Healthy Feet Podiatry

Want a path back to doing the things you love pain free from your feet and legs? Contact Us!


Do you feel like you want to move more, but can't because of frustrating heel pain?

G'day, Ben here from Healthy Feet Podiatry. Just want to share a great success story we had with a client, Nathan.

So Nathan came to see us for his heel pain that he had for over 12 months. Nathan spent a lot of time on his feet, spending many hours at work, working in a manufacturing factory and as a trainer for his local footy club. Not to mention he had a little one at home, so plenty of hours running after them.

He was frustrated and felt like he could do more, but couldn't because of his heel. He would get pain first thing in the morning, then it would settle slightly and gradually get worse throughout the day at work, which would slow him down.

And then also at footy, running across the ground, he would dread. Sitting at home he'd relax, get up, walk around. And the pain would return, lasting for about half an hour before calming down again.

Nathan also mentioned he had a history of knee pain and multiple arthroscopes from over a decade ago, which impacted his confidence in his knee and mobility.

When Nathan came to see us, we thoroughly assessed his alignment, mobility, and strength. From there, we developed a customized treatment program, which involves some gentle hands on treatment, heel cups, and an exercise stretching program to fit with his busy schedule.

Without our help, Nathan would've continued to be frustrated and held back by his heel pain. It would've continued to impact his work, footy and home life. I'm very pleased to say, Nathan is pain free in his heel and moving better than ever.

He said, "I used to feel locked up. Now I have no pain from the waist down. I can't remember the last time I felt this good. Even the knees haven't felt this good. I'm more confident in the knee and I've no thoughts or issue running out on the ground to help an injured player, where before I'd get the younger trainer out there." Great stuff, Nathan, awesome to hear.

If you or anybody you know, is suffering with heel pains like Nathan, please call the number provided or click the link below, where I'll personally assess your feet and work out your best treatment options.

For out of hours our contact form is available here:

I look forward to helping you get healthy, happy, and free of heel pain, moving better than ever, just like Nathan. Take care.


Sore soles slowing you down?

G'day, Ben here from Healthy Feet Podiatry. Just want to share a great success story we had with a client, Menka.

So Menka would see us for regular routine treatment for calluses and nail care, and at one of her appointments mentioned she was getting pain on the inside of her ankle and the soles of her feet.

She said she's been putting up with the pain for years. The soles of her feet would ache and throb by the end of the day. Menka said it had improved because she was doing much less, which is not what you want to do.

When the pain in her ankle occurred, it would ache and throb by midday and would become debilitating. She said, "I would walk backwards down the stairs at work because it didn't hurt as much." Again, something you don't want to be doing all the time. The pain was holding Menka back, interfering with her ability to move and walk normally, and she was feeling desperate for a solution.

She said, "I will do anything to try and fix it." Menka thought only orthotics would help, which she didn't want to go down that path. She preferred to go barefoot and wear slippers at home, and she thought the orthotics wouldn't fit her shoes for work.

When Menka came to see us and mentioned she had ankle and foot pains, we organised a time to thoroughly assess her feet, her mobility, her strength and her balance. And from there, we found a significant difference left to right in all three areas.

From there, we developed a customized treatment program, which involved some gentle hands-on treatment and an exercise program. In a short amount of time, we made significant improvements.

Without our help, Menka would have continued down the path of being less active, less mobile, with potential of greater consequences to her general health.

I'm happy to say Menka is walking better than ever, in much less pain. She said, "I'm feeling better. It is improving. I'm in less pain and can do a lot more on my feet." "Even though," she said, "I didn't care what people thought when I would walk down the stairs backwards, but it is nice to walk normally down them again."

So if you or anybody you know is suffering with ankle or foot pains like Menka was, please click the link below or call the number provided, where I'll personally assess your feet and work out your best treatment options.

For out of hours our contact form is available here:

I look forward to helping you get healthy, happy, and tackling the stairs front on just like Menka. Take care.


Concerned about your knee Pain?

G'day, Ben here from Healthy Feet Podiatry. Just want to share a great success story we had with a client Alex.

So Alex would come to see us for regular routine treatment of his nails and callus, and also for diabetes foot health checkups. And at one of the appointments, he mentioned that he had pain in one of his knees.

He said it was painful to walk. Even when lying in bed, it would keep him awake at night, and was becoming a hassle. Alex said it was definitely slowing him down, as Alex would travel a lot, stay in cities and walk to conferences or meetings he had.

