Zambia National Public Health Institute

Zambia National Public Health Institute

The Zambia National Public Health Institute is a public health center of excellence that addresses all major public health concerns in Zambia


Let's support businesses like Blessing’s that say no to Junta because it is harmful not only to your business but to public health.

Visit the website for tips on making your business better without selling Junta.


Do not risk your business by selling Junta. It is harmful to public health.
Zambia National Health Public Institute (ZNPHI) and other authorities, we urge you to stay clear from us visiting your business.

Let's support business that say no to Junta. Visit for tips on making your business better without selling Junta.


We wish to extend our heartfelt congratulations to Dr Mazyanga Lucy MAZABA. Mazyanga Lucy Mazaba, the director of Public Health Policy, Diplomacy and Communications at Zambia National Public Health Institute (ZNPHI) on her new appointment as the Regional Director of the Africa CDC Regional Coordinating Center for East Africa. This prestigious role is a testament to her outstanding contributions, dedication, and expertise in the field of Public Health.

Her extensive experience, knowledge, and unwavering commitment to health policy, diplomacy, partnerships and strategic communication have consistently demonstrated her capability to lead and inspire. We are more than confident that these qualities will be invaluable assets to the Africa CDC, contributing significantly to the advancement of public health initiatives across the East Africa region and the global arena.

We thank her for the service to the Nation and wish her every success as she embarks on this new journey. We remain confident that she will continue to fly the Zambian flag high, representing our nation's values and dedication to public health excellence.


Follow the officially opening of the inaugural meeting of the southern Africa Regional Taskforce for Cholera Control ( SATFCC) organized by Africa CDC, Lusaka.


Follow the officially opening the inaugural meeting of the southern Africa Regional Taskforce for Cholera Control ( SATFCC) organized by Africa CDC, Lusaka.



🗓 Date: 27 June 2024
⏰ Time: 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM

CLUSTER: Strategic Planning and Information Management (SPIM)

🔍 TOPIC: e-IDSR data harmonization

*Session Objective*
To strengthen data and information management at national and subnational level.

🎤 PRESENTER: Mr. Erick Konkola

👤 FACILITATOR: Ms. Namonda Mbumwae

1. Mr. Charles Chileshe
2. Mr. Peter Funsani
3. Mr. Moses Banda
4. Mr. Gates Banda

📌This session is a must-attend for professionals involved in public health, Rapid Response, Disease Surveillance at all levels Epidemiologists, Clinicians and Environmental Health Officers.



Wishing you and your loved ones a joyous and blessed Eid al-Adha filled with happiness and prosperity

Photos from Zambia National Public Health Institute's post 13/06/2024


Nineteen African Union -AU Member States have convened in Lusaka to find ways on how to operationalize the 2022 Lusaka Call to Action on strengthening Public Health Emergency Operations Centers -PHEOCs across the continent.

Speaking during the official opening, Health Permanent Secretary for Technical Services Kennedy Lishimpi says the training by Africa CDC aims to impart necessary skills to health information management experts which will lead to the effective management of public health emergencies.

Dr Lishimpi said government has developed and revised national health policies to incorporate the objectives of the Lusaka Call to Action

The Permanent Secretary said since the 2022 Lusaka Call to Action declaration by the Republican President Hakainde Hichilema, government has taken a leading role to see its actualization.

He explained that government has also invested in the construction and the upgrading of PHEOC facilities, such as infrastructural development, technology building as well as equipment to ensure that PHEOCs are operational and capable of responding to emergencies.

Meanwhile, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention-Africa CDC Regional Director L*l Riek has congratulated government on its commitment to the setting up of Public Health Emergency Operations Centers.

Dr Riek said Zambia has positioned itself to become the Centre of Excellence for PHEOCs in the region.

Photos from Zambia National Public Health Institute's post 04/06/2024

The Zambia National Public Health Institute hosted a partners coordination meeting for key players working in the Global Health Security (GHS) in Zambia.

Global health security refers to the efforts, strategies, and frameworks aimed at protecting populations worldwide from health threats that can cross borders and affect people regardless of where they live. These threats can include infectious disease outbreaks, pandemics, bioterrorism, antimicrobial resistance, and the health impacts of natural disasters and climate change. The primary objectives of global health security are to prevent, detect, and respond to these health threats effectively and swiftly to minimize their impact on human health, economies, and societies.

