Ania Wenclawiak - Mental Health

Mental Health & Hypnotherapy - feel good, create happier relationships & improve physical health

Regardless of the problem, you can deal with it on 4 levels : CONSCIOUS MIND - SUBCONSCIOUS - BODY - SOUL, to fully use your potential. To achieve this, during the sessions we use techniques and methods tailored to you. COOPERATION is important:)

* The cognitive-behavioural approach
* Life Coaching
* Clinical Hypnotherapy
* Guided Meditation
* Bodywork
* Spiritual approach
and more..

Mental Blanket would love your feedback 17/05/2023

You can now find me on GOOGLE MAPS!:) Leaving a review is important to me and also helps others decide🌸

Thank you Community!:)

Mental Blanket would love your feedback Post a review to our profile on Google



Do you watch horrors, dramas or war movies at night?

Do you listen to the radio first thing in the morning with stressful news on?

Are you then surprised you are not sleeping well, have nightmares or higher than normal blood pressure and you only just started your day?

Are you then buying some useless kitchen device you didn’t need and spend money you planned saving for travel instead?

Or suddenly started suspecting your partner is cheating after watching this favourite tv drama where Ken turned out to be a dick?

It all matters, indeed!

„When watching TV, brain waves lower into an alpha state (similar as with meditation and hypnosis). This state makes you highly suggestible to the information you receive on the screen. You are unable to critically analyse the information being presented. Hence, it can be easy to manipulate you with false information. All without you even consciously realising it because it is happening in your subconscious.

Many people might be somewhat aware of this and think that they can’t be tricked. But this isn’t about intellectual intelligence, conscious effort or out smarting the TV. This is the human condition and the human mind which is a lot more then intellectual intelligence. Often it’s those who think they are not susceptible who are actually the most susceptible.”

We are most susceptible before we go to bed and after we wake up

So BE CAREFUL what you feed your subconscious mind with, especially at those times

Up for a challenge?

Change your evening and morning HABITS AND ROUTINES from negative and stressful to light, positive or something you desire in your life instead and watch yourself changing:
-your mood
-your attitude
-your thoughts
-your resilience

I want a full report, so leave a comment below 👇;)


Yes, yes and yes!

This has also been my experience after each Hypnotherapy session

Which one is most important to you?
What do you currently need the most?

Comment below👇:)

but actually


„Ok so what’s it all about?! Why is everyone talking about HYPNOSIS and SUBCONSCIOUS mind?!

All I have seen and known so far is some Russian guy hypnotising people through TV screen or that folks actually started behaving like chickens 🐔 !”

As a professional Hypnotherapist who has experienced hypnosis many many times now I will be telling you some important and interesting facts about what it actually is, so that we are on the same page 📜:)

Did you know you can resolve your long-term issues while being deeply relaxed?

This is what HYPNOTHERAPY is -
guided by a Hypnotherapist, you enter a state of DEEP RELAXATION, when brain waves change and subconscious opens up. As this is where our feelings, emotions, habits, memories, patterns in relationships are stored, we can then OVERRIDE /change WHAT DOESN’T SERVE US anymore

You can resolve your problems, change your behaviours, thinking patterns, while you relax deeply!

SUBCONSCIOUS takes up 90% !!!!!of your mind. Think about it for 2 seconds…
Subconscious stores feelings, emotions, habits, patterns in relationships, memory of events, and it CONTROLS YOUR DAY in 95%!

It’s crazy…

Here is more:

📌You know hypnosis from everyday life
📌You remain fully aware during hypnosis
📌It is safe, you can’t get stuck
📌Helps in usually just a few sessions
📌Changes are on a deeper level
📌No need to talk about your problem in detail
📌It can help where regular therapy might not
📌Hypnotherapist can’t do anything you don’t want

Moreover, here are some
“Side effects” 😉

¡ Better sleep
¡ Calmer mind
¡ Relaxed body
¡ Stronger immune system

I can talk about it for hours so watch this space as I will chunk it down for you to digest easier and get the most out of it!

Don’t miss the fact, that you can book a whole session OR, first, a FREE 15min DISCOVERY CALL by clicking here:

I would be excited to speak to you!