He was doing a lot of walking day-to-day. Alex thought that it would just get better on its own if he just left it alone.

When he mentioned this, we organised a time to thoroughly assess his strength, balance and mobility, which revealed significant differences from left to right in all three areas.

From there, we developed a customized treatment program, which involves some gentle hands on treatment and a customized exercise program that he could do at home. And in a short amount of time, Alex knew he was improving and noticed the difference.

Without our help, Alex's knee could have got better over time on its own. It would have taken a bit longer, but given the results of his testing, future injuries were more likely given the imbalances that would have gone never addressed.

The great news is Alex is in no more pain. He's walking and moving better than ever. He said, "I'm walking distances and have no pain the next day. I don't even think about it anymore," which is great to hear.

So if you or anybody you know is suffering with knee pain like Alex, please call the number provided or click the link below, where I'll personally assess your feet and work out your best treatment options.

For out of hours our contact form is available here:

I'll look forward to helping you get healthy, happy, and free of knee pain just like Alex. Take care.


Do you have pain in your big toe joint that's stopping you from walking?

G’day. Ben here from Healthy Feet Podiatry. Just want to share a great success story we had with the client, Serge.

Serge would routinely come and see us for regular check-ups with his feet because of his diabetes. At one of his appointments, he mentioned he had pain in his big toe joint which was getting a lot worse. It was getting to the point that it was affecting his walking and mobility. He mentioned he would have to slow down, take smaller steps, do less walking to try and avoid the pain.

The problem was he wanted to lose weight. He was sick of taking insulin for the diabetes. That was causing the weight gain, and because of all that, he was feeling bloated. He wanted to walk 10,000 steps a day, but could only manage 5,000 to 6,000, and walking was his favourite and go-to exercise.

Serge thought this is something he would have to live with and accept, which was not the case.

When Serge first mentioned his pain, we organized a time, we thoroughly assessed his feet and his legs, sent him off for an x-ray. We determined for Serge that hands-on treatment was not going to be ideal as the big toe joint, due to all the arthritis, had become really rigid.

Instead, we used a carbon fibre spring plate, which was used to help stiffen up his shoes, reduce the amount of force going through his big toe joint, and act like a spring. Without our help, Serge would've continued to have that feeling of being stuck, that he had no options left, possibly increased weight, reduced walking, and just mentally down.

But I'm pleased to say Serge is much happier, walking better than ever, and has a much more positive outlook on things. He said himself he is walking better, walking more normal, less of a limp, and he certainly notices when he's not wearing the plates. He also has said he would recommend us to anyone, which was very nice. So thanks for that. It's always great to hear, and great to hear for Serge that he improved so much both physically and mentally. It's always great to see.

If you or anybody you know has experienced this and would like to find out if you can have your feet treated, please call the number provided: (03) 9470 8300 or click the link below, where I'll personally assess your feet and work out your best treatment options.

OR click here:

I look forward to helping you get healthy, happy, and walking better than ever, just like Serge. Take care.


Is your heel pain holding you back from competing in your sport?

G’day, Ben here from Healthy Feet Podiatry. Just want to share a great success story we had with a client, Helen.

Helen would come to see us routinely for ongoing podiatry care (regular routine treatment for calluses and nail care). At one of her appointments, she mentioned she was getting pain in both her heels. She was really concerned about this as she had a big ten-pin bowling tournament coming up. The Vic 150.

Helen was worried that if her pain wouldn't improve, she would not play at her best. Or worse, she was even considering not competing at all, which you could tell would've been devastating to her. Helen said, "I've just got to play." If you know my sporting background, I know exactly how she feels.

Helen thought that she would just have to put up with the pain, try and push through if it wasn't going to improve, and just try and soldier on.

When Helen mentioned her heel pain, we organized some time to thoroughly assess her mobility, strength and her balance, when we then developed a customized treatment program involving some gentle hands-on treatment and a customized exercise plan.

She was really restricted in her ankles, in particular. So that took a little bit of work, but were able to get things moving pretty quickly.

Without our help, Helen's pain had the potential to get worse, would've certainly impacted her performance at the upcoming tournament. Or worse, she would've been out of it all together.

But I'm very pleased to say we made some significant improvements in a short amount of time, and Helen made it through the competition pain-free. She made it to day two of the comp and finished inside the top 20. So absolute great effort there, Helen. Well done.

If you or anybody you know has experienced this and would like to find out if you can have your feet treated, please call the number provided: (03) 9470 8300 or click the link below, where I'll personally assess your feet and work out your best treatment options.

