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^Eid Ul Adha 2024 Celebration Event
21st of June 2024

Fun for all ages!!! 🕌🎈☪️🕋

Tickets $20 Per person

-ENTRY!!! ✅
-Open access all Rides 🎠
-Open access Dodgem Cars 🏎️
-Henna 👏
-Face painting 🎨
-Open Access to all play equipment 🛝
-Refreshments 🥤
-Dinner 🍱
-Great company!! 🧕🏻😊👨‍👩‍👦‍👦🧔‍♂️

*(children 4 and under free)*

Free raffle entry for every person registered. $300 cash prize!!!!

*6pm to 9pm* doors open for fun and activities

Venue: Little Rockets Play Centre- West Lakes

*Payment must be received for confirmation of registration.*


All invited. In sha Allah dinner will be served. Please confirm your attendance for catering purposes.

Photos from Cdessa's post 08/04/2024

Our Eid slogan for this year.


Very very important to read for your religious safety

Refuting the Reliance upon Calculations and Astronomy in Determining the Beginning and the End of Ramadan
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, Who ordered us to implement what the Messenger brought and to refrain from what he forbade.
May Allah raise the rank of our Master, Muhammad, who put us on a clear and truthful path. May Allah raise the rank of the Al of the Prophet and his Companions. May Allah protect the Muslim nation from what the Prophet fears for them.
Fasting the month of Ramadan is a great act of worship. The following hadith narrated by Muslim is sufficient to show the merit of Ramadan:
كُلُّ عَمَلِ ابْنِ آدَمَ يُضَاعَفُ، الْحَسَنَةُ عَشْرُ أَمْثَالِهَا إِلَى سَبْعمِائَة ضِعْفٍ، قَالَ اللهُ عَزَّ وَجَلَّ: إِلَّا الصَّوْمَ، فَإِنَّهُ لِي وَأَنَا أَجْزِي بِهِ
This means: .
Allah, ta^ala, revealed a simple method for determining the beginning and the end of the month of Ramadan. This method is based on sighting the crescent with the naked eye in towns and villages.. All those who lived in Muslim countries and became familiar with our customs know this fact. Such a method of sighting announces the beginning of the honourable month of Ramadan or the advent of the blessed ^Id. These appealing habits have their roots in the time of the Companions. Islamic scholars observed these practices during different times and noble pious Muslims were keen to participate in them.
We were surprised by the sudden emergence of an innovation from a faction wanting us to quit following this dignified route and methodology of the Prophet. Instead, they want us to rely upon calculations of astronomers to determine the beginning of Fasting and the Day of ^Id and to disregard the testimony of the trustworthy, pious and God-fearing Muslims.
An adverse group gathered, voted, and decided by their relative majority to rely upon calculations for determining the beginning and the end of Ramadan. They made it incumbent upon the Muslims to follow their scheme as if the rules of Allah’s Religion are known by the vote of a relative majority or can be deduced by mere opinions! Verily we belong to Allah and to His Judgement we shall return.

