Gaia Kin

✨ I help sensitive souls regulate their nervous system and balance their emotions

Provide Ayurveda, Kinesiology and Coaching to support clients to find health and wellbeing.

Photos from Gaia Kin's post 16/05/2024

✨️ Skip the ice
✨️ Make lunch the biggest meal
✨️ Avoid water around meals
✨️ Ditch the snacks
✨️ Avoid eating before 7am & after 7pm
✨️ Follow this simple food combining tip
✨️ Don’t eat when constipated
✨️ Take Digest Support

So glad to see Claudia have such a dramatic difference in her digestion and gas from taking Digest Support in just one week.

What have you found works best for bloating?

Link in bio for Digest Support xx


The morning is the most important part of the day. 🌞

It's the beginning of your journey, each and every day.

The quality of your mornings is reflecting the outcomes for the entire day.

If a productive, stress-free, grounded & creative day is what you're seeking, then the way you start your morning is that place you need to look to!

My entire day changed once I stopped doing this:

Scrolling on my phone
Drinking coffee on an empty stomach
Hitting snooze
Rushing out of bed
Straight to the to-do list
Eating breakfast upon waking
Skipping breakfast
Forgetting to hydrate
Not planning for the day

What habits do you want to let go of in the morning?

Photos from Gaia Kin's post 10/05/2024

✨️ Which one is your favourite? 🌛

I love these illustrations so much ❤️

Photos from Gaia Kin's post 07/05/2024

Adopting a daily ritual is truly one of the most nurturing and stabilising choices you can make for yourself.

Here are 6 Ayurvedic morning practices that will help to calm the nervous system & fire up your digestive system.

✨️ Rinse Face & Eyes -

A splash of cool water is soothing and rejuvenating to the face, mouth, and eyes.

It brings a sense of freshness to the body and mind.

✨️ Move Your Body -

Regular exercise, especially yoga, improves circulation, strength, and endurance.

Exercise daily to half of your capacity, which is until sweat forms on the forehead, armpits, and spine.

✨️ Mindfulness Practice -

This can be meditation, pranayama (breath techniques), yoga, journaling, prayer, or other activities that bring well-being to your spirit and mind.

The more you allow for these types of practices, the greater the benefits

Samadhi Oil can help enahance meditation practice by promoting mental clarity, intelligence, and wisdom.

✨️ Self Massage -

This is a profound practice of rejuvenation and loving self-care.

Perform a self-massage with warm cold-pressed black sesame oil or Vata Oil. After 5-20 minutes, rinse the skin with warm water to remove excess oil

This nourishing oil is particularly abundant in minerals such as magnesium and zinc and contains high levels of tryptophan, an amino acid precursor to serotonin, the "feel-good" neurotransmitter that promotes relaxation and emotional balance.

✨️ Nasya -

Applying herbal oil to the nasal passages directly soothes the nervous system.

The oils' calming properties ease stress and anxiety by promoting relaxation, while lubrication relieves congestion, aiding in better breathing and increased oxygen.

This practice supports overall nervous system balance and resilience against stressors.

Which morning practice can you add to your routine?

Photos from Gaia Kin's post 02/05/2024

Here are 5 best foods to decrease stress & regulate cortisol according to the vedic wisdom of Ayurveda 🌙☀️

✔️ Healthy Fats
✔️ Spices
✔️ Herbal Teas
✔️ Sweet & bitter foods
✔️ Avoid stimulants & heavy foods

What small habit change could you make to help decrease stress & regulate cortisol for a balanced nervous system & digestion?

Comment below 💬


What small change could you make to your diet to help nourish your nervous system? ✨️

Photos from Gaia Kin's post 17/04/2024

✨️ Which one or two do you relate to most?

Comment below & I'll give you tips based on your dosha 👇

Photos from Gaia Kin's post 14/04/2024

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “Melissa has an amazing ability to gently but powerfully guide you to the answers that your body holds.”

