Kylie Chown Consulting

We work with small business owners, coaches and consultants to get found and grow their business onl

We specialise in helping business owners, professional service providers, coaches and consultants increase their visibility on LinkedIn and Google.

Council Post: The Comprehensive Guide To Generating Leads With LinkedIn 29/03/2023

Your lead generation strategy on LinkedIn would typically encompass reaching out to potential customers and clients to drive revenue. Most businesses will look for decision-makers who hold purchasing power.

Before embarking on any marketing activity, ensure that you thoroughly understand your audience. This may seem time-consuming, but it is critical if you want to succeed. From that basis, you can choose the most suitable tools.

Read more:

Council Post: The Comprehensive Guide To Generating Leads With LinkedIn Any lead generation efforts must be consistent, and LinkedIn is no exception.

What do your team members LinkedIn profiles say about your business? – Kylie Chown Consulting 27/03/2023

Should I have my team members LinkedIn profiles written?
Won’t that make them more attractive to recruiters?

Did you know that:
- Employees have 10 times more social media connections than their company has followers.
- Content shared via employees consistently generates at least a 2x higher click-through rate than the post shared from a company pages.

Today we are in a digital-first world, a world where people learn about you (and your business) online before they meet you in person.

A key component of this for business is how their LinkedIn organisational strategy positions the company page and the key team members LinkedIn profiles.

So a better question to ask might be: If my ideal customer was viewing the team on LinkedIn, am I happy with what they see?

Read more from the blog:

What do your team members LinkedIn profiles say about your business? – Kylie Chown Consulting Should I have my team members LinkedIn profiles written?Won’t that make them more attractive to recruiters? Did you know that:...

LinkedIn Professionals Share Their Best Unusual LinkedIn Marketing Hack 24/03/2023

Love this advice from Search Engine Journal on prioritising a human-centric approach to LinkedIn:

"Make sure your team’s LinkedIn profiles are co-branded and focused on client problem-solving instead of recruiter oriented.

Encourage the team to search and connect with coworkers, clients, and prospects. Train your team to build relationships with thoughtful, helpful comments and personalised messages.

Say no to automation. Train them to engage, inspire, and motivate their professional networks with valuable comments, original posts, and shared or reposted company page content.

Develop a company hashtag and communicate how to use it on LinkedIn. Most importantly, build your team’s confidence and make it fun!"

You can read their other LinkedIn marketing tips here:

LinkedIn Professionals Share Their Best Unusual LinkedIn Marketing Hack Looking to use LinkedIn to drive sales or build your brand? Take these marketing tips from seven LinkedIn professionals.


The best tip we can give anyone for using LinkedIn, is to have a plan - Even if you are only posting once a week.

Planning is key to maintaining consistency. It also means that if your workload increases, or you can’t be at work, your social media campaign continues without you.

Remember: Consistency is key!


What's the difference between a connection and a follower on LinkedIn?

Connections are members who connect on LinkedIn. If you're connected to someone, you'll both be able to see each other's shares and updates on your LinkedIn feed. You can also send messages to your connections on LinkedIn.

Following someone on LinkedIn allows you to see the person's posts and articles on your homepage without being connected to them. However, the person you’re following won't see your posts. By default, you will follow your 1st degree connections, and you can always unfollow them.

Some members turn on Creator Mode which changes the default request from connect to follow. When you send an invitation to connect with someone who’s primary action is Follow, you will immediately start following that person while you await their response.


Companies publish content on LinkedIn to spark interest in their brand.

According to The Social Shepherd, 30% of the readers who like, share, and comment on the content are the business’s employees. In addition, employees are 14 times more likely to share a business’s content over other content they see on the platform.

With that in mind, do you currently have a LinkedIn strategy that incorporates employees sharing your business content?


Need more visibility on LinkedIn?
Would you like to get employees engaged to get the most out of your LinkedIn content strategy?

In this article, you’ll discover four ways to help your employees share more company content with their personal networks on LinkedIn.

How often to post on social media 15/02/2023

The world’s largest professional networking platform is a powerful place for your branding strategy and to share thought leadership. And it doesn't have to be all business all the time.

The average posting frequency on LinkedIn is once per day—and weekdays are the best days to post on LinkedIn.

A recent LinkedIn algorithm change made the platform more sensitive to posts that can be considered spam and put a spotlight on posts that garner solid engagement. So make your posts count! -LI

How often to post on social media The question of "how often to post on social media" doesn’t have to be a mystery. Find the data-backed answer for key social platforms.

The Importance of Posting Content on LinkedIn 08/02/2023

If you’re not posting content on LinkedIn, you are not leveraging all that the platform has to offer. Whether you’re a job seeker, an entrepreneur, or just looking to build your personal brand, you have to post.

Forbes Coaches Council members Dr. Josh Luke and Lakrisha Davis share their insights and experience on the platform via the Inside Forbes Podcast.

Check it out here:

The Importance of Posting Content on LinkedIn Listen as Dr. Josh Luke and Lakrisha Davis discuss making the most of your LinkedIn presence by posting relevant and useful content that draws attention.

