Mia's Massage Therapy

Mia's massage offers you a spectacularly large clean area with our advanced therapists Car park available


🫶A Heartfelt Thank You to Our customers 🫶

💛🤍💛As the year draws to a close, we at Mia’s Massage Therapy want to extend our deepest gratitude for your support throughout the past year. Your trust in our service is what fuels our dedication to providing high-quality massage therapy.

💛🤍💛We look forward to continuing to serve you in the coming year with the same commitment to excellence that you’ve come to expect from us. May your holidays be filled with joy and relaxation.

💆💆‍♀️💆‍♂️For those seeking to unwind with our therapeutic services during the holiday season, please review our holiday trading hours and book your next session by clicking the link below.

🎊🎄🎊Here’s to a serene holiday and a rejuvenating new year!🎊🎄🎊

Booking online https://www.fresha.com/book-now/mias-massage-therapy-kaul17wg/all-offer?pId=479206

Or booking with us on 0466 605 855


Booking online https://www.fresha.com/book-now/mias-massage-therapy-kaul17wg/all-offer?pId=479206

Or booking with us on 0466 605 855

Make an appointment at Mia’s Massage Therapy - Shop2, 198 Charles Street - Launceston | Fresha Mia's massage can take care of you with professional hands, and get rid of your pain at the end of the day


Dear customers,

We sincerely appreciate your ongoing support and trust in our massage clinic. We have always strived to provide high-quality massage services to ensure your health and comfort.

However, we have recently noticed some instances of last-minute appointment cancellations during the booking process, which have caused some inconvenience in our scheduling and disrupted appointments for other patients. In order to provide efficient and top-notch service to each and every customer, we have decided to implement some corresponding rules regarding appointment cancellations.

We understand that unforeseen circumstances may sometimes prevent you from coming in on time. However, we kindly request your understanding that appointment cancellations have caused inconvenience to our scheduling and other patients' appointments. By implementing these rules, we aim to ensure fairness and efficiency in the appointment system while also creating a better operational environment for our clinic. We will soon be introducing some guidelines for cancelling appointments.

We realize that these rules may have an impact on you, but we believe that these measures will contribute to an overall improvement in service quality and satisfaction. We hope for your understanding and support as we strive to enhance the appointment experience.

Please be assured that we will handle special situations, such as emergencies or unforeseen events, with flexibility and do our best to assist you. Our goal is to provide you with the best service while maintaining smooth operations.

Thank you for your attention and cooperation. If you have any questions or suggestions regarding these rules, please feel free to contact us. We look forward to continuing to provide you with the best massage service experience.

Thank you!

Yours Sincerely,



Differentiating trigger points and muscle knots can be done based on the following aspects:

1. Sensation upon touch: Trigger points typically elicit pain upon palpation and may radiate pain to areas beyond the localized point. They often feel like sensitive spots or areas, and sometimes can be sensed as firm or taut regions. On the other hand, muscle knots usually feel like hard lumps or small nodules, without necessarily causing significant pain upon touch.

2. Symptoms and referred pain: Trigger points may cause referred pain, where the pain spreads to other areas away from the sensitive point. This is because trigger points can be related to nerve transmission. Muscle knots generally do not cause referred pain; their symptoms primarily concentrate in the local area where the knot is present.

3. Formation causes: Trigger points are often associated with muscle overcontraction, inflammation, trauma, or improper muscle usage. Muscle knots tend to form due to muscle overcontraction, lack of exercise, muscle injury, or muscle fatigue.

4. Treatment response: Trigger points typically respond positively to treatments such as massage, pressure release, and stretching, as these methods help alleviate muscle tension and relieve pain. Muscle knots may not show significant relief from massage and stretching alone; they may require more extended treatment to improve the muscle's tense state.

While trigger points and muscle knots have some distinguishing characteristics, in practical situations, they can sometimes coexist or be challenging to differentiate clearly.

We Hope the above information answered your questions


When sitting for long periods of time, especially during office work or extended driving, not only the muscles in the upper body, such as the neck, shoulders, and lower back, can become sore and tense, but the muscles in the posterior thigh group, including the hamstrings and calves, can also experience tightness. This can be explained from the perspective of muscles and fascia:

Muscle tightness: Prolonged sitting keeps the posterior thigh muscles in a static and underutilized position, lacking movement and stretching. This can lead to the fibers of the muscles becoming tightly packed, resulting in a sense of tightness and shortening.

Fascial restrictions: Fascia is the connective tissue that covers and supports muscles and muscle groups. Prolonged sitting can cause restrictions and adhesions in the fascia surrounding the posterior thigh muscles. This can affect the normal movement and flexibility of the muscles, exacerbating the sense of tightness.

