The Australian Youth Affairs Coalition

AYAC is the national peak body for young people aged 12–25 and the sector that supports them.


Did you know that AYAC offers a range of fee-for-service options which can be tailored to meet the needs of young people, organisations and government seeking to enhance their engagement with young people?

Explore our primary offerings and contact our team to discuss your project before EOFY:


Youth Perspectives 💭

Between two worlds: A bi-cultural balancing act.

In our latest youth blog post, Soyal explores the challenges and rewards of growing up bi-cultural. Through personal reflections, they discuss their experience of balancing Indian and Australian values to find their own unique place between the two worlds.

🔗 You can read Soyal’s submission here:

Note: The views expressed in AYAC’S Youth Blog are personal and not an endorsement of AYAC; we value and encourage the diverse perspectives of young people.


Seeking young people with an interest in Digital Technology

AYAC and Reset.Tech Australia are excited to invite 30 young individuals aged 13-17 to participate in online consultations focused on the digital landscape and data protection. We're eager to hear from young people about the future of the digital world and how data protection impacts them.

Consultation Details:
📅 Session 1: Thursday, July 4th, 4:30pm–6:00pm AEST
📅 Session 2: Thursday, July 25th, 4:30pm–6:00pm AEST

Participants will receive a $75 voucher for each session attended.

Please share this opportunity with teens who have an interest in digital technology!

🔗 Apply here:
Applications close on 20 June, 2024


AYAC has teamed up with WhyNot on a digital series, 'Dare, Dream, Do' exploring the imagination, creativity, and innovative ideas of young Australians looking to change the world.💡

First up, is Thomas (he/they) from Woi-Wurrung Country.

You can watch their interview here:


AYAC recently welcomed the opportunity to contribute to the Inquiry into Civics Education, Engagement, and Participation in Australia.

In our submission, we highlight the key barriers young Australians (aged 12-25) face in civic education and participation, and provide research-backed recommendations aimed at enhancing political knowledge, engagement, and trust in democratic institutions among youth.

Key points include:

🔹 Addressing low levels of political knowledge and engagement.
🔹 Enhancing the Civics and Citizenship curriculum.
🔹 Leveraging informal mechanisms like youth work and online spaces for civic engagement.
🔹 Emphasising digital media literacy to combat misinformation.

You can find our full report highlighting comprehensive findings and recommendations aimed at improving youth civic engagement in Australia here:


AYAC has joined more than 120 organisations from across Australia in a letter to state, territory and federal ministers to seek urgent action at today’s Housing and Homelessness Ministerial Council Meeting. The goal is to address policy and funding gaps that continue to leave 40,000 young people without secure housing each year.

AYAC supports the Federal Budget's investment in homelessness services and the $1 billion allocation to support homeless youth. However, barriers remain, including the need for dedicated tenancies and specific support for young people. We urge the new National Agreement on Social Housing and Homelessness to prioritise unaccompanied youth, set tenancy targets, and link support services.

Increasing Youth Allowance and JobSeeker payments also remains a critical priority to help young Australians rise above the poverty line.

Addressing youth homelessness is vital for reducing overall homelessness and securing a better future for Australia's youth. AYAC looks forward to updates from the Ministerial Council Meeting and further collaboration with government and the sector to unlock Australia’s housing system for young people nationwide.

You can support by joining the campaign at


💭 Sliding into your feed during National Volunteer Week with another great reason why volunteering matters to young people.

Photos from The Australian Youth Affairs Coalition's post 21/05/2024

For National Volunteer Week, we asked some young people what volunteering (and volunteers!) means to them. Here's what they had to say.

"Volunteers matter to me because they show kindness, bravery and empathy and inspire us to lead the world with compassion."
— Astrid, 14 years old.

"Volunteering matters to me because it allows me to give back and create lasting, positive change in the lives of others."
— Soyal, 19 years old.

“Volunteering matters to me because it allows me to connect with the community and support nonprofits in creating change.”
— Stephanie, 25 years old.

"Volunteering matters to me because it's a way I can connect with my community, feel good about myself, and make a tangible difference!"
— Anju, 17 years old.


It’s National Volunteer Week.

According to a report by Volunteering Australia, an estimated 572,635 people aged 18–24 have participated in formal volunteer work (through a group or organisation) within a one-year period. We also know this figure would be MUCH higher if it took into account young people under the age of 18, or those volunteering through informal avenues, such as online advocacy or in-person rallies. At AYAC, we want to take a moment to recognise and celebrate all the young Australians who volunteer their time in any capacity.

