TEAM BEAST MODE- INTL. is an origination created with the sole purpose of creating authentic and ins THE TEAM BEAST MODE- INTL.

is an origination created with the sole purpose of creating authentic and inspiring leaders, aligned to their vision and purpose, who in turn, lead others to become the best version of themselves. TEAM BEAST MODE INTL creates content that is high-value and relevant to today’s social issues, as well as designing methods and techniques developed from a breadth of fields including psychology, behavio


🫵🏼 You not that dumb 🫵🏼


Are you 🤦🏽‍♂️

One of the most important things to know about the mind and reality is the difference between thoughts and beliefs.

The difference between a thought and a belief is that you may have thousands of thoughts going through your mind but none of them have any power except those that are beliefs.

A belief is a thought that you make real, or accept as true.

Choosing to make a thought real or not is a decision under the very power of the will.

It is important to understand that is not our thinking that creates our circumstances, but the emotion that is attached to our thoughts.

Thoughts become things but not all thoughts become things, only the thoughts that are accompanied with strong feelings and emotion.

Thought is first a conscious suggestion, then it becomes a subconscious memory, working day and night.


Look at what is different...

Not at what remains the same.

There is NEW magic in every moment.


A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others. He does not set out to be a leader but becomes one by the equality of his actions and the integrity of his intent.

Come and learn to become the best version of YOU. That true MASCULINE leader that you know has always been inside of you. That can achieve anything you put your mind to. Because you TRULY believe in yourself.

UNLOCK your true MASCULINE potential with us at BEAST MODE - Australia.

The world’s fastest-growing MEN’s Leadership/Mindset education company and brand.

Here are some examples of the amazing techniques changing people’s lives.

1) Activate “UNTAPPED ALPHA FORCE” – Instantly get in THE ZONE.

2) The Ultimate-Goal Formula – align your conscious and unconscious mind (Mind and Body is

3) Release NEGATIVE EMOTIONS – You no longer NEED to hang onto that fear, anger, guilt, and sadness…

4) Ultimate Environment Selection (10 years of experience made easy).

5) Swiftly ELIMINATE Disempowering Behaviors (remove any fear, phobia, limiting
belief or Low Self Esteem Issue using Quantum Linguistics).

6) Undeniable Clear Vision = IGNITED RAPPID RESULTS.

7) TOTAL UN-QUESTIONED CONFIDENCE (Guys want to BE you, Girls want to BE WITH you).

And much, MUCH more…

Photos from BEAST MODE- INTL.'s post 25/08/2024

🕉 There are no problems, only resistance 🕉

You can have anything you want.

Problems occur when you do not have what you want, which is why resistance prevents you from having it.

Problems in health and wealth are resistance. What causes most physical discomfort and pain is excessive accumulation or congestion of magnetic currents in certain parts of the body.

This is resistance.

The congestion can be relieved by releasing the energy from the congested spot.

Let go of the feeling of tightness.

The sense of relief is the release.

The release of power during

ritual magick is also the release of resistance for the universal life force to flow and work freely.

Sometimes your intention doesn’t manifest because you are resisting it.

Notice that at times when your intention has failed, you gave up trying to make it happen, and released some resistance within you, and intended again without resistance, and this time the intention manifested successfully.

Intend in this way all times.

Intend and release your resistance to the intended outcome.


I want you all to 🔴 STOP 🔴


Become present.

Set your intention.



Love yourself.

Say your own personal strengths out loud.

Tell yourself how you respect yourself.

Tell yourself how you appreciate yourself.

Show yourself how you love yourself.

Laugh some more.




I promise myself...

To forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future.

To wear a cheerful expression at all times and give a smile to every living creature I meet.

To give so much time to improving myself that I have no time to criticize others.

To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear, and too happy to permit the presence of trouble.

To think well of myself and to proclaim this fact to the world, not in loud words, but in great deeds.

To live in the faith that the whole world is on my side, so long as I am true to the best that is in me.”


From my H❤️ART to yours ❤️

- Never become attached or attach yourself to a place of work, a company, or a job ( Journey of Bankruptcy ).

- Please always attach yourself to your desired outcomes, dreams, goals & higher inspirations & power.