OR click here:

I look forward to helping you get healthy, happy, striking out your pain, see what I did there, just like Helen. Take care.


Is pain in your leg holding you back at work or at home?

G’day, Ben here from Healthy Feet Podiatry. Just want to share a great success story we had with client, Sam.

Sam came to see us for a diabetes foot health check-up. He'd seen a podiatrist previously. Wasn't too happy as he felt, "They just wanted to sell me boots and orthotics."

So Sam's main concerns was he had burning sensations in his feet that would wake him up at night and also pain in his right calf that would ache, tighten up, then go away, especially with walking. He would also get aches in his hips when mowing the lawns. He felt that he would get this sensation of “heavier pains” where he would stop until the pain would settle and then keep going. And that would happen two or three times.

It would also affect him at work. Sam is a bus driver instructor so he is doing a lot of hours standing and sitting in the bus. And you could tell that he was just getting dragged down with this pain that was just constant day after day.

Sam thought that this was just how it is ad he would just have to put up with it.

When Sam came to see us, we assessed his feet, the sensations and blood flow, as this can be affected due to the diabetes. I advised Sam's GP to follow up with a vascular ultrasound to rule out if Sam's pains in his legs were related to any blood flow issues. Sam was given the all clear from his ultrasound. And then we spent some time where we thoroughly assessed his mobility, his strength and balance, which revealed he was very stiff and had significant difference left to right with his strength and balance.

From there, we developed a customized program that involved gentle hands on treatment and an exercise plan that would fit in with his workday.

Without our help. Sam would've continued to put up with the aches and pains, the feeling dragged down and just exhausted day to day.

I'm very happy to say Sam's pains have greatly improved. He mentioned he could mow the lawns with no problems, that he didn't have to stop at all, which was something brand new for him. That he also went for a walk over the weekend, which he couldn't do before. Sam also mentioned that he used to get his hip and back pain when he was sitting and now that it doesn't even bother him anymore. So it's great to see Sam improve so much, which is fantastic.

So if you or anyone you know is suffering with aches and pains in their legs, just like Sam, please call the number provided: (03) 9470 8300 or click the link below, where I'll personally assess your feet and work out your best treatment options.

OR click here:

I look forward to helping you get healthy, happy and pain free, just like Sam. Take care.


Would You like help with your arthritic foot pains?

I'm starting a new "Arthritis Aches No More!" clinic next week.

It's limited to 5 People who are wanting to relieve their arthritis foot pains without the use of medications and get back to enjoying pain-free exercise.

Would you like to join?

Or if there is someone you know who is suffering with arthritis foot pains please share this email with them.

CLICK HERE to find out more:


Are you putting up with sharp, throbby, achy feet at work?

Is the pain getting to the point that it's stopping you from working?

G’day, Ben here from Healthy Feet Podiatry. Just want to share a great success story we had with the client, Karen.

Karen came to see us for pains in her Achilles, the tops and sides of her feet that she had for over 18 months. But in recent months, the pain was getting much worse.

She mentioned the pain was getting so bad that she would battle through work and couldn't wait to get out of there. One day she even had to finish early, because the pain was so bad. She was constantly taking Panadol and Nurofen. And if the pain got any worse, she was even considering doing half days or dropping a full day of work altogether, which meant less income for her.

At home, Karen said she would limp around, wasn't able to do the things she wanted to do, like gardening or housework. She was taking the dog for shorter walks because of the pain and was babysitting twice a week. Karen said, "I want to keep active. I don't want to be a couch potato." You could see it was really getting to her and impacting her in every aspect of her life.

Karen, initially thought this would get better on its own, but after 18 months, clearly wasn't the case.

When Karen came to see us, we thoroughly assessed her alignment, mobility, strength, and balance. From there, we were able to develop a customized treatment program, which involved some gentle hands-on treatment and some at home exercises.

Without our help, Karen would've been stuck with constant pain, repeatedly taking pain medications, become less active at home and with her grandkids and the prospect of working less, which would've impacted her financially.

I'm pleased to say Karen is pain free in her Achilles in her feet. She's no longer taking pain relief medication. She's walking the dog and gardening more and is even thinking of doing extra shifts at work, she's feeling that good. She recently told the story that at home, she was moving two meters of tan bark in the garden and had no issues at all and said, "I don't feel like a couch potato."

So if you or anybody you know has experienced this and would like to find out if you could have your feet treated, please click the link below or call the number provided where I'll personally assess your feet and work out your best treatment options.