EFT tapping - more advanced option, as promised!

You can first refer to my other video : EFT for anxiety (simple) before you start the more advanced version

EFT tapping is a mind-body method of tapping acupuncture points (acupoints) on the hands, face, and body with your fingertips while focusing on an issue or feeling you’re hoping to resolve.

This is how 1 round looks like for me

1) write down your anxiety/stress level on a scale 0-10

2) understand:

➡️why this is happening
➡️what is the real cause, underlying emotion
➡️how do you want to feel instead, what do you want to happen & achieve

3) take a deep breath 😮‍💨

4) perform as many rounds as needed to go down to level 2, by being creative and using statements that describe your state + what and how you want things to CHANGE, in more detail

The points:

- karate chop 🥋
- top of the head
- inner eyebrow (skipped this one on the video)
- side of the eye
- under the eye
- under the nose
- chin
- collar bone
- under the arm

On our sessions we use this method for many different purposes, depending on the issue you would like to resolve

How do you feel now and how many rounds you needed?

Save this video for later as it might serve you 🥰



How would it feel?


instead of

❌ fear
❌ doubt
❌ anger
❌ frustration


It’s been said, that you CHANGE by simply changing the PERSPECTIVE

Do you realise the thoughts you are believing in in times of stress and anxiety?

Thoughts based on seeing yourself either small, not good enough, not experienced enough, not wanted enough, somewhat even as a victim?

What if the person in front of you feels as awful or even worse?

Could it be that their reactions are not personal and they don’t say anything about you but only about themselves?

Someone gave you a nasty look or yelled at you and automatically you get into
fight💪- flight ☄️-or freeze ⛄️ and not even for a second experiment with SHIFTING THE PERSPECTIVE of how you see this person/situation

How would it feel though?

Comment below!

instead of


EFT (emotional freedom technique) for Anxiety/Stress

EFT tapping is a mind-body method of tapping acupuncture points (acupoints) on the hands, face, and body with your fingertips while focusing on an issue or feeling you're hoping to resolve.

This is a simple version

This is how 1 round looks like for me

1) write down your anxiety/stress level on a scale 0-10

2) take a deep breath 😮‍💨

3) perform as many rounds as needed to go down to level 2

The points:

- karate chop 🥋
- top of the head
- inner eyebrow (skipped this one on the video)
- side of the eye
- under the eye
- under the nose
- chin
- collar bone
- under the arm

On our sessions we use this method for many different purposes, depending on the issue you would like to resolve

I will soon also post an advanced version that I perform on myself and can guide you through it as well

How do you feel now and how many rounds you needed?

Save this video for later as it might serve you 🥰


Dada J. P. Vaswani - Indian spiritual leader

Ultimately, if we are social species and if we survive because we have others around us who deliver food, shelter, give love or lift us up, wouldnt it be true for supporting others in time of stress, even, or maybe especially, when we ourselves are feeling same way?

What is it about?

„Putting other people's needs before our own can reduce stress and improve mood, self-esteem, and happiness. Here's how it works: Helping Others Feels Good – Helping others promotes a rush of endorphins in the brain brought about by positive physiological changes”

There is also an assumption that stress makes you more active in your relationships with people. It's about OXYTOCINE. It has more functions than we think, it is not only a hormone secreted during cuddling (as I say in my post about cuddles;)) And it is designed to strengthen close relationships, enrich your empathy and willingness to help and support loved ones.
But it is ALSO a stress hormone.
Oxytocin, which is released as a result of the stress response, motivates us to seek support from others, tell others about our feelings, makes sure that you recognize when OTHERS are stressed so that you can support each other. Oxytocin is designed to PROTECT your body from the effects of stress. It helps these blood vessels to stay relaxed during times of stress, but it also helps the HEART to recover from damage caused by stress. So it strengthens the heart. And all these positive effects of oxytocin are underpinned by contacts and support from others. So whether you are looking for support or giving it - thanks to this you build a healthier stress response, or you recover from stress faster!