- Attach yourself with a healthy obsession to the right people, things, empowerment & feelings that nobody can take away from you.


Value exchange is a way by which everybody experiences the increase of life together.


7 C’s to building a winning team:

1. Coaching
2. Character
3. Communication
4. Commitment
5. Contagious Energy
6. Caring
7. Consistency


Shift world consciousness ⚛️ with your personal growth ☯️

What is wonderful to know is that a small shift in your level of consciousness has a quantum effect on your world and the larger world.

Therefore, the proper way to change the world is to change yourself.

Focus on your growth first and foremost, and do not be too concerned about needing to help others grow.

Everyone has their path to take and their own choices to make.

We do not have to make everybody the same level as us.

“Focusing on your growth will alter the mass world.”

Many of you are living on the planet at this time because you desire to serve and help the world.

It is wonderful to know that as you help yourself increase your capacity to prosper and learn to love and live in joy, you are making that contribution to others through your simple efforts to change and improve your life.

As you raise your consciousness in your thinking, a simple shift in you resonates that shift to millions.

“ Your shift in consciousness propagates across collective mentality. “

You elevate their knowledge.

You are not simply influencing those in your immediate circle but changing the fabric of space and thought.

If something is known within you, then it exists and is known everywhere.

If you know one good thing, it can be known by anyone.

So, knowing as much as possible is the best way to help humanity. You are like a forerunner.

The further you go, the further others will be able to go.

You are free to go as far as you can go without needing the rest to keep up.


Lately, many people have asked me how TEAM BEAST MODE- INTL. Came into my life and the lives of thousands of students and teammates.

I think it's time to tell them.

So here's my story, which my clients and friends already know.

The concept of BEAST MODE AUSTRALIA was always burning deep down in Leigh John Bundy heart.

He wasn’t sure how best to express or create it. Leigh has always been a leader. When he was younger, he was the captain of his football and basketball teams. He constantly found himself leading his friends and his family. Leigh has always had a burning desire to lead from the front.

Leigh says to himself that if he were in the army, he would be on the frontline, constantly pushing forward. Leading people has always happened effortlessly for him.

In the past, Leigh worked 9-5 jobs as a bodyguard and an electrician. This never satisfied him. He always knew he was destined for bigger and greater things. He also struggled to take orders from "bosses", barking orders behind a desk and not leading by example. These people who lacked genuine leadership drove Leigh to become an even stronger leader.

It all began when Leigh broke up with his ex-fiance. Three months before their wedding, Leigh called off because the relationship wasn't working. They were growing apart rapidly. Leigh called it quits after being together for nine years and engaged for two years.

During the breakup, Leigh lost over $850,000, moved into a brand new, beautiful home, and went from living in a penthouse in Richmond to returning to his parents' house.

Leigh's parents' home was a beautiful home and a positive environment, but it was also a massive dent in this man's ego and life progression.

From this point in time, Leigh’s entire life spiralled downwards. He felt like he had lost it all. That was a failure. That he wasn’t good enough. Leigh hit rock bottom, and his life was at the lowest point it had ever been. Leigh locked himself in his room for over a month, watching movie after movie and eating junk food all day. He was so emotionally broken that he lost the ability to speak. Leigh continued to worsen, even with the fantastic help of his family and friends. Nothing seemed to work. Nothing seemed to make him happy. Leigh became suicidal and was put under twenty-four-hour watch. On several occasions, an ambulance was called to sedate him and take him to hospital because he was very mentally unstable.

As you can imagine, Leigh was at a crossroads in his life, very close to ending it. But he knew there was more to live for. So he picked himself up and tried to start living again. Leigh began to exercise, go for walks, and try to stay in a positive state of mind. This worked sometimes, but not all the time. He slowly returned to his job while still in a very fragile state.

While Leigh was working as a bodyguard for a high-profile client at the Crown Casino, he met a friend in the personal development field.

That’s when everything started to change.

This person knew some things that Leigh wasn’t aware of then. They understood how to control one's emotions. They knew that one could make what would be perceived as massive changes instantly. They also understood that we have a strategy for everything we do.

It was a strategy for procrastinating, feeling happy, and feeling depressed, and the best thing was that they understood that you could change your plan instantly.

