Senator Gerard Rennick

This is my official page as LNP Senator for Queensland. Authorised by G. Rennick, LNP, Chermside


“During the COVID pandemic, Lainie Chait was hesitant about getting vaccinated.

But with elderly parents living in a different state and travel restrictions in place, she decided it was the best course of action.

Ms Chait then spent the next two-and-a-half years fighting the consequences of that choice after her employer sacked her for getting the jab.

Now the Fair Work Commission has found her termination was unfair and has awarded damages of $8,000 against the Church of Ubuntu, which describes itself as a religious organisation with an associated independent wellness clinic.

Ms Chait said she was happy the matter was over because it was "extremely draining" and unnecessary.”


I agree with this decision. An employee should not be sacked by an employer for their health choices.

This decision however, from Fairwork Australia is hypocritical.

If an employer can’t sack an employee for taking the jab, then they shouldn’t be allowed to sack an employee for not taking the jab.

Yet again, it’s just another instance in which our tyrannical overlords make up the rules to suit themselves.


“An Aussie couple have issued a warning after a horror experience with scammers made them lose their life savings.

Speaking on The Project on Tuesday night, Victorian couple Scott and Danielle White revealed that they are destitute after $98,000 was stolen from their account in a bank sham that they believe anyone could fall for.

The couple fell for the “sophisticated” scam, with a man calling them on Monday claiming to be from their bank, Bendigo Bank.

Mr White said he was tricked by the scammer after receiving a call from someone purporting to be a bank employee.

Although he was initially suspicious, they had information about him that only his bank could know, he claims.

“I have pretty much no online footprint. I’ve never had social media. I don’t do much even on my phone outside of the usual things,” he explained.”


As more and more bank branches close, the risk of people being scammed out their money increases.

Last year I questioned the banks as to whether or not they tracked the services they provided rather than transactions.

They claimed it was too difficult.

While this may be true the fact is there is no substitute for face to face interaction when it comes to needing help.

That’s why bank branches need to remain open.

If you ever receive a call or email asking you to perform a banking activity don’t do it.

Always go to your local bank branch to validate any electronic communication.

Concerns about online scams were one of the biggest concerns expressed by people at the recent Senate Inquiry in the closure of bank branches.

Meanwhile, I’m still waiting on the Treasurer to respond to the RRAT Senate committee report that recommended setting up a Public bank.


“The competition watchdog says it does not know exactly how much Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, earns from Australian users – but says it is a lot more than it tells the corporate regulator.

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission said it was “often unclear” how much large companies like Meta earn from Australia, but it was certain that Australian revenue was being “recorded offshore”.

Meta earned more than half of its reported revenue in 2022 in Ireland – a country with a population of 5 million and, crucially, a lower company tax rate of 12.5 per cent. In Australia, the company tax rate is 30 per cent for big businesses.”

This just grinds my gears.

I’ve been saying this for years and the ATO just shrug their shoulders at me in estimates when I ask about this.

Meta need to be forced to set up bank accounts in Australia and all revenue paid by Australian clients must go into Australian domiciled bank accounts first. (Similar to what I’m asking for in regards to rent payments made to foreign owned landlords.)

These figures should then be disclosed on their monthly BAS statements (Australian business have to fill out BAS statements) and based on these figures provisional tax should be paid to the ATO just like Australian businesses have to.

It’s all very well going after PWC but if the government is serious, they need to go after the criminals committing the actual crime.


It wasn’t just Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine that was pulled from treating people with Covid.

Azithromycin was also pulled. Which is strange because it is an antibiotic and antibiotics are used to treat people with a secondary bacterial chest infections as a result of a respiratory disease caused by a viral infection.

Why did authorities stop the medical profession from using their own judgment to stop prescribing antibiotics to people with Covid to prevent a secondary bacterial infection?

This deserves serious examination because this decision in my view contributed to the deaths of elderly people who caught Covid, especially those in aged care centres and especially those who died during the lockdowns in Victoria in the winter of 2020.

Elderly people are especially vulnerable to influenza/respiratory diseases. Antibiotics were the greatest medical discovery in the 20th Century.