Imbalanced muscle activity: Long-term sitting can contribute to muscle imbalances, with certain muscles becoming overly tight while others remain relatively weak. For example, sitting posture can cause the muscles in the front of the thigh, such as the quadriceps, to become overly tight, while the posterior thigh muscles may become relatively weak, further increasing the sensation of tightness.

Circulation issues: Prolonged sitting can slow down blood circulation, resulting in insufficient oxygen supply and accumulation of waste products in the muscles. This can lead to muscle fatigue and tension, contributing to the soreness and discomfort in the posterior thigh muscle group.

It’s time for you to stand up and move around now!


Some advices When using a massage gun, whether for relaxing the lower back or other areas, you should pay attention to the following:

Read and follow the instructions: Before using a massage gun, read and understand the user guide and operating instructions. Make sure you are familiar with and follow the correct usage methods.

Avoid sensitive structures: Avoid directly applying the massage gun to bones, joints, the spine, major blood vessels, and arteries. Ensure that you clearly identify the appropriate muscle areas to target.

Control pressure and speed: Start with lower speed and lighter pressure. Gradually increase the pressure and speed, but ensure it does not cause pain or discomfort. Avoid staying in the same spot for too long.

Pay attention to feedback: Listen to your body's feedback. If you experience any abnormal pain, discomfort, or irritation while using the massage gun, stop immediately.

Proper posture and attire: Choose a comfortable posture to use the massage gun, allowing the targeted area to receive effective relaxation. Also, wear appropriate clothing to ensure smooth transmission of vibrations to the skin and muscle tissues.

Control usage time and frequency: Limit the usage time of the massage gun within an appropriate range, generally not exceeding 15 minutes. Avoid overuse and provide enough time for muscles to rest and recover.

Consult for individual circumstances: If you have any specific health issues, concerns, or special circumstances, it is advisable to consult with a doctor or healthcare professional to ensure safe and effective use of the massage gun.


Thank all of our wonderful customers for their support throughout the year🫶

We wish you a Merry Christmas 🎄 with a happy and safe new year 💛


The general Client Do’s and Don’ts Before Getting a Massage

Do, Stay hygienic.
Use deodorant, be sure to have a shower at least the day before a massage.

Do, be open and honest about conditions, injuries and your general state of health. Due to massage therapy directly impacting all body systems including circulatory, nervous, digestive, and muscular. A therapist needs to know changes in a client’s medical conditions, injury status, and overall state of health to be aware of contraindications and modifications to the bodywork.

Do, Show up 5-10 minutes early rather than just on time. (Especially if its your first visit)

(Please), DO NOT “no call, no show” your therapist.
"No shows" means no income for a massage therapist which extremely hurts business and the client risks to not be able to book again.

Do, expect a review and check up before each session.
A massage therapist wants results as much as the client does, so by keeping track on progress and notes will enhance your overall experience.

Do not, expect a treatment to be exactly the same each session. Due to progress and potential... the session can vary slightly each time.

Next week:
What to do after a massage treatment?

Zarah Ryrbo
Remedial Massage Therapist
Mia's Massage Therapy



What is the difference between a Remedial and Relaxation Massage Treatment?


When some people think about massage, they think there's only one type of massage. They aren't aware that there are various types of massage, each of which has a particular function and can assist you in different ways. Today I will explain the difference between
Relaxation massage and Remedial massage. These are two of the most popular types of massage.

Remedial Massage:

Remedial massage focuses on healing pain, structural dysfunctions, and improves injury rehabilitation.

Anyone suffering from muscle tension, loss of range of motion or acute/chronic discomfort, such as low back or neck pain, will benefit from a remedial massage.

A remedial massage will use several different techniques to target specific muscle areas. Trigger point treatment, fascia release, muscle stripping, cross fiber friction and stretching are some of the techniques used. The pressure used in a remedial massage will usually be higher than a relaxation massage, but shall always be within the client's tolerance.

Relaxation Massage:

A relaxation massage is a non-painful therapy of de-stressing and relaxing the mind and body.

It's a less specific form of massage compared to remedial massage but it is still very therapeutic, especially with our busy lives today, as it is great at relieving the stress held in the body and the mind.

This massage method benefits your mental and emotional health because it soothes the mind and settles the nervous system. Relaxation massage is excellent for people who've had a stressful week/month, as it allows the body to catch up and recharge.

A relaxation massage treatment will usually involve flowing strokes and kneading, at your chosen pressure(usually pretty light).