Racing thoughts and an anxious mind?
Have big emotional reactions to small triggers ?
Constantly feel like you don’t have enough time?
Find it hard to relax?

These are all signs that your nervous system needs a clean out and reset!

Unresolved stress, suppressed emotions, and negative belief patterns can get in your way of finding peace and balance in your life.

As your mind and digestive system are intricately connected, unresolved stress and suppressed emotions can also lead to digestive disturbances such as bloating, constipation, and diarrhoea.

I combine the healing modalities of kinesiology to help unravel subconscious stress blockages and the wisdom of Ayurveda to offer supportive dietary, herbal, and lifestyle tools.

I offer a space that feels safe and supportive and meets you exactly where you are.

Book a session by clicking the link in my bio. If you have any questions at all, please reach out. I am so happy to help.

Melissa xx

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “From our first session, I started to feel like myself again.”

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Melissa has a true gift, and in a few sessions, I have moved so far forward in my life, it’s hard to imagine what I would have done without her.

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Melissa improved my mental health, reduced my stress, and increased my happiness. I highly recommend her!”

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ She really listens and can hear even the subtlest of messages you may not even be aware of. Thank you, Melissa, for helping me unfold and bring more light into my life!”


In the past, I was scared to process my emotions, especially in the presence of others. I had an irrational fear that if I opened up to my emotions, I would become completely overwhelmed, and I was worried about what others would think. I learnt to suppress and push down my emotions so that I could stay strong and in control.

As I got older, I learnt that actually it was the fear of the fear that was stopping me from processing my emotions. Once I learnt a few tools to help me move through my emotions in a healthy way, I realised it wasn’t hard or scary - and actually I began to enjoy the self exploration and growth that would come with it.

Now, whenever I am faced with an emotional trigger, there is a sense of underlying curiosity and actually a little excitement. It means I get to shed another layer of emotions and false belief systems that are no longer serving serving. Every time I process a layer, I feel lighter, clearer, and more connected within myself.

I hope this cheat sheet for processing emotions will be useful for you, too .


✨️I Swapped "Sorry" for "Thank You," and My Life Changed ✨

Frequent apologies, even when unwarranted, often stem from a subconscious need for reassurance and fear of others' judgments.

We say sorry almost reflexively, maybe to maintain harmony or avoid conflict.

But each unnecessary apology undermines our confidence, as if we're saying, "I'm not really sure about this, so please don't judge me too harshly."

This habit links back to deeper issues like low self-esteem or a fear of rejection, conditioning us to constantly apologize, even for things beyond our control.

Yet, research suggests that resisting this urge can boost self-esteem and make us feel more in control.

So, next time you catch yourself apologizing needlessly, pause. You deserve to be heard, and your opinions matter.

Instead of using apologetic phrases, say things like:

Thank you for waiting for me
Thank you for the invitation
Thank you for helping me out
Thank you for being patient when I make a mistake
Thank you for supporting me

Photos from Gaia Kin's post 23/03/2024

What kind of rest could you add to your day? ☀️

These are the seven types of rest thay have been recommended to avoid burnout, according to Dr. Saundra Dalton-Sith in her book “Sacred Rest.

Photos from Gaia Kin's post 21/03/2024

Let me know what you think.. is there any there that surprised you? 😯

Photos from Gaia Kin's post 19/03/2024

I help people suffering from stress, anxiety & emotional imbalances, find peace and balance in their life.

Sessions available online, follow the 🔗 in the bio if you would like some support xx

Photos from Gaia Kin's post 18/03/2024

What small habit could you make to your nightly routine? 🌙

Photos from Gaia Kin's post 15/03/2024

Anxiety is associated with physiological changes in the body, including changes to our breathing style, which becomes fast, short, and shallow in our upper chest.

I have found in clinic that for some clients, getting them to practice deep diaphragmatic breathing actually exacerbates their feelings of anxiety and panic.

If it is not possible to change the breath without increasing the problem. then the next best option is to work with it but transform the meaning.

