St Joseph's Kingswood S.A.

St Joseph’s Kingswood provides a nurturing environment that allows for each child's voice to be heard and needs met. Small school, big community.

With passionate teachers to inspire and a welcoming community, our students flourish.

Photos from St Joseph's Kingswood S.A.'s post 20/06/2024

We love throwing open the doors and having parents and caregivers visit our classrooms for Learning Walks twice throughout the school term. Thank you to everyone who was able to come in to view and share in some of the amazing effort, learning and artwork that our students were so proud to showcase.


Wishing our very own Maggie C all the best as she represents City South district in the SAPSASA Netball competition over the coming days!

Photos from St Joseph's Kingswood S.A.'s post 18/06/2024

Our Year 6s showcased their dramatic skills acquired throughout their primary schooling, by putting on a series of short adaptations of well-known stories. Our Reception students were lucky enough to watch the dress rehearsal today. Cinderella, Peter Pan and more - the audience were mesmerised!!
Well done to the Year 6s who spoke clearly, moved confidently and for being great examples of what can be achieved in Drama in Year 6 and wholeheartedly stepping into their characters.


What's on Week 8?
Instrumental Concerts Week

Monday 17 June
Years 5 & 6 Boys Soccer Carnival
Years 5 & 6 Girls Netball training | after school

Tuesday 18 June
Prayer (Host RMA) | 2.45pm (everybody welcome)
Year 3 Netball training | after school

Wednesday 19 June
U/10 Soccer training | before school
Joeys | 8.50-11.30am
Years 5 & 6 Festival Choir | 10.15am
Rocktopus’ CSMF Foyer act Audition | 12:30pm
Chess Club | lunchtime
STEM MAD | 1.30pm
Board Meeting | 7:15pm

Thursday 20 June
U/8 & 9 Soccer training | before school
Learning Walk | 2:45pm
Years 3 & 4 Choir | 10.15am

Friday 21 June
Years 3/4 Casual Day | Gold coin donation to Lego Club
Year 2 Netball training | before school
U/12 Soccer training | before school
Years 5 & 6 Festival Choir Hub Excursion | 8:45am
Playgroup (Dinosaur Dig theme) | 8.50-10.30am
Year 3 Strings
Mass 6WM | 9.15am
Hot Shots Tennis | after school

📸 Year 2 students eagerly enjoying their excursion to Adelaide Botanic Gardens

Photos from St Joseph's Kingswood S.A.'s post 15/06/2024

Some of our dedicated Early Years teachers were at school this morning to deliver plants, tools and paint ahead of our working bee tomorrow. Thank you to everyone who has volunteered their time and labour, we look forward to all the sprucing.



Monday 10 June
King’s Birthday Public Holiday

Tuesday 11 June
Prayer (Host 3/4P) | 2.45pm (everybody welcome)
Year 3 Netball training | after school

Wednesday 12 June
U/10 Soccer training – before school
Maths Olympiad | 8.15am
Joeys | 8.50-11.30am
Years 5 & 6 Festival Choir | 10.15am
Chess Club | lunchtime
STEM MAD | 1.30pm
P&F Meeting | 7pm at the Torrens Arms (everybody welcome!)

Thursday 13 June
Year 1 Farm Barn excursion
U/8 & 9 Soccer training | before school
Years 3 & 4 Choir | 10.15am

Friday 14 June
Year 5 Casual Day | Gold coin donation to Lego Club
Years 5 & 6 Boys & Girls SACPSSA Basketball Carnival
Year 2 Netball training | before school
U/12 Soccer training | before school
Band | 8.55am
Playgroup (Insects theme) | 8.50-10.30am
School Tour | 9am
Year 3 Strings
Mass 5M | 9.15am
Hot Shots Tennis | after school

Sunday 16 June
School Working Bee | 1-5pm

📷 Children engaging in pretend play during their lunch break, further developing imaginations, curiosity, connections and fun!

Photos from St Joseph's Kingswood S.A.'s post 06/06/2024

(Okay - more like wet, wet day....)
Last Friday brought with it a bucketload of rain during lunch, fortunately our Reception students (and Mrs Higham!) were able to enjoy a new delivery of resources, plus some generously donated items from our school community and have lots of fun in their classroom regardless of the weather!!


What's on Week 6?

