Eastern Health

Eastern Health is one of Melbourne’s largest metropolitan public health services. We provide a range


“The biggest thing I would want to dispel is the idea that epilepsy is something that one should be embarrassed or ashamed of."

Fifteen years ago, A/Prof Patrick Carney started his career at Eastern Health as a visiting medical officer in the epilepsy outpatients clinic. He is now the Director of Neurosciences at Eastern Health.

In his current role, Patrick develops services within the department and supports doctors, nurses, and researchers. Other times, he sees both inpatients and outpatients.

“At the heart of it, I'm a clinician. I like seeing and helping patients. It's incredibly rewarding when you see positive changes through the care that you provide.

…I think we don't do it for the thank you every time, but I have to say it's always very nice to receive that and it's always touching.” He said.

Having epilepsy as his subspecialty, Patrick is passionate about breaking the stigma around epilepsy, promoting respect for all.

"There are lots of great people out there with epilepsy living fantastic and productive lives. And we have lots of things we can do to help those people.”


Inside Eastern Health: Perioperative Nurses

Looking at the amazing people behind the scenes of our surgical procedures

From a Scrub Nurse to a "Gopher", learn about the 4 nurse roles that make up a perioperative department of Eastern Health.


Acting Executive Director - Eastern Health Institute, Adjunct Associate Professor Paul Buntine has over 20 years’ experience as an emergency physician, and is putting all of that passion for healthcare into his executive role.

“Rather than being involved in in-lab research or big clinical trial research, I’ve been more involved in research that looks at improving ways that we deliver care the clinical space. I've also been involved in building up an emergency department research unit from scratch over the last few years to the point where it's now quite a vibrant little unit,” A/Prof Buntine said.

The Eastern Health Institute oversees research and educational activities across Eastern Health. A/Prof Buntine coordinates the Institute, coming up with strategies to further integrate research with operational activities and education.

Follow the link to read more: https://www.easternhealth.org.au/news-events/championing-research-to-help-solve-every-day-health-care-challenges/

Photos from Eastern Health's post 10/07/2024

Have you heard about any of these misconceptions?

Epilepsy is a common neurological disease. It is important to break the stigma around epilepsy and how it affects those who have it.


This year, National NAIDOC Week is being celebrated from 7 July to 14 July. This is a time for us to share and learn about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history, culture and achievements.

This week is also a time for celebration and togetherness, so we encourage you to attend a NAIDOC week event local to you.

This year’s theme ‘Keep the fire burning! Blak, loud and proud’ reminds us that our Indigenous cultures are rich, strong and long lasting. Having survived millennia, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ connection to land and waters, community, tradition and culture should be honoured and respected.

First Nations people know best what works for them, so we must empower and amplify their voices so that we can engage in meaningful dialogue to deliver true justice and equality.

Eastern Health is on a journey towards reconciliation. Read about how we have been improving our actions and processes to create culturally safe environments: https://www.easternhealth.org.au/news-events/innovate-reconciliation-action-plan-progress-report/

Aboriginal artwork was painted for Eastern Health by local Woiwurrung & Yorta Yorta Artist Simone Thomson Art


“It’s very important to have mentors at the start of your career. They can guide you along the different pathways that you might have never thought of.”

Edmore Chisango is a nurse unit manager at Eastern Health Peter James.

Throughout his career journey at Eastern Health, he has been in a range of different roles including subacute access coordinator and after-hours coordinator.

“Please take opportunities as they come. Put your hand up as much as possible, volunteer to do as many things as you can because that little additional knowledge can have a big impact in your life.”

Ed is a champion of continuous learning and improvement, as he encourages everyone to seek out opportunities to grow.

Photos from Eastern Health's post 01/07/2024

Tips for travelling these school holidays.

Staying safe and on top of your health is important, even when you're on holiday.

Take rests when you need it, pack the necessities, know the area and locate your nearest health service.

For more information and tips on travelling, visit betterhealth.vic.gov.au

Photos from Eastern Health's post 26/06/2024

Spreading pawsitivity around the ward.

Meet Caesar, the therapy dog. You can find him most often at the Box Hill Oncology ward, bringing joy to both patients and staff.

Huge thank you to the volunteers and Delta Therapy Dogs for making this possible.

Photos from Eastern Health's post 24/06/2024

Community enhancing healthcare.

The recent Eastern Health annual Consumer Forum was hosted included representatives from the Eastern Health Executive and Board, alongside consumers and non-consumers alike.

“It was great to see so many volunteers, but also to see community members come and engage with Eastern Health, and hear about the fantastic work Eastern Health has been doing.” said Naveena Nekkalapudi, Community Advisory Committee Co-Chair and Consumer Representative at Eastern Health.

Read more about the forum, and how you can be involved in bringing change to your community: https://www.easternhealth.org.au/news-events/community-enhancing-healthcare/


Staff and the community have welcomed the return of Eastern Health Blackburn Public Surgical Centre.

The facility opens with an updated floorplan boasting onsite pharmacy, specialist clinics and new surgical theatres, which optimise resources for staff and patients.

The full development is set to be completed by the end of the year.


Spectrum turns 25.