Should you be creating content on LinkedIn in 2023? – Kylie Chown Consulting 06/02/2023

LinkedIn currently has 875 million members in more than 200 countries and territories worldwide.

Despite this, only 1 million users have published an article on LinkedIn and only 3 million users share content weekly on LinkedIn.

There are different reasons that people don’t create content – sometimes they don't know where to start, are not sure what to post on LinkedIn, or they don’t have the time.

If you have not implemented a content strategy on LinkedIn is 2023 the year you get started?

Here are 3 reasons why you should consider a LinkedIn content marketing strategy in 2023.

Should you be creating content on LinkedIn in 2023? – Kylie Chown Consulting Not sure if you should be creating content on LinkedIn? Here are 3 reasons why you should consider a LinkedIn content marketing strategy.

10 quick and easy tips from LinkedIn for creators 01/02/2023

Need some inspiration for the topic of your next LinkedIn post?

Use these tips from Search Engine Land for a nearly endless supply of content ideas.

10 quick and easy tips from LinkedIn for creators Need some inspiration for the topic of your next LinkedIn post? Use these tips for a nearly endless supply of content ideas.


Did you know that LinkedIn generates more leads for service-based businesses than Facebook, Twitter or standalone blogs?

In fact, 80% of B2B marketing leads from social media come through LinkedIn.

If you are not getting results from your LinkedIn profile you are not tapping into one of the most powerful marketing tools at your fingertips.

Boost your LinkedIn profile with our free 5 day LinkedIn Challenge.


Claim Your Customised LinkedIn URL!

One of the easiest ways to improve your keyword search is to customise your LinkedIn URL.

Your standard LinkedIn URL is your name with a bunch of numbers after it. You can edit this on LinkedIn to have just your name, or add in keywords, job titles or location.

7 tips on showcasing your great company culture on LinkedIn 23/01/2023

Is your LinkedIn company page accurately portraying what a great company you have?

Keep your company page centred around your audience and what you can do to make their lives better are just some of the tips.

Explore more in this article.

7 tips on showcasing your great company culture on LinkedIn Chances are, your LinkedIn page is missing the mark when it comes to accurately portraying what a great company you have.


😍 Make your digital first impression with a stand-out LinkedIn banner.

A banner is one of the first things you see when you look at a LinkedIn Page. There is little opportunity to bring colours and branding into the 'above the headline' section of LinkedIn, except with a banner.

You can use any image but it should connect with either your company brand or your personal brand and be a high-resolution image.

Canva has many free templates that are optimised to the LinkedIn banner proportions for either a personal page or a company page.

LinkedIn marketing: How to use it and 5 tips to improve your strategy 16/01/2023

It’s no secret that LinkedIn is the go-to network for B2B brands.

And recent social media demographics highlight the platform’s growing (and high-earning!) user base.

But as more professionals flock to the platform, standing out from the crowd is a challenge.

This article from Sprout Social breaks down the building blocks of an effective LinkedIn marketing strategy, and also highlights best practices and ideas for personal profiles and brands alike.

LinkedIn marketing: How to use it and 5 tips to improve your strategy Looking to level up your LinkedIn marketing strategy? This guide breaks down tips, content types and opportunities to expand your presence.


The beginning of the year is the perfect time to update your LinkedIn profile for the New Year.

Your headline on LinkedIn follows you everywhere. When you share, like or comment on a post your connections (and their connections!) will see your name, your photo and your headline.

The idea is to have more than just your job title!

What does your Headline say about you?


There are 5 levels of what LinkedIn calls ‘profile strength’ when you start editing your profile. Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, Expert and All-Star.

🌟 All-Star is the highest rating that LinkedIn gives for a profile – it means your profile is complete.

How do you gain the All-Star rating? Follow these essential steps:

🔤 Have a click-through headline
🏳️ Create a personally branded banner
👔 Present with a professional profile photo
🔗 Make sure you claim your LinkedIn vanity URL
🗒️ Convey a compelling message in your summary (and remember to link or add relevant external media and links to showcase)
✍️ Complete the experience section
☎️ Make sure your contact details are correct and up to date
✔️ Have the right skill endorsements
💻 Get recommendations
🎓 Include education background
🤝 Include volunteer experience, publications, courses and certifications
🏢 Follow relevant companies
👥 Join relevant groups
🌐 Grow your network
🤑 Give value to your network
🗣️ Engage with your network

🙌 Extra tip – avoid buzz words. Every January, LinkedIn releases a ranking of the Top Ten most over-used buzzwords on LinkedIn profiles. These are adjectives that are used so often in LinkedIn headlines and summaries that they become almost completely meaningless.

👥 The LinkedIn profile page is the foundation for your personal branding so it’s important you get it right from the start.


The year is nearly over and I want to say a big THANK YOU to our clients and community for a fantastic 2022.

Kylie Chown Consulting wouldn't be where it is without you.

Sending you all the best for a wonderful new year.