Isn’t it quite fascinating!
Next time someone complains to you how stressed out he is when you are already stressed out yourself,
you might react differently this time;)

How is this true for you?



Most of us want to decrease the amount of stress in our lives as much as possible, including me..

But at the same time it is also worth remembering that stress is a natural response, it does happen to everyone and a limited amount of stress is often OK

When we face danger or a highly challenging situation, our body produces adrenaline, making us more alert and ready to react or respond quickly. In the workplace, when faced with an unexpected or looming deadline, stress motivates you to get your work done.

Many people thrive from that..right?

It might become an issue if it’s simply too much of it, it might turn into a constant anxiety and non-stop worry, it starts impacting our health and possibly others around us significantly..

So what can we do before it gets too wild?

Follow me to find different ways and methods to do that, and if you join my sessions I will guide you holistically how to use your MIND-SUBCONSCIOUS-BODY-SOUL as using all your potential gives complete results

NOTICE - important first step is just realising and acknowledging that we are really stressed out in this moment:

“ok, I am stressed out,
I really care about this thing..
how can I transform it..?”

BE KIND TO YOURSELF - something else to remember and is equally important..Because the more you stress about being stressed out, the worse it gets ..
Anyone can confirm? 🥹



Book a free DISCOVERY CALL with me now👇:

Tell your precious friend who you know might need it.. ❤️

📞15 min call
🆓NO charge, NO obligation

If you are not sure if and which service to choose, this is a perfect opportunity to learn more about how we can work together and simply get to know me.

It is free of charge and there is no obligation for you to continue:)

Use "Book Now" button or message me.

Looking forward to hearing from you!



Ufff, my favourite!
Can you recognise the stress response in your body? Does it get tense, shoulders move upwards, jaw clenches, your heart starts beating faster, your hands sweat? You name it!

I don’t like this state either, but here I come to make a fool of myself presenting what I do when this happens and what I recommend to release it FAST!;)

You might know that animals, as well as us, we all have this natural ability to release stress that lives in our bodies.
I believe this is what nature wanted for us
The difference is humans suppress it as we can’t always just shake it off, e.g. in front of a group of investors we have to impress😄

Animals don’t care and just shake it off and move on! My dog teaches me a lot I can tell you that!

In my sessions you will have a chance to experience many different tools and explore with me how to use your body to make you feel better, improve your health and build happier relationships❤️

Shake shake shake! Shake it off

How does it feel?



Are you boys confused by it?
Aren’t you girls not even sure yourselves sometimes what you need and want?

Might be helpful to understand:

Primary needs that women have are:


Side note - of course it doesn't mean that your man doesn't want it either, but he will not respond very well if his primary needs are not met

What John Gray says is that we keep the score differently in relationships..

Men often think that if they make a grand, huge gesture and they buy you a car, for example, a woman will appreciate it 100 times more than just getting one flower but ..apparently that's not the case! ;) It doesn't really matter how big or small the gesture it

The way to look at it is: women have a love tank similar to the gas tank in a car - it needs to be filled over and over again. Doing many little things is the secret for filling A Woman's Love Tank 🙂

It’s understandable that men can also feel as confused, blocked or unwilling, and so I am here to help you get clear about what you can do to build a healthier and more fulfilling relationship

But I also encourage you, women, to try to listen to your needs and wants, and CLEARLY communicate to your partners! Which is something I support you learning

So, our lovely MALES, quick tips for what you can do is:

•give her a hug
•practise listening and asking questions
•surprise her for no special reason with flowers
•make her dinner
•compliment her looks
•validate her feelings when she's upset
•wash before having s*x
•wash her car
•take her side when she's upset with someone

What do you Guys think?
👧 Girls, what would you add to the list?
👦 Boys, what is the easiest for you to do??? 😀

Let me know in the comments!



Is it your partner to be blamed for your relationship not working perfectly?

Hardly ever I hear anyone taking responsibility for their part, and as much as I understand that it is so natural and we don't like to be wrong, it doesn't really help healthy relationships..

Instead, it creates resentment, it takes the power away instead of bringing it in.

