection is based the USA's arrogant, selfish and oppressive foreign policies, treatment of workers and international trade relations that are rooted in war mongering, super-exploitation, colonial racism and the disregard and destruction of the environment, making the realisation of a just and peaceful world impossible.

The coming of President Barak Obama to South Africa is the first ever since he was eleected head of state. The USA under his leadership has escalated its assault on human rights, militarisation of international relations and continuing guzzling of world resources at the absolute expense of the environment and oppressed peoples.

The USA is deeply implicated in the oppression of the people of Western Sahara, the only remaining colonised country on the African continent, colonised by Morocco. And to this day, the release of the Cuban Five and a continuing baseless embargo against the country and peoples of Cuba still seem unmovable issues of commitment for the USA. The criminal occupation of Palestine by the Apartheid State of Israel, it is a well known fact, has only been made possible by the USA’s financial and political support for the Israeli regime. This is expressed in the main, through both its open support and military donations that come to billions of dollars every year – with USA aid to Israel being more than that of Africa, Latin America and Asia combined.

On the issue of Palestine, the USA has for years been blocking any progress and is totally divorced and isolated from the consensus of the international community. In fact, the US is the most frequent user of the UN veto: it has used its veto power over 40 times to defend Israel. As South Africans, we painfully recall how the US used its veto power to defend Apartheid South Africa, particularly from UN resolutions imposing economic and military sanctions.

The USA, under Regan and others, suported Apartheid South Africa and was on the wrong side of history. Why does the USA not learn from its history, and be on the right side of history this time?

Finally, the United States' policies on the environment, specifically the fact that it is one of the largest contributors to global warming, yet to this day continues to refuse the observing and singing of the Kyoto protocol, is simply unacceptable.

For a long time the progressive forces in South African society have been raising these issues and many others regarding the role of the USA in the global community and now have an opportunity to make his visit on our shores register these frustrations.
We therefore call on all South Africans to join in a mass movement to make the visit of the USA president taste the absolute commendation of its oppressive, aggressive and bossy policies.

The call is to identify and highlight the following issues around the coming of President Barak Obama:

1. The championing and maintenance, by the USA, in the militarisation of international relations and co-operation. It is a well-known fact that the USA approaches a lot of conflicts on the world through inciting, encouraging as well and championing war, primarily driven by its business interests often masqueraded in the language of defence of human rights. The militarisation of international relations is in the main exemplified by institutions like the Africom, NATO, and the continuing double standards around nuclear disarmament that the USA preaches when it comes to countries in the South, whilst continues to supply nuclear heads to Israel.

2. The continued greed in the guzzling of world resources by the USA epitomised by its encouragement and support of its multinational companies that have no regard for the environment, human rights like progressive labour laws e.g.

3. The USA’s active support and defence of colonial and oppressive regimes. As mentioned earlier, this is the one aspect of USA that most exposes its hypocritical character where regimes that support its interest are never opposed; instead not they are not only supported but maintained through amongst other things war machinery. Chief amongst these is Israel, which continues to serve as the USA’s frontline state in the Middle-East whilst suppressing and maintaining its racist apartheid policies on Palestinian people. Other states continue to be Morrocco, whose oppression and colonial occupation of Western Sahrawian people is reaching deaf ears in the world, and increasingly the support of oppressive regimes like the ones in Colombia.

4. The USA’s role maintaining the underdevelopment of the African continent.
5. Finally, and as noted earlier, the United States of America is the single largest contributor to global warming, which increasingly condemns the world into catastrophic environmental disasters.

Programs and Campaigns

Members of the public are invited in a Big Day of Action – A march from Caledonia Stadium to the United States of America Embassy in Pretoria:
Date: 28 June, 2013 – 10h00 —


Petition - UJ: No you can't honour Obama!

The TWITTER STORM is starting now!!!! Please find the tweets for the twitter storm below. Just copy, past & tweet. Remember that you can also "quote re-tweet" other peoples tweets. Also make your own tweets. Remeber John's guidenlines. Only start tweeting at 20:00.Spread the word. AMANDLA

UJ, no you can't honour Obama! coalition. Stand for Justice, sign the PETITION:

UJ, no you can't honour Obama! coalition. Keep up-to-date, join our Facebook group:

UJ, no you can't honour Obama! He MURDERS CHILDREN with drones

UJ, no you can't honour Obama! Obama uses TECHNOLOGY 4 war, torture, murder & spying

UJ, no you can't honour Obama! He lied about closing Guantanamo Bay.