If you or anybody you know has experienced this and would like to find out if you can have your feet treated, please call the number provided: (03) 9470 8300 or click the link below, where I'll personally assess your feet and work out your best treatment options.

OR click here:

I look forward to helping you get healthy, happy, pain free, and not a couch potato, just like Karen. Take care.


Would you like help with your heel pain?

I'm Starting a new "Heel Pain No More!" clinic next week.

It's limited to 5 People who haven't been able to resolve their heel pain and get back to enjoying exercise pain-free.

Would you like to join?

CLICK HERE to find out more:


Worried about your balance?

Know someone who is struggling to stay confident on their feet?

G’day, Ben here from Healthy Feet Podiatry. Just want to share a great success story we had with a client, Heather.

Heather would come to see us routinely for nail and skincare. And at one of her appointments she mentioned she was having trouble with her balance. She's had sciatica and back issues before, but she was really concerned with this getting worse.

She said, she feels like her legs are weak. She was having trouble with stairs, and in the garden she felt like she had to be more aware of where she was placing her feet. And she said, "I just don't want to have a fall."

Heather lives on her own. She said she wants to be safe. “Self-preservation”, as one of her neighbours had a fall and wasn't able to get back up. She said, "I don't want that to happen to me."

Heather thought, given her previous back issues and sciatica issues, physio treatment, there was nothing else that could be done to her to improve her balance.

After Heather mentioned her issues, we organized a time where we thoroughly assessed her alignment, her mobility, her strength, and her balance, which revealed several imbalances in her hips, thighs, legs, and joint restrictions in her feet and ankles.

We applied some gentle hands on treatment, combined with a at home exercise program. And in a short amount of time, we made some great improvements, and Heather even said, "I feel more steady."

Without a help, Heather had the possibility to lose more mobility and confidence to look after herself. She also had the possibility of not being able to get out and about and get out in the garden, which she loved to do.

But I'm pleased to say, Heather is walking and moving better, pain-free. She said, "I've definitely improved. I'm stronger in the legs. They're firmer. Feel like my feet are taking up more space on the ground. Walking downhill and in the garden with rocks and concrete around is no problem at all." And she also said, "I feel very confident." It's great to hear Heather improving so much, and getting her confidence back, getting out in the garden and doing the things she loves.

If you or anybody you know has experienced this and would like to find out if you can have your feet treated, please call the number provided or click the link below, where I'll personally assess your feet and work out your best treatment options.

OR click here:

I look forward to helping you get healthy, happy, and pain-free just like Heather. Take care.


Ever had the feeling of weak ankles?

Worried that this is not normal?

G’day, Ben Lerm from Healthy Feet Podiatry. I just want to share a great success story we have with a client Peter.

So Peter would come see us routinely for his regular nail care. And at one of his appointments, he mentioned that one of his ankles felt weak and would give way.

He said it'd been like that for years, but in the last 12 months it was getting worse, he was noticing it a lot more and thought it was time to get it all checked out.

Peter has had significant injuries to his leg in the past with some bad leg fractures, and the current ankle pain would wake him up at night, interrupting his sleep, could be painful with walking or out in the garden. He said the ankle at times would just give way all on its own. Peter thought this was just part of wear and tear and getting older.

When Peter mentioned this, we organized the time where we thoroughly assessed his alignment, mobility, strength, and balance, which revealed several joint restrictions, reduced strength and balance on that affected side.

We applied some gentle hands on treatment, along with an at home exercise program, and in a short amount of time, Peter was amazed with his progress.

Without our help, Peter had the possibility that his pain would get worse, potentially another significant injury if the ankle gave way at the wrong moment. I'm pleased to say, Peter is pain free, walking better than ever, and is more balanced than ever.

He mentioned after the first week or so that he didn't have that feeling that his ankle would collapse. He also shared the story about how his balance improved.

He said, "Oh, I was putting on my trousers standing on one leg. If I did that on the bad leg, I would wobble and be all over the place. Now I have no issue at all." So it's great to hear Peter improving so much, even with something as simple as putting your trousers on.

If you or anybody you know has experienced this and would like to find out if you can have your feet treated, please call the number provided or click the link below, where I'll personally assess your feet and work out your best treatment options.

OR click here:

I look forward to helping you get healthy, happy, and pain free just like Peter. Take care.


Ever had a strange pain in your foot that you can’t explain?

Is it effecting or even stopping you walking properly?