Together we can work on changing your usual response and create a new quality of your relationship reality. HOW? Through the HOLISTIC approach, by working on 4 levels of your being: MIND-SUBCONSCIOUS-BODY-SOUL.

But here, just let me ask you then - is there a situation where you can change your response today, and instead of blaming you can tell and admit where YOU could have done something better, differently?

By doing this you have a chance to create a form of a safe space and let the other person know that:

- they can be themselves
- they can tell the truth
- they can admit that something was wrong
- and they can be forgiven.

There is this interesting concept about cheating and not telling your partner, that might be obvious but I think we forget about - I would like to share it with you so watch this space as a new post about it is coming soon



This question can confuse the sh**t out of women, am I right, Ladies???

According to John Grey - „Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus” - we have different primary needs

(I have a PDF copy of it somewhere so message or email me and I can send it:))

For a man one of the main primary needs is APPRECIATION and when he doesn't get it „he gets passive, lazy, weak, dependent, insecure etc” BUT when a woman doesn't get appreciated apparently she reacts differently!

She actually tends to be even more motivated to earn appreciation so when her partner isn't doing what she would normally do - she gets confused and she thinks he doesn't love her (which isn’t the case)

I never really had this habit of really appreciating what my partner did for me and saying THANK YOU for each of his actions until I read that book and it was a game-changer for me

So, Girls, are you ready to start/enhance your „THANKING GAME”😀??

If you struggle with this, HYPNOSIS is a great tool to help you change your way of thinking, change your attitudes on a deeper level, and it all happens while you are simply relaxing! Your mind and body benefit from it at the same time

Let me know how it went!

Also, soon I will be sharing WHAT WOMEN WANT

And I do hope a few men will benefit from that:)


Who knows what I am talking about - hands up! 😆

I get it - we always want our relationships to be perfect. But I thought we established the fact, that perfection doesn’t exist, yes or no?
aaaaand you would get bored of it anyways

Have you read „Conversations with God”?

Cheesy saying : Nothing lasts forever, and so won’t the honeymoon phase!

It tends to last between 6 months and 1 year (sounds not long enough to me🫢)

Falling in love activates the caudate nucleus, an area near the center of the brain referred to as the primitive reptilian brain or survival brain, present for thousands of years. It’s part of the brain's reward system, associated with wanting, craving, and motivation.

The caudate nucleus creates cells that produce the neurotransmitter dopamine, a chemical that creates feelings of pleasure, ecstasy, jealousy or obsession.

But the brain cannot sustain this high level of dopamine and serotonin for an extended period so they eventually restore to normal levels.

When the honeymoon phase is over, it may feel like a bubble pop. You begin to realize that this person isn't perfect and inevitable conflict will start to creep in. You might start to feel irritated by your partner or notice things about him or her you didn't in the past.

And then it can easily spiral downwards, right?

Understanding why the honeymoon phase feels so intense in the first place, is fundamental to understanding the distress so many couples feel once it starts to wane.

So what are the TIPS to sustain the LOVE connection:

✔️inner work
✔️accepting yourself and your partner
✔️physical touch
✔️words of affirmation
✔️quality time together
✔️remind yourself no family or relationship is perfect

We can work on all of these together, through holistic sessions, where you have an opportunity to explore and find what works best for you

Book a session or 15 min free call to discuss in detail




Do we have to be healed or totally love ourselves to enter into a relationship?

What if not?

Now everyone is talking about how you have to feel so great about yourself first before you meet someone

But what if you never reach this stage that you feel sooo perfect and sooo ready and be certain that now it's the time?

What if it won’t happen?

Matt Kahn said:
„You might have your heart broken but don't close it - get into relationships even for the sake of practising so that you prepare yourself for the best relationship that is yet to come” 🙂

👍Get clear about how you want to behave in a relationship (or with parents, friends etc) and then practice, practice, practice



Guys! You can help and gain!

You can bid on a HYPNOTHERAPY SESSION with me, and help others and your Mental Health 🙂

Join us! Comment in the group what would interest you!

Take part in auctions for these
amazing services and goods donated by our fabulous community!

It’s a beautiful initiative that has been running for 30 years and helping so many people!