UJ, no you can't honour Obama! Obama supports APARTHIED Israel

Obama's plans Africa-destroy what's left of the peasantry to bring in multinationals:

Obama must be taken before ICC for the war on terror-Chomsky to RT:

UJ, no you can't honour Obama! DRONES DRONES

UJ,no you cant honour Obama! coalition.Obama is not welcome at UJ-sign the PETITION:

We are horrified by the decision of UJ Senate 2 award an honorary doctorate 2

Compilation of BROKEN PROMISES - UJ honour

Obama, is guilty of a multitude of human rights violations: - UJ honour

continued wars which he promised to end & commissions unlawful drone strikes UJ

An honorary doctorate means that a person has contributed extraordinarily to a better life for all. has done the opposite. Join the Facebook group: your support on Twitter: numbers: 0823329874 / 0721050919


Israeli Apartheid Week South Africa

List detailing Wits SRC achievements 2012 -2013. Including massive gains for students, workers and campaigns undertaken in the spirit of internationalism.

I write to you in my personal capacity as a friend, fellow proud Witsie and as an SRC member

I am deeply sadden by your statement and lack of understanding of the work of the SRC. Allow me to explain the reason for my sadness.

It saddens me to think that you forget the 3 months of December, January and February where this SRC spent sleepless nights fighting for students who faced academic exclusion.
It saddens me to think that this year the re-admittance rate was the highest from the past 5 years, for which we have data regarding excluded students, through the SRC’s intervention yet you claim that we do not make use of the infamous ‘R’ you speak about.
It saddens me to think that we represented students who were Jewish and Muslim, Gay and straight, Black and white, international or not and turned no student away who sought our assistance yet you say we only care about our comrades.
It saddens me to think that you were there in our offices and noticed the emotional and physical trauma the SRC and Sub-committee put themselves through to fight for the right of students to get another chance to excel academically and yet you choose to ignore it.
It saddens me to think that during this time you are quoted as saying “not all these students deserve another chance” yet the SRC assisted every single student who sought our assistance during this period.
It saddens me that this SRC was the first to get representation on some faculties’ exam boards and fought for students’ marks to be condoned, especially those in the 40s. Not even those students themselves know that this is what the SRC did for them.

It saddens me to think that you forget the 3 months of December, January and February where this SRC listened to students facing financial exclusion.
It saddens me to think that you forget the students who have been assisted financially by the SRC through its humanitarian fund or representation at NSFAS appeals.
It saddens me that you know not of the 3 SRC members who were part of the team last year that successful fought for the introduction of a reduced upfront fee payment for certain students.
It saddens me that you know not of how many SRC members struggled financially at the end of last year but still assisted students in the same situation.

it saddens me that the src noted the concern safety has become on campus and pushed for security routes and panic buttons on campus, which has now been approved

It saddens me to think that this SRC has hosted, in conjunction with various school councils and residence councils, academic excellence talks aimed primarily at first years equipping them with the tools to cope at university.
It saddens me to think that so far 8 of these talks have taken place which has arguably reached out to 1000+ first year students and in the next week alone there are 6 more of these sessions taking place yet you say we represent only some of our students.

It saddens me that the SRC has for the first time started a book drive to collect and subsequently redistribute used textbooks, an initiative which has proved successful.

It saddens me that last week two SRC members sacrificed their classes and with impending charges over their heads to sit on the university’s library committee where they successfully vehemently opposed an increase in printing and copying costs at the universities library.

It saddens me that just last week this SRC hosted a conference centred around the call for democratic elections in Swaziland.
It saddens me my dear Jamie that this SRC is currently setting up a WITS International Students organisation.

It saddens me that the SRC, through its Clubs and Societies office, hosted successful induction workshops for all CSOs and also went with the CSO leadership on an eye opening experience to visit orphans in Soweto, as this SRC realises that “a student leader must transcend the boundaries of their campus”

It saddens me that this SRC is one that formed part of the hosting of leadership roundtable talks for students with individuals like Chester Missing and Frank Chikane being guest speakers.

