Melissa Malthus

Melissa Malthus

Purifier & Activator, Shaman, Seer, Counsellor, Reiki Master Teacher. Death Doula. Writer and Artist



She not going to pursue you.

Shes not going to sit there and prove her worth to you with every day that passes.

She's not going to try and manipulate you to believe that she's better than everybody else.

Because she already knows she is.

She knows she's the best thing that will ever come into your life.

She knows shes not perfect but ....

She knows what shes been through, she has healed numerous times for the trauma that nobody apologized for , and she finally knows how valuable her life truly is.

If you get a chance to be a part of her life, you should consider it a blessing.

If she allows you to see parts of her that she hides away from the outside world ... you need to consider this a blessing as well.

If she wants you to be a part of her life, then it's for a specific reason.

She doesn't waste her time on temporary conversations anymore.

She has finally come to the conclusion that her time is precious so she's not going to waste it on someone who doesn't realize she is too.

~ Cody Bret


With so much changing and the earth pushing us into new space…a lot of things are shifting into different position..including ourselves and relationships ❤️


Much is changing around us as the new earth pushes through.
Remember to slow down and take time with self so all can intergrate and you don’t get so bombarded Xx


Be careful of the technology and the imagery you are shown through the cameras and selfie type styles.

It is a programme of its own which is geared to hone in on our own self destructive mechanisms which can cause us to doubt self and the way in which we look and the rest.

The technology these days is working on a different pathway and although it can be useful, it is also used to self destruct.

We have been fed a programme which has been designed for us to get down on ourselves including the age old ‘as we get older’ and feel we are no good anymore, turning times and creating a whole structure in which humans give up on themselves and own innate beauty.

That innate beauty is key in the world going forward in which we breathe and nurture love.

For many years it has been tried to take over and burnt out and it simply cannot be.

You are love.

Nothing and no one can take that.

So please stop buying into the bu****it they feed you and break away back into yourself and what feels right for you.
And there in keeping is your beauty…which shines like a light and reminds others of their spark.

Turn the phone off.

Hug a tree.

Smell the flowers

And remember you are as beautiful as all that around you.

Your heart knows the truth…not the imagery you are shown.

Much love 💗🌸



Traumatic bonds can happen in all sorts of relationships, it can happen with a parent or a brother, sister, boss or a friend because it's something we unconsciously attract most of the time.

Traumatic bonds can also go back to childhood and how a child was loved by their parents.

A traumatic bond is an emotional attachment to different types of abuse, emotional, physical or psychological, where the abuser develops an attachment to their abuser that is often identified by punishment and reward.

It's an unhealthy bond between two people based on hot and cold, turbulent highs and lows, lots of negativity in words and deeds.

Relationships based on traumatic links may actually look normal and safe on the surface, but they are built on inconsistency, manipulation, dysfunction, and temporary, conflicting emotions.

Traumatic connection creates low self-esteem, due to unresolved childhood trauma, loneliness, financial difficulties.

Many people are aware that they are in toxic relationships, but they still don't have the courage or confidence to leave, so they choose to forgive or stay in the hope that someday everything will change.

However, it is very rare that this works out, that the relationship becomes serene.

If you are in this kind of relationship, walk away, accept to live free and liberated.

✍️ Monique Damel
🎨 Unknown




Ta**ra is Not Love 💕

I think we can get caught up in thinking breath and eye gazing and touch with presence equates a deep level of love. Science tells us that repeating these actions (specifically eye gazing) literally creates a sensation of falling in love over time. But something is missing. Energetic s*x and or**sm that is felt in every part of the body are beautiful, but do not promise that love is present.

I think that is why there can be a deep core loneliness that is hard to quell in us who regularly practice ta**ra or sacred s*x with many partners: ta**ra does not prepare us for lasting love. It creates sensation, and hunger, it wakes us up, connects us to our animal and soul. It fuels creativity and energy. But does not necessarily teach us how to be all in and let someone be all in for us.

At the end of the day sacred s*x is just part of the puzzle. It is not the puzzle in itself.