The meeting, officially opened by ZNPHI Director General Prof. Roma Chilengi, was focused on developing mechanisms and platforms for ongoing coordination including regular meetings, working groups, and communication channels, to ensure effective collaboration among partners, and to identify and prioritize key areas of intervention and action in Zambia's public health security landscape based on current challenges, risks, and opportunities.

Partners in attendance included World Health Organization Zambia, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), CDC, UK Health Security Agency, USAID Zambia, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), Africa CDCand Japan International Cooperation Agency-Zambia Office.

The meeting also drew participation from government ministries in the One Health space including Fisheries and Livestock, Ministry of Health Zambia, and Ministry of Green Economy and Environment - Zambia.



🗓️ Date: 5th June, 2024
⏰ Time: 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Cluster/UNIT: One Health

🔍 Topic: Orientation to the Joint Risk Assessment Tool for Zoonotic Diseases Session one

Join us for an enlightening session on Identifying Zoonotic Diseases using factors like Human to Human Interaction, Explain how to prioritize risk based on transmission, dynamics, severity, and population vulnerability. Our upcoming session will also delve into discussing how to mitigate risks, collaboratively with experts from public health, Veterinary and Environmental fields.

🎤 Presenter: Dr. Niwael Mtui–malamsha (FAO)

👤 Facilitator: Dr. Chilufya Mulenga

Dr. Raymond Hamoonga
Ms. Lukeki Kaindama (UKSHA)
Mr. Linous Musimbwe (MOFL)

📌This session is a must-attend for professionals in the Ministry of Health,
the Ministry of Green Economy and Environment and the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock



eIDSR on ZNPHI–ECHO Bi weekly

The Electronic Integrated Disease Surveillance System (eIDSR) is a disease surveillance system that is used to continuously and systematically collect, analyse, interprets, visualize and utilize public health data for decision making.
The eIDSR system in Zambia has SINCE undergone a lot of changes owing to the establishment of the Zambia National Public Health Institute (ZNPHI) in 2019, so that the electronic system could help to improve the timeliness of reporting, reporting rates, data quality and efficiency, and eased data management by establishing a web-accessible data repository at the national level.

Development and configuration of the enhanced eIDSR started in the middle of 2022 with an aim to decentralize the responsibility of reporting to facility level to promote data quality and use. The enhanced eIDSR included configuration of the case-based system for immediate reported diseases to improve turnaround time and case investigation.
The instance supports capturing of case-based data to allow for better investigation of reported cases and track the locality of the cases to prevent spread of infectious diseases. In addition, Aggregated data is captured on ND2 Reporting data set. The system supports the capture of data at facility level to promote data quality and use.

The eIDSR is configured on the DHIS2 platform and this has enabled easy-to-use analytics through tailored dashboards, charts, pivot tables and maps.

In light of the above, ZNPHI, through the Strategic Planning and Information Management (SPIM) Cluster, has been conducting biweekly e-IDSR clinics (virtual meetings) on selected topics to strengthen data and information management; and use at the national and subnational levels.
These clinics also offers a platform where specific components in the e-IDSR are discussed.

1. Mr. Charles Chileshe
2. Mr. Peter Funsani
3. Mr. William Ngosa
4. Mr. Gates Banda

Kindly Joinf every second Thursday. A must attend session for Health Care Workers involves in Surveillance, Epidemiology, nurses, doctors


The meeting was aimed at fostering collaboration and knowledge-sharing among stakeholders involved in addressing antibiotic resistance, with a focus on implementing effective strategies to promote the responsible use of antimicrobial agents.


🌍 ZNPHI-ECHO Session Alert: Surveillance Disease Intelligence

🗓 Date: 29 May 2024
⏰ Time: 4:00 PM - 5:00 Pm

Cluster: Surveillance and Disease Intelligence (SDI)

🔍 Topic: Overview and current epidemiology of Mpox

Join us as we delve into describing the epidemiology of Mpox, review the presentation of a case/ patient infected with Mpox and Identifying complications of Mpox. This session will also describe the control, mitigation and prevention of mpox.