And this is exactly what heart breathing does. It transforms the energy of anxiety in the chest to that of courage and care, while at the same time, strengthens and nourishes the heart so that you have the courage to face whatever it is that is causing you stress.

Photos from Gaia Kin's post 14/03/2024

I believe meaning-focused work can be helpful with many issues.

One of the dynamics that present barriers to managing anxiety has to do with focusing on the future or the past, and not being able to stay focused in the present.

If we think about worry, it’s focusing our attention on the future. If we think about rumination, it's focusing our attention on the past. Worry and rumination both take us out of the present.

So, intervening in ways that help people ground themselves in the present moment can reduce anxiety.

That way, we're not living in the future of worry, what's going to happen? Oh, my goodness; or living, ruminating the past, playing over and over in our minds some regretted past situation.

The practice of kinesiology is a great tool to help uncover and shed light on the ‘monsters’ that are hiding in our psyche, and diffuse the associated feelings and negative belief systems that are keeping us trapped in an anxious mindset.

“Melissa is a gifted guide, helping me navigate all the depths of my soul in the most caring, open and intuitive way possible. She really listens and can hear even the subtlest of messages you may not even be aware of. Thank you Melissa for helping me unfold and bring more light into my life!”

— Sonja G.

Photos from Gaia Kin's post 12/03/2024

Simple habits for happy hormones.

Happy hormones = healthy mind and body ✨️



The ripples of compassion you create extend far beyond the surface, touching lives in ways we may never fully grasp.

Embrace the profound impact you make with each act of kindness, for in changing the world for one, you spark a ripple of change that can touch the hearts of many


Yes please, who wants to join? 🌸🌻🌷

Photos from Gaia Kin's post 27/08/2023

In a world full of lies, your greatest act of activism, your greater service to the planet and humanity is to speak your truth.

Your voice is a beacon of change. In a world hungry for authenticity, your greatest act of activism lies not in loud gestures, but in the power to speak and walk your truth.

Your words, your stories, your vulnerabilities—they possess the might to ignite minds, stir hearts, and paint new shades of understanding. Embrace your voice, for within it resides the potential to inspire a a more just, a more compassionate and more caring world.

Photos from Gaia Kin's post 24/08/2023

I have been feeling lost lately. Well actually if I am honest, I have felt rather lost for the last couple of years.

It started around covid time. Two really close friends moved away, a broken relationship, work not quite hitting the passion spot anymore which led to the closure of my business, a tired mind and body, family illness and mould dramas (which led to the selling of the family home), and the whole forced-vaccine and government control saga.

Now I am 12.5 thousand kms from home in a country I don't know the language of and the date of our return out of our hands.

Usually I pride myself in being so resilient and adaptable, seeing everything in sight as a possible opportunity and adventure.. but something was different this time. There is an undercurrent of unease that is hard to shake off.. worry and anxiety creeping in...

A mini mid (quarter?) life crisis perhaps? It's been a process of shedding everything I thought I was. Leaving behind all the projects, structures and communities that I had built around me that was propping up my sence of self, my worth, my ego.

In one way it feels scary to be at this point in my life again, being called to let go of everything I was, everything I had built and completely surrender into not knowing who I am again.

To have to wait patiently until a renewed sence of purpose or sense of being grounds in. Part of myself wanting to freak out and try to scramble back to who I was for familiarity.

But in the moments that I can remind myself to be patient and let go, it feels so liberating, a relief, a feeling of newness just around the corner.

An appreciation of everything that was, and a quiet anticipation for whats next when the dust settles...


From an early age, I acquired the skill of suppressing and concealing my emotions. I became quite adept at this practice. In fact, it seemed like the only viable option at the time.

It wasn't until my twenties that I escaped an abusive situation, finally finding the space to embark on a journey of self-improvement.

I yearned for genuine connections and authenticity. Yet, I had constructed an impervious barrier around my heart, guarding the delicate and vulnerable parts of my being. Unfortunately, this barrier hindered the depth of my relationships and my capacity to live as my true, authentic self.