It saddens me that as a South African you forget campuses around the world who took a stand in the fight against Apartheid and in its own unique way ensured that you are capable of being a student at Wits University.

It saddens me to think that you know not of the history of the SRC and the protests from previous SRCs which you would say were not “student issues”.
It saddens me that you know not of the SRCs and the protests of former student leaders like George Bizos, Phillip Tobias, Harold Wolpe, Glenn Moss.
It saddens me that some of these individuals were beaten in jail as leaders of the SRC so that students of today can have a right to protest.

It saddens me that this SRC has tabled a document at University Senate bringing the issue of students sleeping in libraries to all stakeholders’ attention.

It saddens me that this SRC has taken an active fight against gender violence with a successful march and also severely condemned the sexual violence on our campus.

It saddens me that you know not of all the representative work that goes on for students yet choose to accuse the collective student leadership of failure.

It saddens me that our students will get a study break as of next year. Check the almanac if you don’t believe me.

It saddens me that you know not of the current strategizing for next year’s fee increments that this SRC is doing.
It saddens me that you know not of the current strategizing that the SRC is doing to gain supplementary exams for all faculties.

It saddens me that you Jamie forget all that the SRC does for students.

it saddens me that theres much more that can be written about this src which u choose to ignore.

It saddens me that a man of your intelligence can give such a shallow and naive almost propaganda-ish statement on the SRC.

But I seek solace and comfort in the fact knowing that my sadness will not be long because you Jamie are an intelligent man and will see what the SRC is doing.

With Warm Regards

Your friend and SRC member






Spokesperson of BDS SA: Muhammed Desai

On Monday 15 April 2013 supporters of Israel held a music concert to celebrate Israeli Independence Day at Gold Reef City Casino in Johannesburg, which was organized by the South African Zionist Federation (SAZF) and the South African Jewish Board of Deputies (SAJBD).

The SAZF and SAJBD insisted on arranging their own security (the "Jewish Community Security Organization") instead of allowing either Gold Reef City Casino or the South African Police Services (SAPS) to perform the role of safety and security for the Israeli event.

Palestinian protesters contested that the Israeli celebration was essentially a "celebration of murder, expulsion and continued Israeli oppression against the indigenous Palestinian people" and arranged a picket outside the venue where over 250 members from COSATU, the SA Students Congress, BDS South Africa and several other civil society organizations were present.

In addition, young activists (mostly women students) had also bought tickets, made their way into the venue of the Israeli event and partook in a direct-action Greenpeace-like protest where they released bad smelling "stinky-bombs" and wore T-shirts that read "Israeli Apartheid Stinks" in luminous green writing.

During the direct-action protest inside Gold Reef City, two young women protesters were violently assaulted by the Jewish Community Security Organization (CSO) including having their hands tied with cables, their faces covered and their heads smashed into the parking lot's concrete paving. Other protesters were forcibly thrown down escalators and one protester was locked into a passageway where he was repeatedly and simultaneously kicked in the stomach by more than five Jewish Community Security Organization (CSO) personnel - he later suffered a concussion. A members of the Jewish community, Ms Isla Feldman (director of the SA Zionist Federation) also punched a woman protester in the face resulting in a serious swelling injury.



BDS South Africa

On Monday 15 April 2013 supporters of Israel held a music concert to celebrate Israeli Independence Day at Gold Reef City Casino in Johannesburg, which was organized by the South African Zionist Federation (SAZF) and the South African Jewish Board of Deputies (SAJBD).

The SAZF and SAJBD insisted on arranging their own security (the "Jewish Community Security Organization") instead of allowing either Gold Reef City Casino or the South African Police Services (SAPS) to perform the role of safety and security for the Israeli event.

Palestinian protesters contested that the Israeli celebration was essentially a "celebration of murder, expulsion and continued Israeli oppression against the indigenous Palestinian people" and arranged a picket outside the venue where over 250 members from COSATU, the SA Students Congress, BDS South Africa and several other civil society organizations were present.

