Purchasing Index

PI has been providing Big Data, Machine Learning & Decision Automation Systems to inform strategic data-driven decision making in procurement since 1983.

2023: The Year of Procurement Hygiene - p-i.com.au 08/02/2023

Procurement can often be overlooked or given less attention than other business functions, leading to inefficiencies and potential risks. 📈

This is why 2023 should be the year of procurement hygiene. By prioritizing procurement and implementing best practices, organisations can improve their bottom line, reduce risk, and maintain a positive reputation.

👉 Our ProcureTrak procurement analytics platform will aid you in cleaning up your procurement data, visualising opportunities and risks, and driving efficiency. Find out more on our latest blog article.

2023: The Year of Procurement Hygiene - p-i.com.au 6 procurement hygiene priorities

Spend Analytics Can Drive ESG Initiatives 24/01/2023

The business world has many mantras, one of which is: if it can’t be reported, it never happened. Many organisations worldwide are philosophically aligned with ESG initiatives. Aligning their business strategy, though, is often a step too far. Again, this is about visibility. You need to be able to track certain metrics and report on your success.

✅ Cutting-edge spend analytics software like ProcureTRAK grants this ability.

👍 Demonstrate and report on your commitment to ESG initiatives with ProcureTRAK’s bespoke suite of dashboards.

⬇️ Click below to learn more now.

Spend Analytics Can Drive ESG Initiatives View ProcureTRAK’s bespoke suite of dashboards

Labour Hire: Keep the Advantages, Leave the Risks with ProcureTRAK 09/01/2023

All businesses are looking to minimise costs while reducing risk, particularly at a time of high inflation. While many organisations know that there are savings to be had in the area of labour hire, they don’t have the visibility to realise them.

✅ ProcureTRAK takes a deep dive into your workforce, breaking it down and identifying where your labour hire exists, its value and the risks it may expose you to.

🔗 ProcureTRAK gives you vital visibility! Find out 4 ways procurement can better manage labour hire on our latest blog article now.

Labour Hire: Keep the Advantages, Leave the Risks with ProcureTRAK ProcureTRAK gives you vital visibility!

How to Pitch to C-Suite - p-i.com.au 30/10/2022

Pitching to management is a very particular task, and it has to be done right.There are two main ingredients to a successful pitch: soft skills and data. Let’s dive into each - https://fal.cn/3tbg0

✅ Develop your presentation skills, arm yourself with the right data and get behind successful C-suite pitching now!

How to Pitch to C-Suite - p-i.com.au Learn the skills behind successful C-suite pitching

Project Charters – The Ultimate Category Transformation: The Data Suite Series #6 26/10/2022

Take the final – and most transformative – step with ProcureTRAK’s Project Charters. It’s the culmination of rigorous data mining and extensive surveys.

📌Our Data Suite Series blogs have taken a journey through your organization. Project Charters give you the opportunity to take advantage of all the work that’s gone before and transform it into real-world savings and category optimisation.

👉Get in touch with the team at Purchasing Index and take your procurement function to the next level

Project Charters – The Ultimate Category Transformation: The Data Suite Series #6 Take the final – and most transformative – step with ProcureTRAK’s Project Charters.

Spend Analysis for Data-Driven Decisions - p-i.com.au 05/10/2022

Spend analysis is another tool to help procurement officers make better decisions around suppliers and sourcing. It’s intended to decrease costs, improve efficiency and drive innovation. It achieves this through a process of identifying the relevant data, gathering it, cleansing it, categorising and analysing.

✅ ProcureTrak is your spend analysis solution! ProcureTrak is a state-of-the-art, bespoke spend analysis software. This is a highly-customisable piece of software, able to be tailored precisely to your organisation’s needs.

🧐 Find out more now! -

Spend Analysis for Data-Driven Decisions - p-i.com.au What is spend analysis in procurement? Learn more now!

3 Green Supply Chain Management Challenges & Their Solutions - p-i.com.au 30/09/2022

Consumers are demanding and governments are regulating dramatically improved standards in sustainability performance.Organisations worldwide are acutely aware of this, but implementing green supply chain management is no simple task.

✅There are established methods of green supply chain management and they can be learned.

🧐 Academy of Procurement offers in-depth courses on Sustainable Procurement that focuses on environmentally-conscious initiatives with an overall positive economic value! -

3 Green Supply Chain Management Challenges & Their Solutions - p-i.com.au Academy of Procurement offers in-depth courses on Sustainable Procurement!

Maximise Your Precious Resources with Opportunity Analysis: The Data Suite Series - #5 26/09/2022

All organisations have one particular concern in common: proper allocation of finite resources. The difference between doing this right and doing it wrong is boom and bust. This concern touches all aspects of business, but none more so than procurement!

✅ Get an objective eye on your categories. Discover where your resources are best directed.

👉 Get in touch with the gurus at Purchasing Index today, and start putting your money where it’s best spent! -

Maximise Your Precious Resources with Opportunity Analysis: The Data Suite Series - #5 Discover where your resources are best directed.