I could sense the adverse energy that this trauma held within my body, and I had a strong conviction that if left unaddressed, it would give rise to imbalances emotionally and mentally, but also physically.

Giving my self permission to start to unravel and release my emotions was akin to unlocking the floodgates of personal growth and profound connection. Beneath the surface of my emotions lied a treasure trove of benefits waiting to be realised.

Once I stopped hiding from and running away from my trauma and emotions, I began the process of healing my past wounds. In doing so, I gained insight into my triggers, desires, and fears.

The self-awareness I gained became a guiding light on my journey towards self-discovery. I began to tap into my inner compass, unveiling passions, dreams, and goals that had been hidden, and continue to be hidden beneath the surface.

There is way too much to lose hiding from your feelings and emotions...

If you need support or a safe, caring container to unravel the layers of emotions please reach out, you are not alone xx

Melissa Smrecnik 21/08/2023

You can also follow on Instagram to see more ✨✨✨

Melissa Smrecnik

Photos from Gaia Kin's post 20/08/2023

Amidst the tapestry of a like-minded community, personal healing intertwines with planetary restoration. As we gather, hearts aligned and intentions united, our combined strength becomes a force that mends individual wounds and breathes life into the very part of Earth we tread upon. In coming together, the power to heal ourselves and our world becomes an unstoppable symphony of transformation. ❤️✌️

Photos from Gaia Kin's post 19/08/2023

Surround me by plants and sunshine, and my heart will forever be happy 🌞🌻

Photos from Gaia Kin's post 03/08/2023

I had gotten into the habit of doing a rubbish clean up when I head to the beach... but just the other day I stopped in defeat. 😩

The plastic rubbish is most upsetting, knowing that turtles can easily gobble them up thinking they are jelly fish. As well as the many cigarette butts that pollute the beaches, leaching toxic chemicals into water, and remaining for as long as 10 years! 🚬 🐢 🙅

However it got to the point that I was feeling defeated by my efforts. How could my little contributions really make any difference at all? And there was way too much for me to do on my own.

I ended up stopping.

Yesterday, when I headed down to the beach for my morning swim I noticed a lady picking up rubbish. Witnessing this, I felt a sense of collective care and was inspired to take action again - even if it was only just a couple of pieces at a time.

I realised then, that the power of my actions was not just in the small local effect it was having on the environment - but the power was in inspiring others to also take action - and together we can actually make a MASSIVE difference. ✌️

I would love to hear what small things you do that seem minuscule but collectively could change the world? 🌎 🌈


✨ ✨ ✨

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Our Story

My life mission is to inspire others to live a more meaningful and purposeful life through the reclaiming of their power and sovereignty and by releasing density and karmic patterns. I am inspired to promote, enhance and facilitate physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health and wellness; to create a sacred space for a connection to Mind Body and Spirit; and to empower those who seek a higher light and vibration. I work with a blend of healing modalities including Applied Kinesiology, Ayurvedic Medicine and intuitive counselling, as well as through ground roots movements of permaculture.

Videos (show all)

✨️ Here is my all-time favourite habit for grounding the mind and soothing a sensitive nervous system:Abhyanga ❤️Have yo...
As your tolerance to stress increases, you'll likely find that you waste less energy trying to control your thoughts and...
Our behaviors are often deeply influenced by our past experiences, particularly those from childhood. Traumatic events d...
Cheeky smiles with my niece 💕
One thing I have so dearly LOVED seeing through Eastern Europe is food growing in just about every nook and cranny in of...
So grateful for this beautiful man in my life
A simple recipe to nourish the tissues, ground the mind and heal the digestion ✨ 1 cup dried yellow split peas or lentil...
About 10 years ago I was living in the city of Bolivia and at that time I had befriended a street dog in the neighbourho...
I have been a little quiet on here recently. We have had some big changes in our lives the last couple of months and it ...


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