It’s no coincidence that respiratory pandemics like the Spanish flu became virtually nonexistent after the discovery of penicillin, a life saving antibiotic.

Unfortunately I didn’t became aware of this fact until after much of the hysteria had died down.

Which is unfortunate because by withdrawing drugs that could have saved lives, the authorities made Covid appear much more deadly than it needed to be.

Photos from Senator Gerard Rennick's post 24/07/2024

“In Q2 2024, volume weighted average NEM prices ranged from $109 per MWh in Queensland to $189 per MWh in NSW. Compared with Q1 2024, Queensland's price fell $29 per MWh (21%) while all other regions recorded significant increases - NSW $87 per MWh (up 86%), Victoria $69 per MWh (up 99%), South Australia $65 per MWh (up 78%) and Tasmania $67 per MWh (up 97%).” See link below.

The Australian Energy Regulator released the 2nd quarter wholesale energy prices today.

The increases are out of control, driven by the drop in wind generation as touched on previously.

The lies about renewables being cheaper have to stop. It is sending both consumers and industry broke.

The two price snaps from yesterday showing wholesale energy prices show why.

In the middle of the day energy wholesalers pay to sell energy into the grid. This of course is absurd - sellers should be receiving money to deliver a product rather than paying for it.

This absurdity is brought about because in order to meet our net zero targets, energy wholesalers have to deliver a certain amount of “renewable” energy into the grid.

To do this they have to sell the energy produced by solar in the middle of day at a loss in order to under cut base load energy. (See first picture)

In order to recoup these losses the energy wholesaler then has to sell energy at much higher prices during peak hours to recoup the losses incurred during the middle of the day.

Of course solar doesn’t work in the early evening so the slack is picked up coal.

Rent seeking renewable carpet baggers claim that this scenario proves renewables are cheaper.

This is completely misleading. The COST of producing energy from coal doesn’t vary during the day or night. It’s only the PRICE that changes.

And this change is not driven by cost but rather a flawed ideology that by somehow importing renewable energy from overseas you can produce energy cheaper than burning our home grown resources.

These sort of price increases are being driven by one thing, and one thing only - the installation of wind, solar and batteries.


“A high-ranking CFMEU official is alleged to have boasted to corrupt building firms that he could secure them lucrative contracts on major construction projects financed by superannuation giant Cbus because of his influence with insiders at the super fund.

Allegations of improper dealings between CFMEU state secretary Darren Greenfield and Cbus are made by state and federal detectives working for Operation Brownsmith, a special police taskforce in NSW that investigated alleged union corruption between 2019 and 2022.

Cbus is the default super fund for the construction industry, managing $94 billion on behalf of more than 920,000 members. The CFMEU and other construction union-nominated directors sit on its board alongside employer representatives.

Separately, new evidence has emerged of “ghosting” on government sites in Victoria, with never-before-released excerpts of a covertly recorded discussion with a self-styled CFMEU fixer claiming he was working with firms getting paid for non-existent workers.

The recording, taken during an undercover sting earlier this year, captures fixer Harry Korras talking about how the union encourages subcontractors to invoice Victorian government projects for “ghost” shifts – shifts that are not filled despite workers being rostered.

Korras talks about how a scaffolding company was allegedly overwhelmed by the extra work it got after he helped get it a CFMEU agreement in return for money paid to the union.

“At the start, these boys were a bit worried. And then he rings me now and says, ‘Mate, we can’t keep up – the amount of work’,” he tells an undercover operative posing as a subcontractor seeking a CFMEU EBA.

“And the union, you know this, they push the work longer … [they say] ‘Leave it there … leave the boys there. Don’t worry about it’.

“And then they [the union] ring him and say, ‘Listen, go to this site as well, put four boys there. But only put two, but we invoice for four’ … You take one, we take one.”

Asked “so no one’s pretty much auditing anything?”, Korras points to how long the government’s Big Build projects take, ranging from three to 10 years.

Last year, the Victorian government was rocked by a labour hire company on the Big Build fraudulently invoicing taxpayers for ghost shifts, including one worker who supposedly did three shifts in 24 hours.

However, then premier Daniel Andrews said at the time he believed the incident was “isolated”.