During a time when financial pressures are high, these young people continue to choose to volunteer their time and energy for no monetary reward, which is a testament to the commitment, compassion and tenacity of today's young Australians.


Analysis: 2024–25 Federal Budget.

You can now read AYAC's full analysis on the key initiatives announced by the Australian Government in the 2024-2025 May Budget that will affect young people in Australia.



AYAC stands in solidarity with LGBTQIA+ communities on .

66% of Australian LGBTQIA+ youth experience bullying or harassment based on their identity. We’ve come a long way in the 34 years since the World Health Organisation removed homosexuality from the Classification of Diseases. However, as recent news about NSW politicians voting to ban books that celebrate same-sex families in public libraries reminds us, there is still a long way to go.

Today serves as a reminder to actively foster LGBTQIA+ safety, inclusion and allyship at work, in school, and within our communities—not just today, but every day.

In workplaces, we have a responsibility to create safe and affirming environments that work to close the health equity gap for LGBTQIA+ staff. Gender-affirmation leave, rainbow family-inclusive parental leave policies, LGBTQIA+ training, and gender-neutral bathrooms are just some of the ways we can begin to foster this.

To all LGBTQIA+ people: we see you, and we stand with you today, and always.

To all LGBTQIA+ allies and those aspiring to be allies: every contribution counts. We all have a responsibility to help end discrimination and work toward a world where LGBTQIA+ people can live authentically and without shame or fear.

Not sure where to start? Check out these tips on LGBTQIA+ allyship:


AYAC’s CEO, Jo Rostami spoke with ABC News Radio’s Tim Shepherd yesterday regarding the Federal Budget and its impacts on young Australians.

🔗 Full audio here:


The 2024-2025 May Budget was a promise to close the generational divide amidst a challenging time for young people, who continue to be disproportionately impacted by cost-of-living pressures across various life domains, including mental health, employment, and housing.

"Despite being marketed as a better deal for young people, this budget has prioritised those already privileged, and failed to deliver tangible relief for young Australians doing it tough today."
— Jo Rostami, CEO of AYAC.

AYAC supports the government's efforts to reduce cost-of-living pressures but emphasises the urgency for more robust measures. Increasing Youth Allowance and JobSeeker payments remains a cri



Do you know a passionate young person interested in advising government on policies and programs that affect them?

The Office for Youth have 7 spots open on their Youth Steering Committee for applicants between the ages of 12 and 24.

This is an opportunity for young people to work with the Minister for Youth and the Australian Government to deliver Engage! A strategy to include young people in the decisions we make.

Applications are closing THIS Sunday, May 19 at 5pm AEST so don't delay sharing this with the young people in your life!

For more details head to


AYAC stands with more than 200 women and non-binary people from various sectors and continues to call on the Government to deliver a substantial increase to Youth Allowance and Job Seeker in this Federal Budget.

Young people on Youth Allowance experience the deepest poverty and continue to live well below the poverty line, receiving just $45 a day— half of the daily requirement as measured under the Henderson poverty line.

Together with state and territory youth affairs peaks, AYAC continues to call on the Government to raise the rate of Youth Allowance and Job Seeker payments in the 2024-25 Federal Budget as a matter of priority.

AYAC also urges the Government to provide specific financial security and support pathways for children and young people leaving violence.

While National Cabinet’s announcement of the Leaving Violence payment program is a welcome one, these responses still don’t prioritise children and young people as victim-survivors in their own right. Efforts to eliminate family violence and improve the economic security of women must recognise the experiences of children and young people too.

Read our full statement here:

We also encourage you to sign the ACOSS Australian Council of Social Service open letter calling on the Prime Minister to deliver a substantial increase to JobSeeker and Youth Allowance in this Federal Budget here:

You can find a link to AYAC's original joint pre-budget submission with youth affairs peak bodies including YACSA, Youth Affairs Council of Western Australia Youth Affairs Council Victoria, The Youth Coalition of the ACT, Youth Action NSW, Youth Affairs Network Qld (YANQ), and Youth Network of Tasmania from Jan 2024 here:


There's still time to register for AYAC's free webinar next week, in conversation with Prof. Dr Mike Seal, discussing intersectional perspectives on youth poverty and economic disadvantage.

Following this q&a, AYAC’s CEO, Jo Rostami will provide a brief update on the outcomes of the Australian Federal Budget announcement, and how it impacts young people.

📅 Date: Thursday, 16th May
🕧 Time: 11:30am–12:30pm AEST
📍 Zoom:

Please also register your attendance here so we can include you in any follow up materials:

Who Should Attend?
Professionals working with young people and within the youth work sector nationally.