Specialising in personality disorder and complex trauma, Spectrum has led the way to be a centre of clinical excellence that provides leadership in treatment, consultation, support, training and research.

We congratulate Spectrum on this amazing milestone and look forward to the next 25 years.

Learn more about Spectrum and their important work here: https://bit.ly/45lFRL7


June 15 is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD). It is an opportunity for communities to recognise and rally for the rights of older people to live free from abuse. Elder abuse is a form of family violence, and it is a health issue. Elder abuse:

• is any behaviour by someone trusted that causes harm or distress to an older person
• can happen once, or be a pattern of behaviour
• may be financial, physical, sexual, psychological
• can involve neglect or isolation
• takes away the older person’s autonomy to make their own decisions.

Learn more about elder abuse, and how you can play a part in prevention and identification, on the WEAAD website: https://elderabuseawarenessday.org.au/

For anyone in need of support please contact
- The Orange Door vic.gov.au/about-the-orange-door
- Eastern Community Legal Centre eclc.org.au/
- Seniors Rights Victoria seniorsrights.org.au/

Photos from Eastern Health's post 12/06/2024

Eastern Health Angliss expansion passes important milestone.

Victorian Health Minister, The Hon. Mary-Anne Thomas MP alongside Eastern Health Board Chair Tass Mousaferiadis and CEO David Plunkett today announced the release of designs and builder, Kane Constructions, for the $112 million project.

“This vital hospital expansion is making sure Eastern Health can meet the healthcare needs of the community now and into the future.”

Designed by architectural firm Silver Thomas Hanely, the building will make the most of the surrounding natural environment, connecting with the outdoors to provide patients and visitors with an abundance of natural light and staff with an improved working environment.

Stage two of the Angliss Hospital expansion will increase and improve capability for more surgeries, as well as provide additional inpatient and outpatient capacity. It will greatly increase the hospital’s ability to deliver overnight and same-day surgical and outpatient care.

Stage two is scheduled for completion in late 2026.


Health checks save lives.

This year is the 30th anniversary of Men’s Health week (10-16June 2024). It is an opportunity to highlight the importance of health checks for men.

“Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in Australia. Almost 25,000 men are diagnosed each year, and one in five will be diagnosed by the age of 85.” Said prostate Cancer Specialist Nurse, Amelia Rolfs.

It is important to watch out for any symptoms, know your family history, and talk to your GP about PSA testing if appropriate.

Photos from Eastern Health's post 08/06/2024

This tax season, your compassion will help our Intensive Care Unit provide life-saving care to cardiac patients... courtesy of the world's smallest heart pump.

To learn more visit the Eastern Health Foundation: https://bit.ly/4aB9sBi

📞 call 03 9895 4608


Crazy Socks 4 Docs Day (7 June) is an opportunity to break down stigma around mental health challenges in doctors.

Thanks to for donating socks to our doctors, and for helping to generate awareness and normalising the conversation about mental health and wellbeing.


This winter, it’s important to stay ahead of flu and COVID-19.

Make sure to get your flu and COVID-19 vaccinations, wash and sanitise your hands. If you have symptoms, stay home, get tested and wear a face mask.

Taking good measures to prevent catching and spreading it will help keep our community safe.

Photos from Eastern Health's post 31/05/2024

This National Reconciliation Week we recognised and celebrated our Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) Champions.

RAP Champions are Eastern Health staff members, consumer representatives or Community members who are committed to promoting and advancing the Eastern Health Reconciliation Action Plan outside of their normal role within or with the organisation.

Identified by our Reconciliation Action Plan Manager and Aboriginal Health Team Manager, our RAP Champions were chosen for constantly advocating, being inclusive, collaborating, leading by example, empowering their colleagues, and being culturally aware and engaged.

Read about our RAP Champions at the link: https://www.easternhealth.org.au/news-events/celebrating-our-rap-champions/


Now More Than Ever

This year’s National Reconciliation Week theme reminds us that, despite the challenges faced on the journey to reconciliation, we must continue to work towards better outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

While the outcome of the referendum was divisive, instead of disengaging, we now need to continue working with Community and allies to foster more cultural understanding. This will lead to more culturally safe and welcoming environments, so all First Nations people who access our services feel safe, respected and understood.

Earlier this year we held our inaugural First Nations Health Forum, which presented an opportunity to increase our understanding of how we can continue to improve our services for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community.

We are learning and are on a continuous journey. We value our First Nations staff, Elders and Community members who hold us accountable and help us develop our services to better serve Community.


26 May is National Sorry Day, the day we remember and acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who were forcibly removed from their families and communities.

Now known as ‘The Stolen Generations’, these survivors were denied access to their culture and language. As this practice was still taking place in the 1970s there are many survivors still around today, and the effects of these acts are still felt in communities across the country.

Even today, Stolen Generation survivors may struggle in healthcare settings, which can trigger their adverse experiences and memories from institutions.

Sorry Day is a time for us to recognise the resilience of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and the power of saying ‘sorry.’

For our part, Eastern Health continues to be committed to creating culturally safe environments in all of our clinical spaces for First Nations patients and their families.