Procurement Strategy for an Unpredictable World - p-i.com.au 12/09/2022

There is absolutely no reason why SMEs can’t take advantage of modern AI and machine learning to reduce supplier risk, increase the ability to drive savings as well as mitigate, as far as possible, environmental and political factors.

Purchasing Index can guide you through the implementation of the latest data analytics and help tailor it to your organisation.

👉 The goal is to make this information readily available and understandable to anyone in the organisation involved in procurement strategy -

Procurement Strategy for an Unpredictable World - p-i.com.au The world has never been a riskier place. Only procurement strategy that takes into account all forms of data can navigate the pitfalls.

Clean Up Your Contract Management with the Contract Tracker: The Data Suite Series – #4 30/08/2022

Every company has some form of ERP system, but not many have a specific contract management system. Instead you may be relying on Excel spreadsheets to keep track of contracts. The problem is, this type of software is totally inadequate!

✅ Our suite of Contract Tracking dashboards is affordable and intuitive. Compared to the efficiency it delivers, it’s one of the most cost-effective procurement platforms on offer.

👉 Get in touch with Purchasing Index today and start getting on top of your contract management -

Clean Up Your Contract Management with the Contract Tracker: The Data Suite Series – #4 Why do you need a specific Contract Reporting System?

5 Ways Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Benefits Procurement 25/08/2022

RPA (robotic process automation) is the new recruit. It’s the fresh-faced employee, ready to be tasked with all the annoyingly mundane, repetitive tasks no one wants to do but are, nonetheless, absolutely vital to an organisation’s day-to-day running.

How can RPA benefit your organisation? Organisations worldwide are putting together teams dedicated to analysing all processes and identifying the tasks most suitable to RPA.

👉 Learn more on our latest blog article now -

5 Ways Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Benefits Procurement Get robotic automation to take care of repetitive, simple tasks; get humans to focus on more complex analysis and innovation!

The Key to Forging Long-term, Successful Relationships with SMEs - p-i.com.au 16/08/2022

Why do we need greater SME participation in public procurement? What are the challenges? What can you do to help SMEs become a bigger part of procurement? There’s no doubt the Australian government is committed to securing more participation from SMEs and minority-owned businesses. Recent initiatives make this loud and clear.

👉 Find out more on what’s being done in this important area, and what businesses can do to forge successful relationships with small, local suppliers -

The Key to Forging Long-term, Successful Relationships with SMEs - p-i.com.au Why do we need greater SME participation in public procurement?

Compliance Reporting: The Data Suite Series - #3 27/07/2022

Identifying KPIs is essential to growing your business. But simply knowing the targets you need to meet will get you nowhere if you don’t have a way to track them. Many organisations are finding it extremely difficult to oversee and enforce organisational compliance.

👉 Get on top of your PO and contract spend with rigorous compliance reporting! Get in touch with Purchasing Index today to learn more about our cost-effective Contract and Compliance Suites solutions -

Compliance Reporting: The Data Suite Series - #3 This is the third edition of our Data Suite series!

Data Analytics: Develop Core Skills, Outsource the Rest 26/07/2022

Data analytics has been the buzzword in the procurement industry for years, yet there are still many organisations that can’t articulate precisely what it can do for them. Data organised in such a way that allows for useful and actionable insights. This is what advanced data analytics provides.

Organisations need to strengthen their analytics capabilities if they want to get the most out of their data and their employees. No company can develop competitive data analytics entirely on their own; it requires a broad range of highly-developed skills and experience.

Get the grunt work done by cutting edge software with Purchasing Index’s Data Analytics -

Data Analytics: Develop Core Skills, Outsource the Rest Outsource Advanced AI for Data Analytics! Get in touch with us today.

5 Reasons to Use Reverse Auctions in 2022 12/07/2022

Our consultants can help you implement processes that enable you to reap all the benefits of reverse e-Auctions, while avoiding the negatives associated with trying to negotiate the best deal possible. Our team has managed thousands of reverse auctions across a plethora of categories – and, yes, you can auction services (including audit, advisory, legal and recruiting services).

📞 Should you be interested in revisiting reverse auctions for your organisation in 2022, contact us at Purchasing Index and we can show you how -

5 Reasons to Use Reverse Auctions in 2022 Develop Your Reverse Auction Capabilities & Crush The Market!

Successfully Navigate Digitising The Procurement Process 29/06/2022

Digital transformation is simply the embrace of advanced digital systems, such as AI and machine learning, to enhance and revolutionise how an organisation conducts business.

Software such as PI’s ProcureTrak brings visibility to supply chains that has previously been inaccessible. An organisation will understand how they’re performing compared to competitors, the categories in which they are achieving savings and the opportunities to be seized.

👉 Click on the link for More Details now -

Successfully Navigate Digitising The Procurement Process Software such as PI’s ProcureTrak brings visibility to supply chains that has previously been inaccessible. Get in touch now to find out more!