Started today on Whatsapp group!

Either via Whatsapp or in person in Polish Club Bankstown this Sunday!


Super quick RELAXATION under 2 min

Using your body as a tool to release stress and tension, check in with yourself and stay present

1) scan your body: I start from the top of my head down

2) don’t judge - only observe, notice

3) use your breath, your best friend

4) give me a gentle smile :)

How do you Guys relax fast? Any tips and tricks welcome!

This is an example how we can work with the body on our sessions and incorporate that into your mental health journey

Interested? Shoot me a message to find out why and how that could work for you


Exciting news!!! Here it is - MY WEBSITE

If you also have one - I don't know how about you, but it took me several months to set it up. There was sweat, frustration, even dizziness, but also satisfaction :)

I did almost everything myself - the concept and template creation, the whole content-in two languages, photos, domain name, then the logo, and then amendments.

I tried to include everything so that it agrees with me, and at the same time it gives possibly concise and clear information. Quite a challenge!

It is not easy for someone, who doesn’t really like to sit for hours on the computer, doesn’t have such extensive marketing knowledge and I simply had to find out everything myself.

I took part in a project of talented students and here is the result!

And for everyone who is at that point where I am now - big congrats !!! Please pat your own back ;)
For those who are planning - good luck and stay patient! :)

P.S. I would appreciate you sharing my website with others

Lucky to have you 🫶


HYPNOTHERAPY in a nutshell - why to use hypnosis for therapeutic purposes

Working with the SUBCONSCIOUS mind is something more and more people realise the importance and potential of

If 95% of our day is controlled by subconscious, then hey-it’s a lot! Right? 😀

Reach out, ask me questions or schedule a session to start a new journey

Here for you



health to


Body, body, body ..

So important, because as one of the pillars of mental health the body and how we handle it has a great impact on the state of our mind.
If I am on good terms with my body, my head will thank me for it. And the other way around.

So why not celebrate it, enjoy it, like it, or "at least" accept it?

Is there anything STOPPING you ?? Tell me …!

I remember once my psychologist (yes, I wanted to become the best version of myself to help others and minimize the risk of projecting onto clients) surprised me with the question: “AND DO YOU ACCEPT YOURSELF...?" and it was so awesome, because if you can't stand yourself, you won't suddenly jump into worship, but by practicing acceptance, you put a solid foundation to potentially go further and more boldly

Also for those who are ready, please: play with your body however you like. Touch it, knead it, squeeze it, give it a kiss (seriously, I sometimes kiss my biceps because this is the furthest I can reach and it's really cute😊) whatever suits you. And over time, you may be ready for more-more contact with yourself, kisses, cuddles and touches.

P.S. - I don't know if this strange belief that this is a vain and unhealthy self-love still lingers, and you must absolutely distinguish it, I always emphasize it. WE DON’T PRACTICE BUMPTIOUSNESS, but appreciate ourselves and how someone created us there. We are looking for connecting with ourselves, feel ourselves, recognize ourselves, and well, be able to give ourselves both pleasure and appreciation.

And hey, have fun with your appearance! It took me an hour to create such a beautiful curly hair, then make-up, etc., but when I finally showed up at a rock concert, I felt so good, as if I had just created something, I couldn't recognize myself and it was great hehe 🥰

And I just realized that this is a form of creativity! Everyday life is so full of routine that it is worth creating so, and if you don't feel a calling or don't believe that you have some talent, you can always play with your appearance and create something. And the good news is that it doesn't matter if you have fine hair (mine is not thick for sure) or you have wolfed down too many donuts, in any condition and size you can CREATE something.

Let me know if and WHAT is stopping you ??


Simple and in the same time challenging exercise for us to reconnect with ourselves. Have you noticed how we don’t really find time to really see ourselves, ask how we are, say something nice or comfort ourselves in any way that we are here, we can see our eyes and understand what they are trying to tell us.

That we are simply present.

Usually we look in the mirror to look for imperfections, so I challenge you-it’s time we change that! I am with you on this one


Relationship with your precious body.

How is it?

You might want to check out for some videos and guidance how to reconnect with yourself.