The more Leigh learned about psychology, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), and inner-mind strategies, the more curious he became. He was given a spark of hope—hope that he could turn his life around and gain control again to live the life he deserved.

What Leigh did next, without a doubt, completely changed his entire future. He stepped up. Leigh turned to education. He immersed himself in education. He invested in his growth.

Leigh became a Master of NLP a Master of Hypnosis, a Success Strategist, and a student of Spiral Dynamics.

Instantly, Leigh started to see massive shifts in his life.

His emotional state, finances, relationships and standard of health were all improving.

Leigh beat his depression and became dedicated to living a fulfilled life of purpose, drive and growth.

So many people were astonished and proud of the results Leigh was generating in his life after where he had come from.

Leigh has a burning desire to impact others and guide them through their journeys to reach a higher quality of life. And he is doing just that.

After founding Beast Mode Australia, Leigh works closely with males who want to unleash their true masculine potential.

The Beast Mode Australia team is operating throughout Australia

As Leigh says himself,

“The pain you feel today will be the strength you feel tomorrow.

The harder you struggle, the more glorious your triumph will be.

It’s time to step up, commit to living the life you deserve, and unleash your true masculine potential.

Cowards never start.

The weak never finish.

Winners never quit.

It’s time to raise the bar.

The question is, are YOU ready?

Beast Mode is waiting for you...”


9 Ways to Awaken the Divine Masculine ☯️ Within
You 🧘🏽‍♂️

1. Examine your wounds surrounding the Masculine

Examining your wounds will help you examine any unconscious beliefs, biases, or prejudices you have toward men. These mental and emotional blockages are very revealing and will help you develop and strengthen a healthy bond with your inner divine masculine.

2. Take self-responsibility

Look after yourself. Own your actions. Take responsibility for your happiness. Don’t permit yourself to become a victim who needs to be “rescued.” It would help if you were accountable for your thoughts, feelings, and choices to awaken the divine masculine.

3. Contact your inner Father

One powerful way of awakening your divine masculine is to contact this inner Father and develop a relationship with it. I recommend practices such as journaling, various forms of artistic expression such as painting, automatic writing, and even using tarot to contact your inner Father.

4. Deconstruct your conditioning

What have you been conditioned to believe about “what it means to be a man”? We collectively and individually carry so much baggage when it comes to defining masculinity.

5. Find a masculine teacher/guide/figure you admire

Thankfully, some beautiful examples of embodied divine masculine energy are out there. These men may be among your inner circle of friends or family members (and if so, feel blessed!).

6. Connect with your inner Warrior

The inner Warrior is another face or expression of the divine masculine. But please don’t mistake what I’m saying for how warriors are portrayed today.

7. Be assertive and stick up for yourself

Being assertive isn’t about being angry, aggressive, or throwing yourself in another person’s face. It’s about respecting yourself and your needs.

8. Stand in a confident way

Our body language has a powerful impact on how we feel (and vice versa).

This is an amazingly simple way to connect with your divine masculine side.

9. Stop being passive, start being active

Take the initiative to set goals, make plans, and work towards what you dream about. Don’t let passivity make you apathetic and lazy.


Here is the secret you have been searching for......

“ To bring your dreams and goals into your reality.”

❌ This is the death of all that fluffy mindset that doesn’t work ❌

I just taught a group of 500 last month this topic in a very similar way and process
P - T - F - B - B - A = DO.

To bring our inner desires out into physical reality, we first start without internal and connection with our , which then creates those empowering , which make us feel the way we need to, to that we can achieve these desires. Our are so aligned and powerful that we take the correct to achieve our , easy and effortless.

Photos from BEAST MODE- INTL.'s post 08/07/2024

💙 Unlock Your Full Potential with Our Tailored NDIS Support 💙

Thank you for the time you have taken to reach out to me in asking am I taking on anymore NDIS clients/participants & the answer is now
“ YES ✅ “ as I have the capacity & infrastructure to do so.

🫵🏼 If you are somebody that is NDIS funded or knows somebody that is & is in great need of :

- Life skills.
- Building a strong relationship back with themselves & others.
- Getting back into society.
- Community participation.
- Behavior Support.
- Domestic Assistance.
- Personal Care.
- Complex Care.
- Disability Care.

