Healthy Business Finances
We make finances FUN! Financial Coaching, Accounting , Bookkeepin

We provide streamlined financial coaching, financial training, tax, management accounting, payroll, GST/ Business Activity Statement and bookkeeping solutions for business owners to help them run efficiently and effectively. We are based in Melbourne and Ballarat and can work Australia wide with cloud based programs. We cater for any business no matter the size:
- to understand their financial pos

Don’t wait for a ‘big idea’ for your next business. Start small instead 03/09/2024

We bookmarked this article from a couple of weeks ago that really resonated with us, and we had to share it with you all. Kate Toon nails it in this piece, "Stop letting the big idea hold you back," published by SmartCompany.

In business, it's easy to get caught up in the allure of a grand vision, but as Kate points out, sometimes those big ideas can actually become obstacles. Her advice on starting small, taking action, and staying adaptable is not just practical—it's empowering.

If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed by the pressure of a big idea, this article is a must-read. It’s a refreshing reminder that progress often comes from the little steps, not just the giant leaps.

Don’t wait for a ‘big idea’ for your next business. Start small instead Are you feeling overwhelmed at the thought of finding the next big business idea? Create something small instead, writes Kate Toon.


Whether you're focused on scaling your business, driving innovation, or even taking a step back to recharge, make sure YOU hold the reins. Don’t let market trends or external forces dictate your journey—be the one who charts the course!

Each choice you make today is like a stone in the foundation of your business’s future. So, lay those stones in a way that builds toward the vision you’ve always dreamed of.

It's always good to take time to reflect: Which direction are you steering your business towards today?


Happy Friday!

Double happiness here as tomorrow is the last day of winter!!

We are expecting beautiful sunshiney days, no more frosty mornings, birds singing and the flowers blooming, IMMEDIATELY!! Please and thank you, Mother Nature!

Have a great weekend, resting and recharging. See you next month!!


Pawgust check in!!

Did any of you take up the Pawgust challenge, we threw down at the start of the month??

Well, we totally did! We are the Numbers Nerds team and have stomped our way through this month, logging our kms and gently nudging our families and friends for a small donation.

There's still time to donate, if you'd like to contribute,


In this update of where in the world, we'll let you know about Kylie's travel plans - actual and wish list!!!

Later in the year Kylie is heading to Chiang Mai and then Cambodia and Vietnam next year. Love that for her!! We're also very keen to get all her recs for our future holiday plans.

There are also a few destinations on the wishlist that she hopes will become a reality and she'll be making plans for soon. First is a motorbike tour across America - super cool, and also a long holiday to Scotland and Ireland to trace the family tree.


We love our work, but it's always great to have a holiday to look forward to. This is a goal that we are setting this year.

And to that end, Stacey is finally taking a real, non-working overseas holiday—Bali, here she comes! And Kylie is all set to explore the beautiful Chiang Mai later this year. The rest of us are still dreaming and planning, but we’ll have something booked soon.

We believe in the power of recharging our batteries, and what better way to do that than with a sunny getaway? Whether it’s relaxing on the beach, exploring new cultures, or just taking a break from the everyday, we know how important it is to take time for ourselves and we are planning on doing just that..

Adore Beauty to open retail stores at Southland, Watergardens 27/08/2024

In a time where we are seeing many retail businesses close down their physical shop fronts due to increased rents and overheads, this move caught me by surprise (reported in SmartCompany today).

And yes, I have purchased from Adore Beauty many many many many many times.

Their customers service for their online space is second to none, so I will be visiting their Watergardens store in 2025 for sure.

Adore Beauty to open retail stores at Southland, Watergardens E-commerce powerhouse, and former Smart50 finalist, Adore Beauty plans to open two retail concept stores in major Melbourne shopping centres.


We're being a little bit woo woo today.

We often get caught up in the hustle and bustle of our daily tasks, meetings, and responsibilities. But with all the noise, it's important to take a moment each day to check in with ourselves.