🌟 Introducing AYAC's Youth Brains Trust (YBT)! 🌟

In response to the significant uptick in AYAC's youth membership and the growing demand for more opportunities for young people, AYAC has decided to establish a Youth Brains Trust (YBT) through our youth membership network.

This initiative will aim to keep young people better informed about opportunities for consultation, events, or discussions as they arise, while also providing avenues for consulting with AYAC on various policy issues.

The YBT will also assist AYAC in collaborating more closely with young people to ensure that their voices are embedded within AYAC's decision-making processes.

If you know a young person (aged 12–25) who is keen to be involved in more opportunities for young people, encourage them to become an AYAC member for free here:


💥New Blog Post! Accessible Activism: Changing the world one accommodation at a time.

In our latest youth blog post, Vex shares their journey as a young activist and challenges the narrow definition of activism in our society, advocating for a more inclusive approach to social change.

🔗 Read Vex’s submission here:

Note: The views expressed in AYAC’S Youth Blog are personal and not an endorsement of AYAC; we value and encourage the diverse perspectives of young people.


Do you know a passionate young person interested in advising government on policies and programs that affect them?

Youthgovau have 7 spots open on their Youth Steering Committee for applicants between the ages of 12 and 24.

The Youth Steering Committee will work with the Office for Youth to represent young people and deliver Engage! our new strategy to include young people in the decisions we make.

Applications close at 5:00PM AEST on Sunday 19 May.

For more details and to apply head to


Join AYAC for the second meeting of our (free) online lunchtime Spotlight Series, in conversation with Professor.Dr Mike Seal.

Prof. Seal has been involved in the multiple disadvantage, homeless and youth and community work fields as client, worker, manager, academic and researcher for over 30 years.

Date: May 16 2024
Time: 11:30am-12:30pm AEST
Location: Online (via Zoom)
Cost: Free

Register here:

You can learn more about Prof. Seal's work here:

More details about this event to follow soon.


Today is Youth Homelessness Matters Day (YHMD), a national awareness day established in 1990 to raise awareness and spark discussions about child and youth homelessness. Over the years, YHMD has evolved to not only highlight the challenges but also celebrate the resilience of young people facing homelessness, while advocating for sustainable solutions to this continuing problem.

This YHMD, AYAC is re-sharing our recent awareness video, supporting Home Time, a national advocacy campaign—comprising over 75 organisations including AYAC—seeking urgent action to unlock Australia’s housing system for children and young people.

Recent data from homelessness services has shown that almost 40,000 children and young people aged between 15 and 24 years old are alone with nowhere to live each night.

Young people experiencing homelessness often lose their homes and family support early in life due to extreme life events and trauma, and First Nations, LGBTIQ+, culturally diverse, and disabled young people are disproportionately impacted.

Australia’s current housing system is structurally incapable of delivering enough safe homes and appropriate support for under 25 year-olds. The Home Time Action Plan seeks to unlock Australia’s housing system for young people through urgent action on three key policy reforms:

1. Develop and maintain a national pool of 15,000 dedicated youth tenancies for 16-24 year olds;

2. Provide linked support services so young people can pursue their goals and transition to independence;

3. Address the rental gap to ensure viability for housing providers and landlords offering tenancies to young people who have been homeless.

Implementing these recommendations would establish 15,000 dedicated tenancies for young people across the country, with linked support services and financial support for housing providers.

Ending youth homelessness demands a nation-wide, coordinated and youth-specific response. This is why we are also supporting Yfoundations and its whole-of-government and community approach to end child and youth homelessness through calling on the federal government to develop a standalone National Child and Youth Homelessness and Housing Plan.

You can support these two leading campaigns driving for change below:

Take action through the Home Time National Campaign and its strategy to unlock Australia’s housing system for young people:

Sign the YFoundations petition calling on the federal government to develop a standalone National Child and Youth Homelessness and Housing Plan:


We stopped by the State Library of WA to check out the Sketchbook Project, an exhibition by Kickstart Festival WA for Youth Week in WA. This collaborative and visual experience was an invitation to young people across Western Australia to share their personal stories and passions through art, writing, or any other form of expression. If you’re based in WA, it’s worth getting along to see this work before it wraps up on May 26! Congrats to all the young people from across Western Australia who are involved in this project!


Four days left to apply!

AYAC is expanding and seeking a National Youth Development and Engagement Lead to join our team. This role will work closely with a diverse range of stakeholders, including young people, the wider youth sector, and AYAC members to consult, and build the capacity of young people as youth advocates and leaders.

If this sounds like you or someone you know, head to the link below for more details and please share this with your networks!