On previously aired extracts of a covert recording, Korras claims to an undercover operative who said he was a building firm owner that, in return for kickbacks paid to Victorian CFMEU officials, Korras can obtain union backing for firms and also place them on state government projects.

Korras has denied any wrongdoing. The CFMEU did not respond to requests for comment.

Cbus support under scrutiny
Separately, allegations that firms have been paying kickbacks for CFMEU support and placement on union-influenced construction sites – and that Cbus might have aided the practice – have been made in NSW as part of a covert investigation targeting Greenfield and which led to him being charged with corruption offences in September 2021. His son, Michael Greenfield, the NSW CFMEU’s assistant secretary, was also charged.

Both cases remain before the courts and are yet to be tested by a jury. There is no suggestion of their guilt.

According to official documents sighted by this masthead, NSW investigators allege Greenfield senior told a building company owner he would exert his influence over Cbus in 2019 to ensure the super giant instructed the lead contractor to use subcontractors favoured by the CFMEU.

One project Greenfield allegedly claimed he could influence via his Cbus ties was the union giant’s development project in Epping, NSW.

The Langston development was finished in 2022 and involved a mixed-use precinct comprising three apartment towers and retail space. Cbus Property, a wholly owned subsidiary of Cbus, financed the $500 million development.

While the lead contractor was large commercial building company Hutchinson, Operation Brownsmith officers allege Greenfield repeatedly claimed he would leverage his relationship with Cbus connections, whom he was meeting regularly, to control which subcontractors secured work on the project.

In return for influencing the awarding of work, the union boss allegedly sought kickbacks. Greenfield also allegedly claimed that unnamed Cbus employees sought his direct input into which subcontractors should win work.

Around 12 per cent of Cbus’ default MySuper option is invested in property, of which around 85 per cent is unlisted.

A spokesman for Cbus Property said it was “unable to and will not comment on matters before the courts”.

“Cbus Property undertakes a detailed process on each development site to appoint an independent contractor to manage its construction projects. The independent contractor enters into agreements with all subcontractors and suppliers. Subcontractors on all sites are appointed by the contractor, not Cbus Property.”

While many leaders in the union movement anticipated Greenfield would step aside as the CFMEU’s NSW secretary when he was charged with serious corruption offences, he refused to do so and still wields considerable industrial power in the state.

In a development unrelated to the police inquiry, this masthead can reveal CFMEU officials pushed for the appointment of Simon Gutierrez, a convicted drug dealer, as union delegate on a different Cbus and Scentre Group joint venture development.

Gutierrez was also recently appointed to the NSW Branch’s powerful committee of management.

In his position as the delegate on the redevelopment of the former David Jones in the Sydney CBD Gutierrez can influence which sub-contractors are hired on the project.

There is no suggestion that Gutierrez has taken any kickbacks or is involved in the Greenfields’ alleged bribery.

Among Greenfield’s key supporters are Cbus director Rita Mallia, a senior CFMEU NSW official. Greenfield has insisted he has done nothing criminal and said last week that because the matter was before court, he couldn’t comment on the police allegations.

The CFMEU and Mallia did not respond to requests for comment about Greenfield’s allegedly improper use of Cbus.

On Sunday, it emerged that Mallia and Greenfield had signed a letter to Premier Chris Minns on Friday attacking him for backing a major clean-up of the CFMEU in response to revelations by this masthead and 60 Minutes that the union had been infiltrated by organised crime and was allegedly involved in serious corruption.

In the letter signed by Greenfield and Cbus board member Mallia, the CFMEU threatened to release the names of MPs, ministers and public servants who Greenfield met with prior to the last state election. This masthead is not suggesting that Mallia is involved in the conduct alleged against Greenfield, including that involving Cbus.

It comes as Victoria’s shadow cabinet on Monday ticked off on a private member’s bill which would effectively ban construction companies whose employees have links to organised crime and outlaw motorcycle gangs from winning lucrative government contracts

The private member’s bill, which will be sponsored by opposition major projects spokesman David Southwick, would force construction giants bidding for work to guarantee its employees, including subcontractors, didn’t have a history of organised crime and that workers didn’t consort with organised crime figures.

Employees with pending criminal charges of organised crime offences would also be excluded from working on major government projects in a move the opposition says mirrors similar reforms in other jurisdictions.