Self-reflection is a powerful tool. It's an opportunity to connect with our inner wisdom, gain clarity, and stay aligned with our goals and values. When we take the time to listen to our own thoughts and feelings, we can make better decisions, nurture our creativity, and stay motivated.

You are your best resource. Your insights, ideas, and instincts are invaluable. So make it a habit to have that daily conversation with yourself. Reflect on your progress, celebrate your achievements, and plan for the future.

Don't miss out on the chance to connect with the most excellent person in your life—you!


We hope to send you into the weekend with a smile on your face, one you've read this side splitting, cutting edge, completely unique and original joke.......

What do you call a hen looking at a bowl of lettuce?

Here we go.......hope you're ready for it....


We're feeling hungry all of a sudden.


Not sure if you are aware, but Stacey has been battling through like an absolute warrior these past few weeks - she's had some health challenges and has been juggling resting and doing what has to be done.

It was so lovely to get some nice feedback from a valued client, acknowledging what's been going on behind the scenes and truly appreciating the effort and hard work.

We don't expect to get praise from clients, but when you do, it just makes you feel all soft and gooey.........


Kerianne is right in the middle of planning a family holiday that will tick off a big destination on her bucket list.........

Drumroll please........they're off to Canada!!!

Must dos on the list are seeing a moose, seeing a bear (from a distance, please) watching a hockey game, Niagara Falls, and the Rockies.

What an adventure they are going to have!!


Another goal, we are prioritising is being organised and ensuring we are setting our plans well in advance.

Tax Planning Chats:
Get ready for some awesome tax planning discussions in April and May 2025! We're here to help you strategise and make the most of your tax situation. Whether you're looking to maximise deductions, optimise your financial plans, or simply get a better understanding of your tax obligations, we've got you covered.

Planning ahead is key, and our available time slots get snapped up quickly! Don’t miss out on this opportunity to get personalised advice and ensure your tax strategy is as effective as possible. Book your spot early and get ready to take control of your financial future!


Who else watched the Olympics and was utterly impressed and in awe of Jess Fox and all her achievements? We are totally fan-girling over here.

As business owners I'm sure her words resonate deeply. The journey is filled with challenges and triumphs, but it's the power of dreams, the strength of belief, and the dedication to hard work that make a difference.

Every day is an opportunity to turn dreams into reality. It's about believing in the vision we have for our business, even when times are tough. It's about putting in the effort, staying persistent, and never losing sight of our goals.

Success doesn’t come overnight. It comes to those who are willing to put in the work, stay focused, and keep pushing forward.

Kerianne Work Anniversary 2024 16/08/2024

We've been celebrating and congratulating one of HBF's very own today......It's Kerianne's one year anniversary as a member of our little team!

What a year it's been, it's absolutely flown past yet feels like Kerianne has been here forever!!

Here's to you, Kerianne, you're an amazing human, a valuable part of the HBF family and we feel lucky every day we get to work with you!!

Kerianne Work Anniversary 2024 Video made with Biteable. The World's Simplest Video Maker


Just a quick question, when did you last check your details on the Australian Business Register? If you're not sure, it's time to check your details are up to date.

Emergency services and government agencies use ABN information to identify businesses in affected areas during emergencies. This helps them determine who might need help or support during and after a disaster.

If your ABN details are out of date, you risk missing out on important assistance, updates or opportunities such as financial grants.

Check and update your ABN details, it doesn't take long.


Ok, so you learn something new every day, right? Well, we just found it that Stacey had a whole former life as a tour guide, taking lucky people around Europe & Scandinavia. Huh, who knew?

For someone so well traveled we were pretty keen to hear about her dream holiday destination.....

Maldives and Mauritius are the top contenders - she wants to stay in one of those overwater hut things so she can wake up and just jump in the ocean - oh and a private butler for the trip!



Another goal that is right near the top of our list is:

Finding Balance:
We know how crucial it is to strike a balance between work and life. We're on a mission to bring more of that harmony into all our lives.