Monday 3 June

Tuesday 4 June
Prayer (Host RMc) | 2.45pm (everybody welcome)
Year 3 Netball training | after school

Wednesday 5 June
World Environment Day
U/10 Soccer training – before school
Maths Olympiad | 8.15am
Rocktopus Drums Ensemble | 8.30am
Joeys | 8.50-11.30am
Years 5 & 6 Festival Choir | 10.15am
Chess Club | lunchtime
STEM MAD | 1.30pm

Thursday 6 June
Years 5 & 6 Boys SAPSASA Knockout Soccer trials
U/8 & 9 Soccer training | before school
Assembly –2M (host), 3/4P & RH (sharing learning) | 9am
Years 3 & 4 Choir | 10.15am
Years 5 & 6 Boys Catholic Schools Basketball Trials | Lunchtime

Friday 7 June
Year 2 Netball training | before school
U/12 Soccer training | before school
Year 2 Botanic Gardens Excursion
Band | 8.55am
Playgroup (Art Exploration theme) | 8.50-10.30am
Year 3 Strings
Mass 3/4B | 9.15am
Years 5 & 6 Girls Catholic Schools Basketball Trials | Lunchtime
Hot Shots Tennis | after school

📸Students from one of our Year 2 classes, doing a wonderful job leading our Tuesday afternoon prayer.


National Reconciliation Week

Monday 27 May

Tuesday 28 May
Prayer (Host 2P) | 2.45pm (everybody welcome)
Year 3 Netball training | after school

Wednesday 29 May
U/10 Soccer training – before school
Maths Olympiad | 8.15am
Rocktopus Drums Ensemble | 8.30am
Joeys | 8.50-11.30am
Years 3/4 Art incursion
Years 5 & 6 Festival Choir (visit from Denise) | 10.15am
Chess Club | lunchtime
STEM MAD | 1.30pm
Board Meeting | 7.15pm

Thursday 30 May
U/8 & 9 Soccer training | before school
Years 3 & 4 Choir | 10.15am
Years 5 & 6 Boys Catholic Schools Basketball Trials | Lunchtime
Years 5 & 6 Festival Choir rehearsal | 3.30-5pm

Friday 31 May
Year 2 Netball training | before school
U/12 Soccer training | before school
Band | 8.55am
Playgroup (Aboriginal Dreamtime theme) | 8.50-10.30am
Year 3 Strings
Mass 3/4K | 9.15am
Years 5 & 6 Girls Catholic Schools Basketball Trials | Lunchtime
Hot Shots Tennis | after school
Friday Family Time at St Therese School | 5.30pm

Saturday 1 June
Bogan Bingo | 7pm

📸Some of our students from last Friday, proudly showing that they started their day well - by walking safely to school!

Photos from St Joseph's Kingswood S.A.'s post 23/05/2024

Our year 5s hypothesised and then tested their theories about the impact on size of shadow by placing an opaque object closer and further away from a light source. This jam-packed Science lesson provided children opportunities to collaborate as they problem solved how to steady the light source at the right height and accurately measure the distance between torch and opaque object (independent variable), as well as height of shadow (dependent variable). Once completed, we reflected on challenges and what could be done differently next time to change or improve the experiment.
Well done to the class for their concentration and collaboration throughout the fun task.


Monday 20 May
Pupil Free Day – OSHC available

Tuesday 21 May
Prayer (Host 3/4K) | 2.45pm (everybody welcome)
Yr 3 Netball training | after school

Wednesday 22 May
U/10 Soccer training – before school
Maths Olympiad | 8.15am
Rocktopus Drums Ensemble | 8.30am
Joeys | 8.50-11.30am
Years 5 & 6 Festival Choir | 10.15am
National Simultaneous reading time | 11.30am
Chess Club | lunchtime
STEM MAD | 1.30pm

Thursday 23 May
U/8 & 9 Soccer training – before school
Learning Walk | 8.50am
Years 3 & 4 Choir | 10.15am

Friday 24 May
Year 3 Big Day Out Excursion
Band | 8.55am
Playgroup (Winter Wonderland theme) | 8.50-10.30am
Mass 3/4P | 9.15am
Hot Shots Tennis | after school

📸 Some of our heroes being part of the incredible JAM Band - Just Add Music incursion

Photos from St Joseph's Kingswood S.A.'s post 17/05/2024

A lot of steps, a little ray of sunshine and some big smiles - our school loved being a part of . Our amazing sports captains greeted all the children who participated by walking from home or parking and walking a bit further than normal to get to school. This initiative promotes road safety as well as the environmental and wellbeing benefits from regular walking on children's cognitive and academic performance.
Well done to everyone who joined the morning. No doubt some are inspired to start their mornings like this on a regular basis!