Leader of the Opposition John Pesutto said bikies and organised criminals have no place on taxpayer-funded construction sites and the new laws will keep them out for good.

“For a decade, Labor has turned a blind eye to worsening misconduct and organised criminal infiltration of major projects for which every Victorian is paying the price,” Pesutto said.

The Coalition’s bill lists more than two dozen “entities” caught up in the ban, including outlaw motorcycle gangs the Comanchero, Hells Angels, Mongols, Finks, Bandidos and Rebels.

As part of the crackdown, the bill will also allow parties involved in the contracting of projects to request criminal history and association information from the chief commissioner of police.

On Monday, Victorian Trades Hall secretary Luke Hilakari the said CFMEU had notified him it would be “voluntarily suspending” its membership immediately.

“Other interstate Trades and Labour [sic] Councils are receiving the same notification,” he told members in an email.”

I’ve always said Superannuation is a racket for Unions and the Labor party. This proves it.

The Liberal party should also hang their heads in shame for not calling out Superannuation for the rort it is.

John Howard and Peter Costello should have shut it down when they got into power in 1996 and they didn’t. Instead they pandered to the big banks who also saw it as a way to rip off the workers.

The sooner compulsory Superannuation is abolished the better.


Same Ship Different Rats

Labor is sacking 160 out of 340 staff on the Administrative Appeals Tribunal only to replace them with their mates at a cost of a billion dollars.

Labor has a track record in sticking their mates in high places within the government.

Last year Iain Ross was appointed onto the board of the RBA. This guy was the head of Fairwork Australia when vaccine mandates were implemented and he did nothing to stop them. Before that he designed the Superannuation mandate with Paul Keating and Bill Kelty.

Labor has a track record in dodgy behaviour especially in regard to transparency.

The refusal to disclose the Brittany Higgins payout, hold an inquiry into childhood mutilations or the impact of renewables on the environment, disclose National Cabinet minutes or notes on how to avoid answering questions in estimates is just some of their unethical behaviour.

Australians want greater transparency and integrity from their elected officials.

People are sick of being lied to.


The Minister for Energy and Climate Change has replied to my letter asking for a debate over his claims that my X feed is a cacophony of conspiracies.

Needless to say:

1) He lacks the courage to take up my offer to debate HIS claims. This is the typical behaviour of a coward who can talk a big game behind someone’s back but not to their face.

2) He again fails to back up his claims with any specific facts. This is the typical behavior of an intellectual pygmy who loves to cast slurs but is incapable arguing a point in a rational manner.

3)He claims that cookers and conspiracy theorists (myself and presumably my followers) do not have the right to scrutinize public agencies. These slurs against his fellow Australians indicates an arrogance and lack of respect from Chris Bowen that we’ve become used to.

If anyone needs to be brought into line, it’s Mr Bowen who is not fit to be either a Minister of the Crown or a representative of the people.

The Australian people deserve much better.


“Queensland shivered through a record-breaking cold snap on Monday, with overnight temperatures at more than 80 Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) sites lower than in Melbourne.

Brisbane's minimum temperature of 6.3C - recorded at Brisbane airport - was more than three degrees lower than the Victorian capital's minimum of 9.9C, the weather bureau said.

The frigid temperatures come as Palmerville, in Cape York, recorded its coldest day in 125 years. The 0.5C minimum was also the coldest morning since 1913, when -0.1 degrees was recorded.

According to BoM senior meteorologist Harry Clark, many south-east Queensland thermometers registered their lowest temperature of the year.

"Generally, we've been about four to eight degrees below the July temperature averages in terms of minimum temperature across south-eastern Queensland the last few days," he said.”

Net Zero is a scam.

There has never been any need to waste billions of taxpayer dollars on destroying our domestically sourced base load energy generation in favour of foreign made renewables.


The e-Safety Commissioner should be renamed the Censorship Commissioner.

She is plainly partisan in a role that demands impartiality.

She implied in a recent speech that Trump was a "grave threat" to
"democratic ideals and is a major super-spreader of mis and disinformation".

Of course she ignored all the lies about the safety of vaccines, the global warming propaganda or misgendering.