The Data Suite Series - #2: Data Categorisation - p-i.com.au 27/06/2022

Data categorisation. It’s what every procurement team wants! The modern organisation is built on data. The problem isn’t acquiring it. It’s sorting it. In this article we talk about the benefits of data categorisation and how we can help guide you through this process - https://bit.ly/3nazm8H

📞 Get in touch with the team at Purchasing Index to see the specific benefits of procurement data categorisation for your organisation.

👉 Be on the lookout for our next edition in our Data Suite Series, where we take a deep dive into how spend analytics can revolutionise your compliance reporting.

The Data Suite Series - #2: Data Categorisation - p-i.com.au Data Categorisation for Procurement!

5 Ways Procurement Can Expand Your Business - p-i.com.au 24/06/2022

It’s time for your organisation to expand into new markets; you want to take advantage of innovative suppliers not traditionally a part of your supply chain. This kind of transition must be done carefully, and only once extensive research has been conducted.

To tap into new global markets, procurement must lead the way. Procurement is in the best position to locate, assess and contact the suppliers best suited to your organisation, and collaborate with other relevant internal departments.

You need to expand, and you need to do it responsibly. Purchasing Index has helped numerous organisations adopt cutting edge spend analysis software, powered by machine learning and modern AI. Get in touch with our team now -

5 Ways Procurement Can Expand Your Business - p-i.com.au 5 ways procurement can help you expand! Learn more now.

Stay on Top of Probity with Cutting Edge AI - p-i.com.au 19/06/2022

Probity is about integrity and honesty and the ability to demonstrate it. In terms of procurement, it involves ethical conduct at every stage of the procurement lifecycle, easily demonstrable with clear record-keeping.

Good probity protects an organisation from the damage fraudulent activity can do!

📞 Talk with our team at Purchasing Index today to discover how ProcureTRAK can transform your procurement function and ensure non-compliance issues – if they arise – are picked up early, before any damage is done -

Stay on Top of Probity with Cutting Edge AI - p-i.com.au Take advantage of the latest in AI to manage your probity! Talk to PI now to discover how ProcureTRAK can transform your procurement function.

3 Ways the New VGPB Policy Can Reduce Your Risk Profile 15/06/2022

For many government agencies, getting aligned with the new VGPB goods and services policy is a daunting task. But nothing worth doing is easy!

There’s no organisation in existence that doesn’t have skill gaps somewhere in the workforce, and the vast majority have little knowledge of where they lie.

✅ We can help you close those skills gap by providing expert guidance and you can go on to take advantage of the massive opportunities that these new policies represent stress-free! -

3 Ways the New VGPB Policy Can Reduce Your Risk Profile Talk to us today and take advantage of the massive opportunity that these new policies represent.

What Is a Procurement Spend Cube? - p-i.com.au 13/06/2022

Purchasing Index has developed a cutting edge suite of dashboards to lay bare an organisation’s spend. With the right visualisation, an organisation can easily identify trends and anomalies, or drill down into supplier specifics across any category.

If your organisation isn’t familiar with spend analysis software, never fear. Like all good software, our Spend Analysis Suite comes with a comprehensive guide, but it’s also worth noting that we offer a personalised training session for your team as part of the service.

📞 So talk to Purchasing Index today, get sight of your spend, control it, and start making sound sourcing decisions -

What Is a Procurement Spend Cube? - p-i.com.au If you want to see your spend data clearly, you have to put it in a spend cube!

Employee Benchmarking - Uncover those skill gaps - SkillsGapAnalysis 12/07/2021

Never has more been demanded of procurement departments, but new demands have to be met with new skills. Do your employees have it?

Employee Benchmarking - Uncover those skill gaps - SkillsGapAnalysis There's a debilitating skills shortage gripping the procurement industry right now. Employee benchmarking is the answer you need.

Price Benchmarking: do your strategic sourcing the right way - p-i.com.au 05/07/2021

Are you sure you’re getting the best price from your suppliers? Price benchmarking is the only way to know where you really stand.

Price Benchmarking: do your strategic sourcing the right way - p-i.com.au Are you getting a good price from your suppliers? How do you know? Price benchmarking is the only way. Get in touch with Comprara now.

Procurement Fraud: It’s time to say ‘no’ to the quid pro quo - p-i.com.au 29/06/2021

Procurement fraud doesn’t just hurt the bottom line – it damages reputations. Stamp it out with advanced analytics.

Procurement Fraud: It’s time to say ‘no’ to the quid pro quo - p-i.com.au It's costing your business tens of thousands of dollars, but thankfully there's now a sure-fire way of putting an end to procurement fraud.

6 Tips for Supplier Risk and Performance Management - p-i.com.au 07/06/2021

It’s not just COVID. We’ve been dealing with ‘unforeseen’ disruptions for years. Here’s how to see them coming. https://bit.ly/3uWNsvT

6 Tips for Supplier Risk and Performance Management - p-i.com.au Supplier risk and performance management are the keys to avoiding those 'unforeseen' disruptions to your network. Here's how to do it right.

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