I think we are feeding a void with more void when we turn to sacred s*x to get all of our needs met. Letting it be the solution to our desire to be radically loved.

Ta**ra is a way to communicate love, but it is also a smoke screen. It is a way to deepen a connection between lovers and it can also be a way to distract us. Like all good things can do.

I am not impressed by s*x that can last for 8 hours. Or s*x that connects me to myself. Or s*x that results in a high for days. I am more impressed by how lovers take care of each other after the hit of brain chemicals subsides, the community that is built with love, the vulnerability of sharing deep needs and fears, the owning and cleaning up of messes made, the inquiry into eachothers’ passions, the creating of connection and letting a relationship change when s*x no longer feels appropriate.

I am shortchanging myself if I let those things slide and instead focus on the s*x alone.

I think communicating needs and boundaries around s*x is important, but a focus there without remembering the depth of a human outside of the bedroom can limit and even suffocate intimacy. Can put pressure on both people to perform a role instead of show up fully as themselves.

The moments in my life that breathe life into my s*x are the words and conversation shared outside of s*x.

Listening to a lover talk about his father and feeling his heart, laughing with my husband right before he enters me, giving my love permission to not impress me with s*x and just be with me. These are the moments that I carry. The things I am truly proud of. One might argue that they are all intricate parts to sacred s*x or ta**ra, yet building actual relationship seems to be missing from the empowered conversation about s*x we are having.

I know what a lover is and I can do that. But to hold the heart of a man, to be given that honor, that demands a fullness of my being that I must deepen everyday. Demands that my words match my actions so I need to know who I am. Demands I see with my soul, speak my truth, touch with my heart. Be willing to crawl through the depths of someone’s dark alongside of them until they remember again who they are.

This love, when I really feel it, makes me feel undone and messy. I am not a seductress here adding to my numbers of lovers on the daily, I am not impressive or s*xy declaring the perfect formula to make me or**sm. I am on my knees. Waiting to be met in being this undone and rejoicing over the moments that my soul truly sees the soul of another.

May we not just have lovers but create partners that will laugh with us as our bodies fall apart. Who will take care of us when we are sick. Who we are damn proud to declare loudly that we love and are loved by. Let that be what fuels us. That is really the only thing that makes us alive anyway.

✍️ Maria Palumbo
🎨 Unknown





Condemnation from within or without does nothing to soothe an overwrought nervous system. Coping strategies like compassionate awareness, positive self-talk, deep breathing, and mindfulness, can help to bring calm back. What do you do to self-soothe?


So many times in my life my fire has come up to change space and it has been silenced.
Mostly by people who do not know themselves or do not want to hear truth.
How many times have you brought truth to light and in one way or another, the person has tried to shut you down or turn it back round on you due to their own insecurities and inability to be able to be honest with themselves.
Now is the time to speak up.
Do not forget your fire.
Because we need your fire in the world.
That energy can change shape.
That energy can bring new things forward.
And that energy can help to survive.
So be the rawness.
Be you.

Do not be silenced 🌟💗

~ Melissa Malthus



If the mountain seems too big today
then climb a hill instead;
If morning brings you sadness
it’s okay to stay in bed.
If the day ahead feels heavy and your plans feel like a curse,
There’s no shame in rearranging,
don’t make yourself feel worse.
If a shower stings like needles
and a bath feels like you’ll drown;
If you haven’t washed your hair for days,
don’t throw away your crown!
A day is not a lifetime.
A rest is not defeat.
Don’t think of it as failure,
Just a quiet, kind retreat.
It’s okay to take a moment
From an anxious, fractured mind.
The world will not stop turning
While you get realigned!
The mountain will still be there
When you want to try again
You can climb it in your own time,
Just love yourself till then! ✨

🖊️~ 'The Mountain' by Laura Ding-Edwards
🎨~ Art by Claudia Tremblay


Blessed Earth 🌟💛

Alice Springs, Northern Territory, Australia 🇦🇺


So important this one 💗🌟




And I might add…all this naturally enhances your s*xual relationship too and the ability to open and feel in areas you may never have before and traverse very sacred plains together in that dance.
As the intimacy grows in the trust and bond…so too does the rest

"We are approaching a period of time when relationships are ready to go through a major redesign. The current paradigm isn't working. People are unsatisfied in love; people don't know how to make relationships work.