🎤 Presenter: Dr. Kolapo

👤 Facilitator: Ms. Vivian Mwale

Panel of Experts
1. Dr Muzala Kapiná
2. Dr Musole Chipoya
3. Dr. Paul Zulu

📌This session is a must-attend for professionals involved in public health, Disease Surveillance at all levels Epidemiologists, Clinicians and Environmental Health Officers.



On Africa Freedom Day, the ZNPHI celebrates freedom alongside the fight for a healthier Africa!

We remain dedicated to:

Owning the continental public health agenda

Strengthening public health security

Promoting healthy behaviors

Advancing research for Africa's needs

Remember that health influences economic growth and freedom

Together, let's build a future where freedom thrives with good health and economies - leaving no one behind.

Happy Africa Freedom Day!


Photos from Zambia National Public Health Institute's post 22/05/2024

ZNPHI in Collaboration with Ministry of Health Zambia and with support from Global Fund held a capacity building Trainings for the media on Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) targeting community radio and television stations in the Luapula provinces.

The engagement is meant to empower the media with correct and accurate information on health crisis such as the cholera outbreaks. The media is seen as a key ally in the communication of vital messages on health promotion and preventions.


The Health Press is a Health Research Journal whose focus is to support the stregthening of Zambia's Public Health Security. It provides a platform for sharing and communicating of health related knowledge and research in Zambia and globally. It aspires to make use of research and development information that may inform policy direction on various issues, enhance national development and help secure Zambia's Public health security. The journal offers opportunities for world scholars and individuals to contribute their knowledge and innovations to respond to developmental challenges facing the globe today. The Press Press Library
About the Journal
The Health Press is a Health Research Journal whose focus is to support the stregthening of Zambia's Public Health Security. It provides a platform for sharing and communicating of health related knowledge and research in Zambia and globally. It aspires to make use of research and development information that may inform policy direction on various issues, enhance national development and help secure Zambia's Public health security. The journal offers opportunities for world scholars and individuals to contribute their knowledge and innovations to respond to developmental challenges facing the globe today.

The Journal focuses on health related research and welcomes constributions from agriculture, environment and natural resources; business law and human resources development, humanities and social sciences, science, engineering and ICT, technology, medicine and education that aim to support health. The journal invites academicians, researchers, and innovators to contribute their knowledge and communicate your insights in the world of knowledge.

Please find attached the link to the Q4 - 2023 Health Press .

View of Vol. 7 No. 04 (2023): The Health Press Vol 07 Issue 04 - 2023

Photos from Zambia National Public Health Institute's post 15/05/2024

Today, we celebrated a vital step towards a life-saving goal! President Hakainde Hichilema's vision for a blood-sufficient Zambia is becoming a reality. The handover ceremony of four additional utility vehicles to the Provincial Zambia National Blood Transfusion Services ,ZNBTS hubs marks a significant milestone in our journey to support mothers in labor and patients undergoing treatments like chemotherapy.

Honorable Minister of Health, Silvia Masebo, MP, led the ceremony, joined by Dr. Kennedy Lishimpi, Permanent Secretary for Technical Services; Professor Nathan Kapata, representing the Director General; Ms. Olive Chiboola Project Coordinator, and other dedicated government officials.

These vehicles will be the lifeline, connecting our communities to the precious gift of blood. They will traverse our provinces, ensuring that every mother, every patient, and every life in need receives the care they deserve.

Photos from Africa CDC's post 13/05/2024

ZNPHI Directors support The African Public Health Institute Collaborative (APHIC), the inaugural joint initiative of Africa CDC, the U.S President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) and the U.S CDC in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. In attendance from the ZNPHI are Dr Mazyanga Mazaba - Director Public Health Policy Diplomacy and Communication, Dr Nyambe Sinyange - Director workforce development, and Director Surveillance and Disease Intellence Dr Muzala Kapina. Also present and important to the HIV/AIDS control agenda in Zambia are National AIDS Council Director General - Dr Kebby Musokotwane and National Coordinator for the HIV program in the Minstry of Health -Dr Sivile Suilanji. Supporting the team is Ms Yonne Chona from the US CDC Zambia Country Office


Zambia National Public Health Institute wishes a Happy Mother's Day to all the incredible moms out there! Your love, strength, and endless sacrifices shape the nation and world at large. Today, we celebrate you and all that you do. Thank you for being the amazing mothers that you are.