In addition, young activists (mostly women students) had also bought tickets, made their way into the venue of the Israeli event and partook in a direct-action Greenpeace-like protest where they released bad smelling "stinky-bombs" and wore T-shirts that read "Israeli Apartheid Stinks" in luminous green writing.

During the direct-action protest inside Gold Reef City, two young women protesters were violently assaulted by the Jewish Community Security Organization (CSO) including having their hands tied with cables, their faces covered and their heads smashed into the parking lot's concrete paving. Other protesters were forcibly thrown down escalators and one protester was locked into a passageway where he was repeatedly and simultaneously kicked in the stomach by more than five Jewish Community Security Organization (CSO) personnel - he later suffered a concussion. A members of the Jewish community, Ms Isla Feldman (director of the SA Zionist Federation) also punched a woman protester in the face resulting in a serious swelling injury.



Africa For Palestine

On Monday 15 April 2013 supporters of Israel held a music concert to celebrate Israeli Independence Day at Gold Reef City Casino in Johannesburg, which was organized by the South African Zionist Federation (SAZF) and the South African Jewish Board of Deputies (SAJBD).

The SAZF and SAJBD insisted on arranging their own security (the "Jewish Community Security Organization") instead of allowing either Gold Reef City Casino or the South African Police Services (SAPS) to perform the role of safety and security for the Israeli event.

Palestinian protesters contested that the Israeli celebration was essentially a "celebration of murder, expulsion and continued Israeli oppression against the indigenous Palestinian people" and arranged a picket outside the venue where over 250 members from COSATU, the SA Students Congress, BDS South Africa and several other civil society organizations were present.

In addition, young activists (mostly women students) had also bought tickets, made their way into the venue of the Israeli event and partook in a direct-action Greenpeace-like protest where they released bad smelling "stinky-bombs" and wore T-shirts that read "Israeli Apartheid Stinks" in luminous green writing.

During the direct-action protest inside Gold Reef City, two young women protesters were violently assaulted by the Jewish Community Security Organization (CSO) including having their hands tied with cables, their faces covered and their heads smashed into the parking lot's concrete paving. Other protesters were forcibly thrown down escalators and one protester was locked into a passageway where he was repeatedly and simultaneously kicked in the stomach by more than five Jewish Community Security Organization (CSO) personnel - he later suffered a concussion. A members of the Jewish community, Ms Isla Feldman (director of the SA Zionist Federation) also punched a woman protester in the face resulting in a serious swelling injury.



Comrade Member of PSC TUKS

On Monday 15 April 2013 supporters of Israel held a music concert to celebrate Israeli Independence Day at Gold Reef City Casino in Johannesburg, which was organized by the South African Zionist Federation (SAZF) and the South African Jewish Board of Deputies (SAJBD).

The SAZF and SAJBD insisted on arranging their own security (the "Jewish Community Security Organization") instead of allowing either Gold Reef City Casino or the South African Police Services (SAPS) to perform the role of safety and security for the Israeli event.

Palestinian protesters contested that the Israeli celebration was essentially a "celebration of murder, expulsion and continued Israeli oppression against the indigenous Palestinian people" and arranged a picket outside the venue where over 250 members from COSATU, the SA Students Congress, BDS South Africa and several other civil society organizations were present.

In addition, young activists (mostly women students) had also bought tickets, made their way into the venue of the Israeli event and partook in a direct-action Greenpeace-like protest where they released bad smelling "stinky-bombs" and wore T-shirts that read "Israeli Apartheid Stinks" in luminous green writing.

During the direct-action protest inside Gold Reef City, two young women protesters were violently assaulted by the Jewish Community Security Organization (CSO) including having their hands tied with cables, their faces covered and their heads smashed into the parking lot's concrete paving. Other protesters were forcibly thrown down escalators and one protester was locked into a passageway where he was repeatedly and simultaneously kicked in the stomach by more than five Jewish Community Security Organization (CSO) personnel - he later suffered a concussion. A members of the Jewish community, Ms Isla Feldman (director of the SA Zionist Federation) also punched a woman protester in the face resulting in a serious swelling injury.