And, believe it or not, this isn't a bad thing. Because when systems break-down, that's when they change. I believe that's what's happening in the area of intimate partnership. The break-down is forcing us to move towards conscious love.

So what exactly is a conscious relationship?

It's a romantic relationship in which both partners feel committed to a sense of purpose, and that purpose is growth. Individual growth. Collective growth as a couple. Growth that makes the world a better place.

As of now, most people get into relationships to satisfy their own personal needs. This might work for a few years, but eventually the relationship fails us, and we end up unsatisfied as a result.

But when two people come together with the intention of growth, the relationship strives towards something much greater than gratification. The partnership becomes a journey of evolution, and the two individuals have an opportunity to expand more than they could alone. Deep satisfaction and long-term fulfillment arise as a result.

So if you're someone who feels called to take your experience of romantic love to the next level, below are four qualities that characterize what being a conscious couple is all about. Welcome to the path of the conscious relationship. This is next-level love ...

1. The conscious couple is not attached to the outcome of the relationship - growth comes first.

Not being attached to the outcome of the relationship does not mean you don't care what happens! It also doesn't mean that you don't have fantasies about how the relationship will turn out.

What it means is: you're more committed to the experience of growth than you are to making the relationship work.

The reality is, we're here to grow. Physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. When growth stops, we automatically feel like something's gone wrong. Because it has. Without growth, we aren't fulfilling our soul'spurpose.

Unfortunately, relationships today tend to stifle growth more than enhance it. This is one of the main reasons we're failing at romantic love.

We want our partners to act in a certain way, we repress ourselves to please others, and soon enough, we feel small, oppressed and puzzled about who we've become. This, inevitably, makes the relationship feel like a cage that we want to break out of. But the unfortunate truth is: we've caged ourselves.

The conscious couple values growth more than anything else because they know this is the secret to keeping the relationship alive. Even though growth is scary (because it takes us into the unknown), the couple is willing to strive towards expansion, even at the risk of out-growing the relationship. Because of this, the relationship maintains a natural feeling of aliveness, and love between the couple does, too.

2. Each person in the relationship is committed to owning their s**t.

Conscious couples know that we all have wounds from the past, and they understand that these wounds will inevitably be triggered, especially in a relationship. In other words, they expect to feel abandoned, trapped, rejected, overlooked and any other sh*tty feeling that arises when we bond closely with another person.

Most of us still believe that relationships should only feel good, and when bad feelings surface, something has gone terribly wrong. What we fail to see in this situation is that these sh*tty feelings stem from our own faulty patterning! These issues are not caused by our partners; they're caused by our beliefs.

The conscious couple is willing to look at their past and current issues in relationships because they know that by facing these beliefs systems, they can evolve into a new relationship-reality. Dysfunctional patterns will dissolve, but only when we take responsibility for them, first.

3. All feelings are welcome and no internal process is condemned.

In a conscious relationship, there's room to feel anything. Not only that, there's room to express those feelings and fantasies to your partner. This is edgy territory; it's not easy to do. But it's also one of the most healing things we can experience in a partnership.

It's rare to be completely honest about who you are, and to stretch yourself to let your partner do the same. You may not like what you hear; in fact, it may trigger the hell out of you. But you're willing to be triggered if it means your partner can be authentic.

Like I already said, we're used to moulding and changing ourselves to please people we love because we don't want them to stop loving us! This stifles the love out of our connections.

The only option is radical honesty: revealing parts of ourselves that are hard to share, and letting our partners do the same. This leads to feelings known, seen and truly understood; a combination that will automatically enhance your love.

4. The relationship is a place to practice love.

Love, ultimately, is a practice.
A practice of acceptance, being present, forgiveness, and stretching your heart into vulnerable territories.
Sometimes we treat love like it's a destination. We want that peak feeling all the time, and when it's not there, we're not satisfied with what the relationship has become. In my mind, this is missing the whole point of love.