Then let’s chat & discuss these services in greater detail creating a path & journey towards your desired outcomes.


I know it’s hard to get good services in this (NDIS) sector & people who actually care about helping others by overcoming their own life challenges, leading, supporting & caring for others from life experiences, I believe is the greatest qualification you can have & share with others, you have been there & done it yourself, there is so much more powerful than doing an unrelatable 2-week short course on how to lead & support others through :

- Mental Health.
- Relationships with self & others.
- Disabilities.
- Social challenges.
- Health & Wellness.

I’ve been leading, supporting, caring & educating 1000’s of people in these sectors & more for over 20+ years now.

I’m so passionate about changing the world 🌏 one person at a time.

DM 📥 to discuss what services I offer & how it works if we are going to be working together or with somebody you know & ready to support


Photos from BEAST MODE- INTL.'s post 08/07/2024

💙 Unlock Your Full Potential with Our Tailored NDIS Support 💙

Thank you for the time you have taken to reach out to me in asking am I taking on anymore NDIS clients/participants & the answer is now
“ YES ✅ “ as I have the capacity & infrastructure to do so.

🫵🏼 If you are somebody that is NDIS funded or knows somebody that is & is in great need of :

- Life skills.
- Building a strong relationship back with themselves & others.
- Getting back into society.
- Community participation.
- Behavior Support.
- Domestic Assistance.
- Personal Care.
- Complex Care.
- Disability Care.

Then let’s chat & discuss these services in greater detail creating a path & journey towards your desired outcomes.


I know it’s hard to get good services in this (NDIS) sector & people who actually care about helping others by overcoming their own life challenges, leading, supporting & caring for others from life experiences, I believe is the greatest qualification you can have & share with others, you have been there & done it yourself, there is so much more powerful than doing an unrelatable 2-week short course on how to lead & support others through :

- Mental Health.
- Relationships with self & others.
- Disabilities.
- Social challenges.
- Health & Wellness.

I’ve been leading, supporting, caring & educating 1000’s of people in these sectors & more for over 20+ years now.

I'm so passionate about changing the world 🌏 one person at a time.

DM 📥 to discuss what services I offer & how it works if we are going to be working together or with somebody you know & ready to support





Many of you have sent me hundreds of messages over the last few months & I think I still even need to reply to some of you even now 😳

Thank you for the time you have taken to reach out to me in asking am I taking on anymore NDIS clients/participants & the answer is now
“ YES ✅ “ as I have the capacity & infrastructure to do so.

🫵🏼 If you are somebody that is NDIS funded or knows somebody that is & is in great need of :

- Life skills.
- Building a strong relationship back with themselves & others.
- Getting back into society.
- Community participation.
- Behavior Support.
- Domestic Assistance.
- Personal Care.
- Complex Care.
- Disability Care.

Then let’s chat & discuss these services in greater detail creating a path & journey towards your desired outcomes.


I know it’s hard to get good services in this (NDIS) sector & people who actually care about helping others by overcoming their own life challenges, leading, supporting & caring for others from life experiences, I believe is the greatest qualification you can have & share with others, you have been there & done it yourself, there is so much more powerful than doing an unrelatable 2-week short course on how to lead & support others through :

- Mental Health.
- Relationships with self & others.
- Disabilities.
- Social challenges.
- Health & Wellness.

I’ve been leading, supporting, caring & educating 1000’s of people in these sectors & more for over 20+ years now.

I'm so passionate about changing the world 🌏 one person at a time.

DM 📥 to discuss what services I offer & how it works if we are going to be working together or with somebody you know & ready to support




Many of you have sent me hundreds of messages over the last few months & I think I still even need to reply to some of you even now 😳

Thank you for the time you have taken to reach out to me in asking am I taking on anymore NDIS clients/participants & the answer is now “ YES ✅ “ as I have the capacity & infrastructure to do so.

🫵🏼 If you are somebody that is NDIS funded or knows somebody that is & is in great need of :

- Life skills.
- Building a strong relationship back with themselves & others.
- Getting back into society.
- Community participation.
- Behavior Support.
- Domestic Assistance.
- Personal Care.
- Complex Care.
- Disability Care.

Then let’s chat & discuss these services in greater detail creating a path & journey towards your desired outcomes.