Remedial Massage is for those who are in need of help to relieve pain and discomfort.

Relaxation Massage is for those who are in need of de-stressing and recharging the body.

Remedial Massage Therapist
Mia's Massage Therapy



" Why does my elbow hurt? "


Well it depends, it can be a variety of conditions. However the most common are "Golfers elbow" or a "Tennis elbow", depending on where the pain is referring from.

Golfer’s Elbow
(or medial epicondylitis)
, is an inflammatory condition of the medial epicondyle of the elbow. It is a condition that causes pain on the inner side of the elbow, where the tendons of the forearm muscles attach to the bony bump on the inside of the elbow.
The pain may spread into your forearm and wrist. Even nerv pain, numbness and tingling can be present if the condition is servere.

Or can it be Tennis elbow?

Tennis elbow
(lateral epicondylitis)
Is similar condition as the golfers, just in another area of the elbow. The bump on the outer side of the elbow.

They both can be very painful and can stop you from doing daily tasks.
It is usually caused from Repativie motions and Overuse.

Remedial Massage Therapist
Mia's Massage Therapy



Pregnancy massage, what is important to know?


At Mia's you will need to lay on your side during a pregnancy massage, unless you still can recieve it on your belly/back. After week 28, its recommended to lay on your left side.

It is important to make sure your massage therapist is properly trained in pregnancy massage because they need to avoid pressing certain pressure points and stretching.

Heated tables or blankets are not recommended in pregnancy.

Otherwise a pregnancy massage is pretty much like a normal massage. Relaxation or Remedial?
Up to you.

You can always talk to your doctor before you have a pregnancy massage, especially if:

• you are in the first trimester

• you have nausea, vomiting, or morning sickness

• you are at high risk of miscarriage

• you have a high-risk pregnancy (such as, due to preeclampsia or high blood pressure)

• you have a blood clot, for example deep vein thrombosis

• you have abdominal pain or bleeding

• you have swelling of one or both legs

Remedial Massage Therapist
Mia's Massage Therapy



Can massage help a sprained ankle?


Massage can help many kinds of injuries including sprains, strains, broken bones and muscles tears. Massage can stretch out tightness and loosen scar tissue. Using massage as part of injury rehabilitation can increase healing rate and shorten recovery time.

For example with an ankle sprain, massage may help reduce swelling. As your pain subsides, deeper ankle sprain massage techniques can be incorporated to help loosen the calf and shin muscles and therefore improve the range of motion and eventually get strength back to the ankle for full recovery.

Remedial Massage Therapist
Mia's Massage Therapy


Booking through Google or Facebook is highly recommended 🫶



Hot or cold on my injury?


Acute injuries (New - 6 weeks)

First of all, do not use heat on acute injuries because that extra heat can increase inflammation and delay proper healing.

Handeling injuries, it’s best to predominantly choose ice/cold if the injury is acute (less than 6 weeks old). Due to the cold constricts blood vessels which numbs pain, relieves inflammation and limits bruising.

If you are a bit sensitive to cold then ice may initially seem uncomfortable or even painful to apply. Compared to Heat who can feel warm, cozy and be tempting to apply on an injury.

“But don’t be fooled! Ice wins to shut down swelling, inflammation and pain early on where heat may actually make an injury worse.” - Anne Rex, Sport Medicine Physician.

If its been longer than 6 weeks?

If you have an injury who is still lingering (older than 6 weeks) then it’s okay to use heat. The increased blood flow can relax tight muscles and relieve aching joints. This is especially helpful to improve range of motion on a joint that maybe isn’t moving as well. So it can be helpful to heat before exercise or stretching, as an part of your warm up. Ypu can then apply cold after your activity to prevent potentiall reacurring inflammation.

Remedial Massage Therapist
Mia's Massage Therapy


Why does massage hurt?

The Remedial/Deep tissue massage therapist aims to break away the scar tissues (adhesions) found deep inside the muscles in order to release chronic muscle tension and bring relief. So, the answer to the question, “why do deep tissue massages hurt” is pretty simple and straightforward, it is due to the amount of pressure applied to the muscles of the affected body part in order to break away the scar tissues that some people may feel the pain and soreness noth during and afterward.

Since this type of massage therapy is intended for relieving stiffness, contracted areas of the body, muscle knots, and muscle tightness, the massage therapists apply the pressure and use deep strokes to reach the inner layers of the muscle fibres and stiff tissues. The pressure is gradually increased along with pain relief for the client. Deeper the layer, the better results, but that can take months to get into depending how chronic it is. While there may be some discomfort, it is important for you to notify your massage therapist if the pain and discomfort is outside of your pain threshold. Once your masseuse is aware of your pain threshold, he/she will adjust the pressure accordingly.