Love is a journey and an exploration. It's showing up for all varied nuances of your relationship and asking yourself, what would love do here?
The answer will be different every time, and because of this, you'll get to grow in ways you never have before!

The conscious couple is fiercely committed to being the embodiment of love. And through their devotion and practice, love shows up in their lives and relationship in ways they would've never imagined before."

~Shelly Bullard
Gratitude to unknown artist

Erotic Creators


If I’m alone in the world…I don’t mind,
As long as I have the birds and the trees, the insects and the bees.
I have met a lot of people in my time
And I have hurt a lot of people in my time.
And there’s no words for that
You can’t ‘fix’ it
You can’t ’make it better’
Truth is truth and heart is heart
And we are all clearing things, stuff we don’t even know
Union brings us that space to heal
And grieve
And express ourselves more every time
But you can’t take away from love
It’s a simple force and it lights space
You are the space
And everything is possible 💛

~Melissa Malthus


Make time for you…soley you 💛🌟


When we have s*x with another we are entering another world.
We all hold universes within us and when we join and share universes together, we are sailing many realms.
What part of you connects with another and shares life in the same areas…perhaps walking pastures no one has understood.
Opening new gate ways while one holds you through those realms you have been waiting to traverse.
The hidden truths that required another to take you by the hand and hold you through the terrain.
S*x is not just physical…it is a union of worlds, so be loving with you and choose the right people to traverse with.

Much love 💛

Writing and Artwork ~ Melissa Malthus.


We all make ‘mistakes’…
That’s life.

We don’t need to know what we are doing in order to get it right.
Quite frankly we can miss out if we run by that recipe.
All the goodness is in between the planning…
That’s where the life is.

Like the moss on the ground…we grow in random places…and we never really know where we are going to end up.

Does it matter?

What did ‘planning’ give you?

Yes sometimes it’s good to have a vague idea, and there is a time and a place.

But ultimately it’s the journey that creates the plans…and when you drop into that,
You discover a whole new world.

So take the chance.

Just begin 💛

~ Melissa Malthus.


As spiritual beings, we have the power to take from this world, to use and exploit the feminine world of soul and nature to suit our agendas. Yet when we honour the soul realm as sacred, protect the feminine and recognise her divinity, we can trust in her generosity and assistance in return.

~ Alana Fairchild.


Sharing with you my current home 💛

So blessed 🌟

No matter where you are…find that place or thing that lights you up and helps you remember who you are…now is such a time for that.
There has been huge movement with this recent eclipse and so many things that need to go are falling…and they will continue to.
So if you yourself feel as though you are falling…remember that it is the parts of you that are leaving and needing to shed so you can find and open to new ground…
You are not loosing yourself, you are only letting go of the old, or shall I say…
the old is letting go of you, so you can find new ground.
Open to the new…
because it is your heart and it has been a very long time.
Allow the love and know you are safe.
Now is the time…let go and allow 🌸

Much love 💗

~ Melissa Malthus 🌟


The mother wound.
The mother wound is healing.
Deep beneath the Earths surface there is a deep healing taking place and it lies beneath inside each one of us.
We have waited a long time for this.
A deep yearning from the womb
So many lives lost and so much grief…and the grief is healing space and time.
Space in time we wished we had of had.
The nurturing and care of the mother, true heart of the Earth, true roots of the nature.
Mother…in her darkest hours…she will rise
And the Earth will know love again.
Be with your deep beneath the Earths surface.
The mother wound is healing.

〜Melissa Malthus 💛



We may not be yet...perhaps we are.
We are the sailors on time manifesting dreams that are to come before us
Unknown heroes of a different time
Playing games as we rise beyond the clouds


The one we call to, even when hearts have been broken, even when we cannot see eye to eye.
We are birthed from the player of love deep within an inner knowing and our journeys take their own form.

Mother...She is love.

~Melissa Malthus.



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Sharing with you my current home 💛So blessed 🌟No matter where you are…find that place or thing that lights you up and he...



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