I know it’s hard to get good services in this (NDIS) sector & people who actually care about helping others by overcoming their own life challenges, leading, supporting & caring for others from life experiences, I believe is the greatest qualification you can have & share with others, you have been there & done it yourself, there is so much more powerful than doing an unrelatable 2-week short course on how to lead & support others through :

- Mental Health.
- Relationships with self & others.
- Disabilities.
- Social challenges.
- Health & Wellness.

I’ve been leading, supporting, caring & educating 1000’s of people in these sectors & more for over 20+ years now.

I'm so passionate about changing the world 🌏 one person at a time.


DM 📥 to discuss what services I offer & how it works if we are going to be working together or with somebody you know & ready support



Many of you have sent me hundreds of messages over the last few months & I think I still even need to reply to some of you even now 😳

Thank you for the time you have taken to reach out to me in asking am I taking on anymore NDIS clients/participants & the answer is now “ YES ✅ “ as I have the capacity & infrastructure to do so.

🫵🏼 If you are somebody that is NDIS funded or knows somebody that is & is in great need of :

- Life skills.
- Building a strong relationship back with themselves & others.
- Getting back into society.
- Community participation.
- Behavior Support.
- Domestic Assistance.
- Personal Care.
- Complex Care.
- Disability Care.

Then let’s chat & discuss these services in greater detail creating a path & journey towards your desired outcomes.

I know it’s hard to get good services in this (NDIS) sector & people who actually care about helping others by overcoming their own life challenges, leading, supporting & caring for others from life experiences, I believe is the greatest qualification you can have & share with others, you have been there & done it yourself, there is so much more powerful than doing an unrelatable 2-week short course on how to lead & support others through :

- Mental Health.
- Relationships with self & others.
- Disabilities.
- Social challenges.
- Health & Wellness.

I’ve been leading, supporting, caring & educating 1000’s of people in these sectors & more for over 20+ years now.

I’m so passionate about changing the world 🌏 one person at a time.


DM 📥 to discuss what services I offer & how it works if we are going to be working together or with somebody you know & ready support



Getting to pick my little man up from daycare & seeing how excited he is to spend time with his daddy chilling in the spa & watching cartoons is priceless & melts away all of life’s challenges.

It’s the greatest gift to be a father, husband & the family leader.


All change and transformation firstly begins with in & upgrading your programming which will then upgrade your thoughts, upgrading your thoughts will upgrade your feelings & upgrading your feelings will upgrade your beliefs, this is called “ UPGRADING YOUR INNER WORLD “.

When you upgrade your inner world you will up grade your behaviours, from upgrading your behaviours you will then upgrade the actions taken in life, this will all equal an upgraded & better quality of life.


I’m the Director of BEAST MODE- INTL. & The Ultimate Flow ExperienceI’m Australia’s leading collective awareness facilitator.

I use tomorrow’s thinking for today’s challenges. Not like today’s conventional world and way of thinking is using, yesterday’s thinking to today’s challenges.

I disrupt the sabotaging conventional way of thinking, I dot the T’s and cross the i’s.

Through my life experience through wounds to wisdom, I have created 3 companies that have saved, supported, lead and educated the lives of thousands of willing and ready people, for change and transformation.

I get people the result through my proven results which I have been witness to and through the feedback and journey I have been on over the 15 years achieving the desired outcome with thousands of clients along the journey.

My qualification is my life story from darkness to the light, from wounds to wisdom, my biggest qualification and result was firstly ME, then the proven results with my clients along the 15 year process and journey.

You can do MANY courses and have many certificates... But if you have lived the process or lived the results through yourself and then many times over with your clients, then you aren’t TRULY qualified.

Now if you find me qualified to lead, support, educate and transform your life, then private 📥 message me to find out more.

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⚠️ MEN OF AUSTRALIA ⚠️🫵🏼 Listen up  So much toxic ☢️ masculine energy going around these days from :- Men who are insure...
🫵🏼 DON’T HATE I'M SURE YOU CAN RELATE 🫵🏼I had a friend wanting to help a friend of theirs who was in the wrong way; she ...
Lately, many people have asked me how TEAM BEAST MODE- INTL. Came into my life and the lives of thousands of students an...



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