There’s so much to do through our bodies, and if we assume your body is a home for your emotions then hey-it’s time for some loving bodywork. Check how it serves you

I will post a simple/not simple exercise you can do at home, the only thing you need is a mirror:)


Summarising 2021:
I would like to wholeheartedly thank all the new and “old” clients for whom I had the honor (yes, you sharing your own story, emotions, hidden truth about your inner life is something super intimate, as the recipient I feel special) to accompany you on your way to yourselves, trying to break life patterns, understanding yourselves, others and life, give it a new quality and generally striving for a better tomorrow.

It just seems like a beautiful and flowery road, but I know from my own experience how this process can be crazy, chaotic, disarming, surprising, unpredictable, you surely know what I mean..
Therefore, great RESPECT to all who walk this path.

I do not know if you are aware that you teach me so much every day that I also have an accelerated self-development course :) and for that I am super thankful ♥ ️

And I am not exaggerating that you are my heroes of life. As already in my first introductory video on my FB page, I talk about how what you do mentally for yourself will create chain reactions of changes in people around you.

And this is how the world changes.

And this is what I wish you and myself for 2022 :))

Thus, I invariably invite you to mental health sessions, coaching and hypnotherapy sessions.
I am here for you


Today about Hypnotherapy

Straight from the beautiful scenery of Smiths Lake, to soothe your nerves :)

Feel free to contact me, if you have any questions and to sign up for sessions



How are you feeling this time?
Light and content or heavy and stressed?
Or rather sad and depressive ..?

I remember how I myself experienced my only so far panic attack over this period a few years ago. Being so far from home, feeling lost, sad, nostalgic, this whole mix of uncomfortable emotions, tension and stress turned into tears and a shaking body, at a restaurant table, leaning over a very tasty salmon with vegetables.

The pressure of Christmas can be pretty overwhelming.

I know that there are those among us who suffer or feel lonely, because they either do not have relatives with whom they can spend this time, or they have them, but they don’t necessarily feel connected with them. A family member may be struggling with a serious illness, or someone has passed away, a relationship could have ended, somebody left us-it can be difficult to talk about joy and lightness here.

Moreover, Christmas time can intensify the discomfort that accompanies us on a daily basis, and additionally contrasts in this demanding period.


Let God or whoever you believe in, including yourself (mainly;)) give you / give yourself (because you can!) internal peace and relief, for real, so deeply, this feeling that everything is ok, that it is exactly how it is supposed to be, and we are exactly what we are supposed to be, no more, no less.

We all try, now and always (feels like finishing with "and forever, ever, amen"), the best we can, at every moment. As I often like to say: with the awareness, energy, strength, knowledge, good will etc. that we currently have, and it all depends on whether we are well-fed, rested or even properly dressed 🙂

This applies not only to making dumplings, baking cakes (I made one, not exactly good, but I tried as best as I could, I swear!) but also relationships with our partners or kids, friends or God. And even your dog.

I am kindly asking myself and you all - let’s be understanding for our own selves. Nicer. Softer. Loving despite and accepting in spite of. Let’s be the parent for ourselves that we lacked. The one we may never have been lucky enough to have. Once we find such space in ourselves, it will be easier for us to treat others same way.

We All deserve that! With capital letter, as to pay respects not only to “Christmas” but ourselves in the first place

P.S. For me, the attached photo is a symbol of how I would like us to treat ourselves - the way dogs treat us

Happy Christmas!

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Videos (show all)

EFT for anxiety & stress (advanced)
Stressed? Change your PERSPECTIVE!
EFT (emotional freedom technique) for Anxiety/StressEFT tapping is a mind-body method of tapping acupuncture points (acu...
WHAT DO MEN WANT?This question can confuse the sh**t out of women, am I right, Ladies???According to John Grey - „Men ar...
RELATIONSHIPS & self-loveDo we have to be healed or totally love ourselves to enter into a relationship?What if not?Now ...
Super quick RELAXATION under 2 minUsing your body as a tool to release stress and tension, check in with yourself and st...
HYPNOTHERAPY in a nutshell



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