G’day. Ben here, from Healthy Feet Podiatry. Just want to share a great success story we had with a client, Howard.

Howard came to see us for his routine care and he mentioned that he had pain in one of his feet. He had this sharp pain every time he would take a step down off his steps at home, or off the edge of a gutter. And the sharp pain would just come and go.

Howard mentioned going down the back step at home, his foot would feel like it would give way. He was worried and concerned that he was losing his balance, and that it could end up in having a fall. Howard said that this may just be part of getting old and he would just have to put up with it.

When Howard mentioned his foot pain, we assessed his alignment and found he had a displacement in his cuboid, which is this bone on the outside of your foot. Also, that his muscles on the outside of his leg, his peroneal muscles, were really tight as well.

We applied some gentle hands-on treatment and gave him some exercises to do at home. And in a short amount of time, we were able to make some big improvements.

Without our help, Howard had the potential for his pain to get worse, his balance to get worse, and the possibility of having a fall and causing a significant injury.

I'm very pleased to say Howard is now pain-free, walking normally, and feeling better balanced. He said, "The foot doesn't give up on me and the feeling it wants to go is gone." It's great to see someone return to walking pain-free and being relieved that his problem can be fixed, and it's not just a part of getting old.

If you or anybody you know has experienced this and would like to find out if you can have your feet treated, please call the number provided or click the link below, where I'll personally assess your feet and work out your best treatment options.

OR click here:

I look forward to helping you get healthy, happy, and pain-free just like Howard. Take care.


Every had a painful wart that just won’t go away?

G’day. Ben here from Healthy Foot Podiatry, just want to share a great success story we had with a client Wendy.

So Wendy came to see us with a painful wart on her foot that had been present there for 20 years. She had multiple treatments, all of which were unsuccessful.

Wendy has also had multiple back surgeries and a lot of other health issues that she was dealing with. And she said, "I just really want to get rid of it." Because of all the other health issues, she said, "It's all getting a bit too much."

You could see how down she was and how much of a struggle it was becoming day to day just with this wart on her foot. Wendy thought that given she had the wart for so long, all the treatments she had gone through previously, she was out of options and that she'd just have to continue taking off the hard skin every one to two weeks to get some relief.

When Wendy came to see us, we organised a time where we needled her wart under a local anaesthetic, so she didn't feel a thing. And with just one treatment, we had great success.

So without our help, Wendy would've continued to put up trying to relieve the pain herself by taking back the hard skin every one to two weeks and be burdened and depressed really with the wart on top of all her health issues that she was going through.

But very pleased to say Wendy is pain free, her wart is completely gone. And she's much happier and relieved about her feet when we first crossed paths.

She said, "Whatever you did, it is brilliant. For years. I've had to take away the hard skin every two weeks. And now, I don't even have to think about it. Ben is the best." Thanks for that last part.

It's great to see when we were able to help someone, especially with the problem they've been putting up with for 20 plus years and getting such great results for them.

So if you or anybody else you know has experienced this and would like to find out if you can have your feet treated, please call the number provided or click the link below where I'll personally assess your feet and work out your best treatment options.

OR click here:

I look forward to helping you get healthy, happy, and pain free just like Wendy. Take care.


Foot Pains that come and go?

G’Day day, Ben here from Healthy Feet Podiatry. Just want to share a great success story we had with a client, John. So John came to see us as he described as extreme pain on the outside of one of his feet. He said it was like a sharp knife digging into the side of his foot that hits him at any time weightbearing then goes away. As he said, it was debilitating.

You could see John was so frustrated by this. He didn't know when the pain would come. He mentioned that there were times he would not leave his desk at work to go around and walk around his factory because he didn't want the pain. He also mentioned his colleagues would take the mickey out of him and call him an old man, hopping along.

John also loves playing golf, which he was unable to do due to the pain. And John thought this is just something he would have to live with and it was his wife, who is also a client of ours, who convinced him to come see us to get it all checked out.

So when John did come and see us, we thoroughly assessed his alignment and mobility, which revealed some restrictions, particularly in his ankle and also his cuboid. So that's your ankle here, that is your cuboid right there. So they were a bit stiff and a bit restricted in his movement. We applied some gentle hands on treatment and in a few sessions made dramatic improvements.

Without our help, John would be playing less or no golf, he'd be made fun of at work in the nicest possible way, and his job would continue to be negatively impacted. In that short amount of time, John was walking and weight bearing with no pain. He was back playing off, able to move around the factory with no restrictions or worries, and the old man name calling had stopped. But as John said, there's plenty other names they probably call him, but we'll save that for another day.