Zambia National Public Health Institute would like to wish all Nurses a Happy International Nurses Day! Your dedication, compassion, and resilience inspire us every day. Thank you for your incredible work in providing care and support to patients around the Nation. Your contributions to public health security are invaluable, and we are grateful for all that you do.

Photos from Zambia National Public Health Institute's post 09/05/2024

University of Lusaka Students Visit ZNPHI's PHEOC

On Friday, last week, a group of students from the University of Lusaka, led by their public health lecturer Dr. Kamoto Mbewe, visited the Zambia National Public Health Institute (ZNPHI)'s Public Health Emergency Operations Center (PHEOC).

The visit aimed to provide the students with a comprehensive understanding of Zambia's public health emergency response system and the critical role PHEOC plays in coordinating responses to outbreaks and disasters.

During the visit, the students received a detailed presentation on PHEOC's operations, including its surveillance systems, incident management, and emergency response protocols. They also engaged in a question-and-answer session with PHEOC staff, gaining valuable insights into the practical applications of public health concepts.

The students expressed gratitude for the opportunity to learn from experienced public health professionals and witness the critical work being done at PHEOC. Dr. Mbewe commended ZNPHI for its dedication to public health and its commitment to nurturing the next generation of public health leaders.

The visit reinforced the importance of collaboration between academic institutions and public health organizations in building a robust and responsive public health system.


ZNPHI would like to wish Hon Sylvia T Masebo MP , Minister of Health Zambia.Wishing you a day filled with joy, love and well deserved celebrations

Sylvia Masebo


🌍 ZNPHI-ECHO Session Alert: Epidemic Preparedness and Response

🗓 Date: 8 May 2024
⏰ Time: 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Cluster: Epidemic Preparedness and Response (EPR)

🔍 Topic: Public Health Emergency and Response Management

Join us as we delve into critical aspects of public health emergency management (PHEM), Discuss the role of the Public Health Emergency Operation Centre (PHEOC) and Describe the preparedness and response plan. This session Wil also provide valuable insights on resource management during emergencies.

🎤 Presenter: Ms. Marian Mulenga

👤 Facilitator: Mr. Paul Linde

1. Dr Paul Zulu
2. Dr Chikama Mwangole
3. Mr. Danny Sinyange

📌This session is a must-attend for professionals involved in public health, Rapid Response, Disease Surveillance at all levels Epidemiologists, Clinicians and Environmental Health

Photos from Zambia National Public Health Institute's post 06/05/2024

ZNPHI and Ministry of Health Zambia Support Emergency Response with Mental Health Training.

It's Mental Health Awareness Month, and as we do so, we at ZNPHI are excited to share how we're supporting emergency response through comprehensive mental health training.

We've partnered with the Ministry of Health and Zambia Red Cross Society-HQ to train 97 volunteers from Lusaka's Matero, Kanyama, and Chawama neighbourhoods in psychological first aid and community mental health. The technical support and facilitation by ZNPHI's NCDs, Injuries and Mental Health Specialist, Naeem Dalal M.D , aims to give volunteers the practical skills they need to support their communities during emergencies and crises.

By offering training in English, Ninja, and Bemba, we're reaching a broader audience, ensuring that the knowledge we share has a meaningful impact at the local level. This initiative is about safeguarding health within communities, providing holistic support during challenging times, and strengthening community resilience. The training is also planned to be scaled through the drought response as communities and individuals cope with the ripple effects of the drought.

Thanks to everyone involved in this initiative for making Zambia a safer and more supportive place. Let's continue to raise awareness and work together for a brighter future.

Photos from Zambia National Public Health Institute's post 03/05/2024


Today, we celebrated the dedication and hard work of our outstanding ZNPHI team at the Labour Day Awards Presentation ceremony. It was an honor to recognize the exceptional contributions of our staff members from all the clusters and departments.

In his remarks the Director General of ZNPHI, Prof. Roma Chilengi thanked the staff members for their unwavering commitment to duty, particularly during challenging times such as the recent cholera outbreak and other public health threats. He stated that the ZNPHI’s staff dedication to protecting the health and well-being of our people is truly commendable.