Determining the Beginning of Ramadan as Stated in the Hadiths of the Prophet of Allah, Sallallahu ^Alayhi Wa Sallam
Let those who relied on astronomy and calculations to determine the beginning and the end of Ramdan know that they have contradicted many sayings of the Prophet of Allah, peace be upon him. If the Muslim just reads the section on fasting in any of the famous books of Hadith, he will realise the obvious and blunt contradiction of those people to the Prophet. Also, one will be astonished and will question how this adverse group will face the Prophet on the Day of Judgement when they claim to have followed him, and yet they contradicted his Hadith and rejected it.
1. Al-Bukhariyy, Muslim, and others narrated from the route ^Abdullah Ibn ^Umar, may Allah raise his rank, that the Prophet, sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam, said:
﴿ الشهر تسع وعشرون ليلة فلا تصوموا حتى تروه فإن غم عليكم فأكملوا العدة ثلاثين ﴾
This means: Although the Prophet made this clear statement, those who oppose said: “We are going to fast whether or not we sight the crescent, whether or not it is cloudy --as long as they were instructed by the astronomer!”
2. Another expression of the Hadith narrated by Abu Dawud:
﴿ الشهر تسع و عشرون فلا تصوموا حتى تروه ولا تفطروا حتى تروه فإن غم عليكم فاقدروا له ثلاثين ﴾
This means:
3. An-Nasa’iyy narrated through the route of Ibn ^Abbas that the Prophet peace be upon him said:
﴿ إذا رأيتم الهلال فصوموا و إذا رأيتموه فأفطروا فإن غم عليكم فأكملوا العدة ثلاثين ﴾
This means: .
4. In the Muwatta’ by Imam Malik and in the Musnad by Imam ash-Shafi^iyy it is mentioned that the Prophet, sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam, said:
﴿ لا تصوموا حتى تروا الهلال ولا تفطروا حتى تروه فإن غم عليكم فأكملوا العدة ثلاثين ﴾
This means:
5. Imam Ahmad in his ‘Musnad’, Imam Muslim in his ‘Sahih’, and Ibn Majah and An-Nasa’iyy in their ‘Sunan’ related the narration through Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet peace be upon him said:
﴿ إذا رأيتم الهلال فصوموا و إذا رأيتموه فأفطروا فإن غم عليكم فصوموا ثلاثين يومًا ﴾
This means: .
6. Imam al-Bukhariyy, Imam Muslim, Imam Ahmad, Abu Dawud and An-Nasa’iyy all narrated that the Prophet, sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam, said:
﴿ إنا امة أمية لا نكتب و لا نحسب الشهر هكذا و هكذا ﴾
This means: .
Al-Hafidh Ibn Hajar al-^Asqalaniyy said in his book ‘Fath Al-Bari Fi Sharh Sahih Al-Bukhariyy’: “Calculations involve stars and their orbits. The Islamic Laws deemed sighting a condition for determining the beginning of Fasting (Ramadan). This is so to relieve the Muslims from the burden of calculations pertaining to the course of the moon. This ruling continued as such despite the increase in the number of those who knew about calculations as time passed by. Confirmatively, the Hadith negates making the ruling contingent upon calculations. This is clarified in the saying of the Prophet, sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam,: . The Prophet did not say: “Ask the mathematicians and astronomers”. The reason behind this is that when it is cloudy it is easy for any Muslim to count the number of days up to thirty and consequently dispute will not arise among them [vol: 4, p: 127, Darul-Ma^rifah].
If the adverse group had true knowledge they would have realised that this saying of the Prophet, sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam, is enough to abolish all what they have said regarding relying on calculations. Let it be known that no saying has any consideration if it goes against the saying of the Prophet. The saying of the best creation is never to be abandoned for some saying of any other person. It is not permissible for the one who claims to follow Islam to deviate from following the text of the Prophet when it dose not suit his own personal inclinations and the whisperings of his devil.
How can one do that when the Prophet, as narrated by at-Tabaraniyy, said:
﴿ كل يؤخذ من قوله ويترك غير رسول الله ﴾
which means: . Narrated by At-Tabaraniyy in his book ‘Al-Awsat’ and Al-Hafidh Al-^Iraqiyy classified it as Hasan.
The Statements of the Scholars about Determining the Beginning and the End of Ramadan
The scholars of the four schools of Islamic Jurisprudence agreed that the basis for determining the beginning of Ramadan is as follows:
• Either the crescent is visually observed after the sunset of the twenty-ninth (29th) day of Sha^ban in which case the following day will be the first day of Ramadan.
• Or the crescent is not sighted, then the next day will be the thirtieth (30th) of Sha^ban and the following day will be the beginning of Ramadan.
Muslims throughout the world implemented this practice as it was in accordance with the ruling of the highly knowledgeable scholars. Moreover, they stated that the reliance is on the abovementioned method of determination and that no attention is to be given to the sayings of mathematicians and astronomers, nor are their sayings to be relied upon.
Following are some statements from the four Madhhabs (Islamic Jurisprudence):
The Shafi^iyy School
1. An-Nawawiyy (676 AH), may Allah have mercy on him, documented the correct ruling and confirmed it. He said in ‘Rawdat at-Talibin’: “The results of the calculations made by the astronomers do not make it obligatory to fast, neither upon themselves nor upon others.”
2. Shihab ad-Din ar-Ramliyy ash-Shafi^iyy (971 AH) in his annotations on ‘Al-Fatawa Al-Kubra’ by Al-Haytamiyy said: “The Prophet, who followed Allah's Revelations, completely abolished the reliance on calculations by saying: > This saying was also reported by his son of Shihab ad-Din ar-Ramliyy ash-Shafi^iyy named Shams ad-Din ar-Ramliyy (1004 AH) in ‘Sharh Al-Minhaj’ [vol: 2, p: 59, chapter on fasting, Darul-Fikr].
3. In ‘Asna Al-Matalib Fi Sharh Rawd At-Talib’ by Zakariyya Al-Ansariyy (925 AH) of the school of ash-Shafi^yy: “The calculations of the astronomer have no significance thus they can not be used in determining the beginning of fasting. Furthermore, it is a sinful to rely on them for that purpose.
The Hanafiyy School
1. Al-mufi Al-Haskafiyy al-Hanafiyy, the author of ‘Ad-Durr al-Mukhtar’, said: “When determining the time for fasting no consideration for the saying of those who calculate should be given, this is in accordance with the Hanafiyy madhhab.”
2. Ibn ^Abidin (1252 AH), in his annotations on ‘Ad-Durr al-Mukhtar’, one of the well-known books in the Hanafiyy madhhab, said: “The statement of the astronomers is not considered. Moreover, it is said in ‘Al-Mi^raj’: “Their saying is not considered by consensus (Ijma^) and it is not permitted for the astronomer to rely upon his own calculations for his own fasting”” [vol: 3, p: 354, Darul-Kutub Al-^Ilmiyyah].