So it's just great to see how we could help John and take his pain away and get him back and enjoying life as he should be.

So if you or someone you know has experienced this and would like to find out if you can have your feet treated. Please call (03) 9470 8300 where I will personally assess your feet and work out your best treatment options.

OR click here:

I look forward to helping you get healthy, happy, and pain free, just like John. Take care.


Does someone you know worried about having a fall and really hurting themselves?

G’Day day. Ben here from Healthy Feet Podiatry. I just want to share a great success story we had with a client, Judy.

Judy was seeing us for regular care and mentioned one day that she was having sharp pains in her ankles and one of her knees was giving her trouble. She said walking stairs at home was really painful. She also said she had a fear of losing her independence and be forced into a nursing home.

She wanted to do things around the house and be able to go out shopping without the worry of not making it around the shops. Judy also cares for her husband, so being independent was not only vital for herself, but for her husband as well.

Judy had already seen a physio and was given some exercises and told doesn't need to be seen again. She tried the exercises, but felt something was missing and said she would appreciate any help. So after one of her regular appointments with us we made some time to thoroughly assess her alignment, mobility, strength and balance, and from that information we were able to create a customized treatment plan, and in a short amount of time we made some drastic improvements.

Without our help Judy had the potential to become less mobile, less independent, and possibly unable to care for her husband. After a short amount of time Judy said her feet are a lot better, her toes and her ankles. She said her knee is better with walking. The fear of losing her independence is much less.

She mentioned the story about going around the local shops with her daughter and had no hassle getting around, which was great to hear. She felt a lot more confident and was able to get around with no hassle, so that was great to hear. She would also say, "You've done a great job with them," sounding like I'm a mechanic working on her feet like in a car after a service, so great to hear.

So if you or someone you know has experienced this and would like to find out if you can have your feet treated. Please call (03) 9470 8300 where I will personally assess your feet and work out your best treatment options.

OR click here:

I look forward to helping you get healthy, happy, and pain free, just like Judy. Take care.

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Videos (show all)

Do you feel like you want to move more, but can't because of frustrating heel pain? G'day, Ben here from Healthy Feet Po...
Sore soles slowing you down?G'day, Ben here from Healthy Feet Podiatry. Just want to share a great success story we had ...
Concerned about your knee Pain?G'day, Ben here from Healthy Feet Podiatry. Just want to share a great success story we h...
Do you have pain in your big toe joint that's stopping you from walking?G’day. Ben here from Healthy Feet Podiatry. Just...
Is your heel pain holding you back from competing in your sport? G’day, Ben here from Healthy Feet Podiatry. Just want t...
Is pain in your leg holding you back at work or at home? G’day, Ben here from Healthy Feet Podiatry. Just want to share ...
Are you putting up with sharp, throbby, achy feet at work?Is the pain getting to the point that it's stopping you from w...
Worried about your balance?Know someone who is struggling to stay confident on their feet?G’day, Ben here from Healthy F...
Ever had the feeling of weak ankles?Worried that this is not normal?G’day, Ben Lerm from Healthy Feet Podiatry. I just w...
Ever had a strange pain in your foot that you can’t explain?Is it effecting or even stopping you walking properly?G’day....
Every had a painful wart that just won’t go away?G’day. Ben here from Healthy Foot Podiatry, just want to share a great ...
Client Success Story - John




1A 445 Grimshaw Street Bundoora
Melbourne, VIC

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 10am - 8pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

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Feet Fleet Feet Fleet
Melbourne, 3134

Highly skilled Podiatrist with over 25 years experience in the field. NOW providing Foot care directly in the privacy of your home. NEW referrals welcome.

Momentum FAAC Momentum FAAC
747 High Street Road

Momentum Foot and Ankle Clinic is here to help keep you moving! We are a team with over 15 years of

Foot Centre Group Foot Centre Group
1a/400 South Road, Moorabbin
Melbourne, 3189

Foot Centre Group is a podiatry service operating out Moorabbin, Edithvale, Malvern East, Mornington and Sandringham We are committed to servicing the community to keep them on th...

Kew Podiatry Centre Kew Podiatry Centre
4/9-14 Walpole Street
Melbourne, 3101

Podiatry for all ages from children to the elderly. A warm friendly environment that encourages health and well-being to our patients. Nail care- surgery Foot Pain Relief Shockwave...