Photos from St Joseph's Kingswood S.A.'s post 16/05/2024

No doubt warmly adding to the memories and experience of their final year in Primary School, our Year 6s are fortunate to visit nearby Kingswood Oval every Thursday during their lunch break. The children, accompanied by staff, enjoy the freedom of the expansive grounds to challenge themselves to a PB lapping the oval, debate between who can kick the footy the furthest, play chasey and of course enjoy the recently upgraded play equipment (thanks to ).
St Joseph's Kingswood S.A. is perfectly located with an abundance of spaces to provide rich learning opportunities - be it outdoors (e.g. or Kingswood Oval) or a trip to - keep an eye out for our display soon. Plus our vacation care students are a quick walk away from @).
Join us for an upcoming school tour to find out more.

Photos from St Joseph's Kingswood S.A.'s post 13/05/2024

Meeting weekly, our STEM Club students, are mentored through five stages of the Design Thinking Process, to find a solution to a real-world problem. With a keen interest in our environment, one team is tackling clean energy, and the other over-fishing and microplastics in our ecosystem. Images captured below share the initial fun deep dive into brainstorming and creating a solution for a common classroom problem – drink bottle spills, with the later ones showing children in the Empathy stage of their STEM MAD projects, researching to better understand the problem.
We look forward to tracking and sharing progress in the lead up to this event.


Happy Mother's Day to all the special Mums, Grandmothers and Women in our children's lives. We hope you feel all the love and gratitude today!!

Catholic Education Week

Monday 13 May

Tuesday 14 May
Prayer | 2.45pm (everybody welcome)

Wednesday 15 May
Maths Olympiad | 8.15am
Rocktopuses Drums Ensemble | 8.30am
Joeys | 8.50-11.30am
School Tour | 9am
Years 5 & 6 Festival Choir | 10.15am
Chess Club | lunchtime (Yrs 2-6)
STEM MAD | 1.30pm

Thursday 16 May
Assembly (Thank you to our Volunteers) – 3/4K (host), RMA & 1D (sharing learning) | 9am
Years 3 & 4 Choir | 10.15am

Friday 17 May
Walk Safely to School Day
Playgroup (Animal Kingdom themed) | 8.50-10.30am
Jam Band Incursion | 9.30am
Disco | R-2 4.15-5.15pm | Yrs 3-5 5.30-6.45pm | Yr 6 5.30-7.15pm

Photos from St Joseph's Kingswood S.A.'s post 11/05/2024

Hands up who's excited for the Year 3 Strings Immersion Program...!!
Yesterday our Year 3 students embarked on their wonderful intro to a stringed instrument. Given the opportunity to ponder whether a cello, violin or viola was more their style, the children were amped and ready to pick-up their instruments and learn about the theory, heritage and most importantly, how to hold and take care of them.
We look forward to sharing their progress!
Thank you to Mrs Pftizner and her tuition team for helping to make this opportunity possible.

Photos from St Joseph's Kingswood S.A.'s post 10/05/2024

We loved kicking off our first community event in Term 2 with a very warm welcome to all the Mums, Grandmothers and special females in our students' lives with our annual Mother's Day Morning.
Thank you to everyone who took the time to gather to connect while enjoying a light breakfast and coffee, as well as entertainment provided by our very hard working Junior Choir who performed beautifully (with many parents grabbing for tissues). Our Receptions also proudly sang fan favourite "I love my Mummy" which they have been working on in their Music lessons.
Thank you also to Mrs Pftizner for her dedication and hard work with the Junior Choir and Reception students, as well as to Katina for her hard work behind the scenes in making the food for the morning.
We wish all the Mums, Grandmothers, Special Women in our children's lives a very special day on Sunday. Thank you for all you do for us!


143… that’s how many days our students participating in the Children’s Uni program for 2024 have to think, create, build, bake, experience and learn!
Make sure you put Monday 23rd September in your diaries as the cut off.


Hey parents and carers! Pushing go on this post after requests for this year’s Graduation cut-off date.

🥁 🥁 The last day for members to accumulate hours towards graduations held in Adelaide is Sunday 22nd of September and for those graduating in regional South Australia your hours will cut off on Sunday 13th of October. 🗓️ This also includes Portal submissions.

📘 Passports must reach CU Coordinators by Monday 23rd of September for those based in metropolitan Adelaide, and regionally on Monday 14th of October.