The Malikiyy School
6. Shaykh Abu ^Abdullah Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Mayyarah al-Malikiyy (1072 AH) quoted: “Ash-Shahab al-Qarafiyy (684 AH) related that Sanad (541 H) said: “If an Imam (Muslim ruler) declared the beginning of fasting based on calculations, then the Muslims must not follow him, as the Salaf agreed by consensus against that” [‘Ad-Durr Ath-Thamin’, p: 327, Darul-Fikr].
7. Shaykh Ahmad ad-Dardir al-Malikiyy (1201 AH) from the school of Imam Malik, said: “it is stated that the beginning of Ramadan is not to be confirmed by the saying of an astronomer neither for himself nor for others” [‘ash-Sharh al-Kabir’, vol: 1, p: 462].
8. In the annotations of ash-Sharh al-Kabir, Shams ad-Din ash-Shaykh Muhammad Ibn ^Arafah ad-Dusuqiyy al-Malikiyy (1230 AH), stated: “His saying, “the beginning of Ramadan is not to be confirmed by the saying of an astronomer” i.e. the one who calculates whether or not the crescent will appear that night; the true meaning of this whole statement is that the beginning of Ramadan is not determined by the saying of the astronomer even if his saying was thought to be true.”
The Hanbaliyy School
1. In ‘Al-Mughni’ by Muwaffaq ad-Din Ibn Qudamah al-Hanbaliyy (620 AH) and in ash-Sharh al-Kabir by Shams ad-Din Ibn Qudamah al-Maqdisiyy al-Hanbaliyy (682 AH) it is mentioned: “If one relied on calculations or the findings of the astronomers, his fast is not valid even if their findings coincided with the birth of the crescent. That is so, even if the astronomers had a high rate of coincident findings as their findings are not considered as valid evidence Islamically. Moreover, it is not permissible to rely upon them or to act in accordance. Their findings are therefore obsolete based on what the Prophet peace be upon him said:
﴿ صوموا لرؤيته و أفطروا لرؤيته ﴾
which means: [vol: 3, p: 26, Darl-Kitab al-^Arabiyy].
2. Al-Buhutiyy al-Hanbaliyy (1051 AH) said: “If one intended to fast the thirtieth (30th) of Sha^ban without relying on lawful evidence namely sighting the crescent or completing Sha^ban, his fasting is invalid.”[‘Kashshaf Al-Qina^’, vol: 2, p: 302, Darul-Fikr].
In conclusion it is clear to every mindful person that worthless sayings are passed around by those who are against the four Islamic schools. These sayings are only a group of words with no content. It is a mirage that the thirsty may think of as water, but upon reaching it finds nothing more than an illusion.
Our advice to every Muslim is to abide by the sayings mentioned by the faqihs of the four schools. The Muslim nation unanimously agreed on the high rank and integrity of those scholars.
Finally, blessed be those who abide by the Muslim Jama^ah, their masses of scholars, and the sayings of the Prophet, sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam. On the Day of Judgment regret shall be to those who follow a way other than that of the believers and stray away from the believers’ methodology.
And Allah knows best.

Photos from Cdessa's post 08/03/2024

Reminder tomorrow in sha Allah. Please make sure students have a hat and a bottle of water as tomorrow will be a very hot day.


Tonight in sha Allah via my page.
please spread the word for the sake of Allah.


Tomorrow in sha Allah via Sheikh Helmi’s page.
please spread the word for the sake of Allah.


كونوا معنا في نقل مباشر لخطبة الجمعة نحو الساعة الواحدة والنصف ظهرًا بتوقيت أدلايد
Join us in a live broadcast of the Friday speech around 1:30 pm Adelaide time.
بعض أهوال يوم القيامة
Topic: Some of the Overwhelming Events on Judgement Day

Sheikh Helmi Bakhour الشيخ حلمي بخور The Creed of Ahlu-Sunnah wal Jama^ah is the gate to Paradise.

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