Albanese needs to get rid of her.


“Senator Rennick’s Twitter feed is a cacophony of conspiracy theories and attacks on people’s motives including our intelligence agencies, our health bureaucrats, our climate bureaucrats, the bureau of meteorology. And it’s not okay, someone’s gotta call it out, I’m calling it out, I welcome Mr Dutton calling it out. It’s not okay to question the patriotism or the efficacy of our intelligence agencies. He’s saying Covid was a conspiracy by our intelligence agencies? A serving senator of the alternative government, really.”

Looks like I’ve really triggered Bowen.

The man who responsible for the deaths of over 1,000 deaths at sea and the detention of up to 50,000 illegal arrivals really shouldn’t throw stones.

Yes Bowen I do question the efficacy of our Agencies.

• Why won’t the Intelligence agencies investigate the origins of Covid and Professor Ed Holmes role in the cover up?
• Why won’t our Health agencies acknowledge vaccine injuries and compensate them?
•Why does the BoM manipulate weather records?
•Why are there 40 different models to calculate Net Zero if the science is settled?

I’ve written to Mr Bowen asking if he would like to debate his allegations. (See comments)

Don’t hold your breath. These weasels talk a big game behind your back but go to water when you confront them.


Biden’s out, Harris is in.

Don’t be fooled: policies won’t change. Just like Biden wasn’t the one calling the shots, Kamala Harris won’t be either. She is the new figurehead for the deep state and the maidservant of the warmongering banksters.

They will continue their efforts to engulf the world in war and taking away our liberty.

It’s why we the people have to stand up against the puppet masters who prop up weak and corrupt politicians.




Never let a heroic sacrifice get in the way of the Climate Change narrative…….

In 2007 Irene Sendler was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

Poland's Irene Sendler saved more than 2,500 Jewish children from the Warsaw ghetto in World War Two.

In October 1943 Ann Sendler was betrayed and arrested, and taken to Pawiak Prison. Though subject to horrific torture – her legs were broken so badly she never walked properly again – she refused to divulge the name of a single accomplice, nor the whereabouts of any children she had saved.

She was sentenced to death, only to be rescued in a daring raid by the Polish resistance. She immediately returned to her work using a new identity.

You guessed it….Al Gore, the rent seeking fear mongering millionare won it...


The Federal Health Department is making ludicrous claims that the COVID vaccine actually lowered All cause mortality based on shoddy analysis.

At the recent excess death inquiry I challenged the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare about these claims.

Their claim is flawed for the following reasons:

• The PCR and RRAT tests aren’t reliable - primers are not disclosed and the cycle threshold test is too high.
• Comorbidities are ignored as being a cause of death
•States didn’t record someone as being vaccinated until 21 days after they were jabbed. FOIs shows half of the reported deaths from the jab came within the first 21 days of being jabbed
•Analysis ignored autopsy, pathology and histology reports that could have determined if the vaccine had played a part. In other words the Health Department made no attempt to determine what impact the vaccine had on deaths despite limited testing. This is just straight out negligence.

Spreadsheets are not diagnostic tools for the purposes of understanding the cause of death.

We are talking about human lives here. Families of the deceased deserve to know the real cause of death.

Who do these people think they are allowed to gaslight why these people died.

It’s just another lie in the empire of lies.


“Bricks-and-mortar post offices across Australia are facing shutdown, leaving regional communities without essential services, thanks to an alarming new $85k fee.

It is understood a number of licensees with expiring fixed-term agreements across Australia have been similarly impacted, with the issue raised at a National Small Business Commissioners' Forum last month.”

The Government needs to ensure Post Offices along with Bank branches remain open.

Viability could be enhanced by combining postal services and banking services under the same roof.

If a Government can’t deliver such basic services to its own people then what can it do?


President Trump is well positioned to win the 2024 presidential election. However, nothing can be taken for granted.

A few weeks ago Victoria Nuland said she didn’t think Trump is going to be President.

Nuland is the deepest of the deep state puppet masters.

She was instrumental in overthrowing a democratically elected government in Ukraine a decade ago that was the catalyst for the current war.