⏰ Hours logged after this deadline will not count towards this year's total, however if you continue with the program they will roll over to 2025.

⭐ NB: Regional celebrations take place later than metro graduations and they start the CU year after their metropolitan counterparts. Please remember that Children’s University is all about exploring diverse learning experiences and not just how many hours you accrue.

Photos from St Joseph's Kingswood S.A.'s post 07/05/2024

The students in Year 1 have started their term off with a deep dive into living things and the impact of rubbish on the habitats of animals. Overlaying the inquiry across different subjects, children have learnt about the difference between information texts vs narratives, they also read "The Voice of the Sea" by John Williamson. Our children studied Ghost Net sculptures created by First National Australian artists, then building upon this (very passionately) collected rubbish with the dual purpose of stopping it going into waterways and polluting our environment, as well as use collage to create a visual call to action for people to take care of our ocean. With some very interesting finds already brought in, we can't wait to engage more with the Living Things & Habitats inquiry area in the classroom.

Photos from St Joseph's Kingswood S.A.'s post 04/05/2024

Monday 6 May
Yrs 5/6 Netball Training

Tuesday 7 May
Yrs 5 and 6 SAPSASA Netball Gala
Prayer | 2.45pm (everybody welcome!)
Yr 3 Netball Training

Wednesday 8 May
U/10 Soccer training – before school
Maths Olympiad Practise | 8:15am
Rocktopus Drums Ensemble | 8.30am
Joeys | 8.50-11.30am
Yrs 5 & 6 Festival Choir | 10.15am
Chess Club | lunchtime (Yrs 2-6)
STEM MAD | 1.30pm

Thursday 9 May
U/8 & 9 Soccer training – before school
Yrs 3 & 4 Choir | 10.15am

Friday 10 May
Mother’s Day morning | 8-9am
Playgroup (Mother’s Day themed) | 8.50-10.30am
Band | 8.55am
Hot Shots tennis | after school

📸 Fun moment during lunch break - these "superheroes" paused for a quick pic before resuming play to fight for good to win over evil!

* St Joseph's School, Kingswood community - get in quick to purchase your Bogan Bingo tickets on Qkr! for a fun night out of Bingo lingo, a show, game and ultimate bragging rights. Dress up/dress down or just come as you are!

Photos from St Joseph's Kingswood S.A.'s post 03/05/2024

Week one is done!
Taking full advantage of the beautiful sunny Autumn recess and lunch times, our children have spent their breaks connecting and catching up after the holiday break.
With full use of the large play areas, plus the nooks and crannies, it has been delightful to see and hear children engaging in imaginary games (lots of pets and superheroes in the yard today!), their favourite team sport, building and cooking in the sandpit, climbing and balancing and some just sitting down for a chat.
We look forward to seeing you all next week!



Monday 29 April
Pupil Free Day – OSHC closed

Tuesday 30 April
Prayer | 2.45pm (everybody welcome)

Wednesday 1 May
St Joseph's Day of the Worker
Rocktopuses Drums Ensemble | 8.30am
Joeys | 8.50-11.30am
Years 5 & 6 Festival Choir | 10.15am
Chess Club Come & Try | lunchtime (Yrs 2-6)
STEM MAD | 1.30pm

Thursday 2 May
Years 3 & 4 Choir | 10.15am

Friday 3 May
Playgroup (Holidays themed) | 8.50-10.30am
Band | 8.55am

Saturday 4 May
Region 3 Assembly at Sacred Heart College (Champagnat Campus) | 10.30am-3pm

📸 Beach themed fun in our final Playgroup of Term 1.

Photos from St Joseph's Kingswood S.A.'s post 26/04/2024

Sunny skies are forecast for the last weekend of school holidays!
Our Reception students are better equipped with road safety skills and knowledge thanks to our recent trip to the SAPOL Road Safety Centre. Such a special first ever school excursion for most of these children, their learning included about playing in safe places, wearing a safety helpmet, calling Triple Zero (000) when there is an emergency, practical riding on a mock roadway and more. At the conclusion of the fun riding session, the children enjoyed a short walk, scavenger hunt and play at nearby Bonython Park nature playground.
Thank you to the parent volunteers who came along and helped make this excursion possible.
We hope all our families enjoy some safe riding, exercise and enjoyment of the outdoors this weekend and we look forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday 30th April.