How to Get More Engagement on Your LinkedIn Posts by Asking a Question at the End 26/12/2022

If your LinkedIn posts aren’t getting many likes or a lot of engagement, Here is a tip that will almost always help you increase your engagement and reach.

Try ending your posts with a question or call to action (CTA).

Ask your connections to respond with their thoughts on what you said, whether they agree with you or to give their suggestions and input.

This tactic will help you get more responses so your post creates a more dynamic discussion, which will get the LinkedIn algorithm to recommend it in more people’s news feeds.

This article explores some CTA's for you to try out!

How to Get More Engagement on Your LinkedIn Posts by Asking a Question at the End If your LinkedIn posts aren’t getting many likes or a lot of engagement, I have a tip  that will almost always help you increase your engagement and reach. Try ending your posts with a q


Sending Christmas cheer to all our clients, community and friends.

We hope you have a wonderful day surrounded by good food and good company!

Merry Christmas,

From the team at Kylie Chown Consulting

LinkedIn's new security features combat fake profiles, threat actors 19/12/2022

LinkedIn has introduced three new features to fight fake profiles and malicious use of the platform.

1. Confirm whether a profile is authentic by showing whether it has a verified work email or phone number.
2. Using AI to search for computer-generated profile images.
3. Warning and tips when someone wants to take the conversation off the platform.

LinkedIn's new security features combat fake profiles, threat actors LinkedIn has introduced three new features to fight fake profiles and malicious use of the platform, including a new method to confirm whether a profile is authentic by showing whether it has a verified work email or phone number.


Another cool feature LinkedIn released this year on Company Pages is 📍pinned comments.

This feature allows you to pin relevant or top-performing comments to the top of your post. This is a great feature to keep the conversation on track or to promote specific conversations in relation to your post.

LinkedIn now lets you schedule posts for later 12/12/2022

LinkedIn is rolling out a new feature that allows users to schedule posts to send at a later time.

Read more about this exciting new feature!

LinkedIn now lets you schedule posts for later LinkedIn is rolling out a new feature that allows users to schedule posts to send at a later time. The Microsoft-owned social network has seemingly been testing the new feature internally for several months already, according to at least one online report back in August from web developer and app re...


LinkedIn has added some great new features this year.

One of our favourites is the Lead Gen form on Company Pages, where contact details are automatically populated from your LinkedIn account.

It sits under your about section with a lightbulb icon.

It can be customised for anything you want . This is great for a general call to action, specific targets, courses and events.

Have you taken advantage of this cool feature this year?

LinkedIn Rolls Out 3 Updates To Pages 05/12/2022

Do you have a LinkedIn Company page?

Earlier this year LinkedIn rolled out three pages updates that allow businesses to facilitate more meaningful communication with their audience.

Businesses can create more engaging content with post templates, guide the direction of a conversation with pinned comments, and emphasize their most important values with a new ‘commitments’ section.

You can read more here:

LinkedIn Rolls Out 3 Updates To Pages Catch up on the latest features for LinkedIn Pages with this rundown of recent updates.


🤔 When was the last time you reviewed your LinkedIn strategy?

🤔 Is your LinkedIn strategy ready for 2023?

LinkedIn has 810 million members and in 2022, experienced a 22% increase in engagement.

As the platform continues to grow and more features are added, more professionals are engaging with others both within and outside their network.

A lot can change in a year, and with 2023 on the horizon, it’s a great time to review your LinkedIn strategy.

If you would like to learn about the changes LinkedIn made in 2022 and how they affect you and your business, you are invited to join me for our final complimentary Masterclass for the year, you can learn more and register here.


What do your team members LinkedIn profiles say about you and your business?

LinkedIn offers companies the opportunity to have a professional business
development platform. It allows you to increase visibility and marketplace positioning.

It also affords opportunities for team members to grow their professional and client network. Many organisations in professional services use LinkedIn as their primary social sales platform.

Knowing how to set-up your LinkedIn in professional and technical services can be tricky. This guide will help you get started.

How to use LinkedIn creator mode effectively 23/11/2022

If you’re looking to step up your content marketing and reach on LinkedIn, then creator mode may be the solution you’re looking for.

How to use LinkedIn creator mode effectively Learn the features and benefits of LinkedIn creator mode and how it can help you improve your LinkedIn reach


🖥️ In today’s digital first world, your online presence is not only key to attracting clients, but also to attracting candidates.

Potential team members are going to learn about your business online before applying for a role with your business.

The team from Capitalize recently surveyed more than 1,200 people to get their perspective. Among the key findings were:

👉 80% of respondents look up the social media profiles of current staff when applying or even considering a position.
👉 60% of prospective employees research a potential employer on LinkedIn before applying for a role within the business.
👉 Glassdoor (51%), Facebook (37%), and Twitter (36%) are also top social platforms potential employees look to for insight.

Build your brand by sharing content that shows what it is like to be part of the team in a way that aligns with your business values, mission and vision.

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

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Want to know how to use LinkedIn to get more clients?

Join our free online community. I share hints and tips on how you can use LinkedIn to get more clients.

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