As a result of constant stimulation, the patient may also experience some inflammation on the treated area. However, this is nothing to worry about as the inflammation will decrease within 1- 4 days usually aswell as the fter massage soreness.

“With massage, you can have your cake and eat it too—massage can suppress inflammation and actually enhance cell recovery."

Remedial Massage Therapist
Mia's Massage Therapy



What is Arthritis?


Arthritis is a word that means ‘inflamed joint’. Arthritis is one of the most common chronic conditions in Australia, affecting nearly 3.5 million Australians. There are more than 100 types of arthritis, and osteoarthritis is the most common that affects 2.1 million.

Osteoarthritis is a condition where the cartilage that protects and cushions the ends of the bones within joints is no longer efficiently repaired/healed. As cartilage is gradually lost, due to age/overuse/overweight ect, the bone previously protected by cartilage gradually loses its normal shape and bony spurs may develop in the joint. The rough, uneven surfaces rub together causing pain and inflammation.

Most commonly affected in the hands, spine, hips and knees.

The cause of osteoarthritis is often unknown. Although osteoarthritis is most common in people at the age of 45 and it becomes increasingly common with ageing. Women are more prone to get it. Also more prone if you have it in your family.

Increased joint strain through being overweight or from repetitive load-bearing activity can also contribute to osteoarthritis. Which i personally think is the major reason behind the condition.

Remedial Massage Therapist
Mia's Massage Therapy



What kind of treatments do you have at Mia's Massage Therapy and Can i claim my Private Health?


Yes, you can claim all Remedial Massage with your private health fund.

Our services:

- General Massage (30,45,60,90,120min)
50,70,90,130,170 AUD

- Remedial Massage (30,45,60,90,120min)
55,75,95,135,175 AUD

Which can include: (For free)
Hot Stones, Vacuum Cuping or/and Stretching.

- Fire Cuping (Back, 20min) 30 AUD
- Fire Cuping (Front & Back , 40min) 40 AUD

Remedial Massage Therapist
Mia's Massage Therapy



Can massage help my headaches and migraines?


It really can improve it or even take it away all together. It all depends on the reason behind your headache. The picture shows a few of the most common headaches.

As you probably understand, stress/tension headaches are our speciallity, because it’s muscle related! (Migraine can be aswell) Sinus headaches we can help with, but its tricky as it can be caused by allergies, dehydration or sickness, just to name a few.

Miagraines are the hardest one, because what works for one persons migraines might not work for another. There may be a period of trial and error with your doctor to figure out triggers, suitable medications, and lifestyle changes.

In my personal experience I have helped a few people who were suffering from migraines. Its very important with regualarity and as mentioned before, finding triggers and most likely in need of changes in their life. Migraines can be muscle related aswell, in many cases i have succesfully taken away the pain.

Zarah Ryrbo
Remedial Massage Therapist
Mia's Massage Therapy



Can massage improve my Flexibility?


Yes, absolutely! Massage increases flexibility in many ways. It can help to increase flexibility, increase elasticity, breaking down adhesions, removing waste products, reducing swelling and decreasing pain.

It’s common that people come in and have a decreased/lack of range of motion in different areas.

Remedial Massage Therapist
Mia's Massage Therapy



I have problems with nerv pain on and off. Could massage help?


Yes, it can. A nervy, sharp/shooting pain can be very painful and interupt your daily life.

For example:
Sensation of Pins and needles or sharp/shooting pain in..

-From your glutes/lowerback and down your leg.
- Fingers

With some investigation and questions i can determine how servere it is and what i can do about it.
If its not too severe, i could release the muscles along the nerv and all its surroundings and thereby ease off the pain.

In some cases its out of my power to "fix it" due to, for example a herniated disc which can pinch a nerv in the spine.
Then i would have a look at what could have caused this? And thereafter look at how to prevent it worsening and help it heal. (Some servere cases require surgery)

Remedial Massage Therapist
Mia's Massage Therapy



I do get regular massages, but what can i do myself to get better?


Is the regularity enough for you? You might need more often for a little while " to get back on track". Ask your therapist.

What is your goal? Being painless? Heal injury? Preventions of future injury? Specific? Increased Range of Motion? Ect..

Usually it’s the pain that goes away first. But once you are experiening less/no pain , you can still be at risk of injury. As in injury i mean, from repetitive movements, a fall, over working or sports. Anything really. Basically, you can still be tight even though you dont feel any pain anymore in your daily life.

Stretching is also a good tool as long as you stretch the right muscles in the right way. Feel free to ask me for advice.