Photos from St Joseph's Kingswood S.A.'s post 24/04/2024


Our school captains, Amelia V and Elijah O, were honoured to represent St Joseph's Kingswood S.A. at the Anzac Day dawn service at Soldiers’ Memorial Gardens. Braving the chilly Autumn morning, members of our school and local community joined together in recognition of the bravery service people made for our country. We give thanks for their and their families’ sacrifice.

Photos from St Joseph's Kingswood S.A.'s post 22/04/2024

Hopefully by now, all of our Year 5 students have recuperated all their energy (and sleep) from the boundless fun at Camp, hosted at Wirraway Homestead in our final week of term.
The students have had an absolute ball throughout their 3 days, experiencing a range of fun and challenging activities that were not only enjoyable, but tested their ability to collaborate while building their resilience and persistence. Activities included archery, bushwalking, horse riding and horse care, low ropes and even sheep herding. We are so proud of all the students for participating with enthusiasm and determination and encouraging each other.
Special thanks to Mrs Morrison, Mrs Higgins, Mr D, Emma P, Oscar H, as well as the Wirraway staff for their support of this important opportunity for learning outside the classroom.

Photos from St Joseph's Kingswood S.A.'s post 18/04/2024

Way to spend a GORGE-ous day!!
Our Vacation Care children and staff had the best day at , getting up close and personal with koalas, emu, reptiles, kangaroos and much more!! We had the best experience amongst Australian fauna and flora.
With our holiday program visiting Wallis Cinemas Mitcham, and Life.Be.In.It.Unley, plus incursions from and Moveit - Body Mind Play Grow... there's something for everyone!


Children in years 2-6 are encouraged to pop along to Mrs Morrison's classroom for the come and try on Wednesday 1st May to learn about and unlock the joy of chess. After a popular Term 1, spots will be no doubt popular.
Children continuing over, wanting to hone their skills over the holidays might find either of these sites helpful-

Photos from St Joseph's Kingswood S.A.'s post 15/04/2024

First official day of holidays and the kids are already bored?
We have been able to extend the deadline for our students to join the learning fun and extension of Children's University Australasia - which means access to a portal full of boredom busters!
Check out the fun activities in the Autumn Holiday Challenges, and complete them for up to 6 hours of learning. Holidays make a perfect time for children to complete their ten hour activity reflections (think weekly swimming, dance, sport, music, self defence classes etc.)... and enjoy the peace and quiet! There's even recipes for children to make and science experiments available!
If you haven't already completed the form to register your child, refer to SZapp and newsletter for how you can access the temporary passport and portal logon.
Happy learning!

Photos from St Joseph's Kingswood S.A.'s post 12/04/2024

Scientists, doctors, teachers, vets, professional sports people, emergency service workers, rock stars, astronauts to name a few...!
Our school is celebrating Dream Job Day for our last day of term and the children’s aspirations and imaginations did not disappoint. Thank you to our awesome SRC, guided by Mrs Perrone, for their fun theme. Everyone’s gold coin donations will be added towards our Project Compassion tally for our Lent fundraiser.

Photos from St Joseph's Kingswood S.A.'s post 09/04/2024

Well done to our Year 6 students, ably supported by the Year 5s, on their wonderful "Easter Story" performances.
Under the guidance of our Drama teacher, the children learnt their script, movement and skills to culminate in 2 excellent performances about this key story and teachings in our Catholic Faith.
Thank you to the parents and caregivers who were able to join us in the afternoon for the final performance.

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Videos (show all)

Happy Mother's Day to all the special Mums, Grandmothers and Women in our children's lives. We hope you feel all the lov...
The end of the school year is here!Listen to our Principal, Jodie Higgins, reflect on the year and flag a couple of deve...
Here's hoping we are all celebrating like this tonight! ⚽️ 💚 💛#GoMatildas
In recognition of Principal's Day, we asked our newest students a couple of questions about their thoughts on what it me...
Some of the many (and funny) faces of our newest students Welcome to all of our mid-year Reception children!! We are so ...
MEET OUR SCHOOL CAPTAINS!Beth F and Will P have smoothly and excitedly stepped into their roles as co School Captains of...
IS YOUR CHILD A ROCKTOPUS?At St Joseph's Kingswood S.A. our students are spoilt for choice with 15 different instruments...



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Adelaide, SA

Opening Hours

Monday 8:30am - 4pm
Tuesday 8:30am - 4pm
Wednesday 8:30am - 4pm
Thursday 8:30am - 4pm
Friday 8:30am - 4pm

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