Applications close on April 14 2024 at 5pm AEST.


🎉Calling young Australians (aged 12–25):
Have your say in AYAC's Future of Youth Leadership survey, shape the future of youth leadership training, and go in the draw to win 1 of 5x $100 gift vouchers!



💥New Blog Post! Navigating friendship: The realities of building meaningful connections

In our latest youth blog post, Li explores the growing issue of youth loneliness amidst the influence of social media, changing life after school, and urban obstacles. Li advocates for rethinking relationships and building supportive communities.

🔗 Read Li’s submission here:

Note: The views expressed in AYAC’S Youth Blog are personal and not an endorsement of AYAC; we value and encourage the diverse perspectives of young people.


Calling all young people aged 12–25 from across Australia!

Share your thoughts in AYAC’s Future of Youth Leadership 10-minute survey for a chance to win one of five $100 gift vouchers!

Who are we looking to hear from?

ALL young people (12–25) from right across Australia including:
👉Young people living in regional, remote and rural Australia.
👉Young people who aren't currently engaged in employment, education or training.

What do we want to learn?

AYAC is interested in your opinions on youth leadership opportunities including:
👉Whether or not you have participated in formal youth leadership activities.
👉What barriers might have stopped you from participating.
👉What skills you think young people need to be able to participate effectively.

Your feedback will help us to:

👉Design future youth leadership training programs that young people find useful.
👉Shape a report about youth leadership
👉Provide advice to other organisations on how best to engage with young leaders.

Don't miss this opportunity to make your voice count and help to shape the future of youth leadership training!

Take the survey here:

Survey closes April 21st.


📣 We're hiring!

Are you passionate about building the capacity of young people as youth advocates and leaders? AYAC is expanding and seeking a National Youth Development and Engagement Lead to join our small but mighty team!

As the National Youth Development and Engagement Lead, you will work closely with a diverse range of stakeholders, including young people, the wider youth sector, and AYAC members to:

✔ Collaborate with young people to develop a dynamic youth leadership program.
✔ Deliver youth participation and engagement training for stakeholders.
✔ Lead focus groups, round tables, and forums to empower young voices.
✔ Support young advocates in engaging with government and advocating for policy change.
✔ Coordinate and evaluate youth-focused events and initiatives.

If you're passionate about about empowering young people and driving positive change, we want to hear from you!

For more details and to apply, visit:

Note: Applications close on April 14 2024 at 5 pm AEST.


💥New Youth Blog Post💥

Walk a Mile in Our Shoes: Why well-designed Cities and Communities could be Revolutionary for Australia’s Youth.

In our latest youth blog post, Thomas explores liveable cities, examining the intersection of urban design and youth well-being. He highlights the challenges faced by young people, and advocates for transformative changes in city planning to create more accessible and inclusive environments for young people.

🔗 Full submission available here:

Note: The views expressed in AYAC’S Youth Blog are personal and not an endorsement of AYAC; we value and encourage the diverse perspectives of young people.


Here at the Youthgovau National Youth Forum where Minister for Youth, the Hon Dr. Anne Aly has launched Engage! A strategy to include young people in the decisions we make is a new vision for how government can work with young people.

Read the strategy here:


We’re in Canberra this week supporting the Youthgovau Youth Steering Committee who are geared up for a jam packed week of exciting conversations and projects!

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

AYAC’s CEO, Jo Rostami spoke with ABC News Radio’s Tim Shepherd yesterday regarding the Federal Budget and its impacts o...
Today is Youth Homelessness Matters Day (YHMD), a national awareness day established in 1990 to raise awareness and spar...
Four days left to apply!AYAC is expanding and seeking a National Youth Development and Engagement Lead to join our team....
🎉Calling young Australians (aged 12–25):  Have your say in AYAC's Future of Youth Leadership survey, shape the future of...
Yesterday, AYAC joined the Youthgovau Youth Steering Committee at Parliament House to for jam-packed day of meetings inc...
We’re in Canberra this week supporting the Youthgovau Youth Steering Committee who are geared up for a jam packed week o...
Today is the launch of Home Time, a national advocacy campaign—comprising over 75 organisations including AYAC—seeking u...
We spoke with Allira Davia and Bridget Cama from The Uluru Statement from the Heart Youth Dialogue about the upcoming Vo...
Today is your final chance to enrol to vote in the referendum!The AEC is encouraging all young people to enrol if this i...
Today on International Day of People with Disability (IDoPWD) we recognise our colleagues across the disability sector a...
2018 Budget blind spot = Young People
Lowering the Voting Age could happen in June 2018



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