"As we move forward, let us continue to work together towards the attainment of our Health Security Agenda, fulfilling our mandate to safeguard the health of our nation. Together, we can overcome any obstacle and achieve great things for the communities we serve." Said Prof.Chilengi

Congratulations to all the award recipients, and thank you to the entire ZNPHI team for your continued hard work and dedication. Here's to many more successes ahead!

Photos from Zambia National Public Health Institute's post 02/05/2024

Join Dr Mazyanga Lucy Mazaba Liwewe Director Public Health Policy ,Diplomacy and Communications-ZNPHI in todays webinar on compelling Abstract Webinar happening today 2nd May 2024 from 15:00 - 16:00 CAT, Register at

They can use the link below:


ZNPHI Celebrates You This Labour Day!

Today, we recognize and celebrate the incredible contributions of Zambia's workforce! From all the sectors, your dedication and hard work are the backbone of our nation's progress.

We at ZNPHI are especially grateful for our own employees, whose commitment and innovation help drive our mandate for public health security ahead .

Photos from Zambia National Public Health Institute's post 19/04/2024

The Zambia National Public Health Institute (ZNPHI) recently concluded a successful After Action Review (AAR) on the 2023 anthrax outbreak. This review, held in Livingstone, Zambia from April 17 to 19, 2024, brought together representatives from various esteemed partners including the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) including its Zambia branch (FAO ZAMBIA), the World Health Organization (WHO), Breakthrough ACTION, the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC), the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (US CDC). This collaborative effort reflects a One Health approach, where animal, human, and environmental health are considered as interconnected.

The AAR aimed to evaluate Zambia's response to the 2023 anthrax outbreak. This is particularly important given the recent dry spells experienced in parts of the country. These dry conditions can increase vulnerability to anthrax outbreaks, making the lessons learned from the 2023 outbreak even more critical for future preparedness.

For those unfamiliar with anthrax, it's a serious infectious disease caused by bacteria. It can affect both humans and animals.
World Health Organization Zambia for animal health Japan International Cooperation Agency-Zambia Office Africa CDC Breakthrough ACTION

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Videos (show all)

Follow the officially opening of the inaugural meeting of the southern Africa Regional Taskforce for Cholera Control ( S...
Follow the officially opening the inaugural meeting of the southern Africa Regional Taskforce for Cholera Control ( SATF...
ZNPHI IS PARTICIPATING AT THE ZAMBIA RED CROSS SOCIETY 2023 GALA DINNERThe minister of health Hon Sylvia Masebo represen...
Follow our ZNPHI Mental Health Specialist  Dr. Naeem Dalal as he shares the importance of  crisis communications during ...
Join tour of various exhibitions at the ongoing 3rd International Conference on public health in Africa by Africa CDC  D...
Join the Side event of the 3rd Conference on public health in Africa , CPHIA 2023ZNPHI Director General Prof. Roma Chile...
Join the 3rd International Conference on public health in Africa  CPHIA 2023 happening right now at the Mulungushi Confe...
Follow the  Livestream of  the  Minister of Health Hon. Sylvia T. Masebo, MP today, 1 November 2023 holding a press brie...



Corner Of Chaholi Street And Addis Ababa Drive, Rhodes Park

Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 17:00
Thursday 08:00 - 17:00
Friday 08:00 - 17:00

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Zambia Police Service Zambia Police Service
P. O. Box Lusaka
Lusaka, 1013

Ministry of Small and Medium Enterprise Development Ministry of Small and Medium Enterprise Development
Block 28, Independence Avenue
Lusaka, 10101

Its main focus is to promote Small and Medium Enterprise Development in order to create jobs

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Ministry of Technology and Science - Zambia Ministry of Technology and Science - Zambia
The Permanent Secretary Ministry Of Technology And Science, Maxwell House, Los Angeles Boulevard P. O. Box 50464
Lusaka, 10101

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Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development-Zambia Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development-Zambia
Corner Of Pandit Nethru/un Road Longares P. O Box 50072
Lusaka, 50027

The Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development (MLGRD) is charged with the responsibility of promoting a decentralized and good local governance system,