Trump himself has had the CIA and Robert Mueller allege Russian interference which eventually turned out to be false. Not to mention the Covid leak and other false stories which have been used against Trump.

While only just over three months from the election a lot can happen in a short time when the puppet masters start pulling strings.

Just look at Ukraine.

Zelensky’s party “The Servant of the People” was only formed in Dec 2017 before going on to win elections in April 2019 with 73% of the vote!

The party's first financiers were either NGO's that did not have to report the origins of their donations or companies that all changed their addresses just before Zelensky announced his intention to run in December 2018.

Let’s hope there are no more surprises before November.


In Estimates, after much toing and froing, the ATO claim that Universities make no more $3 billion dollars from foreign students.

Why can’t the Tax Office look at the annual reports of the Universities to work out how much they earn from foreign students.

They have no problem auditing hard working individuals so why not rent seeking Universities.

Why the secrecy?

For perspective, the latest ABS figures claim that foreign students generate $46 billion worth of exports.

Something doesn’t add up here.

Macrobusiness do a great job of calling out the way in which the ABS value calculate the value of foreign students to the economy.

The protection racket run by the Federal government for Universities need to stop.

“The higher education lobby, politicians, economists, and policymakers continually tout that international students are a vital export industry for Australia, generating $46 billion of export earnings for the nation.

This fantastical export figure is published by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) and is derived by combining “an average spend estimate from Tourism Research Australia … supplemented by the addition of the total expenditure on course fees”.

The ABS wrongly categorises all spending by students on a student visa as exports, even when the expenditures are paid for with Australian-earned money.

The way the ABS calculates this “export” assumes that each international student in the country is bringing into the country at least $60,745 per annum to spend (Dr. Murray has a higher estimate of around $78,000)…

Everybody knows that the money is instead earned through employment once the students get here…

So yes, we apparently export “rent”… Every dwelling that these international students rent, is considered by the Australian Bureau of Statistics as an export.”


The digital payment system in Australia has CRASHED! Some shops are only accepting physical Australian dollars! This is why PHYSICAL CASH is essential to economic freedom!


“Labor’s green hydrogen goals have copped a blow after Aussie mining billionaire Andrew Forrest announced 700 redundancies at Fortescue in a sweeping restructure of the company signalling a slowdown of his green hydrogen ambitions.

Mr Forrest has spent years promoting the benefits of green hydrogen with the company originally planning on producing 15 million tonnes per year by 2030.

However, Wednesday’s job cuts revelations, alongside news it will consolidate its mining and energy arms into one division, puts these ambitions on the backburner.

Fortescue’s announcement comes as a blow to the Labor government which announced a Hydrogen Production Tax Incentive as part of its Future Made in Australia Act.

More than $6.5 billion will go toward the scheme which provides $2 per kilogram of renewable hydrogen produced between 2027-28 and 2039-40.

This came a year after Labor announced $2b towards its Hydrogen Headstart program which looked to invest in large scale hydrogen projects.”

More taxpayer dollars being sprayed up against the wall in the name of renewable energy.

What a waste!

When are these lunatics going to stop pretending renewable energy is the way of the future?

It isn’t.


The Department of Health is a disgrace.

In Estimates I asked Comcare (workers compensation for Federal Government employees) why they refuse to support an employee from the Department of Health injured by the jab.

This employee has not been able to work for over two years and has had to sell his house to pay for his medical bills due to his injury.

Their argument is that the Government didn’t mandate the employee to take it.

The Government did however strongly encourage everyone to take it and repeatedly state it had been properly tested and was safe and effective.

If the Government can indemnify the foreign company that made the vaccine why can’t they indemnify Australians injured by the vaccine.

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Videos (show all)

Not everything can be tracked. It doesn’t mean to say it isn’t important.
It wasn’t just Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine that was pulled from treating people with Covid.
Same Ship Different Rats
e-Safety Commissioner is more interested in censorship than safety.
Chris Bowen needs to put up or shut up.
Garbage in Garbage out.
Trump needs to be careful.
Universities are a protected racket.
Department of Health is a disgrace.
This is why the RBA should not be independent.
The rorts never end do they. In estimates I quizzed Air Services staff on why they are claiming such extravagant expense...




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Brisbane, QLD

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