PRESS STATEMENT: S. Africa announces special labelling for Israeli products


Israeli Apartheid Week 2013- 11 March- 17 March


Artists performing during Israeli Aparthied Week(University of Pretoria)

Nafeesa Jooma sings at the University of Pretoria during the Israeli Aparthied week that was commemorated in South Africa from March 11-17.


Campaign intensifies | The New Age Online

HEADLINES AGAIN DURING IAW : The campaign for a cultural boycott of Israel is gaining momentum.


Pretoria commemorates Israeli apartheid week


Hundreds of students today (Tuesday March 12, 2013) gathered at the University of Pretoria's Open Piazza, to listen to a Public Rally commemorating the 9th I...


‘SA must cut Israeli ties’ - Politics | IOL News |

PSC TUKS - DURING IAW : South Africa's Premier Online News Source. Discover the world of IOL, News South Africa, Sport, Business, Financial, World News, Entertainment, Technology, Motoring, Travel, Property, Classifieds & more.


Global friends of Palestine and Syria

A South African-Palestinian Solidarity Page which highlights the daily struggles of Muslim and Christian Palestinians under Israeli Military Occupation.


BDS South Africa

A Memorandum on Palestine was submitted earlier today (26 March 2013) by Buti Manamela (South African Member of Parliament and National Secretary of the Young Communist League of South Africa) on behalf of South African civil society and political organizations including trade union federation, COSATU.

Over 150 protestors gathered this morning at Speakers Corner at the 5th BRICS Summit taking place in Durban for the Memorandum handover. The Memorandum on Palestine was officially submitted to Marius Fransman, South Africa's Deputy Minister of International Relations and Cooperation.

The Memorandum, endorsed by COSATU, the SACP, the YCL and BDS South Africa makes an appeal to BRICS members for "decisive action" on Palestine, in the form of an immediate Israeli arms embargo and a ban of trade with Israel's illegal settlements.

Find the full and complete memorandum here:


UCT Palestine Solidarity Forum

Land Day commemorates 30 March 1976 when 6 Palestinians were killed, hundreds wounded and hundreds jailed after protesting land theft by Israel.

"That day quickly came to symbolize the Palestinian struggle for land. It was also the first mass act by Palestinians inside Israel to protest the policy of land theft. But more importantly, it came to symbolize the unity of Palestinians on both sides of the Green Line."

Read more:




Today marks 46 years of Palestinian Resistence against Zionist Racist Policies. Land Day is a protest that occurred on the 30th of March 1968, by a minority group of Palestinians in Israel. They gathered to protest against land expropriation by the Israeli Government. 6 Palestinians were killed by Israeli forces and 100s were jailed. Land Day is known as one of the first acts of resistence by Palestinians within Israel, it is to symbolise Palestinian struggle for land as well as Palestinian solidarity from within Israel and Palestine. A month after this incident, accidently an Israeli confidentiality report was leaked. Known as the Keonig Memorandum; this memorandum outlined aims to ensure long-term Jewish national interest.


Comrade leaders

“As long as we are fighting, we are winning” On Tuesday the 26th and Wednesday the 27th of March there will be a protest at the BRICS Summit 2013 at the international Convention Centre in Durban held by Boycott Divestment and Sanctions (SA), South African Communist Party and ANC of the KZN region as well as Palestinian Solidarity Committee of TUKS, UKZN, WITS.
Our demands are that these countries should impose sanctions on Israel!

please BC and COME!


Video: As Obama lands, Israeli soldiers violently arrest Palestinian 8-year-olds on their way to sch The video shows harrowing scenes of young children clinging to parents as heavily-armed Israeli occupiers drag them away.


Adalah - The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel

Take a read Adalah (Justice in Arabic) is the first non-profit, non- sectarian Palestinian-run legal center in Israel. Established in November 1996, Adalah serves the Palestinian community nationwide, over one million people or 20% of the population.


Urgent:ANC (Greater Palestine Central Branch), YCL, SACP AND BDS SA: "Palestine Rally" with Blade Nzimande & Buti Manamela (Sunday 17 March at 12pm at the Chris Hani Sporting Complex, 0747776746) "Celebrating Chris Hani, Celebrating Internationalism" Transport from UP: 0824167325

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