Do you exercise? I encourage all my clients to exercise. Everyone will be at diffrent stages in their ability but just do something. Im happy to help with specifics. It will really help with their recovery.

Remedial Massage Therapist
Mia's Massage Therapy



Why am i sore or tight after my first massage?


Experiencing sore or tight muscles is normal after a massage, especially if it has been a while since your last massage or you’ve never had one before.

Massage is like exercise: It forces blood into your muscles, bringing nutrients and removing toxins. This process can temporarily increase inflammation (the healing response) to areas that the body feels need attention. This inflammation can bring discomfort.

Should go away within 2-3 days normally.

Remedial Massage Therapist
Mia's Massage Therapy



Do you massage children?


Yes, i do. Its getting more and more common.

Massage is beneficial in all ages but especially ages 8 - 16. Mostly due to growth pains/spurts.

When a child is experiencing a growth spurt the pain can be very uncomfortable. The pain is caused by the bones lengthening at a greater rate than the surrounding soft tissues can, such as muscles.

Something that is getting more common now though, is posture. A huge consequence from sedentary daily life which can be found in young people today. Tv watching, playing video games or looking down on their mobile phone. Instead of being outside, playing as kids would do just 20 years ago..

Remedial Massage Therapist
Mia's Massage Therapy



Do you only have clients who have had an injury?


No, not quite. But a lot of clients have scar tissue, knots and some troubled muscles, which left untreated can become an injury.

Massage therapy has been for a long time seen as an effective tool to assist people who are suffering from some kind of injury, no matter what kind of injury they have.

It is clear to say that massage therapy can have tremendous benefits for those who have already suffered an injury.

BUT you may be unaware of the fact that it can be as equally helpful in preventing injuries from occurring all together.

Remedial Massage Therapist
Mia's Massage Therapy



Why do you get knots?


It a few different reasons, the most common ones is:

- Bad posture
- Overuse
- Repetitive motions
- Weakness
- Injury

This is something i see everyday. And in my experience it seems to generally be caused due to sedentary, stressfull and/or unaware lifestyle.

Remedial Massage Therapist
Mia's Massage Therapy



How often should I get a massage?


This can vary.

Depending on your pain level and the frequency of the discomfort.

I usually tell my clients if they are experiencing pain DAILY, they should be getting weekly treatments until pain becomes less frequent. Once pain has decreased, you should still continue treatments just less frequently to maintain your build up of inflammation. All depending of the reason behind the pain.

If your experiencing pain ONE OR TWO TIMES A WEEK you might be able to manage to recover with a fortnightly treatment.

Then people can gradually move on to maintain level, anything from every 3rd week to once a month.

In the end of the day it all comes down to your activity level, budget and how fast you want to feel better and how dedicated your are to taking care of your body.

We are here to help.

Remedial Massage Therapist
Mia's Massage Therapy



What causes Bruising after a massage, and is it normal ?


It is very common to bruise after a deep tissue or remedial massage, anyone can experience this. Bruising can happen 2-3 days after a massage treatment.

The reason for the bruising is massaging releases stagnant blood, which gets trapped in your tissues, which prevents new blood flowing through which ultimately ends up in knots in your muscles. The fluid from this can build up so much it can inflame the tissues and muscles causing pain.

Receiving a Remedial or Deep tissue massage is very beneficial in releasing and breaking up these knots, which also helps new blood cells to travel through the body. However this can cause bruising, but it’s absolutely nothing to worry about and is completely normal.

Regular treatments will result in less bruising, as like with exercise when first starting your body can feel sore. However the more regular treatments you receive the more your body heals. Which results in your body feeling looser, rejuvenated and less aches and pains.

Remedial Massage Therapist
Mia's Massage Therapy



Why do I have daily pain in my shoulders?


It depends. If there would be no signs of arthritis or soft tissue damage, I would say it’s common to be related to posture.

Are you a office worker?
Even more likely..

Sitting in that hunched forward position will change how your muscles and eventually the bones that are "structured" in your body.

Muscles get tired being in "a less efficient alignment" and therefore hurt, feel tense and tight.

What can help?

Best relief according to myself.
Exercise and Massage.
Release those tight muscles around your shoulders and strengthening your upper back.

Remedial Massage Therapist
Mia's Massage Therapy

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Shop 2, 198-216 Charles Street
Launceston, TAS

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 7pm
Tuesday 9am - 7pm
Wednesday 9am - 7pm
Thursday 9am - 7pm
Friday 9am - 7pm
Saturday 9am - 5:30pm
Sunday 10am - 5:30pm

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