Whether you're managing a bustling business or juggling family commitments, we believe in creating a life where work supports your dreams instead of overwhelming them.

We are making balance a priority!


What are you waiting for??

Whether it’s launching that new product, expanding your services, or finally taking that well-deserved holiday, there’s no better time than the present. In fact, there really is only the present.

Life is short and precious — make the most of every moment. Embrace new opportunities and chase your dreams. Don’t let time slip away—take that leap and live fully today!


This week has truly been a grind.

From the moment Monday morning arrived, the pace was set to high gear, and there was no easing into the workload. We had a lot of tasks to complete, and a lot of deadlines to hit, and then there were some unexpected issues that came up.

There hasn't been much time for a breather. But we are taking one tonight.

Chill, relax, repeat. See you Monday!


đŸ±đŸŒ Happy International Cat Day! đŸŒđŸ±

Today, we celebrate our purrfectly adorable feline friends who bring joy, love, and a touch of chaos to our lives. Whether they're curling up in the sun, chasing laser pointers, invading our personal space or simply being their charming selves, cats have a special way of making every day better.

Have a wonderful day with your little buddy!


We've been clawing our way through this dreary winter weather and trying to lift our weary spirits with talk of our dream holiday destinations.

We thought we'd share with the group. This will either lift your soul or crush it (hope you feel lifted)......

Emily aspires to take a long holiday in Italy - it's been on her bucket list since she started learning Italian in high school. She wants to eat all the food, go to all the beautiful cities, and avoid annoying tourists where she can.

Any recommendations, if you've been before?


Just a heads up that Stacey is out of hospital (*yay) however she has been referred to the spinal clinic at the Royal Melbourne Hospital

To ensure she can manage her pain and symptoms, she will be working reduced hours for the month of August.

Emily, Kylie, Mel, Kerianne and Siona are all working as per usual (however we do have staff with Covid and staff with Gastro).

Winter bugs and cooties are really kicking our arse so please be patient as we are a small team.

Pin to sum up how we all fell right now about "adulting" ha ha (pin courtesy of WBG Designs )


We're into the second month of the new financial year - have you set goals for your business? If not, we're not here to judge.....we'll share some of ours throughout the month to give you some ideas and inspiration.....

One of our goals is to review and improve our processes, particularly our tax return process. We're all about making things smooth and efficient, so we're continually working on making our processes as sleek as possible.


Running a business is full of ups and downs. There are days when everything clicks—clients are happy, sales are booming, and we feel on top of the world. Those are the wins we celebrate.

Then, there are tougher days. Clients leave, mistakes happen, and plans don't work out. Instead of seeing these as failures, view them as valuable lessons. Each setback teaches us something new and helps us improve.

Every lesson learned makes us better equipped for the future. Whether it's refining strategies, enhancing skills, or building stronger client relationships, each experience is a stepping stone to success.

Keep pushing forward. Celebrate your wins and embrace your lessons. In business and life, we never truly lose. We either win or learn.


Who's got Olympic fever? Become an armchair expert in the most random sport? Yup, same here.

Thank goodness it's Friday so we can try and catch up on some zzzzzzzzzzz. We've been putting in the long, late-night hours, and a few early mornings too! We're a little sleepy.

Have a great weekend guys, see ya Monday!


Nothing like setting some health and fitness goals at the start of the month to get you motivated and on the move, right?

So, if you're looking to get up and out the door, and want to support a great cause while you're doing it.....may we recommend getting involved with Pawgust. It's a great initiative to raise funds for Guide Dogs Australia.

If this is a cause close to your heart, please check join our team, strap on your runners and get walking/running this August


A big thank you to our friends at MYOB for this little snack box.

Doing a million BAS and tax returns is made so much better with snacks đŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł

Now to hide them from hubby!!


TPAR (Taxable Payments Annual Report) is due 28th August 2024.

So for all our clients in building & construction, cleaning, courier, IT and security this report is mandatory to lodge (even if nil) so make sure contractor information is up to date and accurate.