We continue to listen to Elders and Community members in our catchment and appreciate their guidance on this journey.

Aboriginal artwork was painted for Eastern Health by local Woiwurrung & Yorta Yorta Artist Simone Thomson
Simone Thomson Art


Celebrating our wonderful volunteers

"A good volunteer is someone who wants to help people"

After a hiatus due to COVID our volunteers are back in force, aiding patients in the Emergency Department and helping consumers get to their appointments safely.

Volunteer Week (20-26 May) is a great opportunity to highlight the important role our volunteers play in creating excellent care and experiences for everyone.


"Eastern Health is one of the first health services to introduce this role."

17 May is IDAHOBIT Day (International Day against homophobia, biphobia and transphobia).

Hear from Kate, LGBTQIA+ liaison, about the importance of celebrating IDAHOBIT and how Eastern Health is striving to create a safe and welcoming place for all.

Learn more about the LGBTQIA+ Liaison team at Eastern Health: https://www.easternhealth.org.au/service/lgbtqia-liaison-team/


Celebrating our Nurses & Midwives

Here is the wrap-up from last weeks Nursing and Midwifery Excellence Awards, where Eastern Health recognised eight recipients who embody our values and work towards our promise to be Healthier Together.

Read more about our incredible award recipients by following the link. https://www.easternhealth.org.au/news-events/nursing-and-midwifery-excellence-awards-2024/

Thanks for the generous support from Eastland and BankVic


“This new First Nations Cancer Clinic in Healesville will help us deliver equitable access to cancer treatment, therapies and clinical trials in a culturally sensitive setting,”

Eastern Health has launched a new cancer clinic at our Healesville campus, providing culturally appropriate care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples battling the disease.

The clinic named nangnak warr bagora; aims is to address the gap in cancer outcomes and specifically address the health of the local Community.

For more information follow the link.



A day to celebrate our nurses.

For International Nurses Day (12 May), we'd like to highlight and thank all our wonderful nurses who continuously provide excellent care to our community, every day.

Photos from Eastern Health's post 09/05/2024

The official launch of nangnak warr bagora; a new comprehensive cancer clinic at Eastern Health Healesville.

Victorian Parliamentary Secretary for Health Infrastructure, Tim Richardson launched the clinic earlier today.

“This new First Nations Cancer Clinic in Healesville will help us deliver equitable access to cancer treatment, therapies and clinical trials in a culturally sensitive setting,” Mr Richardson said.

Chenile Chandler performed a Call to Country followed by a smoking ceremony conducted by Craig Murphy-Wandin. Members of the local community were on-hand for the official opening.

Eastern Health Director Cancer Services, Adjunct Clinical Professor Phillip Parente led the project.

“In the last few years, cancer has overtaken cardiovascular diseases to become the leading cause of death among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.” Prof Parente said.

Follow the link to read more: https://www.easternhealth.org.au/news-events/eastern-health-launches-new-aboriginal-cancer-clinic-addressing-health-gap/

Photos from Eastern Health's post 09/05/2024

The Eastern Health Nursing and Midwifery Excellence Awards recognises the impact nurses and midwives have on the community we serve.

Eight recipients who embody Eastern Health values and work towards our promise to be Healthier Together were recognised across seven award categories. Thank you to Eastland and BankVic for generously supporting the event.

Read more about our incredible award recipients here: https://www.easternhealth.org.au/news-events/nursing-and-midwifery-excellence-awards-2024/


New Mental Health and Wellbeing Hub

A topping out ceremony was held for Wellington One as it reached its final storey.

An important milestone in the development of our Mental Health services, bringing a variety of teams into one modern facility.

Investment in this area is vital, as Eastern Health continues to strive to be healthier together.


Celebrating our Midwives
Today is an opportunity to highlight our 293 midwives who provide care and support in the delivery of more than 4,000 babies each year.
Thank you to each and every one of our midwives for providing excellent care and experiences for our community.

Photos from Eastern Health's post 30/04/2024

Eastern Health along with Expression Australia, last week introduced AUSLAN Communications Cards
The cards help bridge the gap for those who are deaf and hard of hearing, during they're visits, helping staff communicate effectively until a interpreter arrives.
Improving communication for deaf and hard of hearing people in a mental health crisis
For more information on the cards please follow the link.

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Social Media Community Guidelines

Eastern Health has a number of social media channels including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn accounts. The aim of these channels is to build positive relationships with our local communities and share Eastern Health news and updates.

By using our social media channels, you will be deemed to have agreed to comply with:

· Third-party provider terms and conditions (even if you access a social media channel from an Eastern Health website); and

· these Guidelines.

Videos (show all)

Inside Eastern Health: Perioperative Nurses
This year, National NAIDOC Week is being celebrated from 7 July to 14 July. This is a time for us to share and learn abo...
Surgical hub re-opens at Eastern Health Blackburn
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day
Men's Health Week
Crazy Socks 4 Docs Day 2024
Volunteers Week 2024
Nursing and Midwifery Excellence Awards 2024
“This new First Nations Cancer Clinic in Healesville will help us deliver equitable access to cancer treatment, therapie...
International Nurses Day
New Mental Health and Wellbeing hub



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