More information here,

Reach out if you have any questions.


Gosh as if the Xero / AWS outage is not bad enough, but the day just got a whole lot worse.

Wishing that Billson's can find a way to trade out of voluntary administration or find a buyer who can keep the business alive.

Unfortunately I would drink all the profits :)

Today we made the excruciatingly difficult decision to put Billson’s into Voluntary Administration.
In 2017 Felicity and I moved to Beechworth with dreams of restoring the historic brewery and creating a special experience for everyone who visited.
Together with the team, we’ve poured our hearts and souls into Billson’s and we are proud of everything that has been accomplished.
Over the course of 7 years, everyone’s hard work and passion has resulted in overwhelming support by people all over Australia and some pretty incredible business growth. Unfortunately that growth masked several mistakes we made along the way as our systems and processes failed to keep up. We’re ultimately responsible for these mistakes and we know that we have let people down. We are devastated and sorry.
We are shattered by the stress this decision will undoubtedly cause our team, suppliers, customers and fans. We’ve tried everything imaginable over the past 6 months to avoid this situation, including restructuring on two occasions, however we now believe this to be the necessary step for survival.
The brewery has stood proud for over 150 years and has undoubtedly faced many other perilous times. The challenges we’ve encountered in 2024 have been vast and incomprehensible in scale. We will do everything possible to work through this so Billson’s can emerge more resilient as a business and ready to take on another century.

We know how difficult the current environment is out there for everyone. With so many family businesses teetering on the edge, any support you are able to provide your local businesses, in any way at all, will mean more now than ever.
We intend for our venue to remain open 7 days per week and our online store to operate as normal. We’ll continue to supply our fans through all of our amazing customers in bottle shops and venues across the country.
Thank you so much for your support over the years, it truly means the world to us. Despite our many shortcomings, we will never give up. With all of its remarkable local history, we believe that Billson’s will get through this, so people can enjoy it, well into the future.
Nath and Flic


Yes folks, Xero is down

Apparently it is an AWS (Amazon Web Services) outage.

So, rather than get frustrated, go make yourself a cup of tea, watch Kaylee McKeown on 9 Now smash her 100m backstroke final đŸ„‡and be grateful for small things.

Stacey spent five hours in hospital yesterday (she is ok and the blood clot hasn’t travelled to her lungs thank god), so today she is grateful for her amazing team and also the amazing doctors and nurses who looked after her so well.

Badges to explain todays feelings courtesy of WBG Designs đŸ™ŒđŸ»

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Videos (show all)

In this update of where in the world, we'll let you know about Kylie's travel plans - actual and wish list!!!Later in th...
Kerianne is right in the middle of planning a family holiday that will tick off a big destination on her bucket list.......
Ok, so you learn something new every day, right? Well, we just found it that Stacey had a whole former life as a tour gu...
This week has truly been a grind. From the moment Monday morning arrived, the pace was set to high gear, and there was n...
We've been clawing our way through this dreary winter weather and trying to lift our weary spirits with talk of our drea...
OMG we made it, we are here! Game faces on, this is where the work really starts! We have been stretching, limbering up,...
Flash back Friday!
Happy Birthday to our Chief Numbers Nerd, Stacey!! We hope you're having a great day, doing your favourite things and sp...
Throw Back Thursday!!!This was back in March when we had a rare team outing. In-person get togethers are difficult to ar...
This a reminder to all our awesome BAS clients. All bank accounts must be reconciled in full by this Friday, 13th Octobe...
To all of our amazeballs  BAS clients, it is time to get real! Please take note of our work timelines to ensure we get y...
To say we are so proud of the Matildas is the biggest understatement ever.To have made it this far in the competition is...


PO Box 4042
Melbourne, VIC

Opening Hours

Monday 10am - 5pm
Tuesday 10am - 3pm
Wednesday 10am - 3pm
Thursday 10am - 3pm
Friday 9am - 11:45am

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